September 08, 2003


Funny thing is... i considered strongly to be a teacher. In all fariness, I still keep that as a potential possibility. All i would really have to do is go back for two more years of training... if that.

But really, one thing, or one major thing anyway, is the fact that i want to be able to eat more than a quarter pounder with cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I've heard it a thousand times: lots of teachers take on two jobs just to afford the luxury of following that passion of teaching because they have a family of their own and, as Bradbury elegantly pointed out, have student loands...

Until you accumulate student loans following what you want to do, i'd be careful what you talk about...

and this:

I'd rather fly passionate teachers in from the Philippines than send my kid off to learn from someone who thinks about teaching as "just their job."

I hope you were joking, and i figure that you were...

because seriously, people from the Phillipines? ANYBODY underqualified to teach should not be able to teach... then when have a nation of Bethel graduates basically...

no offense to all you Bethel Graduates, but i was one of you, and i remember some of the really dumb ass teachers in that school...

Really, who can recall a good teacher... and how many...
my list is fairly short: Colovos, Mr. Wright (i think was his name - Materials Science Teacher), Ms. Paris, Mr. Sawatski, Mr. Ball, Mr. Gliege (to some he may not have seemed it, but he was fairly decent)...

Short list eh, considering the number of teachers we had (and yes, i'm sure i am forgetting one or two).

I won't go to far into this, because Bradbury did a good job of outlining costs and all...

But i will give this... do you remember all those know-it-all substitutes who would come in and start trying to teach you, and you'd realize that you 1) knew more than they did about the subject, and 2) they really didn't know shit?

Yea, that's what you're basically asking to populate the school with... Not passionate teachers, but passionate substitutes.

So in the end... i think there's a good chance i would have been training for teaching if not for the fact that had i gone that route, it would have taken me years to pay off student loans, and more to have a house and all that.

No, they get paid shit, and we need them, and by that, they have every right to basically fight for their livelihood. Sometimes i'm surprised we have teachers...

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