November 19, 2002

Not to be rude or anything James, but no matter how many laps you run, how many vitamins you take, no matter how short you cut your hair (which is just a really weird thought either way) I cannot imagine you going into any kind of militant force. They have rules and yell at you and you HAVE to do what they say instead of telling them to fuck off. Now, although I know that you have changed signifigantly over the last two years (mainly, from what I know, because you got a job and took the upon yourself to buy a car of all things, and pay on it reguarly, I think) I still cannot see you being able to have orders screamed at you and actually doing what they say. The other reason...I cannot see you being capeable of getting four hours of sleep a night, getting up before dawn, running for miles, doing pushups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, lifting weights, etc., etc.

However, you did say that you see this in your far away future which gives you plenty of time to change your mind. If you actually somehow manage to go through with it though, more power to you...I suppose.

BTW, it was a v-port cable not a vbox cable, but thank you for checking for me anyhow :)

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