May 30, 2002

I was done with this. But then the anti-states/pro-states argument turned into an attack on Chrissie.
That's not fucking right. We have an argument because we all have our differences and arguments are fun, etc etc, but holding it against someone like that?
Well that shows the maturity of a 9th grader.

Unfortunately, 5 years is a long time.
but not really compared to over 2/3 of my life that I spent living in southern states (Washington being the only northern state
I've lived in).
All the 5 years I've spent here, Washingtonians have dissed all of the other 5 states I've lived in. It makes me kind of vengeful.. like hey Washington kids, you've never been to Georgia or Texas so don't tell me what sucks ass about it. (This isn't directed towards anyone on here but rather to the people who have never been to either places but insist that "Texans wear cowboy hats and talk in rhymes" etc etc).

Bradbury targeted me cuz I was in highschool.. so that was directed towards him..

Generalizing habits? What do you mean by this? Shall I name specific instances/statistics that would explain why I
prefer California over Washington?
The number one reason why I hate Washington is that I don't fare well in cold weather. I spend the entire months of
December and January with either the flu or fever. I hate explaining that to people because everyone gives me advice
for combating the cold. Don't give me advice. Most everyone I know can't tolerate heat yet it doesn't really faze me.
The number two reason is that I like beaches and cities, not mountains and uh.. smaller cities.
There are more, but to "generalize" there isn't anything in Washington here for me.

I'd be living in California right now if it weren't for my dad feeling the EXACT same way you do (and a lot of other people
do.) That is why I'm so angry and uh immature and superficial and pissed to hell about this topic. His arguments are the
same as yours. Then he turns around and bitches to me how much Washington sucks; we wouldn't be here if
it weren't for him.
You said that Californians were rude and were only nice at Disneyland.. that would be sitting and bitching about Californians.

Maturity of someone in 9th grade eh?
You don't give a fuck about Californians yet you must complain how mean they all are.
and speaking of generalizing.. saying how mean they all are would be a prime example of that.
Condescending bastards grate on my nerves.

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