October 16, 2003

because i had to.

NON FiNiS: provided i don't have to deal too much with a certain roommate's idiot girlfriend, then yes.
NOT mud: mmm.
NOT mud: dude.
NOT mud: drug her
NOT mud: fuck her in the ass
NOT mud: fixes everything
NOT mud: guarenteed
NOT mud: then she'll really know "youre the man"
NON FiNiS: ...
NON FiNiS: now there's the answer i was looking for for all my problems
NOT mud: I am *totally* serious
NON FiNiS: i'm trying to determine if your asterisks are a sign of sarcasm
NON FiNiS: but all my mental resources are bent on getting this data entered before i have to leave
NOT mud: not at all
NOT mud: seriously man.
NOT mud: and if you really want to put her in her place
NOT mud: dont use lube.
NOT mud: dont even use saliva.
NOT mud: pooperstick it like a real man
NON FiNiS: ?
NON FiNiS: and how exactly do you think this will solve all my problems?
NOT mud: how wouldnt it?
NOT mud: you have to stop being so negitave all the time.
NOT mud: think positive. You're Jeff. You're in charge. You're in control
NON FiNiS: ... i don't have issues of control
NON FiNiS: doing something like that, however... might make one suspicious that i do :)
NOT mud: and you should prove it to your roomate's girlfriend.
NOT mud: nah.
NOT mud: it will just show her that you're not playing around. that you mean buisness
NON FiNiS: so would hitting her upside the head
NON FiNiS: or blowing up her car
NON FiNiS: or simply telling her to back off.
NOT mud: nothing quite does the trick to teach a woman like rape does. especially anal rape.
NON FiNiS: 1) i don't wan to touch her
NOT mud: 1. condoms
NON FiNiS: 2) nothing quite does the trick to teach ANYBODY like rape does. especially anal rape.
NOT mud: 2. meh. the homos wouldnt be taught nothin
NON FiNiS: 3) rape... well i don't have time to even go into the psychological intricacies involved in rape, suffice it to say there are a lot.
NOT mud: 3. thats the point.
NON FiNiS: 3a) intricacies that would be irreparably damaging to myself as well as the victim.
NOT mud: 3a. have the lights off
NON FiNiS: 3aa) there are other sensations besides sight... though humans rely on it primarily. the sense of smell and taste are actually more closely tied to memories, and memories and the way they are encoded/decoded are primary sources of psychological human makeup.
NOT mud: 3aa. noseplugs. gloves. and i said anal rape. not anal toss.
NON FiNiS: ... you and i have different perceptions of sex and such james...
NON FiNiS: while that may work for you, which i'd suspect that it really woudln't
NON FiNiS: wouldn't.
NOT mud: hahaha.
NON FiNiS: i highly doubt that is a viable solution for myself.
NOT mud: ouch and pulling my name.
NON FiNiS: hehe
NOT mud: fuck im tired
NON FiNiS: is that why you pass out as much as you do
NOT mud: from anally raping women who dont listen to me? yes.
NOT mud: considering none of them do listen to me. heh.
NON FiNiS: heh... yes i would imagine that there are a few that don't.
NON FiNiS: so does this include stranger-women
NON FiNiS: or just ones you know?
NOT mud: oh yes. all women.
NOT mud: dude im a anal raping machine. i lost my job and now im full time anal rapist.
NON FiNiS: so it's a perk-job
NON FiNiS: doesn't pay well, but good benefits?
NOT mud: poor medical and dental
NON FiNiS: well in that business i imagine oral hygiene is somewhat important

but it doesnt stop there!

Dream Shad0ws: i'm never fucking talking to her again
Dream Shad0ws: dude my ex is a complete bitch
zak p o w: did you stick it in the pooper?
Dream Shad0ws: no thankfully
zak p o w: thats why you think she's a bitch
zak p o w: stick it in the pooper and they calm down
Dream Shad0ws: ahhaha no more, i'm disconnecting her phone now

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