yeap, nothing like a good ol' fashion
to make one feel at home.
it sure is a grand thing that nobody else were probably wanting to be the first first-postee.
I mean Jeff came in second an hour and thirteen minutes after 12 o clock.
yeeeeeeeeee- eeeeeeeeeeeeeee- uuuuuuuuuuuuu- p
I tell ya.
Hmm. Not much to say really.
with the exception that here I am. First. First first first first first. so it seems.
hey, who is before me? Surely it isnt jeff - its NOBODY because I AM FIRST.
( ok really - important things ensue )
first - you know what's really dragging me the fuck down? EVERYWHERE I GO PEOPLE ARE NAGGING ME TO SHITSVILLE ABOUT " HEY JAMES YOU KNOW IT WOULD BE REALLY GRAND TO HAVE A COMMENT SYSTEM " - and you know what? YOU WANNA KNOW SOMETHING? Its a fucking PAIN IN THE ASS to get them to work. It took me forever to get that old red-one up and working and you know what happened because of it? Posts went down in number because people started using " number of comments " to judge how good a post was. A couple of people would post a few things of value and if they didnt get at least 2 or 3 comments per post they'd be like " OH nobody reads my stuff " or " My stuff isnt good enough for the board " and they'd go back to their dark little corners and never post again. I FUCKEN HATED THAT. Another downside to comment systems is that PEOPLE ON THE BOARD will use them as MINI BOARDS and conversations + postworthy material will be stuck into the comment system and those tangents wont get placed into the archives. ( unless someone can find a comment system which saves comments in a local file or something ) - fugah! Not to mention that most comment systems work on CGI or PEARL scripts which i have to CODE and FIGURE OUT how the bloody thing works - but oh no, everyone is like " JAMES IS MISTER MAGIC MAN - HE CAN JUST POOF A COMMENT SYSTEM OUT OF HIS ASS AND IT WILL BE SUPERB " - guh.
first -
no wait thats what I am today,
second : anyone up for a ' gathering ' of sorts on saturday - that of May the 10th - when jimmoi+zacho are here? Im figuring something along the lines of the barbeque again - but in all probability it wouldnt be able to ' flow ' where i want to go ( alder lake ) - but if ' camping ' is available then i'd be definate for that. or we could do it on the 9th and camp on ft. lewis again - or we could do it on the 10th when my parents aren't at their home and bribe michael to let us all in and have a BARBEQUE TWO. Tons of ideas - do me a favor and post some of your ideas as to what we can do as a " gathering " - think of something new, something different, something we all havent done together, something fun. Or i'll just come up with something and tell everyone when to be there and what to bring.
first -
no, god damnit i keep making that mistake, me being first and all,
third : i think thats it - but i know there is something out there that agitates me so much that i have to fill a good paragraph about bitching about it. so im thinking of something that gets on my nerves. .. . .. hold on second - me being the misanthropic pessmistic fiend that I am you all know that there'll be something that I dislike. Cable modem. god damn do i hate fast internet connections - ah ahahaha, no ... no i dont. and small paychecks, FUCK - i only made around 800$ last night on my paycheck, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT? ah hahaha - the funny thing is that is small. And ...
well shit nothing is really pissing me off.
ill post later.
fuck you.
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