April 23, 2003

[no better way to pass time...]

So i was sitting here reading various things... and for one reason or another that escapes me for the moment...

i thought... what are the top ten video games/computer games of all time. (i thought about whether i should include computer games (as in PC games in this list, but then i figured... ahh, i'm too lazy at the moment to actually make too lists, and so... one list it is)

So then... i thought, what would be on my top ten... and so i present you with my "work-in-progress" list of the top ten video games (which is slightly biased since i don't have a PS1 or PS2... oh well... sony can kiss my ass). This list is in reverse order but is highly subject to change as i am writing this early in the morning (early for my brain) and it is likely that i'm leaving many games out.

10. Grand Turismo 2 (PS1)

Ahh Grand Turismo 2. This is saying much considering i didn't play it that often. Still, as far as my recollection goes (and please remember this is MY recollection so if anybody out there knows better, that's fine, just don't get all high and mighty on me) this was one of the first (not counting Grand Turismo 1) to be quite so in depth with car choices and selection and getting to drive realistic cars... and quite simply, that seems awesome.

9. Starcraft (PC/Mac)

I debated this one, mostly cause it's still relatively new in some respects, and because it is still played. Yet that was also the reason why i decided to put it on the list, at least for now. Starcraft. I can't even begin to tally the number of hours i have played that with James, Andy, Jimmoi, Zacho, Michael... the list could continue but i don't feel boring myself with endless typing. You get to control three races... and they were all varied. And for all those who played against James... who can forget those g'damn stupid Hydralisks that he'd bury around everyone's bases, so that when you thought it was safe, he'd pull out just a few more... I hate you james.

8. Mario Kart 64 (SNES)

I don't really even think i need to say much about this one. Simply awesome. And for all those who say that the first Mario Kart was better (cause there are people that say that), all i have to say to you is: Rainbow Raceway. Or even, that damnable freeway track... I hated that track, and yet loved it because i remember racing one of you bastards on it, and just when i thought i was gonna lose, a giant truck... quite possibly a "Land-o'-Lakes" truck, slammed into you and i took first. Hahaha, bastards.

7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)

This game was so... great. Storyline was there. Plenty of weapons to find and collect. Bosses were awesome. You got the Triforce at the end. Plus it was the first time that it featured a Link where you could enter your name and it would appear in the game. Also the first time that the Master Sword was used to deflect the bosses energy bolts, a theme that has now become tradition in the Zelda series. Oh, and of course, the first to introduce the idea of mad crazy chickens that came to kick your ass when you beat up one of them. Gotta love gang-mentality.

6. Super Metroid (SNES)

Everything that was awesome about the original Metroid, only given five-thousand lbs of steriods. All the old weapons, all the new weapons... SCREW ATTACK! Sound track was enhanced but carried with it many of the same old tunes. Ridley and Kraig... and Mother Brain... and the awesome HyperBeam that you got at the end when the Metroid comes to save you. Sweet.

5. Mortal Kombat II (SNES/Genesis)

This was a much harder decision to come by. I couldn't really determine whether I liked Mortal Kombat I or Mortal Kombat II better. Eventually I settled on this because this game featured more characters, more fatalities, more moves, but it hadn't gotten stupid yet. Save that for Mortal Kombat III (though i will argue that III had some saving graces... namely i believe it was the first MK to actually implement combos). Still... i wonder. I did like Goro of the first MK.

4. Super Smash Brothers Melee (Gamecube)

Ahh, again another hard decision. Go with the original or go with the update... and then it dawned on me... if it was merely an update then the original would win out... but Melee was more than a mere update. It was like someone took gold and turned it into... well... hmm i don't know cause nobody has taken gold and turned it into something far better than gold. While Melee had the same basic idea and similar moves... it took the gameplay far and above. The character additions, with the exception of fucking Doctor Mario (come on Nintendo... you already had Mario and Luigi, did we really need Doctor Mario when you could have at least had Wario??) was awesome. Personal favorites: Young Link -- which i own with, and Luigi -- who despite his awkward weirdly slow, yet oddly nimble movements, remained quite good in a fight. Still, i did for a moment want to say the original Smash Brothers, because i still remember the debate between Green Hat Pikachu and Blue Hat Pikachu...

Blue won, of course.

3. Super Mario Brothers 3 (NES)

Again... if it were a matter of just being an update, then i'd have said the original... but this game was also more than just an update, it was like a revelation of what could be done with a little bit of thought. Those sweet suits... Who can forget that? The Frog Suit, the Tonaka Suit, the HAMMER BROTHERS SUIT! Flying.... flying! Damn, the one thing i wish Melee would have incorporated would be at least one of those Suits for Mario or Luigi... or that bastard Doctor.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

Now i know that some will have complaints as to why i listed this game when i already have a Legend of Zelda game listed... but i have my reasons, and here are a few. The storyline became VASTLY more indepth with this game. Before this, the Zelda series was fairly indepth, but this took it to a whole new level. Second... The Legend of Zelda in a 3d environment. Third... a young and old Link. Fourth... The mad Chickens were back, but now they flew at you from all sides and all angles and various heights. As i learned quickly, 3d makes it very hard to escape from a bunch of crazed chickens. Fifth... Water Temple. The by far hardest temple I can remember from the Zelda series... except maybe a vague recollection of a water-type temple in Link to the Past. This game was in a league of it's own when it came to the N64. There are so many other reasons that i can't even begin to recall that this game deserves to be a top ten.

1. Sim City 2000 (PC/Mac)

This was a hard one to remember, but i remember it being fun. Building a city... then sending your natural forces to wreck havoc upon it. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy playing god with your little Sim City civilians.... because you know you did. The only problem i had with this was remembering which version was the version that I played, so i just went with 2000.

Upon finishing this list i realized a couple of things. I already don't agree with some of what i wrote... or rather, with the placement of some of these, and i will likely want to change them... but for now i'm leaving it... so... that's that. Secondly... all the systems were pretty much covered... or rather at least the major makers...

except for one: Microsoft... (PC doesn't count because at least as far as i understand it, Microsoft itself wasn't instrumental in making the game). I didn't say any Xbox games cause i hate xbox... well that and it's still relatively new... and the other systems are a bit older. Gamecube wouldn't have made it if not for Melee. I thought perhaps Halo for xbox... but i think CounterStrike would beat that... Fuck... counterstrike... okay so i told you that i forgot some games... Splinter Cell was another option... but i couldn't decide if it was too new still...

Anyway, that's all i've got to say on that. Laters.

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