April 23, 2003

1. Jeff - nice, but not nice enought. Obviously ( as I said long long ago ) - you've got the taint of a gamer, but not the real blood of a gamer. This is terribly evident by the placment ( or lack there-of ) - of Starcraft ( quite possibly the best RTS of all time ) and the stark absense of the doom series ( more importantly doom2 ) - all in all a good post. still. jenked. I mean c'mon. GTA3/b beats " GRAND TURISMO 2 " any day of the week, including fictional days of the week I can make up like : " FLOOBDAY " and " SHANKDAY "

2. Breanna - you read the board everyday even the days when it was ... well, for lack of a better word : Dead? I was going to try and get ahold of you to talk with you - there was a lot of ' history/past ' things I'd like to go over with you on a ... ah, personal basis - one on one and all. but I didnt know how far along Justin has gotten in the department of " growing up " so to speak - and whether or not that was an option for me without being a detrimental factor to your " relationship " as it were. In fact there was a time directly after me and Heather went our seperate ways that I fully intended on breaking the two of you up just for kicks. Um. Yeah - I tossed that idea out the window merely based on the fact that I know neither of you two anymore, and the people I knew in my head were probably dead already and the flaws and problems i wished to fix in them were - well, probably fixed already. Im glad to hear that you're not getting married - not out of spite or anything, but I generally frown upon marriage in general ( BONNIE ) - And finally : I heard of your acquisition of a home. I cannot say that I was not jealous. Um. And very agitated. I hoped my relitaves would die off soon, if not the exact day I heard that you fell into posession of a home. Hrmph. ( SHIT ) - am I allowed to say all these things? Most likely not.

3. Jimmoi had a good point about Age of Empires. That game did consume a good amount of time. And what is Auto Modellista? Some Fuckin' RICER GAME where you buy SHITTY CAR and STREET RACE IT to WIN MORE MONEY and PIMP OUT THE SHITTY CAR? pfff. Jimmoi has become our AZN-representitave in this department of R(I/A)CING.

fouthly ....

5. still going to work on inviting those people.

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