April 26, 2003

[hey, how's it goin' lee?]

GasWorks park rules. I want to turn that place into a great big paintball course. It would take away from some of it's inherent beauty, but the awesome pipe structures would be wondrous for paintball. Simply wondrous.

Damn, i hurt. Went running with a friend... now i want to die. Ungh. That's okay... i'll feel better, when i get some food. Food rules.

I met some Target people last night. I don't work there anymore, but my roommates KoreanJOE and Allen work there. It was refreshing to hear the Target stories from the outside instead of from the inside. Quite interesting. I think i understand what it was like for James and Andy and Justin to hear all those stories when Jimmy and I would tell them.

I would also have to say that my stories ruled over these new Target-ers' stories. Nothing beats fat car collectors and mutant women with half-normal faces. Eesh... that image still scares me.

And of course, there was faithful Curtis and his good clean baling fun. That sad cardboard lover still scares me to this day...

... partly cause he probably still thinks my name is Lee.

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