April 22, 2003

[overflowing lard]

So i was randomly looking around for pictures of crowds of men to photoshop james into so that he'd have something to dream about tonight instead of thinking about me and knee pads when i ran into this little clip on a message board and immediately i thougth of jimmoi:


You're right 100% right. But dykes and fags are only the tip of the iceberg. What really represents "Depravation,immorality and disgusting" behavior are fat people. I mean come on, all they do is indulge in their own depraved obsession, whether it be cake or hot dogs. I can't even see their bones or muscles when they walk by, and I seriously find it disgusting. And the worst part is that they go out on the street every day, and I'm supposed to just grit my teeth, grin and bear it??

Look, I have some fat friends, so I know what I'm talking about. But it's not that hard to lose some damn weight! They just don't want to lose the weight because they're selfish. And to be honest, I feel discriminated against when I'm around them, because they take up so much more room than me. On an elevator, while they're selfishly taking up 1/7 of the space, I'm only taking up 1/8!

It's not that I have anything against fat people per se, it's just that they're immoral, selfish, self-centered jerks. Maybe deep down they're nice people, but I'd really feel more comfortable if they stayed out of the public eye and made themselves as hidden as possible.

After all, think of the children. If little Johnny sees a fat man walking down the street, he'll get the impression that it's okay to be fat! It will be the death of conventional morality as we know it.

I wanted to laugh... but i couldn't cause i suddenly imagined jOe on an elevator shifting around uncomfortably because all the 1/eigthers were bunched in their with him... and all he could do was frown and continue playing his pokémon magenta or whatever hell other color they have named it now...

i hate pokémon, probably almost as much as jimmoi hates fat people.

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