I was merely commenting on Aaron's post. Was trying to say that he made sense. In a sarcastic, "Welcome to the loony bin" kind of way.
I further news....
Turns out Mike Jensen worked at Target around the same time as the rest of you. Now, he works here. Actually, he's worked here for a year or two, been a full-time tech since August. He might make an interesting addition to the board. What do those of you who knew him from Target think?
April 30, 2003
sometimes life is silly.
and it all of a sudden gives you a barrage of answers.
Aaron, i appreciate your input, and you are wrong.
Breanna, I find it cute you agree with him.
Bradbury, I find it funny that you find it necissary to defend me, i assure you this is not needed so.
sometimes life is quirky like that.
and all of a sudden . . . things . . . make . . . sense.
again - its a pleasure to have all of you know me.
and it all of a sudden gives you a barrage of answers.
Aaron, i appreciate your input, and you are wrong.
Breanna, I find it cute you agree with him.
Bradbury, I find it funny that you find it necissary to defend me, i assure you this is not needed so.
sometimes life is quirky like that.
and all of a sudden . . . things . . . make . . . sense.
again - its a pleasure to have all of you know me.
Would it be? Could it be? Second post?
Aaron, that was great. You must feel better now having said that.
Of course, you're making sense, so we'll have to ask you to leave now. Please go quietly, no need to make a scene. That's good now. You can return when you've gotten it all out of your system.
We can't have you upsetting the others, now, can we?
Drew: 262-1307 Same area code as the other...
Aaron, that was great. You must feel better now having said that.
Of course, you're making sense, so we'll have to ask you to leave now. Please go quietly, no need to make a scene. That's good now. You can return when you've gotten it all out of your system.
We can't have you upsetting the others, now, can we?
Drew: 262-1307 Same area code as the other...
April 29, 2003
so denis came to the board. this is the email he sent me :
hey Jimmy { they call me jimmy at work } i got on your bullshit website, that's funny that half of the world knows about our afterwork conversations.he he he. but we got to do something with that crappy picture of yours, i am personally going to take care of it and we are going to bump up your ratings. me as a photography major can not allow you to take less then a 1st ! just work with me and by the way i do not know if you are going to get this one but there is a little photo for you and your ganstas that will let them know a little more about your "russian brotha".
the photo is as follows :

you'll notice that the name of the file that he sent me is called :
" EXXXxxxxxxxx GODI MOI PROSHLIE!!!.jpg"
which probably means some crazy russian lingo for :
" Me at the age of 8 with my hot bitches "
In fact after work today he showed me a large collection of photos. on almost every paget here was at least one photo with him, and in each hand - two very good looking ladies. to this i ask you : why is it I am not russian? I need to be russian, it would seem, to get these so called " hot bitches " - of which Denis has no trouble what-so-ever acquiring.
woe is me.
maybe we can all learn from him - he'll be added to the board sometime this week.
hey Jimmy { they call me jimmy at work } i got on your bullshit website, that's funny that half of the world knows about our afterwork conversations.he he he. but we got to do something with that crappy picture of yours, i am personally going to take care of it and we are going to bump up your ratings. me as a photography major can not allow you to take less then a 1st ! just work with me and by the way i do not know if you are going to get this one but there is a little photo for you and your ganstas that will let them know a little more about your "russian brotha".
the photo is as follows :
you'll notice that the name of the file that he sent me is called :
" EXXXxxxxxxxx GODI MOI PROSHLIE!!!.jpg"
which probably means some crazy russian lingo for :
" Me at the age of 8 with my hot bitches "
In fact after work today he showed me a large collection of photos. on almost every paget here was at least one photo with him, and in each hand - two very good looking ladies. to this i ask you : why is it I am not russian? I need to be russian, it would seem, to get these so called " hot bitches " - of which Denis has no trouble what-so-ever acquiring.
woe is me.
maybe we can all learn from him - he'll be added to the board sometime this week.
1. Jimmoi. Accept that you're attracted to an ugly lady. its ok. she looks like ass. but you like women who look like ass. Its ok to admit it - sure we'll all laugh at you and point at you and make fun of you because you have the hots for a butt-ugly son-of-a-bitch-bitch, but hey - as long as she looks good to you, eh?
heh heh heh.
2. zach. I hate you. wtf. oh my jesus. im gonna kill you. i cannot believe I even actually clicked that. im going to kill myself now. thanks.
3. does anyone have any opinion as to whether or not i should invite the girl who i am currently ... ah ' swooning over ' it would seem - to the board? I dont know. I want to keep her from the whole lot of you so that you dont steal her away from me like EVERYONE HAS EVERY GOD DAMNED FUCKING TIME I DATE SOMEONE - shit. did I type that? hmm. i think I did.
4. Im going to email the twenty-eight year old lesbian right after this post. we'll see if she stopped by and absolutely hated all of you ( especially zacho and jimmoi ) - or just never even remembered the long-haired kooky guy who walked in an talked to her. Maybe she has some uber-controlling lesbian-dyke of a girlfriend, who when she came home and said : " yeah some guy talked to me " she pulled out her man-hating poster of doom and lectured her on the evils of TEH PENIS and how castration is the only way a man can ever be trusted. ( sigh ) - and she was so smart it seemed.
heh heh heh.
2. zach. I hate you. wtf. oh my jesus. im gonna kill you. i cannot believe I even actually clicked that. im going to kill myself now. thanks.
3. does anyone have any opinion as to whether or not i should invite the girl who i am currently ... ah ' swooning over ' it would seem - to the board? I dont know. I want to keep her from the whole lot of you so that you dont steal her away from me like EVERYONE HAS EVERY GOD DAMNED FUCKING TIME I DATE SOMEONE - shit. did I type that? hmm. i think I did.
4. Im going to email the twenty-eight year old lesbian right after this post. we'll see if she stopped by and absolutely hated all of you ( especially zacho and jimmoi ) - or just never even remembered the long-haired kooky guy who walked in an talked to her. Maybe she has some uber-controlling lesbian-dyke of a girlfriend, who when she came home and said : " yeah some guy talked to me " she pulled out her man-hating poster of doom and lectured her on the evils of TEH PENIS and how castration is the only way a man can ever be trusted. ( sigh ) - and she was so smart it seemed.
April 28, 2003
So i'm in class... well not really... we are on break at the moment, after taking an exam. Easy. Da do dum... I just wanted to write that basically.
Photoshop takes forever... especially if you're insane about it... and have to fix every little thing. The plus side, ultra realism...
Which has always proven to be fun...
but again... fun and artistic.
Anyway, class is beginning and this has been one hell of a waste of a post.
Oh, i do concur, Starscream... guh, whoever said that needs to be examined for gay-ish tendencies... i mean... STARSCREAM?? C'mon. I don't believe in Freud per se... but jesus that's like a freakin' hint people.
I don't remember my favorite... i'll have to look it up when i get the chance... though i do remember liking that dinobot who was stupid... but they formed the bigger dinobot....
hey... makes sense... i'm friends with jOe and he's big and... well... yeah.
So i'm in class... well not really... we are on break at the moment, after taking an exam. Easy. Da do dum... I just wanted to write that basically.
Photoshop takes forever... especially if you're insane about it... and have to fix every little thing. The plus side, ultra realism...
Which has always proven to be fun...
but again... fun and artistic.
Anyway, class is beginning and this has been one hell of a waste of a post.
Oh, i do concur, Starscream... guh, whoever said that needs to be examined for gay-ish tendencies... i mean... STARSCREAM?? C'mon. I don't believe in Freud per se... but jesus that's like a freakin' hint people.
I don't remember my favorite... i'll have to look it up when i get the chance... though i do remember liking that dinobot who was stupid... but they formed the bigger dinobot....
hey... makes sense... i'm friends with jOe and he's big and... well... yeah.
I can sure as hell guess who Jimmoi is going to vote for : Christina Park because she reminds him of his MOTHER.
oh boy oh boy oh boy - look at that necklace she's wearing buddy. Maybe one of her HOT AZN BOI RICER BUDDIES bought it for her, maybe his car is more " pimped out " than your shitty piece of shit. Maybe his stereo system has PHATTER BEATS than yours and that his REAR SPOILER is made of THIN TITANIUM ALUMINUM ALLOY whereas yours is made of CARDBOARD.
Erica Hill looks like she's had one too many plastic surgeries done to her face. Her face just screams at me for some reason. How am I suppose to let someone like that go down on me when I think that somehow her face is going to mutilate my little guy? ( emphasis on little ) - nope, Erica hill is by far not the choice for those of far superior womanly tastes.
Rudi Bahktier has definate DSL. Her eyes are good too - but cheeks and nose look like they could well - be photoshopped once or twice. Fuck I think Zacho's ass is more attractive than that woman's nose. And she's wearing a singular pearl for a necklace. You know what that means. PEARL NECKLACE. You know she wants it all over her chest. Indeedy. If anyone I'd have to go for her.
Christina Park. Where is Hiroshima? oh, yes - its that way. >>> >>> >>> >>>
Kyra Phillips looks to be your average everyday soccermomming two kids boy and girl and a husband she loves woman. I'd love nothing more than to degrade, terrorize, please and torture, tie and physically manipulate her like a machine for a good couple hours all the while making her watch children's videos. Why? I dont know why, because it would be * fun *
oh boy oh boy oh boy - look at that necklace she's wearing buddy. Maybe one of her HOT AZN BOI RICER BUDDIES bought it for her, maybe his car is more " pimped out " than your shitty piece of shit. Maybe his stereo system has PHATTER BEATS than yours and that his REAR SPOILER is made of THIN TITANIUM ALUMINUM ALLOY whereas yours is made of CARDBOARD.
Erica Hill looks like she's had one too many plastic surgeries done to her face. Her face just screams at me for some reason. How am I suppose to let someone like that go down on me when I think that somehow her face is going to mutilate my little guy? ( emphasis on little ) - nope, Erica hill is by far not the choice for those of far superior womanly tastes.
Rudi Bahktier has definate DSL. Her eyes are good too - but cheeks and nose look like they could well - be photoshopped once or twice. Fuck I think Zacho's ass is more attractive than that woman's nose. And she's wearing a singular pearl for a necklace. You know what that means. PEARL NECKLACE. You know she wants it all over her chest. Indeedy. If anyone I'd have to go for her.
Christina Park. Where is Hiroshima? oh, yes - its that way. >>> >>> >>> >>>
Kyra Phillips looks to be your average everyday soccermomming two kids boy and girl and a husband she loves woman. I'd love nothing more than to degrade, terrorize, please and torture, tie and physically manipulate her like a machine for a good couple hours all the while making her watch children's videos. Why? I dont know why, because it would be * fun *
Jimmi- As far as I know, Austin still works at that metalurgical plant or whatever it was, and lives with his dad. I saw him once last summer driving around Canyon Rd. but asside from that, the last time I have had any contact with him was when you were still living here and you drove Justin and I to his house where we waited forever for him to get home and then went to Sherrie's afterwords. There is the possiblity that Justin might still have his phone # somewhere though. Oh and we saw Peggy at Costco like 4-5 months ago, but her and Austin had broke up and she was living with her mom.
April 27, 2003
ah yes, hulk hogan.
i lost many a shirt to "acting like hogan".
many a shirt indeed.
my parents were so pissed.
that and the fact that I wrestled with make believe friends made out of dirt, mud, and clay.
and wrestled with them on our brand new carpet.
and ripped my shirt in the process.
I dont know.
I think they were a bit too pissed off about me ripping that shirt.
i lost many a shirt to "acting like hogan".
many a shirt indeed.
my parents were so pissed.
that and the fact that I wrestled with make believe friends made out of dirt, mud, and clay.
and wrestled with them on our brand new carpet.
and ripped my shirt in the process.
I dont know.
I think they were a bit too pissed off about me ripping that shirt.
[death to the infidels]
Two things about the Little Prince... well actually three:
1) That book rocked!
2) Mr. Hadland rocked for introducing me to that book, and because he just rocked. Who else could have managed to put up with Jimmoi and Aaron and Justin (i think aaron was in that class as well). And he didn't put up with them... from my understanding of it all... i think he actually understood them... well as best as a teach does.
3) I remember being one of the few that actually got that book... and even then i probably didn't entirely... but still... many in the class were like, "man, what the hell is this about... a little boy... huh?"
Guh, i hated freshman highschoolers.
Two things about the Little Prince... well actually three:
1) That book rocked!
2) Mr. Hadland rocked for introducing me to that book, and because he just rocked. Who else could have managed to put up with Jimmoi and Aaron and Justin (i think aaron was in that class as well). And he didn't put up with them... from my understanding of it all... i think he actually understood them... well as best as a teach does.
3) I remember being one of the few that actually got that book... and even then i probably didn't entirely... but still... many in the class were like, "man, what the hell is this about... a little boy... huh?"
Guh, i hated freshman highschoolers.
so get this.
My favorite idols growing up?
in no particular order :
1. Heathcliff - because he could beat the damn shit out of Garfield anyday of the week. Including fake days that I make up like " Froomday " and " Choawzaday " - yes, even during those days Heathcliff could open up the can o whoop all over Garfield. Because Garfield sucked shlongs and Heathcliff had a girlfriend.
2. Andre the Giant. He was the shit. He died tho. But he was big. If you ever watch old footage of him wrestling you can see how huge he was. His hand - when i was little ( hell maybe even now ) - could have probably constituted my ENTIRE torso.
3. Since we've all mentioned transformers - my favorite transformer was STARSCREAM - the airplane guy with the schreechy voice who always tried to " one up " Megatron and in the movie he does and kills megatron because megatron was a BITCH - and yeh. He could fly and shoot things where-as megatron had to have someone HOLD HIS ASS to do any good ( he turned into a gun )
Profile: Starscream makes no secret of his ambition to overthrow Megatron as Decepticon Leader. He is ruthless, cold-blooded and cruel. In that sense the two rivals are very much alike. But he has a vain side that clearly distinguishes him. He considers himself the most sophisticated and handsome of the Decepticons. He exudes a high-class, urbane air that provides a certain irony to his murderous tendencies. He looks down at Megatron for being antiquated in his military strategy. Starscream believes the Decepticons should rely more on guile and speed rather than brute, destructive force to defeat the Autobots. Megatron overlooks the potential threat Starscream represents for one very good reason: Starscream is very good at his job.
Abilities: Starscream is one of the fastest flyers of the Decepticons, reaching speeds up to Mach 2.8. He can climb to sub-orbital altitudes of 52 miles and nose-dive down to near ground level in mere minutes. This makes him particularly effective in surprise attacks and hit-and-run actions. He can shoot cluster bombs a distance of 40 miles, each of which can level an area 10,000 feet square. His null-ray rifle can interrupt the flow of electricity in any circuitry it hits for periods of up to two minutes, effectively preventing the operation of many machines dependent on those circuits during that period.
Weaknesses: Starscream overrates himself sometimes, and finds himself in situations that are more than he can handle. His nose-dives often overload his gyro-circuitry leaving him disoriented briefly. But, overall, he is a very tough nut to crack.
dolphin suck it.
4. DATA from STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION. Because he ownz0red over everyone and everything. Worf and his stupid " oh look at my face its all wrinkled " - Mr. Picard and his " oh my jesus I am so bald " - then there was " Number two " who was, well, shit.
5. my sentimental piece for this post : I actually admired the ever-lonely LITTLE PRINCE who lived on an asteroid in space - talked to a flower - and chased butterflies with a net.
thats it.
Y'all are gonna kill yourselves reading this list. I never said I was cool growing up (or now). ha, enjoy.
The Idols
1. The Last Unicorn
She was so cool and a unicorn, and if I recall correctly, a princess.
Years later I realized that movie totally sucked ass.
2. The Olsen Twins
Still my idols till this day.
3. The Little Mermaid
She was a good singer.
4. Punky Brewster
Way cooler than me.
5. Jonathan Taylor Thomas
He was every girl's crush, and watching the reruns of Home Improvement, I can see why: The other two brothers were lamers.
Plus, he did the voice-overs for the single most greatest cartoon character ever: Simba.
The Idols
1. The Last Unicorn
She was so cool and a unicorn, and if I recall correctly, a princess.
Years later I realized that movie totally sucked ass.
2. The Olsen Twins
Still my idols till this day.
3. The Little Mermaid
She was a good singer.
4. Punky Brewster
Way cooler than me.
5. Jonathan Taylor Thomas
He was every girl's crush, and watching the reruns of Home Improvement, I can see why: The other two brothers were lamers.
Plus, he did the voice-overs for the single most greatest cartoon character ever: Simba.
April 26, 2003
[hey, how's it goin' lee?]
GasWorks park rules. I want to turn that place into a great big paintball course. It would take away from some of it's inherent beauty, but the awesome pipe structures would be wondrous for paintball. Simply wondrous.
Damn, i hurt. Went running with a friend... now i want to die. Ungh. That's okay... i'll feel better, when i get some food. Food rules.
I met some Target people last night. I don't work there anymore, but my roommates KoreanJOE and Allen work there. It was refreshing to hear the Target stories from the outside instead of from the inside. Quite interesting. I think i understand what it was like for James and Andy and Justin to hear all those stories when Jimmy and I would tell them.
I would also have to say that my stories ruled over these new Target-ers' stories. Nothing beats fat car collectors and mutant women with half-normal faces. Eesh... that image still scares me.
And of course, there was faithful Curtis and his good clean baling fun. That sad cardboard lover still scares me to this day...
... partly cause he probably still thinks my name is Lee.
GasWorks park rules. I want to turn that place into a great big paintball course. It would take away from some of it's inherent beauty, but the awesome pipe structures would be wondrous for paintball. Simply wondrous.
Damn, i hurt. Went running with a friend... now i want to die. Ungh. That's okay... i'll feel better, when i get some food. Food rules.
I met some Target people last night. I don't work there anymore, but my roommates KoreanJOE and Allen work there. It was refreshing to hear the Target stories from the outside instead of from the inside. Quite interesting. I think i understand what it was like for James and Andy and Justin to hear all those stories when Jimmy and I would tell them.
I would also have to say that my stories ruled over these new Target-ers' stories. Nothing beats fat car collectors and mutant women with half-normal faces. Eesh... that image still scares me.
And of course, there was faithful Curtis and his good clean baling fun. That sad cardboard lover still scares me to this day...
... partly cause he probably still thinks my name is Lee.
to which i say this :
Second Post Glory
because being first is easy.
but being second? now that takes skill ( z )
har har har.
In other news I went out to this artwalk thing and wandered around a lot
then while the people in my association went into some dark alley to smoke weed
I stood on the corner of some record store I cannot recall the name of.
after awhile I decided to go in - and found myself greeted with a seemingly off-set good looking woman at the counter.
you know me and people behind counters
So I got to talking to the lady ( more like interrogating ) and found out the following :
1. she's 28 - that would easily make her " the oldest " if assimilated onto the board.
2. she's a lesbian - this I caught when she made reference to her " girlfriend "
3. seemingly articulate because she didnt use dull words when I spoke to her.
4. doesnt know much of computers. and seems to be very ... ah - 'offkey' with people
these features lead me to decide to give her the URL to the board.
and i told her to email me - in all probability she wont, as most potentials dont.
so right before I left I got her email address.
who knows - maybe we'll have a woman WHO FRICKEN POSTS SOMETHING.
Second Post Glory
because being first is easy.
but being second? now that takes skill ( z )
har har har.
In other news I went out to this artwalk thing and wandered around a lot
then while the people in my association went into some dark alley to smoke weed
I stood on the corner of some record store I cannot recall the name of.
after awhile I decided to go in - and found myself greeted with a seemingly off-set good looking woman at the counter.
So I got to talking to the lady ( more like interrogating ) and found out the following :
1. she's 28 - that would easily make her " the oldest " if assimilated onto the board.
2. she's a lesbian - this I caught when she made reference to her " girlfriend "
3. seemingly articulate because she didnt use dull words when I spoke to her.
4. doesnt know much of computers. and seems to be very ... ah - 'offkey' with people
these features lead me to decide to give her the URL to the board.
and i told her to email me - in all probability she wont, as most potentials dont.
so right before I left I got her email address.
who knows - maybe we'll have a woman WHO FRICKEN POSTS SOMETHING.
[bikeMAN returns... naked]
That was awesome jimmoi... though i knew of it before... i hadn't even really given it much thought... awesome. I remember bikeMAN like it was yesterday...
and german engineering... hehehe...
ah the good ol' times. I would definitely want to do something like the old days... that was awesome... asphalt skiing.... sweet.
This will be a short post because i'm uberTIRED... saw anger management... eh... was okay... the best... adam sandler beating up a buddhist monk.
Fun times.
Ooh and...
i do believe the score is:
Jeff: 2
James: 1
in other words...
That was awesome jimmoi... though i knew of it before... i hadn't even really given it much thought... awesome. I remember bikeMAN like it was yesterday...
and german engineering... hehehe...
ah the good ol' times. I would definitely want to do something like the old days... that was awesome... asphalt skiing.... sweet.
This will be a short post because i'm uberTIRED... saw anger management... eh... was okay... the best... adam sandler beating up a buddhist monk.
Fun times.
Ooh and...
i do believe the score is:
Jeff: 2
James: 1
in other words...
April 25, 2003
Bullshit. Volkswagens are not typical of the other German manufacturers. Volkswagens suck. The only good thing about them is the Bosch Motronic engine management systems they use. But, the other German marques use the same systems, to better effectiveness. Strange thing is, VW owns Audi, but Audis don't suck.
But the quote kicks ass.

Bow down, fuckers.
But the quote kicks ass.
Bow down, fuckers.
" Anyway, James, comment system isn't that hard to implement, fuck you, I did it on another board (lifeboat?) awhile back, took maybe forty five minutes of my time. "
how about a comment system that isnt one line that you insert into your website -
but is fully uploadable to your own server and databases everything?
oh - it was fully customizeable ... right?
pop-up or inwindow comment system where it will fold out like a forum.
oh yeah ... i forgot ... it must have been SO EASY - a good fourty five minutes worth.
insert fuck you ...............
( here )
how about a comment system that isnt one line that you insert into your website -
but is fully uploadable to your own server and databases everything?
oh - it was fully customizeable ... right?
pop-up or inwindow comment system where it will fold out like a forum.
oh yeah ... i forgot ... it must have been SO EASY - a good fourty five minutes worth.
insert fuck you ...............
( here )
so far, so good.
so i've got * tons * of plans for this weekend. Im literally " BOOKED " hot damn.
I've told denis to go to the board again.
hopefully he stops by and looks around.
Denis ( in case you didnt know ) is my russian buddy.
He's funny. He called me his " little american brother " - ha ha
another anectdote as to why he is funny : this morning here is our conversation :
I have to leave soon after work as well Joe.
Why is that? What're you doing?
Oh I have to go watch the shakespear. At the thea-tre
Well what are you going to see of his?
Well it isnt Hamlet or something else, its a weird name.
No not that one
Then which one?
Just name a bunch of them and I will tell you
(thinking of ' weird named ' plays by shakespear)
Much ado about nothing?
No not that one.
Taming of the Shrew?
Yes - that. What is Shrew?
Well um... a bad person... err - ... think of me, only female.
Oh so a Gay?
Ha ha ha. No. Like - you know how Im not exactly a nice person? like that. Oh! A bitch. Like a bitch.
Oh. ok. And what is " taming " ?
umm. - say as if you were going to try and make me a nice person.
You'd tame me.
You know like wild ani-
So its basically " Rehabilitation of the Bitch " ?
hahaha, yes Denis. Rehabilitation of the Bitch.
C'mon, now you cant tell me thats classic.
what else?
I will be working on getting Mike onto the board.
dont know about the girl i'll be running off to olympia tonight with though.
Have to get ahold of Jon and Roody.
Yeup. Have a good friday. Mine was awesome.
so i've got * tons * of plans for this weekend. Im literally " BOOKED " hot damn.
I've told denis to go to the board again.
hopefully he stops by and looks around.
Denis ( in case you didnt know ) is my russian buddy.
He's funny. He called me his " little american brother " - ha ha
another anectdote as to why he is funny : this morning here is our conversation :
I have to leave soon after work as well Joe.
Why is that? What're you doing?
Oh I have to go watch the shakespear. At the thea-tre
Well what are you going to see of his?
Well it isnt Hamlet or something else, its a weird name.
No not that one
Then which one?
Just name a bunch of them and I will tell you
(thinking of ' weird named ' plays by shakespear)
Much ado about nothing?
No not that one.
Taming of the Shrew?
Yes - that. What is Shrew?
Well um... a bad person... err - ... think of me, only female.
Oh so a Gay?
Ha ha ha. No. Like - you know how Im not exactly a nice person? like that. Oh! A bitch. Like a bitch.
Oh. ok. And what is " taming " ?
umm. - say as if you were going to try and make me a nice person.
You'd tame me.
You know like wild ani-
So its basically " Rehabilitation of the Bitch " ?
hahaha, yes Denis. Rehabilitation of the Bitch.
C'mon, now you cant tell me thats classic.
what else?
I will be working on getting Mike onto the board.
dont know about the girl i'll be running off to olympia tonight with though.
Have to get ahold of Jon and Roody.
Yeup. Have a good friday. Mine was awesome.
Yes, the chronological idea was mine... to spur on the idea of First posts...
which i got this time you bastard! although i didn't have my post ready, which is sad cause it will take time, but will be an accomplishment of graphic finery...
also, my hot or not pic isn't ready, cause i've been working on my post. Thankfully, i have plenty of time tomorrow to do all these things, so worry not james, i'll have it by tomorrow.
Uhm, i had more to say but i can't remember.
The chronological thing, i only suggested it... but i also knew that it might not work out. Perhaps if there was a button, as i suggested to james, that took you to the more recent post... but eh, whatever. I figure it's a hard thing to program.
Anyway, whatever happens happens.
Aih. Laters.
Yes, the chronological idea was mine... to spur on the idea of First posts...
which i got this time you bastard! although i didn't have my post ready, which is sad cause it will take time, but will be an accomplishment of graphic finery...
also, my hot or not pic isn't ready, cause i've been working on my post. Thankfully, i have plenty of time tomorrow to do all these things, so worry not james, i'll have it by tomorrow.
Uhm, i had more to say but i can't remember.
The chronological thing, i only suggested it... but i also knew that it might not work out. Perhaps if there was a button, as i suggested to james, that took you to the more recent post... but eh, whatever. I figure it's a hard thing to program.
Anyway, whatever happens happens.
Aih. Laters.
April 24, 2003
did you ever think that someone you know is goin to die?
well think about it what if your friend from school that you rarly tyalk
to but you know really well from thast past just uip and dies?
think about it it happens Sherry Tumelson dieed last night none of you
knew her but i did and she was a good friend
what if aaron was goin tpo work (sorry aaron) and pulled out in front of
a suburban and was injured on scean and when he got to the hospetal he
was dfead what would you all think?
whould you notice i would and for some reason it would hurt. do they get
to know every thiong in the world do they get to know the answers to
evry question? i feel like i want to know but that isnt goin to happen..
hey i hope this never happens to any of you. and im shure you guys (and
gals)think the same.
well think about it what if your friend from school that you rarly tyalk
to but you know really well from thast past just uip and dies?
think about it it happens Sherry Tumelson dieed last night none of you
knew her but i did and she was a good friend
what if aaron was goin tpo work (sorry aaron) and pulled out in front of
a suburban and was injured on scean and when he got to the hospetal he
was dfead what would you all think?
whould you notice i would and for some reason it would hurt. do they get
to know every thiong in the world do they get to know the answers to
evry question? i feel like i want to know but that isnt goin to happen..
hey i hope this never happens to any of you. and im shure you guys (and
gals)think the same.
Thanks for that Jimmoi. I needed a little Beatles just then.
Um...Yeah. I wasn't going to say anything, but the reversed order of posting sucks llama scrot. I have to scroll way the hell down to see if anyone has posted. And let's face it: I'm not always with-it enough to catch that I've gone right past the new post(s) and into the previous day.
Fibre optics kick ass. The laser used to drive a 25 kilometer span will perform laser surgery on your eye if you look at it. Not to mention one of them is less than a quarter the size of a deck of cards. That's just cool to me somehow.
Um...Yeah. I wasn't going to say anything, but the reversed order of posting sucks llama scrot. I have to scroll way the hell down to see if anyone has posted. And let's face it: I'm not always with-it enough to catch that I've gone right past the new post(s) and into the previous day.
Fibre optics kick ass. The laser used to drive a 25 kilometer span will perform laser surgery on your eye if you look at it. Not to mention one of them is less than a quarter the size of a deck of cards. That's just cool to me somehow.
well fuck.
lets do it doggy style for chroist's sake.
and i'll grab your breasts.
( ? )
more things :
Im surprised that almost everyone ( with the exception to Jeff, who's idea it was ) - has come up to me and said : " GOD I HATE THE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF THE BOARD NOW! " - but yet nobody has posted about it. Bastards. Thats how it always goes. Everyone talks to me or emails me and tells me things but do they post it? no - so then im the only one with knowledge of things. guagahg. oh well.
1. breanna - no offence - but it almost seems as if you're wanting me to get ahold of you - and that scares me actually. it would make me feel much more at ease if you post : " You know james, I dont even really care what you do - *SHRUGS* do whatever. " (cough)
2. about games wolf3d and other mentioned games like Dune2. Um. Play them. They are dated - sure they may have been good in their time but i cant play dune2 because well. it sucks. I know i started with the mention of " doom2 " and thinking more on it at work i came to the decision that i shouldn't have even mentioned it - because halflife and UnrealTournament were leagues beyond it in the realm of FPS. and bradbury quite frankly i dont believe anything is beyond the capabilities of the board - because all of our strengths and weaknesses combined make us CAPTAIN PLANET - er. well. yeah. so > TOP TEN GAMES OF PROPOSED GENRES :::
Real Time Strategy
First Person Shooter
Role Playing Game
Multiple Player Online Game
thats all i can think of right now.
... fuck you zach and your 7.5
fuck you.
lets do it doggy style for chroist's sake.
and i'll grab your breasts.
more things :
Im surprised that almost everyone ( with the exception to Jeff, who's idea it was ) - has come up to me and said : " GOD I HATE THE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF THE BOARD NOW! " - but yet nobody has posted about it. Bastards. Thats how it always goes. Everyone talks to me or emails me and tells me things but do they post it? no - so then im the only one with knowledge of things. guagahg. oh well.
1. breanna - no offence - but it almost seems as if you're wanting me to get ahold of you - and that scares me actually. it would make me feel much more at ease if you post : " You know james, I dont even really care what you do - *SHRUGS* do whatever. " (cough)
2. about games wolf3d and other mentioned games like Dune2. Um. Play them. They are dated - sure they may have been good in their time but i cant play dune2 because well. it sucks. I know i started with the mention of " doom2 " and thinking more on it at work i came to the decision that i shouldn't have even mentioned it - because halflife and UnrealTournament were leagues beyond it in the realm of FPS. and bradbury quite frankly i dont believe anything is beyond the capabilities of the board - because all of our strengths and weaknesses combined make us CAPTAIN PLANET - er. well. yeah. so > TOP TEN GAMES OF PROPOSED GENRES :::
First Person Shooter
Role Playing Game
Multiple Player Online Game
thats all i can think of right now.
... fuck you zach and your 7.5
fuck you.
I like the Ft. Lewis idea. Someone should call and check to see if the campgrounds will be open.
You guys have opened one giant ass can of worms with this ultimate games list. You'll never be able to make a list that doesn't leave something out. It would have to be organized by category or something...and that sounds like way too much work for this bunch.
In further news....there is none.
You guys have opened one giant ass can of worms with this ultimate games list. You'll never be able to make a list that doesn't leave something out. It would have to be organized by category or something...and that sounds like way too much work for this bunch.
In further news....there is none.
haha, and i was gonna put gorillaz... but i didn't think ANYBODY would remember that one, which made me question whether it should go or not.
also considered MegaMan 2... Metroid... all of those...
okay, so top 10 just isn't gonna work... there are too many games on too many platforms...
so we could do a top 50 maybe... that migth be better... or top 10 per console/computer... hmm..
anyway... i'm bored and in the Health Sciences library. I ate hospital food awhile ago... yeesh.... it wasn't so bad really... but it wasn't so great either. I imagine jimmoi's airforce food probably tastes a hell of a lot better.
ugh, this post sucks... and there are no cute girls in the library, which is killing the mood (well at least none directly around me.)
haha, and i was gonna put gorillaz... but i didn't think ANYBODY would remember that one, which made me question whether it should go or not.
also considered MegaMan 2... Metroid... all of those...
okay, so top 10 just isn't gonna work... there are too many games on too many platforms...
so we could do a top 50 maybe... that migth be better... or top 10 per console/computer... hmm..
anyway... i'm bored and in the Health Sciences library. I ate hospital food awhile ago... yeesh.... it wasn't so bad really... but it wasn't so great either. I imagine jimmoi's airforce food probably tastes a hell of a lot better.
ugh, this post sucks... and there are no cute girls in the library, which is killing the mood (well at least none directly around me.)
Well james, i tried to republish the archives like you asked... but that went nowhere... they still don't seem to be up. Oh well... all in good time i suppose.
Hey breanna...
you're phone number is still the same as it has been for the past year, right? Just making sure. Sorry i haven't called or stopped by. I really haven't done that with much anybody, so you and Justin aren't being excluded :).
I think, personally, that Starcraft is in a league of it's own. This is my opinion though, but still. Yeah, it's based off Warcraft to an extent... but that's about it. Warcraft II may have had two races, but overall they were pretty much the same race, in that they overall had the same weapons and so forth. The only real difference was that they looked different, thus enabling one to say, "oh... Warcraft has two races to choose from..." Really, it could easily be just humans versus uglier humans... or even, and probably more appropriately, Humans versus the jOe Macauley clan... only less viscious and cannibalistic.
Eh, maybe i'm in the wrong... as i'll be the first to admit... i'm not a gamer, i just play them from time to time... so what do i know?
Well james, i tried to republish the archives like you asked... but that went nowhere... they still don't seem to be up. Oh well... all in good time i suppose.
Hey breanna...
you're phone number is still the same as it has been for the past year, right? Just making sure. Sorry i haven't called or stopped by. I really haven't done that with much anybody, so you and Justin aren't being excluded :).
I think, personally, that Starcraft is in a league of it's own. This is my opinion though, but still. Yeah, it's based off Warcraft to an extent... but that's about it. Warcraft II may have had two races, but overall they were pretty much the same race, in that they overall had the same weapons and so forth. The only real difference was that they looked different, thus enabling one to say, "oh... Warcraft has two races to choose from..." Really, it could easily be just humans versus uglier humans... or even, and probably more appropriately, Humans versus the jOe Macauley clan... only less viscious and cannibalistic.
Eh, maybe i'm in the wrong... as i'll be the first to admit... i'm not a gamer, i just play them from time to time... so what do i know?
James- If you would like to call me and talk about whatever, feel free. There is always the slight possiblity that Justin might get jealous, but hey, there are girls giving him their phone #'s while he is working, and showing him their boobs and so on, so I think I'll be okay talking to you. The best time to call is during the day (although I think that is when you sleep) from like 12:30pm-3pm. During that time only Jared and I are home. After around 3pm we start screening calls because of the fucking mormon bastards bugging us because Jared moved in GOD DAMNIT WE WERE FREE FOR A YEAR AND HE RUINED IT!!!! (no offence to anyone just incase though). If you don't still have my phone number let me know.
I only waited an hour and so many minutes cause i figured, oh... james works at nights, no threats there... and you seemed away... damn you... you damnable little man.
but that's okay... all's fair. You may have gotten it this time... and you may, through your clever backways, may get it again... but there will come a time when you'll forget, and it will be mine... and when it is... i will have a grand, awesome post.
Hey, in the end i'm comforted by the fact...
that jOe's superASS is still beating you by quite a margin...
of course, that happiness will subside once i put a picture of me up and it dies instantly...
but till that time later today... i'll still keep my happiness.
I only waited an hour and so many minutes cause i figured, oh... james works at nights, no threats there... and you seemed away... damn you... you damnable little man.
but that's okay... all's fair. You may have gotten it this time... and you may, through your clever backways, may get it again... but there will come a time when you'll forget, and it will be mine... and when it is... i will have a grand, awesome post.
Hey, in the end i'm comforted by the fact...
that jOe's superASS is still beating you by quite a margin...
of course, that happiness will subside once i put a picture of me up and it dies instantly...
but till that time later today... i'll still keep my happiness.
[cattle castration]
Oh yeah, james... who is the girl in the orange shirt? I was trying to remember everyone in this picture, but her name eludes me. If anyone else knows, please fill me in. If i remember correctly, she was only a occasional visitor or something... but (and again this is if i remember correctly), she seemed okay.
Oh yeah, james... who is the girl in the orange shirt? I was trying to remember everyone in this picture, but her name eludes me. If anyone else knows, please fill me in. If i remember correctly, she was only a occasional visitor or something... but (and again this is if i remember correctly), she seemed okay.
[the one true first post]
I hate you james. This was supposed to be the first post... but you went the crappy way of reserving...
I hate you will all my being...
but that's okay, i'll still post mine anyway...
it was a nostalgic post... a rememberence of a time long past...
when this picture was taken:

Yes, i can remember that time... filming the fake documentary... asking about james and his family... those two girls that had no idea what we were doing, but thought we were cool because we were older and we had a camera. Guh... And we finished with James being eaten by the crew.
See... that's what happens to little collinses when they go doing things underhandedly... like say! stealing my first post! bastard.
For some of you, this may not make sense, cause for a time my post will appear first... but for others... you'll see some concoction of james... and it will be first...
oh but that's okay james... enjoy your glory... for now.
I hate you james. This was supposed to be the first post... but you went the crappy way of reserving...
I hate you will all my being...
but that's okay, i'll still post mine anyway...
it was a nostalgic post... a rememberence of a time long past...
when this picture was taken:
Yes, i can remember that time... filming the fake documentary... asking about james and his family... those two girls that had no idea what we were doing, but thought we were cool because we were older and we had a camera. Guh... And we finished with James being eaten by the crew.
See... that's what happens to little collinses when they go doing things underhandedly... like say! stealing my first post! bastard.
For some of you, this may not make sense, cause for a time my post will appear first... but for others... you'll see some concoction of james... and it will be first...
oh but that's okay james... enjoy your glory... for now.
( sits back - relaxes ) ( exclaims : " ahhhhh " )
yeap, nothing like a good ol' fashion
to make one feel at home.
it sure is a grand thing that nobody else were probably wanting to be the first first-postee.
I mean Jeff came in second an hour and thirteen minutes after 12 o clock.
yeeeeeeeeee- eeeeeeeeeeeeeee- uuuuuuuuuuuuu- p
I tell ya.
Hmm. Not much to say really.
with the exception that here I am. First. First first first first first. so it seems.
hey, who is before me? Surely it isnt jeff - its NOBODY because I AM FIRST.
( ok really - important things ensue )
first - you know what's really dragging me the fuck down? EVERYWHERE I GO PEOPLE ARE NAGGING ME TO SHITSVILLE ABOUT " HEY JAMES YOU KNOW IT WOULD BE REALLY GRAND TO HAVE A COMMENT SYSTEM " - and you know what? YOU WANNA KNOW SOMETHING? Its a fucking PAIN IN THE ASS to get them to work. It took me forever to get that old red-one up and working and you know what happened because of it? Posts went down in number because people started using " number of comments " to judge how good a post was. A couple of people would post a few things of value and if they didnt get at least 2 or 3 comments per post they'd be like " OH nobody reads my stuff " or " My stuff isnt good enough for the board " and they'd go back to their dark little corners and never post again. I FUCKEN HATED THAT. Another downside to comment systems is that PEOPLE ON THE BOARD will use them as MINI BOARDS and conversations + postworthy material will be stuck into the comment system and those tangents wont get placed into the archives. ( unless someone can find a comment system which saves comments in a local file or something ) - fugah! Not to mention that most comment systems work on CGI or PEARL scripts which i have to CODE and FIGURE OUT how the bloody thing works - but oh no, everyone is like " JAMES IS MISTER MAGIC MAN - HE CAN JUST POOF A COMMENT SYSTEM OUT OF HIS ASS AND IT WILL BE SUPERB " - guh.
first -
no wait thats what I am today,
second : anyone up for a ' gathering ' of sorts on saturday - that of May the 10th - when jimmoi+zacho are here? Im figuring something along the lines of the barbeque again - but in all probability it wouldnt be able to ' flow ' where i want to go ( alder lake ) - but if ' camping ' is available then i'd be definate for that. or we could do it on the 9th and camp on ft. lewis again - or we could do it on the 10th when my parents aren't at their home and bribe michael to let us all in and have a BARBEQUE TWO. Tons of ideas - do me a favor and post some of your ideas as to what we can do as a " gathering " - think of something new, something different, something we all havent done together, something fun. Or i'll just come up with something and tell everyone when to be there and what to bring.
first -
no, god damnit i keep making that mistake, me being first and all,
third : i think thats it - but i know there is something out there that agitates me so much that i have to fill a good paragraph about bitching about it. so im thinking of something that gets on my nerves. .. . .. hold on second - me being the misanthropic pessmistic fiend that I am you all know that there'll be something that I dislike. Cable modem. god damn do i hate fast internet connections - ah ahahaha, no ... no i dont. and small paychecks, FUCK - i only made around 800$ last night on my paycheck, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT? ah hahaha - the funny thing is that is small. And ...
well shit nothing is really pissing me off.
ill post later.
fuck you.
yeap, nothing like a good ol' fashion
to make one feel at home.
it sure is a grand thing that nobody else were probably wanting to be the first first-postee.
I mean Jeff came in second an hour and thirteen minutes after 12 o clock.
yeeeeeeeeee- eeeeeeeeeeeeeee- uuuuuuuuuuuuu- p
I tell ya.
Hmm. Not much to say really.
with the exception that here I am. First. First first first first first. so it seems.
hey, who is before me? Surely it isnt jeff - its NOBODY because I AM FIRST.
( ok really - important things ensue )
first - you know what's really dragging me the fuck down? EVERYWHERE I GO PEOPLE ARE NAGGING ME TO SHITSVILLE ABOUT " HEY JAMES YOU KNOW IT WOULD BE REALLY GRAND TO HAVE A COMMENT SYSTEM " - and you know what? YOU WANNA KNOW SOMETHING? Its a fucking PAIN IN THE ASS to get them to work. It took me forever to get that old red-one up and working and you know what happened because of it? Posts went down in number because people started using " number of comments " to judge how good a post was. A couple of people would post a few things of value and if they didnt get at least 2 or 3 comments per post they'd be like " OH nobody reads my stuff " or " My stuff isnt good enough for the board " and they'd go back to their dark little corners and never post again. I FUCKEN HATED THAT. Another downside to comment systems is that PEOPLE ON THE BOARD will use them as MINI BOARDS and conversations + postworthy material will be stuck into the comment system and those tangents wont get placed into the archives. ( unless someone can find a comment system which saves comments in a local file or something ) - fugah! Not to mention that most comment systems work on CGI or PEARL scripts which i have to CODE and FIGURE OUT how the bloody thing works - but oh no, everyone is like " JAMES IS MISTER MAGIC MAN - HE CAN JUST POOF A COMMENT SYSTEM OUT OF HIS ASS AND IT WILL BE SUPERB " - guh.
first -
no wait thats what I am today,
second : anyone up for a ' gathering ' of sorts on saturday - that of May the 10th - when jimmoi+zacho are here? Im figuring something along the lines of the barbeque again - but in all probability it wouldnt be able to ' flow ' where i want to go ( alder lake ) - but if ' camping ' is available then i'd be definate for that. or we could do it on the 9th and camp on ft. lewis again - or we could do it on the 10th when my parents aren't at their home and bribe michael to let us all in and have a BARBEQUE TWO. Tons of ideas - do me a favor and post some of your ideas as to what we can do as a " gathering " - think of something new, something different, something we all havent done together, something fun. Or i'll just come up with something and tell everyone when to be there and what to bring.
first -
no, god damnit i keep making that mistake, me being first and all,
third : i think thats it - but i know there is something out there that agitates me so much that i have to fill a good paragraph about bitching about it. so im thinking of something that gets on my nerves. .. . .. hold on second - me being the misanthropic pessmistic fiend that I am you all know that there'll be something that I dislike. Cable modem. god damn do i hate fast internet connections - ah ahahaha, no ... no i dont. and small paychecks, FUCK - i only made around 800$ last night on my paycheck, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT? ah hahaha - the funny thing is that is small. And ...
well shit nothing is really pissing me off.
ill post later.
fuck you.
April 23, 2003
Damn. The board is on fire again.
My boss wants to send me to Redhat school. I haven't told him I'll be going to Pilchuck this summer. But that doesn't start until July, so I have plenty of time to let that sit.
Come to think of it, I hadn't mentioned it here, either. Pilchuck glass school. I'm pretty stoked about being accepted. Now I just have to pay for it. Guess that's what loans are for.
Thanks for bringing back that memory (James).
I always thought it was me. Maybe that's why I pried.
C'est la vie.
My boss wants to send me to Redhat school. I haven't told him I'll be going to Pilchuck this summer. But that doesn't start until July, so I have plenty of time to let that sit.
Come to think of it, I hadn't mentioned it here, either. Pilchuck glass school. I'm pretty stoked about being accepted. Now I just have to pay for it. Guess that's what loans are for.
Thanks for bringing back that memory (James).
I always thought it was me. Maybe that's why I pried.
C'est la vie.
Like i said, i knew i'd forget some... and that list was made waaaay early in the morning...
I considered Goldeneye... but it was also up against other ideas for fps'... including Counterstrike and Doom... (which strangely enough i forgot both of those).
and there was also a period in my life... which to an extent still to extends to now... that i didn't really play many games... long story which i won't get into.
As a question: there was another 8-bit game that i've been trying to remember but can't... somethin from Nintendo that i can't recall but that's been nagging at me.
I wonder if top ten is just too short a list...
Oh and james... like the board... and you're still losing to jOe. hehehehe...
however, i won't talk until after i post my picture.
Others on the board should put there picture up to... all in good fun and whatnot.
This posts sucks... i had a bunch to say and now i find myself distracted by tv, a weird truck rumblinb outside... and the fact that my mind is wrapped around the idea of putting my Betta Hippocrates with another Betta and filming it as a documentary.
Like i said, i knew i'd forget some... and that list was made waaaay early in the morning...
I considered Goldeneye... but it was also up against other ideas for fps'... including Counterstrike and Doom... (which strangely enough i forgot both of those).
and there was also a period in my life... which to an extent still to extends to now... that i didn't really play many games... long story which i won't get into.
As a question: there was another 8-bit game that i've been trying to remember but can't... somethin from Nintendo that i can't recall but that's been nagging at me.
I wonder if top ten is just too short a list...
Oh and james... like the board... and you're still losing to jOe. hehehehe...
however, i won't talk until after i post my picture.
Others on the board should put there picture up to... all in good fun and whatnot.
This posts sucks... i had a bunch to say and now i find myself distracted by tv, a weird truck rumblinb outside... and the fact that my mind is wrapped around the idea of putting my Betta Hippocrates with another Betta and filming it as a documentary.
tell me what you figure of the new layout - suggestions, ideas, complaints?
so on so forth. things of note : the posts are now chronological again ( ie : WHOS GONNA GET FIRST FIRST POST BITCHES?! )
im considering looking into comment system scripts but on the condition that we on the board dont use it - more like the comment system for " wanderbys " or " visitors " to comment because they cannot post on the board. If I could get everyone to agree to that I'd probably get the comment system up and running again. umm, what else.
Im trying to get it to where the " archives " will have their own page, not be UBER SCROLLED TO DEATH on the side there.
and dont jenk my hotscores damnit. Im gaining on Joe.
so on so forth. things of note : the posts are now chronological again ( ie : WHOS GONNA GET FIRST FIRST POST BITCHES?! )
im considering looking into comment system scripts but on the condition that we on the board dont use it - more like the comment system for " wanderbys " or " visitors " to comment because they cannot post on the board. If I could get everyone to agree to that I'd probably get the comment system up and running again. umm, what else.
Im trying to get it to where the " archives " will have their own page, not be UBER SCROLLED TO DEATH on the side there.
and dont jenk my hotscores damnit. Im gaining on Joe.
Yeah, there were a few games i had forgotten, obviously. And the ranking, i quickly figured that when i found myself at "5" with Mortal Kombat II while having Mario Kart, A Link to the Past, and Starcraft all behind it... I just was feeling lazy and tired and didn't want to copy and paste and cut and paste and post and edit and paste and post... you get the idea. Anyway that being that expect an updated draft of that list sometime soon with some additions and some drops... i had forgotten Counterstrike up until the end when i thought of it and didn't add it...
I thought of GTA3, but again, couldn't really settle in my head whether it was still too recent... and actually was considering putting in GTA1 since it kinda helped start that along... when i thought that, i thought Carmageddon, but that game didn't catch on quite the same as the GTA series.
Grand Turismo 2, whether you guys play it here, which i don't much either, is still considered a great game, and people STILL play it despite there being a Grand Turismo 3... i know of a person who bought a PS1 for that game, then bought a PS2 just to play Grand Turismo 2 with enhanced graphics... But yeah... GTA3... definitely an awesome game...
and again... there are games i left off that people loved playing... I would almost say make up your own list... hmm... or better... if i knew how to make a form, i'd just have people vote on the best... or hell, just email a list of your ten favorites of all time... then i'd post which got in...
awesome idea, but it might be more than most of us can focus our attention on so i don't expect much of that.
Guh, perhaps you are right james... perhaps i do have a taint of a gamer... yeeesh. Good thing that's all it is :).
Yeah, there were a few games i had forgotten, obviously. And the ranking, i quickly figured that when i found myself at "5" with Mortal Kombat II while having Mario Kart, A Link to the Past, and Starcraft all behind it... I just was feeling lazy and tired and didn't want to copy and paste and cut and paste and post and edit and paste and post... you get the idea. Anyway that being that expect an updated draft of that list sometime soon with some additions and some drops... i had forgotten Counterstrike up until the end when i thought of it and didn't add it...
I thought of GTA3, but again, couldn't really settle in my head whether it was still too recent... and actually was considering putting in GTA1 since it kinda helped start that along... when i thought that, i thought Carmageddon, but that game didn't catch on quite the same as the GTA series.
Grand Turismo 2, whether you guys play it here, which i don't much either, is still considered a great game, and people STILL play it despite there being a Grand Turismo 3... i know of a person who bought a PS1 for that game, then bought a PS2 just to play Grand Turismo 2 with enhanced graphics... But yeah... GTA3... definitely an awesome game...
and again... there are games i left off that people loved playing... I would almost say make up your own list... hmm... or better... if i knew how to make a form, i'd just have people vote on the best... or hell, just email a list of your ten favorites of all time... then i'd post which got in...
awesome idea, but it might be more than most of us can focus our attention on so i don't expect much of that.
Guh, perhaps you are right james... perhaps i do have a taint of a gamer... yeeesh. Good thing that's all it is :).
1. Jeff - nice, but not nice enought. Obviously ( as I said long long ago ) - you've got the taint of a gamer, but not the real blood of a gamer. This is terribly evident by the placment ( or lack there-of ) - of Starcraft ( quite possibly the best RTS of all time ) and the stark absense of the doom series ( more importantly doom2 ) - all in all a good post. still. jenked. I mean c'mon. GTA3/b beats " GRAND TURISMO 2 " any day of the week, including fictional days of the week I can make up like : " FLOOBDAY " and " SHANKDAY "
2. Breanna - you read the board everyday even the days when it was ... well, for lack of a better word : Dead? I was going to try and get ahold of you to talk with you - there was a lot of ' history/past ' things I'd like to go over with you on a ... ah, personal basis - one on one and all. but I didnt know how far along Justin has gotten in the department of " growing up " so to speak - and whether or not that was an option for me without being a detrimental factor to your " relationship " as it were. In fact there was a time directly after me and Heather went our seperate ways that I fully intended on breaking the two of you up just for kicks. Um. Yeah - I tossed that idea out the window merely based on the fact that I know neither of you two anymore, and the people I knew in my head were probably dead already and the flaws and problems i wished to fix in them were - well, probably fixed already. Im glad to hear that you're not getting married - not out of spite or anything, but I generally frown upon marriage in general ( BONNIE ) - And finally : I heard of your acquisition of a home. I cannot say that I was not jealous. Um. And very agitated. I hoped my relitaves would die off soon, if not the exact day I heard that you fell into posession of a home. Hrmph. ( SHIT ) - am I allowed to say all these things? Most likely not.
3. Jimmoi had a good point about Age of Empires. That game did consume a good amount of time. And what is Auto Modellista? Some Fuckin' RICER GAME where you buy SHITTY CAR and STREET RACE IT to WIN MORE MONEY and PIMP OUT THE SHITTY CAR? pfff. Jimmoi has become our AZN-representitave in this department of R(I/A)CING.
fouthly ....
5. still going to work on inviting those people.
2. Breanna - you read the board everyday even the days when it was ... well, for lack of a better word : Dead? I was going to try and get ahold of you to talk with you - there was a lot of ' history/past ' things I'd like to go over with you on a ... ah, personal basis - one on one and all. but I didnt know how far along Justin has gotten in the department of " growing up " so to speak - and whether or not that was an option for me without being a detrimental factor to your " relationship " as it were. In fact there was a time directly after me and Heather went our seperate ways that I fully intended on breaking the two of you up just for kicks. Um. Yeah - I tossed that idea out the window merely based on the fact that I know neither of you two anymore, and the people I knew in my head were probably dead already and the flaws and problems i wished to fix in them were - well, probably fixed already. Im glad to hear that you're not getting married - not out of spite or anything, but I generally frown upon marriage in general ( BONNIE ) - And finally : I heard of your acquisition of a home. I cannot say that I was not jealous. Um. And very agitated. I hoped my relitaves would die off soon, if not the exact day I heard that you fell into posession of a home. Hrmph. ( SHIT ) - am I allowed to say all these things? Most likely not.
3. Jimmoi had a good point about Age of Empires. That game did consume a good amount of time. And what is Auto Modellista? Some Fuckin' RICER GAME where you buy SHITTY CAR and STREET RACE IT to WIN MORE MONEY and PIMP OUT THE SHITTY CAR? pfff. Jimmoi has become our AZN-representitave in this department of R(I/A)CING.
fouthly ....
5. still going to work on inviting those people.
At this point I am so lame that I read the board everyday, I just have nothing to post, hence why I never do. As for the flock.jpg, I just think it is a funny picture and felt like posting it, but other than that it has no real signifigance. So anyhow, if any of you have anything you need/want to say to me put it on here and I'll read it within a few days (if posted on the weekend), however I doubt I will be kept much in the loop of anything. As for Justin, he is working, and sleeping. We are going to Vegas for a week in July, we were going to get married, but, decided that we don't want to. So for now we are just going to continue living together. Oh and James, as for a post you did a while ago, when you were talking about moving out and who has moved out and so on and so forth. I don't rent any more, I own my own home 100%, and I live in Spanaway now about 5-10 min. from BHS.
[no better way to pass time...]
So i was sitting here reading various things... and for one reason or another that escapes me for the moment...
i thought... what are the top ten video games/computer games of all time. (i thought about whether i should include computer games (as in PC games in this list, but then i figured... ahh, i'm too lazy at the moment to actually make too lists, and so... one list it is)
So then... i thought, what would be on my top ten... and so i present you with my "work-in-progress" list of the top ten video games (which is slightly biased since i don't have a PS1 or PS2... oh well... sony can kiss my ass). This list is in reverse order but is highly subject to change as i am writing this early in the morning (early for my brain) and it is likely that i'm leaving many games out.
Upon finishing this list i realized a couple of things. I already don't agree with some of what i wrote... or rather, with the placement of some of these, and i will likely want to change them... but for now i'm leaving it... so... that's that. Secondly... all the systems were pretty much covered... or rather at least the major makers...
except for one: Microsoft... (PC doesn't count because at least as far as i understand it, Microsoft itself wasn't instrumental in making the game). I didn't say any Xbox games cause i hate xbox... well that and it's still relatively new... and the other systems are a bit older. Gamecube wouldn't have made it if not for Melee. I thought perhaps Halo for xbox... but i think CounterStrike would beat that... Fuck... counterstrike... okay so i told you that i forgot some games... Splinter Cell was another option... but i couldn't decide if it was too new still...
Anyway, that's all i've got to say on that. Laters.
So i was sitting here reading various things... and for one reason or another that escapes me for the moment...
i thought... what are the top ten video games/computer games of all time. (i thought about whether i should include computer games (as in PC games in this list, but then i figured... ahh, i'm too lazy at the moment to actually make too lists, and so... one list it is)
So then... i thought, what would be on my top ten... and so i present you with my "work-in-progress" list of the top ten video games (which is slightly biased since i don't have a PS1 or PS2... oh well... sony can kiss my ass). This list is in reverse order but is highly subject to change as i am writing this early in the morning (early for my brain) and it is likely that i'm leaving many games out.
10. Grand Turismo 2 (PS1)
Ahh Grand Turismo 2. This is saying much considering i didn't play it that often. Still, as far as my recollection goes (and please remember this is MY recollection so if anybody out there knows better, that's fine, just don't get all high and mighty on me) this was one of the first (not counting Grand Turismo 1) to be quite so in depth with car choices and selection and getting to drive realistic cars... and quite simply, that seems awesome.
9. Starcraft (PC/Mac)
I debated this one, mostly cause it's still relatively new in some respects, and because it is still played. Yet that was also the reason why i decided to put it on the list, at least for now. Starcraft. I can't even begin to tally the number of hours i have played that with James, Andy, Jimmoi, Zacho, Michael... the list could continue but i don't feel boring myself with endless typing. You get to control three races... and they were all varied. And for all those who played against James... who can forget those g'damn stupid Hydralisks that he'd bury around everyone's bases, so that when you thought it was safe, he'd pull out just a few more... I hate you james.
8. Mario Kart 64 (SNES)
I don't really even think i need to say much about this one. Simply awesome. And for all those who say that the first Mario Kart was better (cause there are people that say that), all i have to say to you is: Rainbow Raceway. Or even, that damnable freeway track... I hated that track, and yet loved it because i remember racing one of you bastards on it, and just when i thought i was gonna lose, a giant truck... quite possibly a "Land-o'-Lakes" truck, slammed into you and i took first. Hahaha, bastards.
7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
This game was so... great. Storyline was there. Plenty of weapons to find and collect. Bosses were awesome. You got the Triforce at the end. Plus it was the first time that it featured a Link where you could enter your name and it would appear in the game. Also the first time that the Master Sword was used to deflect the bosses energy bolts, a theme that has now become tradition in the Zelda series. Oh, and of course, the first to introduce the idea of mad crazy chickens that came to kick your ass when you beat up one of them. Gotta love gang-mentality.
6. Super Metroid (SNES)
Everything that was awesome about the original Metroid, only given five-thousand lbs of steriods. All the old weapons, all the new weapons... SCREW ATTACK! Sound track was enhanced but carried with it many of the same old tunes. Ridley and Kraig... and Mother Brain... and the awesome HyperBeam that you got at the end when the Metroid comes to save you. Sweet.
5. Mortal Kombat II (SNES/Genesis)
This was a much harder decision to come by. I couldn't really determine whether I liked Mortal Kombat I or Mortal Kombat II better. Eventually I settled on this because this game featured more characters, more fatalities, more moves, but it hadn't gotten stupid yet. Save that for Mortal Kombat III (though i will argue that III had some saving graces... namely i believe it was the first MK to actually implement combos). Still... i wonder. I did like Goro of the first MK.
4. Super Smash Brothers Melee (Gamecube)
Ahh, again another hard decision. Go with the original or go with the update... and then it dawned on me... if it was merely an update then the original would win out... but Melee was more than a mere update. It was like someone took gold and turned it into... well... hmm i don't know cause nobody has taken gold and turned it into something far better than gold. While Melee had the same basic idea and similar moves... it took the gameplay far and above. The character additions, with the exception of fucking Doctor Mario (come on Nintendo... you already had Mario and Luigi, did we really need Doctor Mario when you could have at least had Wario??) was awesome. Personal favorites: Young Link -- which i own with, and Luigi -- who despite his awkward weirdly slow, yet oddly nimble movements, remained quite good in a fight. Still, i did for a moment want to say the original Smash Brothers, because i still remember the debate between Green Hat Pikachu and Blue Hat Pikachu...
Blue won, of course.
3. Super Mario Brothers 3 (NES)
Again... if it were a matter of just being an update, then i'd have said the original... but this game was also more than just an update, it was like a revelation of what could be done with a little bit of thought. Those sweet suits... Who can forget that? The Frog Suit, the Tonaka Suit, the HAMMER BROTHERS SUIT! Flying.... flying! Damn, the one thing i wish Melee would have incorporated would be at least one of those Suits for Mario or Luigi... or that bastard Doctor.
2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
Now i know that some will have complaints as to why i listed this game when i already have a Legend of Zelda game listed... but i have my reasons, and here are a few. The storyline became VASTLY more indepth with this game. Before this, the Zelda series was fairly indepth, but this took it to a whole new level. Second... The Legend of Zelda in a 3d environment. Third... a young and old Link. Fourth... The mad Chickens were back, but now they flew at you from all sides and all angles and various heights. As i learned quickly, 3d makes it very hard to escape from a bunch of crazed chickens. Fifth... Water Temple. The by far hardest temple I can remember from the Zelda series... except maybe a vague recollection of a water-type temple in Link to the Past. This game was in a league of it's own when it came to the N64. There are so many other reasons that i can't even begin to recall that this game deserves to be a top ten.
1. Sim City 2000 (PC/Mac)
This was a hard one to remember, but i remember it being fun. Building a city... then sending your natural forces to wreck havoc upon it. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy playing god with your little Sim City civilians.... because you know you did. The only problem i had with this was remembering which version was the version that I played, so i just went with 2000.
Upon finishing this list i realized a couple of things. I already don't agree with some of what i wrote... or rather, with the placement of some of these, and i will likely want to change them... but for now i'm leaving it... so... that's that. Secondly... all the systems were pretty much covered... or rather at least the major makers...
except for one: Microsoft... (PC doesn't count because at least as far as i understand it, Microsoft itself wasn't instrumental in making the game). I didn't say any Xbox games cause i hate xbox... well that and it's still relatively new... and the other systems are a bit older. Gamecube wouldn't have made it if not for Melee. I thought perhaps Halo for xbox... but i think CounterStrike would beat that... Fuck... counterstrike... okay so i told you that i forgot some games... Splinter Cell was another option... but i couldn't decide if it was too new still...
Anyway, that's all i've got to say on that. Laters.
1. you'll notice that there are no links to the 'quiz' and that it doesnt say : HE WAS THIS - WHAT ARE YOU? - because I jenked the image and didnt post the quiz-script, so technically - its an image not a quiz - so BAM I am WITHIN MY OWN LAWS. har har.
2. zacho : M*A*S*H sucked my C*O*C*K. And a short little fat one it is.
2. zacho : M*A*S*H sucked my C*O*C*K. And a short little fat one it is.
April 22, 2003
haha, breanna - i didnt know you monitored the board still - and what of justin? ( whom i forgot )
and what is the significance of " flock.jpg " ?
anyone else notice the board seems to be alive again? ( drew will you be posting often now? that rules )
I might be invinting more people. Anthony, Jon, Roody, Mike ( rigney ) again, considering Adam Wearn.
and now for some people I missed :
Justin: othwerise known as " glasses " - meeting outside of some asian guy's classroom ( dont remember his name ) in the junior high, right next to the entrance doors. Other notable characters who associate there consist of " Can-of-wax " / Cannifax and " Bubba " a one-very-large-toothed somewhat-retarded black boy.
Raechelle: Mr. Sawatski's class - a girl who continually bothers me and almost arouses me by not complying with what I tell her to do. First memeory is of her taking my shoe and not returning it - I get so angry I start entertaining rape fantasies.
J. D.: In the afore-mentioned class with Mr. Sawatski I was impressed that both he and his sister had MSI qualities and could actually "Think" as it were. I assimilated him during one of our " desk circle " discussions when he agreed with me, the topic i forget what it was.
Kyle: In a class, Junior high, Mr . . . Hall - algebra. He continually fails to do his homework and of all people, right before class - copies MY homework. This is when I use to do my homework and eventually because of people like him I cease to do so. Contributing factor to my cynical idea that school is not effective and being used at its maximum capabilities.
Joe ( korean ): First met in a classroom where i was a partner with him in a group. I did nothing he did everything. I laughed a lot, we got a B+. First memory is of coming home with him and we go to his kitchen where-in he removes A WHOLE MEATLOAF, slaps two pieces of bread onto it and calls it a sandwhich, EATS IT within FIVE MINUTES.
Anthony: walk into the " brand new " wizards of the coast at the mall to buy some cards. bought a starter and a booster for the fuck of it. I do not know who I had with me, but we walked into the " back room " to check things out where two other kids were sitting and playing MTG. One of them ( anthony - whom i did not know by name at this moment ) - calls us over and asks if we'd like to play. I told him that I didnt have a deck but I could make a shitty real quick one with the cards I bought. Needless to say I lost. I thought him to be very cocky and an asshole because he thought he was so good that he " WHOMPED MY ASS " and i didnt even have a deck of any caliber. I left the store with a bad feeling. LONG TIME LATER it turns out he says to me : " Hey james remember when we first met in wizards? " - i have no recollection of meeting anthony but do remember the asshole. Little did I know they were the same person. I laughed.
thats it for now.
and what is the significance of " flock.jpg " ?
anyone else notice the board seems to be alive again? ( drew will you be posting often now? that rules )
I might be invinting more people. Anthony, Jon, Roody, Mike ( rigney ) again, considering Adam Wearn.
and now for some people I missed :
Justin: othwerise known as " glasses " - meeting outside of some asian guy's classroom ( dont remember his name ) in the junior high, right next to the entrance doors. Other notable characters who associate there consist of " Can-of-wax " / Cannifax and " Bubba " a one-very-large-toothed somewhat-retarded black boy.
Raechelle: Mr. Sawatski's class - a girl who continually bothers me and almost arouses me by not complying with what I tell her to do. First memeory is of her taking my shoe and not returning it - I get so angry I start entertaining rape fantasies.
J. D.: In the afore-mentioned class with Mr. Sawatski I was impressed that both he and his sister had MSI qualities and could actually "Think" as it were. I assimilated him during one of our " desk circle " discussions when he agreed with me, the topic i forget what it was.
Kyle: In a class, Junior high, Mr . . . Hall - algebra. He continually fails to do his homework and of all people, right before class - copies MY homework. This is when I use to do my homework and eventually because of people like him I cease to do so. Contributing factor to my cynical idea that school is not effective and being used at its maximum capabilities.
Joe ( korean ): First met in a classroom where i was a partner with him in a group. I did nothing he did everything. I laughed a lot, we got a B+. First memory is of coming home with him and we go to his kitchen where-in he removes A WHOLE MEATLOAF, slaps two pieces of bread onto it and calls it a sandwhich, EATS IT within FIVE MINUTES.
Anthony: walk into the " brand new " wizards of the coast at the mall to buy some cards. bought a starter and a booster for the fuck of it. I do not know who I had with me, but we walked into the " back room " to check things out where two other kids were sitting and playing MTG. One of them ( anthony - whom i did not know by name at this moment ) - calls us over and asks if we'd like to play. I told him that I didnt have a deck but I could make a shitty real quick one with the cards I bought. Needless to say I lost. I thought him to be very cocky and an asshole because he thought he was so good that he " WHOMPED MY ASS " and i didnt even have a deck of any caliber. I left the store with a bad feeling. LONG TIME LATER it turns out he says to me : " Hey james remember when we first met in wizards? " - i have no recollection of meeting anthony but do remember the asshole. Little did I know they were the same person. I laughed.
thats it for now.
[overflowing lard]
So i was randomly looking around for pictures of crowds of men to photoshop james into so that he'd have something to dream about tonight instead of thinking about me and knee pads when i ran into this little clip on a message board and immediately i thougth of jimmoi:
I wanted to laugh... but i couldn't cause i suddenly imagined jOe on an elevator shifting around uncomfortably because all the 1/eigthers were bunched in their with him... and all he could do was frown and continue playing his pokémon magenta or whatever hell other color they have named it now...
i hate pokémon, probably almost as much as jimmoi hates fat people.
So i was randomly looking around for pictures of crowds of men to photoshop james into so that he'd have something to dream about tonight instead of thinking about me and knee pads when i ran into this little clip on a message board and immediately i thougth of jimmoi:
You're right 100% right. But dykes and fags are only the tip of the iceberg. What really represents "Depravation,immorality and disgusting" behavior are fat people. I mean come on, all they do is indulge in their own depraved obsession, whether it be cake or hot dogs. I can't even see their bones or muscles when they walk by, and I seriously find it disgusting. And the worst part is that they go out on the street every day, and I'm supposed to just grit my teeth, grin and bear it??
Look, I have some fat friends, so I know what I'm talking about. But it's not that hard to lose some damn weight! They just don't want to lose the weight because they're selfish. And to be honest, I feel discriminated against when I'm around them, because they take up so much more room than me. On an elevator, while they're selfishly taking up 1/7 of the space, I'm only taking up 1/8!
It's not that I have anything against fat people per se, it's just that they're immoral, selfish, self-centered jerks. Maybe deep down they're nice people, but I'd really feel more comfortable if they stayed out of the public eye and made themselves as hidden as possible.
After all, think of the children. If little Johnny sees a fat man walking down the street, he'll get the impression that it's okay to be fat! It will be the death of conventional morality as we know it.
I wanted to laugh... but i couldn't cause i suddenly imagined jOe on an elevator shifting around uncomfortably because all the 1/eigthers were bunched in their with him... and all he could do was frown and continue playing his pokémon magenta or whatever hell other color they have named it now...
i hate pokémon, probably almost as much as jimmoi hates fat people.
Damn you james...
that was awesome...
and one of those random ideas that came to my head once, but that i never followed up on... like those photoshop contests that we always talked of doing....
oh well... since i cannot prove that i actually thought of the idea to do what you did before, i would come off as simply a copycat... so i won't bother...
though i am sure you probably thought if it first, told me about it, and i eventually forgot the source of that brillant idea and figured, "ah what the hell, maybe i thought of it"
either way... awesome.
I may consider doing one myself, as some of us should, since each of us would have different first memories of the other, and it would be intriguing to see if some of them match up...
blah, but then i don't want to steal james idea... so... whatever...
in other news... considering this whole thing of graduating... I want to stay in college -- it's infectious really. But monetary issues concern me. It would be nice to get out and make real money... save it... then go back for a sociology degree, a philosophy degree, a bucket of chicken wings, and perhaps eventually a teaching degree.
oh, and my psychology masters or doctorate.
Estimated age upon finishing: 203 years old.
I don't want to graduate... but it seems as if perhaps i must. If i do... i damn well expect some of you, especially you james, to be there. I want you sitting up at the top, uppermost seat of whatever setup it there and talking with someone else about the randomest of topics...
because if you're not, i will come for you.
that was awesome...
and one of those random ideas that came to my head once, but that i never followed up on... like those photoshop contests that we always talked of doing....
oh well... since i cannot prove that i actually thought of the idea to do what you did before, i would come off as simply a copycat... so i won't bother...
though i am sure you probably thought if it first, told me about it, and i eventually forgot the source of that brillant idea and figured, "ah what the hell, maybe i thought of it"
either way... awesome.
I may consider doing one myself, as some of us should, since each of us would have different first memories of the other, and it would be intriguing to see if some of them match up...
blah, but then i don't want to steal james idea... so... whatever...
in other news... considering this whole thing of graduating... I want to stay in college -- it's infectious really. But monetary issues concern me. It would be nice to get out and make real money... save it... then go back for a sociology degree, a philosophy degree, a bucket of chicken wings, and perhaps eventually a teaching degree.
oh, and my psychology masters or doctorate.
Estimated age upon finishing: 203 years old.
I don't want to graduate... but it seems as if perhaps i must. If i do... i damn well expect some of you, especially you james, to be there. I want you sitting up at the top, uppermost seat of whatever setup it there and talking with someone else about the randomest of topics...
because if you're not, i will come for you.
ok, my post.
recently my mind has been working in " remember mode "
and i thought it was funny that i could remember how i first " think " of most of you. so here they are in no order :
if i say " first memory " it means not necissarily when we first met - but the first think i think.
anything else is " first meeting "
Andy: wandering around looking for what bus to get onto, i yelled at him from the transfer bus. then showed him where to go, a conversation that first day consisted of : " man oh man i love blowing my nose in the shower, you ever do that? " ( me ) - and him : " No, my mother doesnt let me do that, its too loud. " / no joke. for a moment i actually thought he misheard what I said.
Jeff: First memory is of him and andy walking over to my house and he was manic about bees i believe, and had a newspaper or was talking about swinging a newspaper at bees. it was either that or that he " had beat up " some kid named larry.
Jimmoi: Jeff had a friend whom he wanted me to meet. First memory is Jeff driving us to the library and me+jimmoi in the back seat, my head titled half-out the window thinking : " JESUS CHROIST THIS GUY IS ANNOYING. "
Steven: Heather D. and Breanna stop by my house to pick me up. I get in the car and they say : " Hey we can get steven too! " I say : " umm.. who is steven? " they say : " you're going to find out. " --- later on stop by steve's house and he gets in the car. " Hey steven, this is james. " " Hi james. " " umm.. "
Tarina: First memory is of the day i went to a play and found heather with mike all dressed up and we ' pseudo ' broke up and I was really angry and off-set, is of Tarina " poking " at me with questions while I was on the stairs.
Drew: First memory is of us in the auditorium with mike rigney talking about suicide after school one day.
Jesse: That kid with the trenchcoat who wore the JTHM shirt and I went through great lengths to get him to hate me via people and telling them that I absolutely hated him.
Andrew ( napster ): In class " I didnt know they made a soundtrack for vietnam. " - hahaha. and he wore the shirt which stated : " Napster " often.
Jeff ( Mr. R ) : Upon giving Napster his name, Mr. R exclaimed : " Hey I want a name! " - and I had recently just been thinking of the tarintino film resviour dogs. So I took the " Mr. " from that and then chose him to be Mr. Red. I didnt want the connection to be noticed well so I shortened it and called him Mr. R.
Bradbury: In Alec's class across the room sitting next to mr. Basher, an idiot. First memory is walking into mr. ball's class and there's bradbury and i called him pillsbury because I use to call him pillsbury in class. He didnt like that, so I figured pillsbury and bradbury were close enough and called him bradbury in it's stead.
Andrew Davis: Dating Breanna first memory of him is we're all at a football game and 'hanging' on the rails. He grabs Breanna's ass and she squeels like she always did squeel - someone asks me : " ARENT YOU GOING TO DO ANYTHING?! " - I shrug.
Breanna: Same class mentioned before with Bradbury, she is talking to bradbury and basher and i over here the conversation while going to scan something - it consists of : " You like someone, in this classroom? WHO IS IT? " - I felt nauseated for her because they were bothering her. Looking back i think that she was talking about me.
Heather: The story is well known already. I worked in the library as a T.A. and i was having a difficult day with sophmores and young women coming onto me. Tasha and Heather both came up to me and asked for my assistance to get a book and I yelled at them something along the lines of : " Im not unique god damnit dont come onto me! " - they did not recieve assistance and ran away.
Aaron: Me and Jimmoi had got into the habit of sitting on the stairs after school because neither of us wanted to go home and he told me of a guy he found who was ' worthy ' of association. We spoke about bringing him to the stairs, eventually he came one day.
Doreen: Engage Games Online. Played a bunch of games online and whenever the game was finished it would boot you to a chatroom. She was always in the chatroom because she didnt play any games. Her brother did.
Pinkos: She was a short troll-looking girl in my german class with braces, a lisp, and a really bad hygeine problem. People threw stuff at her a lot - half eaten food and paper balls and so forth - I was actually going to defend her and tell them to stop but then class ended and I figured that it would be best if I didnt, being she might develop feelings for me. I had a crush on her reguardless.
Mike Rigney: Science class / Mr. fields - he is drawing two tatoos on his hands and one is an upsidedown cross with a line below it. I ask him if he knew what that meant and he said yes. I laughed at him and told him that he'd regret it one day when he was old and wrinkly and that his grandchildren would ask what that was. He didnt seem to care.
Chrissie: Jimmoi and zacho come over. Im half dressed and they bring a girl in. panic.
Sarah: Someone in a class gets ahold of one of my mindmaps and somehow gets ahold of me with a letter. we hold a correspondence and I figure her to be just another young girl who's infatuated with me. I send her a story of mine called Mary and she writes back about how it was good and draws a picture to go with it. Turns out later she is an associate of mine's sister that I didnt even know had a sister.
Zacho: Jimmoi keeps talking about some guy he works with and wants to bring along with us on " jimmoi days " - eventually he comes along and thus begins the chronicles of TZA. Jimmoi also decides to try to assimilate a guy named Chris. It does not go as well.
Bonnie: A girl in my class, buisness law, who intrigues me and seems to get along with the teacher but who's friends dont seem to match her. I enjoy agitating her and eventually she starts to stay in the classroom with me and Jesse during lunch. Fun conversations ensue because she doesnt think like I do.
thats it.
hit me up if i forgot you.
recently my mind has been working in " remember mode "
and i thought it was funny that i could remember how i first " think " of most of you. so here they are in no order :
if i say " first memory " it means not necissarily when we first met - but the first think i think.
anything else is " first meeting "
Andy: wandering around looking for what bus to get onto, i yelled at him from the transfer bus. then showed him where to go, a conversation that first day consisted of : " man oh man i love blowing my nose in the shower, you ever do that? " ( me ) - and him : " No, my mother doesnt let me do that, its too loud. " / no joke. for a moment i actually thought he misheard what I said.
Jeff: First memory is of him and andy walking over to my house and he was manic about bees i believe, and had a newspaper or was talking about swinging a newspaper at bees. it was either that or that he " had beat up " some kid named larry.
Jimmoi: Jeff had a friend whom he wanted me to meet. First memory is Jeff driving us to the library and me+jimmoi in the back seat, my head titled half-out the window thinking : " JESUS CHROIST THIS GUY IS ANNOYING. "
Steven: Heather D. and Breanna stop by my house to pick me up. I get in the car and they say : " Hey we can get steven too! " I say : " umm.. who is steven? " they say : " you're going to find out. " --- later on stop by steve's house and he gets in the car. " Hey steven, this is james. " " Hi james. " " umm.. "
Tarina: First memory is of the day i went to a play and found heather with mike all dressed up and we ' pseudo ' broke up and I was really angry and off-set, is of Tarina " poking " at me with questions while I was on the stairs.
Drew: First memory is of us in the auditorium with mike rigney talking about suicide after school one day.
Jesse: That kid with the trenchcoat who wore the JTHM shirt and I went through great lengths to get him to hate me via people and telling them that I absolutely hated him.
Andrew ( napster ): In class " I didnt know they made a soundtrack for vietnam. " - hahaha. and he wore the shirt which stated : " Napster " often.
Jeff ( Mr. R ) : Upon giving Napster his name, Mr. R exclaimed : " Hey I want a name! " - and I had recently just been thinking of the tarintino film resviour dogs. So I took the " Mr. " from that and then chose him to be Mr. Red. I didnt want the connection to be noticed well so I shortened it and called him Mr. R.
Bradbury: In Alec's class across the room sitting next to mr. Basher, an idiot. First memory is walking into mr. ball's class and there's bradbury and i called him pillsbury because I use to call him pillsbury in class. He didnt like that, so I figured pillsbury and bradbury were close enough and called him bradbury in it's stead.
Andrew Davis: Dating Breanna first memory of him is we're all at a football game and 'hanging' on the rails. He grabs Breanna's ass and she squeels like she always did squeel - someone asks me : " ARENT YOU GOING TO DO ANYTHING?! " - I shrug.
Breanna: Same class mentioned before with Bradbury, she is talking to bradbury and basher and i over here the conversation while going to scan something - it consists of : " You like someone, in this classroom? WHO IS IT? " - I felt nauseated for her because they were bothering her. Looking back i think that she was talking about me.
Heather: The story is well known already. I worked in the library as a T.A. and i was having a difficult day with sophmores and young women coming onto me. Tasha and Heather both came up to me and asked for my assistance to get a book and I yelled at them something along the lines of : " Im not unique god damnit dont come onto me! " - they did not recieve assistance and ran away.
Aaron: Me and Jimmoi had got into the habit of sitting on the stairs after school because neither of us wanted to go home and he told me of a guy he found who was ' worthy ' of association. We spoke about bringing him to the stairs, eventually he came one day.
Doreen: Engage Games Online. Played a bunch of games online and whenever the game was finished it would boot you to a chatroom. She was always in the chatroom because she didnt play any games. Her brother did.
Pinkos: She was a short troll-looking girl in my german class with braces, a lisp, and a really bad hygeine problem. People threw stuff at her a lot - half eaten food and paper balls and so forth - I was actually going to defend her and tell them to stop but then class ended and I figured that it would be best if I didnt, being she might develop feelings for me. I had a crush on her reguardless.
Mike Rigney: Science class / Mr. fields - he is drawing two tatoos on his hands and one is an upsidedown cross with a line below it. I ask him if he knew what that meant and he said yes. I laughed at him and told him that he'd regret it one day when he was old and wrinkly and that his grandchildren would ask what that was. He didnt seem to care.
Chrissie: Jimmoi and zacho come over. Im half dressed and they bring a girl in. panic.
Sarah: Someone in a class gets ahold of one of my mindmaps and somehow gets ahold of me with a letter. we hold a correspondence and I figure her to be just another young girl who's infatuated with me. I send her a story of mine called Mary and she writes back about how it was good and draws a picture to go with it. Turns out later she is an associate of mine's sister that I didnt even know had a sister.
Zacho: Jimmoi keeps talking about some guy he works with and wants to bring along with us on " jimmoi days " - eventually he comes along and thus begins the chronicles of TZA. Jimmoi also decides to try to assimilate a guy named Chris. It does not go as well.
Bonnie: A girl in my class, buisness law, who intrigues me and seems to get along with the teacher but who's friends dont seem to match her. I enjoy agitating her and eventually she starts to stay in the classroom with me and Jesse during lunch. Fun conversations ensue because she doesnt think like I do.
thats it.
hit me up if i forgot you.
April 21, 2003
1. im trying to find someone who is good with websites to - well. " re do " the site - so i can chat with them / tell them what i would *LIKE* the board to become / and hopefully with luck and bubblegum, maybe a little bit of $$ on the side - we can get someone to make the board look swell and jumpstart it into running again.
oh. aaron has a surpise as well.
ill be posting when i get home from work. i got a good post.
oh. aaron has a surpise as well.
ill be posting when i get home from work. i got a good post.
Now that's some funny shit there Jimmi....I'll have to try that.
"Ask -Bradbury" was a short-lived attempt at an advice column by yours truly and the loose-slugs crew. Didn't really ever get going. Although, calling it short-lived isn't entirely correct, because it hasn't actually died. It's just been lying dormant since August. "Failed attempt" would be more apropriate.
It's at askbradbury.blogspot.com
The idea was to incorporate it in with this site, but it never amounted to much, so...
"Ask -Bradbury" was a short-lived attempt at an advice column by yours truly and the loose-slugs crew. Didn't really ever get going. Although, calling it short-lived isn't entirely correct, because it hasn't actually died. It's just been lying dormant since August. "Failed attempt" would be more apropriate.
It's at askbradbury.blogspot.com
The idea was to incorporate it in with this site, but it never amounted to much, so...
whats this?
lo - from the archives of " THE ASK BRADBURY FILES " comes . . .
i was just wondering....i have a girlfriend...what is the probability that i will have buttsex?
To answer your question directly, the probability is fairly high, perhaps between 75 and 80 percent. But to realize your buttsex potential, you must play your cards right.
It hinges on a lot of things. The main one is, in this proposed buttsex, who do you expect will be giving, and who will be receiving?
If your "girl" friend is either really a man, or enjoys the strap-on arts, the possibility of you waking up in the middle of the night with your man-virginity no longer intact is fairly high.
Now, if you want to be on the giving end of the buttsex, your chances may vary. If she's not too perceptive to the idea of sending your "Easy Rider" up the Hershey highway, there's nothing that a bottle of Southern Comfort and some Vaseline won't cure.....or so I've been told.
Perhaps you should bring it up in a nonchalant manner, by, say watching some anal-intense porn with her and asking what her opinion of that is. If she doesn't seem to like it, mention how much smaller your "endowments" are than the stars of the show. Or, maybe you would be better off not saying you have a little Oscar Meyer.
Good luck.
Bradbury called it.
And zacho did get the sex-de-boute.
lo - from the archives of " THE ASK BRADBURY FILES " comes . . .
i was just wondering....i have a girlfriend...what is the probability that i will have buttsex?
To answer your question directly, the probability is fairly high, perhaps between 75 and 80 percent. But to realize your buttsex potential, you must play your cards right.
It hinges on a lot of things. The main one is, in this proposed buttsex, who do you expect will be giving, and who will be receiving?
If your "girl" friend is either really a man, or enjoys the strap-on arts, the possibility of you waking up in the middle of the night with your man-virginity no longer intact is fairly high.
Now, if you want to be on the giving end of the buttsex, your chances may vary. If she's not too perceptive to the idea of sending your "Easy Rider" up the Hershey highway, there's nothing that a bottle of Southern Comfort and some Vaseline won't cure.....or so I've been told.
Perhaps you should bring it up in a nonchalant manner, by, say watching some anal-intense porn with her and asking what her opinion of that is. If she doesn't seem to like it, mention how much smaller your "endowments" are than the stars of the show. Or, maybe you would be better off not saying you have a little Oscar Meyer.
Good luck.
Bradbury called it.
And zacho did get the sex-de-boute.
Actually drew, it's not...
i've got aaron, andy wegener, and... uhm... collins has one of himself up to... but last i was told, he was losing to good ol' jOe.
i would put the others up, but my attempt at it went awry, so if you want the others up, you'll have to talk to james about that. I personally think that it'd be great to have either him or another like aaron or andy up next to jOe to have a real contest to view...
but james was against that because he thought it would be too much clutter. Still, if you want to have it, just tell him.
Laters, -- i'd write more but i'm sleepy as hell.
i've got aaron, andy wegener, and... uhm... collins has one of himself up to... but last i was told, he was losing to good ol' jOe.
i would put the others up, but my attempt at it went awry, so if you want the others up, you'll have to talk to james about that. I personally think that it'd be great to have either him or another like aaron or andy up next to jOe to have a real contest to view...
but james was against that because he thought it would be too much clutter. Still, if you want to have it, just tell him.
Laters, -- i'd write more but i'm sleepy as hell.
April 19, 2003
Frozen Tundra....the plates I'm getting for the new truck (I sent the application in the day after I got the registration) say "FROZEN"
And it's a Tundra. A blue Tundra....Sort of a theme I guess, the whole frozen/ice thing.
Anyway...This is the coolest car commercial ever. The only CGI in the entire ad is the arcs from the batteries...
And it's a Tundra. A blue Tundra....Sort of a theme I guess, the whole frozen/ice thing.
Anyway...This is the coolest car commercial ever. The only CGI in the entire ad is the arcs from the batteries...
April 18, 2003
Um...Linux is Unix. They both comply with the POSIX standards, and anything under that is capable of pretty much the same stuff.
It really depends on whose "flavor" or specific builds you're using.
There are easily a dozen different makers of both...but they all use the same basic idea. I'm thinking closer to two dozen actually...
As far as ease of use....It all varies by what you're using. Redhat is much much easier than, say, Solaris. But Mac OS X is far easier to install and use than Redhat. Nortel phone systems use yet another kind (their own) and it's very difficult to use.
The general idea is all the same....and Microsoft is the only company that still goes it alone with their own brand of BS....which is, by the way, a ripped-off version of OS/2. Hell, even the original DOS source code was stolen.
But yes, unix does rule. It rulse heavily.
It really depends on whose "flavor" or specific builds you're using.
There are easily a dozen different makers of both...but they all use the same basic idea. I'm thinking closer to two dozen actually...
As far as ease of use....It all varies by what you're using. Redhat is much much easier than, say, Solaris. But Mac OS X is far easier to install and use than Redhat. Nortel phone systems use yet another kind (their own) and it's very difficult to use.
The general idea is all the same....and Microsoft is the only company that still goes it alone with their own brand of BS....which is, by the way, a ripped-off version of OS/2. Hell, even the original DOS source code was stolen.
But yes, unix does rule. It rulse heavily.
Let's just look at what Microsoft offers:
Pay outrageous amounts of money for a piece of software, and you get:
Little documentation.
Little to no useful technical support.
Endless streams of patches and service packs, few of which actually solve problems.
Nothing that is industry standard.
Then they come out with a new version, where they've done little more than pretty it up, and you have to pay for that. If you don't, your machine is obsolete, and won't work with any of the new software.
People started using it because it came with their computer.
It comes with computers because Microsoft offers incentives to manufacturers to sell it with the machine, and then traps them into the deal.
Microsoft is better at selling software than writing code.
They have ahold of the market for desktop machines because of their business practices. When you step up into the world of IT, where people need shit to work, Microsoft becomes a minor player to companies like Redhat and Sun. In some cases, the Windows solution is cheaper, but the Unix/Linux solution has better support, is more developed and will show massive increases in stability and functionality.
So I guess to be more accurate: If you're using Windows, you're Microsoft's bitch.
Pay outrageous amounts of money for a piece of software, and you get:
Little documentation.
Little to no useful technical support.
Endless streams of patches and service packs, few of which actually solve problems.
Nothing that is industry standard.
Then they come out with a new version, where they've done little more than pretty it up, and you have to pay for that. If you don't, your machine is obsolete, and won't work with any of the new software.
People started using it because it came with their computer.
It comes with computers because Microsoft offers incentives to manufacturers to sell it with the machine, and then traps them into the deal.
Microsoft is better at selling software than writing code.
They have ahold of the market for desktop machines because of their business practices. When you step up into the world of IT, where people need shit to work, Microsoft becomes a minor player to companies like Redhat and Sun. In some cases, the Windows solution is cheaper, but the Unix/Linux solution has better support, is more developed and will show massive increases in stability and functionality.
So I guess to be more accurate: If you're using Windows, you're Microsoft's bitch.
April 17, 2003
Maybe, depends on qualifications.....
We have a couple technician positions currently being filled by substitutes, but with the massive budget cutbacks from the state, we'll probably lose those. Might lose one or two of the full-time techs we have right now also. Not that it matters to me...I'm fifth from the bottom right now anyway.
We have a couple technician positions currently being filled by substitutes, but with the massive budget cutbacks from the state, we'll probably lose those. Might lose one or two of the full-time techs we have right now also. Not that it matters to me...I'm fifth from the bottom right now anyway.
April 15, 2003
you thought jimmoi had the bitches up north.
but really, we've got the hoes down here too.
Meet : Mallory the ice-cream loving Mammoth
picture here
you'll notice I made a link to her picture. because it is large. she'll enjoy you as a snack. her and jOe should hook up. maybe she could have jimmoi as a ' side dish ' - her little asian cream puff of love, so to speak. some of her interests? Here I'll make some sentences out of them and bold the one's she mentioned.
" "I really want to fuck myself some black men who are caring and dedicated christians who are devoted to their family and funloving friends. Im fat, fat, fat, honest as you can see - real laid back and I be keeping it real. Just relax and we'll get to understanding eachother, Im real determined to get some action. call me "
thats what I'd imagine her to say.
other than that, you fuckers should stop inflating the votes on the count.
either that or jOe gets more bitches then me.
wait-a-minute, no wonder i'll get low votes, the internet is PROLIFERATED with FAT WHORES like THIS ONE.
but really, we've got the hoes down here too.
Meet : Mallory the ice-cream loving Mammoth
you'll notice I made a link to her picture. because it is large. she'll enjoy you as a snack. her and jOe should hook up. maybe she could have jimmoi as a ' side dish ' - her little asian cream puff of love, so to speak. some of her interests? Here I'll make some sentences out of them and bold the one's she mentioned.
" "I really want to fuck myself some black men who are caring and dedicated christians who are devoted to their family and funloving friends. Im fat, fat, fat, honest as you can see - real laid back and I be keeping it real. Just relax and we'll get to understanding eachother, Im real determined to get some action. call me "
thats what I'd imagine her to say.
other than that, you fuckers should stop inflating the votes on the count.
either that or jOe gets more bitches then me.
wait-a-minute, no wonder i'll get low votes, the internet is PROLIFERATED with FAT WHORES like THIS ONE.
April 14, 2003
so me and jeff have decided to put a lot of us on hotornot.com
to see how we ' rank ' against jOe the large.
and uh.
so i went onto the website and got an old picture of myself at random.
and umm.
he's beating me by .1
to see how we ' rank ' against jOe the large.
and uh.
so i went onto the website and got an old picture of myself at random.
and umm.
he's beating me by .1
those commie bastards ( hot or not dot com ) seemingly have tried to make an advertisement on loose-slugs appear.
i dont know how abouts they got around to implanting a code... but eh.
aint there no more. har.
( update :
ok - so it wasnt hot or not dot com bastards, rather - jeff bastard-o.
the link itself is a link to our very own jOe - being placed onto hot or not dot com
so im gonna put it back up there so we can all see how well he's doing.
( as per jeff's request )
it'll come down .. .. .. after awhile ;)
i dont know how abouts they got around to implanting a code... but eh.
aint there no more. har.
( update :
ok - so it wasnt hot or not dot com bastards, rather - jeff bastard-o.
the link itself is a link to our very own jOe - being placed onto hot or not dot com
so im gonna put it back up there so we can all see how well he's doing.
( as per jeff's request )
it'll come down .. .. .. after awhile ;)
These things are the biggest pieces of crap to grace the roads since....
Well, they're huge, so there really isn't much else with which to compare them.
They are made to be tough. And they are very tough indeed. When they actually move. The main attractions for the military to these things are it's ability to withstand damage, the widespread configurations possible with the same basic chassis, and the how easy they are to repair.
Then you have the civilian version, now call the "H1." Same basic chassis as the military version, yet somehow GM managed to make the engines and electronics suck even worse.
Then GM decides, in it's infinite wisdom, to make a "new" hummer, based on their pickup platform. So, they come out with the atrociously hideous beast dubbed "H2."
True, they are both very capable vehicles. Both the H1 and H2 can go a lot of places your average off-the-lot Chevy can't. That doesn't make them off-road allstars by any means.
But man-o-man, do they suck.
These things are the biggest pieces of crap to grace the roads since....
Well, they're huge, so there really isn't much else with which to compare them.
They are made to be tough. And they are very tough indeed. When they actually move. The main attractions for the military to these things are it's ability to withstand damage, the widespread configurations possible with the same basic chassis, and the how easy they are to repair.
Then you have the civilian version, now call the "H1." Same basic chassis as the military version, yet somehow GM managed to make the engines and electronics suck even worse.
Then GM decides, in it's infinite wisdom, to make a "new" hummer, based on their pickup platform. So, they come out with the atrociously hideous beast dubbed "H2."
True, they are both very capable vehicles. Both the H1 and H2 can go a lot of places your average off-the-lot Chevy can't. That doesn't make them off-road allstars by any means.
But man-o-man, do they suck.
I saw jimmoi's post about pan...
and after the initial shock that came with that picture, and the further shock that came with viewing the website... (actually, i wouldn't even call it shock when you curl into the fetal position and beg for death from one of your roommates)...
i remembered something that lingered in the back of my mind.
Jimmy has a Peter Pan Shirt.
Coincidence. I wasn't about to buy that. So i did some investigative snooping with my old friend Harry Wapler (who is NOT enjoying his retirement, i might add...) and we managed to find this picture on Pan-boy's website hidden away where nobody thought he would find it.
Brace yourselves:
Suffice it to say, i was utterly shocked... again. I don't know what to make of it. Jimmy says that him and fordyce found it one night... but i'm beginning to suspect that maybe jimmy knew of this a long time ago. Maybe... this is all a lover's spat... hmm... maybe this Jimmoi called it quits after he found out this Pan guy was two timing him with... Zacho?!
That's right. Not only did Wapler and i find the Jimmy love pic, but apparently there was good ol' Zacho in his black and white pic:
Judging by Zacho's facial expression and the placement of Pan's hands, zacho must really be enjoying himself.
Is THIS why Jimmy joined the airforce and zacho moved halfway across the country? All because of this bastard tearing them apart?! How incredibly sad...
I just hope one day that zacho and jimmy can put the past behind them and live in surrealistic peace.
I saw jimmoi's post about pan...
and after the initial shock that came with that picture, and the further shock that came with viewing the website... (actually, i wouldn't even call it shock when you curl into the fetal position and beg for death from one of your roommates)...
i remembered something that lingered in the back of my mind.
Jimmy has a Peter Pan Shirt.
Coincidence. I wasn't about to buy that. So i did some investigative snooping with my old friend Harry Wapler (who is NOT enjoying his retirement, i might add...) and we managed to find this picture on Pan-boy's website hidden away where nobody thought he would find it.
Brace yourselves:
Suffice it to say, i was utterly shocked... again. I don't know what to make of it. Jimmy says that him and fordyce found it one night... but i'm beginning to suspect that maybe jimmy knew of this a long time ago. Maybe... this is all a lover's spat... hmm... maybe this Jimmoi called it quits after he found out this Pan guy was two timing him with... Zacho?!
That's right. Not only did Wapler and i find the Jimmy love pic, but apparently there was good ol' Zacho in his black and white pic:
Judging by Zacho's facial expression and the placement of Pan's hands, zacho must really be enjoying himself.
Is THIS why Jimmy joined the airforce and zacho moved halfway across the country? All because of this bastard tearing them apart?! How incredibly sad...
I just hope one day that zacho and jimmy can put the past behind them and live in surrealistic peace.
thats what they were called. otherwise known as HUM - VEEs. The crowning glory of all that was motor vehicle delightfullness. Owning or even seeing a Humvee on the road was like a blessing from God, saying onto you : " Damn, arent you glad you have this? " or " Damn, you need to save up three years worth of savings to buy one, but oh - it would be worth it. " And on the way home today I hit a rather sour bump in the knowledge of that which is HUMVEE. The new and improved HumVee. If you were to go to school, say five or six years ago, and told everyone that your mother had bought a HUMVEE and she drove you to school in it - people would be in awe. They'd probably covet your mother as being someone so cool that you'd have friends you didnt even know of. Now, I imagine it to be commonplace. Soccer-moms wont be going twenty miles per hour in a thirty five mile per hour zone in a MINI VAN anymore, they'll be going NINETEEN miles perhour in a THIRTY FIVE mile per hour zone ( so as not to scratch the car ) - in THE BRAND NEW BETTER VERSION of the HUMVEE.
have you people seen this? Have you witnessed its grotesque sickness? I almost wanted to shoot the damnable thing that was in front of me in hopes that it would somehow put it out of it's automotive misery. Now soccer-moms will take TWO FULL TEAMS to soccer games in their hybrid humvee-suv piece of shit blah blah blah whawrhg. Everything I hold sacred eventually gets polluted by capitalism.
and jimmoi - that peterpan guy. he's world renown. he's probably got more money ( from that website ) and more pussy ( just for being a panzy faggot ass ) than both of us and anyone else we know combined. Although its more than peterpan now - but him dressed up in little girl outfits. wtf?
April 13, 2003
Hello. (understated, i know. what did you expect, trumpets blaring?)
For some of you, i wonder if you remember me... eh... hehe, don't really care.
I realized something last night. Well, two things. One, my roommate joe snores exactly like my wave sound generator... so i can sleep peacefully now when he snores. I worry about that.
And two... turning twenty-two yesterday was like being recast into life, which is part of why i feel like posting now, after so long. I feel like i have something to say and the motivation to say it.
Do you know why 22 is significant? Simply... because it's not.
When you're born, there are birthdates to look forward to: 16 - driving, 18 - the draft (okay, that could be pro or con), and the façade of adulthood, 21 - buying alcohol...
Then... 22. There is nothing after twenty-two, at least not for a long time, just like when you're born. Sadly... after 22, the only thing to look forward to is 40 - midlife crisis. Oh... and death... we can't forget that one... but really that doesn't count cause you don't know what your last birthday will be before death... so really, it's only 40...
ooh... and 65 - retirement, but that seems to gradually increase, until one day there will be no retirement, only specialized machines that allow you to work until your unknown death date.
I don't mean for that all to be dark and gloomy... rather i find this newfound age to be great. I'm not held back waiting for another birthday so that i can do more things. I can do more things now, cause their really are no restrictions set down according to age.
And i feel... refreshed. Yeeup... like a browser window, when all the crap on the screen starts to bog down the system, and you go up and hit refresh and it all comes back faster... and whatnot...
hmm, okay, crappy analogy...
but still... you get the point.
Hello. (understated, i know. what did you expect, trumpets blaring?)
For some of you, i wonder if you remember me... eh... hehe, don't really care.
I realized something last night. Well, two things. One, my roommate joe snores exactly like my wave sound generator... so i can sleep peacefully now when he snores. I worry about that.
And two... turning twenty-two yesterday was like being recast into life, which is part of why i feel like posting now, after so long. I feel like i have something to say and the motivation to say it.
Do you know why 22 is significant? Simply... because it's not.
When you're born, there are birthdates to look forward to: 16 - driving, 18 - the draft (okay, that could be pro or con), and the façade of adulthood, 21 - buying alcohol...
Then... 22. There is nothing after twenty-two, at least not for a long time, just like when you're born. Sadly... after 22, the only thing to look forward to is 40 - midlife crisis. Oh... and death... we can't forget that one... but really that doesn't count cause you don't know what your last birthday will be before death... so really, it's only 40...
ooh... and 65 - retirement, but that seems to gradually increase, until one day there will be no retirement, only specialized machines that allow you to work until your unknown death date.
I don't mean for that all to be dark and gloomy... rather i find this newfound age to be great. I'm not held back waiting for another birthday so that i can do more things. I can do more things now, cause their really are no restrictions set down according to age.
And i feel... refreshed. Yeeup... like a browser window, when all the crap on the screen starts to bog down the system, and you go up and hit refresh and it all comes back faster... and whatnot...
hmm, okay, crappy analogy...
but still... you get the point.
April 11, 2003
ladies and gentlemen. for your viewing pleasure.
a poem composed entirely of " andy away messeges and bio-info " entitled :
" I am riddled with secrets "
Riddled with secrets
I am riddled with secrets.
ya know ya wants me
dont you wish you were in my thoughts?
come join me.
bored as hell
wishing things were different.
Watching the flame of my candle dance,
letting it work on me as it usually does.
wishing i was somewhere else, with someone else.
wheres the icebear ?
Im around - though Im only eager to talk to one person in particular
I hope you feel better, -muah- talk with me later
you want me ? call the other phone, its next to me.
( doesnt mean it'll wake me up =p )
Around the house. someplace.
Rented "Sorority Boys"
probably -off-
-might- mind you
Should be back shortly - 30mins or so.
have patience wait for me, patience my sweet
wanderin around with my towel
in the house
outside burning.
about someone I know.
not like you'd care anyway.
I had a great dream last night
was about someone I know.
It's mine though, so don't ask about it.
I am riddled with secrets...
My heart is the vault for many of these.
Only two people have that key - I'm one, the other is Shower - mmm.
why dont you ... SCREW ME ? !
a poem composed entirely of " andy away messeges and bio-info " entitled :
" I am riddled with secrets "
Riddled with secrets
I am riddled with secrets.
ya know ya wants me
dont you wish you were in my thoughts?
come join me.
bored as hell
wishing things were different.
Watching the flame of my candle dance,
letting it work on me as it usually does.
wishing i was somewhere else, with someone else.
wheres the icebear ?
Im around - though Im only eager to talk to one person in particular
I hope you feel better, -muah- talk with me later
you want me ? call the other phone, its next to me.
( doesnt mean it'll wake me up =p )
Around the house. someplace.
Rented "Sorority Boys"
probably -off-
-might- mind you
Should be back shortly - 30mins or so.
have patience wait for me, patience my sweet
wanderin around with my towel
in the house
outside burning.
about someone I know.
not like you'd care anyway.
I had a great dream last night
was about someone I know.
It's mine though, so don't ask about it.
I am riddled with secrets...
My heart is the vault for many of these.
Only two people have that key - I'm one, the other is Shower - mmm.
why dont you ... SCREW ME ? !
April 08, 2003
I don't know if I posted this bitd, but here goes.
This is my good friend from Jr. High, Tiffie. You can also see her on "Girls Gone Wild, New Orleans!" I'm sooo sick of finding her periodically in a porn site pop up on my computer. So, yeah. I'm so proud of my friend, the entamology student at LSU, Tiffie.
This is my good friend from Jr. High, Tiffie. You can also see her on "Girls Gone Wild, New Orleans!" I'm sooo sick of finding her periodically in a porn site pop up on my computer. So, yeah. I'm so proud of my friend, the entamology student at LSU, Tiffie.
April 07, 2003
I get bored with people over time, I know this. For that reason I eventually wonder away from people myself or let friendships fade. I do it unconsciously for the most part, but even once I realize what I’ve done I don’t try to resurrect my friendships; the lost causes. There have been a few people in my life who I have tried to hold on to, but by the time I did try to save the relationship, it was to late.
A**** from my youth, my family moved away from where I could see her. By the time my mom took me back to the old neighborhood, I found out she had moved the summer before.
S**** and M*****… both gentle and trusting souls. S**** my chow chow I named after her, my best friend. Meadow moved away with her family. I haven’t heard from her since.
L****** T******, I thought she was a great person. She ended up giving me a “three strikes” your out kind of thing because the way I acted and dressed embarrassed her in front of the ‘popular’ people at school.
T**, J*****, ‘Crazy’ *****, little ****y, and E******* all graduated last year. E******* wrote to me once last fall, but I never wrote her back. TomTom I still have some contact with, but not much.
A****, *****, and all the people I left behind in Sweden that I never said good-bye to, I only ever wrote the first two for a short while. Then stopped without ever giving them a reason.
_____________________, I care more for him more then all of the above said people combined. I’ve know _____, my ________, less than a year and I love him more than I know how to say. It hurts my heart to look at how much he makes me feel because I’m so afraid of loosing him.
I know that loving someone isn’t enough to make a relationship last. You have to have trust, communication, respect for the other’s privacy, and friendship. I think that these are the key four key things to a foundation of a long-lasting relationship. _____ and I have very good trust, our communication is pretty damn good at times but at other times I wonder where it’s gone, we have a mutual respect for the other’s privacy though I know I cross the boundary with him sometimes, and we don’t really have a friendship.
I know that I want to be friends with him. I want to go out anywhere or stay at home and be able to have a grand time with him, goof off, banter with him, relax in front of a movie, talk for hours about whatever…ect. Nevertheless we are very different he and I. He’s told me, written to me that because of our differences that he can’t act like a friend, or just be a friend. I think in some way I’m the same as he.
In the past few months we have both asked ourselves and eachother repeatedly if we should stay together. We both do this because we don’t know it if will last, and if it doesn’t, how much more will the other be hurt than they would be if our relationship were called off now. Then again, there is still that question of what if it does last? How great or long will it be if we stay together…?
As I see it now, without friendship, it won’t last.
_____ has proposed that we are just friends for a while and I will agree to this, yet I’m afraid. I cry as I read the letter he gave me, I cry now as I write all of this and think of him. In my mind though, I’m preparing myself to lose him. This scares me most of all. How is it I can do that? How is it I can say to myself, “Know that it’s coming, You’ll loose him, know it.” My mind plays against itself. My heart and my soul don’t know reason and logic as my mind does, all I really do is feel…. How can I be as I am, saying that I am the way I am… when all I really want is to be with _____ and say DAMN YOU to rest of the world or anyone, including myself for trying to take up apart.
[True or False? Then again, who really gives a fuck.]
A**** from my youth, my family moved away from where I could see her. By the time my mom took me back to the old neighborhood, I found out she had moved the summer before.
S**** and M*****… both gentle and trusting souls. S**** my chow chow I named after her, my best friend. Meadow moved away with her family. I haven’t heard from her since.
L****** T******, I thought she was a great person. She ended up giving me a “three strikes” your out kind of thing because the way I acted and dressed embarrassed her in front of the ‘popular’ people at school.
T**, J*****, ‘Crazy’ *****, little ****y, and E******* all graduated last year. E******* wrote to me once last fall, but I never wrote her back. TomTom I still have some contact with, but not much.
A****, *****, and all the people I left behind in Sweden that I never said good-bye to, I only ever wrote the first two for a short while. Then stopped without ever giving them a reason.
_____________________, I care more for him more then all of the above said people combined. I’ve know _____, my ________, less than a year and I love him more than I know how to say. It hurts my heart to look at how much he makes me feel because I’m so afraid of loosing him.
I know that loving someone isn’t enough to make a relationship last. You have to have trust, communication, respect for the other’s privacy, and friendship. I think that these are the key four key things to a foundation of a long-lasting relationship. _____ and I have very good trust, our communication is pretty damn good at times but at other times I wonder where it’s gone, we have a mutual respect for the other’s privacy though I know I cross the boundary with him sometimes, and we don’t really have a friendship.
I know that I want to be friends with him. I want to go out anywhere or stay at home and be able to have a grand time with him, goof off, banter with him, relax in front of a movie, talk for hours about whatever…ect. Nevertheless we are very different he and I. He’s told me, written to me that because of our differences that he can’t act like a friend, or just be a friend. I think in some way I’m the same as he.
In the past few months we have both asked ourselves and eachother repeatedly if we should stay together. We both do this because we don’t know it if will last, and if it doesn’t, how much more will the other be hurt than they would be if our relationship were called off now. Then again, there is still that question of what if it does last? How great or long will it be if we stay together…?
As I see it now, without friendship, it won’t last.
_____ has proposed that we are just friends for a while and I will agree to this, yet I’m afraid. I cry as I read the letter he gave me, I cry now as I write all of this and think of him. In my mind though, I’m preparing myself to lose him. This scares me most of all. How is it I can do that? How is it I can say to myself, “Know that it’s coming, You’ll loose him, know it.” My mind plays against itself. My heart and my soul don’t know reason and logic as my mind does, all I really do is feel…. How can I be as I am, saying that I am the way I am… when all I really want is to be with _____ and say DAMN YOU to rest of the world or anyone, including myself for trying to take up apart.
[True or False? Then again, who really gives a fuck.]
April 03, 2003
April 02, 2003
Okay - I just tried to post this, and it didn't work, so I'm even more pissed off than I was when I started - but here goes again -
So, I know you guys are going to make hella fun of me for being so pissed/ upset/ angry about this one, but I'm going to bitch anyway.
I don't know if any of you know what I'm talking about here, but I know this guy who somehow watches TV by satelite over the internet. How that works - well, if you know, You'll have to expalin it to me, because I've got nothing. So anyway, he can get any channel pretty much in the world, and so his current facourite is Al Gisera. So he, knowing full well that my friend James Miller is in the armed forces, this video of the execution of six American POWs. They were the engineers that were ambushed and executed like a week ago or something, and he fucking shows this to me. I have so many friends in the ARMY/Air Farce, and all this has done is give me fuel for horrific fantasies of all these peoplel going off to war to die horrible deaths in the world'd biggest fucking sandbox. Grr. and the icing on the cake is this - the last man they execute, they show his interrogation as well. This poor fucking kid can't be older than about 25 years old, and they're slamming him with leading question after leading question - Why are you here? (because I was sent here) Why do you wnat to murder Iraqi people? (I don't - I was ordered not to shoot unless shot at.) This goes on and on - and then they ask him his name. PFC James Miller. I about had a fucking heart attack right then and there.
Now, tell me something - why would someone wnat to show me something like that? I've been fuming ever since. However, I have to show my "nerves of steel" to these people - as they often try to upset me just to see me upset - and so, in true fashion, I ate my dinner while I watched this whole thing.
So - you can all make fun of me all you want now, because I could sit there and eat while I watched the execution of James Miller, but now I'm obsessing over losing Alyssa and Jimi and all my friends who may be sent overseas. Yeah - Fuck you all.
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