September 14, 2001

I think I support Jesse to the fullest!

I am an American, and I am proud of that. I have a unique prospective as compared to most of you-perhaps all, I don't know-in that I was not always considered a citizen of any country due to what amounts to a filing error. So don't go thinking I'm denouncing America or her people.

This whole thing has upset me because of fake patriotism. I see people waving their flags, showing how they love this country,and can't help but think, "Wait a second-On Monday, didn't I hear you talking about the injustice in this country, how you didn't resect its leaders, how you'd rather be somewhere else? Where was this spirit last week? I thought you -supported- burning flags." I can't take "Well, I did last week!" as a good enough answer.

Today, I dropped by Bethel to discuss Jerry Falwell's comments this moring with Miss Devlin. Her husband is acting like the rest of American-when-convient Americans. There is some 'god bless America' or whatever poster hanging up in the hallway-and on the bottom, someone signed 'Fuck the Pakies!'. That's sheer ignorance from someone who I'm sure didn't even know Pakistan existed on Monday evening. That seems to be the general spirit these days.

Or actions will, I'm certain, be swift and devastating to whoever we eventually decide did this. and afterwards, when the drone of war is forgotten and the citizens of New York and Washington DC fade into the background, the same people who are proud to be Americans today will go back to their usual ignorance of the world and disrespect for thier elected officials, military protectors, and educators.

To think I wanted to post about [excitement!!!] how I finally saw Mr.Hitler today.

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