that is my weekend.
to begin with : I would like to point out that my car no longer functions merely because I failed to yield at a green light and slammed into another moving vehicle. Please notice how another moving vehicle is not A STATIONARY TREE. I also was not under the influence of any substances. I have a ticket I must pay, and a towing fee. thats about it. of course my insurance will go up. and I will have to struggle to get to work each day until I save up enough money in which to buy another P-05 car. flugh.
moving on / as you can see from bradbury's pictures I took Aaron out on a little one-on-one shoot-out for paintball. I was going to school him like no other. I walked passed the building and calculated that he went AROUND the house. So I was going to come out behind him. But I failed to remember that there were tires behind the house. ( are those new? ) lo and behold, we startled the fuck out of eachother, he shot me once in the thumb because I rolled on the ground / trying to avoid him. I was shot then in the hand, which you'll see through bradbury's photo-shoots. it's a yummy one, hopefully it will be a scar. fun.
The fast and the furious was a movie beyond all possible descriptive words. The best way of putting it was when Jimmoi leaned over and said : " It's like one big long music video! " - and then the movie seemed to have some sense of "direction" - bradbury was entirely right about it being car porn, with the exception that pornography has a general sense of " plot " as well. As Andy said : " That makes fucking the burgular seem rather viable " - or well, not in those exact words. It bothers me that homecoming will be ... " about " that? I dont see how. After-wards we went to sharis. we were all tired. everything was slow. and then Sammi came up to me. we had an interesting conversation. it went as thus :
All of us: Hey Sammi.
Sammi: so that's one coffee, three waters? - hey you guys going to be around for awhile because in an hour I can show you my tattoo.
All of us: why not just show it in here?
Sammi: something ( mumble mumble ) yadda yadda
All of us: ok . . .
Sammi: and dont go asking "what does that say?" because it doesnt say anything - i showed some people it earlier and they said that and I said " it doesnt fuckin say anything! "
Sammi goes off, we wait awhile, he comes back
Sammi: so you guys ready to order?
Jimmoi orders some steak. Andy orders some ... breakfast thing. Jeff orders cheese fries. Jimmoi orders cheese fries for Aaron. I order blueberry pancakes.
Sammi: ok, thanks guys.
more time passes, Sammi then comes back
Sammi: so how's your girlfriend?
Me: ( laughing ) I have no girlfriend, but I know who you mean.
Sammi: oh....
Me: she'll probably come by and slip you a napkin someday and ask { edited }
But a word to the wise, stay out of the ( taps on head ).
Sammi: ( laughing more ) oh no no no.
Sammi moves forward, pulls up his right arm / brandishing a tatoo
Me: ahh ... GATACA
Sammi: ( jokingly ) fuck you man.
The tattoo featured a double helix, which at the end turned into a broken barcode. at the top in text it said " I am silence " ... then Sammi said he would no longer allow women to maintain control over him because of his cock. That he wouldnt touch her because women are more trouble than their worth. he then began to recite something about life, and silence, and then finished off with " I am silence " - I imagine the entire quote/recital was tatooed on his back. Finishing off with " I know Im a barcode but you know what? Fucking so are you " - he began walking away towards the coffee machine.
Sammi and me simultaneously: Women are just fucking insane.
Sammi and me simultaneously: Thank you.
it was funny. I laughed.
then I came home and slept.
a weekend that memories are made of.
one hell of ride.
a fast, and furious, ride.
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