I have a brother. His name is Luke. I don't talk about him much, if at all, because well...he is a dissapointment. Think of some of the most annoying people you remember in high school, and compile them. You have my brother. Some of you may have seen him in school. He's currently a senior at Bethel. He's also an idiot, and that's not some sort of misplaced brotherly anger or anything. He really is.
I think, personally, that it stems from being a middle child, or not being loved, or some other psychological crap like that. Who knows, maybe its all of the above, and then some. I think he was once dropped on his head. And then again, there was the time that he was hit by a swing while walking behind someone swinging very high. It was a special type of swing that had some metal part. He survived, but i think it knocked him silly or something.
Here is a picture of him:
Just look at him. That smirk. Doesn't it scream serial muggist, rapist, or "The Fast and the Furious" director?
NOTE: Sorry Steve, i know you like that movie, and i respect the fact that you and drew liked it for the fast cars... But that movie stole 2 and a half hours of my life that i'll never get back. I still have the nightmares...the horrid horrid nightmares. My life now feels like something is missing. I think its a really loud soundtrack intersparsed with the sounds of engines revving.
Yeeup. That's my brother. You think he's harmless eh? Well, let me assure you, he's not. It's like he lives up to every bad stereotype out their for men and islanders. Oh yeah, did i forget his "island pride". Guh....
Let's also just say this. He bought "Entrapment" and thoroughly enjoys it. He also thoroughly enjoys "Mission Impossible 2". The list could go on, but my body and mind won't allow me to punish myself further.
Well, apparently their is yet a darker side to my brother. Some investigative reporting has uncovered a little secret. My brother tutors. Ah, but that's not the bad part. Want to know what i'm talking about. Well, just look and see for yourself:
Scary. Yes. Just wait. You remember that picture of him above. You'll be seeing that on power polls, with a warning about him living in your neighborhood.
Yeah, i'd say that was misplaced love as a child. Or middle child. Or...
ah hell...he's just a Paulino.
Do you remember that little league fiasco? Well, the coach of the kid who turned out to be 14 instead of 12 was a Paulino.
That doesn't bode well for me does it? In time eventually my version of the curse will manifest itself.
Then it will come back and get me in the ass.
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