I'm packing as we speak to go back up to the dorms. Nice thing really, as i miss it incredibly. Don't get me wrong, i've enjoyed coming down here and hanging out with everyone. In fact, that has rather been the highlight of my time spent down here. Paintball was excellent by the way, as well as all the times spent at Sharis and Top Foods.
Anyway, the next time i post will probably be from the dorms. Expect some new odd creations from the mind of me. Let's see, what else. Well, if anybody decides to visit me, i'll leave my address at the dorms when i get up there. I'll also tell everyone when i'll be up there and when i'll be away. Sometimes it gets boring there and i go around Seattle looking for stuff to do. There is far more stuff to do there than in Roy.
I'm allowed to have guests, and so if anyone wants a tour of the place, or to check out some of the classes on campus, to just sit in or whatever, just stop by. Too bad jimmoi and james are always working, otherwise they could check out the classes, and understand why i prefer college schooling to high schooling. (That isn't to say that there aren't still problems with college schooling.)
I'm gonna go for now, i have more packing to do. I have to decide what i am going to do with my stuff. I don't think i'll move back home next year. I'll probably get a place, an apartment, next summer. That means i'm also doing the ardous task of cleaning up my room for the very last time.
For Reals.
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