As some of you might have known, jimmy and zach were planning on moving in together at one point. Yeeup, that's right, they had planned it all out. They were going to get an apartment. Zach, instead of leaving for a different state to go to college, decided to grace us with his presence awhile longer by staying. Meanwhile, jimmy was kicked out of his house and decided to get a place. As a result, these two set out on the perilous journey to get a place. They even paid seventy dollars to apply for an apartment.
That didn't last very long. Jimmy moved back in, and Zach went to live with brice.
Still, it could have been quite Well, that is the subject of today's "What if...?" post. Now, without further ado, i present to you the first installment of the all-brand new, "What if...?" series. The first series is:
Jimmoi and Zach-o get a place of their very own!
Now, it takes a quite an ordeal to get a place of your own. First you have to search for just the right place. Then you have to cough up money for the application to the new place. But once that's through, you find yourself with a living space.
Yeeup, isn't a great place. It comes with no bedrooms though, only a kitchen space and a living room space. That's okay though, they don't need much to survive with, just the essentials.
Now i think its important to note what jimmoi and zach-o's settings were for this little alter-life. Both were set to have no neat settings whatsoever. After all, neatness just gets in the way. Also, the had very low settings on some of the other categories. Very few points were allocated for nice, playful, active, or outgoing. If you saw the TZA-mobile at its worse, then you might understand some of these categories. Plus, jimmoi is a self-proclaimed hater of people, so i didn't think he'd mind being set to have hardly any nice values.
Now, they are living in this glorious house of theirs. But unfortunately, Target doesn't pay very much at all. As a result, they had to get different jobs, and so both decided to become military recruiters. Hey, it was the first decent paying job to come along, and they had to buy food.
As time passed, zach-o and jimmoi got along fairly well, and had good communication.
Dont'cha just love to watch them soccer games on the ESPN?!
But things slowly began to unravel in their parent-less paradise.
The empty coke cans and food cans began to accumulate, and went unnoticed.
Both zach-o and jimmy fell asleep in rooms covererd with trash.
Their apathy for cleanliness and their house continued to grow, until it became a completely unhealthy situation.
It got so bad that jimmoi urinated on the carpet once. He thought it looked like a mint bush.
It got to the point where zach simply passed out where he urinated on the carpet.
It was then that they realized they needed some help. And so they turned to me.
Zach-o and jimmoi came to me for psychological help, and for family counciling. Here Kristen and I are listening to zach-o bitching about jimmoi. Apparently, living together was begining to drive them mad. Still, despite being able to help them somewhat...even my best efforts were unable to prevent the BIG GREAT FIRE.
Okay, so maybe it wasn't all that devasting. Still, it was very traumatic for the both of them. Jimmoi blamed zach-o for the fire, and zach-o blamed jimmoi for the fire. Distrust began to erupt. Zach-o took it so hard that he ended up getting fired from the army. Jimmoi became the sole breadwinner. And then, the TV dissapeared, further fueling the distrust and anger.
Eventually, the two discovered that it was a burglar. Despite this discover, quite a bit of damage had been done.
Indeed, it seemed like everything was going downhill for our good friends jimmoi and zach-o. It almost fell apart until i counciled them and helped them get back on track. I gave them some ideas on how to get things back to the peaceful way they were.
First, they called the police. They quickly got on the job, though it was almost hampered when zach-o asked the female cop if she wanted to beat his nightstick.
They also hired a maid to keep the place clean and tidy. She almost quit though after jimmoi asked if she had any other female maids that she liked to clean up on the weekends.
As it turned out, after getting their TV back, and having a maid to clean up after them, they found themselves quite happier and with more time to enjoy life.
Jimmoi took up dancing, finding it both therapeutic and a good way of artistically expressing himself. Meanwhile, zach-o managed to get a job in politics.
jimmoi actually found time to study to, so that he could move up in rank in the army.
So where does this leave zach-o and jimmoi now? Well, they are currently doing well, though they sometimes have trouble with the maid and the occasional house fire. Also, they are still lookin' for sweet lovin'. Two women moved in across the street, and they are trying to get to know them better. However, zach-o usually ends up in a shoving fight with one of them. Jimmoi seems to be getting along with the other though. Only time will tell.
Yeeup. Quite interesting indeed for the first installment of the "What if...?" series, wouldn't ya say? There will be an update eventually on the zach-o/jimmoi what if living arrangements. Who knows what can happen.
I know you are all on the edge of your seat...
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