I can't get that whole thought out of my head.
And so, i was thinking about what has gone on in these past five years.
So i will start with James.
James and Andy where one of the first people i met when i moved here.
I met james first on the bus. I think i was sitting next to andy on our smelling, though relatively new, bus 92-15. An old man named Mel was the bus driver, and he was fairly old. In fact, he was so old, that we were surprised to learn that his father was still alive.
That was the first time i met james.
I actually got to know who james was when we were both assigned to take Washington State History together.
Thanks to the fact that i had just moved here as a sophomore, i was still required by the high school to have taken and completed with a passing grade, Washington State History.
So that was how i found myself sitting across from him in Mr. Gliege's class.
(You know, i realize that it is because of that guideline, that i was forced to take classes that were a class level under my own, which in turn slowly set the stage for me associating and befriending those a grade younger than i, a trend that is now continuous in my life.)
James and i were later paired for a group project. I believe it was by choice, but i don't remember. I ended up doing all the work. I should have yielded to Joe Ellefson's advice about working with james...mostly that i shouldn't. Still, at the same time, it wasn't so bad. A learning experience.
In fact, it was because of that project that i went to his house one day with andy. We decided to work on the class project at his house. Since andy knew james better at that time, he came with. After that, it was us three that started associating.
We later would hang out at the PX, especially during summer. However, that wasn't until i was able to drive.
And that started the next series of trends. I became the driver, the chauffeur. It somehow makes sense now that i think back on that time, and my personality of the time.
Anyway, WSH was the only class that i took with james. The next year i'd associated with him and andy during lunch, and he'd come in and hang out in the library while i T.A.'ed. It was interesting.
Once he came in with a bible in one hand, and a CD player in the other. He took one of the library desks, moved it slightly to the front of the entrance, where all those who entered could see him, and placed a single solitary chair at the desk, for which he sat it. Then he placed the bible down on the table, set his bag aside, and placed his CD player on the table. By this time i had become curious, and so i went up to figure what he was doing. Also, i was trying to make sure Mrs. Madden wouldn't go all pissy-ft that he was moving the desk, so i figured that my presence would assuade her from getting so. I think it did.
Meanwhile, i started to question as to what he was doing, and that was when he informed me that he was going to sit there and listen to Marylin Manson while reading passages in the Bible. By this time i had gotten to known james somewhat well, and didn't bother to question his reasoning. Somewhere, he had a reason.
I had begun to associate this behaviors with james. I think around this time i started to see him not by his name, but by his actions and behaviors, and his personality.
Next year, when i was a senior, james became the T.A. I think it was through our efforts as T.A.'s that the library started to become the place where we all went to during off times. Now i would go in during lunch and visit with james as he did his various T.A. jobs. He only did it for a semester though, whereas i had done my for the full academic year. (You know, that's not something to actually be proud of.)
There was also a time when i ran my car off the road one wet and rainy day. I had james, andy, joe ellefson, and i believe justin in the car with me when it happened. I had been driving on the street right in front of the school when this car pulls out in the same lane i was in, and stayed there forcing me into the oncoming traffic lane. It wouldn't slow down or speed up either, keeping me in that lane until i slowed down. We all got a little pissed, though me by far went to the extreme, and we decided to chase them. The intention was to get their license plate. At least, that was what i fooled myself into thinking. I think my motivation later changed.
After the chase lasted for a while, everyone in the car came to their senses, that we'd never catch them, except for me. I was dilligent about it. Everyone started saying, "Let's go home." and i was saying "no.". Eventually i got tired of hearing it, and in a well coordinated, highly idiotic and maniacal move, i tooked the car hard left in the pouring rain, though not taking that into account. That caused the car to spin slightly out of control, and we ending up going into the ditch.
I'll never forget what james said after that.
"You're fuckin' crazier than my dad!"
It was that, or something very close to that.
Oh...the good times.
Okay, well i'm done reminiscing for now.
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