I thought some of you might be interested in this. While online, i decided to do a search using Bearshare, and this thing apparently called Morpheus, for Requiem for a Dream. Well, i found it, and i decided to download it. As it turns out, i believe that this is the UN-edited version. In other words, you basically see everything the director wanted you to see but couldn't with risking that highly lethal NC-17 rating.
Quite interesting.
It definitly seems to be the UN-edited version, as i checked a couple of scenes briefly that probably would have had things cut from them, and sure enough there was a bit more content.
I'll probably keep this copy on my computer for anyone who wants to watch it within the next six weeks.
Speaking of the next six weeks, some of you already know this, but for those that don't, here goes:
I won't be up at the UW for the next six weeks. Rather, i will be down there. As it turns out, i thought i had signed up to spend what they call "interim" up in my dorm, but i didn't. The paperwork and whatnot can be rather confusing. It's a little dissapointing to me in a way, because i wanted to use some of the equipment up here, and this place is nice when there is no school to bog you down.
I have been playing off and on with the idea of finding a job up here and getting an apartment or room for a month nearby the UW. This way i could still take care of all the UW stuff i need to, such as more paperwork. Also, it would really benefit my studies as i am trying to get back into that full swing. Plus, it would be great to get one job up here that i keep for a long period of time, as opposed to going down there, likely working for Target for a month and a half, and then coming back up here, once again jobless.
It just sucks is all.
Oh well, i'll figure something out. For now though, it seems that jEFF is returning to the fold for a bit. Yeeup.
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