Well, this is my last full day in my dorm, and my last night's sleep in my dorm for 51/2 weeks. Then i'll be back. I had quite a deal of stuff up here to pack, but i'm virtually done. That's good. I'll remember not to bring too many things with me when i move back up here.
It bugs me that i have to move out for a lousy 5 weeks. It is such an extreme hassle because its takes forever to get all this stuff back into the dorms, and there are going to be so many people moving back into the dorms on move in day. It's insane. Oh well...i'll deal. I've done it in the past...blah.
I also hate this move because i can't focus on getting a job up here and making enough money to support myself during college. It would be nice. I thought about working at Targettm again, but i don't know if that's a likely option. I'll consider it. I don't feel like doing flow anymore though, and i may actually decide to work with the customers for a couple of weeks.
Still, i don't know if i want to do that. Plus, that means i have to pay for car insurance all over again, and i'm a little broke for that. Ugh. See, its an extremely viscious cycle that is really hard to escape from. Oh well, i figure that i pay for insurance and then work and make it all back. Still, it sucks nonetheless.
It will be a good break from college i suppose. Except for the fact that overall i am enjoying college, my classes, and life up here in general. Mostly i suppose its because there "feels" like there is more to do up here. [That may not actually be the case.] And of course, i had my own room with no parental units or siblings to bug me. Oh my friends, after tasting what freedom feels like, it is hard to leave it, even if it is only for 5 weeks.
I don't know if i'll be doing anything this saturday. Possibly. When i get home tomorrow afternoon, it will depend on how tired i am and how withdrawn i will probably feel. You think i'm joking but i'm not. It may just end up being a day where i sit back, listen to music, and finish Catch-22. I am almost done, so it will feel great to finish that.
Also, i am working on studying my ass off for calculus coming up in 6 weeks.
Yes, its kind of a sad way to spend my Saturday, but i really want to finish that book.
Plus, it made fun of psychiatrists. It was damn funny stuff.
Okay, well i've wasted enough time. I'm gonna get some more stuff done. Hell, maybe i'll even call jOe and see if he got that job at Chevron. That could be interesting.
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