Earlier on james and i were debating about something that, to most people, would seem rather...well stupid. But not to me. Oh no, not to me. The argument: Who would win in Super Smash Bros.? James, with his green-hatted Pikachu, or Me, with my blue-hatted Pikachu.
Well, i can tell you it would most definitely be me. Why is that? Simple...
Because it just would. It's they way fate works, i can't help it. Sorry james, but that's just life.
In fact, using a special device, i have taken snapshots of the future battle and will now show everyone what is slated to happen if james decides to challenge me after all. Behold the future!
Blue-hatted Pikachu Vs Green-hatted Pikachu!
The battle starts off well enough, with Blue-hatted Pikachu squaring off with Green-hatted Pikachu. Both exchange blows in a fair fight, neither gaining a definitive upper hand. Then slowly, G.Pikachu starts to tire out, his little rat-body weakened by the excessive amounts of bacon fat, that was fed to him by James, clogging his little arteries. Oh how sad. B.Pikachu is coming out the victor.
Oh, but what's this!?
G.Pikachu pulls out his sex toy...eh, star rod, and ambushes B.Pikachu from above. He uses his star rod to beat B.Pikachu senseless.
All now seems hopeless as G.Pikachu stands gloating over the fallen hapless body of B.Pikachu, reveling in his ill-begotton victory. B.Pikachu can barely move, let alone put up much more of a fight.
Yet, just as the light in B.Pikachu begins to fade, he stands up.
Oh oh G.Pikachu, it looks like B.Pikachu is gonna really kick your ass now. He doesn't look so happy that you tried to molest him with that star rod.
Indeed, when G.Pikachu tried to finish off B.Pikachu by molesting him with that star rod, as commanded by james, B.Pikachu mustered up his hidden strength and began fighting back. First he knocked away his little star rod, and then proceeded to pound G.Pikachu into the ground.
After B.Pikachu knocked G.Pikachu virtually senseless, he decides to finish him off with a spectacular move.
B.Pikachu delivers his most powerful attack, sending thousands of volts through G.Pikachu's body.
At last the epic battle was over. B.Pikachu was victorious, and G.Pikachu was left nothing more than a dried out skeleton.
Well, now, wasn't that interesting james. Interesting, and educational.
{Yes ladies and gentlemen, i am lonely, bored, and very very sad.}
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