[Covered Beverages Only!]
So now i find myself sitting in the Health Sciences Library. Grand ol' place. Much better than Odegaard - the library that is the epitomé of old. I hate that place. It reeks of old. I hate old. Right now i do. I'm sure that will pass in time. Most things do.
I'm supposed to be working, but i'm not. Not right now anyway. Ungh. Instead, i'm just sitting here. Fuming. Still.
Ungh, i wish i could be like jimmoi and james, and hate girls... or well, that's jimmy anyway. Keeping track of attitudes on things is hard work when your 60-some-odd miles away from the action.
I can't though... simply because i have found some that redeem them, and i have found guys that plunge our sect into patheticism. <-- look, i made that word up.
So then that leaves me with the option to hate youth, like James, and Jimmoi (again, i'm not sure of that). Alas, i can't do that for the same stated reasons above. Exceptions to the case that are big enough that you can't just consider it a rule.
So then what? I guess superficiality. But i'm not ready to settle on that yet, simply because i have not considered how superficial i am, and i don't want to be hypocritical. I abhore hypocriticalness (even though i'm sure i have at least some level of hypocriticalness).
Ugnh... this is starting to become a rambling "way too personal" post... and i hate those. Why the hell am i venting to you all. Damnit.
I had something brilliant to say just now, but this really fat guy sitting across the table from me seems to be having difficulty breathing. He's on a Dell Laptop. Damn you Dell -- you're killing the FATpeople..
Seriously, i have a job for all of you... if it gets to the point where i can easily rest my hands on my gynormous belly like this man can... kill me. I'm not kidding. Even if i'm pleading through my pizza-encrusted lips... just put me out of my misery. That is if i'm not dying already from heart attack, or choking on the millionth marshmellow i might have eaten.
I wish i had a digital camera right now. Then you could all see him. No -- i'd rather have a DV camera, then i'd make a QuickTime movie and show you his difficulty breathing.
Seriously, it's like, "Ahhhhhhh...hhruuurrrrruuuu....ahhhhhhhhhh....hurrrrrhhhhrrrruuuuuuu...."
Oh, and he's got an earring in. On his... hold on... left ear. I don't know why that's important... but it's pissing me off... maybe cause he should have spent the money for that on something like a SlimFast.
--Oh wait, gotta rub my triple chin... wait... hand stuck in the folds of the second one... must pull free... good god, what's this... oh just the twix bar i lost the other day... yuummmmmmm.--
I should really be doing my work... searching for articles... but at the same time, i'm worried that if i get up... El Lardo is gonna get a hankerin' fer some food and mistake my iBook for a cheeseburger...
I'm being abnormally mean... oh well... need to vent some how...
My mind is slipping away.
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