May 19, 2003

[attack of the clones]

I was thinking.

Then it stopped.

Then it started again, and through that i remembered the old COLOSSALjOe comics... the fun little venture into the story of jOe and his battle with his family and friends and the humane society.

One of the main characters was a guy named jOe Suavo... the coolor, smarter jOe (his iQ was something like 20... a genius in the jOe pantheon).

A charming character really... with much potential...

So i was thinking some more...

and i saw the matrix the other day... and i thought... that movie... unghhhh... it was okay... but it was missing something... perhaps... a little bit o'spice.

and then, like the dawn from 2001 a space odessey, where the sun rises and suns light on the monolith (the monolith being my wondrous idea), i came up with:

Agent jOe SUAVO in The Matrix: Reloaded and REMIXED!

C'mon. For those of you who thinks the matrix: reloaded sucked... just imagine that scene with the army of Agent Smiths replaced with the army of jOe Suavo's. Neo versus 100 300lbs cool versions of jOe. Well, if that doesn't write a movie, i don't know what does.

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