Yeah, it would seem like everyone is a little busy lately to post early in the morning. I myself have not had much to post about. Until today.
Now i have two things to post about.
The first is that i have a job. I am now going to be doing research and literary searches for a treatment program for teens with schizophrenia. It is a good "foot-in-the-door" so to speak. Right now it involves doing literary searches, so most of the job is spent in the library, but there is a good chance, according to the Ph.D. lady-in-charge, that i can work my way into sitting in with the counseling groups and take notes and stuff like that. Damn straight! Finally, some applied field experience...even though it isn't necessarily in the field of psychology that i am looking into. Still...i'm doing some real work now...
Feels quite good actually. (I half expect an attack from someone about how my work isn't really work or that it's meaningless in the grand scheme of society, or why bother to offer treatment to those who are in a different state of being...but that's okay, cause i'm still getting paid to apply things that i'm actually learning...not to scan products for price checks.)
Anyway, i just wanted to mention that, because i figured i should mention something about it. Plus, i needed a high point to contrast with my next statement.
I hate vomit.
I haven't vomitted though.
At least not in a good long time. Actually, the last time i had food poisoning this year. Stupid food poisoning.
However, when i had food poisoning, and i had the incredible urge to regurgitate my food items, i did so in the privacy of the bathroom stall. After all, i wouldn't want to be the cause of a spontaneous vomitting party in the bathroom. I have decency.
(That is probably in question now with this post, but its something i have to post about.)
I went to the restroom the other day, to brush my teeth i believe. (That or was it because i drank an entire liter of soda in the morning just to wait till i got home to relieve myself, and feel the joy from wait...that's someone else...)
Anyway, so there i was, and i detect a very pungent odor. A very bad odor. Disgusting. (Look how i cleverly slipped in the title of this post into the body. Oh yeah, literary genius at work.)
I look around. Nobody is around. It certainly wasn't coming from the stalls. I looked around more, and there i saw it. Someone's lunch, or dinner possibly. Sitting in one of the sinks. (Actually, i'm not entirely sure if it was vomit, as there was lots of it, and it was rather solid. Solid pieces of rice and green beans and other assorted vegetable and food stuffs.) It reeked. It reeked of sickness and vileness. (I'm not sure if that's a word.)
It made me grateful, extremely grateful, that i wasn't a part of the janitorial staff. Can you imagine the disgust that would come with cleaning that mess up.
People are sicking sometimes. You simply do not regurgitate into a sick with little holes for a drain. There is no place for it to go, and it sits there. And it is made worse when people shower with hot water, because then the smell becomes airborne and spreads rapidly. Much like jimmoi's time-bomb fart.
Now that was disgusting.
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