I decided to go ahead and skip my first class after all.
It was just too rainy to want to go to that first class. It was probably a mistake though, since it was calculus, and i am still on the "trying to remember" phase of my calculus education.
Instead, i got ready and now i'm sitting here typing and reading posts.
Social expectation is an interesting thing. I am almost sure that everyone goes through a phase where they totally forget about what other people think, which is, in my opinion, completely healthy. It gets unhealthy when you turn into John Doe (from seVen). However, society still shapes everyone...even when you try to break away from other's expectations, that very act is shaping you in a sense. In the end, i think it becomes more of a choice issue, as opposed to creating a new identity. You choose to either be guided by society in one aspect or another.
Hmm, what else. Oh yeah, i swallowed mouthwash while i was getting ready this morning. My stomach is in a state of unrest as a result of it. It's mostly because i haven't had anything to eat except for mouthwash. (It was mint though.)
That should be a lesson to me to NOT attempt to shave while using mouthwash. Should be, mind you. More than likely i will still continue to use mouthwash and shave.
Hey, i'm trying to be efficient.
NOTE: Has anyone come up with a nomination or idea for a second administrator? If you have no idea what i'm talking about, then read yesterday's (OCT9) posts, especially james and mine. I don't much prefer this solo administration position, not that i can't handle it.
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