And now, for those who care...this is what i have to say:
I have taken off sometime to consider some issues at hand...
(actually, that's not true...i've just been crazy-ass busy with collegey type stuff...reading, writing, arithmetic...)
but since i am awake, and can't concentrate on writing a simple two page paper...i will fake enthusiam, and fake interest, and write about what has been going on and polluting this board.
The issue of james and his standing.
Okay, this was supposed to be a simple poll about everyone's personal stance on james' return to blogger and his administrative status...
i take that wasn't a debate on his return...that was guaranteed by me. I was going to let him back on...he said so himself that he was returning. I don't know where this talk about him not coming back came from...and i really don't care.
Also...what was supposed to be simple obviously has not been so. That should further teach me that simplicity is a hard thing to come by...or "its not simple to be simple"
(if you make statements in that form, 2 out of 3 orthodontists say that children remember what you've said longer :) there are comments being slung back and forth, and issues of backstabbing...
this is very aggravating.
(perhaps this is why for the longest time there wasn't democracy in many becomes very tiring for those who have to actually carry out the wishes and wills of others...)
I need to get a couple of things straight so they can be left to die in place...
- On the issue of administration...
There is a good reason why everyone isn't an administrator...actually, there are probably several good reasons...but should be painfully obvious why from reading this past weeks posts...there are too many different conflicting points of view, and too many conflicting interests that nothing would get done, and it is a slight possibility that someone might actually change another person's blog. I want that avoided at all costs.
That's partly why i chose bradbury. He's damn good with computers and, i trust him. He had no vest opinion on this to the point where he'd change other posts or arbitrarily kick people off the board. And he keeps me in check...cause you know me...i'm a crazy rebel who's bound to erupt at any moment. - On the issue of "administrator" james...
This is still partly up in the air. Many people seem disgruntled with the idea of him just arbitrarily coming back and taking up his old reigns...i'm not totally sure why...but there are those that feel that way nonetheless.
I haven't made a decision on this yet, and i'm not sure how bradbury feels completely, as i've been away...
Both sides can probably be is true he created slugs, and some of you have made that point...
but at the same time, slugs has come to have a life of its own, seperate from its original thrives on the conflict and blogs that EVERYONE posts, and some of you have made that point as well.
much to be considered...and more than likely will be considered when james decides to make his return. - On the issue of boxers or briefs...
Personally, i like the comfort of boxers...
but then again, there is a security that comes along with briefs...
perhaps this is all freudian...
any thoughts...
With all that said, i think i need some sleep.
I hope that this all can be left to settle.
Steve has made good points...and i think its something to consider.
This is NOT a message board...we do not all necessarily need to know whose meeting who at wherever at what time...
(unless its like a group paintball thing...and then again, that tends to get rather annoying as well...
at the same time, i am reluctant to say that you can NOT post about such trivial matters if you find such trivial matters pleasing...
that's what the telephone was invented for...
or cell phones if you pass the yuppie-test.
but then again, if you do, then there may be some unresolved issues you need to work through.)
This is a BLOGspot...That's what is was created as...
and whether or not you wish for james to be back and as an administrator...we can at least treat it the way it was intended to be...
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