September 15, 2001

Steve, man you took the words right out of my mouth (?keyboard?)
I agree with you mostly, except whether or not the air force shot the fourth plane down.....I don't think they did. I don't know, maybe they did after all.....but either way it doesn't matter. The fact that the only other casualties were a few shrubs and maybe some field mice is beyond good.

Penis, to add my two cents, it is not required to be humble to be intellectual, but if one isn't humble, they look like a dickhead. No, wait, strike that, they are a dickhead. If you say you're smart, you are a fool for letting it be known. The only people who make a point of their intelligence are dipshits, trying to bring to attention that they may have a specific talent or area of strength, when in actuality that is their only talent. Usually. If you can actually discern the difference between your anus and a fence-post hole, you’ll realize that if people know you’re smart, they hold you on a different level and expect more from you than from anyone else. The teacher among us can speak to the truth in that. Not that it’s a bad thing, that’s just the way it is.

If you’re confident in yourself and intelligent at the same time; you’re confident in your intelligence, and of yourself. Which is fine, in and of itself. But when you share that confidence, you become a stuck-up, conceited ass. Which is exactly how you came off in that post.

Wow, that was really disjointed. If it wasn’t late, I’d fix it. Right now I just don’t have it in me to make what I just said easily comprehendible. Organizing thoughts isn’t easy when they are going every which way except in the way you want. Yeah.

Jesse-you may want to back up your site, and have your sister do the same....I sense the need for a hard drive init coming on, and I don’t much like it. Things is not right, to say the least. I’m going to be trying some system repair in the coming days (during the week, I left all of my Mac stuff at work for the weekend, oops), but the end result will be a clean install, and I’ll be doing it with an OS I’ve restored only a few times. I’d like to go on record as saying, the classic/OS X dual OS-inside-a-shell thing Apple came up with works extraordinarily well, until it doesn’t. At this point the whole thing is working on being FUBAR. To answer you’re email about perl-no. not yet. But after I get this thing working, we’ll talk. There’s also a possibility it may be down for a while for logic board replacement. The external video doesn’t seem to work, and I may get it fixed before warranty runs out (the part is $800 so I’d rather Apple foot the bill)
Just a warning.



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