Today was an interesting day. Okay, so it wasn't, but i'm supposed to say that since i am paying a crap load of money to come to this school and learn. It'll be worth it i guess, especially after what breanna told me yesterday. She said that basically, if you work for one of the counties in Washington state, and you have a BA in Psychology, they will pay you around $75 dollars an hour. That is a great sum of money. This was good news to get for me considering that i am going to have my BS in Psychology, which is just as good, if not better in some circumstances, by the end of next year...roughly. Also, I am more than likely going to stay here until i have my Ph.D. in some aspect of Psychology, so the suffering and the tuition will be worth it. Or so i think.
I went to the Seattle Aquarium today. One of my assignments in one of my classes (Comparitive Animal Behavior, for any of those out there who care) is to choose an animal, study it, pick a specific behavior from that animal, and write a paper about it. It's not really a difficult assignment. However, as part of the "study it" section of that assignment, i have to observe a said animal for 5 hours, at least. So that is what i found myself doing for 2 hours today in front of the River Otter exhibit. (Thankfully we don't have to do the observation for 5 hours straight, not that watching river otters swim for 2 hours instead of 5 is any more enjoyable.) I have yet to really choose a particular behavior that i saw for the river otter. I was interested in one odd tail shaking maneuver that they went through, until i came to the realization that it was a maneuver that aided them in defecation. Go figure. Imagine my utter astonishment and surprise when i was filming them and caught this tail shaking in action, only to catch river otter defecation in the process. Just wet's your appetite, doesn't it?
Let's see, what else, what else... Oh yes, i am thinking about joining the Amnesty International Club. It sounds interesting, and i realize that since i am here, i should be doing something to get "more involved" in my school and whatnot. Normally i would laugh off such a though quickly, but then i realize, "Hey wait, this ISN'T Bethel High School, where the only important thing is how to tip over a cow in 5 steps or less." Perhaps I am being to hard on Bethel though. Perhaps...
Mr. Collins, as much as i would love to litter the webspace given to me by UW, in return for paying huge sums of money to have the priveledge of coming here, with your tons and tons of wonderful images of cheese or bacon, or whatever other item has struck your fancy, i simply cannot. The school has kind of a thing about security and not loaning out webspace and passwords and whatnot. Plus, you don't know, i might end up needing that space if i ever take a webbing class here or something. However, if i can find a way to do it, i might be able to get you some of my space...but i am not promising anything at this time. As for the wav files for the dialouge, i haven't thought the lines through yet, as i am still in the video editing aspect of the movie process. Stay tuned for further developments. Also, i can't determine your dialouge yet until every character's dialouge has been finished, and i won't know for sure if i will have enough voices, seeing as how my cache of voices is currently low. HINT HINT!!! Ahem.
You know, one day you, Mr. Collins, Mr. Wegener, and Mr. Miller, should take a trip up here and hangout. We could see the Waterfront or something. Yes jimmy, i am fully aware of how many times you suggested that to me. Of course, i wouldn't suggest doing that anytime soon for several reasons. Right now i am on the busy side of getting projects done and readings and exams taken care of. Also, the weather up here isn't exactly what i would call "lazin' about" weather. Damn, it gets cold, especially closer to the water. Basically it wouldn't be all that fun, unless you wanted to watch the homeless people hang out by the Waterfront. I was sitting there today and writing in my journal thing, when suddenly these two homeless people start lifting up one of the tables nearby. I wasn't sure what they were doing, but it almost seemed like they were trying to make off with one of the Waterfront park benches. It is an interesting endeavor, but doable i suppose, considering the benches aren't exactly bolted down... Oh the interesting things one can see when not paying attention.
Well, enough ranting for now. I have laundry downstairs. Actually about 9 floors down. Why 9 floors you ask? Well simple little ones... The food and housing board stuck me on the 8th floor (the top floor), and the washing machines and dryers are on the G floor. Don't even ask me as to what the G floor is. I would hazard a guess, but i'd probably get the ever-infamous stupid look. I think i have a record for getting that.
Oh, and as always, pictures for all the viewing audience... Just think of these as an orgasm for the eyes!
I just love my life on the EiGHTH FLOOR. It doesn't get any better than this!
Hey everybody, a river otter that thinks like jimmy!
My friend is looking for love. Maybe you'll be his perfect match...
Why a half-eaten orange? Because UW gave me the space to store this picture, so i did. Okay, that was just uncalled for on my part.
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