Today is Monday. Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm just making sure some of you out there know that it is in fact Monday, and not some other day. You never really know who out there reading this, like some crazy man stumbling around looking for gay porn or something, and finds this site. He reads my post and realizes that its Monday and he should be at his AA meeting. Ahh, but i digress.
The weekend was interesting. I saw "Dude, Where's my car?" Yeah, that was definitely the type of movie i could see Mr. Miller making. It was actually much better than i originally thought it would be. Hehe, crazy ostriches. I hope i wasn't the only one that noticed that they had the ostrich scene setup like something out of jurassic park, which made it funnier. Of course, it could just be in my head, which would make that scene less funny. It was a bit obvious though, at least to me, that the Rubik's Cube was going to be the interstellar transmogrifier...or whatever the hell they called it. It's cliche. Still though, it wasn't that bad. Hey jimmy, i don't suppose you know who the director was? The film seemed kinda familiar, not in the actual context, but the style. Once again, its probably just me.
I rode the buses as usual. Nothing new to report. I also didn't meet any strange people in other places. I don't know if i wrote about this before, but just in case i didn't, i should quickly refer to the man in the restroom last week. Basically, i was in the restroom, and as i left the stall, i almost hit a guy with the door, so i apologized. He in turn said that's alright. Not weird. Then he started talking about how it was like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. That wasn't the end though. Right in the middle of the restroom, he starts to do the oompaa loompaa dance. The OOMPAA LOOMPAA dance?! I am not making this up either. Lucky me. One day when i have my psych degree, i get to surround myself with these type of people.
A quick question to james...what the hell are you talking about with this being left behind for a man with larger breasts then you? Sorry, just needed some clarification on that one, seeing as how i am out of the loop. Or as james would tamper with my post and write it...out of the loooopeee...something like that.
Yeah. Still working on my movie. It's coming along quite nice. I could still use some voices here and there. HINT HINT!!!! But hey, i'll make due i suppose. I think later this week i'll go out and get a video tape to put the footage onto. Also, for Mr. Miller and Mr. Collins, i will try to include a copy of the Mt. Ranier footage and some of the highlights of the Sharis footage. (If you guys want all of the Sharis stuff, just tell me in advance.) Also, if Mr. Wegener wants the extra stuff, just email me, or whatever. That is if he is even reading this post. I doubt it highly.
That all being said and done, i should go study hard for whatever aspect of psychology i need to study for. Maybe developmental. Who knows. In the meantime, enjoy this feast for the eyes:
Ah, the ever popluar picture of oneself...
Here is my living quarters. That is my roommate using my laptop. Aren't i great with explanations of pictures?
That's heather. James' heather. Or Heather's James' heather. Whatever. I don't think she was happy with me filming her. Sorry heather, if you were upset.
Well, that's it folks. Tomorrow i might post some more mindnumbing, earth-shattering images. But if you are that crazy man stumbling around looking for gay porn, i won't be posting any of that. Sorry.
By the way...
I hate you've gotten me to make this my HOME page, for whenever i start the browser.
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