First i would like to start out by saying thank you to Mr. Collins for his assistance in posting that image of PiKAjOe. It was quite helpful. Oh, and to thank him for his assistance in web designing and whatnot. Much appreciation.
Secondly, the re-release of the Bethel Slayer is coming along smoothly. I have been cutting and pasting clips here and there, and the video part should be done within these next two weeks, maybe sooner. It would be done this week but i have a great deal going on and little time to go to the computer lab to work on the footage cropping. Still, i have patience, and the finished product will be...well slightly better than the first time i put together that movie.
Yesterday, Mr. Miller gave me a good idea for my re-release. I may, instead of dubbing an entire song over the audio, dub people's voices, like voice-overs for foreign films. (Because of his great suggestion, I think I will list Mr. Miller as Chief Consultant of Audio, or some other snazzy title like that.) However, this presents a problem of a different kind. I need voices. I have already snagged Mr. Collins to do a voice dub for either Steven's Character or a different one. I still need other people's voices though. Some of the character's involved would be:
The Killer
jOe Macauley
Chris Dillard (he has only one part, that of a hanging half-dead man. This part just requires mostly choking, half-gagged sounds. Hmmm, wait a minute...)
If anyone is interested, just email me, or post it here. If i use the voice, i'll put you in the list of credits...Whoo Hoo.
Third, I am working on a new website, because Mr. Collins pointed out that the UW gives me free space for a website there. Whoo... However, I will leave the tripod one up for a good while as i learn how to do quewl things like learn HTML. That'll be fun...
Well, that's basically it. I have class soon. I get to learn about Animal Behavior some more. Below are some pictures of some scenes in the movie. Just think, you too can be apart of this momentous film.
Isn't it frightening?
An Epic Battle of Good Versus Evil.
See the ending that shocked even the Main Star!
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