February 28, 2001
SO I heard that PCC closed its classes for the rest of the evening. I wanted to be sure that I still had class, so I called TCC and was told that all classes were, in fact, still in session. SO I drive all the way up I5, trying not to be kilt by those darn crazies. I get there and the county shut down TCC for inspection. GRRRRRRRRRR. . .
In other news, I got to save somebody from incompetent care. Yeah! I took care of seziure girl, but missed the explosion. :( What a sad kitten this is
SO I heard that PCC closed its classes for the rest of the evening. I wanted to be sure that I still had class, so I called TCC and was told that all classes were, in fact, still in session. SO I drive all the way up I5, trying not to be kilt by those darn crazies. I get there and the county shut down TCC for inspection. GRRRRRRRRRR. . .
In other news, I got to save somebody from incompetent care. Yeah! I took care of seziure girl, but missed the explosion. :( What a sad kitten this is
Well...that was fun. But lets not do it again, eh?
I was at wonderful Graham Elementary, and we had just started a "lockdown" i.e. lock the door, close the blinds, turn out the lights and hide in the corner. Of course, this being a drill (I think-still not entirely sure), Gerry and myself were generally exempt. But then it starts rocking a little. Gerry looks at me, kinda like "huh, a little earthquake." Then the rocking increases. And increases. The computer we were at was directly under a window, so I get up, and the fucking floor is just going apeshit, so I duck under the nearest desk-Gerry is under the table that the computer is on. The kid whose desk it was didn't appreciate that very much, but I got there first, so.....
But the floor moved around a good foot every way, really something. One hell of a ride.
I was at wonderful Graham Elementary, and we had just started a "lockdown" i.e. lock the door, close the blinds, turn out the lights and hide in the corner. Of course, this being a drill (I think-still not entirely sure), Gerry and myself were generally exempt. But then it starts rocking a little. Gerry looks at me, kinda like "huh, a little earthquake." Then the rocking increases. And increases. The computer we were at was directly under a window, so I get up, and the fucking floor is just going apeshit, so I duck under the nearest desk-Gerry is under the table that the computer is on. The kid whose desk it was didn't appreciate that very much, but I got there first, so.....
But the floor moved around a good foot every way, really something. One hell of a ride.
oh, by the way ... i was almost scared because i got a "WINNERS SELECTED" thing from ekissable on 'jessica's email. lucky for me, she only got fourth place. jeez. give me a fsking heart attack will they? anywho - if you want to check out her scores/stats > go to eKISSABLE.com and click on 'previous top 10 winners' ... you'll see her name there shining brightly. har har har.
February 27, 2001
"BESS" is not administered by the Bethel School District. It's all handled by a company called N2H2 (don't ask what it stands for-I don't know)
We don't say what is or isn't blocked, all we do is put the servers in place as proxies, and tell them which IPs can use the service. That way, we are removed of all liability, both for the sites that should be blocked, but aren't, and for the sites that are blocked but shouldn't be. It's all handled by N2H2.
One thing you should realize: ALL internet traffic in the district can be monitored. ALL requests for blocked info ARE monitored and to some extent investigated, depending on the seriousness of the material. Any time you log on to a windows machine, that is logged. Any time you request blocked info, that is logged. The two can be, and are, cross-refferenced. Big Brother is watching in this district.
We don't say what is or isn't blocked, all we do is put the servers in place as proxies, and tell them which IPs can use the service. That way, we are removed of all liability, both for the sites that should be blocked, but aren't, and for the sites that are blocked but shouldn't be. It's all handled by N2H2.
One thing you should realize: ALL internet traffic in the district can be monitored. ALL requests for blocked info ARE monitored and to some extent investigated, depending on the seriousness of the material. Any time you log on to a windows machine, that is logged. Any time you request blocked info, that is logged. The two can be, and are, cross-refferenced. Big Brother is watching in this district.
*Disclaimer: This is NOT my MegaPost. Stay Tuned.
I'd like to apologize once again. Due to unforseen circumstances, i willl probably not be posting that fabulous megapost that i have been referring to today. Instead i have to go to downtown Seattle to observe the River Otters one more time. Yeah, it sucks, but its what i have to do. However, fear not faithful readers, for today i will be in the process of obtaining some rather interesting photos for you. Later tonight, around nine o'clock, my friend Kyle Batie and Madonna (yes, i have a friend named Madonna, though she does NOT act like the actor/singer/one-time prostitute Madonna...if any of you know joe ellefson, he used to go out with her...i think she was his first girlfriend...) are going to go to Pioneer Square and video tape some of the Mardi Gras hilarity. Will i get shot? Likely... Will i get a face full of pepper-spray? I'd say there's a good chance... Will it be worth it? Damn straight it will! Just imagine a crowd of morons all drunk off their asses getting pepper sprayed and beat down by "the man". Is that entertainment or what. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this guys off on the right start to making specials for Q13 Fox.
I may use some of that footage for my MegaPost as well...which i admit is off to a rocky start. But fear not, for when posted, it will both awe, and inspire. Well, i have to go for now, i need breakfast, or lunch...who knows, and then off to the river otters.
February 25, 2001
something has been going wrong with blogger.
but i figured you'd guys would want . . . . .
well. you see it's actually sort of funny. Jimmoi currently has 3.49 and that's almost exactly what he thought he was. now isn't that a fucking weird co-inci-dence?

where-as I'm lagging behind in votes, and score : with a measly 3.05.

There you have it folks. Jimmoi is better looking than me. I will now proceed to commit suicide... as i could never imagine Potatos being better looking than me. It just isn't possible. HOW CAN THIS BE? WAIT! I KNOW! it's because I'm white isnt it? Them racist bastards. them anti-caucasian fuckers! THOSE SONS OF BITCHES. I SEE HOW IT IS! GOD DAMNIT.. notice : ive inserted all these curse words so that zach cannot view the post CUNT LAPING COCK SUCKING WHORE BITCH ASSHOLE SHIT FACED MOTHER-FUCKERS
hee hee.

and as you've all guessed - that " jessica " girl is beating the tar out of us both. me and jimmoi's scores combined do not even meet her score. NOT EVEN JIMMOI'S SCORE X2 MEETS IT. it seems either the fact she has blonde hair... or blue eyes... or no dog... gives her the score. Jimmoi has stated that it is probably not the girl - but the dog ( or absense there-of ) that gives her the high score. Great. I look worse than a dog that doesn't exist. but then again - so does jimmoi! so wheee!

anywho. that's it for the updates.
but i figured you'd guys would want . . . . .
well. you see it's actually sort of funny. Jimmoi currently has 3.49 and that's almost exactly what he thought he was. now isn't that a fucking weird co-inci-dence?
where-as I'm lagging behind in votes, and score : with a measly 3.05.
There you have it folks. Jimmoi is better looking than me. I will now proceed to commit suicide... as i could never imagine Potatos being better looking than me. It just isn't possible. HOW CAN THIS BE? WAIT! I KNOW! it's because I'm white isnt it? Them racist bastards. them anti-caucasian fuckers! THOSE SONS OF BITCHES. I SEE HOW IT IS! GOD DAMNIT.. notice : ive inserted all these curse words so that zach cannot view the post CUNT LAPING COCK SUCKING WHORE BITCH ASSHOLE SHIT FACED MOTHER-FUCKERS
hee hee.
and as you've all guessed - that " jessica " girl is beating the tar out of us both. me and jimmoi's scores combined do not even meet her score. NOT EVEN JIMMOI'S SCORE X2 MEETS IT. it seems either the fact she has blonde hair... or blue eyes... or no dog... gives her the score. Jimmoi has stated that it is probably not the girl - but the dog ( or absense there-of ) that gives her the high score. Great. I look worse than a dog that doesn't exist. but then again - so does jimmoi! so wheee!
anywho. that's it for the updates.
February 24, 2001
there was once doubt, maybe even hesitation - in jimmoi's mind before we went to go see sleeping tiger / hidden dragon : that it would suck. that the universe was not all that is should be ... and a movie that we actually wanted to see would suck. but when jimmoi finally got his ass to my house at around 2-3pm ( not noon ) we go to talking. we listened to johnny cash. we waited for my mother to get home with guppies. ... and when she did there was hell to pay.
actually, hell had to wait for jimmoi to play unreal tournament and really suck at it. it was a marvel for me and michael to watch someone suck so much at a game that was so easy. then came the guppie slaughtering that my gar so easily dished out. it was grand. and then a little fish ( whom we like to call the outcast loner "fish face" ) tried to eat a fish. and he couldnt. i laughed. in fact - everyone did. it was great. then i beat my mother up for $15 and gave her a black eye. she cried. i went with jimmoi to the movies.
on the way there i grabbed the wheel because jimmoi scared me and almost drove into a car - but instead we almost ran into a tree. it was funny in a not-so-funny laughing-matter sort of way. in any event. i had to mention that.
we also stopped by a chinese place. the cheap place. i suddenly realise how much i didnt feel like eating chinese food. oh well. he ate stuff that was red and orange. i ate two pork rolls. there was a homeless man who came in and used the bathroom. me and jimmoi looked like buisness men. so i started talking about stock. we argued about stock. we didnt know what we were arguing about. it was funny. the people there thought we were two young buisness men who wanted cheap chinese food. and then we went to the arcade
( after getting tickets I mean ) and played the fun game. the fun game only ate $1 of quarters. then we played WAR. I won. Then we played Silent scope and both got to the same place and died. next time i think we should do co-op and linked play. maybe we'll be faster then. we'll see. then we went to k-mart. because we always go to k-mart. there was poop in the stall. i couldnt go pee. i cried. it smelled. we left.
we forgot to go to the mall. i believe it's because we weren't getting zach because zach was going to a show. the geeks. everyone loves the geeks. woo-heee. in any event, where was i? oh - lets just skip to watching the movie!
the wonderful movie that is SD / CT
I wont ruin anything for you - dont worry. however i do advise you to go see this movie - if you enjoyed the movies in Mr. Ball's class { if you had him } then you'll guarenteed to love this movie. The first fight scene gets you so imersed into the show that you entirely forget that it is subtitled. Yes, you forget ----- not because the dialoge is any less important... although that could be debated.
two downfalls i find in the movie are 1: the plot/storyline/point ... whatever the fuck you want to call it - was "cut/paste"-ish. You can tell this by the multiple ways me and jimmoi 'off the wallishly' made fun of it. there are connections to Star Wars, Bat Man, and ... uh.. well, those are the two i can remember. The second is the ending. I'm still puzzled, lost, and dissapointed by the ending. HOWEVER these minute details are not enough to deter you from realising this is a great movie! The SOUNDTRACK is awesome. The FIGHT SCENES are awesome. The CINEMETOGRAPHY is awesome.
everything that makes a difference - is awesome.
also. since jimmoi got a pet - i figured i should get jeff a pet as well. i tried to go to neopets.com to get him one - but it just wouldnt work for me. so instead i went here and got him a pet from there. HIS NAME IS ALSO "BUTTLOVE" !!!

my name is buttlove. can you guess why?
i wouldnt advise clicking on the link, by the way - as it will send you to a site called "FRESH-MEN" - i figured that jeff would enjoy a pet from there, instead of neopets.
actually, hell had to wait for jimmoi to play unreal tournament and really suck at it. it was a marvel for me and michael to watch someone suck so much at a game that was so easy. then came the guppie slaughtering that my gar so easily dished out. it was grand. and then a little fish ( whom we like to call the outcast loner "fish face" ) tried to eat a fish. and he couldnt. i laughed. in fact - everyone did. it was great. then i beat my mother up for $15 and gave her a black eye. she cried. i went with jimmoi to the movies.
on the way there i grabbed the wheel because jimmoi scared me and almost drove into a car - but instead we almost ran into a tree. it was funny in a not-so-funny laughing-matter sort of way. in any event. i had to mention that.
we also stopped by a chinese place. the cheap place. i suddenly realise how much i didnt feel like eating chinese food. oh well. he ate stuff that was red and orange. i ate two pork rolls. there was a homeless man who came in and used the bathroom. me and jimmoi looked like buisness men. so i started talking about stock. we argued about stock. we didnt know what we were arguing about. it was funny. the people there thought we were two young buisness men who wanted cheap chinese food. and then we went to the arcade
( after getting tickets I mean ) and played the fun game. the fun game only ate $1 of quarters. then we played WAR. I won. Then we played Silent scope and both got to the same place and died. next time i think we should do co-op and linked play. maybe we'll be faster then. we'll see. then we went to k-mart. because we always go to k-mart. there was poop in the stall. i couldnt go pee. i cried. it smelled. we left.
we forgot to go to the mall. i believe it's because we weren't getting zach because zach was going to a show. the geeks. everyone loves the geeks. woo-heee. in any event, where was i? oh - lets just skip to watching the movie!
I wont ruin anything for you - dont worry. however i do advise you to go see this movie - if you enjoyed the movies in Mr. Ball's class { if you had him } then you'll guarenteed to love this movie. The first fight scene gets you so imersed into the show that you entirely forget that it is subtitled. Yes, you forget ----- not because the dialoge is any less important... although that could be debated.
two downfalls i find in the movie are 1: the plot/storyline/point ... whatever the fuck you want to call it - was "cut/paste"-ish. You can tell this by the multiple ways me and jimmoi 'off the wallishly' made fun of it. there are connections to Star Wars, Bat Man, and ... uh.. well, those are the two i can remember. The second is the ending. I'm still puzzled, lost, and dissapointed by the ending. HOWEVER these minute details are not enough to deter you from realising this is a great movie! The SOUNDTRACK is awesome. The FIGHT SCENES are awesome. The CINEMETOGRAPHY is awesome.
everything that makes a difference - is awesome.
also. since jimmoi got a pet - i figured i should get jeff a pet as well. i tried to go to neopets.com to get him one - but it just wouldnt work for me. so instead i went here and got him a pet from there. HIS NAME IS ALSO "BUTTLOVE" !!!
my name is buttlove. can you guess why?
i wouldnt advise clicking on the link, by the way - as it will send you to a site called "FRESH-MEN" - i figured that jeff would enjoy a pet from there, instead of neopets.
*Disclaimer: This is NOT my MegaPost. I would have had that yesterday, but unfortunately someone was using the digital equipment computer, the only computer with movie making software/hardware. Expect the MegaPost on Monday or Tuesday.
First i'd like to quickly apologize for not posting for the past two days. In truth i would have had my megapost for you all to feast your eyes on, but unfortunately there were unforseen circumstances. Mostly i have been spending my time finishing reports and projects, taking exams, and doing homework. It gets rather hectic toward the end of the quarter...but enough of that, on to the subject of the day.
One of man's greatest companions is his pet. Most people have dogs, those varying of different breeds or sizes. Dogs are great friends for people. They are both loyal and affection, for those who need such qualities. Others keep cats, who are independent, for people who want pets but don't want them around all the time.
"So....why are you talking about pet's jEFF??"
I'm glad you asked my faithful blogger readers. I have noticed that my good friend Mr. Miller has been rather lonely. So i said to myself, "What can i do for my friend...hmmm, i know, i'll get him a pet!" And that is just what i have done. It took some time and thinking, but i have come up with the perfect pet for my friend jimmy. I'd like you all to meet:
ButtLove, the Chia.
Isn't it perfect? ButtLove thinks just like jimmy, and eats and acts just like him too!
Here are his stats:
Name: ButtLove
Attempt: 1
Health: 9
Strength: quite strong
Defence: armored
Movement: speedy
Height: 56 cms.
Weight: 78 lbs.
His is quite a feist little character isn't he?
I think this little guy will be the perfect pet for Mr. Miller, and they can talk about quite a number of topics that they both agree about. And when jimmy's out there screaming "buttsex!" from a speeding car, good ol' ButtLove" will be screaming right along with him. Of course, i wouldn't suggest doing that anytime soon, as he had a slight altercation recently. ButtLove was joy riding on one of those Scooters that you can get at Target. Well, he was riding around and yelling, "Who want's some ButtLove!!", when a man tripped him up and he fell over. Then the perpetrator proceeding to beat up ButtLove. He's not doing all that great right now:
Police have been working on the case for days now, and they have put together this computer generated image of what they believe the perpetrator looks like, based on the descriptions of witnesses and from ButtLove:
There has been an extensive manhunt to find this man and bring him to justice. However, do not try to apprehend him yourself because he is considered armed and dangerous. Simply call in America's Most Wanted.
Well, all that being said, I hope you enjoy the new pet jimmy. Occasionally i'll post how the little guy is doing.
I'm done for now. I probably won't post until monday, due to the large volume of work i have ahead of me. But on monday or tuesday you can expect that megapost. It will change your outlook on life forever...that or make you want to phone in the psychiatry ward and have me committed...we shall see...
February 23, 2001
Riddle me this...
I have two arms,
but fingers none.
I have two feet,
but cannot run.
I carry well,
but I have found
I carry best
with my feet OFF the ground.
What am I?
My thunder comes before my lightning,
My lightning comes before my rain,
My rain dries all the land it touches.
What am I?
When I am needed, I am thrown away;
When my purpose has been served, I am readily retrieved.
What am I?
You yourself own me, but use it the least,
'Tis others who put me to use, though I'm yours.
What am I?
Pernounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
Im double, Im single,
Im black blue and grey,
Im read from both ends,
And the same either way
what am I?
The ultimate riddle
My thunder comes before my lightning,
My lightning comes before my rain,
My rain dries all the land it touches.
What am I?
If anyone can answere all of these then I would hold them to be the smartest person alive.
I have two arms,
but fingers none.
I have two feet,
but cannot run.
I carry well,
but I have found
I carry best
with my feet OFF the ground.
What am I?
My thunder comes before my lightning,
My lightning comes before my rain,
My rain dries all the land it touches.
What am I?
When I am needed, I am thrown away;
When my purpose has been served, I am readily retrieved.
What am I?
You yourself own me, but use it the least,
'Tis others who put me to use, though I'm yours.
What am I?
Pernounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
Im double, Im single,
Im black blue and grey,
Im read from both ends,
And the same either way
what am I?
The ultimate riddle
My thunder comes before my lightning,
My lightning comes before my rain,
My rain dries all the land it touches.
What am I?
If anyone can answere all of these then I would hold them to be the smartest person alive.
My god, .. floap??!?! ok im not his brother!!! -cries for the child- :( its, just so sad. BAH
so whats all new??? i know alot of stories are going around here. welp just came by to say HAY and im bored..........
........... ... .. . . .. . .. so when we going PB'n Jimmy has the same idea as me ( your all wussy because you dont wanna go in the cold) WWWUUU-gets thwacked upside his head- bah, when we goin!!! MUST KILL MAME SHOOT STAB BASH SLICE KICK THROW DICE SHRED PUNCH !!!!!!! WWHHHEEEEE (insane) WAAAHHH WWHHOO KUNG POO HHHAAAYYEEEE!!!! -does all these kool gung fooo moves- WWHHAAAAAWEEEEEEEEEE!
so whats all new??? i know alot of stories are going around here. welp just came by to say HAY and im bored..........
........... ... .. . . .. . .. so when we going PB'n Jimmy has the same idea as me ( your all wussy because you dont wanna go in the cold) WWWUUU-gets thwacked upside his head- bah, when we goin!!! MUST KILL MAME SHOOT STAB BASH SLICE KICK THROW DICE SHRED PUNCH !!!!!!! WWHHHEEEEE (insane) WAAAHHH WWHHOO KUNG POO HHHAAAYYEEEE!!!! -does all these kool gung fooo moves- WWHHAAAAAWEEEEEEEEEE!
do you feel like saving a rain forest?
feeding starving children in boswania?
maybe helping out at the local Red-Cross station?
do you know how many starving children are out there who suffere from FCRD ( Flam Cake Respiratory Disease ) and cough up flam cakes each and every day while you're sitting there on your ass thinking of "who you should help today" ... ? DID YOU KNOW THAT?!? I DIDNT THINK YOU DID. You know what you can do about it now that you know however? Buy a FLOAP bar!
Yes, FLOAP is made from all natrual FLAM and SOAP . . . better yet - each purchase gives $00.00005 to those poor children out on the streets suffereing from FCRD. FCRD is serious, shouldn't you be? Buy a bar of FLOAP today from your local Bargain World or any other name-brand Thrift store.
Remember : FLOAP today, GONE tomorrow!
yup. today is a day of a lot of posts from me!!!!!
I'm the first mammal to wear pants.
I am at peace with my lust.
I can kill cause in god I trust.
It's evolution baby!
I'm a beast...I'm the man.
Buying stocks on the day of the crash.
On the loose, I'm a truck.
All the rolling hills I'll flatten 'em out.
It's herd behavior...it's evolution baby!
Admire me, admire my home,
Admire my son, he is my clone.
This land is mine, this land is free,
I'll do what I want, yet irresponsibly.
It's evolution baby!
I'm a thief, I'm a liar.
There's my church, I sing in the choir.
Admire me, admire my home,
Admire my song, admire my clothes.
Cause we know an appetite for nightly feasts.
Those ignorant Indians got nothing on me.
Nothing. Why? Because it's evolution baby!
I am ahead...I am advanced,
I am the first mammal to make plans.
I crawled the earth, but now I'm higher.
2010 watch it go to fire.
It's evolution baby! Its evolution baby!
Do the evolution!
C'mon! C'mon C'mon!
It's evolution baby!
this song dedicated to the wonderfully stupid person :
can you not feel her angst? her teen-driven rage?
ahhh, how hopelessly depressed she must be.
her blood runs cold. she's a hardkore vampyre.
oh but that isnt all! check out this ORIGINAL PUNK ROCKER!!!
FOR -FOR - | EVER!!!! |
doesnt he just make your insides go "FUCK AUTHORITY!" ?
isn't he just so unique, and different. Im sure he's got plenty to say.
and thinks a whole hell of a lot about ANARCHY. because ANARCHY RULES.
meet me at the red pony of chaos ... dude.
and one last guy i thought would make a great couple with the goth-girl!!
Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel my Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnngggggggssssst!!!
bye now. :)
hmm. i didnt post her picture. well it can be accessed by going to
wee. looks like i am first to post. it seems rachelle is always up this late at night. thats rather disturbing. my room is officially 85% clean. and I'm talking -CLEAN- ... even my files ( at the top of the entertainment center ) are organized. what the hell? oh well. i will finish cleaning it tomorrow before jimmoi comes over. other than that, im singing Im A Creep by RadioHead ....
it seems im getting into radiohead and pearl jam. very odd stuff.
oh well. i feel like posting a -very sexually explicit- .avi on the board. i wonder if that is against some sort of policy. hum. you know how it is at some-time AM in the morning and nothing else is happening and so you go crusing around at pornography to just laugh at. well i found an .avi that just begs itself to be laughed at. not only that - hey : i sent an image to jimmoi - and had i NOT DELETED IT i would have posted it up on the board. it was funny too. i laughed. man, did i laugh.
the people at ekissable seem to hate my guts. i've been rejected four different times. im going to go to jeff's site and get one of the pictures of me from there. thanx to jimmoi for suggesting that. ALSO since i remember - JEFF, POST A PICTURE OF ALF!!! heh. in fact make a porno-website ( on tripod if UW wont allow ) of alf pictures.
Jimmi rating update!

since the re-post of jimmi's picture we've seen a startling combo. it seems as jimmi is a tie between a large vote of either really shitty ( 1 ) or just above what he predicted ( 4 ) ... and this tie between the two puts jimmi up in the 3.82 category. will it go up or down? tune in the next time i'm up late and cant go to sleep! note to self, dont drink a lot of hot chocolate!
hmmm. oh yeah! almost forgot
my new picture im puttin on ekiss
watch that get rejected. psssh. im going to sleep. fuck this.
wee. looks like i am first to post. it seems rachelle is always up this late at night. thats rather disturbing. my room is officially 85% clean. and I'm talking -CLEAN- ... even my files ( at the top of the entertainment center ) are organized. what the hell? oh well. i will finish cleaning it tomorrow before jimmoi comes over. other than that, im singing Im A Creep by RadioHead ....
it seems im getting into radiohead and pearl jam. very odd stuff.
oh well. i feel like posting a -very sexually explicit- .avi on the board. i wonder if that is against some sort of policy. hum. you know how it is at some-time AM in the morning and nothing else is happening and so you go crusing around at pornography to just laugh at. well i found an .avi that just begs itself to be laughed at. not only that - hey : i sent an image to jimmoi - and had i NOT DELETED IT i would have posted it up on the board. it was funny too. i laughed. man, did i laugh.
the people at ekissable seem to hate my guts. i've been rejected four different times. im going to go to jeff's site and get one of the pictures of me from there. thanx to jimmoi for suggesting that. ALSO since i remember - JEFF, POST A PICTURE OF ALF!!! heh. in fact make a porno-website ( on tripod if UW wont allow ) of alf pictures.
since the re-post of jimmi's picture we've seen a startling combo. it seems as jimmi is a tie between a large vote of either really shitty ( 1 ) or just above what he predicted ( 4 ) ... and this tie between the two puts jimmi up in the 3.82 category. will it go up or down? tune in the next time i'm up late and cant go to sleep! note to self, dont drink a lot of hot chocolate!
hmmm. oh yeah! almost forgot
watch that get rejected. psssh. im going to sleep. fuck this.
February 22, 2001
Wow.... I’ve been gone a while, eh?
Yeah, Damnit, that really ruined my day when I heard Dale died.....fucked my whole week up, to be truthful. Not that I’m a very big NASCAR fan, actually I couldn’t care less about super speedway stock car racing, but Dale and Dale Jr. drove one of the Vettes in the Rolex 24 just a few weeks ago, and he was a hell of a driver. He started when NASCAR did more short-track races than super speedway shit, and most of the short tracks in the circuit were dirt, not paved. But the loss of ANY driver hurts the racing community as a whole, not to mention a legendary one like that. The crash didn’t look hard, but if you watch it, he hit the wall with almost the full speed left from the straightaway. That’s the same kind of crash that used to kill guys in CART and Formula 1, until the HANS device came out and became mandatory for drivers of both organizations. The medical examiner and everyone saying that that device wouldn’t have saved his life is BULLSHIT. It’s been proven. I’ve seen video of F1 drivers hitting the wall at higher speeds than that, head on, and walk away, because of this device. But the drivers in NASCAR bitch because it’s bulky, so Bill France gives in. That’s four drivers in two years who’s deaths would have been prevented. And the argument that his organs would have been scrambled also holds no water-again I go back to the F1 and CART crashes-at higher speed-that resulted in little more than bumps and bruises. Basically, it’s time for a change, these cars are going too fast and being too competitive to not have a rule change requiring more safety. If Bill France can’t see that, then he’s putting these guys’ lives at risk for no reason.
Morgan-how is it stupid that his family races? I don’t get exactly what you’re getting at....
Onward......to something slightly less depressing.
ugh, had to sit in the dentist’s chair twice this week, once today. Two fillings, two appointments. If it wasn’t for the Nitrous, I couldn’t have done it.
But on the positive, this week at work has been good, without all the ungrateful little bastards around things are much easier. I’ve left early every day so far.
Got a new carb for the truck (finally), ‘tis much better. Actually starts in the morning now. Goes like a raped ape on crack, too. And, to top all that off, it gets better gas mileage. And with only around $350 into that project, the savings will show themselves rather quickly.
Thinking about a stereo. Seriously thinking about a stereo. The fact that it only has faint AM right now makes the choice somewhat easier.
James, you never linked to the picture of the female who is beating Jimi on rating. Or did you?
Sitting here, looking at Supertramp’s "Breakfast in America" LP, on vinyl. I taught my dad to use Napster, so he’s referencing song titles from all his old records.....it’s good he has something to do, I guess.
Now, I must bathe and prepare for tomorrow....plus the smell of gasoline is getting on my nerves (been tuning my carb, after all)
Yeah, Damnit, that really ruined my day when I heard Dale died.....fucked my whole week up, to be truthful. Not that I’m a very big NASCAR fan, actually I couldn’t care less about super speedway stock car racing, but Dale and Dale Jr. drove one of the Vettes in the Rolex 24 just a few weeks ago, and he was a hell of a driver. He started when NASCAR did more short-track races than super speedway shit, and most of the short tracks in the circuit were dirt, not paved. But the loss of ANY driver hurts the racing community as a whole, not to mention a legendary one like that. The crash didn’t look hard, but if you watch it, he hit the wall with almost the full speed left from the straightaway. That’s the same kind of crash that used to kill guys in CART and Formula 1, until the HANS device came out and became mandatory for drivers of both organizations. The medical examiner and everyone saying that that device wouldn’t have saved his life is BULLSHIT. It’s been proven. I’ve seen video of F1 drivers hitting the wall at higher speeds than that, head on, and walk away, because of this device. But the drivers in NASCAR bitch because it’s bulky, so Bill France gives in. That’s four drivers in two years who’s deaths would have been prevented. And the argument that his organs would have been scrambled also holds no water-again I go back to the F1 and CART crashes-at higher speed-that resulted in little more than bumps and bruises. Basically, it’s time for a change, these cars are going too fast and being too competitive to not have a rule change requiring more safety. If Bill France can’t see that, then he’s putting these guys’ lives at risk for no reason.
Morgan-how is it stupid that his family races? I don’t get exactly what you’re getting at....
Onward......to something slightly less depressing.
ugh, had to sit in the dentist’s chair twice this week, once today. Two fillings, two appointments. If it wasn’t for the Nitrous, I couldn’t have done it.
But on the positive, this week at work has been good, without all the ungrateful little bastards around things are much easier. I’ve left early every day so far.
Got a new carb for the truck (finally), ‘tis much better. Actually starts in the morning now. Goes like a raped ape on crack, too. And, to top all that off, it gets better gas mileage. And with only around $350 into that project, the savings will show themselves rather quickly.
Thinking about a stereo. Seriously thinking about a stereo. The fact that it only has faint AM right now makes the choice somewhat easier.
James, you never linked to the picture of the female who is beating Jimi on rating. Or did you?
Sitting here, looking at Supertramp’s "Breakfast in America" LP, on vinyl. I taught my dad to use Napster, so he’s referencing song titles from all his old records.....it’s good he has something to do, I guess.
Now, I must bathe and prepare for tomorrow....plus the smell of gasoline is getting on my nerves (been tuning my carb, after all)
You are beautiful. I would be honored with some more pictures for you. My name is Sean and I am from Sacramento California. I am sure you probably get many of these letters but if you like you can email and i will tell you more about myself or i can put you on my contact list for future conversations.
Sincerely yours
ok - so now what should i say to him?
hee heee............. HEEEE.
You are beautiful. I would be honored with some more pictures for you. My name is Sean and I am from Sacramento California. I am sure you probably get many of these letters but if you like you can email and i will tell you more about myself or i can put you on my contact list for future conversations.
Sincerely yours
ok - so now what should i say to him?
hee heee............. HEEEE.
So, who wants to hear about my day? As I know you are all very excited to hear, I will tell you. I went to the washington state GSA-type meeting today, because Meg invited me. She only invited me because she is currently car-less, but she admitted it, so I didn't mind too terribly much. We were late because I decided to bring Alyssa Howard with us-she's the oldest friend I have here. SO we were late.
Once there, I gathered a variety of informations to share with the GSA, including the 'Queer terminology' as a woman who looked like k.d. lang called it. When it ended, three hours later, I had managed to volunteer for yet another organization, once again as an advocate/educator. and an interviewer. and an organizer. and a filer.
Megan left with Pinkos, and I was very lucky to have Alyssa Howard with me, as I did not know where I was. Meg ditched me. She can't help it, though, I suppose she was BEING SATIRACAL.
Once there, I gathered a variety of informations to share with the GSA, including the 'Queer terminology' as a woman who looked like k.d. lang called it. When it ended, three hours later, I had managed to volunteer for yet another organization, once again as an advocate/educator. and an interviewer. and an organizer. and a filer.
Megan left with Pinkos, and I was very lucky to have Alyssa Howard with me, as I did not know where I was. Meg ditched me. She can't help it, though, I suppose she was BEING SATIRACAL.
the events at my house that are currently unfolding are rather... shocking. normally i would be asleep at this time - dreaming of many dreams i've had before. others would know this as re-occuring dreams, and that gives you the slight insite that something is terribly wrong with Mr. Collins's head. anywho, yes - i should be asleep but CRISTIN'S FRIENDS have woken me up. one is at the door right now - knocking and knocking and ringing the doorbell... and knocking. soon he'll go home and start calling... over and over again. no. wait - i know why he is continuing to knock - because I am on the phone line! mwa hahah! he cant call because it is busy! hmmm. I should turn on some very loud music so he knows that someone is home and just isn't answering the door. --- now, forgetting all that ( oh! he just knocked again! ) i will address everyone in the order i've read their posts.
Jeff - you ideas about the grammies for the board are interesting. but i do not think many people will have the same... abilities as you for ranting and raving about things to yourself and having everyone else listen along waiting for the moment you snap and attempt to kill yourself in text. but speaking about the grammies - i didn't care for them with exception to watch two performances : one - by blue man group - and the manner in which the camera-man/woman handled the performance i about cried. blue-man-group performances are suppose to be seen as a whole. not two people singing and playing a gee-tar ( i think that was moby with the gee-tar! ) ... and the second performance was by eminem. many people don't like him. specifically D-S ... so i looked into it. i actually am begining to like him more and more. just because he flipped off the grammie award people. yup. he summed up my feelings towards the grammies right after he performed "stan" with uh... elton john. i dont know why elton john was there. they hugged. i grinned. then he turned around and smiled, raised his hand, and raised his other hand to flip everyone off. i laughed. my mother gasped. i laughed some more ( i've recently put a sock into my doorbell. that means that everytime he pushes the doorbell-button, all that happens is a 'duurvfpphfhh' ... which nobody can hear unless you're right next to it. the boy has now resorted to a continual "knock-knock-knock-knock-knock" ... i hope his arm falls off ) ... yeup. I also laughed because my mother was like "wow, madonna didnt win any grammies!" ... i quietly thought to myself "they dont give grammies to whores" and laughed some more. blah. enough about the grammies - lets move on. come get that dummy head from me. I think that is all for Jeff-o
Napster - what? i didn't say the song "do the evolution" sucked, i said it is probably one of their not-good songs ( as jimmoi is an avid pearl jam fan and said that their newer stuff isn't as good as their older ) - but over all, i enjoyed it. in fact i continually go around now telling everyone "its evolution... baby." - other than that - i have the majority of your songs requested and i dont think -ALL- of them will fit on a .cda disk. ill try to get as many as i can, however. and what is this about heather being depressing? you've entirely lost me. ( UPDATE: the boy is now -lightly- knocking. i think he's ready to give up ) Get icq - everyone has icq and not aim. and about Dale Ernhardt... he died not on the lap ... but like on the last couple feet of the last turn towards the finish line. crazy stuff. I was at heathers house - it caused a great commotion ... her father was very "well its the best way for him to go out" verifying the manner in which he died. the crash didnt look all that bad either. and lastly - more info on what im going to attempt at school can be found on the board... i dont know how far back ... but im still half-awake so ill either tell you in person or at some later date ;)
Jimmoi - I've beat you to the bunch and made yet-ANOTHER website to host things at homestead.com. I've already uploaded your picture so all you have to do is re-direct your picture URL to
and that'll do it for you. if anyone else needs space to host things on ... i've got about 8 different places to host it.... so uh, get a hold of me. heh. in fact! fuck you jimmoi! since i have your password - ill just change the picture URL myself! mwa hahahaha. on a lighter note ... uh... UPDATES ON THE SCORES OVER AT EKISSABLE!!!

what the fuck?

the scores before they reset because of the 'new picture URL' ... sorry jimmoi, and you were so close! i believe people voted higher for you when they couldnt see your picture. weird huh?
i still have to find a picture for myself - i finally realised why mine always got rejected : because its a picture of a child. son of a biatch. oh well. i dont know if heather is going for the 8pm thing.
but we'll see. and now to top it all off... i'll end with some lyrics.
we can dance if we want to.
we can leave your friends behind.
cuz your friends dont dance.
and if they dont dance -
then they're no friends of mine!
we can go where we want to.
a place where they will never find.
and we can act like we come from
leave the real one far behind.
Jeff - you ideas about the grammies for the board are interesting. but i do not think many people will have the same... abilities as you for ranting and raving about things to yourself and having everyone else listen along waiting for the moment you snap and attempt to kill yourself in text. but speaking about the grammies - i didn't care for them with exception to watch two performances : one - by blue man group - and the manner in which the camera-man/woman handled the performance i about cried. blue-man-group performances are suppose to be seen as a whole. not two people singing and playing a gee-tar ( i think that was moby with the gee-tar! ) ... and the second performance was by eminem. many people don't like him. specifically D-S ... so i looked into it. i actually am begining to like him more and more. just because he flipped off the grammie award people. yup. he summed up my feelings towards the grammies right after he performed "stan" with uh... elton john. i dont know why elton john was there. they hugged. i grinned. then he turned around and smiled, raised his hand, and raised his other hand to flip everyone off. i laughed. my mother gasped. i laughed some more ( i've recently put a sock into my doorbell. that means that everytime he pushes the doorbell-button, all that happens is a 'duurvfpphfhh' ... which nobody can hear unless you're right next to it. the boy has now resorted to a continual "knock-knock-knock-knock-knock" ... i hope his arm falls off ) ... yeup. I also laughed because my mother was like "wow, madonna didnt win any grammies!" ... i quietly thought to myself "they dont give grammies to whores" and laughed some more. blah. enough about the grammies - lets move on. come get that dummy head from me. I think that is all for Jeff-o
Napster - what? i didn't say the song "do the evolution" sucked, i said it is probably one of their not-good songs ( as jimmoi is an avid pearl jam fan and said that their newer stuff isn't as good as their older ) - but over all, i enjoyed it. in fact i continually go around now telling everyone "its evolution... baby." - other than that - i have the majority of your songs requested and i dont think -ALL- of them will fit on a .cda disk. ill try to get as many as i can, however. and what is this about heather being depressing? you've entirely lost me. ( UPDATE: the boy is now -lightly- knocking. i think he's ready to give up ) Get icq - everyone has icq and not aim. and about Dale Ernhardt... he died not on the lap ... but like on the last couple feet of the last turn towards the finish line. crazy stuff. I was at heathers house - it caused a great commotion ... her father was very "well its the best way for him to go out" verifying the manner in which he died. the crash didnt look all that bad either. and lastly - more info on what im going to attempt at school can be found on the board... i dont know how far back ... but im still half-awake so ill either tell you in person or at some later date ;)
Jimmoi - I've beat you to the bunch and made yet-ANOTHER website to host things at homestead.com. I've already uploaded your picture so all you have to do is re-direct your picture URL to
and that'll do it for you. if anyone else needs space to host things on ... i've got about 8 different places to host it.... so uh, get a hold of me. heh. in fact! fuck you jimmoi! since i have your password - ill just change the picture URL myself! mwa hahahaha. on a lighter note ... uh... UPDATES ON THE SCORES OVER AT EKISSABLE!!!
what the fuck?
the scores before they reset because of the 'new picture URL' ... sorry jimmoi, and you were so close! i believe people voted higher for you when they couldnt see your picture. weird huh?
i still have to find a picture for myself - i finally realised why mine always got rejected : because its a picture of a child. son of a biatch. oh well. i dont know if heather is going for the 8pm thing.
but we'll see. and now to top it all off... i'll end with some lyrics.
we can dance if we want to.
we can leave your friends behind.
cuz your friends dont dance.
and if they dont dance -
then they're no friends of mine!
we can go where we want to.
a place where they will never find.
and we can act like we come from
leave the real one far behind.
February 21, 2001
*Disclaimer: This is NOT my Mega-Post. Stay tuned for that.
Today has been a rather busy day in my little world. I have been working steadfastedly toward the goal of getting my moral development paper done. However, my efforts up to this point have paid off, and my work is now complete, and two days ahead of time. For those of you who do not understand or know how i operate, this is quite a new feat for me. Up until this point, my acedemic life had only known one philosophy: Procrastination. However, this new ideology is quite intriguing, and i plan on seeing exactly how far i can take it. One of the most striking things about it is that i don't have that waking dread i get just before the due date of an assignment. Quite the contrary in fact. I feel quite energetic and relived. How odd...
Aside from the vigor expended toward getting that paper done, my day has been filled with a surmountable deal of what i like to call "there is nothing better to report than about jebediah's pet frog being able to burp the Declaration of Independence" news.
What are you talking about jEFF?
Simple. Today i was lay victim to a great deal of worthless journalistic reporting, and lo-and-behold, it wasn't from Q13 Reports, like i am quite used to. For about ten minutes i watched a news report about how some guy landed his plane on a road in University Place. Wow. To top of that finely crafted and intriguing story, i saw footage of school children taking a field trip to see the great landing of 2001. Wow x2. Guess what every witness's response to the plane's landing was? Whoa, that was awesome! I felt like i was watching dozens of little Neo's as they reported about seeing the great plane land from somewhere within the Matrix. Wow.
Afterward there was various news briefs about recalled products, including a report about Barbie sunglasses that can cause cancer. Seriously. I guess i had it wrong when i said that hotwheels causes cancer. Ah, but then again, Mattel owns both. Hmmm, could jEFF have been right all along??
I would have pictures to provide with these stories but unfortunately my day, as i said above, has been very busy. But fear not, for i will soon post some images of these events that i have spoken about, as all part of my Mega Post, or maybe earlier than that. I should be able to procure some images tomorrow after i give a quick introductory speech for Amnesty International. Yeeup, that's right, i am moving up in rank, givin' speeches in front of people and whatnot. Wow.
On the subject of my MegaPost, i have come up with a hair-raisin', or at least the equivalent of barn-raisin', idea. Why not have a post-off... You know, where one day we all post the best type of post we could ever come up with and see who can post the best. Well, that's the basic gist. It would be like the Grammies, for Blogger. Okay, so the idea actually sucks, but its late at night, and i am not quite all here, not to mention that this post was meant for Wednesday night, but i typed so long that it is now Thursday morning. Damn, foiled again.
" jessica " and her likeness has recently got 7.32 on the votes. what happens if she wins? at this rate, she's been getting 9s and 10s like crazy. here's the story everyone : she was a friend of mine who gave me the picture - i told her "hey no you cant use dogs" so she made me edit the dog out. she then moved away to michigan. mwa hahaha. so that takes care of who she was. but uh... you know what? they'll need a picture I.D. --- which i cannot procure. oh well.
but it'll be -really funny- if she wins, eh?
i'll laugh.
" jessica " and her likeness has recently got 7.32 on the votes. what happens if she wins? at this rate, she's been getting 9s and 10s like crazy. here's the story everyone : she was a friend of mine who gave me the picture - i told her "hey no you cant use dogs" so she made me edit the dog out. she then moved away to michigan. mwa hahaha. so that takes care of who she was. but uh... you know what? they'll need a picture I.D. --- which i cannot procure. oh well.
but it'll be -really funny- if she wins, eh?
i'll laugh.
i have recently seen the music-video "do the evolution"
im sure that it's probably one of pearl jams worst songs....
but the video was so good.... and i've associated the good video with the music. heaven help me. how could my defenses fail so quickly
( reguardless of the fact i've never even HEARD a pearl jam song - with exception to that song in which jimmoi told me was pearl jam and i entirely ahbored. )
why is this centered?
in any event, once i get dressed ( yes, blogging in the nude / after a shower again... you know you love it ) i am going out with my mother. they all got pissed off about the fact i look funny with my glasses now and so they're getting me a new pair ( pair as in two ) of glasses. I told them i don't need them. but they don't listen. oh - bloody - well.
-end transmission-
February 20, 2001
I use to never be afraid - I use to be somebody
so sings my radio at the moment. yes - i have come to post. to lay down the law. my iron-fist rule will not waiver for the likes of anyone who could take over the board. for my word is god-like.. ( ? ) uh.
let's recap, shall we? Jimmoi has recently posted his picture up on ekissable.... that means I have to as well - just so that one of us can gloat about how the other is "better looking" than the other one. Hmm, but what picture should I use? This one?
you can't wait, can you?
hah hah, funny. nah. ill probably have to look through my files and have heather say "ooh, use this one" blah blah blah. and so on. --- the one jimmoi used is kind of old... so if i can find that picture of me that jeff took ( in b/w ) when i was in the car, ill use that one. anywho, enough about pictures. we should enter jeff. heh. then everyone will know what he looks like... the mysterious jeff-o in college...
hmmm. I beat the game Oni today. It was rather a dissapointent, but the fighting engine is still so much fun - i can re-load anywhere I want and fight a boss, which is awesome. So that'll keep me entertained for awhile. If anyone wants a copy of it - just ask. because i dont need the ceedee anymore. Plans for this week are nil - with exception that on friday is a big day to go movie-watching. Hopefully no dumbshits will be there ( insert wav clip of people behind us talking about Monkey Bone ).
By the way - about Monkey Bone ... how in the world could Tim Burton sink so low as to the acting career of ... ah shit, i forgot his name. YOU know him as Encino Man, or ... more recently, TARZAN -- or even more recently : THAT GUY WHO NEVER ASKED SATAN TO BE SATAN. AH HAHHAHAA.. "Hey satan, I wish that ... I AM SATAN ..... " ... anywho.... yeah. what the hell? what the hell has happened to Tim burton, I don't know. where was I?
at the time in which I voted for jimmoi his rating was 3.17 ... hey - he beat the 2.3 mark! and he isn't even blonde! and he doesn't have breasts! and he doesnt look like THIS GUY ... ah hahahah! oooh, happy day... even if it is sadly boring and i've got nothing else to do. i think ill look at the demo ceedee i got with Oni.
some last notes however :
1: JEFF! please start using
for your posts! the un-centered text is driving me looney! LOOOONEY! L~O~o~O~o~O~n~N~y! It just doesn't look right. ( dies )
2: anyone want to know what xes-ttub sounds like when it's reversed with gold wave? go ahead, say xes-ttub once and awhile. I bet you wont know what you're really saying ( mind you, i know you could read the text backwards, but you wouldnt do that now.... would you? ) ... OR YOU COULD CLICK HERE!
heee. bye now.
grrrr. . .Jimi's picture is on a funny webpage, and I cannot find it to post it. My rabbitt, when he gets around to posting, can fix it for me. . .
{in flys supra-james. fixes post. flys off with a grin.}
We will see.. . .
We will see.. . .
*Disclaimer: This is not my MEGA-post. Stay tuned for that.
I find it a sad fact that i am going to be posting today, and i will be the first one to post. Actually, that isn't sad. What is sad is that i will be the first to post and it is 10:30 in the morning. (By the way, i take this all back if right now i am writing out my post and someone posts just a couple of seconds before i do, in which case would make me seem really lame.) I haven't seen our gracious benefactor say much in the recent couple of days. Of course i understand he is more than likely busy with school work, for which i cannot hold him accountable. Still though, if he doesn't post much, who will have the incentive to?
I feel the currents of change brewing over the seas of calm that we drift upon right now. An uprising, and possibly a usurping of power dare i say? For if Mr. Collins doesn't grace us with his presence, or rather his posts, some dire fool might try to take his mantle and rule our board with a tyrannical fist. For all we know, this person might be reading at this moment, thinking to himself, or possibly herself (though not likely), maybe he's onto something. I imagine someone, say Jimmy, though i should say that i am NOT suggesting Mr. Miller would ACTUALLY do this, sitting at his computer in his boxers, unshaven, looking for his porn tapes and reading this post thinking..."hmmm, excellent...yes...excellent..."
"Say it isn't so jEFF...tell us not to fear that someone might try to revolt."
Well my dear friends...i wouldn't consider it an impossibility...no, not anymore. Don't get me wrong, i am not backing a revolution. No...no yet. At the same time i say with great heed...Be wary Mr. Collins...beware the tides of blogger.
February 19, 2001
Alas, i have not posted for two days. No, this is not a trend i am falling into, but rather i have been busy coming up with five pages worth of things to say about Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg on the subject of moral development. Why? Because i need to pass my Developmental Psychology class, and writing out a five page paper on moral development is the key to doing that. It has been a rather interesting challenge, and i have been perusing the psychological journals and books for the past couple of days. So much fun i must say. However, i have run into a whole new kind of dilemma.
One of the biggest requirements for the paper is that it is NO more than FiVE pages in length. In fact, the guidelines say that any more than five pages will simply not be read. Wouldn't you know it, i came up with more than five pages of stuff to say and now i face the challenge of shortening my work down by a considerable amount. Naturally this is something that i do not wish to do, mostly because i feel that it cheapens my work. Oh well. So i am left deciding how much of the info i wrote about Piaget i should cut. (At this time i have just realized that at least half, if not more, of you simply do not care.)
Anyway, i am writing this post because i got tired of reading, writing, and researching. By the way, why did they always call it the three R's? This, my dear friends, is quite a fragrent display of the inability to spell. No wonder there are transvestities and cross dressers out there. Which reminds me of another thing, but i will have to mention that at another time, probably around the time of my big post...to which i will make a comment about shortly. Back to the three R's debacle though. So here we have it. Apparently teachers want students to be stupid all the way through elementary school, though i have yet to devise a reason for that. Clearly we all know, and if some of you don't, then obviously the PTA's insidious plan is still working against you, that the three R's equal: Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. There is ONLY one R in that entire group. I give you the real source for the lack of education in America...the three R scandal. This is probably the same reason why George W. Bush can't speak more than a couple of phrases, and mostly about texas. You don't need three R's to say, I love Texas...or Where's the Beef? (or in his case, where's the Coke?)
Okay, somehow i got off subject, because this post was NOT supposed to be ranting about the three R's, nor about the evil powers of the PTA. Instead, it was supposed to be ranting about my upcoming MEGA post.
In truth it won't be a mega post in size so much as in content. Only my friend Mr. Miller has some clue about what i am going to post about. It is an earth shattering relevation of apocalyptic magnitude. However, i don't have the time or resources, or evidence for that matter, to post about it yet. Expect it in the upcoming week or so. It will be monumental, and frightening. After this post, you may not be able to sleep at night...
February 18, 2001
February 17, 2001
the "who the hell are these people" awards :
girl #1
now tell me that her boobs are like.... uh.. what the fuck?
girl #2
this is the WOMAN contest, not the "man who pretends to be woman" contest.
girl #4
tuesdays ... UPN ... 9pm ... BEASTMASSA, the woman chronicles...
"and you thought xena was hot?!?!"
girl #5
no comment.
February 16, 2001
Oh yes-you know what I miss about the Clinton administration? idle threats. After nearly a decade of idle threats to the Iraqi's from a them damn liberals, we get a new Republican, and what's his first order of business? to kill them bastards. More effective, yes-but not exactly what I would can fun.
bkuz dez niggas r hardkore muvafukkazz so if u b fukken wid dem - dey b fukken wid u.
and not only that - but they have a lackey! yes, a lackey! sent out to cause evil amongst the world by chewing on camel balls. Think of the pain and torment that the camels go through when she wanders her chattery teeth by their soft undersides! YOU ARE JUST LUCKY SHE'S NOT TASTED HUMAN BLOOD, OR SHE COULD BE GOING AFTER YOUR BALLS!
my physical good-ness ( health ) has seen better days. this weather is wreaking havok on my stability ... and I'm not having a very good week. I woke up this morning to hear my mother ranting about how it is still snowing - and that there isn't any school for Bethel District.
"Damn." - i thought to myself.... "Jimmy day is cancelled."
but - on a lighter note - towards the end of the day all the snow should be gone... hmmm. we'll definately have to think about that - however - had I gone on jimmy day i would most-definately BE BACK BY 12am or 11pm as i have to be at school tomorrow morning at 9am for ( get this ) my first day of saturday school, ever! I have two new M:TG decks in which I wanted to test out against Jake & Co. today. It is rather dissapointing that now I have to wait until monday to see how they work. Michael is going to go out slush riding. I don't know what the fuck he is talking about - slush riding is obviously some stupid term he's made up to describe some stupid activity in which is stupid mind has (stupid stupid stupid stupid) ... notice how the sentence just seems to trail off into further stupidity? I thought so. moving on . . .
As everyone has attempted to do... my plans are... very rough. For one - I do not know of "emancipated teaching" nor have ever heard of the concept. I didn't peg the term, and it sounds somewhat like one of michael's "make up a term to describe something" crap. Teaching - reguardless of the means in which it is done, is teaching. Learning - reguardless of the means in which it is done, is learning. My little experiment is no 'emancipation' from anything, just a test of my idea. ... where am I going with this? ahh! Alec, yes... good ol alec. I didn't know he went back to challenger? Well, i've got one advantage over him.
I choose who joins. If you have the will to learn, and the concept of a "mind" (ie: ask questions, think) - then i'd more-than-likely allow you in. What alec had to deal with was the student who didnt want to learn. who sat down in class and expected the daily routine work of classwork/homework. 15 worksheets a week, that's 5 a day. I won't have the school-board to deal with (ie: tests to prove that what I am doing is working) and I don't have to organize myself for anyone but nobody. Jeff's idea that I should probably look towards the ASB if this actually works is a good idea - however I don't plan on attempting it anytime soon. Not that I wouldnt mind getting money, mind you, eh heh.... "school sponsored jimmy-day" anyone? but merely that I do not wish to take orders from anyone in the school. true- ill be using the school as a place to host it, but I believe i can get away with it for a limited amount of time, under the guise that were just a bunch of students who meet together after school and "talk about stuff." ... technically, that's all. I mean hey, look at cheer / drill / crimsun haze.
another thing - since i didnt know he was going back to challenger - one day when i stayed after to talk to alec he told me about his frustration with the school I currently go to : lack of enthusiasm. He told me he used to work at challenger and that the students there were brilliant - not in the manner of what they knew, but in the manner in that they wanted to know. He got only the students who wanted to come to school - as challenger has a program which allows people to do work, at home, and just come to school to turn it in. He came to Bethel in hopes that since Challenger was for "troubled" students that the "un-troubled" ones would be even greater. Unfortunately he, yes - im repeating myself, came to Bethel. I remember asking him that day "If you're so dissapointed, why dont you go back to Challenger?" - and I am surprised that he held out this long. He really, really had a troubled time - but he attempted to make the best of it.
"Hurrah for Alec! May his teaching days still bring joy!"
anywho. since there isn't any school I have a choice.
(a) Play thief 2 .. (b) do some pre-calculus homework ... (c) or sleep.
given those choices it looks like im going to hav-----

but - on a lighter note - towards the end of the day all the snow should be gone... hmmm. we'll definately have to think about that - however - had I gone on jimmy day i would most-definately BE BACK BY 12am or 11pm as i have to be at school tomorrow morning at 9am for ( get this ) my first day of saturday school, ever! I have two new M:TG decks in which I wanted to test out against Jake & Co. today. It is rather dissapointing that now I have to wait until monday to see how they work. Michael is going to go out slush riding. I don't know what the fuck he is talking about - slush riding is obviously some stupid term he's made up to describe some stupid activity in which is stupid mind has (stupid stupid stupid stupid) ... notice how the sentence just seems to trail off into further stupidity? I thought so. moving on . . .
As everyone has attempted to do... my plans are... very rough. For one - I do not know of "emancipated teaching" nor have ever heard of the concept. I didn't peg the term, and it sounds somewhat like one of michael's "make up a term to describe something" crap. Teaching - reguardless of the means in which it is done, is teaching. Learning - reguardless of the means in which it is done, is learning. My little experiment is no 'emancipation' from anything, just a test of my idea. ... where am I going with this? ahh! Alec, yes... good ol alec. I didn't know he went back to challenger? Well, i've got one advantage over him.
I choose who joins. If you have the will to learn, and the concept of a "mind" (ie: ask questions, think) - then i'd more-than-likely allow you in. What alec had to deal with was the student who didnt want to learn. who sat down in class and expected the daily routine work of classwork/homework. 15 worksheets a week, that's 5 a day. I won't have the school-board to deal with (ie: tests to prove that what I am doing is working) and I don't have to organize myself for anyone but nobody. Jeff's idea that I should probably look towards the ASB if this actually works is a good idea - however I don't plan on attempting it anytime soon. Not that I wouldnt mind getting money, mind you, eh heh.... "school sponsored jimmy-day" anyone? but merely that I do not wish to take orders from anyone in the school. true- ill be using the school as a place to host it, but I believe i can get away with it for a limited amount of time, under the guise that were just a bunch of students who meet together after school and "talk about stuff." ... technically, that's all. I mean hey, look at cheer / drill / crimsun haze.
another thing - since i didnt know he was going back to challenger - one day when i stayed after to talk to alec he told me about his frustration with the school I currently go to : lack of enthusiasm. He told me he used to work at challenger and that the students there were brilliant - not in the manner of what they knew, but in the manner in that they wanted to know. He got only the students who wanted to come to school - as challenger has a program which allows people to do work, at home, and just come to school to turn it in. He came to Bethel in hopes that since Challenger was for "troubled" students that the "un-troubled" ones would be even greater. Unfortunately he, yes - im repeating myself, came to Bethel. I remember asking him that day "If you're so dissapointed, why dont you go back to Challenger?" - and I am surprised that he held out this long. He really, really had a troubled time - but he attempted to make the best of it.
anywho. since there isn't any school I have a choice.
(a) Play thief 2 .. (b) do some pre-calculus homework ... (c) or sleep.
given those choices it looks like im going to hav-----
February 15, 2001
I see that, although the man himself has moved on to greener pastures (I’m not entirely sure if going back to Challenger is actually better, though), the spirit of Alec lives on at BHS. Collins’ idea is a good one, assuming he can find a way to circumvent the affects of what Mr. Paulino mentioned, but I doubt he can the way he’s thinking now. He may, however, be able to slightly alter his idea to allow for minimal guidance by himself (or any teacher who uses this whack-ass idea) but still maintain the environment he imagines. It’s really worth a try. But thinking about this brings me back to Alec’s classes.....he fought really hard the entire time he was at Bethel to come up with a group who could hold a disscussion. He almost succeeded several times, the last class I had at the end of my senior was really very close. Thinking again about Jeff’s comments, maybe what he’s talking about, in a slightly controlled class, can lead to excelent discussions. It’s certainly worth a shot.
I tried to use napster here a bit ago.

This is what I got. click here for full screenshot
So I go to the url. It says I was banned because I shared a song by some lousy ass british group, the name of the song being "know your enemy" what they didn’t bother to check on was the fact that the song I shared, by the same name, was by Tool and Rage Against the Machine, not some worthless british group that no one has heard of, no one likes, and never will now that they pulled this fucking idiotic stunt. But, don’t worry, I have the Mac version of Napigator, Macigator. This lets me pick what server to connect to, including any of the large number of underground servers that Napster, the US gov’t, Sony and no body else can shut down.
I tried to use napster here a bit ago.
This is what I got. click here for full screenshot
So I go to the url. It says I was banned because I shared a song by some lousy ass british group, the name of the song being "know your enemy" what they didn’t bother to check on was the fact that the song I shared, by the same name, was by Tool and Rage Against the Machine, not some worthless british group that no one has heard of, no one likes, and never will now that they pulled this fucking idiotic stunt. But, don’t worry, I have the Mac version of Napigator, Macigator. This lets me pick what server to connect to, including any of the large number of underground servers that Napster, the US gov’t, Sony and no body else can shut down.
Every now and then i find myself so fortune to stumble onto things that far exceed my general expectations of the human race. Then again, since knowing some of the more vocal and free thinking individuals of this board (i.e. Mr. Collins, Mr. Miller, etc...even though sometimes it is not often seen for awhile), i have laid witness to these breaches of my expectations. To what am i referring to in this particular case? Well, to the idea of emancipated teaching/learning that is currently rattling itself around in the brain of Mr. Collins.
First, i should say that in my current realm of knowledge, there is no such thing as emancipated teaching/learning. To be honest, it is a term i coined to describe what i see Mr. Collins proposing as a style of teaching, and is in fact suggested by many developmental psychologists in the fields of moral and ethical development. I have yet to see it proposed to general education as the way Mr. Collins has described it, though i am not going to say that it doesn't exist or hasn't been proposed.
I'd like to give some kudos to Mr. Collins though for even toying with the notion of emancipated teaching. There are several reasons why i give great credence to the same notion of teaching as described by him. First, it has been show in moral developmental psychology that for most individuals, attainment of the higher stages of moral reasoning, as defined by Lawrence Kohlberg in his description of the six stages/three levels of moral reasoning, comes about at a much more rapid pace when groups of peers and associates involve themselves in something referred to transactive interactions. In these interactions, moral discussions are held in groups, with each participant allowed to equally contribute. The result is that those in the lower stages of moral reasoning are often brought up to par with those of higher stages. Likewise, a gradual shift upward of moral thinking is found within the group. This idea of transactive interaction and the general notion of James' emancipated teaching style have wide spread implications.
His style of teaching holds great promise and possibility for many reasons:
First, it has been shown that those who teach often learn as they do so, because it requires knowledge on the side of the teacher to present information. Also, it is required of a good teacher to be flexible, that is they have to know when the are wrong and be willing to accept other ideas or information. Of course, repetition and regurgitation of information is also a great way to become a retainer of knowledge.
Second, group cohesion and group work has also shown to have a positive correlation between the amount and content that a person can learn. A vast majority of Americans, and indeed those throughout other cultures, employ the use of group learning and group discussion to learn information, gather knowledge, and analyze that knowledge, and often times apply that knowledge in applicable ways.
It is for these reasons that i feel Mr. Collins has stumbled onto quite an interesting idea. His hypothesis of emancipated teaching includes these two very important factors, which should aid in the success of his style. However, there are some drawbacks that come with this style, and he has even pointed one of those out himself.
Domination of the conversation...
One of the important things that must be maintained is that no one person or subgroup should dominate the conversation, and no one individual or smaller subgroup should make others felt isolated or inferior during the "teaching" process. It must be held as a group cohesive project. In order for it to be successful, all must contribute. However, this also means that all must contribute voluntarily.
Formation of Factions...
Another problem that could become inherant in group teaching/learning exercizes is the formation of factions. This can especially happen in groups that become very large, or likewise very small. Factions can cause people to abandon free thinking and free assocation for the bandwagon, jumping onto a "powerful" and "well established" group's thinking, as opposed to saying what they believe, no matter how inane it could be. In small groups, this would virtually destroy the idea of having everyone contribute something meaningful and at the same time different. It would equate to trying to teach to a reflection in the mirror. In large groups, it could easily be compared to the rivarly between political parties in government.
Loss of Purpose...
This is a problem of less concern, but none-the-less can cause issues, depending on the true motivation and general attitude of the group. In some circumstances, a group while be doing fine discussing various issues of importance, and learning valuable material, but then it can go off kilter and at the next instance the group is discussing something of no consequence. This problem is sometimes beneficial though, because what may seem like a pointless purpose can very well result in a discussion of quite an interesting stance.
Despite the way it sounds, these problems are easily adjusted for. For one, here is where Mr. Collins might require what one might dub the "teacher", though for my purposes, and to be more accurate, i would call a "mediator". The mediator would be the person who would keep the group cohesion intact. Some people here would chose someone of higher stance or stature, like an older individual, or higher classman. However this doesn't mean that even a peer couldn't be named mediator. There is a difference though. If mediator is an older individual, he or she should restrain from involving themselves too much, for fear that they would in actuality control the conversation and group direction. A peer mediator by contrast could involve themselves in the conversation, but once again must keep themselves from exerting unnecessary and unwanted control.
Also, in order to keep the other problem, forming factions, from becoming an issue, group dynamics should be kept at a moderate level. A group of less than 4 people may not necessary be advisable, but could still be worked with. Likewise, "nothing in excess". Groups the size of a small classroom would probably be okay, but the general amount should probably be kept to 15, give or take. After that, you might want to consider making two groups.
Anyway though, that is my preliminary input on the subject. I could probably write more, but i suspect that quite the majority of you are swearing at me and wishing me a good deal of unfathomable pain. As for Mr. Collins, i am quite eager to hear as to how this whole emancipated teaching style works out. In fact, i am highly interested in the results. If you could write some observations down, in a scientific-style of unbiased observations, that would be EVEN more useful. You should consider, if this experiment is successful, going to the ASB and forming some sort of "club" so that you could use the school resources for more indepth emancipated teaching. If it does work, i might even be able to give you some backing from up here...though that is still in question. I do guarantee though that a great many of the developmentalists up here would be highly interested in your results if you could pull it off. Hehe, who knows, you might revolutionize the way even a minute number of public schools teach...
As for the rest of you who are indeed dreaming of random acts of violence...i have something for you all who proved patient with my unending rambling...
Here is a select clip of the movie "The Matrix". Using the highly advanced HMT translator (Hyper-Movie-Thought), we are able to decode and display what Mr. Reeves was thinking during the filming of this scene. Imagine the implications of the HMT translator.
Special thanks to Mr. Collins for supplying this image months ago.
One day someone is going to accuse me of using pictures as a reinforcer.
Well, that's all for now.
Oh wait... As for the dummy head in question, yes indeed i would want such a prop. Thanks. I will get it whenever i am down there next time.
All that said, i'm done.
i am away from school, so i have time to post. my reasons behind not posting for awhile? pre-calculus. yes, I eventually passed Intergrated-3 behind someone's back and am running with the big-boys now. Interval notation and all. I have been trying to do my homework and stay on task and take notes and so on. To think, I somewhat care about a class I am in at school. Not only that - but the army/air-force have been giving me heat. As things are right now - I might join the air-force ( mind you I haven't looked into it, that's just because everyone is suggesting I do so )
but - enough about me, how about what I will soon be trying to do! I want to be a teacher, but I also want to reform the way teaching is done. A long time I've toyed around with a class-room with 'no teacher' - where students can teach themselves and so on. Soon, i will put a 'test-run' into effect. I will isolate some students in school which I dont know that much and then see if I can get them to stay after school some time in which nobody is busy ( more than likely thursday ) - and I will also put up another board for them to post comments on something we've discussed ( this will be the te-i-am board i was thinking on what to do with )
the gatherings will be mostly discussion based - probably ranging from an hour or two. I don't exactly have a 'curriculum' at the moment ( something I want to talk about ) but I am toying around with two questions : 1. what is a leader? -- the second question will consist of each person writing down the question Are you happy or sad? and having them answer the question. I hope that someone comes up with the concept that the question is limited, and that there are a wide variety of emotions or feelings that someone can feel asides from happy or sad - which will eventually branch off into why are questions so linear? - ie: one question, one answer.
I've already chosen two people to join my group, proably three - but those are people from my third period. I want to go around the school and ask people questions. Jessie and Aaron I have to think about letting in - as I know they have intelligence, I fear they'd 'take over' the class and it would just become a conversation between me and them. I'd have to talk to them and ask them Not to imply that anyone is subversive to the group. - that means not to be critical with remarks as "thats stupid." or "you're a fucking dumbass."
those of 'would-be' higher intellect tend to do that. I was toying around with the concept of letting Mike Rigney in on my group - but I quickly struck him out - as he would just turn the session into a "pay attention to mike as he spouts out more mathematical jargon that nobody understands so everyone looks up to him in awe" sort of gathering. I want to try to avoid that. Nobody should be "looked up to." Tommorrow I plan on going around my school with a "sample" question in which I will ask random people ... if they have an answer - or reply to me in a manner which I believe they could be showing signs of thought and not regurgitation then I will inform them of what i want to do some thursday - and ask them if they're interested.
yes, i know all of this sounds far fetched. but it will be a riot of a time.
it will see if ....
1 - james can organize and maintain a group/following
2 - if my ideas about how a classroom should be run, works
3 - i can learn anything else from school !
4 - .... i think that is all.
so. wish me luck. oh - and by the way : Jeff I picked up a CPR dummy head from mrs. brown that she was going to throw away. it looks real funny and i scared a lot of students at school with it - if you'd like it for some props for your "movies" then you'd have to come by and get it sometime. i saw it and immediatly thought of giving it to you. so i saved it from the trashcan.
that's all folks.
note : i've invited someone new ( they havent decided whether or not they wish to join ) and changed the back-log date ( the amount of days this shows ) to three, not two anymore
but - enough about me, how about what I will soon be trying to do! I want to be a teacher, but I also want to reform the way teaching is done. A long time I've toyed around with a class-room with 'no teacher' - where students can teach themselves and so on. Soon, i will put a 'test-run' into effect. I will isolate some students in school which I dont know that much and then see if I can get them to stay after school some time in which nobody is busy ( more than likely thursday ) - and I will also put up another board for them to post comments on something we've discussed ( this will be the te-i-am board i was thinking on what to do with )
the gatherings will be mostly discussion based - probably ranging from an hour or two. I don't exactly have a 'curriculum' at the moment ( something I want to talk about ) but I am toying around with two questions : 1. what is a leader? -- the second question will consist of each person writing down the question Are you happy or sad? and having them answer the question. I hope that someone comes up with the concept that the question is limited, and that there are a wide variety of emotions or feelings that someone can feel asides from happy or sad - which will eventually branch off into why are questions so linear? - ie: one question, one answer.
I've already chosen two people to join my group, proably three - but those are people from my third period. I want to go around the school and ask people questions. Jessie and Aaron I have to think about letting in - as I know they have intelligence, I fear they'd 'take over' the class and it would just become a conversation between me and them. I'd have to talk to them and ask them Not to imply that anyone is subversive to the group. - that means not to be critical with remarks as "thats stupid." or "you're a fucking dumbass."
those of 'would-be' higher intellect tend to do that. I was toying around with the concept of letting Mike Rigney in on my group - but I quickly struck him out - as he would just turn the session into a "pay attention to mike as he spouts out more mathematical jargon that nobody understands so everyone looks up to him in awe" sort of gathering. I want to try to avoid that. Nobody should be "looked up to." Tommorrow I plan on going around my school with a "sample" question in which I will ask random people ... if they have an answer - or reply to me in a manner which I believe they could be showing signs of thought and not regurgitation then I will inform them of what i want to do some thursday - and ask them if they're interested.
yes, i know all of this sounds far fetched. but it will be a riot of a time.
it will see if ....
1 - james can organize and maintain a group/following
2 - if my ideas about how a classroom should be run, works
3 - i can learn anything else from school !
4 - .... i think that is all.
so. wish me luck. oh - and by the way : Jeff I picked up a CPR dummy head from mrs. brown that she was going to throw away. it looks real funny and i scared a lot of students at school with it - if you'd like it for some props for your "movies" then you'd have to come by and get it sometime. i saw it and immediatly thought of giving it to you. so i saved it from the trashcan.
that's all folks.
note : i've invited someone new ( they havent decided whether or not they wish to join ) and changed the back-log date ( the amount of days this shows ) to three, not two anymore
hhhmmmmm......no, jEFF(?), your posts are good....
Collins is the one that has made no sense/hasn't been interesting for a while (wtf was up with that enima thing?) And where has the young Mr. Collins been? otherwise, some peoples' not posting has been a relief. Mr. Borton (nothing personal man) is a prime example.....his never made much sense, and the group intellect left him behind some time ago-not that his posts weren't a valuable addition to our lovely mindless banter.....
The reason I haven't been posting---well, there really isn't one. It's been a suck-ass week. Almost got shitcanned monday-long story, rather not go into it yet.
shit, time for work.
Collins is the one that has made no sense/hasn't been interesting for a while (wtf was up with that enima thing?) And where has the young Mr. Collins been? otherwise, some peoples' not posting has been a relief. Mr. Borton (nothing personal man) is a prime example.....his never made much sense, and the group intellect left him behind some time ago-not that his posts weren't a valuable addition to our lovely mindless banter.....
The reason I haven't been posting---well, there really isn't one. It's been a suck-ass week. Almost got shitcanned monday-long story, rather not go into it yet.
shit, time for work.
February 14, 2001
Before i get on with my typical ranting about stuff that only interests myself, and maybe some poor little boy in the land of Boswania, i'd like to address a subject that was brought up by my associate, Mr. Miller (aka. Red Herring).
Why doesn't anybody post anymore? Right now i will stick to the assumption that everybody is too busy, probably with school, or tests, or inflammed hemmoriods. Either of these would be reasonable excuses. However, lately it feels as if myself and Mr. Miller are the only ones to post here. I don't even get the chance to post all the time, so that really only leaves Mr. Miller. And what about the illustrious Mr. Collins? I have not seen him post here in days, and when he does it is some insipid image of a honey bear, and a plea to download a song. It seemed rather bland from someone like Mr. Collins. Of course, who am i to speak of such posts...seeing as how i tend to post about things that, as i said before, are only of interest to me...or are they??
Anyway, now that i have vented on that subject, i'd like to go back to the topic that was on my mind at the beginning of all this. Reality TV. We all know what reality TV is...though most of us know it by only one example...Survivor. A great deal of America fell in love with Survivor. Why?? I truly don't get how people could fall in love with a show about backstabbing, eating all sorts of insects and rats, and about a gay man trying to rule over the group. People act like this show was groundbreaking for having all these factors. I don't see why...we have had this type of show before. It's called "Jerry Springer". Don't believe me? Here's a quick rundown of the similarities:
Rat Eating: Both Survivor and Jerry Springer show signs of grungy people eating all sorts of things. On one hand, Survivor shows people voluntarily eating rats for money, whereas Jerry Springer shows grundy rednecks eating rats because their lovers/sisters tell them to.
Backstabbing: Once again, we see examples of backstabbing in both shows. Survivor has people of all walks trying to climb over each other in hopes of gaining money, whereas Jerry Springer shows relatives backstabbing each other by sleeping with their brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, chihuahuas, billy goats, grandparents, next door neighbors named Bob, etc...
Lack of Hygiene: Both shows show people who are voluntarily leaving behind the importance of hygiene. Those on Survivor are doing it for money, and those that come from the trailer parks of America to be on Jerry do it because they like the unique odor that comes with rotting carcuses and the remains of goat feces.
These are just a few examples of the similarities. Why am i pointing this out? Simple. Many of the people who probably watch Survivor think highly of themselves because they would never watch something so crude as that of the Jerry Springer show. Here they are being deceived because in truth they are merely watching a Jerry Spring show on an island, or in the new case, in Australia. (I won't even begin to go into the possibility of Wallaby corruption.)
Does that mean that all reality TV is inane? I used to think so, until i saw The Mole last night.
I was going to write this show off as another moronic reality TV show...and then i saw them playing paintball. Immediatly my interest grew. A group of them had to protect a base from intruders from dusk till dawn, and if they did, then they would win $60,000 dollars. Damn sweet!, i thought to myself. Indeed, there are other tasks as well, and everytime the group completes them, they win a sum of money. Here is a summary of the show and its aspects:
10 players, 5 men and 5 women, from different backgrounds, are swept away to a secret location. For three weeks they partake in mental and physical tests, trying to collect up to $1,000,000 in prize money. But there is a catch: one of the contestants is actually a saboteur, a mole, trying to keep the rest of the group from succeeding. Every few days the contestant who knows the least about the mole is eliminated, until one contestant is left to take home all of the prize money.
Here's how it works: The ten players are taken to a secret location in a foreign land, where an amazing adventure begins. Cut off from friends and family, the group is given specific tests to complete. If successful, the group collects lots of money. However, one member is "The Mole," put there to prevent the group's success.
Every few days each player must take The Mole Quiz: a quiz containing 20-25 questions about The Mole, questions like: "Is The Mole a man or a woman?" "What city is The Mole from?" "Does The Mole have any children?" "Did The Mole eat cereal for breakfast today?" "What color shirt did The Mole wear today?"
The player who gets the most questions wrong (knows the least about The Mole) must leave the game...immediately. Players are eliminated, one by one, until three people are left: The Mole and two players. With one last quiz, another contestant is eliminated, the Mole is revealed, and the winner takes home all of the money.
The group must work as a team to complete mental and physical tasks, all the while trying to figure out who is The Mole. Guess wrong and they are sent home. Figure it out and they might last to the end. So get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.
Get ready for The Mole.
I don't really know if this show is as good as i am beginning to assume it is, but the idea and concepts leave me to wonder slightly. I like the possibly socio-psychological aspects of this show. Personally, i might actually be interested in being in a group of us where we had to complete certain tasks, especially if paintball was one of those tasks.
Well, that's all i really have to say for now, though i may post later...
Right now, i need to do a great deal of studying.
February 13, 2001
[Where everybody knows your name...]
I found out something rather interesting this weekend. Who out there remembers a guy by the name of John Raztenberger? Nobody? Yeah, that's because he's better known as Cliff Clavin. The stupid mailman guy from Cheers. He also had a voice role on the Disney movie Toy Story, and Toy Story II. You know...the guy nobody in there right mind would want to be like, mostly because he lived with his mom since he was a child, and she controlled everything he said and did. Hey...wait a minute...that kinda sounds like a certain buttsex-loving person i know... But anyway, i digress...
The point of mentioning Mr. Ratzenberger is because i have recently discovered the location of his whereabouts. Would you believe that he lives in Washington?? Well, its true! In fact, my girlfriend has even met him before. He tried to act all tough and scare a bunch of drunken, half pot-filled future target employees away from the pay phones so that she could make a phone call...he wasn't very successful of course cause he's like old...but still... Anyway, he lives on the island of Vashon, which is just 20 miles away from the University.
"So what does this all mean jEFF?"
Well, i'll tell you what this means my good friends...it means i might have a new actor for my brandspankin' new re-release of the Bethel Slayer. Okay...maybe not...but then if i harass him enough with posters and fliers then i might get somewhere. Hey, it worked to get President Bush elected, didn't it? (Of course, it didn't really work for Pat Bucanon, who last i heard tried to get my friend jOe to vote for him...after the election was already over....strange indeed.) Even if he doesn't decide to have a starring role aside the great jOe Macauley, or do a voice for the movie, he could always star in a different movie of my design. Or, at the very least, he could do the promotions for my movies... He does those mail postage commercials after all. (Which of course brings up a whole different issue: Why on earth would he want to re-associate himself as a moronic mailman who was never successful in anything except for having a dominating mother...hmmm Freudian perhaps?)
I know some of you out there probably doubt that i know where he lives...cynics. But i do! I even took video footage of the gate and the "warning, if you punk kids come around i'll blow yer foot off!" sign, and when i get the chance i'll post the pictures of the gate to the road that leads to his house. Is that proof enough or what?
In the meantime, enjoy these photos that shows Mr. Ratzenberger endorsing my movie... There'd be more if i could have pilfered more or actually gotten him to pose for some, but that's all in good time.
Cliff really enjoyed my movie, and want's all of you to see it too!
Mr. Ratzenberger seen here considering being the killer for a possible sequel...will he be the killer? You'll have to wait and see!
February 12, 2001
February 11, 2001
February 10, 2001
As part of coming to school here, and living in the dorms, and paying a whole load of money to do these things, is the priveledge of using the dorm's Ethernet connection. What does that mean for me? Well, it means i can load web pages a hundred times faster then the average 56k modem connection. Ooooo, that's something big. Another thing is that i can download music files from napster or whatever at lightning fast speeds, as my roommate and just about every college student does (Tuition kinda makes you poor and necessitates not spending money on anything you don't have to). Oh baby, how awesome. So it that it? Nope, and in fact, it is this last thing i can do with an Ethernet connection that makes the whole fast connection thing worthwhile.
Most of you are probably familiar with MSN Messenger. If not, well then, it is just another one of those messenging programs, which given the name of it you should probably have figured that out. Well, if you've ever used any of the new versions of MSN, then you'll know that along with it comes a Netphone dialing program that allows you to call anywhere in the United States for free. Now, combining that with the fast Ethernet connection, because phone calls really sound garbled and crappy when you use 56k connections, and there becomes a world of possibilities. Why? Simply stated, because your average caller ID box does not give the your number, and if it does, it is usually from the whatever internet server you are using.
So have i taken advantage of this? You bet. Let's just say that i have had some fun striking back at my old boss with some interesting calls to Target, and to a certain friend of mine who hardly gets anyone to talk to him. Plus his family has a problem with shooting dogs and so i thought i should step in on the dogs behalf as a concerned citizen. At least that's what i tell people...
Well, all of these calls i have decided to record to my minidisc and from there, once i reach a full disc, plan to transfer them to a CD. In essence, i am making a compilation CD of funny sounds, phrases, conversations, and calls that i have made or that i have heard. Included on this CD will be several of my calls to a certain average jOe, calls to my old place of work, and conversations between myself and james about sub sandwiches and stuff (it's actually much funnier than that sounds). If anyone is interesting in obtaining this CD when i am done, just email me, or post a request here.
Also, i have decided to make a couple of samples for you to download and listen to, just in case you are curious and want to know more. Here are the samples, just click on the link and you should be able to download them (even though i use the word "samples", these are in fact the full version of each particular track, mostly cause i could care less if someone ripped these off from me).
Jack Evenly Makes A House Call
This is a conversation i had with a family who had questionable issues with the neighborhood dogs. I called as "Jack Evenly" from the Washington branch of the Humane Society.
Here I decided to make a job inquiry to my old workplace of Target. I asked for the store manager, Roger Thomas, and asked him about job opportunities. However, for this i altered my voice to sound more like a...hmmm, you listen and decide.
If you think i am taking advantage of the resources given to me by the UW, well then you are very right. After having to pay all that tuition, of course i am going to use these resources to their last drop.
Anyway though, that is the whole beauty of having the Netphone program and a fast connection. Oh, and if you have someone in mind that you really don't like and they are pretty much asses, just get me their number, and i'll have some fun with them. I should go now because i have a great deal of stuff to do today. However, I will leave you all with a mouthwatering picture:
Everyone loves a good ol' bag of Cheetos!
February 09, 2001
James-you need to be under the care and supervision of a mental health professional.
Jeff-haven't you figured out Bob Barker's game yet? He's creating super races of ordinary looking dogs and cats, in a plan of world domination, and doesn't want to have their gene pool diluted by mere housepets. Isn’t it obvious?
Jeff-haven't you figured out Bob Barker's game yet? He's creating super races of ordinary looking dogs and cats, in a plan of world domination, and doesn't want to have their gene pool diluted by mere housepets. Isn’t it obvious?
February 08, 2001
He wandered far (yes, waaay past that one tree) and farther still, always moping. always sad, hunched over - for he himself wasn't all that liked in the Magical Fantasy enema-forest kingdom.
Edward the enema soon passed the tree and left it far behind him... then came a cloud that seemed to mock his misery. He tried not to look at the cloud that mocked him, so he continued to slouch. Continued to walk.
And continued to be sad.
Butt then all of a sudden, something new, and hairy appeared! It shone and beckoned for him to come closer. It wiggled and wagged its floppy self so much that it got Edward's attention. It began to make Edward feel much better. He began to smile, unaware of the fact that the tree that he had pass wasn't so far away after all - as it was still waaaay off in the distance.
Just then, the wiggly hairy thing jumped upon his head and began to violently jump up and down on him. Edward didn't mind this - he just smiled wider and wider, and eventually stopped slouching. He had a friend now. All was happy and joyous in magical fantasy enema-forest land.
The end.
I pose this question to you all: Does Bob Barker have some vendetta against dogs and cats?
It is that time of day where i am sitting in my room between my 1st two classes and my last class. Anyway, I was enjoying a ham sandwich while reading everyone else's posts and watching "The Price Is Right". Why was i watching "The Price Is Right"? I have no clue. It's more of one of those habituational practices that we human beings find ourselves falling into. That and it reminds me of when i worked at Target and that was the only thing on, and makes me feel incredibly relieved that i no longer work there.
Anyway, back to my original query. I was sitting there and some girl one herself a whole bunch of trips to various places far warmer then any of the places in our current vicinity. (For all those curious, she beat out this really old woman who was trying to win a Snow Mobile. Hahaha, future America's Funniest Home Video contestant in the works...if that show were still around.) So there comes Bob Barker with his little stick microphone, congratulates her, then turns toward the T.V. audience. The credits and logos begin to flash on the screen begins to end. That's when he begins with his typical ending, "This is Bob Barker reminding you, have you pets spayed or neutered." I don't understand this. Out of all the things he could spend his closing 15 seconds on, he chooses to unleash his horrendous attack of unrelenting punishment on the dogs and cats of America. What did they ever do to him? Did some cat urinate in his bowl of Cheerios when he was a young Bob Barker trying to get the neighborhood girls to "spin his wheel"? Did some stray dog attack him in the back of an alley while he was trying to get a hobo to pay plinko with him? Am i starting to sound insane? All these questions...
I suppose i can't reallly criticize Mr. Barker, seeing as how i probably couldn't come up with anything better than that. I really can't figure out what my possible plea for action would be. I have no vendetta against the stray dogs or cats, or even those housebroken ones. Oh....wait a minute...
Ahem...let me make my attempt at the closing for a T.V. program:
Thanks for tuning into the "The Price is Right", the number one producer of couch potatoes, obsessive compulsive shoppers, and morbid obesity. This is Jeff "Horehey" Paulino, reminding you to go out and destroy ever single ounce of wallaby life on the planet, for they are vile hideous creatures who are trying to take over our schools and government offices. They are out there trying to make us bend to their rule and force us to be mindless zombies for the wallaby way. Don't believe me, take a look at this: (At this point i quickly flash photos on the T.V. screens of dozens of Americans out there, as i continue my warning.)
Here is an intercepted and translated message.
Here they are attempting to mass multiply in order to overrun the human population.
This poor girl would not succumb to the rigorous brainwashing schemes set forth by the devious wallaby, and as a last resort, he is trying to destroy her. We must stop the evil from corrupting our youth.
In order to help you all out, the Destroy the Wallaby campaign has put out these signs wherever Wallabies have been spotted. Whenever you see this sign, driver your car as fast as you can, especially if you see one on the road. We must drive like drunk maniacs on our American Highways in order to save our children and make our streets safe again.
(Back to me with my mic.)
Thanks for tuning in, and have a nice day!
What do you think? It's a little rough around the edges, but it definitly has potential. All i have to do is wait for Mr. Barker to go insane and be committed to a psych ward for trying to cut off a dog's testicles with hedge trimmers, and i'm in.
February 07, 2001
{ the nature of the beast . . . }
I figure hey - everyone seems to be giving titles to their posts now ( thanks to jeff-o ) so I might as well jump on the bandwagon and title mine. Just curious : what compelled everyone to follow in his lead? Jeff-o, you're a natrual born leader. you're the best of the best. in fact, you're the first of any of us to get into a -good- college and not some piece of bullshit community college. in any event ( you see - i couldn't say 'but i digress' because jeff already said that once in a post and that really peeves me off. :b ) why the post-title? here you go :
I am seeing an Army recruiter this weekend
Yes, this one guy keeps calling my bloody house ( last time I put down my phone number for them to call me and tell me my ASVAB scores ) and so I figure the only way to make him 1. stop calling me 2. leave me alone is to play his little game and meet with him for 30 minutes and allow him to think that he is making my "FUCK THE ARMED FORCES" mentality dribble and melt away into a "Hey, they'll pay me $$ and I can have a rank and I get to serve my country and hoo-rah! looket me daddy, I dun made et inta da milatari!" sort of mindframe. I asked him if he played chess : No, he doesnt. He also commented that he had trouble with division ( I mentioned I was having a blast in my pre-calculus class ) and he also keeps trying to establish some sort of 'bond' with me - which is failing horribly. When he starts talking about his perception of women, money, and nice things : such as a good car to drive around. I haven't told him I'm celibate yet. and I don't party. and i dont like driving. and dont want to. oh well.
So - i put this to you all : me ... in the army? no hair? taking orders? wearing BDUs? saluting? saying "sir" at the begining and ending of each sentence? waking up at 4am? ( i do that already, btw. hah. ) selling my soul for money, and education?
Do you think I should seriously consider joining the Army / Reserves for
1: monetary gain? ... or ...
2: education profit?
mind you - any suggestion you make will not be taken to heart, but noted well. you are my associates. you've got to be good for something ... eh? ;)
I figure hey - everyone seems to be giving titles to their posts now ( thanks to jeff-o ) so I might as well jump on the bandwagon and title mine. Just curious : what compelled everyone to follow in his lead? Jeff-o, you're a natrual born leader. you're the best of the best. in fact, you're the first of any of us to get into a -good- college and not some piece of bullshit community college. in any event ( you see - i couldn't say 'but i digress' because jeff already said that once in a post and that really peeves me off. :b ) why the post-title? here you go :
Yes, this one guy keeps calling my bloody house ( last time I put down my phone number for them to call me and tell me my ASVAB scores ) and so I figure the only way to make him 1. stop calling me 2. leave me alone is to play his little game and meet with him for 30 minutes and allow him to think that he is making my "FUCK THE ARMED FORCES" mentality dribble and melt away into a "Hey, they'll pay me $$ and I can have a rank and I get to serve my country and hoo-rah! looket me daddy, I dun made et inta da milatari!" sort of mindframe. I asked him if he played chess : No, he doesnt. He also commented that he had trouble with division ( I mentioned I was having a blast in my pre-calculus class ) and he also keeps trying to establish some sort of 'bond' with me - which is failing horribly. When he starts talking about his perception of women, money, and nice things : such as a good car to drive around. I haven't told him I'm celibate yet. and I don't party. and i dont like driving. and dont want to. oh well.
So - i put this to you all : me ... in the army? no hair? taking orders? wearing BDUs? saluting? saying "sir" at the begining and ending of each sentence? waking up at 4am? ( i do that already, btw. hah. ) selling my soul for money, and education?
1: monetary gain? ... or ...
2: education profit?
mind you - any suggestion you make will not be taken to heart, but noted well. you are my associates. you've got to be good for something ... eh? ;)
god damnit jeff, answer your fsking phone once and awhile eh?
i want to see if this dialpad.com thing works!!!
in any event - if you got my email - i've uploaded goldwave and the wav>>mp3 converter to my tripod account. you may retrieve it at
mind you, i didnt make a link. so you'll have to do that yourself, AH HAH! so in the time it takes you to highlight / copy / and paste that into a browser address bar, it would simulate my slow connection speed. you see - i couldnt just let you get away with having a super-fast connection speed now could I? of course not. by the way, you should email me your phone number, just to see if i actually have the right one. and/or give me a specific time in which you wont be out taking pictures of otters pooping.
oh - i didnt put any instructions on how to use it - so you'll either have to call me or wait until i get around to writing out a document, or sending you email on how to convert wav => mp3 using bladeENC. you can twiddle around with it if you'd like. it's hacked (goldwave is) ... registered under the name "big jOe" if you cared any. check the registration files. heh. anywho. I might either play theif 2 / re-check to see if i didn't do all my homework / and-or go to sleep. possibly have a drink of hot-chocolate as well and eat some Cinnamin toast crunch cereal. yum.
i want to see if this dialpad.com thing works!!!
in any event - if you got my email - i've uploaded goldwave and the wav>>mp3 converter to my tripod account. you may retrieve it at
mind you, i didnt make a link. so you'll have to do that yourself, AH HAH! so in the time it takes you to highlight / copy / and paste that into a browser address bar, it would simulate my slow connection speed. you see - i couldnt just let you get away with having a super-fast connection speed now could I? of course not. by the way, you should email me your phone number, just to see if i actually have the right one. and/or give me a specific time in which you wont be out taking pictures of otters pooping.
oh - i didnt put any instructions on how to use it - so you'll either have to call me or wait until i get around to writing out a document, or sending you email on how to convert wav => mp3 using bladeENC. you can twiddle around with it if you'd like. it's hacked (goldwave is) ... registered under the name "big jOe" if you cared any. check the registration files. heh. anywho. I might either play theif 2 / re-check to see if i didn't do all my homework / and-or go to sleep. possibly have a drink of hot-chocolate as well and eat some Cinnamin toast crunch cereal. yum.
I read today the horror that poor Zach had to endure when he had his first encounter with the entity known as Curtis. I remember my own horrific first meeting with the Cardboard King. I had to deal with him for over a year, and at times during the night when Target had us on a night shift. Personally, i am quite surprised that i survived the ordeal. It is for this reason, and others, that i am now going to present the "Tips for surviving Curtis", for any of those who may become as unfortunate as Zach, Mr. Miller, or myself have been. I would strongly urge those who read this to pay close attention and give consideration to these tips, for they may save your life one day.
And now, the tips:
I read today the horror that poor Zach had to endure when he had his first encounter with the entity known as Curtis. I remember my own horrific first meeting with the Cardboard King. I had to deal with him for over a year, and at times during the night when Target had us on a night shift. Personally, i am quite surprised that i survived the ordeal. It is for this reason, and others, that i am now going to present the "Tips for surviving Curtis", for any of those who may become as unfortunate as Zach, Mr. Miller, or myself have been. I would strongly urge those who read this to pay close attention and give consideration to these tips, for they may save your life one day.
And now, the tips:
- NEVER stare directly into the eyes of curtis. This will most likely cause him to go into a frenzious rage of throwing cardboard boxes about and foaming at the mouth.
- NEVER say anything bad about cardboard, corrugated paper, paper mills, or anything else in the subject field of paper.
- If Curtis calls you by a name other than that which is yours, just smile, nod, and walk away briskly. He might try to mate with you.
- Most important of all, NEVER ever allow yourself to smell like cardboard. This might make curtis do one of many things, including:
- Mate with you.
- Start going into a frenzious rage and urinate on you to mark his territory.
- Throw you into the bailer to crunch you as if you were cardboard.
Remember to follow these guildlines and you too can survive an encounter with the Curtis.
I have more to say about other topics, but i have to go to class now.
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