Hey aaron...you shouldn't leave. [i spelled your name right, didn't i?] I mean, in the end it's your choice, but i am asking that you reconsider.
First of all, i'm sure that whoever you had a disagreement with will forget eventually. And even if they don't, that doesn't necessarily mean that they don't want you to post. Part of this board's character is that at one time or another we have all pissed each other off. Hell, at times we still do now.
Don't get me started on james' numerous annoyances on me. [sorry james, just needed an example man.]
And don't get me started on the numerous times that i've annoyed or pissed off jimmy or james, or andy, or...well, you get the idea.
[You weren't there for this, but there is a little event in the past that i'd like to call the "car incident". Oh that was not pretty.]
Basically, its human nature to get pissed off at each other, especially friends and people you talk to often. If you think of it, then that makes this board a brewing pot for hostility...and that is what seperates it from the "We all love BEENIE BABIES"-type blogspots.
Remember when jimmy and rachelle had it out over that "200 songs better than....insert whichever band it was that jimmy had chosen" list. That was some of the more interesting times to come to the board...and it got everyone posting.
[Not to say that you have to bring your argument with whoever to the board.]
So in the end, definitly do not worry that you're going to cause trouble. If anything, it might boost posting ratings.
I think that's all the points i wanted to make...at least all the points that i can remember that i wanted to make...
Oh, one last thing:
A message from all of us to you. I know the floaty thing looks like jimmoi is saying it...but its everybody...well, some of everybody. If it were jOe, he'd be saying..."Mrrrwffff....please...mrr...stay...twinkie...mrrnot..no...frrr...aaron...yes...mrrr." and then collapse over fantasizing about being whisked away to a land of giagantic DOUBLE bacon cheeseburgers.
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