I am back after quite a hiatus. Mostly i haven't posted in awhile because i have found myself with little-to-nothing to say. That happens to the best of us from time to time. And, that doesn't mean that something is wrong, it just means there is nothing left to say.
However, mike and james posted something today that i feel like talking about. The Personality Disorder Test.
I decided to take that test myself. Oh yeah, quite an interesting little endeavor. This test is the worst type of test to take, because it doesn't really tell you if you have a personality disorder. It more tells you what you think you might have, what other's think you have, or what you think you have subconsciously.
Mostly, when a GOOD psychologist wants to determine whether you have some sort of disorder, they ask you questions, but those questionaires are often more subtle then: Do you tend to avoid social relationships?
Basically, if a person suspects that they have social anxiety disorder, or something close to that, more than likely they will answer yes to this question because it will give them gratification when it turns out that they do...according to this test. [example of Positive Reinforcment & Behaviorism] And it doesn't have to be conscious thought. Subconsciously, a person can think they have SAD, most probably by other's comments, and as a result, may answer "Yes" to this question.
If i wanted to get a high rating on Antisocial, i would easily know to answer yes to that question above. It should be harder to know that in a psychology tests.
Now here are the interesting results to my taking the test:
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid: | Low |
Schizoid: | Low |
Schizotypal: | Moderate |
Antisocial: | Low |
Borderline: | Low |
Histrionic: | Low |
Narcissistic: | Low |
Avoidant: | Low |
Dependent: | Low |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | Low |
-- Click Here To Take The Test -- |
Now, here is the thing. Anybody can replicate my results by clicking "No" on all the questions, or virtually all. Also, there are only two options, "Yes" and "No". Ohhh, we are breaking the limits now aren't we!?
As you can see by my test, i have moderate Schizotypal. Hahaha...
Now here is their definition of Schizotypal:
Many believe that schizotypal personality disorder represents mild schizophrenia. The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving, and individuals with this disorder often seek isolation from others. They sometimes believe to have extra sensory ability or that unrelated events relate to them in some important way. They generally engage in eccentric behavior and have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. Their speech is often over elaborate and difficult to follow.
Okay, now that is somewhat accurate of what schizotypal is. However, i looked over the questions on that little test. As far as i can tell, there was only one or two questions that had anything to do with schizotypal. That is HARDLY a good indicator of schizotypal disorder. And here is another thing: "The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving..."
Hmm...odd, i thought creative thinkers, writers, innovators, scientists, astronomers, sociologists, psychologists, mathematicians, artists, musicians, playwrites, script writers (probably not the ones who wrote MI:2), people who work at Target (okay, bad example), professors, political analysts, and the list goes on and on.
In the end, i wouldn't be surprised if this test was created by some two-bit psychologist who wanted to get more patients by making them think they had some disorder, which would make them seek out psychological help.
Anyway, i am tired of this ranting...later.
Oh, and what i've written does not necessarily apply to mike or james...its more just general stuff.
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