November 23, 2000

<<<<<[11/16/2000 9:32:37 PM | N Bradbury]
Hmm.....I read over the posts....finally.....

"intelligent light"
I like that.

I think everyone here is pretty damn smart, but the term "intelligent light" doesn't seem acurate.

If you think your problems are all that big, well, see a counselor. But somehow I doubt it's all that bad.
It seems you are humble to a negative extreme. Lighten up. Shit happens. Deal with it.

If the person you speak of didn't care, what you said would make them follow your advice. Obviously they don't share your opinions.

Maybe the phrase "ruining me" is a bit strong.


Who the hell are you, anyway?
Your coming here, to this group, shows maybe all you want is attention. This isn't about that. This is supposed to be an intelligent exchange. I think that James will back me up when I say "who cares"
I really don't.

One last thing:
Something tells me you are still in high school or junior high. The shit you are going through now is NOTHING compared to the real world. Enjoy school while you've got it, there is a lot of freedom that you can't and won't get elsewhere.
Once the real world slaps you up side the head, this kinda shit seems so petty it's amazing.
If you have anything negative to say in response, keep it to yourself. Or direct it to me only ( if you are really pissed) But don't waste anymore of the post for this shit.

now, how about a little intelligent commentary? >>>>>

Okay, so maybe im a little late in replying to this, i honestly forgot i wrote that until today. Anyways, as for being in high school, sorry- I'm not. I've graduated. And as for "the real world" believe me, I'm there, I've been there my whole life. If I ever wrote about the things that really bothered me, this would be a ten mile long post. I know what the real world is, don't need to tell me about it. Maybe my first post came out a little odd, It was late and I was upset, both do funny things to your head. Anyways, thanks for the over-all disparaging tone of voice. I appreciated it.

So anyways, to get off that topic.. Its Thanksgiving. Woo. My mom was screaming at my brother in the other room, then she came in here and broke some glasses. Its turning out to be a wonderful today, just like all holidays are. Thank goodness I work tommorrow, I wont have to be home. People think I hate working weekends ;) Trust me, I dont. It is an escape from here at least. I dont mind in the slightest.

Anyways, I guess thats just about all I have to say right now, other than the fact that I probably should check back here more often... Yeah..

Oh.. Paige Fetish is not my real name, duh. Sorry if I like my anonymity. Sue me.

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