November 24, 2000

It's towards the end of the day and I've got nothing better than to watch a movie and .... THAT BLASTED SONG IS STILL STUCK IN MY HEAD. Unfortunately, as raw fishe doesnt post here anymore [the bastard] he wouldn't be here to defend Shaggy. It was originally him who said that he was still good, and it was I who said "what? uh, no." Oh well. So I now command all of you to go out and get yourself a copy of " It wasnt me ". Because it's funny. And the beat (pardon the bad choice of words) is PHAT ... S'got ridim. haa! i'll look into the Seti@home thing and maybe we can get a "SLUGS SENT OUT MESSEGES FOR EXTRA TERRESTIALS TO LISTEN TO" sort of deal. On a slight connection to the concept of 'extra terrestials' I'd like to tell you all what I told a class I had in 5th grade when I did a report on UFO's. Say I was outside one day and threw a large piece of a watermellon in the air, and you being my next-door neighbor, saw it. And you didn't know what it was. Guess what sukko? It's a UFO! Yes, UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. So if it's in the air, and you dont know what it is, it's an UFO. I hated how a lot of people thought UFO=ALIEN. That really pisses me off. oh well. Does anyone avidly watch that Roswell show on the WB? If so, HOW CAN YOU? I find it rather stupid. The funny thing about aliens is that .... oooh dear. figure this. radio waves from Hitler's first radio broadcast at the olympics are cruzing their way through the universe as we speak. Matter itself doesn't travel as fast as radio waves, and radio waves dont travel anywhere near as fast as light. Ok, so say "EXTRA TERRESTIALS" get ahold of Hitler's transmission. In the event it did, you'd have to factor in these fun filled facts : 1. it has to get to them, radio waves arent all that fast. 2. they have to either send something back (which would take a long time if it were another radio signal) and/or come themselves. Unless they're made of light, and more-than-likely they're made of matter, it'd take a helluva long time to get to us. Aliens weren't around back in the day when Roswell happened. They couldn't have been. I'd say if there are other life forms out there, and they ever do get word of us - we wont see them. For a good piece of alien/related/sci-fi/classic literature look up "Childhood's End" by... Arthur C. Clark. Fun stuff. Makes you think, then you realise it's just fiction, science-fiction. Bah! And hahaha! HRs are addictive. We should start HRA, Horizontal Rule Anoynmous. heeeee

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