July 29, 2008
Murder, and cannibalism, is illegal in Washington state.
Of course, saving the lives of others by heroically destroying evil is a good thing...
And I've met your brothers.
Seriously though, where did they go? I'm imaging some sort of Macauley Mystery Machine, with one of the feral dogs in the back as Scooby.
I'm an unintentional ass, and I apologize for that.
The house to my self
Glass and the Third Law
Bradbury, I thought you might find this interesting. Hell, I found it interesting and anybody even remotely scientifically-leaning would find it interesting:
Glass Me.
I loves knowledge. Interesting too, the parallels that one could form between order of out of chaos. Order, and beauty, I suppose.
July 28, 2008
Anthony's Baby
A girl, her name is Payton.
Cinema Sadness
Next. Camping. Amazing. Fun. Relaxing. River. Sorrows to all those that missed it by sheer circumstance or choice. I/James videotapped a good deal of some things, so I will eventually put that on the board so you can all enjoy a sample of what we enjoyed.
Bradbury, was that you who I cut off when Jimmy and I pulled out of the camp site? If so, that was purposeful (though for the life of me I have no idea why I thought it would be funny to do so... and I did think you were slowing down a little for me to go...) If that wasn't Bradbury, then oops to whoever the hell that was that I nearly caused to crash into me.
That would have sucked.
Oh, and to make it public. While we were camping, I for some reason completely forgot that Michael (of the Collins variety) was in the truck that crashed. I'm not sure why I forgot about him, but I forgot completely. Oops. He was there. I checked the footage of the infamous tree crash and he was most certainly there. (Though I was right that he was not wearing a blue shirt - that was James. Small victory. Bleh.) I forgot how funny the rest of that footage is... especially watching James try to move a truck. Oh hilarious. When I am able to get more miniDV tapes, I will transcode and then mp4-ify those videoes and put them up on the board as well.
Either way, DT and I were wrong. Man that sucks.
Next, this will probably be considered a "lame" request... but apparently Michael is (or maybe) sad that he has not received mails from peoples. At least, that was the initial impression that I got. So I am going to write him a letter, maybe print and mail the Loose Slugs Comics already made, and send it off. If anyone wants to leave a blurb to him, post it hear or mail it to me, and I will attach to said letter. Isn't that touching and sentimental. Then maybe I won't get emails from James' mom that make me feel guilty and like I don't support the troops. I do! I do! I would send them all Slugs comics if I could.
You can tell that I felt like writing... I'm just sad that none of it could go toward Aaron's post.
But, toward Aaron: I have the lab coats. I will call you sometime after 9p tonight. Sorry, but my minutes are low and such. I can call anytime tomorrow though, and I will if I don't reach you tonight.
Lab coats. Tasty.
And that is all for rant. Yay.
July 25, 2008
10. The Stranger
9. The Philadelphia Story
8. Going My Way
7. Hamlet
6. Citizen Kane
5. The Maltese Falcon
4. The Best Years of Our Lives
3. For Whom The Bell Tolls
2. The Bicycle Thief
1. Casablanca
According to James, this will inspire debate, though I'm not sure how many people that read this have even seen all the movies on that list, or movies from the decade that they think belong on there. I am aware that Citizen Kane is "the greatest of all time" and therefore should be number 1, however, I think it's really fucking boring, and if you own it, I doubt you watch it all that often. Casablanca on the other hand, is interesting each and everytime you watch it, and is still a very very well crafted film.
July 24, 2008
Because I Care...
It's been a few days since I've posted, but it isn't because I don't care about all of you. Quite the opposite in fact. I have been working on things for your Slug-gish enjoyment. And I've also been preparing myself for camping goodness.
So first, let's cover the camping things. It sounds like all of us will meet at James'/Jimmy's place. It is official, we will be camping up by the Soda Springs/Bumping Lake area.
Now I was looking over the maps and stuff that James provided, and checked a few different sites, and I realized that the information that is provided when you search for "Soda Springs", you get Naches, which is actually a little incorrect. (That explains why Bradbury and everyone else believed it was basically in Yakima.) If you do a google search for "Bumping River Road" - which is where the Soda Springs campsite is, you get a much more accurate location:
View Larger Map
Suffice it to say, all you have to do is go on 410 and you're there (turning onto Bumping River Road when necessary.) Either way, don't worry folks, I've got this info thing covered.
I have a cooler: 36 quarts of space. Orange creme soda galore bitches! It sounds like between James and I, we have everything covered. (Just have to remember to pack away the can opener.)
So that's Slugs Camping 2008.
And now, I present you with two fun new things: the THIRD chapter of James-2-James, the comic AND a new mini-documentary filmed years ago. Click on each respective picture to receive your prizes:
July 21, 2008
It's DEFINITELY not arid though. When I went, the temperatures were, I think, in the 80's. But there was plenty of trees, mixed with the higher altitude, which made for a surprisingly cool day. And of course there are glacial river run-offs which are not too cold, but would definitely feel good to jump in.
That isn't to knock Bradbury's location at all, just to clarify that Soda Springs and the Wenatchee National Foreest area is far from arid. (Hence the "National Forest" moniker.)
My spot is way the fuck closer, and not in Eastern Wa at all.
Again, still posting from a phone, so no Google fancyness, but the campground of which I speak is within [shitty] walking distance of Elbe, WA. It's more or less on the back side of Alder lake. Pleasant Valley Road, off SR 7, near Mineral Road.
Not the
I submit a comparison between weather reports:
Naches, Wa: 91-95f Fri-Sun
Elbe, Wa: 75-85 Fri-Sun
I'm leaving Vancouver now, I'll reconnoiter the site on my way home tonight.
(bumfuck nowhere eastern washington) I guess the real question is this:
route A:
View Larger Map
Quick. A pass. Freeway.
or route B:
View Larger Map
Scenic. Long. No Pass. A drain on my gas money.
I've not yet made it up to the spot I mentioned to jEFF, Pleasant Valley. It is, however, about the same distance as soda springs from civilisation. It's been a few years (six or seven) since I was last there, but at that time it was a very nice, almost unheard-of campground. That isn't to say hard-to-find, but you have to know that it's there. Another advantage is the campgrounds are off the road that leads UP into the Snowqualmie National Forest, where there are plenty of alternate camping sites of the "pull off and camp" type (i.e. bring a shovel).
I'll post more info when I'm next at a computer; at the moment, I'm in Portland typing this on a damn phone keypad. I'll also make a scouting run up there if anyone is interested. My plan is to be back in Western WA this evening (thus making it tough to see WTF is there), but I should be able to cruise that way tomorrow.
Should soda springs or any other Rainier-area campground be chosen, the Bradbury compound (my North American headquarters) is where I'll be departing from, and would serve as a decent rendezvous point, with easy parking for three or four vehicles if need be.
Oh, and I have acquired a [soon-to-be]Maui Cruiser, "Schmancy":
I'll be wanting to do some light 4-wheeling before I ship her to Maui next week (nothing like the last time we went off-road in one of my jalopies), and this seems like a good opportunity for exactly that.
Chime in on what you think of my idea, and I'll make a run to either spot to do a little recon tomorrow/Wednesday.
And Jimmy is leaning toward the Soda Springs type of camping as well.
Either way, I'm bringing some Orange Creme, you-betcha!
And I think we should definitely know by the end of today/tomorrow so that we can definitively tell other people - go here! Go here now!
Saltwater State Park < click for link to park website
View Larger Map
or Jeff's spot Soda Springs < click for link to park website
View Larger Map
You'll note that between the two of them, one is easily accessible. The other is well passed the mountain. The pros and cons involved:
Saltwater is close. The advantages of being close:
- less money spent on gas
- closer to places in case of emergency
- forgot something? just go down to a store and buy it
- ocean-side camping, get to watch the sun set on the beach
The disadvantages of Saltwater being close, however:
- closer, easier accessible means closer and easier accessible for EVERYONE
- we've never really gone camping "way the fuck out there"
- less chance of bear attacks
(this should be an advantage but really it isn't) - nobody has ever been there
(Jeff has at least been to Soda Springs)
Further information will be updated on this post.
I hope to have come to a definitive decision by tomorrow morning/noon/evening/night.
July 20, 2008
Will see it again.
May have to see it next weekend after/before camping if possible.
Will see it again.
July 19, 2008
T-minus However Many Days till Friday
As it stands, Jimmy and I were talking and if he can get Friday off, or get enough of Friday free, we may try to join you (in a separate car) to get a second spot. We all have cell phones so we can keep in touch until one of us finds a spot, then congregate.
Keep in mind that many of these spots have designated "check-in" times, which is around 3p I think. But that doesn't mean we can't arrive at a spot and try to check in early, or hover until someone leaves. (I will look more into this.)
Bradbury may be coming as well now. He was going to look up information about a place south of the Tacoma/Roy area, but as James has mentioned, it might kill the motivation for others to go. So for now, unless Bradbury's spot is amazing, I'm settling on the S-K-J option.
As far as my supplies, I have the following:
- Tent (sleeps two comfortable - four if pushed)
- Sleeping Bag (plus extra if needed)
- Small backpacker's camping stove (literally quite small)
- Cooler (buying this weekend or before trip)
- Extra clothes/Backpacker's backpack
- Hydration System (fuck you guys, I'm not going without water)
- Laptop and Camcorder and Camera (not really camping gear, but as I'd like to think I've shown, someone needs to document these things and no one ever does except me.
Also, Jimmy and I talked about possibly heading to Graham/Spanaway briefly to get some pictures of jOe for the comic. Maybe some footage of the whole area too. I found some interesting video footage from the past that includes our trips to Sharis, Jimmy and I interviewing jOe, jOe and the gOat, Chrissie's meeting with jOe (survived the first round, we'll see about another bout).
Oh, and Zach-0... how could I forget about you. I found something pretty interesting involving you and "Sexy Brice". That will also be going up when I can get the time to put it up. (There's currently some other projects in my queue, including the comic and such.
And that, is all for now.
I suggest you check it out if you're not prepped for camping.
Even though we still haven't settled on -WHERE- it will be.
(Jeff, any final thoughts? While I'm up for it, I think Wenatchee may be ... way out of the way for a lot of the people who are considering making the trip. I'm thinking Saltwater, while not as cool sounding as Dash Point, is our best bet.)
Some further information :
I have 26th, 27th (sat/sun) off - I intend to camp (stay out in the woods) friday night and Saturday night - then probably pack up, get everything ready to go - and leave late Sunday night instead of staying/sleeping out in the woods.
My list (as it stands now) is as follows:
1. Sleeping Bag
2. Tent
3. Light (gas lantern w/ cool noise)
4. Knife. Fork. Spoon.
5. (emergency) Change of Clothes.
6. Bag to carry shit in.
7. Cans of stuff to put in fire and eat (corn, beans, whole chicken)
8. One of those cool folding shovels to dig meaningless holes.
10. Jeff is bringing a cooler. Get something to put in it.
(post will be updated as list developes)
July 18, 2008
Sinking Feelin'
It's a video.
Sure makes me think stuff is getting better... stuff is getting better all the time. Our education system and ability to master logic, reasoning, and moderation however...
July 17, 2008
Camping Details in Spades
So some details and information points about all things outdoors. Camping is still on, of course. And while all are still invited, I need to now really get an idea of how many want or intend to come, or may come at all.
Right now I have six to seven people who have expressed interest: James, Jimmy, DT, Mr.R, Adam, guy named "Cat", and myself.
I have tried to call jOe twice today, but nobody at his house picks up. My guess is it is because I'm calling from my office line, and that might be coming up on his caller-ID as "Government Man", and the Macauley's think it's the Humane Society and thus are not willing to pick up. Relax jOe, it's just me. PICK UP YOUR DAMN PHONE MAN! PICK UP!
So Dash Point's a wash at the moment Apparently they now only do reservations, despite James' initial insistence that it is 1) walk-on and 2) free. (It's neither. Eight years does change things, doesn't it.) And when I checked in on getting reservations, well, apparently Dash Point has become just that much more popular. Go figure.
So 'nix to that one. But fret not, for we have the following three "urban-camping" (i.e. like Dash Point) options: Saltwater, Kopachuck, and Joemma. All state parks, all first-come, first-served. Those are our "close" options. (They are all in the lower Puget-Sound to middle Puget-Sound area - near Tacoma-FederalWay-Seattle.)
For slightly further options, we have a place I checked out over the weekend, a place in the Wenatchee National Forest, just past Mt. Ranier National Forest. Good place, though you'd better bring your own shovel and toilet paper, if you get my drift.
Either way, at least we don't have to worry about reserving. And it's looking like James and I (possibly in separate cars) will get there first to hold spots.
Supplies: I can, and will, bring a cooler for stuff, but people should start letting me know what foodstuffs they want. I have a tent, it sleeps four cramped, two comfortably. Yeeup.
And that's all I feel like writing for the moment. I think James is having James the Elder check on Ft. Lewis to make sure that it's not available.
Ah yes, and one thing before I go. Click on THIS LINK RIGHT HERE for some fun video nostalgia. Better yet, download that file and drop it in iTunes and you'll see more fun stuff. Oh, and THIS LINK get's you the same video, but formatted for your older iPods. (The first one works on new iPods (classic and nano 3g, and iPhones/iPod touches).)
I loves me some videoage.
July 16, 2008
Though it's not that I suck at retorts (maybe I do... meh), I just didn't really feel like engaging someone so completely inept that it would waste my time and patience. However, you did do a wonderful job on your own of highlighting practically all of the points I would have, save for maybe one or two.
Ah, but then today, I sat in on a support group for liver transplant patients and I was reminded again why Michael-Baxter and people like him irritate me like the STD's that they probably help spread. As such, a mini-retort, built upon my associate, is in order.
- The overarcing tone of your "comment" really does little to illustrate your own abilities at "romance" or "love" and does nothing to show that you have any concept of them, either by your definition or by my own. You start off with an insult. And you don't even bring up any of my points in your laughable rebuttal. What is that?
- You obviously have a limited communication skill-set, or you were taught communications by a helper monkey. You state:
do you REALLY want to go wipe an ass right now?? you're a liar if you say yes.
But that isn't really what I said, now is it?:
Tell you what you fuckers... when you are willing to wipe the ass of the one that you love because their body and mental functions are breaking down all around them, then I'll take your "romance" at face value.
I've bolded the word "willing" for a reason. Willing does not equal wanting. If a giant boulder fell on my leg while I was out hiking and the only want to free myself was to amputate my leg or die, you'd better damn well bet that I'd be willing to amputate. Would I want to? No. Tell you what, post your address in the comments and I'll mail you a dictionary.
Further, it is pretty weak of you ask such an obvious straw-man question. Honestly. Are you educated? And I don't necessarily mean in the public/private school system. I mean, do you have some sort of intelligence sitting in that space on your shoulders? That offer of the dictionary is still open. - Where to start on that whole run-on thought. Unlike James, I think I will break it down:
you have to go through the early; retarded; seeing the world in rose colored, heart shaped glasses stage;
Actually, no, you don't. You don't have to do anything. People do. It happens. It comes with being young. You even manage to hint that you know that being young comes with having a "retarded" viewpoint on life. So you're telling me that you have to be retarded. No, thank you. Granted, I have definitely had that "what I that stupid?" moments when thinking of my own past, but if I had had the wisdom close at hand to know better, I would have tried to learn that.
so that when you do open your own eyes the world stays a little brighter than its supposed to for a longer than it should
(Please keep in mind that with every response I am typing, I'm trying my damn hardest not to just outright mock and laugh at you, precisely because I think you are young, naive, and inexperienced.) It's funny, you're little "theory" here makes me think of all those people that I met in college/out-of-high school who were so poorly adapted to the real world precisely because they had a jaded view of the world and relationships. I think of the girls that are constantly raped in dorm houses, frat houses, and on dates because they don't realize that the "dreamy" guy with the "dreamy" eyes is feeding her lines and flunitrazepam and she doesn't know better because of her rosey, heart-shaped view of the world. Tell me, do you think that the world stays brighter for her longer after she has to drop out of school to raise a bastard-child? Isn't it just slightly possible that if she had a more moderate view of the world at a younger age, she could have... oh... I don't know... realized a few things before hand?
It amazes me to no end how when people start out at either extreme (the world sucks OR the world is a brightly color swirl of happy-fun-rainbows), they always are in for shocks in their lives, and provided they survive that, they end up much more moderate than before. At least, the adaptable ones do.
and by the time your eyes acclimate and see the world as it is; you don't notice so much anymore,
If you want to live in your hazy world, be my guest. But be warned, it's people like you, people who don't "notice so much anymore" that are in denial until reality really hits you. Then, when it does, you're simply not prepared for the sometimes harshness that reality has to provide and you find yourself dead, in a gutter, the result of a quickie suicide via sleeping pills or a razorblade. That or you be4come a meth or heroin junkie. Still bright enough for you laddie?
but you can realize that the two of you made it through everything together and will do forever.
If you've managed to make it to this stage, I'm pretty sure you'll be wishing that you could hop into a time machine and kick your hipster-doofus, wide-eyed, younger self's ass for not having been more open-eyed to the pros and cons of life and reality. Read a fuckin' book. And not one from the latest MTV top 10 bestsellers list of the month.
Having a liver transplant requires you to have a caregiver with you at all times. All times. Translate that as, if you don't have someone that "loves" you, you aren't getting a new liver. Translate that as, you die. Simple. That person is in charge of keeping you alive. They don't get paid for it. They lose freedom and flexibility. The invest in a person that might die before they get a liver. And if, after liver waiting lists, heart complications, memory loss, encephalopathy, loss of bowel control, liver transplant complications, and a life-time of being on rejection drug medications... if after all that, they get a liver... well guess what, they may die anyway. They do all that, and yes, they wipe ass if they have to. Not because they want to, but because they are willing to.
It's funny and enlightening that you consider "this idea of love... far to grown up". To think of all those "grown ups" that lived a loveless, meaningless life until you and yours showed up to show them the way.
You're pathetic attempts at "knowing" what love is, and "knowing" what romance is are, for the lack of a better descriptor, insulting. You pretend to have some grasp at how it works... get a fuckin' clue. I'm not saying you aren't experiencing some kind of love, but it's people like you who think you've worked out the philosophy of love at this stage of life make me want to punch you in the face. Twice. Go home, and grow up. And the next time you decide on polluting our board with your nonsensical comments and self-righteous and self-justified positions you might want to stop and let that brain work.
James, you're right. My retorts do suck. Can't wait for camping. I'll post details on things we need to know later tonight or so.
July 15, 2008
"don't be bitter because you can't get your D touched as much as you would like."
Cock. Penis. Shaft. Dong. Willie. Shlong. One-Eyed Monster. There were tons upon tons of different words you could've used here, but you used "D". "D".
What. The fuck.
"there IS a difference between romance and love, but you're fixated on this idea of love that is far too grown up."
I'm not even sure what sort of point you're trying to make here. He was ranting about people in their twenties go on and on about how they are so love-stricken, about how they have so much to deal with when it comes to love and living life - but the sad fact of the matter is that most in their early-twenties haven't the slightest idea of what really is - but they certainly like to think they do.
So much changes in the span of 20-25 that it is sometimes laughable to look back and say, holy shit. Was I that stupid? This coming from someone who utilizes "D" in reference to their genitalia you're either IN or PRE your early-twenties, or just fucking retarded.
"do you REALLY want to go wipe an ass right now?? you're a liar if you say yes."
And just how do you know he doesn't have a scat-fetish? His point he was making with the section you were commenting on about here was that love and romance takes effort. It takes work. It isn't something picked up easily.
This next part I'd break up but I really, really really; really, really; really want to show you something; really i do; really a lot, really.
"you have to go through the early; retarded; seeing the world in rose colored, heart shaped glasses stage; so that when you do open your own eyes the world stays a little brighter than its supposed to for a longer than it should and by the time your eyes acclimate and see the world as it is; you don't notice so much anymore, but you can realize that the two of you made it through everything together and will do forever.."
Its called a run on sentence.
I doubt ANY slug looks, or has looked, at the world through rose-colored, heart shaped glasses. Misanthropic. Cynical. Asinine. Sure, but you seem to think that any slug would've been gullible or insipid enough to assume the world was ever bright to start with.
And nothing lasts forever.
Of course, that might be slowing up the page loading - meh, whatever you can do James, if it's too much, I'll just delete the embed and set up up like the following:
Click Me
Click Me Too
Those links better damn well work.
What is the WHA?
... Gone For a Few Days and...
Camping was good (the separate camping trip I made) and gives me hope for the Slugtitude that will come. I hear Adam might be comin', so also good stuff.
I've been going back and forth about where to have our little shindig but an impassioned plea from Mr. Mud has put me back into considering Dash Point as our Destination of Choice:
I dont know where you are off to - but i dont want to have to pioneer and explore new areas.
I want to relax on the sandy beaches of dash point and watch the sun go down like we did so long ago.
I want to see how things have changed, and reminisce how it was in the old days.
I wanna see that damn big hill that we struggled up and the gas station we parked your trooper at, indefinitely.
Mudtastic: "I dig this Jesus-shit!"
This is Michael's response:First: Mwahahahahaha....
don't be bitter because you can't get your D touched as much as you would like. there IS a difference between romance and love, but you're fixated on this idea of love that is far too grown up. do you REALLY want to go wipe an ass right now?? you're a liar if you say yes. you have to go through the early; retarded; seeing the world in rose colored, heart shaped glasses stage; so that when you do open your own eyes the world stays a little brighter than its supposed to for a longer than it should and by the time your eyes acclimate and see the world as it is; you don't notice so much anymore, but you can realize that the two of you made it through everything together and will do forever.
Second: Ahh, man oh man... I don't really know where to start or if it's worth my time to start...
No. It isn't. So I won't bother. There are too many intelligent people who occasionally read this, or did at one time, that I'm sure they could figure out all that I want to say to this. And if not, well then maybe I'll respond. But I probably won't.
I will quickly say though that something must be done regarding a "new" Michael. We have two of them already. So that won't do. We can't have people getting confused and thinking that this "new" Michael is one of our previous two. It would irrevocably harm their respective reputations. Hereby, this "new" Michael will be referred to as "Baxter".
And to complete the change, because I wouldn't want Baxter's image mixed with our M.Collins or Rigney, I have provided what my MacBook and my own impressions have calculated is this person's image:
Good job Baxter.
And good morning/afternoon to my fellow Slugs.
July 11, 2008
Anyway you get the point. So I cannot compete with Zach-o for first posts... or can I? No, I can't.
Anyway, Andy mentioned to Jimmy or DT that he won't be able to go. Sadness. DT, you will have to pretend to be Andy for the duration of the trip on the 26th. (You can be yourself as well, but you'll have to carry a big stick.)
I wish I had more interesting things to say.
Oh, I hate Karl Rove. But who doesn't, so that's nothing special. I will give him props for giving our generation a new person to make an adjective out of. No longer does a person have to refer to another system or person as Machiavellian. Now they have Rovian. (Sounds like a dinosaur.)
Oh, I suppose I have something else to jabber about for the moment.
People are making me nauseous. Not everyone, but damn if it isn't a whole hell of a lot of people. With their whiny "I think I know what love is" or "I think I know what life is" or "I think I know the answers to every fucking problem"... "and I'm 22".
Fuck you. Fuck you people. It's a slap in the face to every single person who came before you with good intentions and weren't able to get things done, but actually did make incremental differences.
And fuck you people who think you know what life is and are woe-is-me'ing it up. Fuck you. I've seen people who come back from war with missing limbs and they are cheerier than you Hispter Doofus Fuckers with your melodramas about the man and society pressing you down. FUCK YOU.
Fuck you Military-Supply-Protestors and Code Pinkers for not understanding that to have some level of freedom, you have to have the conviction and strength to protect it. Fuck you for ruining it for legitimate protesters who protest against what they may feel is an unjust war (debatable) by protesting against providing supplies to troops.
And then there are the "I know what love is, and I have experienced it" bullshitters who are in their early twenties and have yet to watch as someone they know, love, are committed to legally and monetarily start to decay from the effects of lung, liver, kidney or breast cancer. A special FUCK YOU to you pieces of crap.
People will say that I no nothing of romance. I'm sorry, a glorified one-night-stand based off of "love at first sight" is not love. I'm not discounting the idea behind "love at first sight", but a) it statistically doesn't work, and b) the people who claim they met so-and-so, felt "love at first sight", and have been married for 20+ years are discounting the fact that they happened to win the chances game and their time spent together helped to solidify their affections. (You don't hear them spieling on about their other "love at first sight"s. Do you?)
Interestingly enough, even Disney never really fully played up that angle, and they are the masters of animated love stories.
Tell you what you fuckers... when you are willing to wipe the ass of the one that you love because their body and mental functions are breaking down all around them, then I'll take your "romance" at face value. Buying flowers, "writing" songs (laughable at best), or any other insertable cliché thing is NOT DEFINITIVE of being romantic. It's called being a tool. If that's all you are relying on to consider yourself romantic then congratulations. You are not. You are a Hallmark-Robot.
and yawn... I don't know where that sudden outburst came from, but it makes it quite apparent why I need to get away from the city for awhile. The people that feed off of its excrement are starting to annoy the crap out of me.
So anyone who wants to join me and the others that want to go (which I think stands at James, Jimmy, DT, and maybe someone else), then come. We will lamely try to set up tents, watch James play "master of the fire", and bitch and moan and philosophize over stuff, like we used to do, but with the cynicism and strained hope that has come with 5+ extra years.
July 10, 2008
Slug Snippets 2008-07-10
1p - sitting at town hall meeting for what is called TEMPO credit.
Nothing better to do today.
1:03p - I just noticed how very dirty my lab coat is. It's actually
quite gross. Speech is beginning...
1:05p - a support group that I help to run was given a small accolade
for good service. Surprised, to say the least.
1:14p - boredom beginning to set in.
1:17p - why do they torture us so? Trapped in a room with old
people... Monotone speech. Very few hot people. I'd kill for a
Clover monster attack to shake things up.
1:20p - Large woman in front of me has a comment. Large, and yellow.
Sooooo yellow. It's like watching the sun drink a big gulp.
1:22p - the "Sun" takes another gulp.
1:23p - I find myself hoping she doesn't have a heart attack.
1:25p - they are talking about our shitty elevators. About time.
1:26p - "Sun" hydrates itself.
1:29p - the boss of primary and specialty care, or second-in-command
is kinda hot... In a slightly older, business woman kinda way.
1:32p - discussing green initiative... I wonder how the "Sun" feels
about that.
1:34p - the Chief of Medicine makes a joke, he's actually funny. The
"Sun" laughs... It's horrifying.
1:48p - a volunteer speaks up about a various set of issues... I think
she's been building up a list of thoughts during the other questions.
Bah, I thought I was getting out of here soon.
1:52p - the "Sun" sounds angry... With rage... Or hungry??
1:58p - the "Sun" bellows: "I'm surprised at how slow 10 mph really
is!" - Really?!? You can get up to that speed?
2:01p - town hall meeting done.
Jeff Paulino's iPhone
Seattle, WA
Stopped Creation
I don't know why I actually bother with that... not because nobody reads these, but because I actually find it annoying when some asshat goes on to a forum and posts "first post" and then has nothing substantive. So thus, I will only declare my First Post Awesomeness when I have something substantive.
Guess what: Substance!
I've been hearing rumors lately of an Arrested Development movie in the works, and lately it sounds like if so, it will be released into the wild in 2009. Do you know how happy this makes me? DO YOU?!
For all those of you who do not know what Arrested Development is... I shame you. Go on, wallow in your bestowed-upon shame. It was one of the best, fuckin' hilarious tv shows of the early 2000's. (I cringed when I wrote early 2000's and I'm not sure why.)
I know Jimmy hasn't seen it, but then again, he was also in the Air Force (or was it Space Force...?!!?!) in the unforgotten land of Alaska (where I think the events of the "Postman" took place... where else but there or hell could that movie make it, after all). Besides, he's expressed interest in checking out my DVD's of the show, so I forgive him.
But not the rest of you fuck-ups who don't care to check it out. Still, I save my spite for those out there who not only didn't watch the show, but didn't watch the show because it started with a ukelele playing in the background and it scared them. Or those of you who'd rather watch Survivor.
There's a special kind of hell for your kind. And it's filled with decrepit Michael Bay clones.
So in closing, go out and buy or rent Arrested Development and watch it. And become excited at the prospect of a movie.
July 09, 2008
Check them out!
If I wasn't so secure in my manliness, I would be disturbed.
No wait, I might still be disturbed. Is it because of Zacho-boobies, or because of the guns... or because I only like my guns with girl-nudity?
I'd better just stop before this devolves into something horrid.
I'll take a look when I get home perhaps.
Someone asked me how to post to blogger, so for those who a) don't remember, b) are completely new... you have to have a blogger account, so if you goto BLOGGER you should be able to make one. I think the invite I sent also shows you how to, if you haven't already. Then it's a simple matter of going to blogger, signing in, and then go to the Posting tab and click on create. I think that should be it.
I can give lessons in person. I'm good at lessons. Oh yah, my lessons bring all the b--
You know what, I'm just gonna stop right now.
ive had a long day and i just suddenly got bored to to the amount of searching i had to do for those. so my post has ended.
Camping plans continue. Andy seems to be on board now after I've given him some details. Still a toss up between Dash Point and the greater Leavenworth area. I'm sure we'll figure that out all in good time.
In the comics-news-business, things move along smoothly, and a new issue will hopefully be out about mid-month. It should be out before the great camping trip of '08.
Zach-0, you should pose with more weaponry, or gas masks, or both. Definitely. It'll help me in the long run. (Interpret that any way you wish.)
July 08, 2008
this morning (afternoon who am i kidding) after we woke up and i drove her to her car, i recieved calls from no less than 4 different calling me to tell me the girl id been chatting up at the bar was in fact a lesbian, who was in fact at the bar because shed been stood up by a girl earlier that night.
so to all the best of my knowledge this may have just been what she might consider a drunken mistake.
thats about all i know.
i shouldnt be left alone with a camera.
(edit) first post again.
July 07, 2008
True Lesbian?
"oh hey interesting story. last night i had sex with a lesbian."
July 06, 2008
What's That?
b). Refer to point a.
c.) Camping cannot apparently be done at Fort Lewis, as apparently they are doing some sort of "gas the area" type exercise, per Bonnie's information. So now our options decrease a bit to Dash Point and any other site that someone suggests. I'm fine with Dash Point personally, but if anyone is feeling "adventurous" (and not in the way that involves spending the week living in a car with Jimmoi and Zacho), then let me know of what other site you are thinking of.
d.) All thoughts coming from Jeff may or may not be less than structured due to the number of drinks he had today when subbing in for someone in a drinking game. Don't judge me, I was doing a friend a favor.
e.) I'm still more coherent than YOU, whoever YOU is that is judging me. I will cut your toe off if you think otherwise.
f.) The numbering structure for this list is a bit off, due to the placement of periods.
g.) good night.
July 05, 2008
July 04, 2008
Quick Notes
And two... Happy Independence Day fellow Slug-gers. I'm feeling a might bit patriotic for the moment so don't kill my buzz.
Oh and... (though I know it's no longer the grand-thing nowadays...) FIRST POST OF THE DAY... FIRST POST OF THE INDEPENDENCE DAY.
July 03, 2008
Raaaa!!! Too Much Corrugated Fibers!
Jimmy used to make such fun of them...
And then both of you ended up working with one:
July 02, 2008
also, why the hell do you forget that that picture of roger means something to me too.?
dammit paulino. dammit.
tomorrow i have to take a retard to the retard barbecue. its not as fun as it sounds. all that will get cooked is food. still, its fun to have visions of flaming wheelchair bound retardeds flailing about and screaming something about cupcakes.
remember when i lost my virginity and i made that huge post that just read "I HAD SEX.........WITH A GIRL!!!"
man it used to be fun to brag.
last time i posted chrissie left me a comment telling me she hated me. i think im not for the comments. i agree with jeff, if youve got something to say get off your ass and post it. let all the slugs see what you have to say.
my iPod just told me that if i wanted to, i oculd start it at the beginning and it would go for 39.6 days befor eit would be out of stuff. thats fun. i guess. so why do i listen to the same 4 albums?
maybe if anyone wants to know ill tell you which ones.
why would you?
there is a pizza delivery guy who lives in the complex that i work at the most. hes foreign. he told me he wanted to "make a gift of me for to" and handed me a coupon for a free large pizza.
make me a gift any day buddy. wherever the hell you are from. i hope hes not from france.
i think im actually going to go to a movie tomorrow. i think i will see Hancock. looks fun to me. i also think i will bring a bottle of gin in with me.
i might also go see WALL E. call me a gayzo. i kinda dig pixar.
i gotta have paperwork time now. random enough for you jeff?
Changes a'Foot.
For my own, I found out that Blogger is implementing a few changes in the coming months, and I managed to get some of that "beta" stuff, mostly in the commenting area. The changes probably won't be apparent, which is fine with me. As most know, I'm not a fan of the comment system anyway. I figure, if you have something to say, get off your lazy ass and post it. Post it man!
I'm trying out some of the other new "beta" type things... oooh beta! Beta! it's a word that gets tossed around a lot these days... it's like the internet's version of "cool" or "hip" or "buttsexx".
To test some image downloading stuffs, I think I will post up a picture I found on an archive disc from back in the year 2002. Ooohhhh, so long ago...
This image probably doesn't mean much to any of you... but it would to Jimmy and I... I can't even remember why I made this image, something about Roger being a terrorist and infecting all of our raisins with terrorist-type things. Something like that. Better be careful of using the word terrorist too many times. I'm foreign-looking, after all, with my slightly brown skin color.
So I'll post up another, far more friendly picture from the past:
See that? That's the board, circa... well... I don't know. Read a post fucker if you want to know when it came from. Obviously it was when James was going through a Pink-phase... or maybe when that artist Pink hit it big, and everyone was like, "whoa... it's Pink. She's punk-rock! She's the anti-britney." Sheep.
Okay, one more, for old times sake:
Skype it. Skype it good.
And before you say, "well, Microsoft makes both", keep in mind that Microsoft made the Zune and it doesn't even work with their original DRM structure (Plays-for-Sure). It's sad really.
But today is not a day for diatribes against Microsoft (especially when there are 365 other days for that this year). No, more I'm just curious if anyone here uses Skype for IM'ing or video/audio chats. It would help the PODcast idea along if someone else did.
jOe: Download Skype. And post your hours of availability here. And post when you work at Wal-Mart. I might be down in the area sometime in the next few weeks and might stop in to say hi. Maybe get some pictures for the comic. I need to get some of that barn of yours. Mwahaha. Ahhh... barn. Doktor Bob.
Also, camping plans moving along rather well. I think we are currently debating between Dash Point and Fort Lewis, both having pros and cons. Jimmy through out the idea of the beach, and I'm not sure if he meant Dash Point's beach or making a mini-road-trip out to Ocean Shores. I'd be completely game for that idea.
Also, it seems like the weekend of the 26-27 of July is becoming more set-in-stone, so if you want to come, take those days off. Do it. Do it NOW!
jOe, are you coming? If you are, you'll probably have to drive yourself, as I have no car and nobody left lives in Graham.