September 19, 2006

Let me preface this by first saying that yes I do have a significant phobia of germs. That being said, I can also establish that my phobia of germs goes hand in hand with my dislike for public restrooms. Although I am not as bad as "shit brick," I have on many occasions opted to hold my need out of fear of contamination.

My darling Heather has posed that when addressed by the very adorable Dane Cook, that the public facility is some sort of laughing matter. I on the other hand would like to offer Exhibit A as my first example of why the public facility is one of the most vile things imaginable:

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Aww yes, and let us not forget the reason I have lost sleep on many nights. The idea that when you need to go to the bathroom, and you open the stall and view a horror like this...
My worst nightmare come true:

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Lest we not forget the things men must endure... at least you can stand and not have to touch it... although looking at it would get me bad enough not to go...

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Finally, I must note that there is a good reason why I do not like to touch the door/objects in a public restroom. See here what I see in my head every time:

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Tell me you have something more vile than this? I think not.


  1. What? They're not that dirty. Man, are you going to freak when you come over and see my bathroom. . .

  2. your bathroom was "pee-able"
