So i decided to try out the game "the Sims" for myself to see if i liked it, and if it was worth the hype.
My judgement: It's okay. Not quite what i expected, but at the same time, it was good.
I even made my own family of two. I am married to Kristen, and we live in a large house. I did this, not because i was materialistic, but because i wanted to try and build a ludricrious looking super expensive house, complete with an indoor pool. Did that work? Well...
Well, will you look at that. I even have an indoor pool, and a pool table. I don't know if you can see the pool table. Now this would be some place. It's like a huge bunker. Just imagine if one of us had this place. We could all hang out here, and do stuff...yeah. Okay, in reality it sucks...but it was fun to create this ridiculous house. C'mon indoor pool. Yeah.
As you can see, i had some fun building that house... I never plan to, nor want to, live in a house like that. It's just too much. This was more designed as a fantasy headquarters for our group to hang out in, and make our plans, and whatnot.
And, it was fun to just relax. And where does jEFF go to relax in his simulated world. Why, none other than the hottub with his redhead wife...i don't know if the redhair is visible hear:
By the look of the picture, i'd say i was talking about guitars or music... I guess that's not really me, because i wouldn't talk about guitars or music very much.
yeah, i am going to mess around with this some more and see what else i can do. It wasn't really fair this time, because i used a cheat to get lots of money, so that i could experiment with the game. Next time around i won't do that.
And i have to remember to get james a copy.
well, i guess this is growing up4
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