June 25, 2004

The Chronicles of Ridiculous 98105-20060625-0959-6007

With regards to the Matrix and Pitch Black, I'm not necessarily surprised that everyone you knew couldn't wait for it to come out. But that's your sample population. Taking into account every group, and summing them into one standard global population, then I think what I said before still applies... The Matrix, and Pitch Black (more so Pitch Black), weren't as anticipated or expected. At the very least, not compared to their successors.

First of all, they were the first. Second, they set the stage for the successors. People wanted to see Chronicles because they saw Pitch Black. So you take the fan base and then add in new people who just simply say, "OOhhh, that looks coooooool." Same with Matrix.

Of course, the relationship can go in reverse. Working at Hollywood video, I was bombarded, and unfortunately still am, with the question, "Ooooh, do you have Pitch Black on DVD."

Fuckers. It's the same thing everytime. That or, "Shrek" or "Matrix Reloaded".

And of course, sequel's tending to suck goes back to my original hypothesis of Star Wars Hype. You hype up a movie, and it has no choice but to suck. I'm concerned the same will hold true for Spider-Man 2. On the other hand, when a movie is in that position, then it only comes out good if it truly was a good movie, so it's forced to stand on it's own merits and not just clever advertising. So who knows, that could be a good thing.

As for the French Revolution... I remember hearing that the King and Queen were hated. That was the one sparked off by hunger and famine, right? Isn't that were the Queen said, "Let them eat cake?"

Again, I'm not claiming to know that, but I swear that's what I remember.

June 24, 2004

Revolt 98105-20040624-1506-6005

They invented the Guillotine for it. Or at least that was the impression some of my history teachers gave me. Of course, they were from Bethel, so some of that information is circumspect I suppose.

Still, if they didn't invent the Guillotine for the Revolution, they certainly made it applicable for the Revolution.

But I do contest, the French Revolution didn't make as many ripples as say... the Soviet uprising. I'm not a history major, so I'm not all historied up. I wish I was, but I'm not. I should read up on that.

It is kinda interesting to note that as far as I can recollect, I hardly learned anything about the Soviet uprising and the start of communism in Russia. I mean, other than the basics. We learned much, much more about the French Revolution. My assumption: I was in school during those years that we would have learned about it, while under the veil of the Cold War. I guess nobody wanted to talk about Russian and the pros/cons of their history. That's my off-handed best guess, so who knows.

And Chronicles of Riddick: HAHAHAH FUCKERS... to all you who said, "ohh Pitch Black was so good..." I did watch Pitch Black, and yes, it was better than I had expected, but if any of you actually thought that Chronicles of Riddick was going to be good, you obviously hadn't learned your lessons with Star Wars and the prequels. Sequels, prequels, what-have-you... just tend not to go good.

Usually someone gets the idea that even bigger special effects are going to make it better. Not to mention... Pitch Black was good because nobody expected it to be. Matrix was good (in the eyes of the general populace, and compared to it's successors) because nobody expected it to be good and it was a no-name. Star Wars was good because it wasn't expected. Then what happens? "Ohh, I have a fanbase, and thus am guaranteed money and an audience. Let's CGI everything! People, plants... a moose in a room. Doesn't fit? Doesn't matter, Do it ANYWAY!"

I hate when captalism makes movies.
Quantum Fuckin' Awesome SEA-20040624-1228-6003

Recently I purchased Season ONE of the Quantum Leap Series... and I was reminded of how fuckin' spectacular that show was. Ahh... I remember the times when I'd sneak into the living room when I was supposed to be asleep and watch Quantum Leap. The best.

I mean who can argue that it wasn't an awesome show. I remember thinking how cool it would be to have a holo-imaging chamber of my own. And that little computer that Al always had. The precursor for today's PDA's. He was always smacking it around trying to get it to work.

Kinda like a Collins.

Anyway, that little trip down memory lane was spurred by the fact that as I was looking for release information for possible future series sets of the show, I found out that there are plans in the works for a Quantum Leap TV movie. Something possibly called: Quantum Leap: A Bold Leap Forward.

Normally I'd be against the idea of such a venture, because they are almost always doomed to failure... but still, it's Quantum Leap... and it's supposedly all the same writers and whatnot... and the same cast. So there's some promise... right? I just hope they don't go all George Lucas on us and CGI everything. I'll be fuckin' pissed if I see it, because it will be completely unnecessary. Just the same blue light.

Which reminds me, does anybody know if Family Guy ever spoofed Quantum Leap... i have a vague memory of that... but I'm not sure if I'm just making that up in my head.

Lastly, there is supposed to be a new Quantum Leap series coming into the works for SCI-FI. That disturbs me. Spinoffs are hardly successful, and sometimes, despite how much you like something, you should just let it stay in the past.

I rambled.

Oh, and with regards to the French Revolution... i don't remember the history entirely, but didn't that set the stage for changes in power throughout Europe for like the next hundred years? Usually the destabilization of a power such as that would cause such a ripple-effect. That was partially what the list was composed of. Each event had it's ripple effect considered. Though I suppose the Industrial Revolution probably had a bigger ripple than the French Revolution.

June 23, 2004

Here's something new for me to post...

Top 7 Historical Moments... SEA-20040623-1503-6002

  1. Birth of Christianity/Crucifiction of Jesus Christ
  2. Drafting of the Declaration of Independence
  3. Start of the French Revolution
  4. Bombing of Pearl Harbor
  5. September 11th
  6. Hiroshima & Nagasaki
  7. Fall of the Berlin Wall

June 22, 2004

.You son of a bitch

.You stole my post

!I was going to have the 6000th post

.Now I have to settle with 6001

!Fuck you James

.Fuck you with a salty straw covered in syphillis

June 21, 2004

6 000TH POST

sup dudes, whats going on in this old blog?
Wow... it's been awhile, hasn't it?

But then again, that's what happens when you don't really have a computer at home, and you can only read the board, but not post anything.

At least, I haven't decided to risk really posting anything at work... since work is a government hospital... and James can sometimes be... flammable.

A few updates, that really aren't updates because you probably all know of them already:

I got that job at the VA and I've been working their for a month... it's not too bad, work-wise, but it is a bit dull sometimes. That's the problem when you start at a new place and everyone has to assume that you are mentally handicapped. Makes sense... you wouldn't want to overwhelm a new person. Unfortunately for me, I like the feeling of being overwhelmed...

... maybe like isn't the right word. Used to

I'm also still working at Hollywood Video. Why? Well because I purposely don't want a life...

Actually, that's just cause I want to build up a store of money, and then go nuts one day. Wouldn't that be grand?

Lastly, for the moment, I'm planning to do something... though I don't know what yet... but it will be good. And big. And no, this isn't like the MegaPost. This is actually be substantive.

But now I must go... VA is paying for me to take classes so i have to go to them.


June 18, 2004

Few things to say quick-like here, then I have to get back to it:

1) My return: Not until August 16th now, and I return to work on August 17th. Luckily, I'll be back a few times between now and then. Looks like July 3/4 maybe, not sure yet. One other weekend I'll be back and that's it.

2) Summer break: I'm a 180-day per year employee now, so I get summers off. This summer, it worked out that I'll be up here at Pilchuck from the day after I'm done for the summer, until the day before I return. With only two breaks.

3) Pilchuck: Guess what? A year later, this place still rocks. Being here all summer rocks even more. I'll be testing the load capacity of my car when I return; I'm getting a lot of really cool stuff made so far. After this session is over, I'm free to do whatever the hell I want for almost two months. I'm the "librarian" from July 5 until August 16, which means I'll have nothing to do but make art all day. Bad-fucking-ass.

So, now I have to get back to it. There's a fire pit, fixin's for s'mores and two kegs waiting for my return.


June 14, 2004

Meet Wally, the last dinosaur on Earth.
Wally is a sad, sad dino.

Will you be Wally's friend?
Click on Wally to be Wally's friend.


laffo, cross posted.
I'm a free man now.

No work until August 17th.

Damn, does it feel good.

June 12, 2004

. . .I may be a whore, but even I have standards. I would strongly admonish those of you who are out to create a good story to remember which of you are beneath them.
Boy, did we miss out on a good game yesterday:


Thus proving that The Stranger really does kick ass.

June 10, 2004

Spiderman262626: so do you still talk to aaron?
zak p o w: yeah
Spiderman262626: does he ever go online anymore?
zak p o w: yeah
Spiderman262626: do you have his screen name?
zak p o w: self denihil i believe he comes on late though
Spiderman262626: that's fine
zak p o w: check the board you should be able to get to him through there
Spiderman262626: i'm making an effort to get back in touch with friends that i have left behind
zak p o w: whats your email address i'll add you to the board again, if you'd like
Spiderman262626: the one I check most often is Joshua.Velock@beale.af.mil
Spiderman262626: and my home address is snowboy26@earthlink.net
zak p o w: so what do you want me to send it to
Spiderman262626: the first one
zak p o w: done.

at least we'll have someone in the military posting.
( cough ) ah hem ( cough )
First and foremost let me address that which I won't address : bonnie-drama.

I mean c'mon, she's a woman. Asking for women not to be dramautic is like asking shit not to attract flies. It just ain't going to happen. So, like all women-related drama, if you just ignore it - it will go away and eventually the woman will cave in on herself and everything will be fine and dandy.

Its almost formulaic.

And now something of much greater importance.
Lets talk about Eggo Waffles.

These things suck. I do not, for the life of me, understand the appeal of frozen waffles which taste like shit unless you cake tons of butter and syrup onto them. Why do people buy these things? They have absolutely no flavour - not even the ZOMG!! BLUEBERRIES have flavour. It is the equivilant of eating paper. The only thing that makes them even remotely taste like anything to do with breakfast food is the aforementioned butter and syrup which you have to literally dump onto it.

They are the ricecrackers of breakfast food. They might as well be made of tofu for all I give a shit.
Eggos are for homosexuals and losers who can't fucking make pancakes or krepes for themselves.

Fuck "let go of my eggo" - more like "oh no, its an eggo"

June 09, 2004

Not so much that I don't have anything to say. Just - not sure what to say.

Aside from: Thank you. It's nice to be appreciate.

Something I hear a lot at work, but very few do I believe actually mean it. The rest are just stroking my ego to assure that I keep fixing their stuff. What can I say, I'm a whore.

But seriously, thanks.

[This is the part where I reciprocate the feeling. Trouble is, no matter what I try to say, I'll screw it up. Just know I would have made an attempt, if I wasn't sure I would have made an ass out of myself in the process. Something I need no help with, I assure you.]

It's fairly rare that anyone (especially a woman) says anything that nice about me without it reeking of sarcasm.

Unless that was sarcastic...?

And, to the best of my recollection, I've never said anything bad about you. I did, however, think that you didn't much like me...

Of course, my recollection can be a bit hazy at times.

That was sarcastic, wasn't it?

Eh, either way. I'll take it however I can get it.

June 08, 2004

It's not dying, dammit.

Just ... wax and wane. Ebb, flow.


Mind you, this is worse than the others have been.

We need fresh blood.


Of course, you could also make the case that LiveJournal has not done it any favors, either. Now I'm guilty as well.

Any way you look at it, we need to mix things up a little, or it will die.
Sunny D? Are you fucking insane? Sunny Delight makes The absolute bar-none worst screw drivers I've ever had in my entire life. Low or no pulp orange-juice for sure. Otherwise it's just like fucking slime and vodka. I'd say go both vanilla and regular - as we can split it between those who do enjoy faggot drinks ( vanilla lol ) and those who are good with real man drinks ( vodka and oj ) - but sunny delight? jesus christ.

as steven said : " it looks like the board is coming to it's natural end "

im going to fix that right up.
i've spent much too much time and money on this ship of fools - and with 5000+ posts and counting?
it isn't sinking just yet.


June 07, 2004

A question, to my fellow slugs:

Do we want regular screwdrivers, or regular screwdrivers and vanilla screwdrivers.

Another question:

What time? Ten worked last time...

June 03, 2004

I've given in. I started it briefly some time ago. Never got far.

Guess that means I will be talking to myself online. Meh, oh well.
Aaron - could you pick up a quart of half & half at the store? Unless you want me to get some, and leave it in the truck for four hours in the heat while I'm in class. But, I don't think cottage cheese mixes very well.

Actually, maybe you should get a half gallon. Since I got a fifth of Absolut and a pint of Kahlua, we might want more.


This is like the "Blog of Bradbury" now. Some of you other fucks need to join in once in a while. I talk to myself enough in the real world, last thing I need is to start doing it online.

June 01, 2004

Well, the centerpieces for my brother's wedding are done. Quite good. Jim does damn good work. Cut me a hell of a deal, too. I'll have to post pictures once I get them all unpacked.

I almost went "boing" when I handed the gal that works for Jim the check. Not sure why. It's not going to bounce. Good thing I didn't, that might not have gone over very well. Don't know her well enough to joke about that kind of thing.

So, Zach-O, when the hell are you coming up here again?

Been too long.

...Not that you'll get any of us to pay for it.

Especially after you ditched me the last time. Bastard. Even Kayla was pissed at you. Heh, good stuff.

Well, maybe jEFF will. I think he's the only one that hasn't paid for your lousy ass thus far.

Anyway....Yeah. Gotta get to the liquor store some time in the next couple days. Good stuff.