Um....legally they can't just up and fire you after that.
If you have a medical condition, that is documented to have been caused by your job (and thus able to be the basis of an L & I claim), and said condition prevents you from being able to perform the duties of your job, then you must be declared "Disabled."
Once you are officially disabled, then your employer must attempt to place you elsewhere internally and retrain you to perform a new job. If they do re-place you within, they must pay you at least the same rate. If there is nothing you can do for them due to your disability, they can terminate you, but then they must pay for you to be retrained externally in a field with comparable pay.
That having been said, it is very difficult to prove that a mental condition was caused by any kind of on the job stress. Nearly impossible. It is very easy for L & I to deny your claim, at which point your recourse is to take them to court. If you loose (most likely outcome) you pay for your lawyer, their lawyer and court costs.
Also, if the person has ever been treated for anything related to their current illness, and it wasn't documented as on-the-job, your claim will be denied as a pre-existing condition. If it was documented as job related, but the person has since moved to a new employer, the claim will be denied.
Neat, huh?
June 30, 2003
June 29, 2003
Fun times! Well, yesterday at work, I ended up walking out on my client - something I've never done before. The whole thing started on Tuesday, when the little fucker used a knife to lock the staff room door in such a way that I could not open it. He was pissed off at me because I was about to get off shift and another staff person was taking him to his mother's house. He wanted for Heather to go, so he intended to keep me locked up until it was time to go. I was calm - I calmly advised him of what it was to commit "felony unlawful imprisionmet" and "assault with a deadly weapon". He understood and I left. Sadly, I had a "put my fist through a solid object" injury.
Wednesday, we went out to get his meds from the pharmacy. He opened the car door and took off his seatbelt while I was driving, and then began shaking the car. I pulled a 360, stopped the car, and made him go to the back while we drove straight home. We went from there to baseball practice, where I was supervised because fo the previous day. For the last hour and a half of my shift, my job coordinator was with me. It was a successful shift until my client began freaking out in the car, and at practice - but was otherwise calm.
Thursday I was in meetings all day with my other staff, as I'm the house lead, then with his Therapist, mother, and made notes for his CCO. It was awesome.
Friday was - well, to be completely honest, I don't remember Friday. At all. I know I was at work, but I couldn't tell you who was there before or after me, or what my client and I did all day. That sorta frightens me.
Saturday, I can tell you very very little of what happened. He ran across a busy street and broke line of sight - which, is essential. My whole job is to make sure I can see him. He reached in my pocket to get something out (my sweater pocket, but still - he's never to be closer to me that 6 feet in home and 3 feet in the community." Wait - we shopping on Friday. We go shopping every Friday. Regardless, I don't remember what happened when we got home, but I ended up in the ER with a migraine. They gave me some medicine that made me loopy, and then asked me what happened. I stated, "Andy gave me a migraine. I'm gonna kill that fat fucker." In come the white coats.
So I get this piece of paper, and they say "Since you're having homicidal ideation, you have to sign this. It means that a psychiatrist is going to talk to you before we let you leave here tonight." . . .and if I don't? "Oh, that's simple. We involuntarily commit you." So I signed, and they took me upstairs, where I was oriented to the ward.
What?!? I'm not here to stay! "Oh, yes you are, deary! You signed a voluntary committment form! That means that you're ours until we decide you can go home!" So, I revoked my signature, no longer voluntary and citing "coersive action" by the er staff, as well as "untruthful statements for the purposes of coersion." It was awesome. So I get to go home, right?
"Oh, you don't agree. Well, TOUGH SHIT! Our psychiatrist, who you have by the way not met and cannot make such decesions without meeting you, has decided to involuntarily commit you until the staffed psychatrist sees you later this week!"
Needless to say, I threatened with my lawyer, but still had to stay overnight. Fuckers. The psychiatrist came to see me today - the on-call who should've been called last night - and released me. Fuckers. Thinking I don't know their game.
So - for anyone willing to share an opinion, here's my new delima:
Tuesday, I have to go see a psycologist. I can have them commit me again - involutarily by paperwork - and I can claim L&I while I'm there. because they can list that "her client drove her insane." I'll get paid while I'm there, but will pretty much lose my jobs afterwards and be more or less unable to work in this field again. but I really hate my job and could use the time to figure out what to do next.
Any Advice?
Heh heh. Register before July 7, and when the list goes into effect in October, no more telemarketers. The best part is, the telemarketers are mostly paying for it, not your tax dollars.
June 28, 2003
[ColossaljOe Comics Returns]
For all those of you who never got the opportunity to read a comic that jimmoi, justin, austin, and I put together... well now... here's your chance :). I find it in some archives. I'll try posting it here, and if it doesn't work... then I might make it a separate website... we'll see.
jOe Origins

Well... wasn't that amazing? I plan on making any future comics much shorter... this was just the first, that's why. And I don't even know if this format for posting will work... we'll see.
For all those of you who never got the opportunity to read a comic that jimmoi, justin, austin, and I put together... well now... here's your chance :). I find it in some archives. I'll try posting it here, and if it doesn't work... then I might make it a separate website... we'll see.
Well... wasn't that amazing? I plan on making any future comics much shorter... this was just the first, that's why. And I don't even know if this format for posting will work... we'll see.
June 27, 2003
[A touch of history]
I was looking over some old files as I prepare to move from my apartment to a new house... with my own bedroom... which i've been waiting to have for a long time...
When I came across something that made me realize... neither james nor i were the first to... add creative touches... to pictures...
Rather, it was jimmoi:

It's funny... this picture, with its simplicity... is probably one of the funniest things i've seen.
I was looking over some old files as I prepare to move from my apartment to a new house... with my own bedroom... which i've been waiting to have for a long time...
When I came across something that made me realize... neither james nor i were the first to... add creative touches... to pictures...
Rather, it was jimmoi:
It's funny... this picture, with its simplicity... is probably one of the funniest things i've seen.
June 26, 2003
never underestimate Jeff's abilities to :
1. find pictures of penises
1b. find pictures of pierced penises
2. find pictures of nude men dancing
3. share his collection of manporn with us all by trying to superimpose me upon one of the pictures and then claiming it was an 'attack' on me when, in fact, he's just pulling a napster :
" Isnt this weird? "
its a question really.
i've got bets he ( jeff ) comes out of the closet before jimmoi does.
anyone want to put a fiver down on that?
never underestimate Jeff's abilities to :
1. find pictures of penises
1b. find pictures of pierced penises
2. find pictures of nude men dancing
3. share his collection of manporn with us all by trying to superimpose me upon one of the pictures and then claiming it was an 'attack' on me when, in fact, he's just pulling a napster :
its a question really.
i've got bets he ( jeff ) comes out of the closet before jimmoi does.
anyone want to put a fiver down on that?
[It's what's for dinner]
On my many roads that I travel, I come across many things. What I don't come across, i trust my faithful friend Mr. Harry Wapler to come across.
And today, he came across something very interesting:
Apparently, James had a brief stint in advertising before his Box... err... Cardboard... err... Corrugated Fiber Making days.
Hmm... i do remember James saying he wasn't eatin' well lately...
On my many roads that I travel, I come across many things. What I don't come across, i trust my faithful friend Mr. Harry Wapler to come across.
And today, he came across something very interesting:
Apparently, James had a brief stint in advertising before his Box... err... Cardboard... err... Corrugated Fiber Making days.
Hmm... i do remember James saying he wasn't eatin' well lately...
June 24, 2003
June 23, 2003
June 22, 2003
nice bradbury.
and i followed it up with :

which was someone or another's friend. I dont know.
but thats not what I'm here to tell everyone.
While searching through some old files I came across a picture that I guess Jeff must have left at my old house when his mommy had brought over cookies and photographs to show my mommy and the two of them would go in the back room and have hot interracial lesbianic sex.
However, still, I digress.

and i followed it up with :
which was someone or another's friend. I dont know.
but thats not what I'm here to tell everyone.
While searching through some old files I came across a picture that I guess Jeff must have left at my old house when his mommy had brought over cookies and photographs to show my mommy and the two of them would go in the back room and have hot interracial lesbianic sex.
However, still, I digress.
I got to thinking the other day. About a certain person that briefly worked her way into our fucked-up little circle.
We all know she just wanted some dick
Anyhow, we all thought we knew what this certain person was after: The Zach-O. I have taken the liberty of visualizing with the following picture:
As you can see, Zach wasn't wanting any part in it
Then I said to myself: "Self, what if she was only using Zach-O to get to someone else in the group?" But who could it be?
No, even with the Frenchification Jeff seemed to be undergoing, would that be her intended target. He wasn't around enough.
Okay, so it probably wasn't Jeff. Who else?
She doesn't strike me as a follower of Christ.
Then it hit me. The only plausible explanation. It was right in front of our eyes, the entire time.
Eureka! She wanted to turn Jimmoi into her Asain-cowboy love slave! It all makes perfect sense!
So you see? It's good that he went in the AirFarce. Otherwise, right now he'd be a shit-kicking, pussy-whipped version of the Korean we all know and love.
Massive props to Jordan for his original picture and the idea from which this developed.
We all know she just wanted some dick
Anyhow, we all thought we knew what this certain person was after: The Zach-O. I have taken the liberty of visualizing with the following picture:
As you can see, Zach wasn't wanting any part in it
Then I said to myself: "Self, what if she was only using Zach-O to get to someone else in the group?" But who could it be?
No, even with the Frenchification Jeff seemed to be undergoing, would that be her intended target. He wasn't around enough.
Okay, so it probably wasn't Jeff. Who else?
She doesn't strike me as a follower of Christ.
Then it hit me. The only plausible explanation. It was right in front of our eyes, the entire time.
Eureka! She wanted to turn Jimmoi into her Asain-cowboy love slave! It all makes perfect sense!
So you see? It's good that he went in the AirFarce. Otherwise, right now he'd be a shit-kicking, pussy-whipped version of the Korean we all know and love.
Massive props to Jordan for his original picture and the idea from which this developed.
June 21, 2003
You can't get around bess. There is no bypass, and all web traffic is routed through it. That having been said, bess will be replaced by something else this summer.
You see, we can't allow there to be any way around Bess. Our use of a filter to block images deemed inappropriate for schools is mandated by federal law. I'm not sure what the letter of the law is, but I do know it only applies to images. We are constantly reminded of this. Bess is actually a service of a company called N2H2, they provide the list of what's what, based on category.
As part of what we're doing this summer, you'll notice the internet speed in the district jump significantly. Also, every phone number in the district will be changing. Fun stuff.
...'re at Challenger, in the building on the other side of the access road.
You see, we can't allow there to be any way around Bess. Our use of a filter to block images deemed inappropriate for schools is mandated by federal law. I'm not sure what the letter of the law is, but I do know it only applies to images. We are constantly reminded of this. Bess is actually a service of a company called N2H2, they provide the list of what's what, based on category.
As part of what we're doing this summer, you'll notice the internet speed in the district jump significantly. Also, every phone number in the district will be changing. Fun stuff.
...'re at Challenger, in the building on the other side of the access road.
June 19, 2003
for those of you who enjoy the website " " there is something you dont know about. The forums. The forums are like on speed+crack+meth+heroine and any other drug you can find on the street or scrape out of a dead junkie's mouth. the forums have a thing calle " FYAD " which is an acronym for " Fuck You And Die " -
the idealogy behind FYAD is absolute pain. FYAD ... is well, difficult to describe because it must be witnessed.
So I am charging to the board to bring some FYAD-lovin to this place.
I will kick it off with the following image.
Please. do not view the image if you're anywhere where you'll get in trouble.
also - if you want to 'participate' in the FYAD photoshoot - upload your images to /images/FYAD/
so. here it is :
look for more FYAD in the future.
the idealogy behind FYAD is absolute pain. FYAD ... is well, difficult to describe because it must be witnessed.
So I am charging to the board to bring some FYAD-lovin to this place.
I will kick it off with the following image.
Please. do not view the image if you're anywhere where you'll get in trouble.
also - if you want to 'participate' in the FYAD photoshoot - upload your images to /images/FYAD/
so. here it is :
look for more FYAD in the future.
June 18, 2003
sorry, my post will not be as long winded as three tornados let loose in a wind tunnel, or jeff's previous post - either are comparable concepts for " long winded " - but reguardless, a few things before it does become so drawn out that its bleeding and sore and her legs just flop around like a dead fish and she just lays there and looks at you with eyes that say : " are you finished yet? " - pertaining to jeff and his mentioning of I SENIOR.
I dont believe many people even know of him.
So. I shall retell the story - what little I remember of it.
Once a long time ago, young chitlens, I use to actually " do work " in school.
It was for the library, for I was a Teacher's Ass. Yes. And I did work for them. Not yard work you fool.
I was in charge of divvying out information cards to people. The great thing is that I could " neglect " to find someone's card I disliked.
A very funky looking retarded, mind you - i use the word retarded lightly because I do not mean to offend anyone and yes I should be using " developementally disabled and mentally defecient " to describe him but this motherfucker would have drooled all over three continents if someone wasnt around to keep his fucking mouth shut - and he looked like a pumpkin that, during its time growing, happened to be growing under a parade so it was all malformed and then the parade went out of buisness and so they threw it in a vat of six weeks old human fecees that just happened to be laying around - see. im sensitive to these sorts of people.
as I was saying before I was ... no wait ... ill draw what this guy's head looked like.

thats right. fucker was crazy looking like he'd been beaten by four angy housewives who were disgruntled about thier husbands going out and fucking younger better looking women.
He came up to me, and I usually this is how my Identification Card Handing Out goes with people :
1. Name?
2. They give me their name.
3. I grab one of the three alphabetic boxes full of cards.
4. I search through.
5. If I find it, I hand it to them. I dont find it, I redirect them to Mrs. K.
But this shit comes up to me and says ( very loudly ) :
I respond with : " Ummmm. "
he says it again :
I begin to get angry ... " Hey uh... I dont know... "
but before I can say anything he cuts me off with :
To which one of two things happened.
Either I fucking yelled at the motherfucker.
or right before I could someone saw my impending aggrivated verbal assault ( which probably would have given him more physical trauma ) and shoveled him away from me as quickly as possible.
Thats the last thing I ever want to remember.
did anyone else find it interesting ( funny? )
how Jeff seems to be really, really interested in " footlongs "
more specifically : " chubby footlongs "
i mean he really took a liking to 'em.
I dont believe many people even know of him.
So. I shall retell the story - what little I remember of it.
Once a long time ago, young chitlens, I use to actually " do work " in school.
It was for the library, for I was a Teacher's Ass. Yes. And I did work for them. Not yard work you fool.
I was in charge of divvying out information cards to people. The great thing is that I could " neglect " to find someone's card I disliked.
A very funky looking retarded, mind you - i use the word retarded lightly because I do not mean to offend anyone and yes I should be using " developementally disabled and mentally defecient " to describe him but this motherfucker would have drooled all over three continents if someone wasnt around to keep his fucking mouth shut - and he looked like a pumpkin that, during its time growing, happened to be growing under a parade so it was all malformed and then the parade went out of buisness and so they threw it in a vat of six weeks old human fecees that just happened to be laying around - see. im sensitive to these sorts of people.
as I was saying before I was ... no wait ... ill draw what this guy's head looked like.
thats right. fucker was crazy looking like he'd been beaten by four angy housewives who were disgruntled about thier husbands going out and fucking younger better looking women.
He came up to me, and I usually this is how my Identification Card Handing Out goes with people :
1. Name?
2. They give me their name.
3. I grab one of the three alphabetic boxes full of cards.
4. I search through.
5. If I find it, I hand it to them. I dont find it, I redirect them to Mrs. K.
But this shit comes up to me and says ( very loudly ) :
I respond with : " Ummmm. "
he says it again :
I begin to get angry ... " Hey uh... I dont know... "
but before I can say anything he cuts me off with :
To which one of two things happened.
Either I fucking yelled at the motherfucker.
or right before I could someone saw my impending aggrivated verbal assault ( which probably would have given him more physical trauma ) and shoveled him away from me as quickly as possible.
Thats the last thing I ever want to remember.
did anyone else find it interesting ( funny? )
how Jeff seems to be really, really interested in " footlongs "
more specifically : " chubby footlongs "
i mean he really took a liking to 'em.
[A PDA to chill you to the bone]
Mr. Collins little post about the various things he hated... amused me. That is until he mentioned the word "mongloid" and i was reminded of something horrendous and hideous that I lay witness to last week, Wednesday.
Perhaps... perhaps I should set the scene first:
I know what you are all thinking. I thought it too. But no... releasing an army of ants into your ear while not allow them to eat out the memory centers of your brain thus destroying that mental image. Your only hope is to pray that armageddon comes soon.
I sure am.
Damn you iSenior. Damn you.
Mr. Collins little post about the various things he hated... amused me. That is until he mentioned the word "mongloid" and i was reminded of something horrendous and hideous that I lay witness to last week, Wednesday.
Perhaps... perhaps I should set the scene first:
It was a normal Wednesday morning. I had just endured a car ride from the bus stop to the Tacoma Dome with my mother. It wasn't so bad really... but i kept feeling nauseated upon entering the city of "where dogs come to die" err... i mean Tacoma.
After finding a parking spot, I walked into the Tacoma Dome to see my sister's graduation , as well as to find Justin and Breanna, cause I said i'd meet up with them there to see Joel's graduation as well.
All in all it wasn't a bad ceremony. It wasn't fantastic either. I had to sit through the boring speeches, the horrid band playing... the choir... oh god the choir... a couple more speeches...![]()
and then the walking ceremony. Again, went by alright. By that time i had met up with Justin and Breanna and all was good. Justin had an awesome shirt on:![]()
Gotta love them footlongs!
But what was especially awesome was that Joel, Justin's brother... the kid who went paintballing with us back when almost nobody did it but Mr. Collins, Mr. Miller, Mr. Wegener, and Mr. Kaasa... he went up, shook the principal's hand, went back to his seat and sat down even though they were all supposed to remain standing...![]()
Good ol' rabbit! Remember him... the one who was like, "hey, are you guys dead?" while walking out in the open during one of our first paintball games... ahhh good times
And once again... James was not present as a graduate here either...
Which prompts me to ponder...
what would it be like if james did graduate:
There he is... not only is he walking... but he's actually giving the speech this year. It is entitled: "If you try, you can reach your dreams!" He stands and he reads it...![]()
"If you just believe in yourselves... and dare to dream... you can reach your own personal never neverland...! I sure did!"
After his speech he would be given his diploma and in that moment, the earth would open up and Elvis would appear, turning out to be the one true lord of the damned...
Intense... yes i know.
Hmm, that was certainly a trip into lala land.
Anyway... back to the story at hand. So after the ceremony, Justin, Breanna, and I went down to meet Joel and say hi. They branched out to go find him while i went to find my sister... who as it later turned out, left with friends, and I ended up searching for her for like an hour. I would just like to take the time now to say...
I hate Tacoma.
So taking stops between that, I hung out with Justin and Joel and Breanna... and reminisced about the old times... fun stuff...
Then I would take off again to find everyone... and that's when it happened. I was laid witness to the most shocking and sad thing ever.
iSenior... of the 2003 class. It wasn't the iSenior i remember from when I was in high school. No, this was a different one. Yet, he still had that same face. That same face... the one that haunts you in the night, and you don't know whether to wake up for fear that he might be staring at you in ghost form, like in the Exorcist, when the demon is on the walls and stuff...
so there iSenior (the 2003 model) was... and he was standing next to a fairly attractive petite blonde girl. She looked completely normal, so i took her to be not one of the family... in retrospect, i certainly hope not. I figured her to be a friend of his, at most...
but what did i see...
nothing more then iSenior grabbing this girl's ass... and her letting him! WTF?! It scared me... it scarred me... it has shaped the reality of my life for the next couple of years.
I know what you are all thinking. I thought it too. But no... releasing an army of ants into your ear while not allow them to eat out the memory centers of your brain thus destroying that mental image. Your only hope is to pray that armageddon comes soon.
I sure am.
Damn you iSenior. Damn you.
June 17, 2003
the person emailed me.
it said :
" FUCK U!!! "
the subject was :
" FUCK U!!! "
I replied to them with :
" you rule. "
I searched on google. and found
this website
I would have laughed loudly.
But that would have hurt.
so I giggled quietly.
it said :
" FUCK U!!! "
the subject was :
" FUCK U!!! "
I replied to them with :
" you rule. "
I searched on google. and found
this website
I would have laughed loudly.
But that would have hurt.
so I giggled quietly.
thats right. you dont get many posts like this from me anymore. but an accumulation of certain factors has pressed me to come to the board with my agitation. WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THIS EVENAS(UCK)ANC(OCK)E SONG " GOING DOWN " or some bullshit, i dont know. It isnt good. I hate evenesance. I hate them with more passion than I hate watching Aaron eating mashed potatoes. Oh my god thats a lot. but yet here i am stuck on the transline all fuckin' night and the radio is playing and lo and behold they play that bloody song SEVEN TIMES. SEVEN TIMES. ONE NIGHT. ONE RADIO STATION. I actually was afraid of changing the station merely because the last time something washed over the airwaves it was on EVERY STATION AT THE SAME TIME AT ALL TIMES. oh my jesus chroist, it almost makes me want to shoot myself in the face and then rearrange my face to where it spells out something along the lines of " evenescance should commit suicide " or " please shoot me again "
so I passed out again. So i went to the hospital. So on the doctors note it specifically states (2) possible eating disorder. How the fuck am i suppose to dispute that? So I was malnutritioned. So I didnt eat for a week and a half. So Im a bit yellow. So I have a large infected lymph node which makes it difficult for me to breathe. So Im weak and tired and dizzy most of the time. But you know what? If I have to go to a nutrionist to ' get better ' so to speak - and those motherfuckers start to try and brainwash me with that god-damned " food pyramid " bullshit that they had in personal relations, im going to beat someone's teeth in - then im going to make a god-damned "teef pyramid" and see how they like that one. " WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING BREAD GROUP NOW BITCH? OH - IS IT REPRESENTED BY THE MOLARS OR THE BICUSPIDS?!?! " fuckers.
and due to my passing out and missing work i am in very close proximity to losing my cushy 15.80 an hour job. In the event this happens, I've been debating on a couple of choices. 1. join the military - because quite frankly what the fuck else am i going to do with my life? It seems im subconciously suicidal anyway with not eating - so if i dedicate my life to saving the freedom you fucks take for granted at least i wont be dead eh? and if i die - fuck, i was going to die anyway. 2. collect unemployment for awhile and then go to college and get myself some debt. but the real question is : why would i go to college - to major in what? what the fuck am i good at? shit.
i have a date coming up here in a couple of hours.
debating on whether or not to cook up some of my RECENTLY BOUGHT STEAKS OF GOODNESS or just going out to sharis and having them cook me a T-bone. Fuck you Jimmoi. Now i've got a thing for steaks. I eat em for breakfast. I eat em for dinner. With a carrot. Yum.
you heard the man.
June 16, 2003
June 15, 2003
[masters of the universe]
Hahaha... I get to claim the new coveted title of:
And it was all possible with the help of the man:
Actually, i didn't receive any help from him... but i wanted to post this picture anyway... for two reasons.
Well, that's all for now... nothing new to report.
Oh yeah... i get my diploma in August... it's actually all rather unnerving... but... whatever.
I walk next June. You are all ordered to go. ORDERED!
That is all.
Hahaha... I get to claim the new coveted title of:
And it was all possible with the help of the man:
Actually, i didn't receive any help from him... but i wanted to post this picture anyway... for two reasons.
- haha, remember Tate? I remember him always running after cars leaving the parking lot. Good times. Bethel's own "running man"... sorta.
- Nobody is safe from my postage... (not to be confused with stamps)... not even Tate!
Well, that's all for now... nothing new to report.
Oh yeah... i get my diploma in August... it's actually all rather unnerving... but... whatever.
I walk next June. You are all ordered to go. ORDERED!
That is all.
June 14, 2003
June 13, 2003
You all need to get the latest version of Quicktime from the Apple Website. Do it. Do it now!
I'm gonna start putting the video's i have on Mpeg4, using AAC encoding. As far as i know, Quicktime is the only player that can read it. I was gonna do it as a VCD, which is basically Mpeg1, but Mpeg4 is smaller and i'm the one doing these files and i have to save space somehow...
so screw you all, get Quicktime!
for some movies i will do mpeg1, maybe mpeg2 (dvd), but that's just so they can be played on dvd players... and that's only the really big stuff like the bethel slayer, the evil twin movie that michael and i worked on with jimmoi and the tree spirits.. (maybe)... and maybe a couple others... not sure yet...
in the end, get QUICKTIME...
You all need to get the latest version of Quicktime from the Apple Website. Do it. Do it now!
I'm gonna start putting the video's i have on Mpeg4, using AAC encoding. As far as i know, Quicktime is the only player that can read it. I was gonna do it as a VCD, which is basically Mpeg1, but Mpeg4 is smaller and i'm the one doing these files and i have to save space somehow...
so screw you all, get Quicktime!
for some movies i will do mpeg1, maybe mpeg2 (dvd), but that's just so they can be played on dvd players... and that's only the really big stuff like the bethel slayer, the evil twin movie that michael and i worked on with jimmoi and the tree spirits.. (maybe)... and maybe a couple others... not sure yet...
in the end, get QUICKTIME...
Heh....So I'm scanning through the archives. Don't know why, I've got better things to be doing right now. Anyway, so I decide to go back to Day One.
That's right, the very first Buttsex on the board. Jimmoi managed to make two full posts before finally bringing out the Buttsex in post three.
Now I'll go and either:
A) Get blotto
B) Fix a damn car.
C) Head down to South Hill and see what the hell Aaron was talking about with "Network Utilization"
Or maybe a combination thereof.
That's right, the very first Buttsex on the board. Jimmoi managed to make two full posts before finally bringing out the Buttsex in post three.
Now I'll go and either:
A) Get blotto
B) Fix a damn car.
C) Head down to South Hill and see what the hell Aaron was talking about with "Network Utilization"
Or maybe a combination thereof.
[The fat profit returns]
So, I was talking to jOe online. That was interesting. Always tends to be.
I don't have time to go into details why... so instead, just read this fun little excerpt from our conversation... there is so much more... but i don't have time to post it all yet.
Now, i normally don't like when convo's are posted... but exceptions must be made.
I posted this one cause he kept spelling damn wrong throughout the convo, but i only caught this one example... and cause he knew about krispy kreme... and i'm sorry but that's funny.
and cause i wanted to see if he would catch "olny"... but i think he remembers the tortue jimmoi put him through with that word.
Better ones later.
So, I was talking to jOe online. That was interesting. Always tends to be.
I don't have time to go into details why... so instead, just read this fun little excerpt from our conversation... there is so much more... but i don't have time to post it all yet.
(18:31:22)clossaljoe:upgrading my cheat device
(18:32:58)clossaljoe:howdoido that
(18:33:00)jedisparais:what's that
(18:33:02)jedisparais:... ??
(18:33:07)jedisparais:i don't know, i have an apple mac
(18:33:17)clossaljoe:damb spacebar
(18:33:20)jedisparais:hey, did you know that a krispy kreme is opening up on meridian
(18:33:36)jedisparais:what's wrong with your space bar?
(18:33:41)jedisparais:olny workin' sometimes?
(18:34:28)clossaljoe:only if i press hard
Now, i normally don't like when convo's are posted... but exceptions must be made.
I posted this one cause he kept spelling damn wrong throughout the convo, but i only caught this one example... and cause he knew about krispy kreme... and i'm sorry but that's funny.
and cause i wanted to see if he would catch "olny"... but i think he remembers the tortue jimmoi put him through with that word.
Better ones later.
June 12, 2003
Madcowkid: im a 15 year old genious
Madcowkid: but i play dumb and hang out with my brothers 21 year olds because they give good head.
zak p o w: who cannot spell genius?
Madcowkid: stfu whroe
zak p o w: or whore for that matter.
Madcowkid: that was a typo....
zak p o w: yeeeah.
Madcowkid: so was genious
zak p o w: third times a charm eh?
Madcowkid: fuck, im gunna have to use spellcheck
Madcowkid: argh.
zak p o w: ok jimmoi.
Madcowkid: but i play dumb and hang out with my brothers 21 year olds because they give good head.
zak p o w: who cannot spell genius?
Madcowkid: stfu whroe
zak p o w: or whore for that matter.
Madcowkid: that was a typo....
zak p o w: yeeeah.
Madcowkid: so was genious
zak p o w: third times a charm eh?
Madcowkid: fuck, im gunna have to use spellcheck
Madcowkid: argh.
zak p o w: ok jimmoi.
June 10, 2003
damn jimmoi.
he comes down here with one rap cd and makes me remember how much i enjoyed the bass-lines in rap.
now ive spent a good amount of money to slowly build up my rap collection.
Im particular to " dirty south " - where instead of ' cappin niggas ' and so forth
its more about partying, having a good time, fuckin' bitches and smokin weed.
good stuff.
anywho, the reason i am posting this is to see if any slugs know much about rap
( jimmoi and aaron excluded ) - and if there is anything they'd like to suggest.
hoo dawgies.
he comes down here with one rap cd and makes me remember how much i enjoyed the bass-lines in rap.
now ive spent a good amount of money to slowly build up my rap collection.
Im particular to " dirty south " - where instead of ' cappin niggas ' and so forth
its more about partying, having a good time, fuckin' bitches and smokin weed.
good stuff.
anywho, the reason i am posting this is to see if any slugs know much about rap
( jimmoi and aaron excluded ) - and if there is anything they'd like to suggest.
hoo dawgies.
I was called today at 12.56am - i almost figured it was Heather breaking our agreement. but it wasnt. it was a number i had never seen before - so I promptly called it back at 1am. I immediately said : who is this? - they replied with " this is steve " - and i was dissapointed. I expected a good conversation of randomness, but i was jenked. so i said : uh - what do you want : and this is as follows my recollection of the conversation :
" Do you know anything about michael and a video camera in top foods? "
" uh.... "
" Somebody called andy and said they were the cops and .. "
" wait, I don't care. "
" Anyway, Someone called andy and said they were the cops and ( something something something ) Michael and TZA and steve had marijuana and riding around in shopping carts "
" Ummm. "
" Do you know anything about this? "
" Ok - uh, I wouldnt pay attention to any of that bullshit, being that someone is probably just fucking with him - and he's so far out of the loooooope that it wouldnt matter what anyone said to him - and if it was the police trying to get ahold of me or michael or you - they'd get into contact with my parents, or myself. "
( very serious ) " Just answer the question. "
( laughing ) " I really dont give a shit "
( even more serious ) " Just answer the question James. "
( almost to the point of bullshitting because of his seriousness ) " Oh no! Someone mentioned marjuana and steven in the same sentence! "
" He said they were saying something about a guy who looked like jesus and TZA on the side of his car "
" Do you know how easy it is to say that I look like jesus, and that it isnt all that hidden of a fact that TZA is on my car? "
" ( something something something, blah blah blah ) - I dont need your shit just answer the question "
" I dont know anything about this, nor do I care. "
( steven hangs up )
( I look at my phone and shake my head )
anywho. Props to whomever is fucking around with andy. Thats some funny shit.
although I'd becarefull mentioning marijuana or any sort of " DRUG " around some of the slugs on the board.
It seems that they believe that even talking or mentioning or being in the vicinity of those who condone the activity is " Bad "
Drugs. feh, I've become apathetic about them. Aaron said, around two times, that if I began to dabble with drugs that he would " report me " - to which I find terribly distrubing. It is one thing to be against something, another to superimpose your apprehension onto others. When I find other people making bad choices - I dont stop them [ cue jesse going to canada, bonnie 'falling in love' long distance, michael coming out of the closet ] - I just tell them that they are making a poor decision that I do not condone. Steve sounded pretty P - O'd with the reference of himself and " THE GANJIA " - foof.
im going to take a shower.

" Do you know anything about michael and a video camera in top foods? "
" uh.... "
" Somebody called andy and said they were the cops and .. "
" wait, I don't care. "
" Anyway, Someone called andy and said they were the cops and ( something something something ) Michael and TZA and steve had marijuana and riding around in shopping carts "
" Ummm. "
" Do you know anything about this? "
" Ok - uh, I wouldnt pay attention to any of that bullshit, being that someone is probably just fucking with him - and he's so far out of the loooooope that it wouldnt matter what anyone said to him - and if it was the police trying to get ahold of me or michael or you - they'd get into contact with my parents, or myself. "
( very serious ) " Just answer the question. "
( laughing ) " I really dont give a shit "
( even more serious ) " Just answer the question James. "
( almost to the point of bullshitting because of his seriousness ) " Oh no! Someone mentioned marjuana and steven in the same sentence! "
" He said they were saying something about a guy who looked like jesus and TZA on the side of his car "
" Do you know how easy it is to say that I look like jesus, and that it isnt all that hidden of a fact that TZA is on my car? "
" ( something something something, blah blah blah ) - I dont need your shit just answer the question "
" I dont know anything about this, nor do I care. "
( steven hangs up )
( I look at my phone and shake my head )
anywho. Props to whomever is fucking around with andy. Thats some funny shit.
although I'd becarefull mentioning marijuana or any sort of " DRUG " around some of the slugs on the board.
It seems that they believe that even talking or mentioning or being in the vicinity of those who condone the activity is " Bad "
Drugs. feh, I've become apathetic about them. Aaron said, around two times, that if I began to dabble with drugs that he would " report me " - to which I find terribly distrubing. It is one thing to be against something, another to superimpose your apprehension onto others. When I find other people making bad choices - I dont stop them [ cue jesse going to canada, bonnie 'falling in love' long distance, michael coming out of the closet ] - I just tell them that they are making a poor decision that I do not condone. Steve sounded pretty P - O'd with the reference of himself and " THE GANJIA " - foof.
im going to take a shower.
June 09, 2003
June 08, 2003
A Lambo isn't anything worth copying.
Overpriced crap.
No motorsports program/backing, aside from the fact that VW owns them now, their designs are purely aimed at moving yuppies at a high rate of speed, they don't last long even doing that. Lamborghinis give Italian cars a bad name.
And yes, the Celica's styling is certainly unique. I like it, but then again, I'm weird.
Overpriced crap.
No motorsports program/backing, aside from the fact that VW owns them now, their designs are purely aimed at moving yuppies at a high rate of speed, they don't last long even doing that. Lamborghinis give Italian cars a bad name.
And yes, the Celica's styling is certainly unique. I like it, but then again, I'm weird.
June 07, 2003
I think Jimmoi is right...
i imagine it comes in phases or something... first you get a creative idea phase, which is not surprising. Most creative idea phases are at the beginning of something... It's when everything is new, so of course creative ideas are going to flow...
but what about now... well movies have been our for years... and thus all those creative ideas have been relatively used up... It kind of reminds me of a South Park episode where Butters is trying to take over the world, but everytime he comes up with a plan, he is thwarted by a need for originality because he learns that the "Simpson's did it".
It's not just movies either... books, video games, various "win a insert something of value contests...
and to me... of high importance at this time of day... cereal.
Yes... that's right. Cereal.
I considered this today while i was eating these godawful Tony the Tiger's new Cinnamon Crunchers... only it's spelled Cinnamon Krunchers..
before i continue, i need to make a tangent on that:.. (which by the way, may be irrelevant or stupid so if you want, just skip what's in blockquote)
Cereal is no longer unique. If you ask me, cereal is doing this whole copying and cut and paste thing far more than Hollywood seems to. This stupid Cinnamon Krnuchers is only the tip of an ever growing Ice Berg. Cereal used to be a haven of fun and exciting breakfast choices. Now we have Choco- this and Mashmellow-that... in cereals we never even asked to have these things. There was a chocolate flakes cereal once... again put out by whore Tony the Tiger.
There is also Cinnamon Crunch Krispex...
what the fuck is that all about. Weren't Krispex supposed to be the more nutricious breakfast cereal...
It's all so unnerving.
I mean yes, it was kind of cool when Rise Krispies (i wonder about that K as well), came out with Coco Rice Krispies... but even that wasn't necessary... there was already Coco-pebbles. (Which rules, by the way).
I hate this trend. It sucks. I want original cereals, not a cereal that if i look carefully enough, i find the exact same cereal with a different name. Cinnamon Krunchers... you fucking cereal, you might want to call yourselfs Cinnamon Toast Crunch... oh wait... IT BLOODY ALREADY EXISTS!!!
I think Jimmoi is right...
i imagine it comes in phases or something... first you get a creative idea phase, which is not surprising. Most creative idea phases are at the beginning of something... It's when everything is new, so of course creative ideas are going to flow...
but what about now... well movies have been our for years... and thus all those creative ideas have been relatively used up... It kind of reminds me of a South Park episode where Butters is trying to take over the world, but everytime he comes up with a plan, he is thwarted by a need for originality because he learns that the "Simpson's did it".
It's not just movies either... books, video games, various "win a insert something of value contests...
and to me... of high importance at this time of day... cereal.
Yes... that's right. Cereal.
I considered this today while i was eating these godawful Tony the Tiger's new Cinnamon Crunchers... only it's spelled Cinnamon Krunchers..
before i continue, i need to make a tangent on that:.. (which by the way, may be irrelevant or stupid so if you want, just skip what's in blockquote)
Krunchers!? WTF is that? First of all, it doesn't make sense. Why use the K? Seriously. Does "Tony the Tiger" have a K in his name. No. Not from my recollection. Let's see... T-O-N-Y T-H-E T-I-G-E-R... nope... NO BLOODY FUCKIN' "K".
So then what do we have... well it certainly can't be drawn from the sound he makes.. cause all schoolkids know that tigers make "grrrrrrr" sounds (much like jOe in Choke Mode). He doesn't make K-sounds... he'd be a freakin' retard lion if he did... though with that little red sash (or whatever it is exactly) that he wears around his neck... i suppose that could be a slight possibility.
So where the hell does the K come from? Is it a need to further confuse our population's children? After all, they are the primary eaters of cereal in this country... right? The Japanese are bestest us in terms of education. I wonder if anybody has looked into whether it is caused by crazy Cereal Box Tiger's spelling their fuckin' cereal names wrong!
Maybe Tony is a Kult member. At least that sort of makes sense. Why else use a fuckin' K when you don't need it... when it makes no sense. After all, if he was trying to be kreative, he kould have used k in the beginning part of the fukking name: Kinnamon Krunchers. (now some of you will point out that Kinnamon and Cinnamon sound kompletely different. To that i say, screw you... but if that wouldn't suffice, then you kould always spell it Ksinnamon... and the bloody k kould be silent like in the word "know".) Why not?
Well, it can't be about being creative... at least i hope not... that would be lame. Rather, it has to be kultist. Tony's a kult member. Go figure. I never much liked that blasted tiger. By having only one K, he must be drawing in only a 1/3 of america's youth, promising them fun if they join up and support anything that has at least one K in it's name... this way he doesn't rile up the suspicions of the other 2/3's or the parents. Smart move you fuckin' bastard Tiger.
Cereal is no longer unique. If you ask me, cereal is doing this whole copying and cut and paste thing far more than Hollywood seems to. This stupid Cinnamon Krnuchers is only the tip of an ever growing Ice Berg. Cereal used to be a haven of fun and exciting breakfast choices. Now we have Choco- this and Mashmellow-that... in cereals we never even asked to have these things. There was a chocolate flakes cereal once... again put out by whore Tony the Tiger.
There is also Cinnamon Crunch Krispex...
what the fuck is that all about. Weren't Krispex supposed to be the more nutricious breakfast cereal...
It's all so unnerving.
I mean yes, it was kind of cool when Rise Krispies (i wonder about that K as well), came out with Coco Rice Krispies... but even that wasn't necessary... there was already Coco-pebbles. (Which rules, by the way).
I hate this trend. It sucks. I want original cereals, not a cereal that if i look carefully enough, i find the exact same cereal with a different name. Cinnamon Krunchers... you fucking cereal, you might want to call yourselfs Cinnamon Toast Crunch... oh wait... IT BLOODY ALREADY EXISTS!!!
So what? Kevin Spacey, Ed Norton and Samuel L Jackson all play these roles very well. You end up with an overall entertaining, if not totally original movie. Big deal. Original, amazingly good movies only come around once in a while.
So, you have to just enjoy the top end of mediocrity. No big-name movie will be perfect, because so many hollywood dipshits have a hand in it that it no longer makes much sense by the time it hits the theaters. You just have to live with that, point out the good things about a film, then move on to the next one. If you think it sucks, you're not alone. Get on your livejournal and bitch about it then.
2002-03 Celica.
That's a pretty good car. My first reaction was yes, so I checked on the TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) and recall status of it. It hasn't had any recalls, and very few TSBs. The main purposes of a TSB is to give a warning to service departments about little problems they might run into, changes to the service manual and special repair/inspection procedures.
The 02 and 03 Celica have very few, only 20. Thirteen of those are standard fare that all cars of that year from that maker will have. Mainly the availability of seatbelt extenders, how to program the remotes for keyless entry, the procedure for replacing damaged VIN plates legally, general non-model specific data. Of the remaining seven, one is an "Inspect this" (front ball joint), one is a "don't do this" (don't drop the valve cover if you have it off), and one is a "here's the tool you'll need" (a special chisel to remove the drive shaft nut). That leaves us with four. Two relate to front suspension (a "vehicle pulls to one side" and a "steering wheel off-center"), both of which are easily solved. The other two are things you have to watch for - one is "rear hatch won't stay up" and the other is "poor sunroof glass durability." If you are looking at a used car, check for these. If you find a problem, take it to a Toyota dealer and they'll fix it for free. New cars will incorporate the new parts at the factory.
So, you have to just enjoy the top end of mediocrity. No big-name movie will be perfect, because so many hollywood dipshits have a hand in it that it no longer makes much sense by the time it hits the theaters. You just have to live with that, point out the good things about a film, then move on to the next one. If you think it sucks, you're not alone. Get on your livejournal and bitch about it then.
2002-03 Celica.
That's a pretty good car. My first reaction was yes, so I checked on the TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) and recall status of it. It hasn't had any recalls, and very few TSBs. The main purposes of a TSB is to give a warning to service departments about little problems they might run into, changes to the service manual and special repair/inspection procedures.
The 02 and 03 Celica have very few, only 20. Thirteen of those are standard fare that all cars of that year from that maker will have. Mainly the availability of seatbelt extenders, how to program the remotes for keyless entry, the procedure for replacing damaged VIN plates legally, general non-model specific data. Of the remaining seven, one is an "Inspect this" (front ball joint), one is a "don't do this" (don't drop the valve cover if you have it off), and one is a "here's the tool you'll need" (a special chisel to remove the drive shaft nut). That leaves us with four. Two relate to front suspension (a "vehicle pulls to one side" and a "steering wheel off-center"), both of which are easily solved. The other two are things you have to watch for - one is "rear hatch won't stay up" and the other is "poor sunroof glass durability." If you are looking at a used car, check for these. If you find a problem, take it to a Toyota dealer and they'll fix it for free. New cars will incorporate the new parts at the factory.
[Not so much about religion]
So yesterday I saw "Charlie's Angels" for the first time.
The sad thing is... i found it enjoyable. Fuck.
Serioulsy. I'm not being facetious (i believe that is correctly spelled). I was surprised that i found it so...
I think the moment I realized that was when in the beginning it spoofed Mission Impossible 2, and everybody knows just how much i hated that movie...
After that, it continued to mock other movies that in ways that I actually found amusing. (I have to wonder of course if it wasn't also because the movie also seemed to go out of it's way to put the three actresses into tight fighting outfits).
It did a couple of matrix moves... but that is to be expected considering the time that it came out.
So in the end... it was unescapably dumb... and completely fictious... and yet... it was... actually rather somewhat enjoyable.
(James, you have no room to talk as you actually defended "The Scorpion King"... and I saaw that movie...... ....... .... yeah....)
Plus, it had Bill Murray... and c'mon... it's Bill Murray... which leads me to believe that the movie was never meant to be taken too seriously.
Bill Murray is a god.
So yesterday I saw "Charlie's Angels" for the first time.
The sad thing is... i found it enjoyable. Fuck.
Serioulsy. I'm not being facetious (i believe that is correctly spelled). I was surprised that i found it so...
I think the moment I realized that was when in the beginning it spoofed Mission Impossible 2, and everybody knows just how much i hated that movie...
After that, it continued to mock other movies that in ways that I actually found amusing. (I have to wonder of course if it wasn't also because the movie also seemed to go out of it's way to put the three actresses into tight fighting outfits).
It did a couple of matrix moves... but that is to be expected considering the time that it came out.
So in the end... it was unescapably dumb... and completely fictious... and yet... it was... actually rather somewhat enjoyable.
(James, you have no room to talk as you actually defended "The Scorpion King"... and I saaw that movie...... ....... .... yeah....)
Plus, it had Bill Murray... and c'mon... it's Bill Murray... which leads me to believe that the movie was never meant to be taken too seriously.
Bill Murray is a god.
June 05, 2003
im going to spend 30$ on this
i need ideas on something " funny " or " pointless " to put for a banner ad.
somethign that'll get people to come here. look around.
what spurred this on?
I went there and found this ad :
and laughed so hard.
so i figure i can do the same.
im going to spend 30$ on this
i need ideas on something " funny " or " pointless " to put for a banner ad.
somethign that'll get people to come here. look around.
what spurred this on?
I went there and found this ad :
and laughed so hard.
so i figure i can do the same.
June 04, 2003
June 03, 2003
Okay, so here i am... sitting in the lobby of Mary Gates Hall... trying to think of something to do... and something to post; all while checking out various websites,
when what happens?
Someone around me lets out a toxic fart. Seriously... it's as if someone stepped in shit and is walking around... or rather... maybe they just stepped in shit, then used it to wipe their ass, then decided to fart...
C'mon! this is disgusting... it permeates the air... threatening to kill all life around it. I think whoever did could compete with zacho and his amazing farts of death...
yes- the are that bad.
Damnit. Damnit DAMNIT!
Okay, so here i am... sitting in the lobby of Mary Gates Hall... trying to think of something to do... and something to post; all while checking out various websites,
when what happens?
Someone around me lets out a toxic fart. Seriously... it's as if someone stepped in shit and is walking around... or rather... maybe they just stepped in shit, then used it to wipe their ass, then decided to fart...
C'mon! this is disgusting... it permeates the air... threatening to kill all life around it. I think whoever did could compete with zacho and his amazing farts of death...
yes- the are that bad.
Damnit. Damnit DAMNIT!
June 02, 2003
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