damn zach and his "i hate this.." post. because I was planning on including "I hate this.." on my post, oh well I'll continue nonetheless.
1. I helped my mom pick out 3 christmas gifts for me today: the new Ryan Adams and two old 'Mats albums that I have been searching forever for (I chronicled this in here awhile back... to refresh your memories: Best Buy refused to carry these albums in Washington stores for some damn reason... so ya I found the cd's at the FYE).
2. I literally got 0 hours of sleep last night. I got all philosophical or something.. I don't know.. all that damned thinking kept me up. I was analyzing the whole inevitableness of lonliness. how I have like NO girl friends (who live in this state). and how to scam out of doing a Health class.
3. I hate livejournal now more than the first time my friends told me to make a journal. Something about the communities I read last night. and some other reasons, such as: i don't like it. Kim will murder me if I delete it.
4. "New" Nirvana soon. yay
5. Speaking of the whole thing, I'm dissatisfied/hating the internet too for the same basic reasons as LJ. but I'm on now cuz of KIM. so ya, she best be happy (oh and apparently by the greeting she gave me: she was).
EDIT: I think I sound lesbianish in this post..
September 30, 2002
The Further Adventures of a Particular Midget
As with all dying questions... one does not simply give up the search for an answer after stumbling into a wall...
Such is the case with our friendly travelers... who find themselves today traveling into a country with a peculiar rock formation. I am not allowed to say the name of this country... for if i did, they might wage war on me for saying that nekkid men with dogs in their lap often find habits laying on their rock formations...
...which just wouldn't be right.
So anyway:
As always, it is the search for knowledge and truth that drives our weary friends... but what is this... does this man possess the answer to that which our friends seek out??
Is it true... could perhaps... all this time... there answer lay in the mind of our very own friend... the creator of this here magnificent board... James Collins, himself...
...Perhaps another time, for he seems... preoccupied.
The gloves are off Collins... the gloves are off.
{ I've fixed your post Mr. Paulino, I've fixed your post }
September 28, 2002
I'm almost finished with my list - and it would have been my first post - if I could find that last post by MIcheal Collins.
For now, I'm here to talk about past times - happier times. I'm here to talk about the month that Jesse got his bear hat - the month that Andy became a bar tender, James became a box - maker, and Josie became an EMT and learned to swim. Aaron began to more avidly post SimJames, which ended in a tragic fire only 3 episodes in. Mike Rigney vowed to quit smoking, then vowed to quit quitting. Jeff exposed us to the truth about the Pope, Super Jimmoi Number 1!, and pondered 5 years.
The best month in Slug history
Damn, I hope that worked.
For now, I'm here to talk about past times - happier times. I'm here to talk about the month that Jesse got his bear hat - the month that Andy became a bar tender, James became a box - maker, and Josie became an EMT and learned to swim. Aaron began to more avidly post SimJames, which ended in a tragic fire only 3 episodes in. Mike Rigney vowed to quit smoking, then vowed to quit quitting. Jeff exposed us to the truth about the Pope, Super Jimmoi Number 1!, and pondered 5 years.
Damn, I hope that worked.
September 27, 2002
the pain resides in a small spart just below one's lower rib on the left side of th elumbar region of your back.
where i stay s trapped and haunts you while you little do nott hink bout it.
given time it will gnaw on the pieces around it until once - not toyour knowkledge
it slips out and dances upon your back pieces.
and then it will sear its way up to tyour neck and playwith your head and braincase
and toss hopscotch across that which is known to be your backside.
adn the only release is to drug oneself with such pills as to not know where you were going
or why you were thinking of going therein the first place.
bette ryet.
who is going anywhere?
where i stay s trapped and haunts you while you little do nott hink bout it.
given time it will gnaw on the pieces around it until once - not toyour knowkledge
it slips out and dances upon your back pieces.
and then it will sear its way up to tyour neck and playwith your head and braincase
and toss hopscotch across that which is known to be your backside.
adn the only release is to drug oneself with such pills as to not know where you were going
or why you were thinking of going therein the first place.
bette ryet.
who is going anywhere?
September 25, 2002
An Age old Question
I'd like to present to you all... the wonders of digital media, and how it can record aspects of our daily lives
and the ongoings around...
take for example,
this fun conversation captured using the latest in digital media and speech-to-text technology:
just an everyday convo between two fun-loving midget guys in bondage gear...
...strikes up a provacative and philosophical question...
...a question, only one person can answer...
...but he seems a little... preoccupied...
I love technology. :)
September 24, 2002
I love Courtney's music--even if it's not that good, I still love the hell outta it.
and I like seeing her on the telly-- doing interviews, just talking.
i mean even if I don't agree with her 100%, I just like seeing her there.
With that said, I think she's an insane bitch.
There's a stage Courtney and there's the real Courtney. I am able to separate the two. It's just so much easier that way.
I hope that made sense..
Finally, Nirvana's my favorite band.
"In Utero" is my favorite album.
"Drain You" is my favorite song.
I love em.
BUT I'm cool with the fact that not everyone else will even like em.
as long as their reason isn't cuz "Nirvana sucks" cuz that's just... gay
and I know that it makes me look bad for being a huge Nirvana fan and liking Courtney.. but I explained my reasoning above and it's just how I feel.
and I like seeing her on the telly-- doing interviews, just talking.
i mean even if I don't agree with her 100%, I just like seeing her there.
With that said, I think she's an insane bitch.
There's a stage Courtney and there's the real Courtney. I am able to separate the two. It's just so much easier that way.
I hope that made sense..
Finally, Nirvana's my favorite band.
"In Utero" is my favorite album.
"Drain You" is my favorite song.
I love em.
BUT I'm cool with the fact that not everyone else will even like em.
as long as their reason isn't cuz "Nirvana sucks" cuz that's just... gay
and I know that it makes me look bad for being a huge Nirvana fan and liking Courtney.. but I explained my reasoning above and it's just how I feel.
September 23, 2002
today after going to the clinic and getting more drugs I stopped by the mall.
in which I ran into a good lookin' gal and we got to chatting.
and now, in retrospect, I realise something.
Im so hardcore going to the mall my next day off.
awesome. awesome. awesome.
and she's 23
today after going to the clinic and getting more drugs I stopped by the mall.
in which I ran into a good lookin' gal and we got to chatting.
and now, in retrospect, I realise something.
Im so hardcore going to the mall my next day off.
awesome. awesome. awesome.
and she's 23
Bitch - the directory still even had the .rar files downloaded which were needed to unpack the game ( worms )
and Worms world party was the one that I pirated ( oh so long ago )
although I vaguely remember you saying you pirated a copy yourself, which compelled me to get it as well.
still - unless you save the old .rar files ...
you got it from me :b
I dont know anyone else who saves the old unpack-files.
OH -
what was with dumping me with " the new guy " ?
ok - dont get me wrong, being as I have nothing against him - but he just seems ... ah ... whats the word.
I dont know the word yet - but I just ... dont like him : not that I avidly dislike him - but there doesnt seem to be...
" empty " was the word I used to describe breanna - and it is something like that.
You'd have to take the emptiness of breanna and the chameleon-like skills of andy - combine them and you get " the new guy "
He'd just sit there quietly while everyone was yammering on chatting and then once and a while say something that was either absolute bullshit and you could tell - or just ... well, uninteresting. He was, however, a good place-holder. Someone good to tag-a-long when you need a spot to fill, but for chroist sakes man you left him at my house. I dont even know the guy - I was so paranoid. CHROIST. I wanted to call you up and yell at you and say : " YOU SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT HIM HOME WITH YOOOOOU! " - I locked my door ( well I always lock my door ) when I went to sleep that morning, and had I found my key to my room - would have locked it when I woke up later that evening when he was still there.
" Hey James me and Mike just killed off that skeleton and ogre all by ourselves!!!!! " - he exclaimed to me.
Well no shit sherlock. We had a lvl 1 warrior ( dave ) - lvl 4 wiz - lvl 4 rogue - lvl 4 ranger.
oh wait - now you get a lvl 4 ranger and a lvl 4 cleric ( if michael even used his new character, in which case he didnt, subsitite lvl 7-9 in stead of 4 ) and OF COURSE they're going to rip through that mod. oh my jesus I wanted to throw something at him.
and Worms world party was the one that I pirated ( oh so long ago )
although I vaguely remember you saying you pirated a copy yourself, which compelled me to get it as well.
still - unless you save the old .rar files ...
you got it from me :b
I dont know anyone else who saves the old unpack-files.
OH -
what was with dumping me with " the new guy " ?
ok - dont get me wrong, being as I have nothing against him - but he just seems ... ah ... whats the word.
I dont know the word yet - but I just ... dont like him : not that I avidly dislike him - but there doesnt seem to be...
" empty " was the word I used to describe breanna - and it is something like that.
You'd have to take the emptiness of breanna and the chameleon-like skills of andy - combine them and you get " the new guy "
He'd just sit there quietly while everyone was yammering on chatting and then once and a while say something that was either absolute bullshit and you could tell - or just ... well, uninteresting. He was, however, a good place-holder. Someone good to tag-a-long when you need a spot to fill, but for chroist sakes man you left him at my house. I dont even know the guy - I was so paranoid. CHROIST. I wanted to call you up and yell at you and say : " YOU SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT HIM HOME WITH YOOOOOU! " - I locked my door ( well I always lock my door ) when I went to sleep that morning, and had I found my key to my room - would have locked it when I woke up later that evening when he was still there.
" Hey James me and Mike just killed off that skeleton and ogre all by ourselves!!!!! " - he exclaimed to me.
Well no shit sherlock. We had a lvl 1 warrior ( dave ) - lvl 4 wiz - lvl 4 rogue - lvl 4 ranger.
oh wait - now you get a lvl 4 ranger and a lvl 4 cleric ( if michael even used his new character, in which case he didnt, subsitite lvl 7-9 in stead of 4 ) and OF COURSE they're going to rip through that mod. oh my jesus I wanted to throw something at him.
September 22, 2002
24 hours of Courtney Love on MTV2 is the best thing ever.
1. It's Courtney Love, enough said.
2. The music videos are of bands I've never heard of.
3. RYAN ADAMS stopped by the MTV studio for 2 hours. From 1am-3am. He played some songs, showed a music video of his, talked a lot about music, AND tied his shoes. yum. I wish I was there.
1. It's Courtney Love, enough said.
2. The music videos are of bands I've never heard of.
3. RYAN ADAMS stopped by the MTV studio for 2 hours. From 1am-3am. He played some songs, showed a music video of his, talked a lot about music, AND tied his shoes. yum. I wish I was there.
September 21, 2002
September 20, 2002
More things :
Getting MOHAA up and ready.
Getting MYTH-2 up and ready.
thinking about Freespace(2) - but dont know.
any other games to suggest?
also : if you have multiplayer games : do bring them. ( whomever is coming )
also : if you're coming, and can spare money to buy things such as soda or munchies - please do so.
I can buy ramen and dew later on in the night - zounds.
and about NWN multiplayer : imagine the " RPG " game of wc3 but with more options and goodies.
Getting MOHAA up and ready.
Getting MYTH-2 up and ready.
thinking about Freespace(2) - but dont know.
any other games to suggest?
also : if you have multiplayer games : do bring them. ( whomever is coming )
also : if you're coming, and can spare money to buy things such as soda or munchies - please do so.
I can buy ramen and dew later on in the night - zounds.
and about NWN multiplayer : imagine the " RPG " game of wc3 but with more options and goodies.
September 19, 2002
"Lesbian Gestapo" and "Homosexual Juggernaut"
Those sound more like porno movie titles than anything else....
The sad thing about dickweeds like this is that some people actually take them seriously.
My esteemed co-worker [read: dill-hole], who I'll refer to simply as "the Pud," was all hyped up for Pat Buchannon last year....he kept saying shit like "if I was sure Bush was gonna win, I'd vote for Buchannon."
The worst part is, the fucktard [I really do like that term] is Mexican/Indian from Arizona......but he acts like he's white right up until it's in his best interest to be a minority.
Not that I'm racist or anything....I just hate this particular piece of crap.
Those sound more like porno movie titles than anything else....
The sad thing about dickweeds like this is that some people actually take them seriously.
My esteemed co-worker [read: dill-hole], who I'll refer to simply as "the Pud," was all hyped up for Pat Buchannon last year....he kept saying shit like "if I was sure Bush was gonna win, I'd vote for Buchannon."
The worst part is, the fucktard [I really do like that term] is Mexican/Indian from Arizona......but he acts like he's white right up until it's in his best interest to be a minority.
Not that I'm racist or anything....I just hate this particular piece of crap.
September 18, 2002
That does fit a lot of Tool fans, doesn't it?
I like it....
Oh, and don't worry about the ten bucks....I thought it was napster or someone that owed me....either way....If you feel the need to settle the debt, give the ten spot to Micheal, then he'll owe me forty instead of the thirty he does now....
That does fit a lot of Tool fans, doesn't it?
I like it....
Oh, and don't worry about the ten bucks....I thought it was napster or someone that owed me....either way....If you feel the need to settle the debt, give the ten spot to Micheal, then he'll owe me forty instead of the thirty he does now....
September 17, 2002
FV-- good point with the first comment. but I did want you guys to comment on the book. I also like to make a point of arguing for the less popular viewpoint, especially when I agree with either side. I personally don't see what's wrong with being the corporate drone as opposed to being a bartender, but apparently some people do. and I definitely wouldn't call them ignorant if that was what they wanted. They were saving money to get a job they did want-- opening some type of hotel. they did that at the end of the book.....
My whole point of posting about the book was to say I felt ripped off by the awful ending. I thought maybe someone on the board had read that book and could offer some insight that would make me have a better opinion of it. Or just simply agree with me. I didn't realize it'd be an analysis on what jobs these 20-somethings should get.
a "scene" and a fanbase are quite different though. I don't get in on the scene action
My whole point of posting about the book was to say I felt ripped off by the awful ending. I thought maybe someone on the board had read that book and could offer some insight that would make me have a better opinion of it. Or just simply agree with me. I didn't realize it'd be an analysis on what jobs these 20-somethings should get.
a "scene" and a fanbase are quite different though. I don't get in on the scene action
ah, I support capitalism. I'm nothing like the main characters in the book. I do like reading about them though. And I was rather irked by the lame ending.
The entire book was symbolic. Their "McJobs" were bartending and at a department store. They are jobs that lead to them going nowhere in life. The reason they worked there-- as to not become corporate drones. You'd just have to read the book to understand it more fully I suppose. I can't explain it really well because my ideals do not match with these people.
The ending was symbolic to the point of being cliche, unexciting, and didn't really match up with the rest of the book (it was too optimistic, it just didn't fit at all). "McJobs" fit in with everything else. They had definitions defining everything...
Steve-- It was brought up cuz of my comments on a girl from my highschool. I do constantly talk about music but I would go as far to say that the majority of my music isn't teenybopperish. There is no scene surrounding it. No fashion for it. and I don't listen to music for any trendy reasons nor do I listen to it to get "away" from the trends.
The entire book was symbolic. Their "McJobs" were bartending and at a department store. They are jobs that lead to them going nowhere in life. The reason they worked there-- as to not become corporate drones. You'd just have to read the book to understand it more fully I suppose. I can't explain it really well because my ideals do not match with these people.
The ending was symbolic to the point of being cliche, unexciting, and didn't really match up with the rest of the book (it was too optimistic, it just didn't fit at all). "McJobs" fit in with everything else. They had definitions defining everything...
Steve-- It was brought up cuz of my comments on a girl from my highschool. I do constantly talk about music but I would go as far to say that the majority of my music isn't teenybopperish. There is no scene surrounding it. No fashion for it. and I don't listen to music for any trendy reasons nor do I listen to it to get "away" from the trends.
September 16, 2002
I just got finished reading the most cynical, anti-capitalist book.
The characters work at McJobs, detest yuppies, and tell stories about the end of the world.
Save for the ending though.. The ending happened to be the most optimistic piece-of-shit. Something about the main character being hugged by a group of special-ed teenagers and telling them "thank you". That's symbolic to the point of being lame. I feel ripped off.
The characters work at McJobs, detest yuppies, and tell stories about the end of the world.
Save for the ending though.. The ending happened to be the most optimistic piece-of-shit. Something about the main character being hugged by a group of special-ed teenagers and telling them "thank you". That's symbolic to the point of being lame. I feel ripped off.
too much things in my life aren't the slightest teenybopper (my music being one.. and the issues i deal with being the second one).
the whole girlie-teenybopper thing is the most realistic way for me to "get away" (well there's always drugs..) and yes I like to get away quite a lot. :D
I was watching the Anna Nicole Show (combination of nothing on TV and curiousity).. and the entire show is just footage of her eating. and that's the only comment i have on it.
too much things in my life aren't the slightest teenybopper (my music being one.. and the issues i deal with being the second one).
the whole girlie-teenybopper thing is the most realistic way for me to "get away" (well there's always drugs..) and yes I like to get away quite a lot. :D
I was watching the Anna Nicole Show (combination of nothing on TV and curiousity).. and the entire show is just footage of her eating. and that's the only comment i have on it.
September 15, 2002
The chubby one with pink hair. yes indeed. hence the "mistakenly"
Lots and lots of people find her attractive. and they go to her for advice. (she has some advice/fashion column in Seventeen mag) disgusting.
Things were getting too serious on the board. all the talk of regrets and should we regret our regrets and kill ourselves? etc and so forth. when things get serious, I take solace in dumb, silly things: teeny bopper things. And you guys all have your video games (your Dark Ages of Camelot to be exact). so deal
Lots and lots of people find her attractive. and they go to her for advice. (she has some advice/fashion column in Seventeen mag) disgusting.
Things were getting too serious on the board. all the talk of regrets and should we regret our regrets and kill ourselves? etc and so forth. when things get serious, I take solace in dumb, silly things: teeny bopper things. And you guys all have your video games (your Dark Ages of Camelot to be exact). so deal
September 14, 2002
So I ran into my arch nemesis last night at the Blockbuster.
I've secretly despised her for 4 years now.
Back then, I was introduced to Brittney W (however she spells the name Britney) and instantly told that I should be friends with her. The expression on my face most likely read: "You've got to be kidding. She looks boring"
Sure enough, soon after I found out that my friend TJ was desperately trying to avoid her. Claiming that Brittany was lame: she's The Poser.
"The Poser" being the Kelly Osbourne type. Slightly chubby, prone to saying incredibly unoriginal things in hope of being found to be cool, and people mistakenly find her attractive. Like Brittnie would say things like "I am so punk rock: Blink182 are my favourite band!" disgusting. (When I told Zohra this story, she instantly knew exactly what I was talking about when I said the Kelly Osbourne type. So apparently I'm not the only one)
So I see Brittany with my (male) friend Kelly last night. They're dating.
--Kelly is a popular, preppy, pretty boy on the wrestling team. The only story worth telling about him is that he spent an entire class time with his hands wrapped around my thighs, wrists, etc. He was intrigued by my skinniness and wanted to measure or something. what a weirdo. So I find him to be appealing (in a very platonic way).
So I had a short conversation with Kelly. and he introduces me to his girlfriend, Britny. She's dangling on his arm like a businessman's wife. She's dressed the part. (I told you she was a poser. god damn she's so vapid) and I say hi and ask her how she's doing and she moans. Her response was a fucking moan. What the hell type of person moans an answer?
I've secretly despised her for 4 years now.
Back then, I was introduced to Brittney W (however she spells the name Britney) and instantly told that I should be friends with her. The expression on my face most likely read: "You've got to be kidding. She looks boring"
Sure enough, soon after I found out that my friend TJ was desperately trying to avoid her. Claiming that Brittany was lame: she's The Poser.
"The Poser" being the Kelly Osbourne type. Slightly chubby, prone to saying incredibly unoriginal things in hope of being found to be cool, and people mistakenly find her attractive. Like Brittnie would say things like "I am so punk rock: Blink182 are my favourite band!" disgusting. (When I told Zohra this story, she instantly knew exactly what I was talking about when I said the Kelly Osbourne type. So apparently I'm not the only one)
So I see Brittany with my (male) friend Kelly last night. They're dating.
--Kelly is a popular, preppy, pretty boy on the wrestling team. The only story worth telling about him is that he spent an entire class time with his hands wrapped around my thighs, wrists, etc. He was intrigued by my skinniness and wanted to measure or something. what a weirdo. So I find him to be appealing (in a very platonic way).
So I had a short conversation with Kelly. and he introduces me to his girlfriend, Britny. She's dangling on his arm like a businessman's wife. She's dressed the part. (I told you she was a poser. god damn she's so vapid) and I say hi and ask her how she's doing and she moans. Her response was a fucking moan. What the hell type of person moans an answer?
I regret the entire winter of '98-'99.
and I think about this all the time.
but recently, I uncovered a journal that I had written from that time.
I read through the whole thing once (and promptly discarded it afterwards)
but see, if I hadn't had that shit happen to me, If I hadn't done that shit then,
then.. well I'd continue to be that girl who wrote that journal, and I wouldn't be the Chrissie I am.
actually, the end result of that winter is that I learned to not "settle" (friends, guys, and decisions, and so forth)
and I also started to like me. (Me wasn't a person I had liked for 2+ years up until that point)
um actually I kinda have forgotten what I was talking about, so I hope all of that above made the point I was wanting to make.
the point being... Live with Regrets but Accept Them Cuz They're Necessary or some b/s like that.
and I think about this all the time.
but recently, I uncovered a journal that I had written from that time.
I read through the whole thing once (and promptly discarded it afterwards)
but see, if I hadn't had that shit happen to me, If I hadn't done that shit then,
then.. well I'd continue to be that girl who wrote that journal, and I wouldn't be the Chrissie I am.
actually, the end result of that winter is that I learned to not "settle" (friends, guys, and decisions, and so forth)
and I also started to like me. (Me wasn't a person I had liked for 2+ years up until that point)
um actually I kinda have forgotten what I was talking about, so I hope all of that above made the point I was wanting to make.
the point being... Live with Regrets but Accept Them Cuz They're Necessary or some b/s like that.
You know... I think its a fundamental thing to have regrets. It's a human thing. In fact... there you go... that can be the dividing line between humanity and other animals. Hell... maybe it is evidence of having a soul...
After all... having regrets involves having a hell of a lot of other thought processes... and perhaps requires something extra.
I don't feel like going into that though, so i'll just leave it at that.
Do I have regrets? It is something I myself have considered from time to time... but for the most part I stand on the idea that I do not... for to have regrets (in my mind) would also imply that i have the desire to change something about the past aspects of my life.
That doesn't mean that I haven't made bad decisions, or have had consequences of bad decisions thrust upon me.
It just means, that despite that all... I wouldn't change it.
I however, would not look down upon anybody here, or elsewhere, who would say that they would change something, or that they have regrets... because I have not lived their lives... thus, to judge that person would be erroneous.
Thinking upon it... i suppose i have a form of regrets... in that there are things that i wish i hadn't done... and that if in the moment, i would have known what would be the consequence, i would not have done it...
but if i had that proverbial "rewind" button--i wouldn't use it.
One reason that comes to mind is that, as cliché as it sounds... my mistakes have made the person who is sitting here right now, typing out this particular response, and having these particular thoughts. I happen to like this person, and I would rather leave the lessons that i've lived through alone, and take what i can from them--even if the memories are not always good. Hell, sometimes i like to remember the bad memories... sometimes i like to feel bad about them... because i get a sort of good feeling from realising that they happened, and i have the power to decide whether they happen again.
Would i rewind and do things differently if i didn't like the person i was? Well, i don't know if i can honestly answer that. I suppose i would like to say no... believing that if i didn't like the person i was, i would change from the present onward...
but if i am to be honest with myself, i don't know what i would do.
--Ach, late nights.
G'night all.
September 13, 2002
You know what?
I'm not saying there aren't things in my past.......we all know there are.
We all have them.
It's part of being human, and part of the learning process.
If I had it all to do again, I'd do it the same way. Things could be worse, and you never know which choices could have lead you there.
Live your damn life. Don't make the same mistakes twice, and work to correct the ones you've made. Shit happens, buy a fucking helmet.
Regrets are a sign of weakness.
I'm not saying there aren't things in my past.......we all know there are.
We all have them.
It's part of being human, and part of the learning process.
If I had it all to do again, I'd do it the same way. Things could be worse, and you never know which choices could have lead you there.
Live your damn life. Don't make the same mistakes twice, and work to correct the ones you've made. Shit happens, buy a fucking helmet.
Regrets are a sign of weakness.
According to Ryan Adams (in the Whiskeytown song "I Hope It Rains at My Funeral"): "No sense in wanting my life to live over. I'll Find different ways to make the same mistakes again"
Now if you get over the depressing elements of that statement, You'll realize you shouldn't live your life in regret. Just accept the shit that you did and the shit that happened to you.
Ofcourse that leads me to the mood I've been in lately. The "What does it all mean?" one (very High Fidelity) but at least it's a question that can be answered & dealt with. As opposed to trying to imagine your life if you had a rewind button.
Now if you get over the depressing elements of that statement, You'll realize you shouldn't live your life in regret. Just accept the shit that you did and the shit that happened to you.
Ofcourse that leads me to the mood I've been in lately. The "What does it all mean?" one (very High Fidelity) but at least it's a question that can be answered & dealt with. As opposed to trying to imagine your life if you had a rewind button.
Choices . . . again.
I believe a long bit ago I made a post which was entitled " Choices " - and it consisted of me ranting and raving as I always do about some idiosyncratic detail of life while all-the-while bitching in my heart about something else. By complaining about one thing you indirectly complain about what you really wish to complain about. This time I wont. Because I understand a lot of things. I understand that who you are and where you are depend on the choices you make today, that you made yesterday - and that you will make tomorrow. I've talked with many of you about these things - some of you openly, the others they might not know they were talking about it but none-the-less the questions or conversations I had with you dealt with the same material. I spoke to Steven about the past - he and I agree and both are solemn about some of the decisions we've made in our past. I know that some things I have done I feel I should regret - and always hail that regretting things is a useless activity. No need for regret - all it does it cause more sorrow for yourself. I dont know if Steven regrets any of the things he has done - but I now have the nerve to admit there are things I have done in my past that I regret, and wish to the very center of my being that I could go through again and do right. " If I only knew then the things I know now." - the saying goes. We all make mistakes and we all deal with them. The question is not how to avoid mistakes or avoid problems - it is not how to avoid getting hurt or to protect yourself. The question is just how to live and take everything in as it comes to you. A problem I've realised about myself is that if I am not worrying about what I or someone else is going to do next, I am brooding over what could have been had I chosen different paths. And yet the question remains in my heart today : What life is a life worth living unhappy? At the risk of sounding melodramatic I appreciate each and every tid-bit that anyone here on the board posts - be it inane or stupid, a poem or a thought, a question, an answer. Anything really.
The best of luck to you all : wherever life may take you.
Because you'll need it.
I believe a long bit ago I made a post which was entitled " Choices " - and it consisted of me ranting and raving as I always do about some idiosyncratic detail of life while all-the-while bitching in my heart about something else. By complaining about one thing you indirectly complain about what you really wish to complain about. This time I wont. Because I understand a lot of things. I understand that who you are and where you are depend on the choices you make today, that you made yesterday - and that you will make tomorrow. I've talked with many of you about these things - some of you openly, the others they might not know they were talking about it but none-the-less the questions or conversations I had with you dealt with the same material. I spoke to Steven about the past - he and I agree and both are solemn about some of the decisions we've made in our past. I know that some things I have done I feel I should regret - and always hail that regretting things is a useless activity. No need for regret - all it does it cause more sorrow for yourself. I dont know if Steven regrets any of the things he has done - but I now have the nerve to admit there are things I have done in my past that I regret, and wish to the very center of my being that I could go through again and do right. " If I only knew then the things I know now." - the saying goes. We all make mistakes and we all deal with them. The question is not how to avoid mistakes or avoid problems - it is not how to avoid getting hurt or to protect yourself. The question is just how to live and take everything in as it comes to you. A problem I've realised about myself is that if I am not worrying about what I or someone else is going to do next, I am brooding over what could have been had I chosen different paths. And yet the question remains in my heart today : What life is a life worth living unhappy? At the risk of sounding melodramatic I appreciate each and every tid-bit that anyone here on the board posts - be it inane or stupid, a poem or a thought, a question, an answer. Anything really.
The best of luck to you all : wherever life may take you.
Because you'll need it.
September 12, 2002
September 10, 2002
if today didn't suck enough:
1. unable to get the Replacements albums I need oh-so bad
2. tony's car is still broken
3. kyle can't go to flogging molly :( :(
4. now the worst news of all: I just got the word that THE WHITE STRIPES are on the cover of the new SPIN.
you can all just go to hell now.
if today didn't suck enough:
1. unable to get the Replacements albums I need oh-so bad
2. tony's car is still broken
3. kyle can't go to flogging molly :( :(
4. now the worst news of all: I just got the word that THE WHITE STRIPES are on the cover of the new SPIN.
you can all just go to hell now.
my razor broke. like the whole thing. and i don't have any backups. so i have to use the blade to shave, which means that I'll probably miss a bunch of spots. which means that when tony sees me tonight he's gonna think i'm a Hairy Chrissie. arghh.. shaving sucks. I don't know why the hell girls have hair on any place besides their heads.
so you're planning a LAN party eh? Well, depending on the time that you are going to have it, maybe i'll show up...
i doubt i'll play any games though, but it'd be fun to come and such, nonetheless.
also, i can showcase the movie that i am making...
--still currently without sound-effects... but that will soon change i imagine...
right now i'm sitting in the UW computer bookstore, typing away on an iMac... funzo...
i'm getting a keyboard, just don't know if i want to do that online, or buy it here... both have some perks i imagine.
Also, Michael... you'd better make plans to come with me and jimmoi and james for our third annual trip to mt. ranier... yeeup, that's right, i've choosen to bring you along in Andy's place... since him and james are still at each other...
that or i'll ditch james and have it be andy and jimmy and me, and you...
either way, it would seem as if you are invited...
--and its not 'till december. Hmmmpf... maybe i'll film the second episode of my movie up there... could be fun.
in any event, that is all boys and girls.
September 09, 2002
Ah, this cable modem thing was pissing me off for a second. My computer wouldn't recognize the connection, and it ALWAYS recognizes connections.
Anyway, the movie is finished. All i need is to add a soundtrack and sound effects, which won't take long at all. Any thoughts on what i can use? This is mostly directed toward James, Bradbury, Michael, and Jimmy (if he ever checks this), since you guys were there for filming and know roughly what it is about. For those of you who have no idea, here is a still:
And what is goin' on here. Who is this masked man... and what is he planning to do to Michael... Can we say, "Buttsexx?"
Yeah... i bet you are all really interested now... aren't ya?
Whelp... that is all for now...
no wait... here is something else for your funzo-amusement...
i call it... POWER OF THE DRAGON!
As you can see... Andy is one with the DRAGON SPIRIT!
Hehehe, sorry Andy, but i found that picture in my video archives and i just had to... doesn't matter i suppose, since you refuse to check the board...
September 08, 2002
My next movie moves along with great speed. Hehehe, michael, i think you'll enjoy it... i can't believe it, but that evil twin idea might actually work--- might.
Sorry if the movie didn't work at first... first time i've ever posted a movie...
and i am surprised that no one had the quicktime plugin... that was one of the first things i usually had to download--even when i had a PC.
i'm trying to figure out the right way to change the .mov file to a .mpg file-- bradbury, if you have any suggestions... that'd be great. i prefer the .mov file at the moment, because when i save it as such, it seems to come out cleaner in quality, and the file seems a bit smaller... a bit in the sense the file is like 140 k in .mov format... when i tried putting it in .mpg format, it came out to be 400-something k.
hey michael, bradbury, james-- you remember the movie and its content -- any ideas for a title for the movie?
September 07, 2002
"Catalytic Serendipity"
I ran into Alec yesterday, at the district office.
Well, actually, he walked up behind me and announced his presence by jamming his finger into my lumbar region and making a kind of buzzing/screeching "eeeeee" noise. Good old Alec....
He's really starting to look a lot like the traditional portrayal of Jesus Christ. Any of you that may interface with him on a regular basis....(Michael, I look in your direction), tell him I said so....I'll be interested to hear what he has to say.
I ran into Alec yesterday, at the district office.
Well, actually, he walked up behind me and announced his presence by jamming his finger into my lumbar region and making a kind of buzzing/screeching "eeeeee" noise. Good old Alec....
He's really starting to look a lot like the traditional portrayal of Jesus Christ. Any of you that may interface with him on a regular basis....(Michael, I look in your direction), tell him I said so....I'll be interested to hear what he has to say.
I absolutely hate this song:
"First Date" Blink182
Do you like my stupid hair?/Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?
i would so escape through the bathroom window if I had a date with that guy in the song.
I do love this song though, but I can't watch the video:
"Underneath it All" No Doubt
And finally, the one song that I can hear a million times in a row, and it never loses its specialness:
"With or Without You" U2
"First Date" Blink182
Do you like my stupid hair?/Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?
i would so escape through the bathroom window if I had a date with that guy in the song.
I do love this song though, but I can't watch the video:
"Underneath it All" No Doubt
And finally, the one song that I can hear a million times in a row, and it never loses its specialness:
"With or Without You" U2
September 06, 2002
So Im cleaning out my car this morning -
and there are these kids that show up.
after Im done I ask " What grade are you guys in? "
and they say - seventh, seventh, nineth.
I laugh.
then one of them asks : " Are you a Teacher? "
I ask him : " Why do you ask that? "
He says : " Because you look like one. "
. . . . .
nothing says broken dreams like the eyesight of a seventh grader.
I said : " I wanted to be. " - and then went inside.
and there are these kids that show up.
after Im done I ask " What grade are you guys in? "
and they say - seventh, seventh, nineth.
I laugh.
then one of them asks : " Are you a Teacher? "
I ask him : " Why do you ask that? "
He says : " Because you look like one. "
nothing says broken dreams like the eyesight of a seventh grader.
I said : " I wanted to be. " - and then went inside.
September 05, 2002
Hey, you think the mint bush was a stupid idea... just ask mr. james about what he was eatin' when we went camping...
--before any of you sickies get any thoughts, i'll fill in the answer: grass. that's right, he would pluck grass from the campground and stick it in his mouth, like a Pa bear on that hillbilly bears cartoon that i see once in a while on cartoon network...
i'm sorry, but yes, while the mint bush was rather nasty in retrospect... at least i wasn't suckin' down the collected years of urine (both human and animal), car byproduct, trash, and campground sex.
I stayed up as well, playing games... though probably not as long as you did... i was up playing a 50-stock game of four person Super Smash Bros Melee...
almost won it too... stupid school and work is really pulling me away from mah playin'
So. For my twenty first birthday I got, for the first time in my entire life - a usefull present that I actually needed - and it was by PURE ACCIDENT - Ive been meaning to stop by KMART and get a new cdplayer for my car and what do my parents get me? A creative NOMAD - ( mp3 player ) - sweet.
so all night ive been transferring CDs over to my system, then when I go to sleep - oh, they get transferred over to my nomad.
so all night ive been transferring CDs over to my system, then when I go to sleep - oh, they get transferred over to my nomad.
September 04, 2002
September 03, 2002
Aw, Jeff, I always wished I was a teen in the '80s.
I could so rock the whole "Molly Ringwald" look. and I could date a young John Cusack. :D
The soundtracks to the brat pack movies, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, U2, the Replacements, Billy Idol, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Bruce Springsteen, John Cougar Mellencamp... all good stuff.
Speaking of the Mariah Carey movie, I watched the Britney Spears one the other day. I kinda liked it. One point in it shocked me just a *little* bit. The ending managed to suck though.
I could so rock the whole "Molly Ringwald" look. and I could date a young John Cusack. :D
The soundtracks to the brat pack movies, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, U2, the Replacements, Billy Idol, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Bruce Springsteen, John Cougar Mellencamp... all good stuff.
Speaking of the Mariah Carey movie, I watched the Britney Spears one the other day. I kinda liked it. One point in it shocked me just a *little* bit. The ending managed to suck though.
Yeah, i tried putting things in chronological order... and it didn't work... and it looks as if it still hasn't worked. I've even tried viewing it on several different browsers...
--which i'd also just like to say, Netscape 7.0 actually rules--so far. Finally i get tabbed browsing that works...--
okay, anyway, if you hadn't noticed... it seems to do this thing where it will post say... wednesday, above thursday, even though it is supposed to be thursday, then wednesday, then tuesday, and so forth... however, i realized... it only does that when the post comes from 11:00 at night or after until 12:00, when the new day starts...
at least, 11:00 seems to be around the current cut-off mark...
just a thought... you should mention it to blogger james.
that is all for now.
September 02, 2002
Re: What i just said
Ignore everything i said about fixing the way the board posts... i tried that... it screwed up... then screwed up again... so i'm stuck reading it backwards from bottom to top, as are all of you...
however, i changed the template... originally a change that was supposed to go hand-in-hand with the fix to the posts... that didn't pan out...
it has, however, left me with an urge to try again to learn html and whatnot, and create a template... so that is what i'm going to try and do during my interim and off times... i will learn html... hopefully...
then make a template that is something closer to the original template than these current ones are...
i hate these cut & paste templates that we are forced to use at the moment. Hell, i'd even be happy with that pink slugs template we had for about a day that james made.
Addendum 2
Just as an extra thing... i fixed the way the board displays the posts, so that they are chronologically placed... cause i'm getting damned tired of having to read backwards...
This is for those who aren't "apt" enough to figure out why they don't see any new posts...
if you still can't figure it out after this little note, well then... you are really stupid, and i don't think anything can help you out.
It may take a bit for the board to start posting things correctly, i'm not sure... so if it seems muddled... then wait...
and if it's still muddled... oops.
Oh my geezus....
During this past week, i have watched quite a bit of tv and movies... as i am currently watching after my girlfriend since she had her wisdom teeth pulled out...
which also left me with the distinct impression that i will never willingly have mine pulled... you will have to seriously put a gun to my head...
am i afraid of the pain? nope. then what? -- simple... the blood... i saw so much blood... and i'm fine with blood, till i start to see it pour out of someone's mouth...
i'll get them done anyway... but i won't be wanting to eat afterword...
anyway, now that i'm off topic, i will attempt to verge back onto my topic of movies...
i saw "Glitter" on Saturday...
Yes by choice. I wanted to see it so that i could determine if something out there was worse than last year's "The Fast and the Furious"...
jury is still out on that one... but i will say that it made me want to rip out my spleen and choke Mariah Carey with it...
Everything you've probably heard about how horrid the movie is, it's entirely true...
i became quite sick at the number of scenes where Ms. Carey was the only one able to "sing well" in a crowd of people. It also had too many scenes from the 80's, which reminded me why i am so fortunate to not have been an adolescent/teenager during those terrible times...
then i remembered how my mother would only listen to 80's music in the car before the time when i could drive... no wonder much of my early teen years were troubled... who's wouldn't be? seriously?
And of course there were the other cliché characters in the movie: the two best friends who get left behind by the aspiring and finally noticed star, the "shining-knight" who notices her and brings her out of her despair to become a great star, the mother who had to give up her baby and who is later found at the end, the "bad-guy" who wants only money, the producers and big-ticket album makers who try to make her be what she "doesn't want to be".
... ooooh, and then there was the cut-scenes with glitter or fireworks as transition... WTF? that and the city-scapes... every other transition, i got to see the tops of New York buildings and bridges... well i guess i can canceled that planned trip to New York now, as i've seen every fucking building i could have wanted to see...
there were no point to those buildings... NONE. Now, some might remember jimmoi's tirades about how the flying whales from Fantasia 2000 were pointless... and may think that it's the same thing going on here... that i'm just ranting and "ten planes in china" and all that...
but hell no... you watch and you tell me if the buildings made any sense... i even tried to make them make sense... but no...
i could at least make the flying whales make sense, but not those buildings...
What kind of car, and can you tell where exactly the fluid is coming from?
Not always the easiest thing to tell, as when it leaks it will streak down the underside of the car when you drive. Things can get....gooey, for lack of a better term.
It might be something simple enough for you to do yourself, like a leaky cooler line; or something slightly more complicated, like a bad pan gasket. About 90% of the time it's going to be a cooling line on the pressure side that starts puking fluid.
If crawling under it with a flashlight doesn't show where the leak is, try parking over spread out newspapers; when you move the car you should be able to see where it's been dripping.
What kind of car, and can you tell where exactly the fluid is coming from?
Not always the easiest thing to tell, as when it leaks it will streak down the underside of the car when you drive. Things can get....gooey, for lack of a better term.
It might be something simple enough for you to do yourself, like a leaky cooler line; or something slightly more complicated, like a bad pan gasket. About 90% of the time it's going to be a cooling line on the pressure side that starts puking fluid.
If crawling under it with a flashlight doesn't show where the leak is, try parking over spread out newspapers; when you move the car you should be able to see where it's been dripping.
One last thing that i want to say for tonight before bed.
Thank you.
It has been some time since i have thought about such things... as life-stressors have been getting to me... but it has felt quite good to stretch my mental limbs, even if for but a moment...
and the board... yeeup... quite a good read lately.
A quick short answer to james' query about life and answers...
you are NOT supposed to have answers... in fact, if you are finding more questions and less answers as you get older... then damnit, you're doing quite well in life... better than others i would argue.
what the hell would you do if you had your answers? seriously. What would you do?
Well, I certainly have missed out on quite a number of interesting posts in the last couple of weeks. That's what happens when your internet access is taken away as a result of moving... and when you go from the luxury of Ethernet to 56k... blah. Thankfully, i'm getting a 128K DSL or something like that, next week.
There was so much said about Souls, Intellegence, and Language, and I can hardly remember it all... so i'll try to throw in as much as i can recall, and people can get back to me on what seems to be missing or incomplete.
First off... this idea of "Self-Awareness"-- we'll i hate to break it to you james, but we (humans) are not the only ones in which are believed to be "aware"...
So are Dolphins... and evidence would indicate that yes, even infants... really young infants, have the beginnings of self-awareness--- not surprising considering that they do develop self-awareness when they reach an older age.
I have always defended that dolphins were smart animals, far smarter than some give them credit for, and smarter than even supporters would believe... and here is why:
Dolphins have been seen to be "aware" of themselves when confronted with a mirror. The exact details of the mirror experiments escape me, but the basic bottomline is that show a dolphin an image of itself in a mirror, and it can differentiate between itself and another dolphin. Furthermore, it will spend different amounts of time looking at itself versus looking at an image of another dolphin.
It would seem that vanity is an offshot of "self-awareness".
Now, this is not an argument that dolphins are as "aware" as we are. However, it does go a ways toward attacking the belief that humans are the only creatures capable of the feat of "self-awareness". With that said... self-awareness is indeed a feat. There is no arguing that... at least not at the present time.
Dolphins, like humans, and a very small select amount of species, mostly, if not entirely chimps or primates of other kinds, engage in both recreational sex and homosexual acts. I cannot explain why this is important at the moment, but it actually does stand out as important... i will more than likely formulate the reasoning for why its important later.
Now, much as i explained how we have come to believe that dolphins have some sort of self-awareness, be it rudimentary or not, that is how we have come to believe that young, young infants have self-awareness. The mirror. Believe it or not, the mirror is perhaps one of the most powerful tools for the testing of self-awareness. (I would argue that the mirror as an invention, was perhaps just as important for human beings as fire would have been, or the wheel.)
(Now, before i continue, i will say that i am neither supporting or denying evolution or creationism... i'm just stating it as how i understand things... without putting my personal beliefs into it... i may do that later...)
If you want to take the dogma of evolution... then consider this...
During the early phases of conception and fetal development, the fetus goes through the process of growing and maturation. Biologists and doctors have long noted that (by looking at it through the evolutionist's eyes), the fetus matures along phylogonical (i think that's the right word) lines. By this i mean that one can see the path of evolution of humanity by watching the stages of human fetal development. Phylogeny recapitulates ontology (or something like that... i forget the actual phrase, but it's something really close to that.)
Wouldn't the same go for mental growth...
many researchers would say yes, and it would appear so...
The structure of the human mind, as many more advanced mind structures of other animals, shows this similarity. There are two parts of the brain... the old reptilian brain, and the more advanced mammalian brain... the mammalian brain being an extension, an upgrade, of the older brain... yet we still carry the old... and as we mature, it is the mammalian brain that grows...
why is this important...
well... now consider what i mentioned earlier... about an infants early "awareness"... think of the young infant as a symbol of the way we were thousands of years ago as adults... even millions of years ago...
imagine that neanderthal, as it approached a pool of water... a pool of crystal clear water, and it saw itself... and for a moment, it stared at itself... almost... just almost touching upon itself mentally... coming to a clear realization... but for just a moment, before turning away...
that is the infant mind...
and it evolves... only the evolution from the infant awareness to adult awareness takes place during the beginning of modern human lifetimes.
There was more i wanted to say about all that... but it is late, and my thought processes are severly lacking at the moment...
but the point of that spiel? simple... if you believe, as someone mentioned earlier... that a soul is linked to self-awareness, that would almost mean that a soul could be obtained through evolution...
do i believe that... well that is not important, as i'm only giving this information to clear up somethings for the moment.
i will say though, that i believe that if you are going to say that an infant does not have a soul due to a lack of self-awareness... then you are wrong, or at least to me it would seem like your taking a fallacious stance.
i would argue that if souls are linked to self-awareness... it is still possible for the infant to have a soul...
first for the fact that infants do have a rudimentary type of self-awareness... think of it this way... for them, it must be like first waking up from a long nap, especially one with a particularly vivid dream... the infant is experiencing, and using, its ability for understanding awareness for the first time... its new, as is life to it... of course it will have some trouble processing this new notion of "i exist outside of others... outside of the environment... i am one onto myself..."
two... and here is where it gets more muddled... is where language comes into play...
it is still possible for infants to have a soul and they are simply unable to express that to us. Language allows us to understand what another is contemplating...
without the ability to "speak" with infants, we are unable to ask if they understand themselves separate from others...
{DAMNIT...i totally lost where i was going with my line of thought...}
okay... i can't recover my thoughts... that's what i get for waking up early today... okay...
hmm, so i will end this post prematurely... there is definitely more that i will say later today after sleep... and probably some i will correct...
so if it seems like my arguments are missing key points... that's understandable...
but i will say at the moment, that--James, i would seriously consider dropping the argument of self-awareness equalling having a soul if you wish to say that animals have no souls... because i feel that there are some holes with that argument...
kinda like when people believed that they had souls and intellegence and such because we where the only ones to use tools...
until a woman named Goodall went and made us all feel a little less "special".
To be continued...
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band were spectacular.
I cannot say the same about Guns N Roses.
I think the only reason it's getting the acclaim that it did cuz it was such a "surprise". (It wasn't much of a surprise to me, cuz Jimmy Fallon was wearing that Guns shirt for half of the show). And the fact that the new Guns are infamous for not playing any shows.
I didn't think the performance was that great. It kind of disturbed me. To see Axl trying to hide the fat that way.. ehh..
I did get excited about seeing Tommy from The Replacements on stage (he's in the reformed Guns by the way).
I felt that Eminem put on a good show. That's the first time I've seen him on the stage alone: without another rapper bouncing around, repeating every word he says.
I cannot say the same about Guns N Roses.
I think the only reason it's getting the acclaim that it did cuz it was such a "surprise". (It wasn't much of a surprise to me, cuz Jimmy Fallon was wearing that Guns shirt for half of the show). And the fact that the new Guns are infamous for not playing any shows.
I didn't think the performance was that great. It kind of disturbed me. To see Axl trying to hide the fat that way.. ehh..
I did get excited about seeing Tommy from The Replacements on stage (he's in the reformed Guns by the way).
I felt that Eminem put on a good show. That's the first time I've seen him on the stage alone: without another rapper bouncing around, repeating every word he says.
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