hey, hey.
poke her?
a coincidence?
I am thinking not.
July 31, 2002
July 30, 2002
July 29, 2002
July 26, 2002
Websites are manifested in times like this.
The manic-depressive semi-boredom of nothingness. Nil. Kapoot. The only solace use to be coming up with a new website and filling it with even more nothingness. Scribblings. Scratches by a stick in a dune in some far off desert with the wind blowing hard, hard, hard. But now I have the slugs. So stagnant and irreplace-able, it stands here like a monolith of times gone past. Great memories compounded into dust into dust into dust.
When one is at work - all they can think about to get through the hour/day/week is that you want to get home. Get away from work. Stop getting PAID FOR YOUR TIME. And then finally the weekend comes. Finally your days off come. Finally it stops, and its quiet. and you're left alone, and all you can think of is : man, I want to go back to work - because this is all boring.
This is why I cannot live in an apartment/house by myself. the dulling quiet. The cars outside slowly making themselves past on the wet road. Suicide seems like a grand-ol time right about now, just sit down relax and see who can off themselves quicker. Not necissarily because one doesnt want to live but one just wants something to do to make living so un-eventfull.
and even filling one's life with people and fun and places, excitement - opportunities of enjoyment, love, sexual pleasures, misdirections, driving places, entertainment of some sorts, so on and so on and so on and so on. I could go out and do things with people and go places and see things and do things but they seem so meaningless, pointless - worthless.
it is all the same, in the end.
one big cyclical round-the-rosie, pockets full.
The manic-depressive semi-boredom of nothingness. Nil. Kapoot. The only solace use to be coming up with a new website and filling it with even more nothingness. Scribblings. Scratches by a stick in a dune in some far off desert with the wind blowing hard, hard, hard. But now I have the slugs. So stagnant and irreplace-able, it stands here like a monolith of times gone past. Great memories compounded into dust into dust into dust.
When one is at work - all they can think about to get through the hour/day/week is that you want to get home. Get away from work. Stop getting PAID FOR YOUR TIME. And then finally the weekend comes. Finally your days off come. Finally it stops, and its quiet. and you're left alone, and all you can think of is : man, I want to go back to work - because this is all boring.
This is why I cannot live in an apartment/house by myself. the dulling quiet. The cars outside slowly making themselves past on the wet road. Suicide seems like a grand-ol time right about now, just sit down relax and see who can off themselves quicker. Not necissarily because one doesnt want to live but one just wants something to do to make living so un-eventfull.
and even filling one's life with people and fun and places, excitement - opportunities of enjoyment, love, sexual pleasures, misdirections, driving places, entertainment of some sorts, so on and so on and so on and so on. I could go out and do things with people and go places and see things and do things but they seem so meaningless, pointless - worthless.
it is all the same, in the end.
one big cyclical round-the-rosie, pockets full.
July 25, 2002
July 24, 2002
July 23, 2002
damn michael...
you're just awesome.
Episode II may not come out this week, as I had hoped...my french teacher is deciding to give us a project due next week. Unfortunately, i have to have it done this weekend because that is the only time i will be able to print it...
damn...but after ward, i'll work on episode ii, and episode iii
--quite fun!
hey heather, err...new person--welcome to the board.
that all said and done...hmm...
i should probably study french now...
ach, in just a second...
okay, now i will (partly cause i was gonna post soemthing awesome to say...but forgot it, so blah.)
damn michael...
you're just awesome.
Episode II may not come out this week, as I had hoped...my french teacher is deciding to give us a project due next week. Unfortunately, i have to have it done this weekend because that is the only time i will be able to print it...
damn...but after ward, i'll work on episode ii, and episode iii
--quite fun!
hey heather, err...new person--welcome to the board.
that all said and done...hmm...
i should probably study french now...
ach, in just a second...
okay, now i will (partly cause i was gonna post soemthing awesome to say...but forgot it, so blah.)
Hello. I would like to introduce myself to you all with a story of love, passion, and frustration.
This is the story of a boy we'll call "JAC".
Jac only has eyes for his one true love - Compucare.
Sometimes, His girlfriend, who we'll call "JAB" tries to get his attention.
Jac doesn't pay attention.
He is too in love with Compucare.
Every morning, Jac gets off work and comes home to see Compucare.
Jab feels ignored and unloved.
Jac says, "Oh, Compucare! You are the only one who understands the complexities of my soul! You are the only one who really knows my pain!"
Jab continues to feel unloved.
Especially since James spends all his time with Compucare, and his ex.
He's obsessed with all of his ex's.
He's obsessed with his Compucare.
That's why none of his girlfriends ever get fucked.
Especially me.
This is the story of a boy we'll call "JAC".
Jac only has eyes for his one true love - Compucare.
Sometimes, His girlfriend, who we'll call "JAB" tries to get his attention.
Jac doesn't pay attention.
He is too in love with Compucare.
Every morning, Jac gets off work and comes home to see Compucare.
Jab feels ignored and unloved.
Jac says, "Oh, Compucare! You are the only one who understands the complexities of my soul! You are the only one who really knows my pain!"
Jab continues to feel unloved.
Especially since James spends all his time with Compucare, and his ex.
He's obsessed with all of his ex's.
He's obsessed with his Compucare.
That's why none of his girlfriends ever get fucked.
Especially me.
July 22, 2002
July 20, 2002
LOL.... :)
funzoness as it were....... How are all of your lives progressing???
I have one year of hellish public schooling left. Oh the joy. te-he-he It has been a while since I visted the board here... I wonder what it is that has happened to all of you and the board. So few of you actually post anymore though, that I did notice... but then when have any of us really posted on a regular basis that have to go out and have fun all day for a living?
:) It has been a long happy time for me lately... depressing as can be but oh so much fun as it goes along!!! :)
Awhhh... the random things that make absolutely no sense...
I LOVE YOU ALL... actually, no, I do not. :P hehehe
funzoness as it were....... How are all of your lives progressing???
I have one year of hellish public schooling left. Oh the joy. te-he-he It has been a while since I visted the board here... I wonder what it is that has happened to all of you and the board. So few of you actually post anymore though, that I did notice... but then when have any of us really posted on a regular basis that have to go out and have fun all day for a living?
:) It has been a long happy time for me lately... depressing as can be but oh so much fun as it goes along!!! :)
Awhhh... the random things that make absolutely no sense...
I LOVE YOU ALL... actually, no, I do not. :P hehehe
July 19, 2002
Episode I: The Beast Emerges
Before I begin these great tales, sure to leave one and all wondering around parking lots, dazed and confused, trying in vain to grasp the situation, I should begin with a prologue...
so thus...
Prologue: Free Food
Now...as you all may or may not be aware...our beloved friend jimmy had to up and go...for he was off to the airforce...
...or so you all thought!
for you see...though jimmy said he was going off to the airforce for free food--that was only part of the truth. Yes indeed he was going off to get free housing and free food...
but it was not to the airforce--
rather...rather it was to the United States Space-Force! For you see, jimmy was assigned to the USSF because of his incredible abilities to B.S. his way out of any situation...and of course because of his amazing ability to become this:
--and so begins our tale of adventure and mystery and of one tall asian man (who rides his bike too often) who may very well save the entire world...---
Episode I: The Beast Emerges
It is important to note here that jimmy has already finished most of his Basic-Space Training and has already been allowed to pilot one of the Space-Force's most powerful Space-ships. His daily duties involve flying around the solar system to keep an eye for any hostile E.T.'s...because after all...if aliens exist, there sole purpose in life is to destroy our planet and steal our resources...
...for the most part they are the pilgrims of Space...
damn those pilgrims...
But things can get pretty boring patroling the solar system...in Space...all by yourself...
so the USSF allowed jimmy to bring along two people for company...
now here you'd think, "oh hey, well that means that jimmy would bring along his best friends in all of the world...and Space...
James and Jeff...
well you were wrong...
maybe it was because i was busy in college that jimmy didn't even bother to ask me--or tell me that he was going to Space...i had to hear it from Harry Wappler (my good friend the retired newsanchor who now does underground news reports)...
and james was too busy promoting Amp because, as he puts it, "It's good fer ya!"
...regardless...instead of inviting us to go hang out in Space...he takes along my good friend Harry Wappler and his pet ButtLove.
Yeeup...jimmy usually patrols around jupiter and uranus (come on...in a post about Space, you know i had to throw that one in).
Of course, he will sometimes make pits stops on other planets to leave behind wisdom and gifts from his homeland Earth:
However...a dark force is slowly encroaching upon our beloved friend and compatriot...
for even as we speak...this deadly force of unspeakable power and an equalled hunger for the blood and flesh of all life slowly makes its way to our area of Space...
And perhaps...perhaps the only hope for us all...is jimmy
Suddenly, as jimmy pears out the front of his Space-ship's window, nearly blinded by the behemoth being's power, his greatest fears start to seep into his body. In the pit of his stomach, jimmy knows he's seen this...THING...somewhere before...
So he flips on his scanners...and to his utter dismay...he realizes the truth:
It is her...it is the beast from the past...the one who nearly destroyed them all...
As far creeps upon him, a new sense of urgency and determination also fill his mind...perhaps its because of what this beast has done in the past to him and his friends...namely james...
or perhaps its because...the beast is just plain fat, and jimmy really does hate fat people....
but whatever the reason, jimmy steers his Space-ship straight toward the beast, charging his weapons for a full out assault, as Harry Wappler and ButtLove prepare themselves for a fight...
as his Space-ship flies toward the behemoth...old visions of his last encounter with her flash in his mind,
like a painful reminder of just how dangerous and vile she is...and why she must be destroyed....
Stay Tuned for Episode II.
July 18, 2002
well instead of me geting on my computer pluging in diff lines and posting under my name, or changing jameses account and posting under my name, i decided to be REALY lazy and post, those who know Ravens grudge about " the mail box " then you would have loved what we did lastnight, but i will not speak of them on the board BUT IT WAS FUCKEN FUNNY AS HELL!!!!! wish i can a camra or vid cam, because to see sparkles bust the door open then burn throuhg the roof and shoot 4 or 5 fireworks into the sky from it is pretty damned funny.
James has sold out he has amp posters and WHERE DO YOU THINK HE GOT HIS NEW CAR!??!?!?! IT came with the sponcership of AMP, as i type he is sleeping with an amp represenitive, to further his careeer in the advertisement indestry, be ashamed, VERY ashame, and be even MORE ashamed that i didnt spell a SINGLE one of those right!!!
James wont wake up and register DAoC DDOOOO IT!!!!!!
James has sold out he has amp posters and WHERE DO YOU THINK HE GOT HIS NEW CAR!??!?!?! IT came with the sponcership of AMP, as i type he is sleeping with an amp represenitive, to further his careeer in the advertisement indestry, be ashamed, VERY ashame, and be even MORE ashamed that i didnt spell a SINGLE one of those right!!!
James wont wake up and register DAoC DDOOOO IT!!!!!!
Am i the only one who hates the template for the board?...
damnit james, get off your ass and put the old template back...
that one was awesome--this one reminds me of dried vomit that can be seen in the backrooms of target the day after christmas...
and what the hell is up with the date system...
i will try to address that problem myself later...
but back to the james thing...
you all know why he hasn't given us a better template--mr. "i'm the fancy dancy administrator who created the board so you all should bow before me"?
it's simple...
its not because he's busy
or his computer doesn't work
or he was strucken with amnesia and can't remember how to put the old template back
no... my friends...it is because james...
james... SOLD OUT!

see...he let his power get to him...and like everyone else---james has sold out...
i wouldn't be surprised to see AMP links on our board soon...
all i have to say to you mr. "fancy little administrator boy with my coushy box-factory job" is fuck you...
you have struck us all deeply this day.
damnit james, get off your ass and put the old template back...
that one was awesome--this one reminds me of dried vomit that can be seen in the backrooms of target the day after christmas...
and what the hell is up with the date system...
i will try to address that problem myself later...
but back to the james thing...
you all know why he hasn't given us a better template--mr. "i'm the fancy dancy administrator who created the board so you all should bow before me"?
it's simple...
its not because he's busy
or his computer doesn't work
or he was strucken with amnesia and can't remember how to put the old template back
no... my friends...it is because james...
james... SOLD OUT!
see...he let his power get to him...and like everyone else---james has sold out...
i wouldn't be surprised to see AMP links on our board soon...
all i have to say to you mr. "fancy little administrator boy with my coushy box-factory job" is fuck you...
you have struck us all deeply this day.
so zach-o's coming to spend the night, along with brice and someone named jordan, at my place--funzo...
too bad i have to take a stupid french exam and finish the french homework i have--
ah well...
however, if anyone else wants to come up--could be fun...
steve?-interested...you could drag along andy--though i think he's busy today-not sure.
yeah--this is gonna be a short post, cause i'm at work, and i haven't gotten my posts ready yet...
but if you want a teaser of the fun stuff to come...
so zach-o's coming to spend the night, along with brice and someone named jordan, at my place--funzo...
too bad i have to take a stupid french exam and finish the french homework i have--
ah well...
however, if anyone else wants to come up--could be fun...
steve?-interested...you could drag along andy--though i think he's busy today-not sure.
yeah--this is gonna be a short post, cause i'm at work, and i haven't gotten my posts ready yet...
but if you want a teaser of the fun stuff to come...
July 17, 2002
July 16, 2002
So I'm buying a car.
the windows work.
you're asking : HOW MUCH JAMES?
and I tell you : 1500 -
and you say : " oh that sounds about right "
and then I say : " now add one more zero "
give me an ulcer
give me a heart attack.
i hate credit.
fuck you jesse, TZA -
and yes, steve and aaron still go at it.
good stuff.
bloody hell.
bloody fucking hell.
I might come home tonight with a very large lack of money.
and to add to that? they'll keep sucking my blood.
the windows work.
you're asking : HOW MUCH JAMES?
and I tell you : 1500 -
and you say : " oh that sounds about right "
and then I say : " now add one more zero "
give me an ulcer
give me a heart attack.
i hate credit.
fuck you jesse, TZA -
and yes, steve and aaron still go at it.
good stuff.
bloody hell.
bloody fucking hell.
I might come home tonight with a very large lack of money.
and to add to that? they'll keep sucking my blood.
July 15, 2002
I hope I don't regret this.
Since Steve used this forum to talk about his depression and I really admired the hell out of him for doing so,
I will do the same thing with my problem.
I meant to go to this problem with one of my friends..
but girls react with horribly cliché responses that are sweet but really aren't helping the issue.
and the only 3 guys I can turn to: 1 seems to be "away" for the last several days & I couldn't bring myself to tell him
anyway, the 2nd will respond to it by saying: "wow! I've never known anyone with this problem before, what's
it like?", & finally the 3rd guy refuses to speak to me.
I'm dragging this along so.. when I was 10 or 11, I gave in to anorexia.
I've spent the last 7 years recovering from it, and relapsing into it.
Over the last couple weeks, I have noticed myself falling back into it.
I've chosen to work harder against it, and I'm about to collapse into exhaustion-- this is too much for me to handle.
Then, a week ago I realized my problem not only included anorexia but also bulemia.
Over the last half of the week, it's gone down hill.
I'm within the homestretch of weighing 100 lbs (which is the most realistic goal I could ever set).
and I've never weighed that much.. and I'm having extreme difficulty getting there.
Finally, this was never an issue about me wanting to be skinny. I've been a stick since I was little,
and I proudly announce my weight-gain. And oh ya, my parents have known since I was 10.
I'm not expecting anyone to respond.. this venting was for my own good.
Since Steve used this forum to talk about his depression and I really admired the hell out of him for doing so,
I will do the same thing with my problem.
I meant to go to this problem with one of my friends..
but girls react with horribly cliché responses that are sweet but really aren't helping the issue.
and the only 3 guys I can turn to: 1 seems to be "away" for the last several days & I couldn't bring myself to tell him
anyway, the 2nd will respond to it by saying: "wow! I've never known anyone with this problem before, what's
it like?", & finally the 3rd guy refuses to speak to me.
I'm dragging this along so.. when I was 10 or 11, I gave in to anorexia.
I've spent the last 7 years recovering from it, and relapsing into it.
Over the last couple weeks, I have noticed myself falling back into it.
I've chosen to work harder against it, and I'm about to collapse into exhaustion-- this is too much for me to handle.
Then, a week ago I realized my problem not only included anorexia but also bulemia.
Over the last half of the week, it's gone down hill.
I'm within the homestretch of weighing 100 lbs (which is the most realistic goal I could ever set).
and I've never weighed that much.. and I'm having extreme difficulty getting there.
Finally, this was never an issue about me wanting to be skinny. I've been a stick since I was little,
and I proudly announce my weight-gain. And oh ya, my parents have known since I was 10.
I'm not expecting anyone to respond.. this venting was for my own good.
July 14, 2002
July 13, 2002
July 12, 2002
Man...i just pulled a jimmoi...
i had a project to do in french class on my family...
well i did it
but i think it will come out jimmoi style. Like, i was to put pictures of family members...
yet i put a picture of a neopet as my brother...then i put the real picture...
and the front cover, which says Ma Famille--there is a picture of a cheetos bag above it.
what the hell was i thinking...
perhaps its cause i think french is stupid at the moment. Ego-centric-yes. Does that bother me at the moment. No.
Oh well, i still put plenty of info--i think. I'm just not sure if he's gonna find a picture of a neopet all that "amusant".
i suddenly realized i am out of things to say while waiting for that paper to print out...
blast....now what...
hoo hummm..
yeah steve i can understand the need to type for no seemingly understandable reason...
i had a project to do in french class on my family...
well i did it
but i think it will come out jimmoi style. Like, i was to put pictures of family members...
yet i put a picture of a neopet as my brother...then i put the real picture...
and the front cover, which says Ma Famille--there is a picture of a cheetos bag above it.
what the hell was i thinking...
perhaps its cause i think french is stupid at the moment. Ego-centric-yes. Does that bother me at the moment. No.
Oh well, i still put plenty of info--i think. I'm just not sure if he's gonna find a picture of a neopet all that "amusant".
i suddenly realized i am out of things to say while waiting for that paper to print out...
blast....now what...
hoo hummm..
yeah steve i can understand the need to type for no seemingly understandable reason...
July 11, 2002
Couple of things:
1) If you signed a paper when you took it in to him, authorizing him to do the work, then you have to pay him or he'll put a lien on you.
2) $120 isn't bad, to pay someone else. A $30 battery probably wouldn't meet the amperage requirements of your car, unless you drive some ridiculously small piece of shit (what do you drive?), and wouldn't last very long.
Next time, get an estimate only. Problem is, not many mechanics will give a free estimate, and rightly so.
Either way, before you go to the Better Business Bureau, talk to him about it, give him a chance to make you leave happy. If he is unwilling to do so, then get the BBB on his ass.
Don't resort to childish bullshit. If he knows you're pissed, and shit starts happening, you will get a visit from the local constabulary. Guaranteed. Even if they can't prove you did it, it's good to stay under the radar.
One final piece of advise, to all of you:
If you don't know shit about cars, don't buy a car that will need to be worked on. You'll spend just as much paying someone else to fix it as you would have to buy a good car.
1) If you signed a paper when you took it in to him, authorizing him to do the work, then you have to pay him or he'll put a lien on you.
2) $120 isn't bad, to pay someone else. A $30 battery probably wouldn't meet the amperage requirements of your car, unless you drive some ridiculously small piece of shit (what do you drive?), and wouldn't last very long.
Next time, get an estimate only. Problem is, not many mechanics will give a free estimate, and rightly so.
Either way, before you go to the Better Business Bureau, talk to him about it, give him a chance to make you leave happy. If he is unwilling to do so, then get the BBB on his ass.
Don't resort to childish bullshit. If he knows you're pissed, and shit starts happening, you will get a visit from the local constabulary. Guaranteed. Even if they can't prove you did it, it's good to stay under the radar.
One final piece of advise, to all of you:
If you don't know shit about cars, don't buy a car that will need to be worked on. You'll spend just as much paying someone else to fix it as you would have to buy a good car.
Steve - the reason I havent moved out yet?
because I cant stand being alone.
and I need people. not necissarily even people I like.
just people to be there. to stave off insanity.
even if they're there and I ignore them, it still works.
and I dig you around - we get along and think alike but yet not to the point where you get on my nerves and bother me. So hey - in the event your cali idea fall through ( more than likely not ) or you get down there and the whole plan doesnt work out as thought and you dislike it - you can come back up here and probably stay with me and whom-ever else I grab.
Just a thought.
I dont know.
doobie do-whop sho-dop.
because I cant stand being alone.
and I need people. not necissarily even people I like.
just people to be there. to stave off insanity.
even if they're there and I ignore them, it still works.
and I dig you around - we get along and think alike but yet not to the point where you get on my nerves and bother me. So hey - in the event your cali idea fall through ( more than likely not ) or you get down there and the whole plan doesnt work out as thought and you dislike it - you can come back up here and probably stay with me and whom-ever else I grab.
Just a thought.
I dont know.
doobie do-whop sho-dop.
July 09, 2002
Okay boys and girls, time for something important...
I just got an email from good ol' jimmoi's dad, and he has provided me with jimmoi's address...
a couple of things though,
you are not allowed to send packages of any kind, or postcards...
only letters. Seriously...otherwise jimmoi will probably get ass-raped.
Also, apparently the instructor in charge of jimmoi and the new recruits knows jimmoi's name...
that's right...in other words, jimmy has become his "pet project"...
ouch, not looking too good for our friend, no?
so anyway, his dad asked me to give this address to...YOU james collins,...yeeup...
but i figured, ah what the hell, might as well post it, so that everyone could write to jimmy..
so yeah...write to him.
NOW bitches! now...
oh yeah, you all probably want the address, huh:
AB Miller, James N.
331 TRS, FLT 586
36954 OPSC 3 Dorm B-6
Lackland AFB, TX 78236-6095
Okay boys and girls, time for something important...
I just got an email from good ol' jimmoi's dad, and he has provided me with jimmoi's address...
a couple of things though,
you are not allowed to send packages of any kind, or postcards...
only letters. Seriously...otherwise jimmoi will probably get ass-raped.
Also, apparently the instructor in charge of jimmoi and the new recruits knows jimmoi's name...
that's right...in other words, jimmy has become his "pet project"...
ouch, not looking too good for our friend, no?
so anyway, his dad asked me to give this address to...YOU james collins,...yeeup...
but i figured, ah what the hell, might as well post it, so that everyone could write to jimmy..
so yeah...write to him.
NOW bitches! now...
oh yeah, you all probably want the address, huh:
AB Miller, James N.
331 TRS, FLT 586
36954 OPSC 3 Dorm B-6
Lackland AFB, TX 78236-6095
"When you are serious about this car thing"
considering I do not have a vehicle -
and do need one -
I am going to " go looking for one " this weekend
being friday / saturday - IN THE EVENT I DONT WORK FRIDAY.
... looking to blow 3 to 5k - hopefully " finance " it so i can get credit.
and so far - a miata is top of the list.
and sweet with the car-paint. doobie do.
considering I do not have a vehicle -
and do need one -
I am going to " go looking for one " this weekend
being friday / saturday - IN THE EVENT I DONT WORK FRIDAY.
... looking to blow 3 to 5k - hopefully " finance " it so i can get credit.
and so far - a miata is top of the list.
and sweet with the car-paint. doobie do.
Couple of things
1. Don't buy a Miata. Overpriced garbage. They're better than, say, most American cars, but they still suck ass.
2. Auto paint: John Paul works at Canyon auto paint. Just tell me what color you want, I can get it for fairly cheap.
When you are serious about this car thing, let me know and I'll help you find something worth your money.
1. Don't buy a Miata. Overpriced garbage. They're better than, say, most American cars, but they still suck ass.
2. Auto paint: John Paul works at Canyon auto paint. Just tell me what color you want, I can get it for fairly cheap.
When you are serious about this car thing, let me know and I'll help you find something worth your money.
ah yes. the word FU - such a terrible word.
warcraft three owns your soul, by the way
also - the time has come for me to buy a " good " car.
being that my transmission-fucked Tza car is now ... well, void.
Reel big fish has a new cd out. on the cover it says : " much awaited release " or something to the same extent.
I agree - I was super hyped for the new RBF cd. so I got it today. I listened to it.
I had to listen to it again. you want to know why?
because it sucks.
its .... its ... MELLOW - almost like they went and " grew up "
it doesnt sound like they're up and jumping around and having a big party.
it almost sounds rehearsed in a sense.
and the cd isnt black like all the others.
its got a white-embossed clown on it.
what . the . fuck .
either someone vital to the functioning of the band being " awesome " died or left the band.
I wanted to rock out to some new RBF tunes.
instead ... arugh.
I will post more when I have more time to listen to it and analyse each song individually.
but at the moment - im terribly dissapointed,
I might buy a miata -
and Dennis ( a guy at work ) is going to buy car-paint so he can have Joe air-brush TZA onto my car.
Joe doesnt believe that I'd duct tape it to the side of my car, im almost tempted to.
but car-paint would be interesting.
warcraft three owns your soul, by the way
also - the time has come for me to buy a " good " car.
being that my transmission-fucked Tza car is now ... well, void.
Reel big fish has a new cd out. on the cover it says : " much awaited release " or something to the same extent.
I agree - I was super hyped for the new RBF cd. so I got it today. I listened to it.
I had to listen to it again. you want to know why?
because it sucks.
its .... its ... MELLOW - almost like they went and " grew up "
it doesnt sound like they're up and jumping around and having a big party.
it almost sounds rehearsed in a sense.
and the cd isnt black like all the others.
its got a white-embossed clown on it.
what . the . fuck .
either someone vital to the functioning of the band being " awesome " died or left the band.
I wanted to rock out to some new RBF tunes.
instead ... arugh.
I will post more when I have more time to listen to it and analyse each song individually.
but at the moment - im terribly dissapointed,
I might buy a miata -
and Dennis ( a guy at work ) is going to buy car-paint so he can have Joe air-brush TZA onto my car.
Joe doesnt believe that I'd duct tape it to the side of my car, im almost tempted to.
but car-paint would be interesting.
July 08, 2002
You may find yourself wondering, at some point in your life, how much damage a 79 year old man could possibly do to the front of a new truck at less than miles per hour....
Fucking shit.
While your average female may appear to not use logic, they do. Now, the logic used by the female of the species may be convoluted and, well, illogical, but it does nevertheless exist. They have their own unique way of warping little things into big things and twisting them around to make them appear, for that moment, the fault of the male.
Observations have led me to the conclusion that sometimes being single has some major benefits.
So it looks like we'll have three whole weeks of Zach-o ButtSex goodness. Bitchin. I even have one of those weeks off. Who knows, I may take more time off (unlikely, as I have already taken one week off this month).
I'd like to finish off with a
You thought I was going to use the "F" word a lot, didn't you?
Well you just have a dirty mind then, don't you?
Fucking shit.
While your average female may appear to not use logic, they do. Now, the logic used by the female of the species may be convoluted and, well, illogical, but it does nevertheless exist. They have their own unique way of warping little things into big things and twisting them around to make them appear, for that moment, the fault of the male.
Observations have led me to the conclusion that sometimes being single has some major benefits.
So it looks like we'll have three whole weeks of Zach-o ButtSex goodness. Bitchin. I even have one of those weeks off. Who knows, I may take more time off (unlikely, as I have already taken one week off this month).
I'd like to finish off with a
You thought I was going to use the "F" word a lot, didn't you?
Well you just have a dirty mind then, don't you?
July 05, 2002
Talked to the adjuster from my insurance company earlier today.
Turns out the old guy isn't alright
He's in intensive care.
Let's do the math:
$100,000 insurance coverage - (A week [so far] of intensive care + recovery + the lawsuit that is no doubt pending) = me getting fucked in the ass.
Yes indeed.
At least I have a pay raise coming.
I'll need it when they garnish my wages to cover what my insurance won't.
July 04, 2002
Not drag, downforce. The point of the wing is to create aerodynamic downforce. Not just for corners, also for high-speed stability. Drag is a side effect of downforce, and that's where a lot of setup issues come from.
However the wings you see a lot of these guys using are ridiculously large. A small upswept lip on the trunklid/hatch is all that is needed to sufficiently stick the car at the speeds these cars work in. If you want to keep a faster car stuck down at high speed, then an airfoil that is large, and mounted high up in the air stream is what you are looking for.
A good example of that would be the Mustang Cobra R. The wing on that bad boy was put there by a wind-tunnel engineer, not a stylist.
Now to respond to the rest of that....
For the most part, the people who hook up cars don't know their head from their ass, and it's very evident. A lot of what you said is very true, but there were a few little things that I took exception to.
The first is that while Civics, Accords and the like are made to be economy cars, they are all not just econo boxes. The suspension and chassis of a Civic are race-derived. There is a fine line between a race car and an econo car, when it comes to matters other than powerplant. Even then, the parallels are amazing. They both have mainly the same goals when it comes to construction, tuning is where the two deviate.
Second, Celicas and Integras are sports cars, and are sold as such. Mind you, they are low-end, and more budget-minded, but sports cars nonetheless.
Okay, enough of that.
Jeff, the best FTP client for X so far is transmit. It should be on the CD.
However the wings you see a lot of these guys using are ridiculously large. A small upswept lip on the trunklid/hatch is all that is needed to sufficiently stick the car at the speeds these cars work in. If you want to keep a faster car stuck down at high speed, then an airfoil that is large, and mounted high up in the air stream is what you are looking for.
A good example of that would be the Mustang Cobra R. The wing on that bad boy was put there by a wind-tunnel engineer, not a stylist.
Now to respond to the rest of that....
For the most part, the people who hook up cars don't know their head from their ass, and it's very evident. A lot of what you said is very true, but there were a few little things that I took exception to.
The first is that while Civics, Accords and the like are made to be economy cars, they are all not just econo boxes. The suspension and chassis of a Civic are race-derived. There is a fine line between a race car and an econo car, when it comes to matters other than powerplant. Even then, the parallels are amazing. They both have mainly the same goals when it comes to construction, tuning is where the two deviate.
Second, Celicas and Integras are sports cars, and are sold as such. Mind you, they are low-end, and more budget-minded, but sports cars nonetheless.
Okay, enough of that.
Jeff, the best FTP client for X so far is transmit. It should be on the CD.
July 03, 2002
ahhh haaaa...
and one more piece of the puzzle fits into place--
that's right james...
i have recently downloaded Fetch, an FTP transfer protocol which will allow me to once again download pictures flawlessly to my webspace...that means--yeah you guessed it, more posts...
all i need now is that copy of photoshop from bradbury, and i will own you
just wanted to update you on your imminent doom
and one more piece of the puzzle fits into place--
that's right james...
i have recently downloaded Fetch, an FTP transfer protocol which will allow me to once again download pictures flawlessly to my webspace...that means--yeah you guessed it, more posts...
all i need now is that copy of photoshop from bradbury, and i will own you
just wanted to update you on your imminent doom
It is amazing just how hard it is to come by the Adobe Photoshop program without coming across something that is almost it, but turns out is damaged in one way or another...
so until that end, i still have no image editor to sufficiently edit pictures...
but just you wait james... just you wait...
in other news...
i am working again, which is good because i missed working...
i work roughly 19 hours a week, give or take, and at $11 dollars an hour...so that should help me take care of college and housing...
cause i'm getting a place with joe ellefson, kyle batie, and allen luna--which probably 95% of you have no idea who that is...oh well---
i move in at the end of august...which will be fun--nice place, like two blocks away from the waterfront...
in fact, steve, you remember that park we went to that one day with the girls that you interviewed? yeah, i believe it is somewhere around there...
plus it rocks for other reasons...a community entertainment room, which is filled with leather chairs and a leather sofa, and a 52 inch TV...
my god just imagine the smash brothers on that thing :)
and on community outdoor patio...how sweet is that huh? oh yeah you bet it is.
the only problem is that it is a two bedroom, for four people, so i have to go back to sharing a room with someone for a year or so...but that's not too bad considering all the other amneties that come included...if i need a break from them, i'll just take a walk to the TV room. It's not too bad really...
and i don't think i'll have to worry about crystal--after all, there is a balcony, a super small one, which will provide the ample opportunity for accidents :)
I had a discussion yesterday about blind belief versus faith in anything--it was interesting, and i may put it here some time...but then again i don't know if i want to incite a huge debate on religion and stuff...
hmmm...then again...
if i had time, i'd probably do it now, but i have french homework, a french quiz later...and work in about 53 minutes,
how great.
i'm tired...i set my alarm for 7 today...then every ten minutes i'd get up and hit the snooze button...why...why do i do this to myself...
the snooze button...why not just set the alarm for 8 instead of a constant stream of torture every ten minutes for an hour?
then again, it is like a Skinner Box. You receive the reinforcement for hitting that snooze button by getting more time to rest...it is positively reinforced...
so i'm just a pidgeon...a damn pidgeon held in place by the need to sleep, but also by the greater need to receive reinforcement...which leads me to my "pecking" at the snooze button...
so until that end, i still have no image editor to sufficiently edit pictures...
but just you wait james... just you wait...
in other news...
i am working again, which is good because i missed working...
i work roughly 19 hours a week, give or take, and at $11 dollars an hour...so that should help me take care of college and housing...
cause i'm getting a place with joe ellefson, kyle batie, and allen luna--which probably 95% of you have no idea who that is...oh well---
i move in at the end of august...which will be fun--nice place, like two blocks away from the waterfront...
in fact, steve, you remember that park we went to that one day with the girls that you interviewed? yeah, i believe it is somewhere around there...
plus it rocks for other reasons...a community entertainment room, which is filled with leather chairs and a leather sofa, and a 52 inch TV...
my god just imagine the smash brothers on that thing :)
and on community outdoor patio...how sweet is that huh? oh yeah you bet it is.
the only problem is that it is a two bedroom, for four people, so i have to go back to sharing a room with someone for a year or so...but that's not too bad considering all the other amneties that come included...if i need a break from them, i'll just take a walk to the TV room. It's not too bad really...
and i don't think i'll have to worry about crystal--after all, there is a balcony, a super small one, which will provide the ample opportunity for accidents :)
I had a discussion yesterday about blind belief versus faith in anything--it was interesting, and i may put it here some time...but then again i don't know if i want to incite a huge debate on religion and stuff...
hmmm...then again...
if i had time, i'd probably do it now, but i have french homework, a french quiz later...and work in about 53 minutes,
how great.
i'm tired...i set my alarm for 7 today...then every ten minutes i'd get up and hit the snooze button...why...why do i do this to myself...
the snooze button...why not just set the alarm for 8 instead of a constant stream of torture every ten minutes for an hour?
then again, it is like a Skinner Box. You receive the reinforcement for hitting that snooze button by getting more time to rest...it is positively reinforced...
so i'm just a pidgeon...a damn pidgeon held in place by the need to sleep, but also by the greater need to receive reinforcement...which leads me to my "pecking" at the snooze button...
July 01, 2002
Yes the text in IE 5.2 is very nice....
I like my truck.
Other people seem to as well.
That is, they like DOING SHIT TO IT.
I discovered another dent from this weekend. Fucking parking lots.
So far it looks like I'll be on the hook for around $1100 from the little pedestrian fuckup.
Now this.
So now my insurance company will be very pissed with me.
I received today, via US Mail, my next 6-month auto insurance renewal notice.
It was to expire at the end of July, but is automatically renewed. And paid via auto-deduct.
The best part is this: It was mailed the day of the incident.
I now have until the end of January to come up with some new insurance, because after the last few months, those fuckers are sure to drop me.
Heh. Hehe he heh. I'm really going to get back all that money I've paid them. One claim at a time.
I didn't go to work today. Called in disinterested. I will tomorrow as well. Wednesday is still up in the air.
I'd just like to end on this note:
I like my truck.
Other people seem to as well.
That is, they like DOING SHIT TO IT.
I discovered another dent from this weekend. Fucking parking lots.
So far it looks like I'll be on the hook for around $1100 from the little pedestrian fuckup.
Now this.
So now my insurance company will be very pissed with me.
I received today, via US Mail, my next 6-month auto insurance renewal notice.
It was to expire at the end of July, but is automatically renewed. And paid via auto-deduct.
The best part is this: It was mailed the day of the incident.
I now have until the end of January to come up with some new insurance, because after the last few months, those fuckers are sure to drop me.
Heh. Hehe he heh. I'm really going to get back all that money I've paid them. One claim at a time.
I didn't go to work today. Called in disinterested. I will tomorrow as well. Wednesday is still up in the air.
I'd just like to end on this note:
hmm...i forgot how much fun it was to post actually...
plus i love the way this new IE 5.2 smooths out my text--something called quartz smoothing--kind of a nice feature that comes with Mac OS X or something
all i know is that it really looks sweet...making me want to type more and more...
Dogs eat humans today in a weird bizzaro switch off...
look, i just typed something that had no bearing on anything...why? cause i like the way it looks when i type it...
i wonder if some authors write books just to see their own handwriting...
man if i had really exquisite handwriting...i would write just for the hell of it...
oh, and i must tell you all about jOe's lapdance...and how awesome it was to see some stripper give him one...funny ass...his expression....memorable...
her licking his stomach...piss-in-your-pants funny...
and perhaps later...later i will post and tell you all the story about the goat...
and i will get my pictures scanned...and then james...you watch yourself bitch...cause i'm coming after you full force...for another annual picture-off...
you may have pictures of kristen and me this year...but you forget...i have years and years of pictures of you...and your beloved ski instructor...
plus i love the way this new IE 5.2 smooths out my text--something called quartz smoothing--kind of a nice feature that comes with Mac OS X or something
all i know is that it really looks sweet...making me want to type more and more...
Dogs eat humans today in a weird bizzaro switch off...
look, i just typed something that had no bearing on anything...why? cause i like the way it looks when i type it...
i wonder if some authors write books just to see their own handwriting...
man if i had really exquisite handwriting...i would write just for the hell of it...
oh, and i must tell you all about jOe's lapdance...and how awesome it was to see some stripper give him one...funny ass...his expression....memorable...
her licking his stomach...piss-in-your-pants funny...
and perhaps later...later i will post and tell you all the story about the goat...
and i will get my pictures scanned...and then james...you watch yourself bitch...cause i'm coming after you full force...for another annual picture-off...
you may have pictures of kristen and me this year...but you forget...i have years and years of pictures of you...and your beloved ski instructor...
well...i haven't posted...
and here is why
[short story]
i thought i was going to have to sell my laptop, which meant no posting indefinitely...but then i spent the last couple of weeks figuring ways around that, and jumping through hoops, and now the worst of it maybe over...and i won't have to sell my laptop.
[end short story]
so basically, i will be posting after all...
yeah, bradbury, my condolences...
that really sucks, like..really sucks. i can totally understand the feeling of being up against the wall...and that sucks...
so yeah, if there is anything i can do...however doubtful...yeah, you got the idea.
--hehe, i am almost to the point in my education where i could always be used as a character witness and such--how awesome...
okay people, i will now start accepting bribe money :)
anyway, you are all probably anxious to get back to your mundane lives, cause you all know i am, so au revoir.
(oh yeah, i'm taking intensive french this summer--whooo hoo...time to start impressin' the ladies -- and yes i know that that doesn't happen for me.)
and here is why
[short story]
i thought i was going to have to sell my laptop, which meant no posting indefinitely...but then i spent the last couple of weeks figuring ways around that, and jumping through hoops, and now the worst of it maybe over...and i won't have to sell my laptop.
[end short story]
so basically, i will be posting after all...
yeah, bradbury, my condolences...
that really sucks, like..really sucks. i can totally understand the feeling of being up against the wall...and that sucks...
so yeah, if there is anything i can do...however doubtful...yeah, you got the idea.
--hehe, i am almost to the point in my education where i could always be used as a character witness and such--how awesome...
okay people, i will now start accepting bribe money :)
anyway, you are all probably anxious to get back to your mundane lives, cause you all know i am, so au revoir.
(oh yeah, i'm taking intensive french this summer--whooo hoo...time to start impressin' the ladies -- and yes i know that that doesn't happen for me.)
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