April 30, 2002
April 28, 2002
April 27, 2002
There are four movies:
"Universal Soldier" (1992), with Van Damme;
"Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms" and "Universal Soldier III: Unfinished Business" (both 1998), both without Van Damme;
and "Universal Soldier: The Return" (1999), with Van Damme.
The two in the middle were made for TV by a Canadian company.
April 26, 2002
i would be in class right now, but i'm waiting for a CD-RW to finish erasing so that i can burn some report onto it so i can take it down to the library and print it out, so that i can turn it in...
all the while it being only half-done...
the more and more work i have, the less and less time i have to do it...but then again it doesn't take college to be able to deduce that.
damnit, this thing's been erasing for nearly 15 minutes...another fifteen and i'm just gonna say screw it and reboot or something, which i know isn't smart, but what can i do..
i got into a discussion about casual sex and such with an associate, which i will post about at a later date.
also, i have to finish my thought on tradition and statistics...if i haven't...i can't remember.
then there are the movie reviews on thirteen ghosts and NOW on AI as well...
saw riding in cars with boys, which i thought was...interersting, but i doubt i'll have time to write a review on that either...
AH HA, finally done erasing...now to burn it...
which means i am done here.
April 25, 2002
a few, short - yet quick, things -
hopefully the majority of you are doing the " project " - in fact - Im gonna make the " due date " sunday night instead of this friday - giving those who havent seen the idea to get it - and those who said " fuck that buddy " to change their god-damned mind. Im having a lot of fun with it, actually - the first part is to choose an object, and im having second thoughts about my object because ... well - its cheap. but the descriptions are pretty good. which is the second part, and im having a blast with it.
Im constantly trying to get Joe to email me to get him on the board. He got to talking about the project today at work, and although I was half asleep - having someone talk to me about things on the board was just great, and I pepped up.
Jimmoi mayhaps have found a buyer for GOAT WHORE.
The comment system seems to have fucked itself in the ass. I could look into the problem - but I think the time has come for me to actually make some effort into finding a =good= comment system, that and I want to re-write the code to the posts so that you can have the option of emailing the person who posted - and commenting. Therefore if you wanted to say something to someone directly - you could email them at a click of a button - and if you wanted to comment publicly - there is the comment system. Shouldnt be hard ( in otherwords, four fuckin' hours ) -
My father ( or someone ) bought Dungeon Siege, which I will be playing once I get this post done. Yum yum fun.
and lastly -
bradbury, you're being sarcastic, right? what's wrong with pro?
I mean, seriously. That almost kills me inside.
I try my best - and do want to get the site up to something better
( this first project I plan to categorize and put up in a " history file " - with more projects to follow )
- and even if it was sarcasm, thanks anyway.
and trust me, it is rare that I accept compilments without thinking you're trying to backstab me or something =)
thats all folks.
April 24, 2002
The levy is passing....so fuck you Aaron.
You wouldn’t believe the change in moral around the district. 180 degrees. Nice weather helped too. Today I was greeted at Graham El. by the principal, Wally Platt, yelling and raising his arms “yaaaaaaaaaaaa, we’ll have computers next year.”
To which I responded “yaaaaaaaaaa, we’ll have jobs next year.”
Haven’t been to the admin side of the district office yet, but I imaging they are all breathing easier. Not to mention all the damn construction managers that have been showing up recently. And the guys on Grounds crew - the ones that mow the lawns and such – they are all just about ecstatic. Now I know how people that work around politicians feel...all the damn grins all the time.
I like your assignment, Jimbo. Mine’s already almost done. Just a few details and a little research left. Most of the way though. I know you all thought I would use cars. Well guess what. You’ll just have to wait and be surprised by what I chose.
Now what......
...fuck it. That’s all.
I kept getting an error messege - but
it seems like my post went through, how terribly weird.
in any event I have a PROJECT for all of you!
the project consists of the following :
choose everyone you know and write them down on a piece of paper. Then choose an object that has multiple differerent " types " of that object. A few examples : Cars, Samwhiches, Trees, Clouds, Alcohol, Computers, Socks. Now, all the people you know ( included people not on the board ) you compile a list defining " what kind of that object they are " - do you follow me? Take, for example, if I chose " drinks " - and I was defining Jeff I would say : " Jeff would definately be two bannanas, a kiwi, and a couple strawberries all mixed up into a blender to make a fruit-shake, because he's pretty damn fruity - maybe throw in some nuts too, or a steak. " - now, get this list done and ready and then this friday - everyone post their lists! I already know what my object is and have half of the people I know already done. HOT DAMN
lets see if this flies.
please comment if you're gonna ' play '
oh - and I told the guy who was selling the cruizer some bullshit story on why I couldnt buy it - because four people talked me out of it. ... bugger.
I read like one line of it, meant to get back to it later, but can't find it now. Oh well.
Just wanted to say one thing though:
California isn't the reason for the "power crisis"; the companies behind that are and so is Bush and friends.. soo don't blame
a lovely state for Bush's greediness. Don't argue with this; you all know this is true. And I don't care what you think of Cali,
just don't blame it for shit it has nothing to do with.
I went to Paul Westerberg yesterday. Got lost. Missed the entire performance. Came in time only for the autograph signing.
I told him I'd make his Portland show, I did today. Anyways, he told me he would look for me at the Portland show, and during
a song break he pointed at me and said "i know you" and when i went up to him after the show for the signing and such, he
gave me a kiss on the cheek.. aww.
April 23, 2002
"There was a post here...but i deleted it...by i, i mean me, NONfinis...
Now normally i would not delete a post, and certainly would i never delete another's post's...but this post was mine, and i felt it needed to go...
why? well, if you caught the post, then maybe you'll get it, maybe you won't...
if you didn't...then just as well...for there is already much of it in similar ways on the board...why am i gonna post something else to add to the mix...
so thus...it is gone. and it will probably be the only post ever to be deleted, aside from ERRONEOUS POST...
i wonder if any of you will see this or read this..."
Plaid does rule.
Tortoise is along a similar vein - although not as eventfull.
thank you mucho for the suggestion Jesse.
and moving along -
you'll notice the board is now a [ pro ] board - this is merely because I didnt want to have to shell out 50$ later on when they have features I want. this way - I have it at the low rate of 35$ and I can bullshit that I was an " early supporter " of blogger.
Jeff claims to be back into the habit of posting.
heh - maybe we shall have alteration wars again, soon.
Andy has gotten into the box factory.
Although the man who I was/am going to buy the police cruiser from did not sell it this weekend - and is ready and willing to sell it to me - im going to give him a poppy-cock story about how my parents wont give me money from my savings - unless I get the following information from him :
and anything else that anyone believes is importance ( please leave a comment if you think there is something else I should know ) - of course, I will be telling the guy that " my parents wont fork over my money unless I bring them back this information " - therefore it not only makes me look like a pathetic child - but I get the information reguardless. hahaha.
that is all for now.
i am soooo tired...seriously. I decided, hey, why not go for a run...so that's what i did, i went for run with my friend jennifer...
it wasn't really a run, it was more of a jog...
and i realized...
i'm probably gonna die at like 24 or something...
maybe its the cold though, yeah, that's it...
it has nothing to do with my health, its cause of my sore throat and coughing...yeah....yeah...
in other notes...uhm...what other notes...
god i suck...seriously -- no this isn't like a wierd depression rant or anything
c'mon...seriously, i gave this some thought. why do we come online and post...its not like any of this is gonna matter in five years...or five months...or five minutes really...
unless of course i post something with pictures and a wierd cut-out...like "real life" photos of osama bin laden having butt sexx with a goat, while jOe tries to shoot it off his yard with his bow and arrow, all the while james running around in the background writing "tza" on various rocks.
what would i be doin' you ask...
i would be videotaping the whole thing...cause that's what i do...i am the person with the camera, or some other means of recording the events...
you know what really disgusts me....is when people have bowel problems and decides to share it with the rest of the restroom floor...
yes...that's right...its when i walk into the restroom in the early morning, and i have to go to the stall, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a fat wad of toilet paper and eight tiny shit-pebbles...
what on earth did i do this morning, or in my life, to have to be confronted with shit on the floor??
ooh, and of course, there is this guy on the floor who insists on farting as he's leaving the restroom...oh he doesn't do it in the restroom...he waits exactly till he's half-way out of the door...
how do i know? -- cause he ALWAYS does it as he's halfway out the door...he also does so as he goes halfway into his room...
wtf? he has some sort of decision making problem, if you ask me...
it is evident in his inability to decide where he wants to fart...
i mean c'mon...we all have predetermined places to fart...there are those of us who just go whenever, wherever...
and others who wait until they are in their special "fart-place"...
...it's kinda like a certain mint-bush and waiting to urinate at the right time...
i hate you guys...i hate you all sooo very, very much...
April 22, 2002
So i think i'm gonna work on posting more often...starting with today.
Today seems to have start off rather well, i suppose...i had to ride a ferry, and two buses to go to class today, because i wasn't about to stay in the dorms on Sunday, on account of my roommate and his girl gettin' their "business" on, and me not wanting to be a spectator...
so that being that, i walked into class today, earlier than i've ever been. of course, that was to take a quiz, but whatever...
quiz went okay...scored a...
You know what...
i'm pretty sure...no, i'm damn positive, that you all don't really care about how my morning went, or how my quiz went...
i don't even care how my morning went, or how my quiz went...
if i could, i would have pissed on my quiz...of course, only if my urine was flamable, so that i could then ignite my quiz and run around campus waving a flamable, urine-soaked quiz, and exclaim with glorious delight about the inadequacies of tests and so forth...
too bad i don't have flamable urine,
not that i would probably have the intestinal fortitude to actually do something like that if i did have flamable urine.
That being that, there was something else i was going to say, but i forgot...
oh yeah...
damn you zach-o, damn you for losing/breaking/someone else breakin' my starcraft CD...
for some reason or another, i actually had the urge to play that game yesterday, but couldn't...
and i blame you sir.
actually, not really...but we all need someone to yell at, its what makes the world go round, and makes us feel better about ourselves, if only for a moment.
think about it, when you yell at someone else, doesn't it make you feel better...
perhaps the truly depressed people just have no one else to yell at, or that the person/persons they yell at, they are yelling at them with no foundation, making whatever they are yelling about seem moot and without substance...a fact which even they must themselves know, and thus making them depressed none-the-less.
April 21, 2002
April 19, 2002
Idjits from California
Now, hopefully nobody on this board is from California…
And if you are…then I’m sorry for what I’m about to say, and you should know that I am not trying to apply it to you…
So with that said…
I HATE Californians…
At the very least, I hate Californians that go to the UW. Seriously. First of all, last year, they up and steal our state’s power. Oh, but it is good that we share and …blah blah blah…fuck them! It’s our power. We had to pollute our waters, and kill our ocean life, and cut down OUR trees to make that power, and by God I’m keeping as much of my power as I possibly can…so to the issue of California, I say, FUCK CALIFORNIA!
Secondly, they come up here and drive up our prices with their yuppie ways…housing prices go higher…yeehaa…
And then what about the simple fact that their damn California breathing is taking up MY precious nitrous oxide. Do you see me going down to fuckin’ polluted and prostituted Hollywood and taking in their precious dwindling air supply? The fuck I don’t. But do they respect that…hell no they don’t. They take up MY air. It’s jeff’s air you fuckin’ rejects from the golden state. I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!! Let me have my own damn air.
And finally, and perhaps the most important reason…California girls come up here, and they start going out with people’s roommates…say, my own roommate for example. Yeeup, let’s say him for a second. Let’s call the other girl Krystal (sorry, I had to change the name so as to not implicate any girl named by a similar name. The real person’s name is not at all similar to that mentioned above…I promise.
Now here we have this Krystal, and she is loud…oh you think you’ve ever heard loud…fuck no you haven’t heard loud…not in a million years you haven’t heard loud. Think the chipmunks, but then put them in a room full of both laughing gas and helium, and give them a low tolerance for “scary things”, and you’ll BEGIN to understand what loud is…oh believe you me. So then you take that, and then you have this Californian named Krystal and you make her make out with your roommate and giggle like a fuckin’ moron and you make her jump around and get into your things and put her stupid crap all over the place, and you listen to her talk about business and how money is the key to all life, and you read her AIM profile and it has stupid damn cliché sayings like “Life is a game, play hard”. I mean, WTF?!?! “I am sooo unique and have such a unique perspective on life…” even though I’m a fuckin’ freshman who has no clue and has to ask jeff about everything in life, from relationships to why I’m a fuck up, all because I’m a coward and can’t go live my own life and make my own stupid mistakes… Noooooooooooo…not me…no because I’m a CALIFORNIAN reject, and I like to wear skanky clothes and flirt with guys and be all surprised when they are falling all over me and then I ask jeff once again what is going on…
At this point I would like to apologize for taking up the board for a moment to rant and rave about such petty stupid little things, and to apologize for being selfish in this aspect. However, for me, this is UBER therapeutic, as opposed to possibly finding all the Californians, no one in particular and beating them in with the stick of intelligence. (in this case, I think the stick of intelligence would be that steel bat that I hear everyone keep talking about.)
With all that said, I am done.
Yeah, i just want to say that iMovie rocks...
i know i know that Final Cut Pro is waaaay better...
but for the time being, this is still sweet...
I have already done pre-work on an old Photography class assignment that i had to do for Parr's class...
ahem, i digress...
i am gonna to work on that thing we filmed last year and then i'm going to also put together the old Bethel Slayer, like i planned for last year...
only this year i can do it on my computer...
then i'll put it on Video CD, and send it to whoever wants a copy...i don't care, i've got plenty of blank CD's...
--if anyone has a suggestion for a soundtrack or whatever to that thing we filmed last year that completely sucked...just tell me and i'll see what i can do...
--bad christmas spirit?!
Take the What Kind of Slacker are you? Quiz
ah hah hahahaha.
i know people who can back that up.
in fact.
I know a lot of people who can back that up.
everyone seems to have been stirred.
another coworker of mine - brian ( who works on the prime, the machine jimmoi was once going to work on because he figured it was " a slacker machine " PFAW ) - might stop by to look around sometime this weekend.
to brian, and joe - if you leave your email address in a comment - or email me at NOTMUD@LOOSE-SLUGS.COM I can add you to the board and you can post questions of the many people already on. They have a wide knowledge database, and are very opinionated - although, granted, they may not get along all that well ( as you can see from the last couple of posts ) - they're still all my associates.
i talked to the guy with the old police cruiser today and he said that he'd sell it to me for 1600 - if he doesnt get rid of it this weekend. lets all hope he doesnt get rid of it this weekend, and they're'll be a new hip TZA - mobile 'round town, ya'll.
Aaron - my car I have now is -REALLY a piece of shit, you seriously shouldnt be interested in it. I was just considering selling it to zach-o for like 500$ ( which isnt a lot ) when he gets back, considering jimmoi's car is like close-to-dead.
other than all of that, I got sanitarium ( a computer game, oldschool ) in the mail. gonna play that. wheeeeee.
April 18, 2002
Now, let’s not waste any more of our time on that subject. It’s not worth our time.
Third party software = funzo.
“Here, I bought this, and I need it to work with the library system and Accelerated Reader”
“Did I mention it cost $170, a quarter of my budget?”
“And I need it to work ASAP.”
“But I can’t get it to import from the library system.”
“Your boss said you would make it work.”
All I have to say is, people at software company help desks who actually know the software are worth their weight in gold.
And about twice as rare.
Grammer iz gud.
Whole topic / Aaron - not worth my time.
casually raises his middle finger
Apparently there was a ' bird problem ' in the green houses these past few weeks at work - birds eating the seeds / chewing up the trees. To solve the problem I mentioned that I had a BB gun and that I was a good shot with rifles - I was asked to bring it in and ' neutralize ' the problem. I'm sitting in green house fourteen listening to ... Gravity Kills I believe it was when I saw movement, the hunt begins.
I moved about halfway toward the birds ( two of them, and fatter than hell ) from where I was sitting - relaxed, took aim... -ping- wow. I missed. Having scared the shit out of them one of these fatties flew toward me and landed even closer - sucker. Slow deep breaths came, the rifle rose, the sights right on its chest - -thwack-
He flies off, spread eagle type under the tables. Hoo Hoo - I know I hit that bastard, yet it appeared again - apparently unscathed.
" What the fuck ? I'm a good shot, generally - rifle is filled, sights on target - whats the problem ?
I shoot at the other fatty, I see the pellet zoom past the bird's head - pretty sure he felt it zipping by. At this point both birds disappear below the tables and I start crawling around looking for em, looking high and low. No where in sight. So, having successfully scared them off I had to go back to thinning trees - maybe I should play with em more next time.
Point being ? I feel the need to paintball - rifle in my hand felt very good. That or find myself a gun club and buy my own rifle.
Bradbury, you seem to have your hands into everything - any gun clubs in the area ? =D
Secondly, everything you just posted makes you look very childish - if you want to talk about someone's angst bullshit - look into a mirror or look at Jesse.
Thirdly, it seems obvious, to me at least - that the reason you quit high school ( I believe this was said by someone ) is because you cannot spell. If you're going to ( notice that contraction did ya ? ) call someone ' fat ', have some intelligence ( which you said everyone here seems to lack ) and learn the simplest of fucking grammar rules.
Lets talk about you some more shall we ? You looked like a hippy yourself while I was still in high school - a penis bobbing through the crowd trying to seem so ' different / unique ', always making that sucking sound. Long ago I seem to recall how you tried to modify Jeff's ' scribble ' language which we had fun with. " But mine is better, improved " you cried, no one gave a rats ass about your ' improvements '. Whats that matter boyo ? Feel the need to bolster your ego, something missing in your life ?
You whine and flinch away when something doesn't go your way - like that life boat of yours with the fat hole in it ( that you didnt notice ). Some time there slugs everywhere heard a sound, yet what was it ? Oh I know, it was Aaron crawling back... " My lifeboat sucked, it flopped. Please let me in ".
Unless you know someone, don't open your mouth to attack them - you'll just look stupid. Do I know you ? No - and I never cared to - you rank somewhere - really - close to Heather.
Aaron - well, ... yea. har har.
Steven's girlies = hot tries to remember when Aaron ever had a woman, yet fails
It's not my fault people act like idiots, I just call things as I see them.
Jesse’s first post got treated as it did because it came out of the blue.
Nobody knew he was joking, because he didn’t make it clear. By the second post, most everyone that jumped his shit the first time figured he was either joking or hallucinating (I was hoping for hallucinations). He did, however, do a good job of getting a debate started. Not as much on the second one...although I’m all for watching other people run naked through the countryside. It would have to be a quick run, with the way the weather has been lately.
I don't know you, nor do you know me.
I've never gone after you personally, only your stated views. The only times I’ve posted something insulting towards you, it was meant in jest. If those times I came across otherwise, you have my apologies. That having been said, this time I am serious, regardless of whether or not you were.
If you have a problem with me, say it to my face.
I'll be at Shari's this Friday night, should you grow some balls.
I've never tried to act condescending. If you see it that way, maybe you need to take a look at your own insecurities.
I’ve also never denied being an asshole. If you think I’m bad, well then you aught to meet my family.
I state a lot of fact, as well as a lot of opinion - I always have. If you disagree with my opinions, or think I got a fact wrong, well then, let’s talk. I can tell you that the latter doesn’t happen often, because I think before I state something.
About Steven: Judging by your post, you obviously do not know him. At least not very well.
If you want to vote against the levy, that’s fine. You’ll just be screwing Bethel students, and some of my colleagues. You must not have been around the last time a M&O levy failed. It sucked. This time will be worse. BSD employs 2600 people, district wide. If this fails, 18% of those (around 500, when all’s said and done) will be out of jobs. That will do nasty things to the local economy. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face....
Ok, so your Uber Flame-Post was a lot better than mine. In fact, yours was one of the best in recent history.
first of all, you'll notice we've been having a phantom poster in the comments section - but he's been changing his name like the bitch he is. His name is Joe, the guy I mention about from work - and he's started this would-be steel debate. Im going to try and get him onto the board, I say pretty well if he got bradbury's attention. also - I have to get rose on the board as well, the trick is figuring out how to get passed her insecure boyfriend.
secondly - i was driving home from work listening to the classical station and the guy continually pisses me off by saying " Shoe - Bert " instead of " Show - Bear " - in reference to the composer. WHARGH.
also - chrissie, the name of the play is Mourning Becomes Electra. - and still, is anyone interested in going to see the play with me?
this friday im thinking about heading off to home depot and getting a bunch of crazy fun stuff - and I talked to the police-cruiser guy and gave him the price of 1600, he said he'd think about it. Obviously, that means no. Well, at least I tried. I was hoping he'd raise it up to 1800, because I really can pay 1800, but wanted to pay just that, so i said 1600, hoping he'd raise it to the price i'd be willing to pay. eh, haggling.
oh - just to remind you all, today was a nice day of being paid to stand around and bullshit ... bullshit... bullshit ... bullshit ... bullshit... ( oh, yeah, stack a box ) bullshit some more, bullshit some more, oh - time to go home?
eh heh.
other than that...
hopefully my jega / plaid and tortise ceedees come in today.
Second, there are already too many people on this fucking planet, the last thing we need to do is force stupid people to reproduce more than they already are. As far as that goes, the last thing we need to do is force anybody to reproduce. Abortions should be encouraged, more so for the people who live off welfare and don’t understand the meaning of the word “job.” I’ve got a whole shitload of neighbors who all live on state and federal money of one sort or another, and their kids don’t have a job because they’ve never seen anyone actually have one. So they have kids, and you know that the next generation won’t seek gainful employment either, because, after all, why work when the state will pay you money to sit around and drink beer all day?
That brings me to my last topic de jur: Three, how many present actually have a marketable skill?
Just wondering.
April 16, 2002
1. I might sell my piece of shit car to anyone who wants it in the event I can get this car from a guy at work. BUT WAIT! what sort of car is it? ITS AN OLD POLICE CRUISER! and guess what it has?! IT HAS A SPOTLIGHT BUILT INTO THE CAR - remember all that talk about TZA on the side of a police car ...... Ooohh HhoOohh hOoohh.
2. there will be a eugene o'neill play showing up in seattle on may 19 - i am interested in going. anyone else?
3. i might have found a lady friend. wheeee.
April 15, 2002
April 14, 2002
Thirteen Ghosts, pt I
Hahahahah, oh my god this movie sucked sooo much that its hard to even begin. I plan on writing a movie review on it, but not just yet...I still want to compose my thoughts before I begin cutting into this movie...
also, if anyone else has seen this movie, and they have an opinion/review, then by all means write about it...it would be interesting to get another take on it...
...and on another thought...
tradition and statistics...similiar?
just consider it.
---bad christmas spirit?!
April 13, 2002
Steven, you'll have to take your Celica up to import drags some time...it really doesn't matter how good you do, it's still a kick in the ass.
Not to mention all the attractive females with very fast cars.
You think almost loosing is exhilarating, try getting stomped on. That’s another thing altogether.
and by the way,
i've got SIXTEY NINE ( andy can vouch )
bitches. who's your hand/eye coordination MOTHA FUKKA.
April 12, 2002
oh well.
all i said was, yeah, i am now in andy's club...
by that i mean that i can now officially drink...legally.
i think its okay i suppose. it's interesting, cause only an hour and twenty minutes ago i couldn't. and then i could. yeehaw....
whaddya think of that?
--bad christmas spirit!--
am i happy...eh. whatever. not really all that big of a deal to me.
all it really means is that i can order from a slightly larger beverage list than i could an hour and fifteen minutes ago.
i would say something else, but for now i'm out.
--bad christmas spirit!--
April 11, 2002
My batteries died today, I listend to "You-cant-understand-me-Spanish" for about four hours. VAAARG
I am - so - mixing myself ( me, and only me ya nit wits ) a Sex on the Beach this Saturday.
this will be my first post in awhile, and my only post for at least a day or two...
as some of you know, my computer fried earlier...
so i searched and searched...and i finally came to a conclusion....
i went with an iBook. that's right...i took bradbury's suggestion, read up on it, and decided that it might actually be the best for me and my college experience...blah.
so that is that...
plus, it has iMovie...which means that i can take clips from stuff we've shot, and work on it on my computer...
great stuff...so expect more multimediac posts from me in the future.
that being that...mr. jeff signing off.
April 10, 2002
Look behind you!!! Remind me not to go hunting in france....
Oozing, running red
Clench a heart in your fist
Knowledge of life
What we all have despite
All people, all things abound
Stock-still, sweat pouring from your veins
Beneath the swelling waves
All I know not holding dear
Arguments, controversy
Pass it upon another
Avoidance of the truth
See the others point of view
Know theirs and yours is true
Hold onto your own, never give in
Eyes shut against truth
Content in all things
The one final circumstance of ends.
All of this I think is enough............. Regards Tarwyn
Work is generally mind-numbing and irritating as hell when people speak Spanish for eight hours straight. Oh wait! I forgot, James said I don't have a job. So I'm at work today and listening to my cd player which graces me with the blissful sounds of Pantera, Tool, Primus, Prodigy and various others - as I look up to stretch my neck i see people talking, their mouths moving. A mouth moves in its Spanish rhythm yet all that comes out are the lyrics of Ramstein. Neat I thought, a German song from Spanish lips. Back to work I went.
Yelled at me he did, some Spanish mumbo jumbo - since I live in Washington, part of the U.S. - I speak English. Speak yer 'native tongue' or what not at home, not at fucking work where I need to fucking understand whats coming out of your fucking lips! Jebus fuggin hot cakes. I saw my fist gliding through the air connecting with a nose and blood splatters zipping through the air. Then I still saw him talking to me, what the hell was he saying ? I didn't hit him ? Damn...
What did I have for lunch today ? Its Wednesday, thus soup day - so I had soup... Taco Soup. I've been assaulted with Mexispanic things all day. Someone pass me a fuggin mysterymeat hot dog, or a nice melty cheeseburger. Hot damn.
Maybe I just need some relaxation - like sex, a good game of myth 2 at Orions, a poker game, sex, or a movie, or hell how about just sex and lots of it ?
Word to the wise, never read g'damn erotica books, they'll either keep ya partially horny until ya finish em or destroy your want of sex. Hell if I know which of those two is happening to me!
Hell yes, First post - fuck if I said second post rules, today I got first post and I fucking like it. Go ta hell.
April 09, 2002
No other human beings had seemed to be about them, but then they were within sight as they moved around the last dune blocking their view of the main beach. And there it was.... silently standing by, battling and blocking the sea. The jetty. Ominously in some ways, for the end was not in view, but disappeared into the oceans foggy dew.
She chatted with her mom, and then they set off and began to climb the rocks. Once at the top, they moved along boulder to rock, peering down occasionally to view the ragged gaps in between and the ocean on each side after a time.
The sun beat down upon her, making her sweat… the salty breeze then came, soothing her skin. She couldn't get enough of it.
They came upon a pile of driftwood that looked like someone had tried to make a kind of hut. She looked about and found one piece the perfect height and weight for her hands to balance. And so they were off again. In time, she let her mind drift, forgetting her mother - and all that society had bound her.
She let her hair free. Pulled back her hat, not caring if the bright sun burnt her pale complexion, or burnt more freckles onto her cheeks. She felt absolutely free, and moved on, hearing a song she'd once heard but forgotten in the ocean breeze. The waves crashed below her on both sides. The boulders beneath her, beckoned to be reached, seen, felt - known.
Her spell was shattered by a call that seemed to echo from behind on the rocks. Her mother had stopped some way back. Her older years slowing her, as well as the sandals she had chosen to wear. She called her back to her, saying she couldn't go on much further. But the girl, she was young, and she wanted, felt the need to continue one. So she waved to her mother, beckoning her on, but she would not come. She told her daughter that she would go back, but she didn't want to leave her daughter out there, but this she didn't tell her, but let her move on.
The girl quickly forgot this moment, and continued on. Her heart was singing her it's own song. She removed her flimsy black shirt, tucking it into the back pocket of her short cutoffs. Revealing the green bikini top she wore merely for support. Her skin warmed to the rays of the sun, scorching her shoulders. She could taste the salt all around her, vibrating through her upon the air. She took off at a run. Her muscles became taunt as she jumped from one rock to the next, some with fishers gapping widely in between. Her heart pounded faster and faster, the air she breathed cutting her lungs. She stopped, her staff still in both her hands… respectful of the ragingly calm sea. She stepped up to edge of the jetty, staff in one hand… her back straight, eyes watchful… and then she smiled.
The people who had been there along the beach, the ones who had gone there along the jetty, had stopped after going really but a short ways. Her mother had stopped about half way back from the distance she had traveled, and so she was really alone from human beings for the first time in her life. She knew that no one else was out there, watching her, guarding her. She felt like this place was hers. The alcove below had urchins, crabs lurching about, starfish, and so much more. She sensed the life around her, both in the creatures and the earth. The world upon which she stood was as a kingdom for a short while to her, and she the lone human, privileged to see it for what it was and know it's worth.
Something slowly intruded on her thoughts. A loud blaring that had been ever there, but she had not taken into account within her. A large horn she thought, to warn ships? So taking her staff again in hand, she moved along. Jumping where need be, it was getting more precarious by the minute there though. And then she came to a gap in the long line of boulders that had so far been her path. The gap was about 75 feet long. She would have to climb down closer to the waves to keep moving along. She hesitated, for she loved yet ultimately feared what may lie beneath the ocean. But this day, she decided to face her fears of the deep water for once, and so continued on. Climbing down till she was within hands reach of the water. One misstep and she would tumble down into it's depths. All the time she had been traveling, coming to this point she hadn't been afraid of falling, of braking a leg or anything. Yet here she was terrified of what lay below her. Not the water, but what may be hidden in it from her eyes. Sharks and things like them, she had an unrational fear of, and this seemed to consume her, nearly freezing her in that spot. But fear also made her keep going, along with her goal to reach the horn which had earlier disturbed her thoughts.
She made it across the gap with no mishaps at all. Relieved. That was simply her right then. Her muscles untensed from the rocklike stance they had held. She felt nimble once again, and so continued on toward the sound.
Here across the gap, the rocks were trickier to navigate. Some were like spikes. She had to use all of her wits to keep from falling, from taking one wrong step either left or right. Her mind and she took off in flight. And then there is was, about three hundred yards off. The noise was booming. The sound felt like it would shatter her ears. It was a white horn, about 8 or so feet tall. She'd reached her goal.
She looked at the horn, out what lay beyond. The end of the jetty was within her view, but distant as the ocean apart from her it appeared to be. Then she turned really for the first time and gazed back to the shore. It too was within view, but microscopic looking and far beyond. She'd traveled halfway down the jetty that day on foot.
With a sigh of achievement and regret, she moved back along the way she had come. It seemed but an instant really to take her back to where she had begun. Her feet thought for themselves, her balance perfection on the day. Her mind drifted back along the way she had traveled, the emotions she had truly felt. The world seemed new to her and apart from her all at the same time. She had opened her eyes that day really for the first time.
She had left her childhood behind her, but it would still be with her for a lifetime to come. Whether in emotions or actions all that she had learned before would accompany her on through whatever may come her way in life. And even if she forgot it, years from now, it would still be there with her, as would this moment, for it was apart of her.
She snapped out of her trance like state then, and realized where she was. A few hundred feet more and she would be down onto the shore below her. Stopping, she turned back and wondered back out over the miles she had traveled today out over the oceanic sea. She was gladdened in her heart for what she had done. A smile flit up upon her lips.
Her mother spotted her then, and called to her loudly. And so she turned back once again to the world of man, and to her mother's arms she climbed down from the rocks into. Laughing all the while at everything she had done. She was content.
That is the end of my tale, but it is a true one. It's not the best, it's not the worst, but it is a moment from my life. A birthday, a time, and a moment I know I will always remember.
April 08, 2002
That was very true, he thought, There was a direct, intimate connection between chastity and political orthodoxy. For how could the fear, the hatred, and the lunatic credulity which the Party needed in its members be kept at the right pitch except by bottling down some powerful instinct and using it at a driving force? The sex impulse was dangerous to the Party, and the Party had turned it to account. They had played a similar trick with the instinct of parenthood. The family could not actually be abolished, and, indeed, people were encouraged to be fond of their children in almost the old-fashioned way. The children, on the other hand, were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. The family had become in effect an extenstion of the Thought Police. It was a device by means of which everyone could be surrounded night and day by informers who knew him intimately.
god-damn, I love this book.
April 07, 2002
First off, I get my morning NY Times, like normal, and there I find this wonderful article.
Yes indeed. What a load of crap.
[Now, I don’t mean to get off on a rant here]
But I must say, those little dipshits down in Oregon are pretty stupid about their racing. I’ve seen some incredible stuff down there, people hauling ass around in areas as tight as the freaking Pike Place Market. Often right past cops. I saw that three times when I was there last summer for a weekend. Of course, the cops down there are assholes, but that’s to be expected.
I especially like that part towards the end, saying that allowing sanctioned races will lead to more street racing.....all I can think is
what the fuck? Giving guys somewhere to race will make them find more illegal places to do it? NO, it doesn’t work like that.
The major concern is that morons out flying around crowded streets in the middle of the day will ruin it for those of us that only do it in situations where we will be the only ones to die. Stupid fuckers like those got 192nd and Canyon shut down by showing up in the middle of the day.
So I started an uber-rant, only to find that blogger wasn’t working. Fuck.
The rest of the day was fine. But the first two things really blew.
Speaking of which, this week will suck. My truck goes in to Lakes in the morning, I won’t have it back until Wednesday. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. And I’ll be out $275.
But I’m not bitter. I’ll just make the face and/or genitals of the responsible party match the dent in my door. Indeed.
Not to mention that, due to the metallic nature of the paint, it will never look right. Until I paint the whole truck.
But thats okay, I noticed a few more signs and ill clean you bastards out next time. - NEXT TIME -
So as i was gettin home and I checked the board I noticed that the board had - one - post on it.... After walkin around the house for awhile it came to me " Wake up idjit! You could have second post!! ".So, I shall sit and add to Borton's "damnit-I-never-get-second-post-suckness" tee hee.
Damn, there was something else I wanted to blab about... oh yes. mushrooms in soup... sliced so that they 'slither n slide' down your throat is good, but diced so ya accidentally bite into them fuggers. - GUAAARGH! Yea, that says it.
Time does fly when you’re having fun. :) This last week has been nice and relaxing, but filled with many amusing things: birthdays, parties, being with old and new friends, ect. To just lounging about with a good book to read or/with some great music about you.
Awhhh... LIFE.
I know in a short while some of the slugs here will be graduating. Some of you have plans, others don't. Either way, your life of leisure is pretty much older as 'the real world' looks you in the face saying 'bring it on!' Yes indeed... life is all around us. Whether those little people we call children who are as yet unfully programmed, a teenager (or whatever you want to call it) just starting to think on their own and be rebellious, to those standing on the brink of 'adulthood'... the ones who have to go out and find a job that will actually support them, a place to live if/when they ever move out of the house, maybe finding a girlfriend/boyfriend if they are inclined for a partner, and so much more.
Yes, after you step over that edge, the rest of your life will be a living ever falling hell... till you hit rock bottom, or just even out somewhere along the way. Either way, as far as I can see, life is going to be a bitch in one way or another. I've got a good year before I have to worry about moving out or whatever, so I'm just going to enjoy my time left floating in these here clouds...
But for those of you who are going out and about into the hell hole we call adulthood, I congratulate you on having come so far, and good luck on this 'new' journey of your life!
April 06, 2002
And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.
I was perusing the member section just a little bit ago. There certainly are a lot of people who no longer post.
*pauses to contemplate his own recent leave of absence*
Oh well, at least I came back....
This place has the best coffee. Their decaf makes most regular coffees seem weak and bitter. I won’t even talk about Starbucks.
April 05, 2002
We have a new link to add to our links section. I began to neglect my home-made Oreo Blizzard when this was sent to me by a friend. They only come out at night...
Do not, I repeat, do NOT - look at the ugly women. My eyes were stunned with horror, when I commaned them "close for fuck sake CLOSE!" they were so in shock they did not respond to my cries of terror.
Common sense, not so fucking common.
Basic math - too advanced for some people. One pallet = 60 blocks = 10 blocks high, 1 row = 6 blocks.
If a pallet is 8 rows high ( 48 blocks ), is it ready for transport ? No god damnit, its not 60!
Pineapple juice is great.
Bank errors fucking suck - screws up my credit as far as I know.
When you check to see how much youve spent, subtracting your buys from your last balance and end up with $132 and your card isnt accepted when you want to buy a $107 item... it fucking sucks. Now I gotta drive my ass all the way to the damn bank to fix it.
I just relieved myself in the bathroom, and ya know what's so great about that ? I - got - payed - for - it
Hot damn, days off with pay fucking rule.
... yeup...
goes to read his Playboy article about poker so he can win without luck on Saturday...
Your Boards of Canada reference went unnoticed because nobody had ever fucking heard of them until you brought them up. Furthermore, and I mean this in the nicest way possible,
Really now, you jump Steven’s shit, when, and this was clear to me, he was making his point with an example that made perfect sense. He wasn’t using your given example, merely elaborating on how his counterpoint applies.
Maybe you need to quit drinking so much fucking caffeine and calm down a little, and you’d see the details that make [you] look like an ass when you rant for no fucking reason.
Goddamn you, I had something else before that.... you little shithead.
so yesterday was spent a good lot of time doing nothing but standing around and getting paid big money because the corrugator got a problem and we had no stock. just two hours ago the corrugator had the same problem, and in an hour we, the glorious martin, had caught up to where they were on the run-sheet. for about 5 minutes we stood around, bullshitting like yesterday - until the foreman actually came down to talk to us. he says " So you guys wanna blow down the machine, sweep up and go home? " - I was stunned. Joe says : " How about I just do a light sweep and get out of here? "
A little bit of sweeping,
a ninety-five mile per hour drive home,
and here I am. love'n it up.
continuing on ...
It seems DM hit the nail on the head with his comment that " the James posse " TIPS LIKE MAD and does buy food, and usually doesnt stay after anything more than an hour anyway - the hour loitering rule was probably enacted because of spring break, also. I hate spring break. Im gonna be glad when the whole lot of the little folk are back in their pens where they should be.
so me and Joe-from-work got to talking about sammiches today.
He was dig'in tuna-fish sammiches and asked me about peanut butter and jelly sammiches. Now I dig me a good peanut butter and jelly sammich - and he was implying that he brings em to work. And I said : " BUT THE JELLY SOAKS INTO THE BREAD! WHARGH! " - to which he calmly replied : " Put penut butter on both slices, and it doesnt soak in. "
I thought and thought and thought about it.
Guess who's eating peanut butter and jelly sammiches at work now.
and it seems steve and jesse are going at it again.
gotta love the both of 'em.
I like big business. The end.
As for the reference of people hating big business to be fashionable... I had to do a debate supporting big business last year and my opponent was a moronic "punk", a friend of Zach's actually. He knew nothing about big business, yet he argued against something he knew nothing about.
He didn't know what the hell he was talking about. He didn't do research. He just knew that In Order To Be Punk, You Must Hate The Business.
Jesse, I would never support something just to be "fashionable".
On to Jesse's post, he stated that he was blocked because he had a different viewpoint of the fans and band. Or so I assume that is why he was blocked. Anyways, I don't quite understand why you'd go to your favorite band's message board and complain about their views.. but if you must and you didn't insult their other fans, then the blocking was pretty damn childish and you have a valid reason to complain.
April 04, 2002
1. amendment - something else I also have to do this weekend which may mean that I am showing up at shari's ( along with anyone else in my enterouge ) at 1 am - I need to buy a cell phone - any information on this would be helpfull.
2. notice - one of the great things about where I work is that sometimes you can show up and the machine is not running and there is no stock on the line and you say " hey where is the stock " and they look at you and say " the corrugator has been down since ( insert time ) " and you look at the clock immediately - trying to judge a time in which they'd be done, then you ask when they figure they'd be done - and then you add three hours to that. then when those three hours are up, you laugh, because you've just been paid 14.34 for sitting around doing nothing - and they come by to tell you it'll be another three hours ( fast forward ) and then twelve hours have gone by, and you've made around 200$ - and you did nothing but stand around all night and talk. My idea of a good thursday.
3. blah blah blah ( insert a post about big buisness and a response to bradbury, a meaningfull good, debateable post ) - ( but for real, I dont like big business. I mean c'mon. Fuckem. I dont like money. I dont like taxes. I dont like this governmental system. POOOOP ) - and what are you saying about theft? Well - this looks like a pretty lenghty post ( more than two paragraphs to be technical ) - looks like ... I ... get ...
haha, had to swipe it from borton, again.
4. the statement? man oh man oh man. I gotta take a poop.
the end.
I was wondering how the guest seat at poker would work....
Big business, and my take on the situation:
The idea of big business is not necessarily bad. Worldwide, big business often makes a lot of things possible that wouldn’t have otherwise happened. There are a lot of large companies out there that do their best to not only produce a good product and/or service, but help to make the world better. Most of them try to make the bottom line (money) be less important than the way they get there.
For this, you can look at companies such as Toyoda Manufacturing (the parent company that spun off Toyota Motor Corp.) and Honda. They have both set corporate goals that lead them towards producing the best product available, and in the process also making life better for their workers. The environmental standards created and met by these companies such as these make even the most stringent of Federal standards look as irresponsibly filthy as they are.
These two companies (and they’re not the only ones), have created big business ethically and responsibly, around the idea that it lies on them to make the parts of society they impact better. Almost all of the workers they employ make the best wages in the industry. They aren’t all union, because they don’t need to be. They are treated well, and work under better conditions than their counterparts at other companies.
That having been said, the standard model of American big business is 180 degrees different. The American business world exists with one goal in mind: $$$. That is all that matters, and whoever or whatever you screw getting there, well, they had it coming. The workers that produce your product are not important, pay them as little as you can get away with.
Oh, and what’s this? Here comes NAFTA!!! Great, now we can move the plants to Mexico, and pay the workers a fraction of what the fuckers in the Midwest make.
Thank you, WTO, we can move our component production to places like China and pay them a fraction of what the Mexicans will work for.
Since we’re so big, Federal standards mean nothing. We’ll talk to our right-wing buddies and see that they keep the standards for the portions of the market we control good and lax, just tighten down a little more on where those lousy Japs keep hitting us the worst.
That was General Motors. The only care given is to their own wallets and the wallets of their investors. They believe in “Trickle Down” economics as the best way to make America strong. No care or thought is given to the global picture, nationalism lives on in American business.
The examples I used were all automotive, for two reasons (I can here you guys groaning about it from here). One: the companies I used are really good examples, because they are in the same industry and have a strong split in tactics. Two: duh, I’m a car nut...
SO.....Fuck “Big Business,” and fuck those of you who think it’s good. The big businesses that work in this country [for the most part] are really good at screwing the people who get them where they are. Everything revolves around the stockholder.
April 03, 2002
SEE THE MOVIE "MEMENTO"!!!!!!!! (this should be underlined rather than quoted but I am a simple peasant girl and don't know how to do that) It fits nicely into the "Fight Club" and "The Game" genre.
1. I am considering buying a house. It might be two bedroom, one bath - and hopefully a house-payment of maximum or under 700-900, that would be nice. and Joe at work has been helping me with " how to work it good " to where the house would be payed off in nine to eighteen years. that isnt so bad. the question is - who would want to live there, and who would be willing? I have continually talked with steven about the concept of getting a three bedroom house and renting it out - but upon furthing thinking I thought it was stupid to rent anything and give some shmuck our money - so since Im making aproximately 2300 a month - I figured with my income and good credit, I should be able to get some " first time buyer " benefits - Joe says its real easy. So If I have a house payment, instead of paying up rent to some fuck we dont even know - we can just divide the house payment. People I am specifically thinking would be ideal for living with would be my close circle of associates. Jimmoi, Jeff, Andy, Steven. People I've known for a long time, and have actually had stay over on prolonged periods of time, whom have showered at my house and so on - people I can stand. and who can barely stand me. Unfortunately Jeff is gone off in seattle, Jimmoi is soon to run off as well, Andy doesnt have a job - and Steven has a job, but I dont know his aproximate income levels and so on. Still, I'm looking. In any event - that was just something I had to say.
2. My merzbow cd came in the mail today - it is so beautifully erratic I almost urinated on myself. In fact, I did. The other cd I ordered with it was a band that was mentioned on Jesse's haroled brain-website, Nurse with Wound - and although the cd is entitled : Chance meeting on a dissecting table of a sweing machine and an umbrella - and only has three tracks, I must say - it is damn worth it. He mentiones Frank Zappa, Velvet Underground, and Kraftwerk ( AMONG NUMEROUS others ) as inspirational people. I'm all down with that. Expermental noise - oh my jesus, I'm so in love.
3. Bradbury - I've been trying to figure out how to approach this and have come to no better way to say it than to just flat let it go. Dont come over this weekend for poker night, being as you were a guest of the week - In fact you were the first guest and we were all happy to have you a long. What I plan to do is rotate it ( just like we rotate dealing ) - and each person chooses who is to be guest of the week for the week they're chosen. This week it's steven's choice - and so we've already got the next guest. then andy, and then jimmoi will go - but since you were so fun ( and you lost all your bling bling ) - I will be sure to invite you back when my turn comes around so that you may " attempt " to win - although I cannot say much because lady luck, all the while going through andy's back door - comes straight through my front door and gives me head, and then begs me to fuck her. Thats right buddy, she's my bitch.
3. Im on chapter three about this " power book " - heh.
4. I dont get the sudden " Aaron / highschooler " bashing fad going on. I've been weening myself away from the school, and high-schoolers in general, and trying to find people my own age to associate with, being that I figured Aaron was at a time where he could run amok and have funzo-ness on his own, and take the younger part of the group out on other adventures without the older part. It was good really. Those who have been beaten down by reality, the concept of work, women, and money would hang out at sharis - while those who still have the idealistic spark inside of them and have not been bitch-slapped by a large trout of reality could be under Aaron's wing. I find nothing wrong with Aaron, or high-schoolers, just that with the experiences I've had, and am going through - it isolates me from understanding them, and more-so, them from understanding me. There are concepts that they cant understand until the times comes that they experience them for themselves. I came to this conclusion when I snapped at Aaron that one night, and was met with hostility - which inevitably started the mini-schism, and flame war. It was fun while it lasted, however I still respect Aaron and value him as an associate - reguardless if he looks like a penis, and is an arrogant asshole. ( sounds like I'm talking about myself eh? ;) He'll do fine.
5. Im thinking about " canceling " this weekend's shari's funzo, or at least not showing up until REAL LATE ( 12am, 1am instead of 11pm ) - because I have to get some stuff done. It seems as if my car IS NOT LEAKING so I can drive - and plan to do many things. Some of those things are as follows :
a. find a quicker route to and through roy from work.
b. go to the mall to buy the following
b1. the cologne I've been meaning to buy
b2. maybe another playstation 2 game, maybe a lot of n64 games.
b3. the high possibility of a blender
b4. put in a reservation for never winter nights
b5. a poker book of some sorts
b6. something i forgot
c. teaching more people how to play wwii w/ myth2 for the big gaming bash soon to come
d. look at houses to buy, look at general stuff about houses, inquire about house prices and so on - a good local with cheap prices.
e. find somewhere " new "
f. joyride
g. maybe watch a movie
and thats it for number five.
6. Im also looking for someone who is free on sunday nights to do something, anything. c'mon.
whee. that is all for now.
April 02, 2002
Now maybe my brain is the only slug board brain thinking this - however thats very doubtful. My brain asks itself.
Self, why would such a non loitering rule be thought up ?
Well brain,answers the self its a very good chance that those lil-high-schoolish-fucks-who-make-a-lot-of-noise-because-they-bring-so-many-god-damn-people-to-Shari's-on-a-Friday-night are responsible for this turn of events.
End transmission.
Speaking of which, where has Aaron gone? Would he be so petty and immature as to leave right in the middle of such a good argument? I don’t really know him, so I’m asking, would he? He never did respond to my question. I guess that means he does have a small penis and/or testicles. Poor boy...
Heh, check this out. Kinda goofy, but it gives me ideas. I wouldn’t use spray foam like that, the stuff is an excellent thermal insulator, not what you want to make computer cases out of. Even though they left air passages, I don’t like it. Must say, I bet it travels well.
Anyway....I must get back to fixing things so you little bastards can fuck them up again....
April 01, 2002
so whens the next game goin to be???? i want to go and i will have the $$ too im geting paid today...
i need my cd mike and im grounded so ill have to sneek out to get it.,..
check your phone for a message its me and call me back!!
damn first post damn it to hellll!!!!