Im attempting to change my schedule.
which explains why I am up this late.
and I will make this my " attack against Aaron " post -
as will continue as follows :
!!!!!!!!HI BOYS AND GIRLS!!!!!!!
so what was in my head would take too much effort.
effort I,
being oh-so-much-better than the rest of you, will not put into this post. so ... eh. I'll just do it number wise because it is easier that way.
OWNING MORE NIN CDS DOES NOT MAKE YOU BETTER - but I can tell you all the different ways that my owning mine make me better than you - take for instance :
1a. I bought all mine through my own earned cash, wherein you either had someone else buy them, got money from your parents, or mowed a yard which does not constitute " a job ".
1b. I dont like NIN. I absolutely hate Trent Reznor. The only reason I want all the cds is so that I can make fun of people when they say they like NIN - and I can flash'em about and say " LOOKIE WHAT I GOT YOU SUX()R"
moving on, however -
You're short, sweet, yet horribly non-informing attack against my like of gattaca. Just in case you didnt catch it, you know it going by so fast that I almost didnt even see it - I will repeat it here :
" GATTACA? WTF? That movie was rat excrement!"
and why? Bad acting? Bad directing? Bad color scheem? No. None of these are mentioned - Not even a Bad sountrack or horrible plot. The main reason it was rat excrement was
because Aaron has therefore said so. You make no backing to your claim - when my " liking it " were specifically stated to be personal reasons for liking it. It is always easy to shoot down the things others say they like when you dont have to actually think about saying they suck. But you see,
another reason why I am better than you, is because I
do think of why things suck, and when I run into things I dislike I know why I dislike them. I dont just dislike them because I figure thats what everyone else will say. And when I run into people who promote those things that suck, I am sure to tell them
why and not just " BOY OH BOY, THAT SUCKS "
the instance which occured last friday was so blown out of porportion that it is silly that I'm even wasting my time explaining things to you.
I got dicked at work. Period. The only
working individual there who could possibly understand a god-damned thing I was trying to say would be Bradbury - and when you went off and started calling me an asshole, I looked to Bradbury and he casually said " I understand man. " - I was glad. Because it wasnt that I was an ass, It was that I know what the working part of life is. And I understand what it means to have plans for the weekend only to have work say " oh by the way . . . " and then your plans are all shits-ville, and when you go to your usual after-work place a bunch of loud fucktwits are all running around talking nonsense. -sigh-
but wait, kiddies, there is more.
You change your stance. You are the embodiment of everyone around you. I'm sure you'll start listening to abstract IDM music now that you've got Jesse to tag-a-long with. One day you'll say one thing is sux, the next - you'll be all over it proclaiming it the best thing sinced toast and butter. It is hard to decide what you're for and against being that your ideals change with the wind, time of day, or your last meal.
I am better than you because I state one thing, I stand by that one thing, and three years down the road -
and in closing -
I've never claimed that I was " better " than anyone, maybe exception to your average bethel high-schooler, and even there I tried to dumb down what little intelligence I may have so that I could get by without people saying " OH MY JESUS LOOK AT THAT ARROGANT SON OF A BITCH " - anyone showing any sign of intelligence will always be called arrogant. They will always have words like " IM BETTER THAN YOU " placed into their mouths, when they dont say or even consider such things - only because others are jealous or envious of them. It comes with the job. Which is why I didnt want it. But it seems no matter what I cant get away from it.
For the record, I never said I was better than you or anyone.
But you know what?
I just did.