March 31, 2002

Yes, indeed.

It was actually the center of the left hamstring, Mike. Still a tender spot.

Man o man, Steven’s new move. Gotta love it. Amazing in its simplicity. Wonderful in it’s effectiveness. Crazy enough to come as a complete surprise.

The dual-gun cover fire technique worked very well. Right up to the point where I was shot a dozen or so times.

Lady luck is a slut. No, a two-timing, gold-digging whore. Or, maybe I just had a bad second half of the night.
Nope, she’s a whore. Pretty sure of it.

So, Andy, fuck you both.

Zach, dude, why didn’t you come with us? Aside from the lack of funds.

And I didn’t get hit in the nuts once. Not bad for a weekend that involved both drinking and paintball.


I would like to take this moment and laugh at all the fuckers who laughed at me when I spoke about my 'Lady Luck' card that I had up my sleeve. Sure, Lady Luck may have knocked at my door while playing 'Iron Cross' and I said something to the effect of
Im too lazy to answer the damn door... thus I probably shouted "Go the hell away! Im losing!"

It appears as if Lady Luck really wanted to help my 'down-to-$1.25-ass' out, so she snuck in the back door and together, hand in hand we ripped the fuck out of everyone for the next few games. That $1.25 turned into an 'not-amazed-as-hell-because-she-was-always-on-my-side-$8.40'!

Fun fun. Now, lets have some fun and move all the stuff in my room around.

March 30, 2002

Panic Room - I'm Jodie Foster trapped in a room with my daughter and bad guys are trying to get me. AHHHHHH! Trapped, trapped, trapped. Now the bad guys are trapped in the room with my daughter. AHHHHHH! Trapped, trapped, trapped.

Don't pay full price to see this film. It is okay but no Fight Club or The Game.
We did interrupt something, didn't we?

Yes, we interrupted

Zach getting shot the fuck down.

But at least he managed to get her into the back seat.
Mind you, it was the back seat of Jimmi's dad's KIA, but a back seat nevertheless.


March 29, 2002

Mike i need your phone # yo!
has anyone evr clicked on the stat. list? we are # ten out of 1000 ifs fuckin cool i guess we could be called gods...

I have had "The Ballad of Chasey Lain" stuck in my head all day. This little tune is by our old friends, the Bloodhound Gang.
Not a bad song, rather humorous actually....but not good to be humming in a school.

"You've had a lot of dick, Chasey, but you ain't had mine...."


So under the revised and clarified rules of [Second Post], who would have second post today?
Not that it matters.

By the way, I do believe I shall mop the floor with you all on saturday night. Then on the paintball field sunday morning.


damn you evil bastards i always get first post and i hate you all for it why dont you get up a little earlyer and post huh? bass terds ok im at school and i seen james he ruined everything me and gimp man had planned so i will not use my size and dream ok kicking his ass that would be fun... ahhh shit
i hate this class cox is gone and i have shit to do
might i say we should change second post to first post again its getting really shitty not getting any glory fucker James and all you others bitches...

all of you must know mike is no longer james 2 he is gimp man or any of the other names he gos by just not james for the fact he cut his hair...

what happened to warg?
As the creator of 'second post' I believe that I'm entitled to make any changes to the way it works. The idea was that the second post of the day would have something to say about the post before it, starting some sort of discussion. So, 'Second Post Glory' shall only grace those who write a second post with a minimum of two paragraphs. Should the second post slot be filled with a two-liner the glory falls upon s/he who manages to full-fill the required paragraphs, even if this is in the fourth post slot. Spamming a few words over and over again shall disqualify you ( This is directed toward you, Michael... )

Not to ruin Bradbury's day, this shall be effective on April First

Prepare yourselves ladies and bastards, it's Friday - the weekend has begun. I shall reclaim the money I lost last weekend - due to the fact I couldn't find that fucking destiny card in my sleeve. grumbles I would also like to state that my troops shall own -all- in Myth 2 should it become part of our weekend. MRAAR!

End Transmission.
Second post.
Yes indeed, on Friday no less.

damn tjis first post it sux i had somthing to say but i dont re,member anymore...
Steve call me at 2:30


March 28, 2002

You mean this picture James?

Which Grunge Band Are You?
My microwave has a "Popcorn" button. Yes. You know how long it took me to give a shit? We've had that thing since my sophomore year.

Speaking of things that have been around a while.....that jailbitch name gen is quite amusing - that is, when you enter the names of other people. Heh.

fucking hot steemy dog shit i will get second post sooner or later

ok steve i kinda have school tomarrow but i can get it to you after school im off at 2 so what time do you get off work? call me ill be at work today but just leave a message my step mom Sonja or brother brad should be home till 530 then my dad gets home so just call me later...

Mike you smelly bass terd why havent you been in school???? i am now going to come up there when i get my new car and smack you around and call you jeni if thats ok with you so...


loved it.
people at work now call me kurt.
because someone off-handedly mentioned I look ...
like kurt cobain.
oh. oh happy day.
and i get home, only to see a picture of mr. kurt.
wearing what?
wearing a suit. and a tie. and looking like who? like me.
that dead bastard.
and my car is now re-leaking engine coolant.
I fix it for two days, and then am like :
only to have that thrown in my face.
bonus? I got paid today.
bonus? I'm stopping by the school tomorrow morning with ...
a quote.
I'm gonna post it on some teacher's doors.
It's gonna be great.
not much to post.
and to end, I shall deflate our good pal Mr. Borton -

second post glory is nullified and passed onto the third post in the event that the second post is also the person who did first post



second post bitches!!!!
Steve ok so when would you want to get it as soon as your ready ill bring it (but were) i dont know so yea if you are just pick a place we both know like safway in graham and ill be there if we cant till this weekend then thats fine so post and tell me

March 27, 2002

or yesterday.
or some time.
i forget. i dont care, really.
but anywho.
joe brought in a picture of his little girl.
and himself.
and it was nice.
and it reminded me of the pictures of my father and me.
when i was a child.
and suddenly :
i was overcome with a strong urge to want to have children of my own.
but then.
but then I got bitch-slapped with reality.
and he showed me another picture.
and the child's big, blaringly blue eyes stared wide into the camera.
vacant, void of thought, innocent.
and it scared the shit out of me.
and that urge took a nose dive into " HELL NO MOTHO FUKKA "


and thats that.
yes Steve i have car for 450$ i put this in your comments but peaple dont read them so im posting

NOVA 77 good car any questions call me or my dad (Scott) my dad or Jeff me 847 4837 and we can talk i want to sel;l it by friday so if you need it soon then i can help

March 26, 2002

Hmmm, so I was thinking about this lent thing some folks are still blabbing about. I thought it would be insanely funny that those people would return to school on April first ( April Fool's Day, I think they have school then ) and claim they won whatever money they kept talking about. Oh what a well planned April Fool's gag it would be to say " HA HA! April Fool's suckers! No money! "
After all the fun of last week it seems a little like a ghost town.

I wore a toga to school today. I think we, as a society, should wear more togas. They may not be terribly fashionable but they are comfy.

Where are the hetero-life partners? Did you run off to Hawaii to get married?

Chris Cornell left what was left of Rage. So much for Ozzfest this summer. At least the album will still be released.
I post, there for I am, full of shit.
I post, therefore I am.

March 25, 2002

Hmm....yes sir. Too quiet.

So, Little Collins, what's up with sunday? Yea/nay?

one last thing:
What the hell happened to me?

listens to the sound of chirping crickets...
Undertow certainly beats lateralus.

Aaron, I certainly hope you weren't attempting to refer to me with that "melodramatic high schooler" bit. That would be bad. For you. Get the picture?


March 24, 2002

Aenima takes all, nothing else needs be said.
a. SATURDAY NIGHT is otherwise known as POKER NIGHT - the highlight of this weeks poker night just happened to be when the stakes were rising beyond the skies, and nobody knew that I had FOUR THREES - which is beat only by a straight and royal flush. The stakes kept raising, with fifty's and seventy fives. Until it later tapered off with tens, and fives, until I finally called michael. Steven put down first - he had two pair. queens and something else - which beat out Andy's two pair, which didnt even meet queens. I put down my four threes expecting to take the pot when - WHAT IS THIS? MICHAEL PULLS A STRAIGHT FLUSH OUT OF HIS GOD-DAMNED ASS AND STEALS IT AWAY FROM ME.


b. with the departure of jimmoi to the airforce there will be a seat open for poker night. we've just recently started playing for money ( 5$ entry ) and the rules are very simple. There is also the sixth seat which is open - which michael normally plays - but until jimmoi gets the boot I am willing to let that sixth seat open to whomever is interested. If you enjoy playing poker and are interested in playing - email me at

3. I never stated the denny's group would harold TZA as their banner. That was merely something we thought about. and I never stated " friendly " competition either. Im all up for hostilities and hatred within the ranks of the two. However - reports I hear that the denny's group consists of nothing more than a bunch of acne-ridden youth who would think it is cool to get a fake ID and sneak into a club that sells ( !!! ) ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

d. as for your comment on my attempt at making " faith " fly as a debate ( it never happens on the board, god, religion, and faith arent things that people believe need to be debated about on the board - friendships, countries, and young kittens find themselves no longer because of conflict over said things ) - I would state that I already shot you down before you even attacked me. I specifically stated that people who delve into the existance of God loose faith. they loose their " blindness " and " faith " - which I specifically put the definition of so that I wouldnt get shit back, like " WELL KIERKEGAARD SAID : "

but we never got anything from Aaron. Nothing that you thought up of your own, which is which I did. I came to a conclusion based on my own experiences, thoughts, and ideals - not by reading a very logically written book by a very well known philosopher. so it looks like Mr. Kierkegaard has shot me down - but he's as good as dead. by hiding behind the shadows of those already passed, and utilizing their knowledge as your own - you learn nothing more than subterfuge. how to fake life. something very prominant in the book I am reading now : Siddhartha. OoOooo.

and now I'm running all over in tangents.

5. total votes so far : 1 undertow, 3 aenima, 1 lateralus. ( jesse told me he enjoyed undertow far better than aenima ) - probably because of sober, because I do admit, sober is a bad-ass song, and prison sex. hMmm. But wait - undertow, IMHO, beats out lateralus as well. hot - d - a - m - n.

6. I entirely agree with bradbury's " get fucked " - unfortunately, I have no fucking outlet to speak of, unless we include said hands - and even those are no fun anymore - so it seems I have to go and swim my way through the dating pool some to find me a lovely piece of meat to stick more meat into. again : hot-damn.

g. i think i'm done now - oh wait, no I am not - Ive recently just found out that MYTH 2 only requires you to have ONE CD to play, being that I can put network versions on the rest. You know what that means? Now that I have what I need - all I have to do is gather together 10+ people to play myth2. I shall be gathering people together at my home to learn them how to play. EGG SALAD.

8. now I think I'm done.
I went to the junior prom last night. What fun. Spencer hung out with me, per my expectation. I was surprised/relieved that he did not ask me to dance with him. But a VERY INTOXICATED Chris Righi did ask me. When I turned him down, he asked why. I reminded him of the diatribe he wrote and gave to me about how he did not like me because of my "communist views" and said that I should go live in Cuba or China in a grass hut and see how much I like it then. He laughed and apologized, shook my hand and said essentially "let's be friends." I can't remember the last time I saw someone that drunk. Probably because I was the last person I was around who was that drunk.

Oh, and this is nice. Raechelle Velock asked me in the interest of "spreading homosexual tolerance" at BHS to dance with her. Again, I turned her down. (Maybe if she looked a little more like Gina Gershon.) She also told me that she had a thing for Spencer.

After the dance I stopped by Shari's. None of you were there.

March 23, 2002

Oh, and:

Get fucked

Drew: if you need to borrow my blue truck, just say the word. No guarantees, but it's better than walking. Seriously, it's no problem.
That goes for the rest of you, too. At least the ones I know. I won't lend my shit to someone I don't trust - paying towing and impound fees sucks ass. That won't happen.

[joking]If he is a giant penis, then what does he have swinging in his drawers? I contend nothing at all.[/joking]

1. we all know aaron has a large penis. you can see him from a long distance away, wobbling to and fro in a crowd. being that he is a penis - and no, I'm not calling him a prick - which would be an allusion to calling him an ass or a fucktwit ( that would be me ) - we're talking 100% bone-i-fide penis. so of course - he cannot be compensating for the lack-there-of in his pants.

2. I would post what my background is - but I am seeming to have difficulties in doing that. Let's just say it includes a woman, and some socks, and that she is wearing said socks. c'mon. if you dont want to go to the bathroom and masturbate already ( sorry - not the bathroom in andy's case ), well then fuck off.

3. everyone keeps telling me that since I have money pouring through my eye sockets, that I should " buy a new and better car " - to these people I give a great big FUCK YOU to. because I hate new cars, and I hate buying cars, and I hate cars, and I hate people who say I need to get a new car. I can fix a god-damned engine coolant leak. GUH.

4. Panda Bears

5. Some people in my association seem to be getting it in the ass as of late. Bonnie and Drew to mention a few. Hey that rhymes, in any event - If you've been paying attention you know what happen to the ol Bon-bon, and if you dont know as-of-yet, Drew had his car yanked out from underneith him. He showed up at shari's stating he was walking to denny's - from his cheapo-theatre work. Eesh. That sucks. He said it wasnt all that bad - just wait until one day he's walking home and it starts raining slush.

6. go home.
Here's an idea, since no one gives a shit about "The Denny's group", whatever the hell that is - just yer face ont the topic Aaron.
Oh damn, that was ment as a joke ofcourse - couldnt ya tell ? Hell, it was so obvious - clear as crystal!

If I don't give a shit why did I post this ? Cause Im fucking tired of hearing superiority shit - people bragging to, just as Bradbury said, compensate for some other deficiency ( think that's spelled right ), be it them being insecure about whats in their pants or elsewhere.

In any case, Id like to state that I'm feeling rather good today. No, not "Hot damn Im fucking horny" kind of good, just an overall "wow, I feel free" kind of thing. I also have a feeling I'm going to win some money tonight... oh yes. Tonight we play poker, and I have a card up my sleeve - destiny.
"The Denny's group by the way, would just like to make it clear how incredibly superior we are"
Who fucking cares? Do you want a goddamned medal or something? Why do you need to feel superior...compensating are we? [Aaron], do you have a little dick? Is that where all of this came from?


James, this is a fairly simple one, assuming that the easy steps work. If they don’t, sell the car...

Okay, step one: Go down to an auto parts store, get yourself a bottle of BARS leaks. Not the cheap shit, get the BARS brand-the others don’t work as well.

Follow the directions, it works best if you add it with a volume of water.


If there is any spot under the hood you can’t touch with your bare hand for 10 seconds, don’t try and open the radiator cap-bad shit happens if you pop the cap while it’s hot.

You do have to add it directly to the radiator; if you put it in that plastic bottle (coolant recovery reservoir), nothing good will happen.

If you don’t feel comfortable with this, let me know and I’ll help you.

Now, since we are leaving winter, you don’t need to maintain the 50/50 mix of antifreeze and water. You can go down as low as 30% coolant to 70% water, or even 20/80, but you do need the antifreeze for its temperature stability and anti-corrosion qualities. What this means is: don’t worry too much about adding the antifreeze instead of water as it gets low, so long as the water still has a green color to it. The best thing to do is mix them externally and then add. That, however, is a pain in the ass. Just pour one then the other in until it looks good.


March 22, 2002

a few more things just off the top of my head before I go to sleep :

a. best tool album ever : aenima. by far.
b. who all is coming to get a piece of zach-o love tonight?
c. i need help locating and fixing an engine coolant leak, anyone got any ideas where to start? it's my " weekend project " ( can anyone say " HEY BRADBURY? " - just you wait until I get his OWN WEBSITE " ask bradbury " up an goin ;)
d. for those of you who follow my love life and enjoy masturbating feverishly to the thought of me having sex ( nobody? ) - Heather stopped by yesterday. I think it was yesterday. anywho. she had a real expensive jacket on. I think she got it for her birthday. la - dad - de, this, however, has no relivance. Im just writing it so I can forget about it ;b
e. HOT DAMN. thats right.
the day the whole world went away : : : : :

first off - steve, fixed your missing " i " real quickly afterwards.

second - three days off. we'll see how fast they go by.

thirdly - the post that has been delayed for awhile, to let the last ' big hooopla ' calm down so I can prod the board into the next big debate. which would be :


an associate at work asked me if I believed in God. In my head, I answered no. From my mouth, I answered yes. Then I hesistated. Then I said wait. Then I said yes, but in my head thought no. This caused confusion - so I decided to delve into the reasons behind this confusion and came up with the following conclusion :

I believe in God. But I do not believe in believing in God. To elaborate :

  1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
  2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. See Synonyms at belief.
  3. Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.
  4. The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
  5. The body of dogma of a religion: the Muslim faith.
  6. A set of principles or beliefs.

wow. it's been awhile since I've used an Ordered list.
now that we've seen the textbook definition of " faith " I shall state that " believing in God " is to " deny any faith in God " -

I am a full supporter that faith is entirely blind, and that in believing, praying, acknowleding, or accepting the existance of God is to play the game with a stacked deck. Cheating. It's like going to the horse race, knowing which horse will win, placing bets on that horse - and when it wins - " acting " like you're suprised. It's like getting Christmas presents on Christmas when you have to act like you didnt already know what it was because you were there the day the person who got it for you, bought it. Its entirely bullshit.

Faith in God requires you to give all these things up.
It requires you to " let go "
to accept the cards dealt to you
to ride the waves and go with the flow

God is not something you pray to everynight.
God is not something that you thank for a good day at work.
God is not something worthy of killing someone else for.
God is not even something that should be thought of.

because even thinking of him is a deviation from " faith "

how's that to start a debate? hope to get some good input.

THE SECOND post Ive been meaning to get to will have to be put - being that Bonnie has hit bad times and it was specifically about her. Having your house violated, or anything violated and stolen for that matter, sucks a big fat anglo-saxon cock - and with Bradbury, my condolences.


looks like thats it for me.
oh - and I'm looking forward to some zach-o man-love tonight.
Mmmm, mMmm, good.
We all love cabbage don't we ? Yes... yes I'm sure we do. Later I shall explain why.
smacks the big Reserved stamp onto first post slot

So here we are, after work getting ready to listen to uncle dM speak about cabbage. Bradbury mentions cabbage as a 'good' thing, however my usage of 'love' was more or less sarcasm. We all know what cabbage is, big ball type thing sort of like lettuce only harder in texture with a god aweful stench when cooked. It reminds me of such wicked things as Cabbage Patch dolls, ugly ass abominations of nature - never should that have been called a 'toy' and also of Koreans eating Kim-chie (spelling?). Supposed to be very tastey food that Kim-chie, though I've never tried myself - the fact that everyone complains about its stench ( since it's rotting cabbage I guess ) keeps me firmly rooted in the "Hell no Im not fucking eating that" category.

So here I am, at work. I don't like my job - I get payed very little money for the amount of heavy work I do. There is however another reason I don't like my job - I work with about seven, you count em -seven-, Mexicans. A friendly enough group of people, even worked out a quicker system of doing what I do with my 'partner' without speakin to him. ( Oh sure, he speaks English, I just can't understand it ). Day in and day out I listen to them chatter on with their Spanish jabber, rather irritating concidering my stance on learning / speaking the host country's language while in public. To the point of cabbage however - I was at work doing my thing and trying to pick up some of the few Spanish words I actually know - suddenly it hit me.

What -the- fuck is that smell?! I asked myself.
I looked around seeking -something- out of the ordinary which may smell strange. Nothing.

G'damn! There it is again!
Hmmm... I seem to recall that smell from some where. Cabbage, yea thats it - I think mom cooked cabbage once.
I groaned to myself silently, something... no - someone was stinkin of cabbage!
It's her! That girl I just walked past!

Yes folks, I don't know if theres any special Mexican food which smells like cabbage that one would keep on his or her person, but that "I reek of cabbage aura" was about her. It engulfed her like a snake eating a lil tree frog. Horrid! I highly doubt it was 'food' of any sort.

I shuddered at the thought of returning to work the next day, cabbage was in the air. However, no it wasn't cabbage that day, nor was it today - it was babypowder. You know, that white lil powdering crap you put on a baby's ass, for what reason exactly eludes me.

Though previously the smell of cooking cabbage kept me at bay, the thought and experience of this shall drive me into a dark little hole in a mountain. Cabbage ladies and bastards, fear it - avoid it at all costs. Lets see if you still love it with this thought in mind.

-- On a seperate note -- I was told " Get Friday the 29th off damnit! -Do- It! " So I did. Now however I wonder, does this have anything to do with some paintball game which michelle and "that-one-dude-who-doesn't-realize-first-post-is-out-and-who-i-don't-know" keep blabbing about ?

I shall leave you all with something to ponder " Got SoW ? "

March 21, 2002

ok you all fucking suck i post no one but the teacher who dosnt know who i am reads it... FUCK YOU ALL AND GO TO HELL!! i still waqnt to know if we are going paintballing on easter... (no we dont have to wait 3 days to play again LOL) Mike were the hell r u why havent you been in school call me!!!

and is the fight over???

First post somthing i couldnt get for sooo long is now mein!!

March 20, 2002

John Cusack is good, but only one of the movies mentioned I liked...(or remember enjoying)..."Grosse Pointe Blank"
At least, I think I liked it. Reasonably sure. Maybe I should quit drinking? Hell, four weeks of mandatory substance abuse counseling couldn’t make me quit, my own realizations of negative after affects won’t either. Ugh.

That really bites about your computer Bonnie (and the rest of your belongings, for that matter). I’d say some shit like “I hope they catch the guys that robbed you,” but they won’t. On the bright side, most of your shit will probably turn up in local pawn shops and/or thrift stores sometime in the near future. To quote:


Again, I do empathize with you.

No it’s when you play and get hit on Good Friday that you have wait three days.

So I have a dilemma: What to do now.
More specifically, which project car to go ahead with.
Choices are: a ’76 Regal 4-door, which I already have sitting in storage, it just needs a motor and some finish work to become a very evil sleeper; a 4Runner, which I don’t have but could very easily acquire in varying stages of readiness and turn into an excellent off-road Toy; or just stick with the [still under factory warranty] Tundra, for which there are a healthy selection of go-fast goodies available at outrageously high prices.
Input, anyone?

Looky Mommy!!! There are ladies on da bord!


Kissie, I like Bonnie don't really post that often, at least not in the recent past, but I am a female. I don't have a dick and these things on my chest weren't put there by any kind of surgery or anything. :)

Funzo nutty poetry below... *smiles*


Holes in...

space... space... space...

forever night.

Take in... Take in... Take in

sight of endless universe.

Stealing all...

from everything... from everything...

To reform again

whirlwind... whirlwind... In whirlwind.


Bright light once again.

itself... itself.

Itself... ' itself ' itself...

In time lament.


I'm glad to see that everyone is popping out of the woodwork so to speak. I haven't gotten to check this bord in the past few days really because of crap ass BHS work and plah, but what is here is highly entertaining.

Happy Birthday Everyone!

Wow, I'm in one of those rare good moods where the whole world doesn't look like a giant cess pool, with alll of it's diseases, and the longevity of old people, ect. Which reminds me, that mood is over, haha... I enjoyed it while it lasted. :)

Tah Tah!

Which John Cusack Are You?

Which John Cusack Are You?

Which John Cusack Are You?

Which John Cusack Are You?
Twelve Hour Shifts Suck Donkey Ass.

thats for sure.
Im just holding out for fri-sat-sun.
just holding out.
and it's the third day, out of four.
and I swear . . .
it shouldnt be this difficult.

just holding out.
three days, off - all to myself.
just curious - who'll all be at sharis ... tomorrow is it? day after?
I've forgotten. fuck it. friday.
friday when zach-o gets here.
in fact - anyone up for going to a movie?
I wake up at 4pm. Im figuring Ice Age or Panic Room.
Is that out yet? Yes Andy, I'll pay your way.

I have the complete monty python flying circus on dvd.
yum. it is terribly funny.

that had no correlation at all.
i should take a shower or maybe a bath.

oh dear now I've gone and lost myself.
Couple of things-

1) If you go paintballing on Easter, do you have to wait three days after being hit before playing again?

2) Two people made references to the absence of women on the board. I have the genitalia that classifies me as a female and I have been on the board for a while.

3) Jesse when you called everyone else an ass you used lower case letters, however, when you called me an "ASS" you used all caps. Are your implying that I have a big butt? Because I don't think you should call someone as revered as I clearly am (Who's Who Among America's Teachers) a fat ass. That is pretty hurtful. Know your place, young man!
ok all of us are fucking idiots i agree but why the hell are we still fighting about this all it is really doin is making James happy tons of peaple are posting on the board and he gets a kick out of every1 who plans to kill every1 else...
moonpies are good...

ok so how many peaple actualy care what is happening???????it seems to me that the only one who does is Aaron... why?

oh and Steve are we goin paintballing on easter? if so let me know and get a hold of James and see if hes goin same with his bro...
thanx for the reading and if you keep fighting let it be heard WHY!!!
I absolutely LOVE IT.
I've laughed so hard in the past couple of minutes ( after work ) - and when you work 12 hours - laughing is good. real real good.

as for the post that got eaten by blogger - it seems I shall have to paraphrase it. and here we go :

this is what the board was for.
bitching. about work. about eachother. about stupid people.
and it seems to be going well.
and everyone is getting in on the action.
even people who dont know eachother ( a N e / dirt-worm ) attack eachother like it was breathing air. Hell, drew even cursed people out. I love it. This is the proverbial cess-pool of all our thoughts. The place where all the shit goes. Bullshit Utopia in a sense.

But dont get mistaken.
a-n-e and dirt-worm, in the event they figure out who eachother are, should never take anything from the board to heart. In real life - we are all associates, and good associates at that. We enjoy each-other's company and respect each-other. But must we agree or like eachother? Of course not. In real life, we will be cordial. The board is where we can complain. and bitch. and instead of going behind each-other's backs and saying how much you believe that guy stinks, just come out and say " MY GOD, THAT JAMES CHARACTER IS A FUCKING MORON " - because c'mon. who isnt? anyone claiming to be anything above a fuckin' moron is calling the kettle black. we're all morons. we're human. hot-damn. but wait. it's even better :

A long time ago me and Jimmoi wanted to start " TZA CHAPTERS " and have " TZA WARS " - basically to prevent individual gatherings from getting " too big " - we'd have people split off into other groups. Aaron's idea of going to Denny's is great. I love it. They can be the Denny's crew. And there will be the Shari's crew. And if we find some other place, another crew. Mind you - they need not tote TZA - but it would be fun to send a messenger from the Shari's crew to the Denny's crew one night with " vital information " consisting of " We of the Shari's crew have come to the conclusion that in a hand-to-hand combat situation, spiderman would whoop-the-shit out of batman " - hahaha. oh man oh man.

I was surprised even Jesse got in on the action - that was great - rip roarious, I swear. and DS stopped by, and a-n-e ( kissie ) made more appearances, steven was compelled to defend himself, drew is being active, borton said something - bradbury is up to his good ol' self, even andy had a say. Man oh man oh man.

God I love the board.
Kissie asked me : " So you just anger the people on the board so they'll post? "

hee hee hee.
and in closing - I have but one thing.
The Aaron-crew will never have anything as awesome as road-ski-ing.
hands down.


March 19, 2002

wow hey i haven't been called a fucking idiot yet well thats probably cuz im just a peasant as well as James 2nd ohh well it will happen sooner or later. on all the things that have been said well the leader being James thing i have no clue the way i met James was at school he had a COME.TO/SLUGS sign and then i got on the board met James 2nd and became his friend... i think i know what will help everything a good game of hopper some know the rules and some don't sounds good to me...

i went to Canada and beat the hell out of 6 guys and knocked one out and broke my nose FUN i say FUN!!!!!!!
thats what we all need to do if some don't like paint ball lets put on the gear and beat the crap out of eachother!!

James 2nd were the hell are you!!!????

Drew i never thought you could say such harsh words i thought you were the nice guy AHH i thought wrong ohh well

Aaron wow doode you need a different group or something I just stopped reading your posts they got boring ddr is OK but not for FAT GERMAN GUYS like me so that would never happen and why would you want to spend all your time/$$ at the mall?

Steve I thought you were anti-social the first time I met you you said hey and shot me wile flying accrost the ground and then you didn't say anything else until I seen you again and you said hi thats aboot it...

Kissie? OK a girl on the board wow!!!

James has a lot of NiN CDs I didn't know that!!

And were can I take the test to see what type of gun I am?

We will all go crazy and DIE
yes DIE
and it will be fun cuz I like t fight!
Wow. I’m sensing a little.......tension? No, that can’t be right, not here.

SO...Fuck Aaron. Fuck “Kissie.” Fuck James. Fuck Steve. Fuck Drew. Fuck Little Collins [get a job bitch]. Fuck Shari’s. Fuck Denny’s. FUCK, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Calm down a little.

Of course, now I must add my two cents: I agree with James, big groups suck. He’s not the leader. He’s not a figure. He’s James, for Christ’s sake. Nothing more, nothing less. I ask him where he’s going to be, because I like to talk to him......I don’t give a fuck where “the group” is going to be. I’d rather avoid it. That’s not to say I don’t like the rest of you (those of you I know, generally the ones I just referred to with an expletive). It’s just that “the group” isn’t important. If we’re going to Shari’s, cool. The other Shari’s, fine. Denny’s, well, okay. Sure. If James isn’t there, and it’s just Drew, alright-I get to talk about cars. Just so long as that Hyundia fuck doesn’t show up (what the hell is his deal?). WHATEVER!!!!!!

If you took that personally I don’t want to have anything to do with you.

I wrote this post 6 hours ago, and finally blogger is working.. even though I'm not neccessarily this ticked off by The Dirt Worm, I'm still posting this in its entirety:

Apparently, I have to clarify some things for "the dirt worm". Honestly, if you're gonna bitch about me, don't put words into my mouth.
1. I never called ANYONE "my" boy. I dont see how saying "the boys" translates into them being mine.
2. I put "Boys" because by the looks of this board, putting "boys and girls" would be inaccurate.
Those two listed above seem to be your biggest problems with me, but I never called you my goddamn boy, nor anyone else, so what the hell is your point?? Continuing...
3. I don't recall specifically bitching about any of you, maybe my attack on DDR and excessive posting of gun pictures is Offensive to Mr.Dirt Worm. Oh well, it's his problem.
4. It was Dirt Worm's suggestion that I come back to this site "never" instead of "occasionally". .... hmm all I gotta say about this and everything else is, lighten up.
5. I'm not gonna reintroduce myself.
Not a lot of love on the board today.

Guess what! Guess what! I was chosen as one of the Who's Who among American Teachers! (Mr. Larry Gliege was given this honor as well.) I am now validated as a human being. I just hope the rest of my life is not one huge denoument. As if this recognition was not shallow enough, the person who nominated me was the girl who wrote the book report on Mussolini - the great, benevolent, humanitarian leader of Italy.

Whose house? Run's house! I said whose house? Run's house!
i had a good post.
and it done got eaten.
ah well.
well well well.. Occasionally I will report back to the slug page to see what's happenin' with the Boys. Apparently, a variety of things have transpired:
1. Boys like to post every single result from the gun quiz. ....

2. Something about James and Aaron and Shari's and Denny's and NiN and leaders and who is better than who and DDR and large group gatherings...
I don't know what's going on exactly.
Except.. DDR and NiN aren't of my liking BECAUSE (and I'll list a because here, as to not piss off James): I'm not to hot on video games and have you watched people play DDR? you feel pretty damn embarrassed for everyone involved. and NiN, I'm not saying they suck, I just don't like that type of music.
Oftentimes when someone declares something "sucks" without giving a reason, it pisses me off too.

Last thing, switching from Shari's to Denny's? don't be so difficult.

March 18, 2002

Here's an idea, fuck denny's - make some serious passionate love to Shari's and laugh at all the bullshit talk about "the leader of the group" because we've never fucking had one nor are we going to. The person who organizes the most 'events' doesnt make a leader - you want 'events' plans some your damn self. Be assertive fer crap sake.

Denny's - Ha! What's this ? Lifeboat part II ?

wanders off mumblings about shoving birthday candles in various places which would make people say " I'm so embarrassed!"
ah -
life is great.
I tell ya.

March 17, 2002

Oh yes...

Which Firearm are you?
brought to you byStan Ryker

I am the future of modern warfare? WTF?!?!?!
Okay number 2:

Which Firearm are you?
brought to you byStan Ryker

That's a little better.

Though I usually find these things to be pure shit and dumb as hell, I couldnt resist to answer this little 'survey' thingie honestly to see what it might say about my personality.

Which Firearm are you?
brought to you byStan Ryker

Then I said to myself, holy shit... I rule ;)
Rule due to the fact that I'd be a sniper rifle, and because I won all the damn money last night in poker! mua hah
( No we never played a golf game so there can be no reference to my sucking there )

mumbles about fucking water traps

March 16, 2002

im in canada and they do say eh a lot it fuckin rocks i knocked out a guy in my first fight and now i get to go back and do it again
the first thing i heard here was do you know what this is all aboot eh? ahhh its great.. well got to go and this rocks
because today is a new day.
and there is no link.
Apes, band together tonight!

( and if you didnt notice, the word " Apes " can be clicked on, it being a link. WOW! )

well done, Mr. Collins.

"your average bethel high-schooler"....dude, I've left things swirling the bowl that had more fucking independent thought than your average student at BHS. I won’t even start with teachers (present company excluded, of course. I should also mention that, with a few notable exceptions, BHS has one of the best staffs around.)

WTF is this snow? At least it’s not sticking in any great quantity.

Im attempting to change my schedule.
which explains why I am up this late.
and I will make this my " attack against Aaron " post -
as will continue as follows :

!!!!!!!!HI BOYS AND GIRLS!!!!!!!

so what was in my head would take too much effort.
effort I, being oh-so-much-better than the rest of you, will not put into this post. so ... eh. I'll just do it number wise because it is easier that way.

1. OWNING MORE NIN CDS DOES NOT MAKE YOU BETTER - but I can tell you all the different ways that my owning mine make me better than you - take for instance :

1a. I bought all mine through my own earned cash, wherein you either had someone else buy them, got money from your parents, or mowed a yard which does not constitute " a job ".
1b. I dont like NIN. I absolutely hate Trent Reznor. The only reason I want all the cds is so that I can make fun of people when they say they like NIN - and I can flash'em about and say " LOOKIE WHAT I GOT YOU SUX()R"

moving on, however -

You're short, sweet, yet horribly non-informing attack against my like of gattaca. Just in case you didnt catch it, you know it going by so fast that I almost didnt even see it - I will repeat it here :

" GATTACA? WTF? That movie was rat excrement!"

and why? Bad acting? Bad directing? Bad color scheem? No. None of these are mentioned - Not even a Bad sountrack or horrible plot. The main reason it was rat excrement was because Aaron has therefore said so. You make no backing to your claim - when my " liking it " were specifically stated to be personal reasons for liking it. It is always easy to shoot down the things others say they like when you dont have to actually think about saying they suck. But you see, another reason why I am better than you, is because I do think of why things suck, and when I run into things I dislike I know why I dislike them. I dont just dislike them because I figure thats what everyone else will say. And when I run into people who promote those things that suck, I am sure to tell them why and not just " BOY OH BOY, THAT SUCKS "


the instance which occured last friday was so blown out of porportion that it is silly that I'm even wasting my time explaining things to you. I got dicked at work. Period. The only working individual there who could possibly understand a god-damned thing I was trying to say would be Bradbury - and when you went off and started calling me an asshole, I looked to Bradbury and he casually said " I understand man. " - I was glad. Because it wasnt that I was an ass, It was that I know what the working part of life is. And I understand what it means to have plans for the weekend only to have work say " oh by the way . . . " and then your plans are all shits-ville, and when you go to your usual after-work place a bunch of loud fucktwits are all running around talking nonsense. -sigh-

but wait, kiddies, there is more.

You change your stance. You are the embodiment of everyone around you. I'm sure you'll start listening to abstract IDM music now that you've got Jesse to tag-a-long with. One day you'll say one thing is sux, the next - you'll be all over it proclaiming it the best thing sinced toast and butter. It is hard to decide what you're for and against being that your ideals change with the wind, time of day, or your last meal. I am better than you because I state one thing, I stand by that one thing, and three years down the road - DDR STILL SUCKS ASS.

and in closing -
I've never claimed that I was " better " than anyone, maybe exception to your average bethel high-schooler, and even there I tried to dumb down what little intelligence I may have so that I could get by without people saying " OH MY JESUS LOOK AT THAT ARROGANT SON OF A BITCH " - anyone showing any sign of intelligence will always be called arrogant. They will always have words like " IM BETTER THAN YOU " placed into their mouths, when they dont say or even consider such things - only because others are jealous or envious of them. It comes with the job. Which is why I didnt want it. But it seems no matter what I cant get away from it.
For the record, I never said I was better than you or anyone.

But you know what?
I just did.

March 15, 2002

Mr. Collins: (First let me write thank you for the kind words regarding the current economic situation in my home. I do appreciate it. Hopefully things will work out.)

Second, get your ass to Evergreen. Today at BHS we had career day! OH! TESC was there. As I surveyed the catalogue and yearned to 18 again so that I could go to Evergreen and stay there all four years instead of leaving after 5 quarters (what a fool I was to leave!) I saw a class and thought of you.

Paradise Outlaws: Kerouac, Bukowski and the Beats
Spring/Group Contract
Faculty: Bill Arney, Craig Carlson
Enrollment: 48
Prerequisites: This all-level program will offer appropriate support for sophomores or above ready to do advanced work.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Charles Bukowski, Diane DiPrima, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and other Beat writers shared a unifying vision of a better future, of the possibilities for change in America. They are part of a libertarian tradition that envisages an ideal, however romantic and unattainable, of the individual embracing personal freedom while resisting institutional values. They were outlaws aiming for Paradise. The Beats shared a populist perspective, a view that art is unelitist, antihierarchical, egalitarian. They professed to learn more on the street than in the academy. They tried to be accessible and honest. They were more concerned with the rawness of experience than with trying to get into the museum of literary culture. Students will study Beat politics, fiction and poetry. We will examine American culture in the 1960s through the work of Robert Frank, Hunter S. Thompson and others. We will read William Blake, Howard Zinn and Paul Goodman, listen to a selection of 1960s jazz and rock 'n' roll, and read/hear a selection of Beat writing. We will follow Allen Ginsberg's advice: The method must be purest meat and no symbolic dressing, actual visions and actual prisons as seen then and now.
Credit awarded in literature*, American studies*, writing* and art*.
Total: 16 credits.
Program is preparatory for careers and future studies in literature, humanities, law school, nuclear physics, sociology, history, American studies and poetry.
This program is also listed in First-Year Programs.
Second post.

Hell yeah.
Uno -
does anyone else find it funny that Steven could think of me getting pulled over / ticket - wherein its always US thinking thats what happened to him? But of course, that's silly. Because he'd just out run them. pfaw.

1. I bought a cd of a band NOBODY KNOWS OF - and they WONT GET POPULAR like JEW did. Nope. This one is a guarenteed winner.

2. sorry to hear about that DS - in the event you ever need some sort of " OH SHIT WE'RE GOING TO LOOSE THE HOUSE " payment - drop me a note and i'll see if I can help out, FOC. and as for Heather - please refrain from even mentioning her, being as she is dead and anything correlating to her - be it gossip or not - is not and will not be processed as, I repeat, she is dead. Oh - is your husband looking for a job? Because ... ( leading into statement number three )

3. I had contacted Mike and told him I'd go around grab a bunch of people to take them to the box factory and have 'em all sign up. Unfortunately I had just learned as of wednesday ( havent gotten around to talking to mike yet ) - that they are no longer highering " through the door " - which is to state that they kept getting DUMBFUCKS ( just think of jimmoi, but not with a fascination with bums ) - so they decided to go through a temp agency. What this means is that you'd have to go to someone else to work there.

But do not fret - Im currently getting information ( friday ) which I will be able to give anyone interested in a box-factory job the number and how to contact the temp agency - and then you can specifically tell them " I WANT TO WORK AT COMMENCEMENT BAY CORRUGATED!!!!!! " -

However, you must be willing to fuckin' work hard.
Because in the past three days I've been dubbed " The best C - guy in the plant " - and that's because I've damn well earned it. I work the hardest, and I do things quick. If you're going to come in on my name then you better not taint my reputation, damnit.

continuing on to ...

4. - about the box factory. Next week I'll be starting a new shift, a twelve hour shift. - fun fun fun. I will be working monday through thursday. Seven in the night to seven in the morning. Hot damn. And now I shall be off to cook my bacon burger.


March 14, 2002

My husband got "laid off" today. They should call it a fuck off because that is what it is. The company will not rehire. They laid off a bunch of people today. Now I, a lowly teacher, am the primary breadwinner of the family. Time to start buying lotto.

On a lighter note, Drew and Aaron each took a bite of a bar of rose scented soap in class today. One of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. I hope you are well, boys.

Mrs. Northington thinks Heather Taylor is pregnant. (had to spread the gossip)

March 13, 2002

Hey James.
What song have you had in your head for the past week?
" I dont like mondays "
Oh, here - ( file transfer )
It's I dont like mondays, by tori amos.
( listens to song ) ( becomes enfuriated )
begin post -

I FUCKING HATE people who do remakes of good songs and make it suck ass. and then nobody ever listens to the ACTUAL ORIGINAL SONG and think OH WOW THE NEW ONE IS OH-SO-AWESOME, They are SUCH A TALENTED ARTIST.


thats right, bitch
and here.
I almost forgot.
your very special

It's called mario twins,
they look the same -
those guys, they look so god-damned like the same person, I would say to them :
" you want ice-cream cone? "
and both of them would say yes, how in the hell?

suck it down buddy.
Opinion on a movie- gattaca

I was originally told the story was based off of Brave New World. Having read the book and having seen the movie - I see a slight, but almost non-existant, correlation. The movie itself can be summed up with its catchphrase :

"there is no gene for the human spirit"

I enjoy the movie from two aspects.
The first - is that the " perfect " man in which he steals the identity of. There is a part where he states : " I wasnt drunk when I stepped in front of that car, I was the most sober I've ever been in my entire life " - or something to the same extent. It is also stated " He may have been perfect and had been born for Gattaca, but he wasnt born with the will or want to do so. "

I love it.
The concept that true perfection makes one apathetic.
The concept that being able to do almost anything would make one ...
lackluster. lose interest. why bother. hum drum. boring.
It was the life they told me I would be living, being gifted.
It was the life I've specifically attempted, and successfully, avoided.

the second part.
Is the main character. Almost as in " Cats dont dance " with the cat who dances, He is told from every turn of the story " YOU CANNOT DO THIS " " THIS CANNOT BE DONE " - and he proceeds to do so. Proceeds to shove it down their god-damned throats that it can be done and he will accomplish that what he sets out to do.

Damn. I love it.
Im going to have to buy the film I love it so much.
Oh. and another good part :
" You want to know how I did it?
I never saved anything for the swim back. "

Hell yeah.
I understand one hundred percent.
definately a movie I have to buy.

March 12, 2002

Real good horror-Steven King.

In King, the devil drives a black Daimler. (Before there was Mercedes-Benz, there was Daimler-Benz. Before that, Daimler. At that point Benz only made trucks. Now, we have DaimlerChrysler. Boy, did the Germans bring themselves down with that one.)

Anyway....Koontz does good horror too. It's not quite horror though, more suspense really. But he does write good shit.

I've never seen The Amityville Horror, but with such a glowing review from our esteemed colleague, it’s up pretty high on my list now.

For the record-the Shari’s on Meridian sucks. The one on Canyon is far and above better. The dinner I had there didn’t make the fleeting appearance in my lower GI tract that I was accustomed from Meridian. That is only one of many improvements above our usual. And I think the Albertson’s right there might sell Jone’s...


Let him stay, in more ways than one.
...ok Jeepers Creepers wasn't the best movie but just think for a sec. about the story line how every 27 years this thing(the devil) gets to feed for 27 days ummm ok its crap they could have put more thought into it and why wuold the devil drive a old truck? and if you tryed to fallow the story they say he feeds? so he should just go out and eat peaple right but no he has to get there scent wtf? and why does he have to get there scent and how by scaring the hell out of peaple well that explains the truck but if you could be run over 8 times and get back up and track down who did it just by thier scent would you need a truck? no.... one more thing the crasy lady who seen the whol thoing happen before it happened would you belive her? i wouldn't i would think she was working for that crasy muther fucker who smells my underpants wtf? then she sees the guys sister screeming in the dark wile the song is playing and she was wrong... i hated that... the end of the movie blew goat balls the guy was screeming but he wasnt in the dark? and what the hell happened to his sister did she not care and go home and say hey mom oh yea by the way the reason my brother is dead is because the devil grabed him flu away and i did nothing but greeve so how are you today? bahhhh dumb movies suck and this was a dumb movie... i thought it was ok at first but now that i think of it it licked ass Jeff and Raven are right

what do you guys think of system of a down?

and i didnt ramble this time weeeee!!!
Addendum -- The Amityville Horror.

You know, i think that last post was not so much my review of "Amityville" as a testament to my hatred for "Jeepers Creepers". My apologies to those of you who did like it, but what can i do...

Not that i would do much mind you.
Review -- The Amityville Horror.

Directed by: Stuart Rosenberg
Starring: James Brolin, Margot Kidder, Rod Steiger


This movie is perhaps the scariest movie i have ever laid witness to. It did not take millions of dollars in special effects. It did not take a green screen. It did not take aliens from mars threatening to lobotomize us all and give us the intellect equivalent to Mariah Carey when she decided to make a movie.

It was also NOT, and i repeat NOT, "Jeepers Creepers" (that lowly bag of shit mixed in a cement mixer and poured out as concrete suitable only for the town of Roy).

This movie was frightening. Geniunely frightening. You can't say that about many of the movies that have come out lately. "The Haunting"? "Jeepers Creepers"...hmmm, a movie about a flying bat? I don't know... My shit was scarier after i ate vegetables for an entire week. In fact, the only thing scary about that movie, aside from imagining the producer's state of mind when he came up with it, was the intro part. That, i will admit, had the ability to really set up a movie with an eerie chill...and then it threw in that piece of shit bat-demon that made me want to piss on the tape and send it back to the director...geezus that was crap.

No, "Amityville" was horrorific...because of its simplicity. It gave you an honest chill. When the cat jumps at the window screen as James Brolin's character is sitting there (with his late '70's porno beard), it was really frightening. You could relate to that fear. Who the hell can relate to a fuckin' flying bat-demon with headgear??

Blood pouring from the that's frightening. Not a giant metal freak mobile. The glowing eyes that sat outside of the window of Margot Kidder's character's daughter, that was chilling. The way they just sat staring, and then walked off.

The only movie recently that I can think of that matched that kind of simplistic chill was in "The House on Haunted Hill" when that one stupid girl is looking through her camera and sees the ghosts operating. The moment they stop and look up and just stare at her motionless and emotionless...that was chilling. Almost everything (especially not "The Darkness").

It was the little things that made "Amityville" so perfect for fright. Take for instance, the chair rocking. I'm sorry, as lame as that was, if i was in a room where there was a little girl talking to a chair that was rocking all by itself, i would piss in my pants in a heartbeat.

Then there was the room with blood on the walls. The priest blessing the house, and then being told by the house to get out. The nightmares the wife had about the other previous tennets getting shot in the head. The cross being turned upside down.

In the end, what made "Amityville" so frightening, which "Jeepers Creepers" had in the very beginning, was the realistic fear. "Amityville" was chock full of it. "Jeepers Creepers" had it in the driving scene. No music, driving down a quiet nondescript town on an eeriely straight road. Pastures for miles, at dusk. Too bad that movie went soooo far offtrack that you wanted to shoot yourself toward the end of it to rid yourself of those memories.

I know that "Amityville" is an old movie, and you have all probably seen it, but still. I needed to write something about it after seeing it. It was so refreshing to watch something that was actually scary...other than "Fast and the Furious"...but that was scary because someone actually made that shit, and was sober when he/she/demon did.

The trick to legally speeding.

get this.
So I'm going the speed limit.
and then all of a sudden this guy is on my ass.
obviously wanting to go MUCH FASTER than the speed limit.

Now for the past couple of days I've been thinking about a theory - and have been wanting someone to ride my ass so I can try it out. So last night was my first time in practice. lo-and-behold, police were on the road. and guess what. it worked.

the theory?
Speeding can only be " legally " accomplished by having someone speed behind you. With this in mind - in the event that a police-man decides to jump after you - or he's going in the opposite direction and turns around - he'll get the guy behind you and not you. Its ingenius really. So next time some guy is riding your ass and you know he's going to pass you - just speed up and match his speed. dont let him lag behind much, only about a car's length. Its great, really.

Also -
I almost own every NIN cd ever created. whee.

and not to include my retort to " Im sorry "
" Im sorry " would be to imply that " they are sorry that you are wrong "
take - for instance - " Im sorry, but you're a fuckhead "
you see - Im not really sorry that you're a fuckhead,
but its just to convey the fact that I feel sad that you are.
" Im sorry, but what you think about democracy is bullshit "
- not that Im sorry about anything you think,
but that Im sorry that you are wrong.


and to end it all off - My LINK OF THE DAY.

dare you click it?
I think you should.
because it is funny.
and besides.
what the fuck else are you going to do?
Chroist - it surprises the hell out of me how many people are panzy ass motherfuckers who have no balls, even if they worked at a ball factory and had a third testical. They're wussies. They've got no guts. They dont take risks. WHO GIVES A SHIT IF ITS A PICTURE OF OLD GAY MAN PORN - it isnt like you're an old homosexual man who sucks other old homosexual men off - so why would it bother you? Jesus H. Chroist.

March 11, 2002

You know what really bugs me, as I evesdrop on my husband's conversation? When people say "I am sorry" in the wrong place. Example, "I'm sorry, but I really like N'SYNC." or "I'm sorry, but abortion is murder." What are these people sorry about? THEY ARE NOT SORRY!! If anything they are happy to make this point. "I'm sorry, but I just ran over your dog." This I am far more inclined to believe.
being sick isn't the funnest thing to do... jamesto the 2nd i feel your pain now i am having very painful tummy cramps and i sucked it up and went to school because you were and you were not damn you i hope you burn in hell

on a differnt note saterday was fun but no1 showed up you bastards!!!

this weekend im going up to canada and it will be fun im going up for the Tiger Balm its a international tournament i am fighting in it so every1 hope for me to kick some ass

i will bring back lots of new words and use them now that im rambling i will leave

damn it!
Ah the link of the day...
what concerns me most is..
Zach, you're referring to me as A N E now??? stupid James and his stupid nickname for me.

March 09, 2002

Back to school after a three week break... how joyful.

It's nice being back here in Washington, though I miss it back there with all the pretty snow and funzith skiing and fights... ect. PLAH! I want to go back!!! The snow is gone now, sure, but oh fucking well!

LOL... Monday... school... at Bethel... EWWWWWHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY.... hehe :)

I think that it is only right and proper that I get the fun clases... photography (love it) aerobics (dislike this) world history (I get to be the only junior there, oh yeah) and of course culture diversity (meep?)



So how are all of you lovely slugs doing? What is this talk I hear about a 'gathering'? hmmm...

Thanks to zach for killing a good percentage of my neurons...


i will never look at another old person again...



no time for anything...

but anyway, james, when is that thing on friday that you were talking about? i know it was toward the end of march, but i'm not sure of when...

and i wanted to come down and say hi, talk to zacho again, since its been awhile...see mr. jimmy...

oh and bring down the gamecube for some smash bros. melee fun.

yes...that would be fun...and i'm getting a little sick of seattle...for the moment...probably cause its being paired with

james are you haveing a poker night and your brother needs to help ummmm... can i help? i dont like poker but i need somthing to do and that sounds great so yea get a hold of me and let me know!!

doode that link of the day was wrong

Mike you need someone to shoot you just give me some paint and il make it happen!!

pishahhh!! late night oral sex is good!
well ok now i cant do anything parints suck and so does my car i now need new tires!!(damn) and mike man you better be in school on monday and if you want we can do somthin later today if i have any $$

what happened to WARG?
and all i have to say is pishahh!!
you bastard.
i love you.
you bastard.
you bastard.
you bastard.
did I mention your bastard-ness?
yes, yes I believe I did.
you bastard.
zach just reminded me that i'm a member of this group. i joined, said hi to you boys, and completely forgot. oops.
speaking of forgetting-- why havent jimmoi or james come and seen me?

March 08, 2002

This is some seriously depressing shit. Then again, it makes me feel a little better. We may have a fucked up country, but nothing that bad.
Dickheads like Attorney General John Ashcroft may be hard at work fucking us out of our civic rights-but at least we have clothes on our backs and food in our bellies.

Of course, maybe if our country were a little more simple, events like the entire Enron cluster-fuck wouldn’t be happening. Or, even better, if we had a democrat in the White House.

Instead we’d have NAFTA. Oh wait, we already have NAFTA. Fuck.

Well, I’m sure the unemployment rate in Mexico is doing fine because of this little gem of “free trade.” Never mind the unemployment rate in Flint Michigan (7.1% at the end of 2001-half again more than the national average).

Why does a shithole like Flint come to mind? Because they used to have GM auto plants, until they moved to Mexico where the people will work a week for less than their American counterparts make before lunch. Well, that’s okay, because they do really shitty work to make up for it.

Twenty years ago, GM sucked because they couldn’t engineer their way out of a wet paper bag. Now, they suck because the people making their vehicles don’t speak any goddamned english, on top of the fact that they wouldn’t care if they could.
Yet American car companies still wonder why Japanese have such a large market share...maybe it’s the idea that a highly skilled work force can produce highly complex machines a little better? Hiring engineers that didn’t get their degree at a community college might have something to do with it too. That’s okay, because Bush (being a Republican puppet) will impose import tariffs to help our economy. Oops, he doesn’t even have the balls for that.

I’m ranting again.

Fuck it, let’s keep going, and maybe back on topic.

McCarthyism-not just your grandfather’s fascism anymore. Only it’s Ashcroftism now.


doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Okay so maybe it hasn’t been that bad yet, but the possibility certainly exists. We’re only a few [very short] steps away from a 1984-ish hell. Apparently the Bill of Rights doesn’t apply when rich old white guys are worried about no longer being rich. Maybe they should pay attention to the fact that before long, rich old white guys will no longer represent the majority. The baby boomers are getting old, and as we all know, old people control politics. So when a mainly liberal group (who just happen to remember and be quite frightened by Vietnam) are the only ones voting, shit is gonna happen. Just wait until “Gen X” hits the Metamucil age. Oh, boy will that be fun.

That’s about enough for now....and quite disjointed, too. I’ve been doing that a lot lately....maybe getting more sleep would help...


Hmm...any Jimmi day tonight?

ok well now i know mike didnt have a ha\eart attack and he is just bleeding from the ulsers in his tummy!! well damnit mike we need toi do somthing tomarrow like all day lan gamin or somthin i have a few bucks if your not dead or hospitalised then ill come get you and we can go... but if not damnit i need to come over!! ill try and get a hold of James and see how your doin..
call me Mike 847 4837

the reason i spell the f word like i do is cuz im in school and theyt all suxor major a$$ and this is the only way i can cuss so blow me down biznaches
cup of noodles owns your SOUL!!!!
what the hell happened with mike i never saw him at school and i just been told that he had a heart attack? wtf man your like really f(_)cked up and i meen i need the gimp man to hang out with school is gettin boring and ( we need to smoke thies peaple with fatties!!!) inside joke between us.. well i need info so if anyone has any post it or e mail me

March 07, 2002

Hey, what's up with young mr. collins? I, in a very off-the-cuff manner, said he was dying during second period, by the end of the day Alec was in a panic trying to get info. OOPS! So? Heather, whose birthday was yesterday, stopped by Monday and told Jerry that Mike had a heart attack.
wow we are posting!! damn Mike were the hell have you been your not at school your not on your comp and you arn"t calling me wtf man!? anyone know were Mike is can you let me know ive beed tryin to get a hold of him but i cant and he needs to get his ass in school or he"ll br workin at S & S Tire all his life... well i guess its his life and he can do what he wants with it but my say is GET YOUR ASS IN SCHOOL YOU DUMB F(_)CK!!!! well on a differnt note Mr. Cox is the coolest teacher in the world he is letting me make a ring in his class, (its a project i know) but my ring would be classifyed as a wepon i'll have to show it to you when im done
well im off to zee tha wiz tha dumbazz wiz -o- Grahham!!0_o
everything is clearer now
life is just a dream, you know
its never ending
I'm ascending

you know you want it.
wow, it seems very dead in here. very dead...

i apologize for the fact that i haven't posted...which has probably irked some of you...and others of you probably simply don't care...yeah.

i plan on posting...sometime...i won't make promises...right now i'm taking the day off from everything to catch up on everything...i have spent the last two weeks in the biggest stress pot of my life...and it only continues to get worse with these stupid college things that i have to do...i have to file this, cancel that, make this, order that....DAMNIT!

oh, and to top that off, some stupid company just charged me nearly 80 dollars because i signed up for something free a month ago and have been too busy to pay attention to it, or even use now in a little bit, i'm gonna get on my phone and seriously start bitching out people...

you know, in a way, i can understand how some people snap.
(and yes, i know this is a bitch-post, but right now...its the best i've got...and that's pretty damn sad)

on another note: you bastards, you got snow? actually, i'm not too disappointed...its not like this place ever closes, even with snow...
Being awake this early is not right.
Unless one has yet to retire for the evening (although if it's 6 am and you're just now crashing, it's not evening anymore...)


Snow days rock, even though I have to work (at least no one else is around) it's much easier to get actual work accomplished.
The hard part seems to be getting to the least the district vans have snow tires....and I was contemplating going to get them taken off last week, to beat the rush before April 1st.....glad I didn't get to that. I guess I'll just live with the unpleasant ride for another three weeks. It would be nice if the guys at S & S Tire actually knew how to balance a fucking tire. Come to think of it, most of the guys that work there dropped out of high school to go work there. Go figure.

From the looks of things, only one snow day this week. Damnit.

Später, and Macs rule.....

March 06, 2002

Lithium - the band

why do I mention them? Because a long time ago I put " Lithband " on my AIM user list - just a bit ago they came online, and then went offline. Too bad I didnt get to talk to them.

I was going to stop by the school today to see DS - but it seems when I took a gander outside, lo-an-behold, thar be snow all everywhere and my siblings and their friends are all googlin around the house.

son of a bitch.

I will post something important later.
Log rolls down stairs rolls over in pairs rolls over your neighbors dog, it fits on your back, its great for a snack its, LOG LOG LOG, its.. Loog Log its big its heavy its wood, its Loog log its better than bad its good, come on and get your log, your gunna love it log, come on and get your log, your gunna love it log, LOG from blammow, do do do doooo do!
ahhh yes ren and stimppy the best cartoon ever
i hate snow
mike we need to go ballin in this weather but i cant drive if you can find us a ride call me at (253) 847 4837
ok i need somthing to do i am board as hell if some1 gets on who plays diablo2 expantion im or email me at TDKTiny@ or my AIM is just TDKTiny
tanxs guys and gals
lalalalalalala board and i dont have anything to do

March 04, 2002

yes now i have second post bahhh!!! this dosn't make me happy. why? you ask because its 7:41 and there is nothing to read i felt like i could get home from work read every1s post and go work out and my night would be good but ohhh nooo!!! you peaple make me sick i was banned from even getting on the net for two weeks and i didnt miss a thing all i have to say is BONG! and i have no clue why probly cus i wached Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and i suxored just like most other movies like it bahh im board and you peaple are gross so
mooo goodbye
stay away from weed and
fornication is great

March 03, 2002

1. damnit steven - what is your cell phone number?
2. shooba doo-whop.
3. yeaup.
ok i got first post 2 times already and i just got back you peaple make me sick i thought it would be hard to get first post but nooo all i have to do is wake up at 10 and it will be there for me to take my time sorry i didnt go last night Mike but somthin came up (ha ha ha) well
post damnit cuz i dont want first post anymore...
oh and by the way girls find ways to make a guy do what they want and i fell into that trap she wanted me to do somthin and she fucked me to do it now tell me is that a bad thing or a good one?

March 02, 2002

Napster I'll be there at around 11:15-11:25....somewhere in there.....what else do I need to know?
I am back! yes, it has been a long time and my comp has been messin up, so i can now post YAYYYYYY!!!!! Mike are you too sick to go to Sherry's tonight? and what about Orion that lan gammin place? ok well back to fixin my comp see you all later.


March 01, 2002

My post of this morning has...vanished...ok then. It was early in the morning, I'm never sure what the hell is going on until at least eight.

Napster: Whereabouts do you live? A ride is not out of the question.

Apple won a technical GRAMMY:
"As the leading architect in bringing computer technology into the studio and revolutionizing the way music is written, produced, mixed, recorded and creatively imagined"
First computer company to win a GRAMMY.
Show me one non-industry award Microsuck has received for doing good and/or creative....not gonna happen.
SO: Mac critics can kiss my ass. Not "Real world." Pure bullshit.
(the preceding was generally and mainly due to Wiard the Hutt.)

A tip to you, my associates: Don't do your job too well, or you'll end up doing work your slow and/or incompetent coworkers didn't/couldn't/wouldn’t. Then, you'll get a shitload more of your own work, and you'll get bitched at for not getting it all done.

I went to Spanaway Lake twice this week. That exceeds my normal monthly average. In fact, that's 200% more than my normal monthly average. At least I didn't have to work in the girl's locker room, as one of my male coworkers had to.
Now, you may think that going into the girl’s locker room at a high school doesn’t sound all that bad. Well, when you’re a male employee, it’s very dangerous. The possibility for career-ending trouble is very high. Now, take in mind that we do go to great length to ensure nothing untoward can occur-from making the instructor clear every student out before we enter, to yelling in the door three times asking if anyone is present, even locking the door and posting a guard. Still, it’s a nerve-wracking time spent working in a dangerous area like that. If anything were to happen, it would be ugly You develop tunnel-vision (“I only see what it is I need to fix, and the path from there to the door. Nothing else exists”)

Anyhow….I’m not entirely sure where I was taking that. Ranting again. After a day like today, it’s amazing I am able to form anything resembling a sentient thought.

A great man once said:


And I couldn’t agree more.
