January 31, 2002
fun links for today :
my eyes burn
i get frequent headaches.
i think a lot to myself.
yesterday it was a big plan to make a zine. i came up with distribution, prices, things to be in it and so on. it was great. i figured i'd work on it some more tonight.
but tonight I was thinking about being a teacher. and my recent " registration " with the community college. and all my plans for high-school reform.
sometimes i believe it may be because I am sick that I get headaches.
other times I like to entertain that it might be my own thoughts,
killing parts of my brain. self destruction. I dont know.
me and andy seem to have the same thing.
i got mine from work. suck.
I found a room to rent. its cheap. but it's with an old pal of mine - and I feel by going to him I would not be " moving out on my own " and paving my own path. I'd be eternally living at my pals house. not my place. But the urgency for me to move out is becoming stressed more and more as each moment passes. I'd compell Andy to get a job - but I dont know if he'd want to spend 200$ a month with me to get a 2 bedroom place. It'd be " the bachelor pad " - it'd be great. Or if anyone else is interested ( steven? ) we can make it three. the big place. Im definately going to buy a pool table - and preferabley people with computers would be nice - being that we can get a little LAN thing goin'. I need to find a place in puyallup. Or spanaway. I found a house for sale on a backroad in Puyallup. I thought that maybe I could buy it. but of course - a house for sale is for sale for some reason or another.
I also had a cool idea to have " the bills " be played over in a poker game. Basically all of " the bills " would be split however many ways there are people staying there ( works more with more than one person ) and then we play poker with " the bills " - you dont HAVE to play - but you COULD be paying less - or more - pending on how good you play poker. neat.
I dont know. I want to get out of here by march.
i get frequent headaches.
i think a lot to myself.
yesterday it was a big plan to make a zine. i came up with distribution, prices, things to be in it and so on. it was great. i figured i'd work on it some more tonight.
but tonight I was thinking about being a teacher. and my recent " registration " with the community college. and all my plans for high-school reform.
sometimes i believe it may be because I am sick that I get headaches.
other times I like to entertain that it might be my own thoughts,
killing parts of my brain. self destruction. I dont know.
me and andy seem to have the same thing.
i got mine from work. suck.
I found a room to rent. its cheap. but it's with an old pal of mine - and I feel by going to him I would not be " moving out on my own " and paving my own path. I'd be eternally living at my pals house. not my place. But the urgency for me to move out is becoming stressed more and more as each moment passes. I'd compell Andy to get a job - but I dont know if he'd want to spend 200$ a month with me to get a 2 bedroom place. It'd be " the bachelor pad " - it'd be great. Or if anyone else is interested ( steven? ) we can make it three. the big place. Im definately going to buy a pool table - and preferabley people with computers would be nice - being that we can get a little LAN thing goin'. I need to find a place in puyallup. Or spanaway. I found a house for sale on a backroad in Puyallup. I thought that maybe I could buy it. but of course - a house for sale is for sale for some reason or another.
I also had a cool idea to have " the bills " be played over in a poker game. Basically all of " the bills " would be split however many ways there are people staying there ( works more with more than one person ) and then we play poker with " the bills " - you dont HAVE to play - but you COULD be paying less - or more - pending on how good you play poker. neat.
I dont know. I want to get out of here by march.
Well hmm... It has come to my attention that I am concidered " Ew! " Women are strange, although, this isn't anything new to anyone. To some I seem confident, to others I lack any sign of confidence - suprisingly I'm only " Ew! " to those who find I lack confidence. Now, wouldn't it cause confidence issues with anyone if they were called " Ew! " ? Why then even approach women ? Why is it that a man must always approach a woman he desires, it's the 21st century ( I think anywho, not that I pay close attention or care. ) let the woman approach the man.
I'm sick. Fucking - A.
I've gone through a whole box of tissues and I carry around a roll of toilet paper because my nose runs so damn much.
Salutes his white bloodcells Thank you for your sacrafice tosses another tissue in the garbage
Didn't have Day Quil yesterday so I walked around all day kind of drowsy from taking NyQuil - I slept with some wierd smelly stuff on my chest to help me breathe better. ( That stuff is pretty cool, I kinda like the smell ) Things were getting better until today, feels like someone left a garden rake in my throat and it's scratching everything to hell.
Word of advice to everyone, remember your wishes. If you don't remember what you wished for on a daily basis you'll end up getting a Jones Soda cap like this "The last wish you made will come true". Ofcourse, just as I did you'll ask yourself -
"Shit! What the hell was my last wish?!"
Then you shall sit around for hours grumbling and moaning about wanting to remember your last wish. You can't make a new wish because, well it wouldn't be the last one - it would be made after reading the Jones Soda cap.
So, salute your white-snot-cells for the sacrafice they make to keep you healthy; remember your wishes; and if a woman ever tells you that you're " Ew! "sigh to yourself and don't approach her again, she's modern, let her do it.
January 29, 2002
Why are we so backwards I keep thinking to myself. We hear it everyday......sleep is bad, it takes away from life.....we waste so much of our precious time sleeping.......pfff.....if anything we waste time in our waking hours. For it is in sleep that anything is possible that all the most exciting events of a life time no matter how sporadic and random tend to happen. No life can be better than any one dream that I've ever had. I dont understand....how can people say their boring life is so much more important than what they consider to be "trivial" dreams. The whole purpose of sleeping is to dream. What is a dreamless sleep but a waste of a night grant the "awake" class of people that much I suppose. People who can dream are practically doubling their life span....its a loophole I think god gives certain people....the trade-off is that they wont make any sense and youll just be spending that much more of your waking time twiddling your thumbs and trying to make sense of it. Why do people make sense of things? Why cant we just leave them as they are....is knowledge really knowledge? or are we just fooling ourselves away from enlightenment. Why do people spend so much time awake......what do they hope in achieving in life that they cant achieve while asleep. Anyone who says they'd rather be awake should be shot.....just my opinion of course i think being awake is a waste of time so I'm somewhat bias.....:\
January 28, 2002
Hoosta ma FURK. That's right, it's cold out. So cold that when I went outside to move the garbage can to the corner my nipples just about froze off. Quite enjoyable nipples, yes they are.
As odd as it may sound, I spent various parts of the day trying to cloak and change to heat sensing vision and I was disturbed when my hand wouldnt fire nets and I couldnt find anymore boxes with supplies.
Civilization III - Fun and addicting game the first week - after that ' trial period ' you realize " Damn, I fucking rule at this game " After you've realized this you begin trying to win the game with the different types of ' victory ' ( Conquest, Spaceship, Peace, Cultural Domination etc ). After watching "Gandhi" I felt in the mood to win a peaceful victory by being elected UN president, I chose the Indian culture since I watched "Gandhi". I started out quite well, I was content with my peninsula type nation with a rich outpost of gold on the German / English dominated continent. As time progressed valued tactical resources needed for the technical advance of my nation were found to be lacking. I said to myself " I'll just invade this one city for the resources and then that's it."
After using this excuse four times I decided upon world domination. My fleet littered the ocean floors with various ' allied ' ( he he ) ships and my Modern Armour with infantry support crushed every nation which chose to fight me. Some of which I attacked first because they were on land promised to me by destiny. So, I am sad to say - Gandhi didn't succeed with non-violence in this game, far from it. He even nuked a little island populated by French cities ( damn French people! ).
Right, so anywho - Mooosh te eh MO SAI!
You figure out what that one means, bums. ( That doesn't include the ladies of the board )
As odd as it may sound, I spent various parts of the day trying to cloak and change to heat sensing vision and I was disturbed when my hand wouldnt fire nets and I couldnt find anymore boxes with supplies.
Civilization III - Fun and addicting game the first week - after that ' trial period ' you realize " Damn, I fucking rule at this game " After you've realized this you begin trying to win the game with the different types of ' victory ' ( Conquest, Spaceship, Peace, Cultural Domination etc ). After watching "Gandhi" I felt in the mood to win a peaceful victory by being elected UN president, I chose the Indian culture since I watched "Gandhi". I started out quite well, I was content with my peninsula type nation with a rich outpost of gold on the German / English dominated continent. As time progressed valued tactical resources needed for the technical advance of my nation were found to be lacking. I said to myself " I'll just invade this one city for the resources and then that's it."
After using this excuse four times I decided upon world domination. My fleet littered the ocean floors with various ' allied ' ( he he ) ships and my Modern Armour with infantry support crushed every nation which chose to fight me. Some of which I attacked first because they were on land promised to me by destiny. So, I am sad to say - Gandhi didn't succeed with non-violence in this game, far from it. He even nuked a little island populated by French cities ( damn French people! ).
Right, so anywho - Mooosh te eh MO SAI!
You figure out what that one means, bums. ( That doesn't include the ladies of the board )
January 27, 2002
Hmm... I wrote this really neat story a few seconds ago but instead I decided to give you all the 'gist' of the story instead.
Man leaves - Car door frozen shut - Man nipples freeze, it cold - Man pulls on door - Door no move - Man pull some more - Door strong, it no move - Man go inside for hot water - Man pour hot water over door - Man pull on door - Door suckie wa~ - Man win battle with door. - Man drive home - Man get home - Man go to leave car - Door no move - Man curse loudly - Door still no move - " F00K you! " Man say - Man heat up car - Door open after five minutes - Man kick car - Man write story - Man delete story, write like caveman.
True story. Although, its not as bad as it sounds - I liked the frozen nipple part.
Man leaves - Car door frozen shut - Man nipples freeze, it cold - Man pulls on door - Door no move - Man pull some more - Door strong, it no move - Man go inside for hot water - Man pour hot water over door - Man pull on door - Door suckie wa~ - Man win battle with door. - Man drive home - Man get home - Man go to leave car - Door no move - Man curse loudly - Door still no move - " F00K you! " Man say - Man heat up car - Door open after five minutes - Man kick car - Man write story - Man delete story, write like caveman.
True story. Although, its not as bad as it sounds - I liked the frozen nipple part.
January 25, 2002
fuck you mr. reese
and by the way.
proof that -
and well.
anywho - if you know where I live and I know you personally - I will be waking up at my house around 9pm. The " party " starts when I get home - I will be at sharis at 11pm - we'll stay there until about 12 or 1 - then run off to my house and stay up all night and so on. I bought a little something you all will enjoy.
so - sharis. tonight. 11pm. bring your own ... uh.
well shit.
movies. chips. stuff. food. i dont know.
oh - and you can show up anytime during the weekend
( with exception from sunday after 11am )
and by the way.
proof that -
and well.
anywho - if you know where I live and I know you personally - I will be waking up at my house around 9pm. The " party " starts when I get home - I will be at sharis at 11pm - we'll stay there until about 12 or 1 - then run off to my house and stay up all night and so on. I bought a little something you all will enjoy.
so - sharis. tonight. 11pm. bring your own ... uh.
well shit.
movies. chips. stuff. food. i dont know.
oh - and you can show up anytime during the weekend
( with exception from sunday after 11am )
im posting from jeff's dorm. funzo. there's a nekkid drunk girl in kyles bed right now. funzo. appartently im suppse to pick up crissi or whatever her name is spelled whatnot stuff to go to zee barbeque thing and i wasnt TOLD aboot it, but thats cool.
aaron, i left a comment on your thigie forgetting bands and artists about how you forgot DEAD KENNEDYS. DEAD FUCKING KENNEDYS!!! how can you fucking have forgotten dead kennedys. i left a humorous message too, butknowing how lazy yall are, you wont see it. fuck you. so i'll post what i wrote...nah, too lazy too look for it. it had something to do with jello biafrawhuteva and peanut butter with turtle sexors. mmm hmmm.
yesh it was funny, i laughed till i peeeeeeeeed blood, oh wait-i still do. i should stop riding the bike, eh?
for the slow ones, this is jimmoi on jeff's nameo. the spelliong shouldve told ya. buttseximar.
aaron, i left a comment on your thigie forgetting bands and artists about how you forgot DEAD KENNEDYS. DEAD FUCKING KENNEDYS!!! how can you fucking have forgotten dead kennedys. i left a humorous message too, butknowing how lazy yall are, you wont see it. fuck you. so i'll post what i wrote...nah, too lazy too look for it. it had something to do with jello biafrawhuteva and peanut butter with turtle sexors. mmm hmmm.
yesh it was funny, i laughed till i peeeeeeeeed blood, oh wait-i still do. i should stop riding the bike, eh?
for the slow ones, this is jimmoi on jeff's nameo. the spelliong shouldve told ya. buttseximar.
Ah I love the night life. Seems that fortune cookie I had a few weeks back was right. " The Nightlife is for you. "
I'd like to take this time to recognize a very awesome movie, one that I have seen for the fifth time tonight. " Gandhi "
No matter how often I see it I'm glued to the television. I have too much pure German blood flowing through my veins to try any non-violence type of things, each time I watch though I'm over-whelmed with respect for that long dead skinny Indian man. Although not quite certain where or from whom, I read a quote once - " It is the soldier above all, who prays for peace. " So, strange as it may sound, lets hear it for peace eh ? Toast a drink, sit in silence, sing - whatever floats yer boat.
Now, where is this here so oft spoken of barbeque ? You thought it might be nice to have everyone gather and all that sort James, now it is I ( and others ) who might think it nice if you actually give us a fucking day and time so that we may plan accordingly. If you say this weekend -sometime- then I doubt you'd like people showing up at 5am on Friday or Saturday morning. A certain time after which it is acceptable to arrive.
Movies - Godfather / Godfather II ( Dreeeeeeeww, yes ? )
- insert -cool- movie here
- ditto
Any neato PS2 games anyone can think of ?
Oh yes, hot chocolate. Lets talk about that shall we ? When someone mentions hot chocolate on a cold day you might think of a nice warm ( or hot depending on preference ) cup of a dark creamy substance. To my suprise as I read the instructions of my little hot chocolate package today it said add hot -water-...
I asked myself, " Water... Why the fuck would water go into hot chocolate ? " I shrugged it off thinking that perhaps since these are the 'instructions' it tastes best this way.
WRONG It's thin, and disgusting. Take a chocolate bar ( Hershey's most likely ) and let it melt in a pot of hot water, that's what you'll have, chocolate flavored - W a t e r -. Hot chocolate should be made with M I L K for that nice creamy thick soothing taste as it flows down your throat heating your insides.
As over used as the saying is, I ask you all. " Got Milk ? "
I'd like to take this time to recognize a very awesome movie, one that I have seen for the fifth time tonight. " Gandhi "
No matter how often I see it I'm glued to the television. I have too much pure German blood flowing through my veins to try any non-violence type of things, each time I watch though I'm over-whelmed with respect for that long dead skinny Indian man. Although not quite certain where or from whom, I read a quote once - " It is the soldier above all, who prays for peace. " So, strange as it may sound, lets hear it for peace eh ? Toast a drink, sit in silence, sing - whatever floats yer boat.
Now, where is this here so oft spoken of barbeque ? You thought it might be nice to have everyone gather and all that sort James, now it is I ( and others ) who might think it nice if you actually give us a fucking day and time so that we may plan accordingly. If you say this weekend -sometime- then I doubt you'd like people showing up at 5am on Friday or Saturday morning. A certain time after which it is acceptable to arrive.
Movies - Godfather / Godfather II ( Dreeeeeeeww, yes ? )
- insert -cool- movie here
- ditto
Any neato PS2 games anyone can think of ?
Oh yes, hot chocolate. Lets talk about that shall we ? When someone mentions hot chocolate on a cold day you might think of a nice warm ( or hot depending on preference ) cup of a dark creamy substance. To my suprise as I read the instructions of my little hot chocolate package today it said add hot -water-...
I asked myself, " Water... Why the fuck would water go into hot chocolate ? " I shrugged it off thinking that perhaps since these are the 'instructions' it tastes best this way.
WRONG It's thin, and disgusting. Take a chocolate bar ( Hershey's most likely ) and let it melt in a pot of hot water, that's what you'll have, chocolate flavored - W a t e r -. Hot chocolate should be made with M I L K for that nice creamy thick soothing taste as it flows down your throat heating your insides.
As over used as the saying is, I ask you all. " Got Milk ? "
January 24, 2002
Whomever yells the loudest is obviously the more right
it is a general rule at my house. I just had a " fight " with my father - it ended with " if you dont like it you can pay rent " - first it was " if you dont like it you can leave " and then i'd leave towards the door and he wouldnt let me leave. then it was " if you dont like it you can go get a job " - then I got a job and now it is " if you dont like it cough up some money " - and Im thinking considering this ' room ' i will have for rent is 15% occupied by a large piece of furniture I dont want - and that I have siblings and no locked door - and that all I do anymore is get on the computer and sleep - that my room should be worth at most 25$ a month. I bought my own fuckin' food. Sum-bitch.
Also - I'd like to point out about the first post - that Andy gets horny when thinking about 'deepsea diving' - and then reads 'fantasy books' and then thinks up witty ways to imply that Jeff is homosexual ( notice - he is still horny ) - and then finds himself scurrying off of a tangent about " the barbeque " - hmmmm.
Other than that - everything seems to be ok.
My father's computer might be " de commissioned " for the evening/weekend however - so if you want to just bring your whole system over ( like last time ) Jesse - that'd be darn tootin' - and hopefully we can all con andy into getting his lazy ass to move his computer ( we'll have to have someone with a nice ass offer themselves to him ... note - not me ) - and then that'll be five computers running. wer're running to the max now, baby. I tell ya - ALIEN VERSUS PREDATOR TWO is so much fun it isnt funny. It'll be great. As for Godfather - GOOD IDEA - Ive been meaning to see that for eternity. Definately a renter.
As for the paypal debit card.
fuck you steven
my life was almost complete with my 1.5% cashback -
and so now I'm paranoid.
now I'm trying to read small print.
trying to figure out where it says " by the way we'll fuck you in the ass "
it is a general rule at my house. I just had a " fight " with my father - it ended with " if you dont like it you can pay rent " - first it was " if you dont like it you can leave " and then i'd leave towards the door and he wouldnt let me leave. then it was " if you dont like it you can go get a job " - then I got a job and now it is " if you dont like it cough up some money " - and Im thinking considering this ' room ' i will have for rent is 15% occupied by a large piece of furniture I dont want - and that I have siblings and no locked door - and that all I do anymore is get on the computer and sleep - that my room should be worth at most 25$ a month. I bought my own fuckin' food. Sum-bitch.
Also - I'd like to point out about the first post - that Andy gets horny when thinking about 'deepsea diving' - and then reads 'fantasy books' and then thinks up witty ways to imply that Jeff is homosexual ( notice - he is still horny ) - and then finds himself scurrying off of a tangent about " the barbeque " - hmmmm.
Other than that - everything seems to be ok.
My father's computer might be " de commissioned " for the evening/weekend however - so if you want to just bring your whole system over ( like last time ) Jesse - that'd be darn tootin' - and hopefully we can all con andy into getting his lazy ass to move his computer ( we'll have to have someone with a nice ass offer themselves to him ... note - not me ) - and then that'll be five computers running. wer're running to the max now, baby. I tell ya - ALIEN VERSUS PREDATOR TWO is so much fun it isnt funny. It'll be great. As for Godfather - GOOD IDEA - Ive been meaning to see that for eternity. Definately a renter.
As for the paypal debit card.
fuck you steven
my life was almost complete with my 1.5% cashback -
and so now I'm paranoid.
now I'm trying to read small print.
trying to figure out where it says " by the way we'll fuck you in the ass "
Somewhere, out there - there's someone sitting infront of a computer waiting for a first post to appear, and now they have it.
Late nights are always grand, the strangest thoughts twitter around in my head. Could I be a Police Officer or perhaps a Deepsea Diver ? Have I had anything alcoholic to drink to think these things ? No, I haven't. Maybe I should and those thoughts will vanish.
Oh yes, I have the right to laugh like an ' evil wanna-be-world-dominator '. Mua hahah!!
After a certain someone told me, "Read that book." (Wizard's First Rule) coughDoreencough I have finally caught up! grins with feverish delight I have the newest book she doesn't have! Now I shall no longer get the answer "You'll have to read it to find out" type of answer to when I speculate on the upcoming events in these series of books.
Hrmmm... I'm horny. I thought I might have been wrong, but no - I was right. I shall save all my goodness for this here Barbeque and I shall ... well - nevermind that.
Fuck... I wanted to say something smart about Jeff and his sodomy stuff... Not sure what it was about though, something about "I've had saltier" and "It'll come back and bite you in the ass"... I'm not too sure though.
Hell, I've wasted enough time. Maybe this won't be first post anymore. Doubtful though.
Screw you all a good night.
Late nights are always grand, the strangest thoughts twitter around in my head. Could I be a Police Officer or perhaps a Deepsea Diver ? Have I had anything alcoholic to drink to think these things ? No, I haven't. Maybe I should and those thoughts will vanish.
Oh yes, I have the right to laugh like an ' evil wanna-be-world-dominator '. Mua hahah!!
After a certain someone told me, "Read that book." (Wizard's First Rule) coughDoreencough I have finally caught up! grins with feverish delight I have the newest book she doesn't have! Now I shall no longer get the answer "You'll have to read it to find out" type of answer to when I speculate on the upcoming events in these series of books.
Hrmmm... I'm horny. I thought I might have been wrong, but no - I was right. I shall save all my goodness for this here Barbeque and I shall ... well - nevermind that.
Fuck... I wanted to say something smart about Jeff and his sodomy stuff... Not sure what it was about though, something about "I've had saltier" and "It'll come back and bite you in the ass"... I'm not too sure though.
Hell, I've wasted enough time. Maybe this won't be first post anymore. Doubtful though.
Screw you all a good night.
January 23, 2002
that would constitute spam.
however - we've never had a problem with that.
and there really isn't any " rules / regulation " against it.
( although I almost enstated a " no fucking test " rule because I didnt care if you were geek / goth / emo / blue / yellow / stupid / horny or dismembered [ where is the dismembered quiz anyway? ] )
but he makes me laugh so much! zach~0 5000, " yes indeed sir i have sodomized, on more than one occasion " - but the jibberish post was annoying - STILL - he is one of the few postees who really just makes me laugh - it is sad that Jimmoi, otherwise known as " airforce bitch " - cannot see his brilliance. sad day.
and now - onto my " hey you " posting!
Hey Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooou :
I will probably stop by tomorrow. Being that you are you and I am me and so on - tomorrow will probably be friday instead of thursday ( so not tomorrow ) but still - hopefully the (cough) 'stuff' will be ready by then. Also - still havent heard any info on whether or not you'll make it to the " big weekend " deal - and ask drew to post if he can make it as well. crazy day. oh - and what time does your 'store' open up? " the gang " can show up there and make it look " popular " the first day. heh. and when is the next "release" of the bethel high school newspaper - DO NOT THINK THAT I HAVE FORGOTTEN MY AD-FULL GOOD-NESS-ISHNESS.
yes. Even you were specifically mentioned to be present, merely because of the few women that I know ( notice > FEW ) - you do not seem to be abraisive with my associates, asides from Aaron getting pouty that zach-o got to feel you up when he himself had it planned in his dirty little mind, that is about all - and now that we're all passed all that I figured if you'd want to hang out with us losers then it would be perfectly A - O - K - but you seem to harbour a unwarranted " dislike " for me it seems. Go figure. The offer still stands, however. But your weird-haired would-be "lets meet the parents and cook dinner for you" boyfriend isnt invited. har.
can you make it this weekend or are you running of to ( name a college ) to peruse and examine their facilities?
I dont know. Cybersex just doesn't do it for me. Sure you can use many different words to say " I done shoved this hot iron rod up your ass " but it just isnt the same when I'm here all alone and doing it myself trying to imagine you here, nut-sack sweating and all. It JUST ISNT THE SAME. So I'm sorry to say that I've moved on and found a better man. No, not the asian-stank air-force-bitch jimmoi, but GLEN FABIAN. Yes, he may be asian, but he isn't stank or bitched-to-the-airforce. Mmmmm. Oh! He's calling my name, gotta go.
I resent being called a sodomist.
I resent, however do not deny.
I do deny any correlation to my being a hedonist, thou.
Where the fux0rs are you?
D S-
and you too? Gone away to happy no-post on the slug-board land?
David, Sherrie, Andrew, Anthony, Goldfish, Rae-27390281, Pinkos, JD, Doreen, Octavia, Michaela, natalie, Michael, and Kimberly-
a great thing happened today. I got my paypal debit card. whoo hoo 1.5% cashback on all bought items from here-on-in! $$
other than that. fleh.
however - we've never had a problem with that.
and there really isn't any " rules / regulation " against it.
( although I almost enstated a " no fucking test " rule because I didnt care if you were geek / goth / emo / blue / yellow / stupid / horny or dismembered [ where is the dismembered quiz anyway? ] )
but he makes me laugh so much! zach~0 5000, " yes indeed sir i have sodomized, on more than one occasion " - but the jibberish post was annoying - STILL - he is one of the few postees who really just makes me laugh - it is sad that Jimmoi, otherwise known as " airforce bitch " - cannot see his brilliance. sad day.
and now - onto my " hey you " posting!
Hey Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooou :
I will probably stop by tomorrow. Being that you are you and I am me and so on - tomorrow will probably be friday instead of thursday ( so not tomorrow ) but still - hopefully the (cough) 'stuff' will be ready by then. Also - still havent heard any info on whether or not you'll make it to the " big weekend " deal - and ask drew to post if he can make it as well. crazy day. oh - and what time does your 'store' open up? " the gang " can show up there and make it look " popular " the first day. heh. and when is the next "release" of the bethel high school newspaper - DO NOT THINK THAT I HAVE FORGOTTEN MY AD-FULL GOOD-NESS-ISHNESS.
yes. Even you were specifically mentioned to be present, merely because of the few women that I know ( notice > FEW ) - you do not seem to be abraisive with my associates, asides from Aaron getting pouty that zach-o got to feel you up when he himself had it planned in his dirty little mind, that is about all - and now that we're all passed all that I figured if you'd want to hang out with us losers then it would be perfectly A - O - K - but you seem to harbour a unwarranted " dislike " for me it seems. Go figure. The offer still stands, however. But your weird-haired would-be "lets meet the parents and cook dinner for you" boyfriend isnt invited. har.
can you make it this weekend or are you running of to ( name a college ) to peruse and examine their facilities?
I dont know. Cybersex just doesn't do it for me. Sure you can use many different words to say " I done shoved this hot iron rod up your ass " but it just isnt the same when I'm here all alone and doing it myself trying to imagine you here, nut-sack sweating and all. It JUST ISNT THE SAME. So I'm sorry to say that I've moved on and found a better man. No, not the asian-stank air-force-bitch jimmoi, but GLEN FABIAN. Yes, he may be asian, but he isn't stank or bitched-to-the-airforce. Mmmmm. Oh! He's calling my name, gotta go.
I resent being called a sodomist.
I resent, however do not deny.
I do deny any correlation to my being a hedonist, thou.
Where the fux0rs are you?
D S-
and you too? Gone away to happy no-post on the slug-board land?
David, Sherrie, Andrew, Anthony, Goldfish, Rae-27390281, Pinkos, JD, Doreen, Octavia, Michaela, natalie, Michael, and Kimberly-
a great thing happened today. I got my paypal debit card. whoo hoo 1.5% cashback on all bought items from here-on-in! $$
other than that. fleh.
January 22, 2002
Now, I'm sure that many of you know that something called "sodomy" is illegal in some states.
Others of you may know that the term sodomy stems from the biblical Sodom and Gamorah (I apologize
as i cannot spell gamorah and would appreciate any info on that) story.
Well, i just thought that i'd take a couple of seconds to say that you ALL, (and by ALL i mean that
i am sure you ALL) have committed sodomy.
Good day sir,
what is this?
did I hear dM make a challenge.
to reduce " first post goodness " to nothing more than " hah you stupid loser " and to, in fact, have second post goodness instead?
OoOoh, the challenge will be met -
but wait -
let us have a ' disqalification ' in the event that the first postee is the same as the second postee ( ie - you post once just to get second )
did I hear dM make a challenge.
to reduce " first post goodness " to nothing more than " hah you stupid loser " and to, in fact, have second post goodness instead?
OoOoh, the challenge will be met -
but wait -
let us have a ' disqalification ' in the event that the first postee is the same as the second postee ( ie - you post once just to get second )
Now, notice how I didn't make a big shit ass deal about having the first post ? Ask yourself, why the hell did he not do that ? Hmmm.... long silent moment of thought and reflection
S-E-C-O-N-D__ P-O-S-T__ R-U-L-E-S
That's why ya damn peanut eaters. How did that little jingle thingie go ? First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy hairy chest ? Somethin like that. Why is the second post the best ? Because those that post second have the first post to bitch about, and they can laugh at all the wierd folks who stay up late at night. ( Ignore the times of my posting, the clock was fuggy. James needs to fix it. )
S-E-C-O-N-D__ P-O-S-T__ R-U-L-E-S
That's why ya damn peanut eaters. How did that little jingle thingie go ? First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy hairy chest ? Somethin like that. Why is the second post the best ? Because those that post second have the first post to bitch about, and they can laugh at all the wierd folks who stay up late at night. ( Ignore the times of my posting, the clock was fuggy. James needs to fix it. )
Well fuck-o
Damned log in thing doesn't seem to have a long memory. I try to log in and type some bullshit ( which I forgot now ofcourse ) but my login name / password weren't there. Vvloops! Took about five minutes to figure out and now I just have this to complain about.
Right okay, barbeque... yea... my system... has like - zero - room for new games 'n' shit on it ( and I hate movin the damn thing ) so I may or may not bring that. Mostly depends on how many of us " cool losers " show up to play stuffs.
If we're going to rent mooovies we might as well ( or should ) get The Godfather since no one that I know has ever seen those.
Oh yes... my rare appearance seems to have been blessed, destined so to speak. First post o' the day.
Neato spazgetzi-o
right... okay... I'm done.
Damned log in thing doesn't seem to have a long memory. I try to log in and type some bullshit ( which I forgot now ofcourse ) but my login name / password weren't there. Vvloops! Took about five minutes to figure out and now I just have this to complain about.
Right okay, barbeque... yea... my system... has like - zero - room for new games 'n' shit on it ( and I hate movin the damn thing ) so I may or may not bring that. Mostly depends on how many of us " cool losers " show up to play stuffs.
If we're going to rent mooovies we might as well ( or should ) get The Godfather since no one that I know has ever seen those.
Oh yes... my rare appearance seems to have been blessed, destined so to speak. First post o' the day.
Neato spazgetzi-o
right... okay... I'm done.
January 21, 2002
Jesse -
recently have become interested much in anime.
thinking ( seriously ) about wasting that 200$ on the " perfect sessions " cowboy bebop thing / however have never actually seen any of the episodes - hence, am rather hesitant. So - any manner in which I could scrape off a couple episodes or a manner in which I can get myself a viewing of them ( or lain - or anything I can waste a good penny on ) - also considering buying the Urotsukidoji saga merely to say " HEY YOU GUYS WANNA SEE ANIME! " and then fuck people over. haa haa. but anywho.
also - ( cough ) - 5$ might have your name on it if ( cough ) in the event you can hook me up with ( cough ) anime clips that there could be a little slip of ( cough ) a copy of that ( cough ) REASON program you've been googling about - instead of ( cough ) my buying an actual Roland Synth, I could play ( cough ) around with that.
And yes. Zork does rule.
Zach-o -
you bastard. you moved. when did that happen? Here I am all bending over and waiting to be penetrated and what happens? NOTHING - because there is nobody back there fondlin' mah balls like a good lil' boy! YOU BASTARD! In stead I look back and there is a wild badger sitting there nibbling on my scrotum. SON OF A BITCH. Also - you never gave me a " IM GONNA MAKE THAT A TZA " shirt that I gave you $4 for ( dont worry about it ) and never got that 5$ Pain ceedee copy ( eh, dont worry about it ) and I never got my Reel Big fish CD ( feh, dont worry about it ) - and uh ... MONKIES!
Aaron -
get a'hold of joe. ask'em if he wants to be a slug. and your top fifty list looked like a re-made version of their list - but with Joe satriani added. hee hee.
Anyone -
I'm considering having another would-be " barbeque " at my house come some weekend - the thing is, it will probably be according to my schedule - and all weekend long. Possibly considering next weekend, even. So - There will be a little something for everyone. Four computers ( hopefully ) up and running with Alien vs. Predator 2 and other multiplayer games. I have a five-buddy switch ( if anyone has another that can be added, and some systems . . . . ) - so if anyone [ hopefully andy ] wants to bring over a system thats one more for the fray. Also - the Playstation two only has two controllers and two games. Dont worry - we can rent games. I also have a dvd player in my room - meaning that we can rent dvd movies - and have plenty of movies in stock to watch ( requiem, the wall, akira, life of brian, holy grail, tommy, blade runner, o-brother where art thou ) - and would gladly watch anything NEW that I havent seen. Now - to be specific, I am only interested in people who are willing to stay THE WHOLE WEEKEND - that is to say STAY OVERE HERE - and being that I have a weird schedule, expect to stay up WAY LATE at night ( be it playing games, watching movies, coffee debates, making music [reason?] - you name it ) and not do anything actually ' productive ' ( meaning school-work ) - and if you want to take a shower, that is if you smell bad ( JIMMOI! ) that's perfectly fine. You can use my shampoo even if you'd like, but as for soap - you can fuckin' buy that yourself. Heh. Would anyone be interested in such an event? I had jimmoi stay over ALL WEEKEND just this weekend and it was a grand event. I specifically wanted Aaron, Jesse, Mike, Drew, Zach, and even Bonnie over - and thought up of this crazy-ass weekend-deal. Again, not necissarily this weekend - but if enough people mentioned are interested, available, and willing - then hell maybe this weekend.
oh - and the excerpt above is from The Stranger - mah mucho greatest favoritest book ever. By Camus. Funny thing - someone this morning called me " Sisysphus " enroute to work. I laughed at her. She's funny.
- end.
recently have become interested much in anime.
thinking ( seriously ) about wasting that 200$ on the " perfect sessions " cowboy bebop thing / however have never actually seen any of the episodes - hence, am rather hesitant. So - any manner in which I could scrape off a couple episodes or a manner in which I can get myself a viewing of them ( or lain - or anything I can waste a good penny on ) - also considering buying the Urotsukidoji saga merely to say " HEY YOU GUYS WANNA SEE ANIME! " and then fuck people over. haa haa. but anywho.
also - ( cough ) - 5$ might have your name on it if ( cough ) in the event you can hook me up with ( cough ) anime clips that there could be a little slip of ( cough ) a copy of that ( cough ) REASON program you've been googling about - instead of ( cough ) my buying an actual Roland Synth, I could play ( cough ) around with that.
And yes. Zork does rule.
Zach-o -
you bastard. you moved. when did that happen? Here I am all bending over and waiting to be penetrated and what happens? NOTHING - because there is nobody back there fondlin' mah balls like a good lil' boy! YOU BASTARD! In stead I look back and there is a wild badger sitting there nibbling on my scrotum. SON OF A BITCH. Also - you never gave me a " IM GONNA MAKE THAT A TZA " shirt that I gave you $4 for ( dont worry about it ) and never got that 5$ Pain ceedee copy ( eh, dont worry about it ) and I never got my Reel Big fish CD ( feh, dont worry about it ) - and uh ... MONKIES!
Aaron -
get a'hold of joe. ask'em if he wants to be a slug. and your top fifty list looked like a re-made version of their list - but with Joe satriani added. hee hee.
Anyone -
I'm considering having another would-be " barbeque " at my house come some weekend - the thing is, it will probably be according to my schedule - and all weekend long. Possibly considering next weekend, even. So - There will be a little something for everyone. Four computers ( hopefully ) up and running with Alien vs. Predator 2 and other multiplayer games. I have a five-buddy switch ( if anyone has another that can be added, and some systems . . . . ) - so if anyone [ hopefully andy ] wants to bring over a system thats one more for the fray. Also - the Playstation two only has two controllers and two games. Dont worry - we can rent games. I also have a dvd player in my room - meaning that we can rent dvd movies - and have plenty of movies in stock to watch ( requiem, the wall, akira, life of brian, holy grail, tommy, blade runner, o-brother where art thou ) - and would gladly watch anything NEW that I havent seen. Now - to be specific, I am only interested in people who are willing to stay THE WHOLE WEEKEND - that is to say STAY OVERE HERE - and being that I have a weird schedule, expect to stay up WAY LATE at night ( be it playing games, watching movies, coffee debates, making music [reason?] - you name it ) and not do anything actually ' productive ' ( meaning school-work ) - and if you want to take a shower, that is if you smell bad ( JIMMOI! ) that's perfectly fine. You can use my shampoo even if you'd like, but as for soap - you can fuckin' buy that yourself. Heh. Would anyone be interested in such an event? I had jimmoi stay over ALL WEEKEND just this weekend and it was a grand event. I specifically wanted Aaron, Jesse, Mike, Drew, Zach, and even Bonnie over - and thought up of this crazy-ass weekend-deal. Again, not necissarily this weekend - but if enough people mentioned are interested, available, and willing - then hell maybe this weekend.
oh - and the excerpt above is from The Stranger - mah mucho greatest favoritest book ever. By Camus. Funny thing - someone this morning called me " Sisysphus " enroute to work. I laughed at her. She's funny.
- end.
Then, I dont know why, but something inside me snapped. I started yelling at the top of my lungs and I insulted him and told him not to waste his prayers on me. I grabbed him by the collar of his cassock. I was pouring out on him everything that was in my heart, cries of anger and cries of joy. He seemed so certain about everything, didn't he? And yet none of his certainties was worth one hair of a woman's head. He wasn't even sure he was alive, because he was living like a dead man. Whereas it looked as if I was the one who'd come up emptyhanded. But I was sure about me, about everything, surer than he could be, sure of my life and sure of the death I had waiting for me. Yes, that was all I had. But at least I had as much of a hold on it as it had on me. I had been right, I was still right, I was always right. I had lived my life one way and I could just as well have lived it another. I had done this and I hadn't done that. I hadn't done this thing but I had done another. And so? It was as if I had waited all this time for this moment and for the first light of this dawn to be vindicated. Nothing, nothing mattered, and I knew why. So did he. THroughout the whole absurd life I'd lived, a dark wind had been rising toward me from somewhere deep in my future, across years that were still to come, and as it passed, this wind leveled whatever was offered to me at the time, in years no more real than the ones I was living. What did other people's deaths or a mother's love matter to me; what did his God or the lives people choose or the fate they think they elect matter to me when we're all elected by the same fate, me and billions of privileged people like him who are also called themselves my brothers? Couldn't he see, couldn't he see that? Everybody was privileged. There were only privileged people. The others would all be condemned one day. And he would be condemned, too. What would it matter if he were accused of murder and then executed because he didn't cry at his mother's funeral? Salamano's dog was worth just as much as his wife. The little robot woman was just as guilty as the Parisian woman Mason married, or as Marie, who had wanted me to marry her. What did it matter that Raymond was as much my friend as Celeste, who was worth a lot more than him? What did it matter that Marie now offered her lips to a ner Meursault? Couldn't he, couldnt this couldn't this condemned man see . . . And from somewhere deep in my future . . . All the shouting had me gasping for air. But they were already tearing the chaplain from my grip and the guards were threatening me. He calmed them, though, and looked at me for a moment without saying anything. His eyes were full of tears. Then he turned and disappeared.
With him gone, I was able to calm down again. I was exhausted and threw myself on my bunk. I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up with the stars in my face. Sounds of the countryside were drifting in. Smells of night, earth, and salt air were cooling my temples. The wondrous peace of that sleeping summer flowed through me like a tide. Then, in the dark hour before dawn, sirens blasted. They were announcing departures for a world that now and forever meant nothing to me. For the first time in a long time I thought about Maman. I felt as if I understood why at the end of her life she had taken a 'fiance', why she had played at beginning again. Even there, in that home where lives were fading out, evening was a kind of wistful respite. So close to death, Maman must have felt free then and ready to live it all again. Nobody, nobody had the right to cry over her. And I felt ready to live it all again too. As if that blind rage had washed me clean, rid me of hope; for the first time, in that night alive with signs and stars, I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world. Finding it so much like myself - so like a brother, really - I felt that I had been happy and that I was happy again. For everything to be consummated, for me to feel less alone, I had only to wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution and that they greet me with cries of hate.
With him gone, I was able to calm down again. I was exhausted and threw myself on my bunk. I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up with the stars in my face. Sounds of the countryside were drifting in. Smells of night, earth, and salt air were cooling my temples. The wondrous peace of that sleeping summer flowed through me like a tide. Then, in the dark hour before dawn, sirens blasted. They were announcing departures for a world that now and forever meant nothing to me. For the first time in a long time I thought about Maman. I felt as if I understood why at the end of her life she had taken a 'fiance', why she had played at beginning again. Even there, in that home where lives were fading out, evening was a kind of wistful respite. So close to death, Maman must have felt free then and ready to live it all again. Nobody, nobody had the right to cry over her. And I felt ready to live it all again too. As if that blind rage had washed me clean, rid me of hope; for the first time, in that night alive with signs and stars, I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world. Finding it so much like myself - so like a brother, really - I felt that I had been happy and that I was happy again. For everything to be consummated, for me to feel less alone, I had only to wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution and that they greet me with cries of hate.
January 20, 2002
Vampyros Lesbos - hmm. considering this as well. funny looking.
Princess Mononoke - consider this bought already
Hell on Earth: The Urotsukidoji Saga / ah hah hah hah. no really. funny.
Brazil Brazil is worth 60$? hmm.
Princess Mononoke - consider this bought already
Hell on Earth: The Urotsukidoji Saga / ah hah hah hah. no really. funny.
Brazil Brazil is worth 60$? hmm.
January 18, 2002
I have been away for a long time...a long long time...
during that time i have uncovered a great atrocity, a mind-numbing tale of intrigue and espionage...
and now i share that tale with you all...
in a series of posts...
Episode I: Ordinary Day
It all begins a couple of months ago, last year, in September, when i was on my summer interim, a break from going to college. I spent some of my time down in Roy, hanging out with james and andy and jimmy on occasion. Usually, however, they were at work...
Well, one day, jimmy, andy, and myself were driving around, trying to figure out what to do...
We were also looking for james and heather, since we couldn't find them. James' clone..err...brother Michael had told us that Heather dragged James over to jOe's house to pick berries or something...
I really couldn't understand him because he started in the language of EQ, and about how his brother was going to spawn at jOe's or something...
i really couldn't follow.
thankfully andy was there to translate while jimmy and i ransacked james' refrigerator for food...
So anyway, we headed for jOe's house...with little enthusiam...
Upon arriving at jOe's house, we entered and stumbled upon a startling scene:
Suffice it to say that jimmy, andy, and i were quite shocked...
The sounds of vomitting still haunt me in the nights...
We will never really know what happened that day...
nor should we, i imagine.
Anyway, after heavy tranquilization, we all decided to do something.
We tried to ditch jOe and go watch a movie, but that didn't seem to be working...
(plus, i could have sworn james mentioning something about how it would be bad to use him and leave him...)
So the movie was out. Andy didn't want, as he put it, "jOe's large bitch-ass in his car". We ended up sitting around jOe's house making prank calls to the Target pay phones. James ended up calling and getting some girl. He thought it was funny...
he seemed to be the only one.
Meanwhile jOe kept talking about potatoes and land-o-lakes...i don't know why.
He also kept staring at his pet dog while holding a butter knife and a napkin...
After about an hour of this, i decided that i'd rather have the neighborhood rednecks catch me and eat my liver while i was still breathing. Just as i started hinting at wanting to leave however, jOe spoke up and said, "Mrrwaa...wanna sea somting coool?"
Jimmy: sarcastically Sure jOe.
Me: Hey, is it in the barn?
jOe: Mrwaa!!FFds...NO, you will never have the necronamic...arjjlwmmrr...necronamican!
Everybody: Looks around confused
Me: What the hell are you talking about jOe?
jOe: looking confused, trying to understand the situation mRmmr...I mean, NO! you mrr.ww musst never entter the baryn...mrrwwa...
Me: Uhm, okay, whatever jOe.
Jimmy: Sure jOe.
With that said, jOe lead us toward a part of his yard that we had never quite seen before. You see, jOe's yard is vast...vast and stinks like wet dogs covered with three day old rotten eggs... Much of his yard i have not explored, nor wish to.
jOe brought us to a strange site. In the air hovered a strange image surrounded by a glowing yellow light...
All jOe could say was, "Mrrwa...twinkey"
After looking at it for a moment, i realized that we were looking at some strange portal...
jOe: mrrrwwa...its a lexus...
Jimmy: What?!
jOe: It's a mrrwaa...lexus... it takes you places far away...
Jimmy: Damnit jOe, you're talking about a nexus...
Me: Actually, a lexus can take you to places too i suppose.
James: Smacks me upside the head with a broken plyboard as everyone gives me the stupid look.
We were standing in front of a nexus, a gateway to other places...
We looked around and noticed other gateways, other nexuses leading to various places...
In the very center of the yard stood a gateway in the ground, with a piece of plywood laying over it, and a toilet sitting on top....
You could see bright red flames flickering underneath the board, and i swear i heard the sound of laughter...a dark laughter, eminating from beneath.
Me: Hey jOe, what's that...
jOe: meniacally laughing in a jOe-esque way Mrrwwa...nothing...mrr..gass leak...
Me: Let's check it out.
Everybody: I don't think that's a good idea...
Me: Aww com' on, what could possibly happen.
Unfortunately, no one agreed with me, so that mystery will always remain on the boarder of being answered.
Instead, we all walked up to the first portal jOe had shown us. We all stepped through, wondering what mystical place we would end up in...
Yes, that's right, stonehedge...
We were all amazed.
Andy talked about taking pictures of it...
James started poking the ground, while i had to stop jimmoi from urinating on one of the rocks...
Heather decided not to join us, and went off to wherever she goes when she gets tired of us...
After checking out the place, jOe suggested that we have a barbeque...
now, since we were all hungry, that idea actually sounded somewhat decent.
jOe had spare steak in one of the folds of his skin. (Don't worry, it was wrapped in layers and layers of seranwrap...
So james, andy, and i worked on the fire, while jimmy started gettin' jiggy with himself...
jOe stood back, and it looked like he was staring at something...
yes, it was a great fun day had by all...
until, out of nowhere, something appeared in the sky!
Out of nowhere, this giant fish began hovering over us, telling us that he had a warning for us...a dire warning...
a warning that would change our lives forever...
January 17, 2002
See, Aaron? Your name -is- confusing - Jefff replied to your post and called you Jesse!! Ha ha haha!
Everyone needs to listen to Bitch and Animal. I'm sending their music to MyKalie. . hehehe. .about how some girls can't stay away from the best cock on the block. ..heh
It should be noted, though, that I also recommended Tori, so you might not want to listen to me.
Everyone needs to listen to Bitch and Animal. I'm sending their music to MyKalie. . hehehe. .about how some girls can't stay away from the best cock on the block. ..heh
It should be noted, though, that I also recommended Tori, so you might not want to listen to me.
James...I'm sorry that you have to see this, but I thought you should know...
it may be painful, it may be heart-wrenching...
it may make you consider ending everything...
but remain strong my friend...
Hey...maybe it's not what it seems...
As for other things...
yes i am back...whahooo...
i wasn't really gone so much as extremely busy...
still am to be honest...
which comes to the other reason why i haven't posted...
i lost my...creativity, for lack of a better word. I hit a lull, and rather then flood this place with crap...(not that that has EVER happened with other people's posts), i decided to simply take a hiatus...
and unlike others' strategies...i choose not to make a big deal about it...
considering it's not that big of a deal in the first place...
also...i have been on important assignment getting some top secret news for you...
that picture i posted yesterday...that is only the tip of the iceberg...
an iceberg of which i will reveal to you all in steps...
and then it will all make so much glorious sense.
January 16, 2002
it looks like drew needs to call people ' fucking eediots ' more often.
being that it seems to have arouse(en)ed the great and omnbious Jeff-o.
this is good. this is real good. considering my father has just recently bought a digital camera that is worthy of shoving up my anus and playing " WHO HID THE DIGITAL CAMERA IN MY ASS " - much like pin the tail on the donkey but in reverse. that in mind - be expecting ... photos. ... and stories. yes.... yes... all will be good... and with jeff making a comeback ... egg salad....
egg salad
so drew and jesse - you want posts?
posts you'll get.
also, SPIN magazine voted Pink Floyd #49 out of 50, best bands ' of all time -
SPIN magazine = fucked in head
being that it seems to have arouse(en)ed the great and omnbious Jeff-o.
this is good. this is real good. considering my father has just recently bought a digital camera that is worthy of shoving up my anus and playing " WHO HID THE DIGITAL CAMERA IN MY ASS " - much like pin the tail on the donkey but in reverse. that in mind - be expecting ... photos. ... and stories. yes.... yes... all will be good... and with jeff making a comeback ... egg salad....
so drew and jesse - you want posts?
posts you'll get.
SPIN magazine = fucked in head
January 15, 2002
Miss Taylor on being given too much intimate information -
You know, I got used to all my lesbian friends telling me about their exploits and relationships. It doesn't bother me much. However, a not-so-straight male friend of mine was telling me about a recent conquest, and he says to me, 'So we were going at it. . .' and then it hit me - the difference between gay men and gay women!!! It's not as profound as, like, the meaning of life or something, but still important. When my lesbian friends tell me they were 'going at it' with some chick, I have no idea what in the hell they mean - or, I have an idea, but there's soooo many options that I don't have to know. When a man says 'going at it', it means one thing and one thing alone. Damn. That's why I hate straight stories - I have too visual an imagination for a play by play.
I think I've been scarred for life.
You know, I got used to all my lesbian friends telling me about their exploits and relationships. It doesn't bother me much. However, a not-so-straight male friend of mine was telling me about a recent conquest, and he says to me, 'So we were going at it. . .' and then it hit me - the difference between gay men and gay women!!! It's not as profound as, like, the meaning of life or something, but still important. When my lesbian friends tell me they were 'going at it' with some chick, I have no idea what in the hell they mean - or, I have an idea, but there's soooo many options that I don't have to know. When a man says 'going at it', it means one thing and one thing alone. Damn. That's why I hate straight stories - I have too visual an imagination for a play by play.
I think I've been scarred for life.
January 12, 2002
dave - if you're reading this : add a comment and hook me up with your email address
napster - life is life, you're living, emotions are for the dead, you -arent- fat, get a girl, and dance a little
mr. r - you are now re-instated on the board
mr. parker - you'll probably have some troubles posting. in the event you need help ... um... ask steven! hahaha
augh. i dont feel well.
napster - life is life, you're living, emotions are for the dead, you -arent- fat, get a girl, and dance a little
mr. r - you are now re-instated on the board
mr. parker - you'll probably have some troubles posting. in the event you need help ... um... ask steven! hahaha
augh. i dont feel well.
January 10, 2002
first I would like to point out a very important factor in my ' going out into the world to try ' to find people. I dont know things. I dont know where to " party " - nor how. I dont know how to " hang out " - and I'm not good with " people I dont know " - in fact, anyone buy this friday/saturday night ( SPECIFICALLY NIGHT ) - wanna go out and take me somewhere where thar be women folk rounds fer me to impress? anywho - I must attack, or retort, or whatever have you - on the concept of " Musical politics being bullshit "
To an extent - I agree.
To another extent, I dont agree in the slightest.
I do admit that some things are said about bands that are " new " are entirely fueled upon the fact that people have habits of getting into ruts, accepting things as how they are and assuming that will be the way they will always be. For instance, System of a Down. I remember when System was that dinky little band that Aaron and Anthony ( he should post sometime! ) would listen to and that they got Jimmoi to listen to. I chalked it up to nothing more than " metal " - which for the most part I didnt enjoy with the exception to Pantera. Metallica just was not my slice of pie. After some select run-ins with System ( one being at the beach with jimmoi listening to ' clown music ' and then the big one - Anthony shaking his rump to D-Devil ) I decided to sit down with their cd and really listen to them - and found it more than enjoyable. I was hooked. His voice was like nothing I had ever heard before. I know what I like - but I also understand that there exist " another race " of people out there in the world. These people are what I'd like to call " the flow "
Much like Star Wars' " the force " - " the flow " works in a similar matter, and I'm always it's god-damned " disturbance " for some reason. It is the reason why everyone says I *TRY* to be " unique " or " different " - it is the reason that I stand out like a sore thumb on the hand of some beautiful maiden jacking my member off. ... ah hah - now what stood out, the sore thumb ... or ... ------- BUT ANYWHO : " THE FORCE " and those who are influenced by it find nothing more interesting or " worth of value " than that which is new. NEW NEW NEW. Nike releases a NEW pair of shoes - they've got to get it because they are the BEST pair of shoes THAT EVER EXISTED IN THE ENTIRE EXISTANCE OF MANKIND. Then you've got, of course, the 'anti-flow' - the " DARK SIDE " - like a big block of cheese with your digestive system, their purpose is to do nothing more than go the opposite way that whatever ' the flow ' is going.
What you ( steven ) have hit on before, people degrading ' new ' music for the sake of it being ' new ' and sounding like ' other stuff ' ( if you notice, i really get ' kick ' out of putting things in ' quotation marks ' ) - is in actuality the work of this " DARK SIDE OF THE FLOW " ( which shall here-in be referred to as the BLOCK SIDE ) --- Now these followers of the block-side are about as soul-less as those who follow the flow. If shopping at the GAP is suppose to be the hip thing to do - they'll shop at Hot Topic. If wearing Old Navy is thing to do, they'll go shop at Bargain World. If choosing colors which are ' in style ' or ' seasonal ' seem appropriate, they'll wear nothing but black. They are unique. And different. And they are the reason I get stigmata'd as some sort of fsking freak. MONKIES!
But somewhere between the two I would have to say lays my ideals. I do so enjoy getting a kick out of the reaction of " the flow " when some new band comes out and I just say they're nothing more than shit regurgitated and they get all in a tissy. Oh fuck - I forgot a vital part of my argument :O
somethings have already been done. they have been done well. I did not like the new rendition of " Another Brick in the Wall pt. II " which, thank god, is not named " Teachers leave those kids alone " - I did not like the new rendition of " Wish you were here " which, thank god, does not feature the lyrical abuse of " So glad you're here ". to attempt to do something that has already been done and -NOT IMPROVE- upon it in some fashion, or to do something that has already been done, and since the general populace is DUMB AS GOUGING OUT YOUR EYEBALLS IN SPACE to know that it has already been done you get the credit for someone else's obvious talent ( COUGH - can I say SMOOTH CRIMINAL? )
I dont think I've made a point yet.
give me a day and ill hammer this all into something that makes sense.
I hate you zach-o. I hate you're naked woman-y-ness too. I hate it when you dont fuck me in the ass in front of everyone. I hate it when you dont burn me a copy of MIDGHUTS WIF GEUNS. I hate it when you make me lauf wif yur funn-oi " zachfuscious-o " quotes. I hate it when ( something something ). But mostly, I hate it that I dont hate you at all.
( cue audience " awwwww " )
ah hahah.
Jesse - give me a reading on how much ad-space will cost ( post on board ) will ya?
ill try and stop by fri (day) like last week.
and what is this about ' reason ' ? - and be sure to have a copy of this V/VM thing ( ? )
Josephine -
changing the music one listens to does not make them any less of a lesbian.
and the fact that it is a woman, Melissa Etheridge more-less, doesn't help any either.
first I would like to point out a very important factor in my ' going out into the world to try ' to find people. I dont know things. I dont know where to " party " - nor how. I dont know how to " hang out " - and I'm not good with " people I dont know " - in fact, anyone buy this friday/saturday night ( SPECIFICALLY NIGHT ) - wanna go out and take me somewhere where thar be women folk rounds fer me to impress? anywho - I must attack, or retort, or whatever have you - on the concept of " Musical politics being bullshit "
To an extent - I agree.
To another extent, I dont agree in the slightest.
I do admit that some things are said about bands that are " new " are entirely fueled upon the fact that people have habits of getting into ruts, accepting things as how they are and assuming that will be the way they will always be. For instance, System of a Down. I remember when System was that dinky little band that Aaron and Anthony ( he should post sometime! ) would listen to and that they got Jimmoi to listen to. I chalked it up to nothing more than " metal " - which for the most part I didnt enjoy with the exception to Pantera. Metallica just was not my slice of pie. After some select run-ins with System ( one being at the beach with jimmoi listening to ' clown music ' and then the big one - Anthony shaking his rump to D-Devil ) I decided to sit down with their cd and really listen to them - and found it more than enjoyable. I was hooked. His voice was like nothing I had ever heard before. I know what I like - but I also understand that there exist " another race " of people out there in the world. These people are what I'd like to call " the flow "
Much like Star Wars' " the force " - " the flow " works in a similar matter, and I'm always it's god-damned " disturbance " for some reason. It is the reason why everyone says I *TRY* to be " unique " or " different " - it is the reason that I stand out like a sore thumb on the hand of some beautiful maiden jacking my member off. ... ah hah - now what stood out, the sore thumb ... or ... ------- BUT ANYWHO : " THE FORCE " and those who are influenced by it find nothing more interesting or " worth of value " than that which is new. NEW NEW NEW. Nike releases a NEW pair of shoes - they've got to get it because they are the BEST pair of shoes THAT EVER EXISTED IN THE ENTIRE EXISTANCE OF MANKIND. Then you've got, of course, the 'anti-flow' - the " DARK SIDE " - like a big block of cheese with your digestive system, their purpose is to do nothing more than go the opposite way that whatever ' the flow ' is going.
What you ( steven ) have hit on before, people degrading ' new ' music for the sake of it being ' new ' and sounding like ' other stuff ' ( if you notice, i really get ' kick ' out of putting things in ' quotation marks ' ) - is in actuality the work of this " DARK SIDE OF THE FLOW " ( which shall here-in be referred to as the BLOCK SIDE ) --- Now these followers of the block-side are about as soul-less as those who follow the flow. If shopping at the GAP is suppose to be the hip thing to do - they'll shop at Hot Topic. If wearing Old Navy is thing to do, they'll go shop at Bargain World. If choosing colors which are ' in style ' or ' seasonal ' seem appropriate, they'll wear nothing but black. They are unique. And different. And they are the reason I get stigmata'd as some sort of fsking freak. MONKIES!
But somewhere between the two I would have to say lays my ideals. I do so enjoy getting a kick out of the reaction of " the flow " when some new band comes out and I just say they're nothing more than shit regurgitated and they get all in a tissy. Oh fuck - I forgot a vital part of my argument :O
somethings have already been done. they have been done well. I did not like the new rendition of " Another Brick in the Wall pt. II " which, thank god, is not named " Teachers leave those kids alone " - I did not like the new rendition of " Wish you were here " which, thank god, does not feature the lyrical abuse of " So glad you're here ". to attempt to do something that has already been done and -NOT IMPROVE- upon it in some fashion, or to do something that has already been done, and since the general populace is DUMB AS GOUGING OUT YOUR EYEBALLS IN SPACE to know that it has already been done you get the credit for someone else's obvious talent ( COUGH - can I say SMOOTH CRIMINAL? )
I dont think I've made a point yet.
give me a day and ill hammer this all into something that makes sense.
I hate you zach-o. I hate you're naked woman-y-ness too. I hate it when you dont fuck me in the ass in front of everyone. I hate it when you dont burn me a copy of MIDGHUTS WIF GEUNS. I hate it when you make me lauf wif yur funn-oi " zachfuscious-o " quotes. I hate it when ( something something ). But mostly, I hate it that I dont hate you at all.
ah hahah.
Jesse - give me a reading on how much ad-space will cost ( post on board ) will ya?
ill try and stop by fri (day) like last week.
and what is this about ' reason ' ? - and be sure to have a copy of this V/VM thing ( ? )
Josephine -
changing the music one listens to does not make them any less of a lesbian.
and the fact that it is a woman, Melissa Etheridge more-less, doesn't help any either.
January 09, 2002
I am looking for acceptance. Accept me for me not for who I'm not or who you would like me to be. I'm looking for someone to give me a chance I don't really think that I'm that bad of a person. Friendship, a sense of humor and someone who could show me what it's like to be in a relationship and what it's like to have someone say I laove you and know that they really mean it.
you heard the woman.
get to accepting.
January 08, 2002
You Son-ovah bitch! I thought I was his first!
He was so sincere and loving - that beard of his used to tickle my... well nevermind...
You can have him! Fuck the both of you! Go hide out in some caves together for all I care!
I'm hurt and vulnerable - someone take advantage of me! Beautiful women apply in person, others will have to call and leave a message ( I'll call you, not really )
He was so sincere and loving - that beard of his used to tickle my... well nevermind...
You can have him! Fuck the both of you! Go hide out in some caves together for all I care!
I'm hurt and vulnerable - someone take advantage of me! Beautiful women apply in person, others will have to call and leave a message ( I'll call you, not really )
January 07, 2002
my father watches seventh heaven
so much for his profound athiesm eh?
maybe he finds the life he wishes would have come to him ( in the event that there did exist a God, you know? ) through the television - or maybe through the computer.
I woke up early today.
being that I went to sleep early as well.
and so it goes.
so much for his profound athiesm eh?
maybe he finds the life he wishes would have come to him ( in the event that there did exist a God, you know? ) through the television - or maybe through the computer.
I woke up early today.
being that I went to sleep early as well.
and so it goes.
January 7, 2002
I’m sitting here typing, wondering why I’m typing, as to why I’m typing and so forth... what random thoughts I have that run through my head... this computer word document under lines every single word that I type almost, only a few being left free from the peralis red line. It’s fun sitting here... class it is 35 minutes, and I am bored stiff... who knows what one is or what one does. One merely sits and thinks, writing random thoughts though in order it seems, not totally jumbled and incoherrent as they seem to me. I wonder about my typing, whether certain words I have typed are in fact spelt wrong... I think of one who is Alex known by name to me, but I also think of Mike Ehresman, Mike Rigney, Tom Tom, Rob Cail, Ryan Glen, Mat Bahnam, Nick Johnson... and others from my present and my youth... there also is the three true, Azshure, Meadow, and Autaunm... and there with the spelling yet again I am unsure. What is it that in this life makes me want to do things, to be remembered, to be forgotten... what is it that made me want to come and sit here and type other then bordom really..? That I may never know. LOL... life brings us many things, the devil on wings, the bringer of the queens... when I was on the train this morning, I was thinking about the man across from me. The train was full, which I think is to be expected, and we were near the doors that go out, in the little ’coridor’ there, and we were both facing a different window. I knew we could see eachother in them... each the other and his own, but we could also see out into the night if we really wanted to... I did and I didn’t... and so I gazed from one to the next. I had seen this man before on the trains that ever go from one place to another and I wondered at that. He was about 6’2’’ brown/brown, at least I think he had brown eyes, just a guess really though, and he was one of those people who are handsome in a way as to say that he had a ’manly’ face and jawline, and yet it was too much. Part of his cheeks to me looked to hollow, like they had been delicately carved away, and put along his jaw and chin. It wasn’t a funny face, but a harsh face to look upon... then I thought later as time went on that this would be a very interesting picture indeed... a person watching a person, reflected by there own one watching them. No words do we ever peak to eachother, that is not needed, though no true looked passed between us, and maybe I was entirely mistaken in thinking that that one was watching me in turn, yet is a thought none the less which I type here and will print, and maybe I will remember it and not just toss it out in the time ahead, and yet if I were to truely keep all the papers I have and will type in the future, then I am surely going to have rooms full of paper work in the years to come. Time passes, I now have 17 minutes left to go till my class starts. I think that I will try to make this one page, though I know not what I will type even as I said before. My heart is heavy with this life, and yet to many I am very young, yet unto me I am very old, being that my 17 ½ years are so are all that I have yet lived, but so it is. I have told many a lie in my life, and it is true that over time they do in a way ensnare you, but that is for another time and another telling of tales. I hope that maybe one day I can sit down with some beloved friend, or mayhap so unknown, but kind stranger, and tell the tell that has been my life... but I hope that if/when that time comes I will not so embelish the truth or tell the lies that have become my life, but the real story from past to present and then on. As a child I told many stories of fantascy, though I hardly remember them or of them. My Mommers does though... she said that I had mainy, but I also had favorites that would take place over a period of months or more. She told me not really that long ago before I left home for here in Sweden, that she wishes she had written them down, or at least parts of them. I think that I would have liked that and it would have been interesting indeed to see my thoughts from when I was so young and small upon the world, even as I am today, though time moves on so they say. I wish that for a while I could go back and see what I was like back then, so long ago when everything was entirely new and nothing seemed old, yet I remember it as old. When I was a child I would look in the mirror and wonder what I would look like when I was older, now that I am older, I wonder what it is that I looked like when I was younger, and what I will look like when I am in time, near the end of my days. That is all I have time for now, and that is all I have to say.
I’m sitting here typing, wondering why I’m typing, as to why I’m typing and so forth... what random thoughts I have that run through my head... this computer word document under lines every single word that I type almost, only a few being left free from the peralis red line. It’s fun sitting here... class it is 35 minutes, and I am bored stiff... who knows what one is or what one does. One merely sits and thinks, writing random thoughts though in order it seems, not totally jumbled and incoherrent as they seem to me. I wonder about my typing, whether certain words I have typed are in fact spelt wrong... I think of one who is Alex known by name to me, but I also think of Mike Ehresman, Mike Rigney, Tom Tom, Rob Cail, Ryan Glen, Mat Bahnam, Nick Johnson... and others from my present and my youth... there also is the three true, Azshure, Meadow, and Autaunm... and there with the spelling yet again I am unsure. What is it that in this life makes me want to do things, to be remembered, to be forgotten... what is it that made me want to come and sit here and type other then bordom really..? That I may never know. LOL... life brings us many things, the devil on wings, the bringer of the queens... when I was on the train this morning, I was thinking about the man across from me. The train was full, which I think is to be expected, and we were near the doors that go out, in the little ’coridor’ there, and we were both facing a different window. I knew we could see eachother in them... each the other and his own, but we could also see out into the night if we really wanted to... I did and I didn’t... and so I gazed from one to the next. I had seen this man before on the trains that ever go from one place to another and I wondered at that. He was about 6’2’’ brown/brown, at least I think he had brown eyes, just a guess really though, and he was one of those people who are handsome in a way as to say that he had a ’manly’ face and jawline, and yet it was too much. Part of his cheeks to me looked to hollow, like they had been delicately carved away, and put along his jaw and chin. It wasn’t a funny face, but a harsh face to look upon... then I thought later as time went on that this would be a very interesting picture indeed... a person watching a person, reflected by there own one watching them. No words do we ever peak to eachother, that is not needed, though no true looked passed between us, and maybe I was entirely mistaken in thinking that that one was watching me in turn, yet is a thought none the less which I type here and will print, and maybe I will remember it and not just toss it out in the time ahead, and yet if I were to truely keep all the papers I have and will type in the future, then I am surely going to have rooms full of paper work in the years to come. Time passes, I now have 17 minutes left to go till my class starts. I think that I will try to make this one page, though I know not what I will type even as I said before. My heart is heavy with this life, and yet to many I am very young, yet unto me I am very old, being that my 17 ½ years are so are all that I have yet lived, but so it is. I have told many a lie in my life, and it is true that over time they do in a way ensnare you, but that is for another time and another telling of tales. I hope that maybe one day I can sit down with some beloved friend, or mayhap so unknown, but kind stranger, and tell the tell that has been my life... but I hope that if/when that time comes I will not so embelish the truth or tell the lies that have become my life, but the real story from past to present and then on. As a child I told many stories of fantascy, though I hardly remember them or of them. My Mommers does though... she said that I had mainy, but I also had favorites that would take place over a period of months or more. She told me not really that long ago before I left home for here in Sweden, that she wishes she had written them down, or at least parts of them. I think that I would have liked that and it would have been interesting indeed to see my thoughts from when I was so young and small upon the world, even as I am today, though time moves on so they say. I wish that for a while I could go back and see what I was like back then, so long ago when everything was entirely new and nothing seemed old, yet I remember it as old. When I was a child I would look in the mirror and wonder what I would look like when I was older, now that I am older, I wonder what it is that I looked like when I was younger, and what I will look like when I am in time, near the end of my days. That is all I have time for now, and that is all I have to say.
January 06, 2002
hey there - little sorry
where you going today
hey there - mister big city
where you going to take us
are we along for the ride
really going somewhere
in circles with the pacifier
slop in a bucket for the oinkers
small town - small ideas
burning through the night's desires
sit down - let it simmer
force yourself to feel another
wheels do nothing more than turn
and diamonds sparkle as well
whirlpools do their job twice over
they suck you down -
again - pay no attention to the top of this. dont expect me along for any joyrides and paying for everyone next weekend - being that I am TOTALLY BROKE - ah hah hah. Having days off, although while it might be fun and relaxing - eats a big hole in your finances. go figure. The more you get away from working the more you realise it is something you just cant live without. A dependancy that has somehow sneaked it's way into your backside, surgically grafted itself to your nipples - and wont let you free no matter how much you swear you dont want it anymore. The body refusing to allow you to make decisions for yourself. Fun. Really, it is.
I dont really have anything to say. I was going to get first post - but Jesse already got it ( for the slow people, that is to say that ZERO TWOISM is JESSE ) - and well it looks like another botched weekend for me everyone! Time for me to sleep all day so that I can properly work tonight! Work work work work!
hey there - little sorry
where you going today
hey there - mister big city
where you going to take us
are we along for the ride
really going somewhere
in circles with the pacifier
slop in a bucket for the oinkers
small town - small ideas
burning through the night's desires
sit down - let it simmer
force yourself to feel another
wheels do nothing more than turn
and diamonds sparkle as well
whirlpools do their job twice over
they suck you down -
again - pay no attention to the top of this. dont expect me along for any joyrides and paying for everyone next weekend - being that I am TOTALLY BROKE - ah hah hah. Having days off, although while it might be fun and relaxing - eats a big hole in your finances. go figure. The more you get away from working the more you realise it is something you just cant live without. A dependancy that has somehow sneaked it's way into your backside, surgically grafted itself to your nipples - and wont let you free no matter how much you swear you dont want it anymore. The body refusing to allow you to make decisions for yourself. Fun. Really, it is.
I dont really have anything to say. I was going to get first post - but Jesse already got it ( for the slow people, that is to say that ZERO TWOISM is JESSE ) - and well it looks like another botched weekend for me everyone! Time for me to sleep all day so that I can properly work tonight! Work work work work!
January 05, 2002
you know you want them.
you know you want -
you know you know you know
sometimes -
making whispers in the backroom
hear the reasons. hear
in the end. in the end.
make the damn
shunt it / quiet down
you dream
pety, little dreams
choke , revive , decide
a fellow man
a hollow home
an empty space
reason with me
pay no attention the above, I was going to make a post but somewhere along the line I got distracted. By what? I do not know. Im looking around me and I have a television. and a dvd player. and music ceedees. and I think to myself that I have come so far from where I was. And I try, I really do try, to feel that feeling that people always talk about. That feeling of " accomplishment " - of " making it " - the big, little payoff right before you die and go to " that coffee shop named heaven in the sky " - and it just doesnt rear it's ugly head.
i dont see how some people get it.
but one thing I do know.
I am not the problem.
more-so, there is no problem.
nothing is wrong.
everything is fine.
so why is it everyone thinks differently?
you know you want them.
you know you want -
you know you know you know
sometimes -
making whispers in the backroom
hear the reasons. hear
in the end. in the end.
make the damn
shunt it / quiet down
you dream
pety, little dreams
choke , revive , decide
a fellow man
a hollow home
an empty space
reason with me
pay no attention the above, I was going to make a post but somewhere along the line I got distracted. By what? I do not know. Im looking around me and I have a television. and a dvd player. and music ceedees. and I think to myself that I have come so far from where I was. And I try, I really do try, to feel that feeling that people always talk about. That feeling of " accomplishment " - of " making it " - the big, little payoff right before you die and go to " that coffee shop named heaven in the sky " - and it just doesnt rear it's ugly head.
i dont see how some people get it.
but one thing I do know.
I am not the problem.
more-so, there is no problem.
nothing is wrong.
everything is fine.
so why is it everyone thinks differently?
January 04, 2002
flying monkey shit, a gorilla
we now have assimilated steven into a slug.
and jesse has finally changed his name so we can stop getting confused with cosmic jesi and kanchi kuri - personally, kanchi kuri was a damn stupid name if you ask me, and cosmic jesi is even - well - worse. and so the day moved on.
i stoppped by the school to say hi to the local yokels. and indeed - yokels they were. as I quickly moved through the hallways un-noticed because I had tucked my hair beneath my hat. Ah hah! You see! their pathetic eye-recepticals cannot see past my deception! WHARG! Monkies on the half-shell and all that sort. I've turned my journal into a sort of " dont forget this shit you son of a bitch motherfucker " - remember pad - meaning expect all the grand 'ol posts I come up with when stacking boxes to no end.
the latest one I had came up with, and never posted, was " The slacker with integrity vs. the bum-fuck slacker " - me ranting and raving on and on about how some people, under the guise of " slack " go and become a burden onto others. Yes - although if you take the actual source of the word " slack " and it's meaning - that is exactly what it is meant to be - but not after I've infused it with UBER PHILOSOPHICAL REASONING POWERS ( otherwise known as ' excuses to be lazy, by james collins ' ) - and the number one rule of being a slacker is carry your own weight - which is another way of saying : " FUCK YOU BUDDY - ILL DO MY STUFF FIRST " - my concept of a slacker is entirely 100% not a team player. go figure.
I awoke at 9.30pm today. It pissed me off. You know why? Because ol big-headed andy was there wavering above me, and is to my right at this very moment - saying " WUZZA! IT IS 10 O PEE EM - YOU IS WAKE UP NOW BIAOTICH " - and I said " IT BETTER BE TEN O PEE EM! " - and he casually mumbled something. When I got to a clock - it was, in fact, 9.30.
this is what I get for bothering the living hell out of jeff back in the old days. and waking mike up at some odd hour in the morning. you bastards. the whole lot of you. i hope you all burn in hell.
with saddam. and sophecles. and marge simpson.
we now have assimilated steven into a slug.
and jesse has finally changed his name so we can stop getting confused with cosmic jesi and kanchi kuri - personally, kanchi kuri was a damn stupid name if you ask me, and cosmic jesi is even - well - worse. and so the day moved on.
i stoppped by the school to say hi to the local yokels. and indeed - yokels they were. as I quickly moved through the hallways un-noticed because I had tucked my hair beneath my hat. Ah hah! You see! their pathetic eye-recepticals cannot see past my deception! WHARG! Monkies on the half-shell and all that sort. I've turned my journal into a sort of " dont forget this shit you son of a bitch motherfucker " - remember pad - meaning expect all the grand 'ol posts I come up with when stacking boxes to no end.
the latest one I had came up with, and never posted, was " The slacker with integrity vs. the bum-fuck slacker " - me ranting and raving on and on about how some people, under the guise of " slack " go and become a burden onto others. Yes - although if you take the actual source of the word " slack " and it's meaning - that is exactly what it is meant to be - but not after I've infused it with UBER PHILOSOPHICAL REASONING POWERS ( otherwise known as ' excuses to be lazy, by james collins ' ) - and the number one rule of being a slacker is carry your own weight - which is another way of saying : " FUCK YOU BUDDY - ILL DO MY STUFF FIRST " - my concept of a slacker is entirely 100% not a team player. go figure.
I awoke at 9.30pm today. It pissed me off. You know why? Because ol big-headed andy was there wavering above me, and is to my right at this very moment - saying " WUZZA! IT IS 10 O PEE EM - YOU IS WAKE UP NOW BIAOTICH " - and I said " IT BETTER BE TEN O PEE EM! " - and he casually mumbled something. When I got to a clock - it was, in fact, 9.30.
this is what I get for bothering the living hell out of jeff back in the old days. and waking mike up at some odd hour in the morning. you bastards. the whole lot of you. i hope you all burn in hell.
with saddam. and sophecles. and marge simpson.
January 02, 2002
the thrill is back
... or at least a cheap, artificial substitute of the thrill has returned.
with common postings - although not as exciting and edge-of-your-seat toe-biting suspense as the ' old posts ' - still posts none the less. I vaguely remember reading something about steven wanting to actually be a slug - with that in mind, or maybe I was just dreaming it, drop your email address in comment to this and you've got it.
this morning entroute to home I heard Jodi, on the end, mention that if american pie is your favorite " funny film " then they've obviously never seen BLAZING SADDLES - to this I have but one phrase to say...
thats right.
as for moving out - I slept on it a lot, and was thinking that I can probably stash away more money ( for college ) if I stay at home, but then again hanging round here is getting a bit to be too much of a drag. So... It's 50 / 50 - if I get the right people I'd like to live with - and who can actually PAY THEIR HALF and who would be interested in living in the spanaway/puyallup area ( preferably somewhere closer to my work, so that I dont have to fsking drive all the way out from roy ) - I've been looking at this online " roomate " thing - and although I have found some promising 18y/o females... hmm, then again - I'd probably enjoy someone I KNOW rather than some sultry little harlot who wants to suck me o ... waaiit a minute, what am I saying?
and also - if you listen to the radio ( KNDD ) then you proabably hear these " text messege " " new language going around " bullshit - why they fill me with such fevor and rage I do not know - but " IMHOM " and " CANIBCAR " are not " text messeging "
LOL made it annoying. ROFLMAO made it more annoying. STFU made it somewhat bearable. but the only ' usefull ' one had always been AFK. but all this crap... I now fear buying a cell phone, having it beep on me, and then looking at it to see :
which, of course, I'd go to sharis at 10 only to say WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? - and they, with a sheepish grin, would say - dont you know? it's text messages! It meant " Hey James Can You Meet Us At Sharis At 10, Everyone Will Be There And It Will Be Fun " - which will be my cue to promptly thwack them upside the head and say : " WHY DONT YOU JUST FUCKING CALL ME AND ASK. " - and then they'd tell me that would make them paying the extra 30$ a month useless if they didnt get to use their text messeges.
OH MY JESUS - we havent had an interspliced semi-erotic photo put into the middle of my post for no apparent reason so to fix that real quick - here is one for jimmoi - yet again, merely because he cannot see the board and so that gives me free reign to ridicule and attack him without any chance of him knowing - or retaliating! mwa hahah.
hey girls. are you BURNING with desire?

thats about it.
... or at least a cheap, artificial substitute of the thrill has returned.
with common postings - although not as exciting and edge-of-your-seat toe-biting suspense as the ' old posts ' - still posts none the less. I vaguely remember reading something about steven wanting to actually be a slug - with that in mind, or maybe I was just dreaming it, drop your email address in comment to this and you've got it.
this morning entroute to home I heard Jodi, on the end, mention that if american pie is your favorite " funny film " then they've obviously never seen BLAZING SADDLES - to this I have but one phrase to say...
thats right.
as for moving out - I slept on it a lot, and was thinking that I can probably stash away more money ( for college ) if I stay at home, but then again hanging round here is getting a bit to be too much of a drag. So... It's 50 / 50 - if I get the right people I'd like to live with - and who can actually PAY THEIR HALF and who would be interested in living in the spanaway/puyallup area ( preferably somewhere closer to my work, so that I dont have to fsking drive all the way out from roy ) - I've been looking at this online " roomate " thing - and although I have found some promising 18y/o females... hmm, then again - I'd probably enjoy someone I KNOW rather than some sultry little harlot who wants to suck me o ... waaiit a minute, what am I saying?
and also - if you listen to the radio ( KNDD ) then you proabably hear these " text messege " " new language going around " bullshit - why they fill me with such fevor and rage I do not know - but " IMHOM " and " CANIBCAR " are not " text messeging "
LOL made it annoying. ROFLMAO made it more annoying. STFU made it somewhat bearable. but the only ' usefull ' one had always been AFK. but all this crap... I now fear buying a cell phone, having it beep on me, and then looking at it to see :
which, of course, I'd go to sharis at 10 only to say WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? - and they, with a sheepish grin, would say - dont you know? it's text messages! It meant " Hey James Can You Meet Us At Sharis At 10, Everyone Will Be There And It Will Be Fun " - which will be my cue to promptly thwack them upside the head and say : " WHY DONT YOU JUST FUCKING CALL ME AND ASK. " - and then they'd tell me that would make them paying the extra 30$ a month useless if they didnt get to use their text messeges.
OH MY JESUS - we havent had an interspliced semi-erotic photo put into the middle of my post for no apparent reason so to fix that real quick - here is one for jimmoi - yet again, merely because he cannot see the board and so that gives me free reign to ridicule and attack him without any chance of him knowing - or retaliating! mwa hahah.
thats about it.
January 01, 2002
Behind the green door lies treasures a-plenty.
it is a pity that jimmoi doesnt have a computer anymore- being that nobody commented ( or did they even know ) on the " behind the green door " picture i ended with ... last year. I dont think I will be celebrating " the new year " anymore. Last night I went to sleep. No big hoop-lah, and I believe it works better for me that way. It is a funny concept that " a new year " is of any importance at all. It almost falls under the category of " you are a consumer " therefore anything " new " is good, and should be celebrated ( or bought ) - go bloody figure.
Im also starting to think real ... dirty. Just terribly dirty. I have dirty dreams, and dirty thoughts about regular things. I went to yelm yesterday, and when everyone was looking at me funny - I looked at them funny back. I kept thinking to myself " you'll have your turn, just you wait " - and then I caught myself staring at the ass of some lady who walked by me when I was looking for doritos. and then I caught myself staring at the breasts of the cashier as she hurried and apoligised to my mother for doing something - blah blah blah -
and then shoes. a long bit ago i saw a lady wearing the most oddest pair of shoes - which consisted of nothing more than two leather straps onto some form of " platform/highheel " hybrid. I will attempt to find a picture of such - but dont plan on it. Another thing, i've been frequenting this place more and more often - thinking of even more dirty things. but then - as with all things, there is the down side.
I dont know anyone willing enough to participate ... or at least of legal age - being as most women I know are school-related. So then there is the dating scene, and my big red-X upon it so. I hate the dating scene. All it is a subterfuge of " lets all sleep together " - and if you think about it, thats probably why I avoid it so. But having an itch that you can no longer scratch is a terrible ... affliction.

surprise your man this valintines day!
but this hits upon a much ... deeper thought process. and I believe I may have to come to the conclusion that I am not homosexual. After all of the torrid nights of passion that me, zach-o, and jimmoi have shared - i have to say that my interests lie in a woman who can wear a nightie and please me all night rather than someone who can stop farting for seven minutes, stick their butt up in the air, grab both buttcheeks, and wait for intrusion ( we call this the " jimmoi posistion " being that he came up with it one night when we had a little bit more anal EZE than usual )

shoes - also - are an important part of pre-fucking ( dinner )
but on another note - there seems to be too much stupid in the world. Im a contributing factor to it - and so are you. It permeates through the entire universe and lands in your backyard with a toothy-grin. Some few people have realised it is there yet. Red lights flash when they think of things abnormal. A movie came in the mail today - " Quills " - I originally got it to trick Heather into coming over. I dont believe I will watch it. I have ... an odd fascination with that Marquee. I forgot what the other movie is - as they havent come in yet.

ah - the eternal dilema, thigh high or knee-high?
it seems more and more i'm running out of sensible things to type ( ah hah, as if i ever have made sense! ) - and just keep posting more and more pictures. So, without further adeu, I present with you the two things I am considering buying - and then delving into with a passion. Meet -

and the trip up to the mountain was fun.
it is a pity that jimmoi doesnt have a computer anymore- being that nobody commented ( or did they even know ) on the " behind the green door " picture i ended with ... last year. I dont think I will be celebrating " the new year " anymore. Last night I went to sleep. No big hoop-lah, and I believe it works better for me that way. It is a funny concept that " a new year " is of any importance at all. It almost falls under the category of " you are a consumer " therefore anything " new " is good, and should be celebrated ( or bought ) - go bloody figure.
Im also starting to think real ... dirty. Just terribly dirty. I have dirty dreams, and dirty thoughts about regular things. I went to yelm yesterday, and when everyone was looking at me funny - I looked at them funny back. I kept thinking to myself " you'll have your turn, just you wait " - and then I caught myself staring at the ass of some lady who walked by me when I was looking for doritos. and then I caught myself staring at the breasts of the cashier as she hurried and apoligised to my mother for doing something - blah blah blah -
and then shoes. a long bit ago i saw a lady wearing the most oddest pair of shoes - which consisted of nothing more than two leather straps onto some form of " platform/highheel " hybrid. I will attempt to find a picture of such - but dont plan on it. Another thing, i've been frequenting this place more and more often - thinking of even more dirty things. but then - as with all things, there is the down side.
I dont know anyone willing enough to participate ... or at least of legal age - being as most women I know are school-related. So then there is the dating scene, and my big red-X upon it so. I hate the dating scene. All it is a subterfuge of " lets all sleep together " - and if you think about it, thats probably why I avoid it so. But having an itch that you can no longer scratch is a terrible ... affliction.
surprise your man this valintines day!
but this hits upon a much ... deeper thought process. and I believe I may have to come to the conclusion that I am not homosexual. After all of the torrid nights of passion that me, zach-o, and jimmoi have shared - i have to say that my interests lie in a woman who can wear a nightie and please me all night rather than someone who can stop farting for seven minutes, stick their butt up in the air, grab both buttcheeks, and wait for intrusion ( we call this the " jimmoi posistion " being that he came up with it one night when we had a little bit more anal EZE than usual )
shoes - also - are an important part of pre-fucking ( dinner )
but on another note - there seems to be too much stupid in the world. Im a contributing factor to it - and so are you. It permeates through the entire universe and lands in your backyard with a toothy-grin. Some few people have realised it is there yet. Red lights flash when they think of things abnormal. A movie came in the mail today - " Quills " - I originally got it to trick Heather into coming over. I dont believe I will watch it. I have ... an odd fascination with that Marquee. I forgot what the other movie is - as they havent come in yet.
ah - the eternal dilema, thigh high or knee-high?
it seems more and more i'm running out of sensible things to type ( ah hah, as if i ever have made sense! ) - and just keep posting more and more pictures. So, without further adeu, I present with you the two things I am considering buying - and then delving into with a passion. Meet -
and the trip up to the mountain was fun.
Happy New Year, bastards.
I feel that I'm one of few people who actually wishes the new year at the appropriate time, not a day or hours in advance. Sometime around 12:00:01 to 12:59:59 - anytime there after... shut yer mouth.
New Years is such a great time ( sometimes ), a great time to fuck up writing checks and all those wonderful similar things. A time to pretend all the 'bad' things you may or may not have done in the previous year will be 'gone' somehow - forgotten. That's funny, at least I think so.
So Happy New Year.
I feel that I'm one of few people who actually wishes the new year at the appropriate time, not a day or hours in advance. Sometime around 12:00:01 to 12:59:59 - anytime there after... shut yer mouth.
New Years is such a great time ( sometimes ), a great time to fuck up writing checks and all those wonderful similar things. A time to pretend all the 'bad' things you may or may not have done in the previous year will be 'gone' somehow - forgotten. That's funny, at least I think so.
So Happy New Year.
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