December 31, 2002

I'd just like to point out that I didnt edit bradbury's post.
some people enjoy putting [ edited ] on their posts and from time to time when they do - others actually " yell " or " get on my case " for doing that.
its agitating, really - being that the only instance I edit something is if, say - you're making a post about how people cannot spell worth a shit and you hate their guts and you just happen to type out : " Fukcers can burn in hell! " - i'd fix that.
or you're steven and you decide to type out a long and drawn out letter-per-heading post that fucks everything up.
or michael who cannot seem to use spaces in sentences and makes the board go horizontal.
or jimmoi who posts an image of a bird which alters the size of the board itself.
or - as bradbury beat me to it - when you mass-post something to the extent that it is " beyond necissary " - mind you, at those times I do leave a good bit of your work on the board - but i remove about three fourths of it.

As for bradbury's drunken semi-coherant-ness : be expecting the same from me, tonight - if I get onto Joe's computer at his house.
hee hee hee.
I throughouly plan to get " smashed " as the saying goes - being as i've been long over due for a good " lets forget shit " alcoholic driven frenzy.

Lets all follow bradbury's example ( well, not literally ) - and end this year with a . . .


and hey zacho - you gettin' new-years-eve-road-head?
heh - and be sure to post what YOU ARE THE LAST PERSON TO DO : _________ THIS YEAR
and YOU ARE THE FIRST PERSON TO DO : _________ IN 2003 -

I specifically remember than in 2001 Brice was the very first person to shit into a paper bag.
aint that somethin' ?

I dont know what I'll do tonight/morning - but i'll be sure to post it.

December 30, 2002

"The Other White Meat" is A RED MEAT!!!

All mamallian meat is "red" meat.

The damage it causes to human circulatory systems is amazing.

I apologize to those of you who might be offended by the barely coherent ramblings of a drunk fucker such as myself.






The pig's balls never dropped.

Turns out "he" was a she. Oops.

But I now know what a pig looks like on the inside. Especially the kidneys. For some reason, they don't remove the kidneys when they slaughter hogs. Strange. Most everything is different with pigs.

And, for the record, Blue Max Sausage Company, at 96th and Canyon, 120th and Pacific, and 56th and South Tacoma Way, makes the best smokedm goods (i.e jerky, sausage, etc) in the state. Carl Mefford, the owner of all three, is on hell of a guy. Give his products a try, if any of you get a chance. You won't regret it.

Conherency is for those who haven't discovered mind-altering substances.
Abba Zabba.

Be - all that you can be. And play video games.


I've told myself that for four years now.
Wow. I can stand. Go figure. I guess a full bladder was all the motivation it took. I can even walk. And sit. And then stand back up again.

Nice post, Zach-o. They were Hicks, not rednecks. There is a difference.
But the fucking-with was first class. I admire your efforts at bringing the sting of being beaten to those who deserve it.

Although, had I read it before my last post, things might have been different.

[Bob Saget says: "I used to suck dick for coke!"]

["I love you man!" "You're not getting my Bud Light."]
Redneckicus Drunkicus:

I now know what it's like to be, more or less, a passenger in the destruction of a $30k vehicle (2001 Toyota Tundra, my baby, and the center of my Hot Rod efforts [read: most of my money, most of my time] for the past year and a half).
Mind you, I was driving the vehicle, but when someone pulls out (directly) in front of you on a wet road at 45 mph, there is nothing the driver can do but try his best and hold the fuck on. Well, my best wasn't good enough at 10 this morning, and now I have been faced with what more than enough people have dealt with. As far as holding on, I did that as well as anyone ever has.

For the remainder(sp?) of my vacation, I'll be dealing with two insurance companies (his and mine), Lakes Body Shop, and the Pierce County Sherriff's department. So, right now, I'm as drunk as I've been in a long time (probably since July or so, but I'm not really sure). Tomorrow, I'll drink until I can't possibly drink any more (then I'll have my buddies poor it down my throat. The goal of this is too keep from being sore [yeah, that's it. that's the ticket!]). Let's just say that, until the 6th (my first day back at work after 16 days off) I'll be giving a lot of money to Coor's and the Washington State Liquor Control Board. ooh, and Peperidge Farms. Damn, those Goldfish Crackers are good. Moreso after a 5th (750ml, 1/5th of 1 gallon) of Jack Daniel's Old Time "Old no. 7 Brand" Quality Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey (so says the bottle). It is, by making, actually a bourbon, but having not been made in the Bourbon area of Kentucky, they don't call it bourbon. They call it Tennesse Whiskey.

Oh, God yeah. (assuming there is a God. Not that I'm saying there is or isn't, just using an expression.)

I hope you all enjoy your "New Year's" plans, whatever they may be. Hell, sitting around watching TV counts, as long as the spirit is there.

TO END, I'd like to say:


(I'll truncate it myself, to save James the effort. Just count on me having typed it for ten or twelve pages)

P.S. It's amazing how lucidly I can type. I can't even stand up right now. But I'm watching "Half Baked," so "it's all good."

P.P.S. You'd be surpised how hard I can throw a screwdriver after as wonderfull a crash as I had this morning. The gravel from the side of Canyon Road actually dented the damn thing.

December 29, 2002

Goals for today:
-Pick up pig.
-Deliver pig to slaughterhouse by 6 a.m.
-Pick up trailer-towed pig-roasting rotisserie.
-Deliver trailer-towed pig-roasting rotisserie to site of pig roasting.
-Retrieve pig from slaughterhouse and deliver to site of pig roasting.

Day's tally:
-Three rednecks, with a combined total of around 6 hours sleep, caked with mud.
-Two trucks, fairly beat-up, caked with mud.
-One Toyota bottle jack, very bent.
-One pig, very alive, fairly oblivious to its situation.
-Zero trailer-towed pig-roasting rotisseries.

Today could have gone worse, but it really would have had to try.

December 28, 2002

Holy fuckin' Chroist

Well, for those of you who didn't know - my sister ran away from home a few days ago. Tonight, I had an odd thought - what about (enter freinds name)? Her parents are known for harbouring run aways. So, I pull into their driveway and BAM! There's my sister in their living room. I didn't even have to go in - I saw her from the road. and she saw me.

So, I knock on the door. No answer. So, I pound on the door. No answer. So, I get in anyway. BAM! I commited a crime.

Then, there's the yelling match. Then, the freind's parents say, "Okay, you can take Amber and (insert freind she ran away with's name here) with you." and then helped them ESCAPE out the back. What the fuck is that?!? So, my dad is called. They call the cops on my dad for assault, when he's not even there yet. I call (insert name of freind who ran away with sister)'s Mom and tell her what's up. Dad tells them, as their being taped by a 911 operator, that if Amber or (insert that same old friend) set foot in their house, they are committing the felony of harbouring a runaway as well as aiding a minor in a crime - as one of the runaways has a "youth at risk" order/arrest warrent out on her. Dad leaves, I go to the front of the neighborhood to wait for said other mother. She drives back though the neighborhood sans headlights and sees my sister and her daughter though the same window and calls 911. She calls me and my dad, we go over there. The cop won't go get them out because they claim they're afriad to go home ( I would be too at that point! ). My dad says to the cop "Either me or her are leaving here in a cop car tonight." Cop takes that as a threat, calls for back-up, claiming my Dad is assaulting him. Back-up arrives, goes in and gets both girls. As they get in the car, (insert harbour-ers names) tell the cops I don't have a liscence. I do. They say they're gonna smack me with breaking and entering - I'd already talked to the cop and told him what happened, he's cool with it. Dad is talked to for assaulting the officer, but they're all in all cool with that to. (Other runaway's mother) gets a case number, and the harbour-ers are hit with -

1)Aiding a minor in committing a crime - felony
2)Harbouring a runaway x2 - felony
3)Concealing the whereabouts of a runaway x2 - ?
4)and, for refusing to remand Amber to my custody, custodial interference by a non-related party - felony

and the Hell of it is - they won't know tis till tomorrow morning.

December 25, 2002

I shall elaborate my point because it seems nobody has seemed to got it - but rather, has pigeonholed me into the stereotypical " grinch " or " scrooge " as it may be. I believe steve may have the same feeling I have - and yet you still do not listen to him either. So here I go.

First and foremost my beef was not necissarily with the economizing of christmas as a holiday. I dont care much for that.
and secondly - Im tired of all the bullshit that comes when someone makes a point and the only thing to degrade that point is : " YOU THINK TOO MUCH " or " STOP OVER ANALYZING THINGS " or something else along the same lines. These two points I shall further elaborate.

My beef with christmas was about the idealogies behind them. Not about " OH MAN I AM NOT GOING TO HAVE FUN BECAUSE OF ( SOME REASON ) " - and it wasnt about NOT ENJOYING CHRISTMAS. My beef was behind presents and the idealogies that people present in giving and receiving said presents. Not with the holiday. THE PEOPLE - and secondly : specifically for michael that is : Im not a family person. I dont give a flying rats ass if mom and dad and little brother joe and the one legged crippled kid who " PLEASE SAH, MAY I HAVE SOME MOHRE? " shows up to get a turkey. I dont want grandma and grandpa over. I dont want Calvin and his umpteenth girlfriend-whom-will-soon-be-replaced over. I dont want toys. I dont want gifts. I want happiness. And all these things which are done over and over each and every year DONT FUCKIN' DO IT. Im a nice person. I give presents willingly when there isnt an occasion to call for it. Im not needy, and Im not greedy. Im a very good person. It tears me up inside when christmas time rolls itself around and all of a sudden everyone is calling me a grinch. Or misanthropic. Or materialistic. Or scrooge. And they start telling me that I need to " lighten up " and " get into the spirit " - how the fuck can I get into the spirit when all it takes is for a holiday to make you my best friend? To make you buy me things? To make you be nice? To make you FINALLY have goodwill and tidings towards all men? Fuck you. I do believe in Christ and I do believe in his teachings - but I sure as hell dont believe in all the fabricated bullshit that comes along with : " OH YOU NEED TO BE HAPPY ON THIS SPECIFIC DAY " crap - You think I didnt buy things to " make a dent " in some coporation's plans? No, I didnt buy presents because I didnt deserve to buy them. I didnt buy presents because the people I was going to get them didnt deserve them. WHERE THE FUCK HAS THE CONCEPT OF BEING HUMBLE GONE? Oh fuck that lets flush it down a toilet and be happy.

I will show my goodwill towards men throughout the year.
It wont take a god-damned paid day off of work for me to be a nice person.


WHAT THE FUCK? This is the way I am. I think. Its what I do. While everyone else was out drinking their alcohol and having their parties and going to football games and fucking their friends and playing in streets I was in the library or at home reading a book and thinking about life. Thinking about why I existed and the meaning to things. I THOUGHT about the things PEOPLE DID instead of DOING THEM. Now that Im reaching the point of my life where I have to do those things people continually tell me that all the conclusions Ive come to are fabricated and nothing more than " over thinking " and that I should " relax " and " take it easy " and " stop being so stupid " - well fuck you buddy. Sorry if I cannot live my life by the swing of every second and never stop to think " what does this mean? " - sorry that I think life has some greater intent, some higher purpose to it rather than " feeling good " or " being happy " - fuck you if I cant say something and instead of trying to LOGICALLY SHOOT ME DOWN on the same grounds you decide that " its higher and mighter " to say : " HUH HUH, I DONT CARE YOU IS STUPID STOP AND JUST SMOKE THIS JOINT AND RELAX DOOD " - FUCK YOU.


wrap that in a god damned box and put it under my tree.
fuck you.
and have a merry christmas.
Bah! Humbug.

Here's some holiday spirit for you:

Aaron, lick the sweat from my ball sack.

It wasn't mockery, just reality.

Fuck the holiday season. It's all a bunch commercialistic bullshit from one religion that controls the economy for no apparent reason. No more. It was never a huge deal until people started cashing in on it. The spirit and intentions of the season are dead.

or a lack there - of

I'd like to wish you all a merry christmas. So I will do that now : Merry Christmas - but yet the words do not express much of anything to me anymore. I think the ending of this year marks my final descent into insanity. The final snap before the real havok begins. I do not know what the next year will bring - but I do know that it wont be pretty. I will move out. I will have my own place. I will let my eccentricies run wild - and most of all I will be happy. Happiness and insanity - for some damn reason, are the same thing for me. If I imagine myself to be in a good mood, then obviously I must have lost something in the wood-work. My idealogies have manifested themselves in a full-blown manner to which I cannot help but do anything. I just sit to the side and watch them grab the controls and say : " THIS IS HOW IT IS GOING TO BE, MOTHA FUCKA " - and so it is. Christmas, for example. I do not celebrate my birthday - in fact, I dont think birthdays should be celebrated. The birth of christ has, and it has been said so many times before that it isnt funny - become nothing more than an economic bump in corporations' plans for gathering money into their pockets. Christmas now starts the day after thanksgiving. I wanted to give people presents but I thought the presents would be empty inside. Just full of money and " I think this person wants this " - no real caring or real feeling attatched to them. I think that this lack of caring has also made people think that : " I should get what I want from these people this year because ( insert reason ) " - always wanting to want. To want want want want. I asked myself this year - or should I say that my father came in and asked : " what do you want for christmas? " - I ... thought about it. Nothing. I dont want anything, really. And I figured thats was it. I have totally lost it. The american idealogy of : "WANT WANT WANT WANT" had been erradicated. I just keep on going. So.

I hope that every one of you wants to get something for christmas.
I hope that every one of you gets what you want this christmas.
I hope that every one of you enjoys life and is happy with what comes.

just other ways of saying Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year.

I thought of trying to gather together poker night on christmas.
but I figured that would be blasphemy.

December 24, 2002

Okay, you can go to the airport dressed like that.

I'll follow behind dressed normally, and enjoy the show as you get to taste a rubber glove that took the long way up.

December 23, 2002

Games acquired :

- Cyber Stadium Series Base Wars ( a game me and steven both highly remember being awesome, but remember nothing about )
- BLASTER MASTER ( c'mon, if you dont know, you aint no gamer )

- Hegemonia Legions of Iron ( some RTS game that has been bugging me to buy it )

- Charly and the Chocolate Factory

also : as long as napster informs me, im ok.
although ill still bitch.
but i dont mind really - unless its something im actively playing ( ie > mortal kombat )
then some heads would roll.
but people round these parts rarely play GTAVC any much.

I gotta zip.

Carpe Carpe.

December 21, 2002

Carpe Noctem
Carpe Cerevisi
Carpe Spiritus

December 19, 2002

well james i think its my mom calling you if it was this morning at like 640 cuz she got onto my s/n and looked up your # on my list so yea sorry about that


December 17, 2002

my god its been so long since i could post from school but i can now and no one really cares but yeah ok when is the next poker night i would like to come up and play if there is an open spot so ill prolly come up to the collins house within the next week

\stinky shit smells bad!!
Yeah... i really really really hate to say this but...

I don't think wednesday is gonna happen people...

I just realized, i have to run therapy today (i forget cause it's once a month and i didn't realize... it's been a month).

Add to that that this bird thing is kickin' my ass... and i still have to write two papers on it. Fuck.

However, i will be down for the weekend... that much i'm sure of. UGH> stupid BIRDS

December 16, 2002

Not that the TT isn't an impressive's just not a true sports car. As far as the eclipse....not with all the bad press Mitsu has been getting as of late. Too many problems that Mitsu just goes "Oh, really? Sucks to be you."

Hm...eggnog from the liquor store....yes, indeed....
Audi TT?
Yuppie-bait piece of Eurotrash.


Not a sports car.
Life enjoys mocking me.
I found the car I desire - AN AUDI TT - sportscar, sweet.
oh. wait. today on the ride home this guy rides my ass - and Im like : FUCK YOU BUDDY! so I pull off to the right to let him speed by because I wasnt in a mood to deal with that shit - and what is he driving? An audi TT. ZOOM by he went, then got in front of me - " so he's going my way? " I thought to mysef, figuring it was a sportscar and he'd treat it like everyone treats sportscars - DRIVE IT SLOW AS FUCK. But no. not this guy. Him and I were zooming down 507 at seventy miles per hour before someone going SIXTY miles per hour went and got in his way. So whats he do? This sportscar driving audi TT man goes and passes the sixty-mile-per-hour car. It is EIGHT O CLOCK in the MORNING. The oncoming traffic is heavy. And you know what? He fuckin' pulls it off.

( drool )

In other news, the miata I tried to get from my mother's friends? Oh. yeah. They're selling it.

- Jimmoi : posting pictures of animals has already been done by steve. you lose.
- Zacho : you enjoy buggery, you buggery enjoying baffoon.
- Anyone else : MORTAL KOMBAT DEADLY ALLIANCE IS FUN - eat shit and die.

and not to forget :
It seems that a lot of FUCKIN COMPUTER JERK-OFFS like to come by this site and then EMAIL ME because they're looking for a NEVERWINTER NIGHTS CD KEY GENERATOR - which took me FOREVER to find and they think that I am just going to HAND IT OVER TO THEM because they ask? >> politely - I should add. Well here is to you in the event you've come to this website looking for such :



December 14, 2002

Oh... and as soon as they are in stock...

i'm planning on gettin' a 10GB iPod.

My computer is back.

They completely replaced the logic board and gave me a new hard drive... which means i'll be working on putting all my old files back onto this thing...

how funzo.

Once done, and this quarter is over... i think i'll be postin' more :).

Plus, i think i'm on the mend with regards to a really crappy start to this quarter. Heheh...


December 13, 2002

Wow, another day with no posts.

I still remember the first one, and how everyone made a huge deal out of it....ah, good times.......

December 11, 2002

Micheal, you fucker!!! That was sooo not cool!

December 10, 2002

Aaron - That was michael. I was probably off in my quadrant getting new sheilds and stuff. If you want to do me a favor - say that I " recommended you " to E&B - in the startup screen say that " NOT MUD " got you in. Then I get a bonus. wheee.

Just for kicks : Andy's " away messge " today?

No. Fuck you and piss off

because we all know that I was the catalyst and it was me who should have apoligized.
( cough )

doobie do. J.D. just called me. woke me up. wow. he sounds different., the idiot, is at it again - but he's trying to be sly now.

his latest attempt actually included my user-name ( for here ) NOT MUD in the subject line.
let me clue you in on something buddy -
I've set up a filter system that says : " hey look this email is from "
and then after it does that it automatically marks whatever the fuck you sent me with " read already " status.
then it moves it to the trash folder, which is deleted soon after.

Are you DAFT? get a new email address why dont you? CHROIST.
I dont trust MY FAMILY, My ASSOCIATES or My FRIENDS enough to run a program they send me.
you think Im going to trust you?

December 09, 2002

I'd say you could borrow mine.
but ( no offence here ) - I seriously dont trust you to " pick me up " at seven in the morning.

I vaguely recall " picking people up " to be one of those " low priority " activities ;b
God damnit.
I CANNOT find SUPER VOLLEY BALL - i found SUPER SPIKE V'BALL which IS NOT what I am looking for.
I found SUPER DODGE BALL which features the same guys as the volleyball game IM looking for :|


also - anyone have an old nintendo they want to let go of for - ... oh ... five dollars? maybe free?
It amazes me that this board is still up and running.
It amazes me that I still maintain TZA within my mentality and idealogy.

Life is amazing.
However, people are not.
People are boring. People are carbon-copies of eachother. People are uninteresting. People are slow.

I've tried to " come onto " three different women.
My attempts so far have been under the following program : " Jesse's sister thought I was hitting on her, so just do to the women what I did to her "
the real question arises : " Well what did I do to Jesse's sister? " - and I think to myself : I was nice to her?


So I put dating on the backburner for now.
Im going to look into college.
and the more I think about it - the more moving out to Dennis' place ( I get my own room for 130 and get to live with his non-english speaking 28 year old brother ) - however that would leave my home-dawgs ( steve / zacho ... uh ... yeah ) out and dry in the event they ever consider me " living-with " material. Unfortunately neither of them have the supportive cash to be considerable options for me. Anywho.

Here is something for you :

Good places to pick up girls :
Sunday, Noon, Grocery Store
Community College, Photography Class

There you go.
Oh, oh! Which picture was it? and did I look hot?

Okay - forget that - did I at least have clothes on?

December 08, 2002

People move.

Now - ladies and gentlemen, if you have friday the thirteenth off of work - you wont die.
because friday the thirteenth is a unlucky day ( I had nothing planned )

hee hee.

December 05, 2002

Note : Do not play Earth & Beyond.

And : If you have work - get out of it on FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH.

Why? Just email me if 1. you got the day off or 2. you're not busy.

December 03, 2002

Some time ago, I invented a new drink. As I have found no mention of anything even close to it anywhere I've looked, I'm pretty sure it's original. So I had a hell of a time naming it (because, as you may well know, a drink isn't official until named). Until, one day, it came to me. "Jimmoi's Blunder." It's quite good, and for anyone who wants, the recipe follows:

Jimmoi's Blunder

In a Collins glass (love the irony) 3/4 of the way full of ice, add the following
1 to 1 1/2 shot Jagermeister (adjust to taste)
1 to 1 1/2 shot Amaretto (adjust to taste)
1 shot apple cider (or apple juice)
Fill with 7-up or sprite.

The best part is that you can't tell it has three shots of alcohol in it until you try to stand up.
dialogue at work :

James: " Hey Joe - Question for ya : What does a Teacher do? "
Joe: " Thats pretty self explanitory, isnt it? "
James: " Humor me. "
Joe: " He teaches, so whats your point? "
James: " And what does a preacher do? "
Joe: " Preaches, so what are you trying to get at? "
James: " Ok - so we've established that. So what do you call someone who makes you think? "

Goes away for awhile, ... comes back and answers with :

Joe: " A psyciatrist. "
James: " Naah, how do you figure? They help you with your problems, not make you think. "
Joe: " Well a psyciatrist doesnt give you the answers to your problems - they make you think about them and help you think about your problems so that you can solve them on your own. They just help you think through things "

At this point I saw Joe's logic.
It made sense, but it wasnt what I was looking for - so I called Dennis over.
I asked him what a Teacher/Preache did, then hit him with the " What do you call a person who makes you think? " question.
He responded with :

Dennis : " James Collins! "
James : " No, seriously. "

Goes away - comes back some later time

Dennis : " A sales person. Because they make you think you want to buy some things. "
James: " No, that doesnt work because a Sales person sells you things, sure he makes you think - but what do you call a person who primarily makes you think? "
Dennis: " How about an Operator's Assistant? I make Joe think. "
( Dennis is my B-person, Joe is the A-person, I am a C-person. Operator, Assistant, Helper, respectively )
James : " No, An operator's assistant assists an operator. "

Goes away for awhile - comes back

Dennis : " A philosopher. "
James : " Auuuugh! *CRINGES in horror* "

To explain why I put up some work dialogue.
I had thought to myself how much I wanted to be a teacher - but upon furthing thinking ... I dont want to be a Teacher.
I want to be something better than a Teacher.

You see - Teachers tell you what is right, what is wrong. How exactly something should be done.
I dont want to show anyone how to do anything - because frankly I dont know everything and there are always some other person out there with a better way of doing something than me - or who knows something more about a subject than I.
I want to make people think.
So - I tried to figure out what sort of profession that would be.

What does a teacher do? I asked myself. A teacher teaches.
What does a preacher do? He preaches.

But then what do you call someone who makes people think?

I couldnt figure it out.

Dennis, sadly - hit the nail on the head.
but do philosophers get paid and is that a profession?

( insert doubt here )

December 02, 2002


this guy is really funny.
so I check my email today :

To :
From : dailyoffice-suscribe
Subject : Top.showLog

and this one didnt have text.
and two attatchements, an .exe file and this time an .html file.
Lo-and-behold I go to the details and :

Received: from ( [])
by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id AAA24710
for ; Mon, 2 Dec 2002 00:32:01 -0600
Received: from [] (HELO Zkl)
by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 3.5.9)
with SMTP id 49909719 for; Mon, 02 Dec 2002 01:31:25 -0500
From: dailyoffice-suscribe
Subject: Top.showLog
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2002 01:31:25 -0500


I go to google and look up to see what I could see.
I got nothing.


December 01, 2002

I get an email.
It is as follows :

To :
From : postmaster
Subject : Returned mail --"sos!"

The following mail can't be sent to

Subject: sos!
The attachment is the original mail

and I laughed.
Because attatched were the two files :

26[1].exe (88.4 kb) & 26[1].jpg (35.4 kb)

Then I went to properties to see who had sent the dilly :

Received: from ( [])
by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id IAA02312
for ; Sun, 1 Dec 2002 08:31:31 -0600
Received: from [] (HELO Keiyx)
by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 3.5.9)
with SMTP id 49699428 for; Sun, 01 Dec 2002 09:31:01 -0500
From: postmaster
Subject: Returned mail--"sos!"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2002 09:31:01 -0500

If you know anyone who knows anything about " fux0ring " people online :
give ol a good time.

Because all my " leet hax0r " friends I lost contact with and got out of the hax0ring scene.

Or - if you dont know anything about hax0ring people,
next time you feel like putting someone's email in a CRUSHLINK address or a PORNOSITE
there ya go.

That whole "I'm getting paid right now...for doing nothing" kicks serious ass.

November 30, 2002

on holidays :

Anyone who hates a holiday - and more specifically - a paid holiday - obviously doesnt work.
I will go so far as to say if you do not have a job - you have no real grasp of reality.
In fact.

I will go so far as to say if you do not offer to perform fellatio upon my lower regions -
you have no real grasp of reality - either.

Hence - all of you live in a ficticious world that you have made up to make yourself feel better.
Because you're not planted upon my penis.

... well - maybe zach has some real form of reality.
( will you stop it with the nibbling? )
I love Thanksgiving. You know why? I hate turkeys, and it makes me really happy to know that nearly everyone on my street is in some way contributing to the MASSACRE!! of one - that's right MASS A CREEE!
Hold on a minute: "fuck labor day because i am against
doesn’t make any fucking sense.

And then: "...we should be communist!"

"Fuck labor",
"we should be communist!"

What the fuck?

Whoever wrote that needs to pull their head out of their ass and breath a little

November 29, 2002

No shit on the "Homeland Security" act, but they keep passing more and more laws that eat away at our freedoms, not to mention further "interpretations" of existing laws.
Bradbury -

9 - 1 1 came around
then the " HOMELAND SECURTY ACT " came around three days later.

No shit buddy - I saw " TERRORISM " as a flag for losing my rights the day it hit.

( sigh )

November 28, 2002

Cruel Irony...
...If you follow the twists.

December 15th is "Bill of Rights Day" That is, December 15, 1791 is when the bill of rights took effect.

Stay with me now, here comes the good part.

Starting on December 4th, the Supreme Court begins hearing arguments in a case that is more or less challenging Miranda vs. Arizona.


An article about it can be read here.

Welcome to the new, safer America, ladies and gentlemen.

We have a government (lead by a president not elected by the people) that is slowly doing everything possible to control and monitor every aspect of it's citizens' daily lives.

Our rights as citizens have been eroded dangerously in the last 12 months, under the guise of making it safer for the group, no matter what the cost to the individual may be.

The best part - most of those getting screwed are welcoming it, thinking that it will in the long run be good for us all.


I've never heard anyone refer to Orwell as "visionary" for a reason.

I know that it has been thrown around a lot lately, but I must close with this:

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

Okay - I don;t know how to do this, so if I screw up, somebody please fix it!

Okay, so I just straight up don't know where to go from there. damnation.

November 25, 2002

ahhhhhh i'm gone for a while and you all turn into homies ( hey want to know some fun trivia..... homie in japanese means vagina)
well stop your scaring little children
i got a job i got a job yippie for me...............
james, my friend wants to play magic with you guys because he saids that there is no one he know that is good at it
run ons are fun dont you think
and so they all live happily ever after
I wish to participate in the BURNING MAN event.


November 23, 2002

James, Zach, Aaron,
A tip for you:

Nor are you good enough to act like it.

November 22, 2002


whizzo butter - its better butter in your butt -
whats so alarmin' about squeezin the charmin - brand toilet paper
some sort of caper this must be - because Aaron thinks he can diss on me
thinking that Im impressed by his " look at my rhymes and bars "
must've just got through reading his " I enjoy penis / and men from mars "
- book - took it from Zach-o, Oh did I mention the two of them play ping-pong after dark?
bouncin' their balls back and forth like a barracuda shark on exctasy
you see : lemme make something clear here - HE MAN TOOK STEROIDS - so you're one to speak :
little maracorni and beans in your pants while you're callin zach's rhymes weak - sheit

I dont ACT black with ebonics 'cuz I can
- I AM black from the broken down #1 on the Martin
Damn ink spraying everywhere putting me through a panic
- gettin' on the intercom yelling : " HEY I NEED A FUCKIN MECHANIC! "
And speakin' of jobs : at least mine is legit
- No need to stand on the street corner suckin some shit

And sorry - I've gotta give zach some props : makes me laugh more than barley hops
like a couple of kegs only hard liquor not beer - if he could FREESTYLE you'd have something to fear -
dayam - Im lucky I aint drinkin' no milk or through my nose the shit would've spilt /
all over these keys on this board I be typin
I'd have to resort to violence - higher some fuckin' midgets to kick'em in the shins.

Slugs go ICP.

Just fucking great.

November 20, 2002

Ive posted a good couple of times when random people come out of nowhere and ask me things.
One of my favorites consist of : " how old are you? / I fuck small children " - which was so out of place and funny that ...
I couldnt help but post this.

fineblackguy342: hi
Caenum: no. i dont want to see pictures.
Caenum: and no. i didnt remember our chat.
fineblackguy342: no, i wanted 2 ask u a Q?
Caenum: oh. you arent a bot. how cute.
fineblackguy342: i was jus wonderin if u knew ne chicks who would want 2 have sex?
Caenum: with a fine, black man who is thirty four to thirty two years old?
Caenum: oh sure, plenty.
fineblackguy342: no, i'm 18
Caenum: lemme consult my " book -o- women who wish to fuck "
fineblackguy342: i live in spanaway washington
Caenum: oh shit man I'll hook you up good.
Caenum: wizza-wizza.
fineblackguy342: 4 real? do u really kno someone?
Caenum: plenty.
fineblackguy342: could u hook me up wit someone for tonite?
Caenum: You ever heard of a bar called Oasis?
fineblackguy342: nah
fineblackguy342: i'm not 21, so i can't drink ne way... at least in a bar
Caenum: You dont have to be twenty one - you can go in as long as you're just playing pool or whatnot.
fineblackguy342: o
fineblackguy342: alrite
fineblackguy342: do u kno ne chicks numbers?
fineblackguy342: r u there?
*** fineblackguy342 has added you to their contact list. You may choose to accept or deny this action.. You may also add this user to your contact list or ignore this user.
Caenum: 253 538 2165
Caenum: ta da.
fineblackguy342: could u call her first and tell her whats up
fineblackguy342: she mite think i'm a rapist or somethin
Caenum: hahaha, I havent spoken to her in eons.
Caenum: well thats good. arent you?
fineblackguy342: no
Caenum: well then whats the use.
fineblackguy342: who do i ask 4?

at this point I went through a panic and figured that Ra-8wjerpjdf could go into a vengefull fit and throw my number round to the wind and have any number of aroused black men calling me for fellatio or buggery. So I denied the fact that he wanted to add me to his list and quickly went offline.

there is the possibility that this " fine black man " is one of the slugs fucking with me.

In such an event. I laugh at you.

Using the strife of the colored folk to get action.

I pity you.
Instead of the actual military, join the merchant marines....not quite as much BS, and they pay fairly well.
Rules, Regulations - and Really ... now.

somewhat of a defense for myself - normally in such instances would I even defend myself? I do not know. I do not know much of anything, now-a-days, but these things I do know :

1. Running around in the morning does help one to be more active - for not only does it make one physically awake, but also puts one in the mindset of " going somewhere " or - better yet : " DOING SOMETHING " rather than sitting around, or sleeping

2. VITAMINS WORK - I tested them out myself and in comparison, without vitamins normal everyday activites may drag - however with vitamins it, instead of dragging one down - it merely takes away the energy that would normally be supplied with the vitamin - leaving one with more energy what have you. Having more energy supplies one to do more things, as ... we'll say - running around in the morning.

3. Having shorter hair is to no real extent asides from the fact that my showers are taking too long now.

4. and as for the military.

I can follow orders rather efficiently. I have come to the stark realization that nothing has any real reason or purpose to it. So, dig a hole in the ground for no other reason asides from digging a hole in the ground? Sure, why not? I make boxes for a living - there is no real difference. How could I not tell someone in a higher rank than me to " fuck off " so to speak? Because it would be my job not to. And - given time, I would have power : it would be me telling people to dig holes in the ground, why? BECUASE IT DOESNT MAKE ANY FUCKIN' DIFFERENCE. As for four hours of sleep? Dear, not to be rude or anything - But I use to work twelve hour shifts and have trouble sleeping - I'd get four to six hours of sleep every day. It was easy. Much easier than these eight hour shifts Im on now where I get seven to nine hours of good ol rest.

The running. The vitamins. The soon to do pushups+situps+(jumpingjacks, never thought of that!)+weights. The re-arrangement of my room and removal of a bunkbed to be replaced with a smaller bed in which I will make every morning and maintain to a military fashion ( my father was a first seargent, he shall show me how things are done ) - these will all be self - tests to see if I have what it takes.

I can tell you now, I do.

Because I have something inside of me which burns twice as bright as anyone else I've ever met.
Its special and it wants to do something for a change.
It wants to be alive and it wants to make a difference.

It is sick and tired of the way that I have been treating my life.
My living style has become a drain onto it and now it is speaking up.

And now?

Now im going to listen to it.

November 19, 2002

So we're playing at, and I decide to randomly start looking up people from the board. I must post about this later! Meanwhile, I entered Jeff Paulino, and got:
jeff paulino is a work study student with the program and a university of washington student majoring in psychology
Not to be rude or anything James, but no matter how many laps you run, how many vitamins you take, no matter how short you cut your hair (which is just a really weird thought either way) I cannot imagine you going into any kind of militant force. They have rules and yell at you and you HAVE to do what they say instead of telling them to fuck off. Now, although I know that you have changed signifigantly over the last two years (mainly, from what I know, because you got a job and took the upon yourself to buy a car of all things, and pay on it reguarly, I think) I still cannot see you being able to have orders screamed at you and actually doing what they say. The other reason...I cannot see you being capeable of getting four hours of sleep a night, getting up before dawn, running for miles, doing pushups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, lifting weights, etc., etc.

However, you did say that you see this in your far away future which gives you plenty of time to change your mind. If you actually somehow manage to go through with it though, more power to you...I suppose.

BTW, it was a v-port cable not a vbox cable, but thank you for checking for me anyhow :)

so CHRIS, an operator at work - is at the hospital ( maddigan ) and is waiting for his father to finally bite it.
die. keel over, kick the bucket.

and he has to take a shit.
so he goes to the bathroom.

and guess who he is reminded of?




ha. ha. ha.
lots of stuff to say today ... whee.

1. Justin + Breanna : down at the fred meyer in Puyallup/Graham ( closest to puyallup ) there are two boxes of cables : one has a bunch of red+yellow+black wires which I cannot recall the name of : the other is a box-looking thing called an " RF CABLE " or whatnot and I read into it which stated : " WILL CONNECT X-BOX TO ANY TELEVISION " - but it wasnt a " VBOX " or whatnot - so yeah. Just figured I'd drop that since the question was asked and I happened to be looking in the area. I also went online to make sure I had " RF CABLE " correct and never did I see anything mentioned about " VBOX " cables anywhere - maybe the name is mistooken? I found a variety of different levels of " A/V XBOX " cables. Doobie doo.

2. LOOSE SLUGS ( DOT ) COM EMAIL ADDRESSES - you want'em, you email me with a username and you've got the hook-up. That simple, because I figured a way to give'm out to ya'll without having to comprimise your security. Whee. Go ahead and email ZACHO@LOOSE-SLUGS.COM and he'll get it.

3. JIMMOI CALLED last night and told me something funny - it was this : everyone knows how he'll be down here for christmas. Things arent going that well for him - because someone was caught with cigarettes in his " bay " - and the thing about " bays " is that he's in charge of his. And now he's responsible for the fact this person had cigarettes - and that means 30 days in ( some place ) - which ( some place ) is the equivilant of " military prison " - however he said that they searched the room at 5pm and they are only suppose to do room-inspections pre 3pm - so if they try to make him stay for the duration in which he would normally be leaving - he's going to fight it. Funny.

4. I AM GOING TO RE-ORGANIZE the board - how you ask? Well I got to thinking, at work, about how I would be able to include my work buddies ( Joe / Dennis ) - into the board without them getting the isolation that most of the online join-ee's got. I figured it out. Im going to create another persona called : " MR. Q " - and what Mr. Q will do - is every sunday he'll post a Question for everyone on the board to ponder / post about / answer / give their opinion on. Now mind you it wont always be a question - it could be a news article or something that had recently happened or just something blah blah blah - anywho - so every week there will be a " Discussion topic " for the board ( which although not everyone MUST follow - but will be a helping hand to those who " dont post because they dont have anything to post " ) - now they will. How these questions or articles will be decided will be that I am going to make an address - something like or something of the like and then we can all send our questions / suggestions to that - I will randomly pick one of those each week ( or choose one, whichever may be more compelling ) - and blammo, there we have it. so it wont just be me who puts up a question : you guys can send them in when you've got an idea or want your fellow slugs' opinions. WHEE. Whot'chall think'uv dat on'?

5. SOMETHING IS CHANGING INSIDE OF ME - this is rather blunt but it is true. Soon I will be cutting my hair and getting a new wardrobe. Come this thanksgiving " time off " of work Im going to take out the entertainment center in my room - and the bunkbeds, and go out and buy myself a bed. I will keep my room clean. I will also, instead of sleeping in before work - wake up early and do laps around my block, be it rain or shine. I will take vitamins. And - last but not least : While I am paying off my vehicle I will be going to the community college to either get my GED or my HIGHSCHOOL DIPLOMA and am seriously considering, then, enrolling myself into the military - something along the lines of the marines. But that is way far down the line - and I dont even know if my change will be that drastic.

6. JOSEPH SAYS to me : " Hey - Im having a new-years-party at my house, you're invited if you'd like to come. " -
JAMES SAYS TO JOSEPH : " When is it? " - and then he shrugs his head in shame.

sometimes its best to think before you ask a question.
Happy Birthday to Chrissie
I'm 18, yay.

November 18, 2002

[--Excessive Fat--]

Today I saw something while walking around QFC that scared me...

... a man, who was sitting in one of those electric wheel chair things... was having his leg being swallowed alive by his very own stomach!

It's true. And that, it such a sad, sad fate...

As i walked by, all i could do was replay that horrendous image in my head, of this 500 lbs man sitting in this chair... (i felt sorry for the electric wheel chair, which MUST have been suffering), as he counted his money before he lost it in the many folds surrounding his ASS. Maybe he just was just counting the money to remember the good old days just before he lost it.

The way his stomach... well what i take to be his stomach... was creeping upon his legs... drooped over, like the old horror movie creature, the blob... slowly digesting the remnants of what hopefully were once working legs... saddened me dearly...

The only thing sadder was how his legs seemed to be trying to fight back with their own bulbousness as well... perhaps thinking that if they were blobs... then they would have a chance... unfortunately, gravity didn't seem to be playing along with that theory, and so in the end, a vicious cycle was started... where the man's legs began trying to devour the man's feet...

how the feet tried to defend themselves... is anybody's guess...

I was left wondering... as i walked out of the grocery store... a literal suicide machine for this wheelchair bound FATman... providing the tools for his very demise...

... was this man ever notFAT...?

... was there a time when he was actually able to do something that we all do without thought -- jump...

... if so... does he remember that time... does he long for that time... when gravity wasn't such an enemy to him...

... maybe it harkens back to childhood years... when the idea of playing kick ball with his little friends didn't immediately bring him into a state of cardiac arrest...

does this man miss those times? does his legs miss those times... (probably not as they are still locked in battle with his ever encroaching stomach-mass)

does he lay awake in his super-titanium enforced bed, tossing and turning with the aid of a machine... thinking about the time when he was last about to sit up in bed without the use of pulleys and levers?

and i wondered, as i walked out of that grocery store and headed back to work, after having enjoyed a sensible lunch...

... when in that man's life did he decide to choose between eating 20 bags of potato chips smoothered in liquified twinky residue over the ability to walk out to his car without the use of an oxygen-nitrogen tank?

... and will any of us ever make the same choice he made...
Do any of you know where Justin or I could purchase a v-port cable for the xbox and xbox ready RCA TV? We have looked everywhere we could think of (Best Buy, Target, Game Stop.Com, Electronics Boutique,, etc.) and no one has or knows where to find it. I even emailed the support at and they didn't know where to find it. Any how, if you happen to know where either of us could get it please let me know. Thanks.

November 16, 2002

All your base are belong to slugs :)

November 15, 2002

Jackass could be an effective form of population control, if only.......

I say take the disclaimers off. Maybe even encourage people to imitate them. Then, when more little dumbshits set themselves on fire (or whatever), it thins out the shallow end of the gene pool a little...
"I can already envision the duct tape stretched over your mouth"

There are some other good ones too....

The same place that made the "TZA" banner you have on your car can do bumper stickers.
Napster : if'n this friend of yours is " good " and can hook us up with :

1. information on making our own bumperstickers or
2. a " discount " - say : 5$ a pop

we might be able to see some " TZA SLOGAN " bumper stickers...
Mind you - this isnt exact, but just some shit I think would be funny to see on the back of a car.


anyone got any other funny bumperstickers?
Fred Meyer is racist? or is it prejudice - either or.

so figure this - I go to buy the new Miss E. cd ( because the only music I seem to be into at the moment is ... well ... rap ) - and I sort of noticed something a little odd. The whole rap section had " THEFT PROTECTION DEVICES " - as where the whole other rack such as pop, rock, country and so forth were all fine and dandy. I FOUND THAT FUNNY. Something inside of me is thinking that it would be good at freestyling. Aaron yadda yadda and tries to prod me into it. Im still hesistant. As he says : " YOU BE LACKIN' DA CONF'DENSH NIGGA " - not in so many words, still. Confidence. Something ... I dont know. Another thing.

I was driving and a SPORTS UTILITY VEHICLE pulls out of nowhere and cuts me off. It has alaskan liscense plates. The plates read PUREVL - there is a bumper sticker on the back - it reads : " MY CHILD IS AN HONOR ROLL STUDENT " or some other such rubbish. In the rear window there was : " AVIATION SCHOOL OF FLIGHT " or some other yadda yadda. I laughed. They couldnt be any mroe pure, could they.

so it goes.

I look forward to tomorrow.
maybe it wont be today, then.

November 14, 2002

I just read a brief synopsis of Ken Keyes Jr's theory of "The 100th Monkey."

Very cool.

Worth a read, if any of you can find it.

November 13, 2002

Dumbass, that wasn't a link, just an address......

November 12, 2002

Way to go smart guy...

I wasn't going to say the name....

Turns out he lives right by me.....I caught rides from him a couple times in high school when the red beast was broken down....'s a burgundy Beretta, not a red Mustang.
bradburry i love you man and if you find were he lives ill (place dumb thing to do ) JOHN MOWDY will die im getting his licens plate and ill get that to you asap!

November 11, 2002

By what does one measure " the quality of life " ?
Mr. R:
I may know the location of the person you least the neighborhood.
At the moment, I see no need for Justin to get a seperate account as he has only posted once. (ie. the very first time either of us posted anything). Anyway, you'll know when he posts; there is a deffinate difference in what we talk about.
sorry jeff. I just couldnt help testing out my leet photoshop skill( z ).

I now introduce you to :

Sarah Practicing the Cock

and for those of you who missed it ...

click to enlarge
Click To Enlarge!

I dont really have much to post.
Personally I prefer twelve hour shifts as compared to eight hour.


so it goes.

zacho - my phone ( 2536914874 ) - from 8am to 10am ( my time )

That's fine Zach-o......You want me to post the rest of it?

November 10, 2002

MC 900 FT Jesus....
Anyone have one of his records?
Yeah actually I remember seeing the one in Ellensburg now that you mention it...

Bu the one I was thinking of is in Ritzville. It's about the only thing worth stopping for in Ritzville, unless you're low on gas.

Even then, it might be worth risking it to try and make it to another town.....
Hmm.....there's a Perkn's east of the mountains somewhere....Wenatchee maybe. Not really sure. I've eaten there a few times coming back from camping, didn't seem like a bad place. Doesn't go right through you like Shari's does. That's a plus.

Heh....something I'll probably never do again, camping in the middle of the desert. 105 in the shade, and there is no shade. Fun. I'll stick to camping in snow from now on, it's much more entertaining to get loaded and drive around it two feet of snow.
mike im comming up tonight and im bringing mike with me if he ever calls so im goin to work right now if you need too call me 6the # there is 360 893 6909 ok later

November 09, 2002

hum well i just got off werk so i thouhg tthat i would see what all of the boys ssaid about me and my posting you guys are so defensive about shit ....whatever james i was told that that would piss you off oand she was right it did ...oh and why would you ever ever ever think that i would ever ever ever fuck heather.....other then that i think that bradbury or however you spell it ....why do you talk so smart didn't you go to bethel....your sounding like yell at me all you want about whatever you want it doesn't matter your sayingthat your name is scottish or english ...hum are you in any way ???? "futhermore" have fun bashing me about fucking chicks that you will never touch...bye bye

November 08, 2002


the next time we talk online.....

Breathing again yet?
Well, it would seem I'm starting to come down with something (damnit)

If I don't feel like crap, I'll be there. Otherwise, I'll be fishing and drinking.
ok bradburry show up on monday for PAINtball funzoy goodness!! 10 bucks for everything and then how ever much paint you want

November 07, 2002

This explains a lot.
The board may go on and off - and get kind of screwy.
you'll notice the archives themselves no longer work.

Im ... ah ... " playing " with things.

Monday is a holiday? Probably not for me.
Does that include rental for those who may not have their own?
PAINtball-What are the details? I was thinking that monday wouldn't work for me. Then it was brought to my attention that monday is a holiday, and one that I have off. SO if it's not too expensive, maybe I'll go.

November 06, 2002

I was gonna post something, but I forgot what it was. I think I'm making a habit of that!

meanwhile, I just have to say that I got that there Avril Lavigne or whatever CD, thinking I wouldn;t really like it, but I needed it to get that damninable song out of my head, and lo and behold, it owns all over the place!
An Idea...
Maybe Breanna and Justin should have separate accounts.
It's not always apparent who is posting.
And just upon catching up to what everyone has posted recently:

Fuck you James, I'm not an idiot. :)
and I mean that lovingly too.
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch.
Welcome to life, Mr. Collins.

the next time I say something along the lines of : " Fuck saving money "
instead of saying : " I thought you said you needed to save money. "

.... augh. I hate finances.

November 05, 2002

Wow...I never could have guessed that you need more highschool.....

November 04, 2002

Generations -

again, same stuff as yesterday - got to thinking.

I was thinking about musicians again but more specifically - Nirvana.
Now I watched a thing on VH - 1 about Nirvana and it was all about blahety blah blah blah they're so great.
But one thing caught my attention it was that age-old saying that " Nirvana was the voice of a new generation "
For some damn odd reason I kept thinking about that, it kept bothering me.
I didnt know why - until I thought of someone else :

Beck - To my recolection, Beck came out relitavely around the same time, or a bit after - Nirvana. I dont quite know. I do know however that the song with the refrain : " Im a loser baby, So why dont you kill me? " - Pioneered Beck into being " The voice of a new generation " - And I found that funny. The more I thought about it - Everyone always refers to " The voice of a new generation " and then adds : " Just as The rolling stones epitomed their generation with ' Satisfaction ' " - and it continues to bother me.

Why is it that musicians are seen to be zeit-geists ( OH MY JESUS, WE'LL HAVE TO TAKE A PHILOSPHY CLASS TO FIGURE THAT WORD OUT! ) - and forerunners of a generation? Just because someone makes a song and a lot of people listen to it and enjoy it makes them " a generation " - It makes me want to make a song about how much I dont give a shit about anything and nothing holds any real value for me. I dont know... This post is being botched. I wanted to make a point but I dont think I've made it. Who is the voice of our generation? Where is our song? Ooops, are you doing it again? I have to congratulate Zacho on one thing, and I will end this post with a quote from zacho - an example on why I love his anu--- ... err ... why I love him - not necissarily any specific part of his anatomy - so very much.

so i think that musicians should strive to find a balance between the two.
...but wait..that wouldnt be profitable now would it?

November 03, 2002

oh my jesus.
it ends with : THE END? - that question mark just throws me off.

steve i took a liking to your cat ill take care of it till you find a place he will need to live in my room if your afrade hell run away! well if you bye stuff for him ill be good for a long time well call me if you want me to help!#847 4837
WARNING - this post will be full of semi-philosphical ideals and " big words " to the extent that you may want to bash your head against a wall and never wake up from a deep long sleep. In such an event - skip the post. continuing on :

As I was feeding the machine today AT IDLE SPEED which is 5 000 boxes an hour - ( imagine " THUMP, count to four THUMP, count to four " ) - I generally got to sitting around and just thinking about things and I came to thinking about the following thing so much that I decided to come by the board and post it and see if anyone has anything to say or add or give me their opinion on. ( a little note - some guy who isnt on the board emailed me about my life + death post and was talking about Zen and so forth. Very interesting )

CHRISTIANITY - So I got to thinking about Christianity and a big beef I have with it. The concept that in the event something happens its never their " manifestation " - to elaborate : In the event they go to the store and win the lottery or something its " GODS WILL " and " THE GRACE OF GOD " or say that a christian saves another person from a burning building they " THANK GOD " for his strength and we'll say the person saved " THANKS GOD " as well for the devout follower who came to save his/her life. It works in reverse as well - say they do something bad " IT WASNT ME, SATAN COMPELLED ME " - or if they think something bad - it is " SATAN AFFECTING ME WITH IMPURE THOUGHTS " - or a large tornado hits and takes out three homes " SATAN TRIED TO KILL US BUT GOD HAS SAVED US " - but Im going a bit overboard. Mind you - I should clarify that I do not necissarily mean " Christians " or " All Christians " for that matter - merely " Those who follow Christian dogma which falls into this category " - I believe these people suffer from a form of schizophrenia. A form of self-induced morality-based dogmatic schizophrenia. In stead of taking " RESPONSIBILITY " for all or any actions which they do or happen to them they place it upon the two respective deities. Good is God, Bad is Satan. Therefore it reduced " living " or " life " to nothing more than a attribution of " where does this go? " - A classification of sorts, and the actual person doesnt really have any real purpose asides from stating that " THIS WAS GODS WILL " or " SATAN IS EVIL - WHARGH ". I believe this manner of belief or " living " is a manner in which one can maintain a sense of " innosence " - A sence of childhood. When one is a child they dont necissarily have to make a decision or have very much responsibility. They just reiterate " what is good " and " what is bad " - GO FIGURE.

the other thing I found my beef with was PEARL JAM
Frankly, I hate pearl jam. They're terribly over-rated and they just plain suck. I hate the lead-singer's voice, I hate the music - Ironically enough the few pearl jam songs I enjoy are ones that " dont sound like pearl jam " - with this said, please take that into consideration when I say that I am SICK AND TIRED of every god-damned radio-station going PEARL JAM CRAZY because I guess they're having a concert around here. Im tired of everyone thinking that it is so " cool " that pearl jam allowed boot-leg copies of their concerts out so that there are BILLIONS of pearl jam concert+cds. I DONT GIVE A SHIT. But that isnt the beef, thats just a minor little rant -- The beef is about musicians themselves, and " live shows "

A bit ago I bought NIN and Marlyin Manson LIVE dvds. I watched them. The singers/musicians themselves seemed so puppet-like. They seemed as if they werent really " feeling " what they were saying, just they were breathing loudly and noise in the form of " lyrics " came out of their mouths and the audience went wild and crazy and screams and yells and huzzahs and jumps around. The beef? I dont see how musicians can do it. If they sit in a booth and record something once and they seriously feel the way they feel when they record it - how is it that they can go on stage and do the same thing? It must be fabricated to some extent. For example : Trent reznor has definately moved on from the manner in which he expressed in THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL - this can be assessed by merely buying/listening to his latest release. That in mind, How is it that he can go on stage and sing songs from that album when he no longer feels that way? Wouldnt he have conflicting feelings of " this isnt true " or " this is no longer " if he no longer felt that way - but yet the audience sits there and CRAVES songs such as " Hurt " or " Closer " - how is that possible? The only manner I can see an artist/musician going on stage/concert is to do NEW things and NEW songs - but not old ones - the thing is nobody would ever go to a concert if the artists played only new things because then the audience wouldnt be able to " sing along " - they'd have to " EXPERIENCE SOMETHING NEW " instead of hearing THE SAME OLD SHIT just " not from a cd " - and then from time to time " getting a treat " by getting a song they've never heard of before to where they have to SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN FOR ONCE.

And then this got me to thinking about teachers. How do teachers who work in a " period " day do it? First period comes in they give their lesson - that period leaves, second period comes in - then they have to do the same lesson ALL OVER AGAIN. How in chroist's name is that bloody possible? That would drive me insane! I asked a couple of teachers why didnt they just " have different lesson plans for each period " and they said that 1. it would take too much effort and 2. the paper work to send into the " big boss " would be too difficult. and ... you can tell they just didnt want to try it. They were fine and dandy with going into " auto pilot " and saying the same thing over and over and over every period, every day, every year. ( think mr. neilson ) - - -

And then. . . .
and then I went to sleep.

November 01, 2002

Hey all,

I meant to do this earlier, but circumstances have kept me in a state of semi-limbo...

but all is good... and i did make a promise...

so anyway,
here is bonnie's address... right her letters... ASAP, cause i guess her address will change soon or something. Yeah, now that i read the letter, it's a temporary address... so write some letters real fast if you're going to... i should have done that already, but again... circumstances... (damn circumstances, the RBC's of life.)

i'll put the permanent one when she writes again.

meantime: here's my address in case you all want to write to me :)

Jeff Paulino
2717 Western Ave. #330
Seattle, Wa 98121

and hell, while we're at it... i'm sure Justin and Breanna want letters to (how do i know this... actually i don't, but whatever)

oooh, and of course... this person may be lonely too...

Cause we all need a friend :)

October 31, 2002

Let the cock-touching commence.

I wish I was Under the Pinkos!!! I kept trying to call you, but you're never home! I got the frog charm - What'd you get?

And for all you out there who haven't yet listened - Scarlet's Walk ons (as Micheal would say) your soul!!!

October 30, 2002

well from what i hear i guess my life in high school is good? huh ok whatever! steve i just now read the car post wtf were you thinking? letting a girl take your car did you not learn the first time you did it?

anyone know of any job openings i need a job ill be 18 in a few weeks and damn its goin to suck hard cock!

btw i have a belly button, just thought i would let you know that, its an inny too...


^--------- do it OR touch my cock!

Another subject that...well....

A concept that many of us here are familiar with: I’ll take a break. Wait a year, then go to college. Man-o-man, does that not work. Don’t stop Bre, because you’ll never go back.

Not that I have reason to bitch.

Not that I’m bitching.

It’s just that....
I keep getting pressured to.
By people who never went to college. Or at least never got anything out of it.
And by people who did.

The trouble is: if I go to school now, I have to give up all I’ve gained to this point. Everything. There’s just no way I could work full time and go to school. All the people I’m around who do that are miserable. And tailoring my work hours to the classes I’d need to take-not possible.
I’d have to find another job. One that would without question pay considerably less. Leaving me with no free time and broke as hell.

The developing racing career would be done-leaving me to rebuild it when time allows.

So...fuck it. Fuck it all. I can get where I want to be from where I will just take longer and mean a lot more hard-ass work along the way.

Which is another point.
The racing career.
It’s really getting tough.
I need to quit existing in the shadows of others.
If I don’t start building my own fucking cars, I’ll never get anywhere. The Toyota I have can’t be what I need it to be. My brother’s car is just that-his car. It wouldn’t exist if I hadn’t learned Honda EFI inside and out in two days to build it....but that doesn’t mean shit. When he races it, he races it. So what if I’m standing there...holding a fucking wrench.

But he doesn’t race it enough. His lack of motivation has become the excuse for mine.

Just another excuse.
One among many.

We need to get the Friday night crew going again. It would seem that the largest part of the crew is 21 now. We should get together somewhere....somewhere that we couldn’t before. Someplace like Jillian’s. Well, we could have been there before....but that’s not the point.

This being the high-motivation crew, I’m sure that will happen soon.


I haven’t done a post this size in some time.
Maybe I should get a livejournal.....
You know, I wish I could feel the same way about school that Jeff does. I am ready to quit. Every time I think I'm done with this College, which is nothing more than an extention of High School, I find out that I need 5 more credits here, or we won't except that class, or I can't give you a no credit just because the school won't provide you with the materials for the class, it's just not fair to the other students. I talk to the person at one university and they say that I am guarenteed to get in, then I get a letter back saying that they won't except 20 of my credits. I talk to another person at another university who says the same thing, and then I never hear anything back from them. However they did manage to cash my check but have never heard from me before. B-fucking-S. Why is it worth taking all of the classes that I took in High School over again (because I did bad on my SAT's and ACT's) when I am just getting denied over and over again. IT IS CRAP, and I am sick of being screwed by schools. I want to take a break, let Justin go and get his school out of the way. But of course, that just isn't the way it works.
I realize something...

I never want to leave this college... this campus.

Fuck careers -- this is a career... learning...

damnit, and it's my senior year too. I don't want it to be. Not because i'm afraid of what i'll have to do when it's all over... but because, being here, there's life here... and...

i never really thought about how much of a love/hate relationship i've had with school. especially this school.

I'm sitting in Mary Gates Hall... in the center of the building, where people are studying... and i watch, and i realize... this is what i want... i could do this forever-- study, talk with people, have fun... kick back...

make an ass of myself a thousand times over, and wake up the next morning to do it all over again.

--K... this post is making no sense, so i'm going to cease now.

October 29, 2002


man o' man steve...

i understand it, all too well -- to be right now that concept makes my life all the more complicated then ever before.

but i sure as hell understand it.


Yeah, beat jimmoi to postin' it.

Anyway, lookee me, i'm posting... don't expect that too happen too much anytime soon. I'm... err... in the process of a great many things, and going through a "perspective-finding/altering/re-affirming" situation right now. However, as it annoys the hell out of me at times, and i know it annoys the hell out of a great many others when others do this, i'm not really gonna mention what the hell i'm talking about.

[-- Aside from the previous quip above. --]

That's all i really had to say. Oh... and...

Vive le BiFTECK!



okay... just had to get that out... one last time...

October 28, 2002

No one's seen 8 Mile.
It doesn't come out till November 8th.

I'll be gone till November 1. Homework. Ryan Adams. CD shopping.
This would be my Link 'O the Day

We should ask this guy to join us....

October 27, 2002

I don't want to have to buy him tapes. I just want copies.
and he already tried getting them, plus he lives in Texas.
I posted it originally here cuz LiveJournal wasn't working and I needed it saved.
When it was working, I copy/pasted it off of here & then deleted it cuz it was too long.
Kurt's on the telly now. I can kinda understand your reasoning as to why you avoid Nirvana... makes sense.

Anyways, I have an uncle who is a truck driver. His truck doesn't have a cd player in it, so he has to listen to tapes. They don't sell a lot of tapes of the newer stuff out, so I have to make him tapes of stuff. He asked me for The White Stripes, The Hives, and Queens of the Stone Age. My mom told me I have to get them on tape for him. Do any of y'all own those? Cuz like, ya I don't.
I find Kurt Cobain so annoying because I agree with him and we have similar idealogies.
so fuck that. I still dislike Nirvana and still dislike him - on entirely no other reason asides from the fact that I believe that If I look into him and/or his music I might enjoy it. whargh. Steve - I know what you're talking about and have experienced the same deal. Touche' and congrats on the new lady-friend + associates I might add. Drop me a line if any of the new breed are " slug material. "

I now work 8 hour shifts.
it is going to suck so much.
and I guess McQuade said : " NO MORE WORKING WEEKENDS "
you know what that means? If this gets enstated by next week - Hmmm.


well now. there is nothing else ... is there.

October 26, 2002

We shall begin with :


and moving on :


I dont know, maybe its a mood Im in as of late - but Ive been thinking about what is a " rational " or " reasonable " manner in which one could self-terminate ... or ... commit suicide. I was thinking of a scenerio where a man goes out and commits a bunch of acts of sin or some sort of bad things and then right in the midst of it all suddenly finds that all the things he is doing are " bad " - and decides to off himself in the name of " justice " or whatnot. Hum. Anyone got any idea on what a " commendable " manner for suicide would be? Or is " all self-termination " bad?

moving on :


I proposed my life + death question as a manner to side-track the board off of the " rock " discussion. I'd have a whole lot more to say in my defense as to the implication that Im " using big words just to sound smart " - but Im just not going to bother. To each their own! Zug zug.


My name is not Jamie either. Or Jamie Lee. I dislike it when people refer to me with anything which is a slight reference to " James " or " Jim " - most people know that, and those who know me real close either tend to not use my name that often or I just dont notice it as much. Bradbury himself we ( or I ) use to call Pillsbury - a nickname. Not a bastardization of his given last name. Curious however - why in Chroist's name do you figure that you can call me Jamie - being that the only person who does call me that is Heather - and the name would be : " Jamie Bunny Rabbit " - or " Rabbitt " for short. Just because you're carpet-munching-lesbo-fucking my ex-girlfriend doesnt mean you can call me by the same name she does. Jeez. Show some decency for what people wish to be refered to as.


ill work on a new design shit. just wait.

What was her name?

October 25, 2002

He's a second or third cousin of my grandfather....
there is a writer named ray bradbury i wounder if our bradbury is a distant relative?
steve- eat my ass with a large spoon...seems how i wouldnt be able to say that to you in person ill do it here..

has any1 ever found james to be kinda freeky like holy shit hes goin to kill us all? i had a dream last night (yes i was dreaming of james ha ha ha...) and james was going about his norm when his comp was messed with by one of chrises little butt buddies and to make it short he killed us all then sat down and licked the knife...???

i need to see a councler!
The issue isn’t about my liking or disliking my name....simply that ”bradberrie” is not my name. That spelling doesn’t even reflect the pronunciation. My name is Bradbury. It comes from old English or Scottish for “Broad Board.” Traditionally it is meant to reflect one who came from areas of Northern England that had forts made of broad, rough cut planks.

I’m not trying to be rude in any way, merely pointing out that calling me “bradberrie” is somewhat insulting, whether meant in jest or not.
oh and hey jamie lee ((as in not mud) meaning jamie lee curtis the hermaphrodite) me and heather are going to camp heheh and wezza gonna have fun.....
so Mr. Bradberrie's Dingleberries

i was just wondering why you don't like your name ....i like it....
Preach it, Bren! Yeah, that's right - I'm cool enough to say "Preach it, sista" :)

Meanwhile, no Tori for me this year. :( It's assigned seating, and after last year - nooo thank you!

October 24, 2002

ok so now that you've craped out all the shit thats been building up the past 6 days youll be at school on friday right mike? (yea right) or when you wake up in the morn r u goin to do the momy im sick thing again? cuz i need your punck ass at school so you can give out some of the flyers for paintballin on the 11th hey that reminds me...
PAINTBALL NOV. 11 ask mike or Mr. R for a flyer

its 10$ to get in and a gun 100 paintballs all day air and field so come and get killed by mike and Mr. R... cuz you know we will kill you, you dont stand a chance in hell!!

next time im at the collins house someone remind me to sleep!! i felt like i was high all day it was wierd!
#1: I am sick of all of this philosophical bullshit that you people always seem to talk about. (Or maybe not always, but at least when I am around). All it attempts to do is make people look smarter than they are. "Oooh I can use big words to make people think I'm smart" kinda thing. And although I do belive that people are relatively stupid who don't know what those words mean, I don't see and reason for having to use them in every day vocabulary. All it does is remind me of Tyler Golightly, and that just makes me sick.

#2: I think that humanity (as man is no longer considered pc according to my english teacher) is just selfish in nature. Although people may do things that make them seem to be good (like donate money to cancer research studies and feed the homeless) they wouldn't be doing it if it didn't improve their position in life in some way. When you donate money all you have to do is claim it on your income taxes and it all comes right back to you; just as if you donate clothes and other household items to the goodwill, inflating what they really are worth, and claim it on your income taxes. If you donate your time doing some kind of community service you can get all kinds of free things (like scholorships for college), and, with a college education, you can supposedly go out into the world and be capeable of make lots-o-cash.

#3: Although part of me wants to be sad for the people who were sniped, I'm really not; however I do find the whole thing to be interesting. Just like Justin told me the other night, "It's population control." The population of the world is booming (which I believe is another reason why people should have to take tests in order to be allowed to have children period), and stupid acts like sniping people really work to control the population more than anything else.
What is it with Bortons and buttsex?

Seems to be a common theme.
Bradbury- he has already gone back to the same place once this snipper has no (code) if you will he is doing anything and anyone he want when he wants... I'm not saying your wrong but my thoughts are that he is just playing games with the cops and wants some $ I could see someone like James getting laid off, asking you for a gun (you ask why -but its James he'll find a way to get it), and snipping people for the hell of it, then thinking hey I could get some $ out of this I think ill try that! damn you James! stop snipping people.

wow like any of you care I'm back on the board not that many of you know me or care to I'm Mr. R and ill be here for some time making my little side notes and stuff.

BTW mike Collins is a ass he has faked being sick for sometime now and he plays it off of his mom...the second I get him alone oh hes going to get it in the ass!!!
Heartless? I wouldn't say that.

I find the whole damn sniper thing to be quite entertaining. I wish the fucker started by picking off politicians instead of just random people. Either way it's about damn time someone started waking people up. So, for the next few months, an entire area is going to be "paralyzed with fear." Awesome. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. What's even more funny is the quotes from any random idiot over there. The best are those fools in close proximity to where it's already happened. This guy is smart enough not to be lingering around where he just popped someone, so if your neighbor just got it, chances are you are safe.

Any way you stack it.....there's not a damn thing that your average Joe can do, so why be scared out of your mind? If the next bullet hits you, c'est la vie, shit happens.
I work tonight.
I keep hearing all this so on and so forth about how " they caught the sniper "
even if you all give me flak for this - I will simply state :

I care just about as much about children and random people getting sniped
as much as I care about large airplanes crashing into buildings

Heartless? Am I? I shall elaborate - We all live each day of our lives at constant risk. Leaving one's home, hell - waking up - no, not even that. Being alive puts you at a risk of death. It is really that simple. Now we all pay big bucks ( taxes ) to the government for " safety " and " protection " in the manner of laws, law enforcement, and other such deals like hospitals and fire-stations and so on and so forth. The government, for all intents and purposes - could be ( and no pun intended ) - " our big brother " - he is suppose to be there to " look out " for us. Thats why they break up big companies with anti-trusts and so on and so forth. " To protect average joe " - well - I remember a time ( or think I remember a time ) in my history books that when a big hurricane hit an area there was no " DISASTER AREA " or " GROUND ZERO " in which relief helicopters were hurried to the place to " help everybody cope and through this terrible tragedy " - oh fuck no. It was more like : " YOU LIVE IN A HAZARD AREA? WELL AINT THAT YOUR PROBLEM. " - I wish thats how it was now-a-days. I wish people were " on their own " - I dont like insurance. I dont like life insurance. I dont like the " protective sheild " that we not only build around ourselves - but that is built around us from birth. I wish everyday was a " day at risk " for everyone. I wish that getting sniped was a constant fear in every living person. I wish that when someone had something bad happen to them that everyone accepted it as is and moved on with their life. Yes, even the government. You are driving down a road and happen to get into a head-on collision because a drunk driver slams into your vehicle. As a result of the accident your wife and child die. So does the drunk driver. WHOOP-DE-SHITS. You believe that is tragic? SHALL THE WHOLE COUNTRY MOURN OVER YOUR INSIGNIFICANT LOSS? And if you say no then why do we mourn over those of NINE ONE ONE? I figure the only people we should ever mourn over is those who " die for our country " because they were dying " for a cause " - in fact - one of the only causes I believe that one should be mourned over. " I have died for those who live " - What the fuck did some shit who gets sniped off, or someone who jumps out of a skyscraper, or someone who commits suicide, or someone who gets ran over, or someone who dies in a horrible accident mean to me unless I know them? Nothing. There's my beef. And if everyone thought like me I could only imagine a much better manner of life. However, I go to even the extent of accepting death as a part of life and - knowing that everyone will die, how is there a " Died before their time " ? There isnt. You are alive. You are dead. One implies the other. You are alive, you will die. You are dead, you were alive. My mother. My father. My siblings. Those I know. My associates. My friends. My favorite musician. My favorite pornography actress. They will all die. I have accepted this. I have accepted that I too, will die. So. Will I care if I get sniped or ran over or die in a horrible accident? No. If anyone I mentioned ( or well maybe not the pornography actress, that would suck really - I mean who am I going to masturbate to? Zach-o? Pfaw ) - dies ... would I be grief-stricken? No.

Because Im heartless?
Because I dont care?
No. Because I've accepted how things are.

And I accept that most people go throughout their lives with some disillusion in their minds that they'll " LIVE FOREVER " or that " I CANNOT DIE TOMORROW, I HAVE WORK " - or some other obscenely idiotic conclusion that doesnt make them realise that mortality lies just around the corner. Mind you - it is one thing to accept this, another to brood over it.

and that is that -
I propose a question to the slugs :

Is man intrinsically good natured? And no tricky psychological answers like : " All actions a man does, he does in the right - for man would not do what he does not deem good. " - I heard that debate once, and thats too fluffy - and would appreciate YOUR OPINIONS on this. Not a cop-out answer. To reinstate the question : Everyone remembers how the " first copy " of " The diary of Anne Frank " ended yes? Something about how she " Believed that deep down inside everyone is good at heart " - Do you agree with that?

Say - for instance there were no government and each man was onto his own - would chaos ensue?
Is anarchy not capable of being because man is ill-natured towards his own kind?
I would appreciate your ( detailed? ) opinions.
and any comments or " debate " you would have on my big rant about death and so forth.

thanks slugs an slug-ettes. :b

October 23, 2002

Tori Amos rawks, man!!!

I had me somethin to writ bout. I did, honest! Unfortunately, you people distracted me wit you Women in Rock bidness.

So, instead, I gots to tell Aaron 5 Days. . . and urge the rest of yall folks to not see no Ring. Why? Hit was probably the bestest movie I've ever seen - but hit damn near scart the bejesus right outa me, and don't nobody wont to see Bradberrie cryin' like a little girl.

Once again, Zach-o says it.
Not exactly sure about what he said, but he said it nonetheless.

Gas has been running around $1.20 from what I've seen.
Lisa Loeb writes her own songs and plays guitar.
Britney Spears isn't that at all. So I can't see why you find them similar.
Maybe if you compared Lisa to Michelle Branch or something.. but Britney? No, not at all.

REM were a great rock band in the 80s. There is another. They were in the mainstream and underground.

Ya, Sleater-Kinney do suck. But they still make rock. I'm trying to think of examples of women making rock music, but you're all veto-ing my suggestions just because "you don't like it".

When I think of 'rock', I think of: guitar, drums, bass. Music made for the soul purpose of making music.
Kim Gordon rocks, how bout that? Any objections to her? Her music is decent. Her songs make you dance a bit. She's well-known. She didn't just get a record contract cuz she's super cute & married to the appropriate guy (OK well she is cute & married to Thurston, but I don't think that has anything to do with it). I think that's all the requirements you guys gave in order for someone to "rock".

and thank god people aren't making music like Skynyrd and Hendrix anymore. Nothing against that type of music at all (I do like Hendrix) but rock would definitely be dead if people kept making the same stuff over and over. Rock has to go through shit periods in order to come across something really good.

October 22, 2002

Right now I am sitting in the library at school and forced to watch several ex-bethelites/BBC members act like they really care about, or even know what an education is. Then I am led to sit and ponder the question...Do they actually know something that I don't? Were talking about the people who get stoned and drunk nightly, have been known to deface other peoples property, and basicly just be assholes, and I fear that they might actually be doing better in school than I am.

As I read what you guys are talking about, with "women in rock" and "rock" in general, I came to the realization that well, I don't care. I listen to music still, but I don't really care about it. I don't get all hyped up about a song anymore like I did in High School. And then again, I have to ask, why?

And then (still stuck on the whole High School thing here) I wish I was back in High School. I miss having weekends to use as I pleased, not having to work, being stick thin, and so on.

And then I have to go because Courtney is here and she gives me something more interesting to do than sit here and bitch to you people. ;)
ROCK - again?

I was just thinkin - The reason I figure RBF is " rock " is not only because they damn well say they are - is but because whenever I get to listening to any RBF songs I always have an uncontrolable urge to just jig with it. It just makes me feel good. I mean in the car Im driving home and my throat hurts and I cant talk but I put on some RBF and it gets to the point that I want to just try and sing a-long but I cant so I mouth the words because ITS SO ROCKIN' I GOTTA. Hence what I wanted to say : " ROCKIN " - " IF THE VAN'S A ROCKIN' DONT COME A KNOCKIN' " - an inference to " GETS YOU UP AND MOVES YOU " -

Shirley Manson - however much good music, doesnt exactly sing about things that make people want to get up and dance. In fact, quite the opposite. Garbage is good - although I wouldnt go for saying rock. PJ Harvey rocks? And Gwen Stefani makes me want to kill myself with a tube sock. Twice. And The Cure? Chroist cakes - Take a stroll down to Bradbury's post where he mentions ( I might add, which was going to be my next post - the mentioning of such names ) - REAL rock - Rock that our parents use to " ROCK OUT " to - not sit around in their room and mope about how miserable their lives are - The Doors, Hendrix, Skynard - ZOUNDS. Rock that just fills the soul with Jumpin' Juice an makes you wanna do something.

Pinkos : Rammstein was/is German. At the time I was in a German-class. Hmmm ;b

But I agree again with Bradbury about post-Nirvana, I would say that " Grunge " and " Alternative " music have irreperably changed the " face of Rock "
Here's to " ROCK IS DEAD " and just for good measure " PUNK IS DEAD " as well.
Hoo Hah.