yes .. you left jesse out -
but hey > what about NAMES for the customers?
credits :
producers : jEFF / James / Aaron
actors :
James > James - Aaron
Aaron > Aaron - James
Brice > Garage Sales-Man
David > Grass squeegie customer - Getaway Driver
Mike > Nuts-&-Bolts customer
Bonnie > Lesbian customer #1
Terena > Lesbian customer #2
Jesse > ....
what did jesse do?
hee hee heee. aaawaaaaaghhhhhh shpooooo!
sleepy time for me.
May 31, 2001
I have been diligently working...well, not really dilligently...on a video project. I am doing this not for a class, but for personal enjoyment...which means that it will actually be something not regurgitated for a grade. I like that.
With all the finals that are coming up next week, this will be quite a good thing for me. I am working on that film thing that we put together that last jimmy day that i went to that lead into fraturday. It is going along quite well, and i will probably even be able to put it online for everybody to see...if i can learn how to do that anyway.
Here is a couple of clips to wet your whistle though:
Now which one of us will forget when james came out wearing aaron's clothes.
Ahhh, brice is just relaxing, watching all those who come into his garage sale...
Oh wait...what's this? Is someone trying to steal something??
Go git'em brice! Kick his ass for stealing yo' shit.
Not everyone is bothered by the thief...
Yup, that is just a sample. Isn't it grand. Okay, yes i got bored and started working on that video... It's fun though. Well, at least i have convinced myself of it being fun.
I have even worked on a credit roll...whoooo hooo...of course, i was looking at the finished credits, and i realized that i left jesse out, and probably someone else i will have to go back and fix it...but until then...this is what the credits look like:
Sorry about leaving you out jesse...i was about to get kicked out of the computer lab because it was closing. I'll probably fix that little problem tomorrow. Hopefully i didn't spell anybody's name wrong.
Ahem...that's pretty much it for this post. I felt like taking a mental dump...and now i've done so.
Oh, on one finally note...i have come up with a social psych theory...jimmy helped to remind me of it. I am calling it the "Star Wars Hype Syndrome"...
Think back on all those things that your friends said was sooo cool, and yet when you tried it, it kinda sucked because of all the hype that came with it. If no one had hyped it, you'd have thought it was cool too...It happened with the Star Wars movie. When people who knew all about it and saw all the hype saw the movie, they often said it was a little dissapointing...however, when people saw it and had no prior knowledge of what star wars was, and didn't see much of the hype...they found the movie to be more enjoyable.
I think i'll write a journal article about it and have notariety...yeah.
Except for i'll probably procrastinate and someone will take my idea.
Today is a day of radical descent, for the mirrors of our fascade must fall in favor of our brutality ! .... <-- piss and moan...
Bonnie --- that idle banter,debate,talk,walk makes me loath my fellow primates... I could sum it up as { The pure superficiality and lack of emotion of other people is revolting. I would like to stick my head in dark hole and never gaze upon the festering worthlessness of humanity again ! }...
Bonnie --- that idle banter,debate,talk,walk makes me loath my fellow primates... I could sum it up as { The pure superficiality and lack of emotion of other people is revolting. I would like to stick my head in dark hole and never gaze upon the festering worthlessness of humanity again ! }...
Well if everyone is so opposed to the fill in the blank convos, then maybe its time to make them a little more interesting.
A convorsation about the weather: by me.
*let it be known that from this point further the word weather should be replaced with the word shit.
and the word it should be replaced with poo. for entertainment purposes only.
a So... nice weather we're having eh?
b Yes. It is. Although I feel its a bit too hot for my tastes.
a Yes I can agree to that. But its better than being cold. God I hate the cold weather... all that snow and stuff. Just makes everything so miserable.
b It can be nice for a while, but 5 or so months of cold weather and I get sick of it.
a You know, they say the weather is supposed to reach a high of 83 degrees today?
b Really? I didnt know weather could get that hot in this state.
a Me neither, but apparently it will.
Ok, now that Ive wasted all that time...
No I dont work at the Jack in the Box on canyon. But I have been there many times. Work related stuff. Transfers, something or other, yada yada yada.
I should do homework. Ugh. Im beginning to care less and less about school as the days progress. I think Im ready for Germany soon.
A convorsation about the weather: by me.
*let it be known that from this point further the word weather should be replaced with the word shit.
and the word it should be replaced with poo. for entertainment purposes only.
a So... nice weather we're having eh?
b Yes. It is. Although I feel its a bit too hot for my tastes.
a Yes I can agree to that. But its better than being cold. God I hate the cold weather... all that snow and stuff. Just makes everything so miserable.
b It can be nice for a while, but 5 or so months of cold weather and I get sick of it.
a You know, they say the weather is supposed to reach a high of 83 degrees today?
b Really? I didnt know weather could get that hot in this state.
a Me neither, but apparently it will.
Ok, now that Ive wasted all that time...
No I dont work at the Jack in the Box on canyon. But I have been there many times. Work related stuff. Transfers, something or other, yada yada yada.
I should do homework. Ugh. Im beginning to care less and less about school as the days progress. I think Im ready for Germany soon.
seems the heat is getting to everyone :
and to grace Aaron with my poetry > i believe i shall post some.
shower with much
__take it with a grain
__yell for yellow only yarn
particle parking
____a riddle a ring an answer
wrong and right and up and down
__if silence were a person
and persons were silent
only if and if and if and if
and if and if and if and if and
if and
and by the way : i must say that i havent posted any of my style 'poetry' on the board ( with exception of the one long ago - wherein Aaron wasn't around for ) - however Mike recently did > and i didn't hear complaint about that - besides > what do i care?
in fact : i'll post another poem!
eels p lee sp
reguard and dis
a slight mis____calculation
and to grace Aaron with my poetry > i believe i shall post some.
shower with much
__take it with a grain
__yell for yellow only yarn
particle parking
____a riddle a ring an answer
wrong and right and up and down
__if silence were a person
and persons were silent
only if and if and if and if
and if and if and if and if and
if and
and by the way : i must say that i havent posted any of my style 'poetry' on the board ( with exception of the one long ago - wherein Aaron wasn't around for ) - however Mike recently did > and i didn't hear complaint about that - besides > what do i care?
in fact : i'll post another poem!
eels p lee sp
reguard and dis
a slight mis____calculation
Taken from Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable:
There are people in this world who dress up and act like clowns; I don't like these people. I am not clownophobic (or to be politically /scientifically correct, coulrophobic). I do not fear clowns. Really. I don't. They are just not nice people. They scare little kids, they cause neurosis in some adults, they have big floppy feet, they try to fit too many of their kind in a car, I could go on and on.
Let the record be known: i hate mimes too! Now, my problem with mimes isn't as terrifying or as hate-filled as the problem with clowns. I really don't think their is a fear of mimes that is as prevelant as the widespread fear of clowns. mimes offer more of a steady annoyance by their lack of sound, lack of color and their obvious lack of imagination.
The difference between Clowns and Mimes is also striking, in that each seem to have an archetype that they imitate to the letter; Clowns being at least to some extent obese, while mimes are universally rail-thin, anorexic. The reason for this remains unclear thus far, to the League, but it has been posed by some of our members that mimes are vegetarians and Clowns are almost pure carnivores
A strange symbiotic relationship exists between what in the animal world would equal a predator-prey situation. The rotundity of the Clown is also thought to be at least a partial defense against the weather, storing up to fifteen pounds of food and three liters of water in his specialized stomach, allowing him to go for weeks without external sustenance and stalk his prey patiently.
Mimes on the other hand, seem to require water all the time, usually bottled French water, and also are hypothesized to have a rare type of exzema or other skin condition, accounting for the rarity of hairy Mimes. The most common areas for a Clown to frequent, identified by his candy-like spoor, are habitats in suburban areas with lots of children. Circuses and fairs and charity events are also regular hang-outs and covers for these creatures, but they are more likely to have more opportunity to spread their evil in a more private environment, say a neighborhood street.
God have mercy on us all.
I need sleep...
There are people in this world who dress up and act like clowns; I don't like these people. I am not clownophobic (or to be politically /scientifically correct, coulrophobic). I do not fear clowns. Really. I don't. They are just not nice people. They scare little kids, they cause neurosis in some adults, they have big floppy feet, they try to fit too many of their kind in a car, I could go on and on.
Let the record be known: i hate mimes too! Now, my problem with mimes isn't as terrifying or as hate-filled as the problem with clowns. I really don't think their is a fear of mimes that is as prevelant as the widespread fear of clowns. mimes offer more of a steady annoyance by their lack of sound, lack of color and their obvious lack of imagination.
The difference between Clowns and Mimes is also striking, in that each seem to have an archetype that they imitate to the letter; Clowns being at least to some extent obese, while mimes are universally rail-thin, anorexic. The reason for this remains unclear thus far, to the League, but it has been posed by some of our members that mimes are vegetarians and Clowns are almost pure carnivores
A strange symbiotic relationship exists between what in the animal world would equal a predator-prey situation. The rotundity of the Clown is also thought to be at least a partial defense against the weather, storing up to fifteen pounds of food and three liters of water in his specialized stomach, allowing him to go for weeks without external sustenance and stalk his prey patiently.
Mimes on the other hand, seem to require water all the time, usually bottled French water, and also are hypothesized to have a rare type of exzema or other skin condition, accounting for the rarity of hairy Mimes. The most common areas for a Clown to frequent, identified by his candy-like spoor, are habitats in suburban areas with lots of children. Circuses and fairs and charity events are also regular hang-outs and covers for these creatures, but they are more likely to have more opportunity to spread their evil in a more private environment, say a neighborhood street.
God have mercy on us all.
I need sleep...
May 30, 2001
!! BLAMMO !!
damnit! i just saw an advertisement for the movie TRAFFIC and feel like watching it so i was going to call jimmoi but i looked at the time and it was almost 9 ( it is now ) and i thought to msyelf "when do tem movies start? " and then i said - well fuck ill call'em anyway and it's busy so i came online and he isnt online and i think he has work anyway - BLUGGO.
I HAVE 2$ damnit!
I HAVE 2$ damnit!
DAMNIT, i hate apple's!
I am so used to the command keys for things on PC's that i mistakenly erased my entire post that i just wrote up on this stupid apple computer in the UW computer lab. Damn.
and i was just talking about how i put together this tiny movie test.
well, i'll explain more later, as i don't feel like retyping what i just typed a second ago.
I don't really have much time to say a lot right now, but i saw something on the news that i found absolutely hilarious.
In idaho, a mom was arrested for some reason. When the cops went in to the house to collect her children for whatever reason...probably for social protection reasons, the cops were chased off the property by a dozen dogs, and apparently by the children, who may have been armed at the time, and are now currently armed. it just me or is that funny as hell. The rednecks strike back!
Actually, that family...seems....familiar.
i believe i may have found a " fix " -
as the knot is gone!
i need to find a studio - and ( of all things ) audition ---
do actors get paid? does it matter if they do or not?
for some damn odd reason : the concept of me being an actor makes me feel better : makes the sickness go away : makes me feel all ... stable again > then i start thinking into it : about how i cannot act or whatnot : and how i cant remember lines much of any at all > and i start getting that knot again.
but what difference does it make?
i need to find a studio and audition.
as the knot is gone!
i need to find a studio - and ( of all things ) audition ---
do actors get paid? does it matter if they do or not?
for some damn odd reason : the concept of me being an actor makes me feel better : makes the sickness go away : makes me feel all ... stable again > then i start thinking into it : about how i cannot act or whatnot : and how i cant remember lines much of any at all > and i start getting that knot again.
but what difference does it make?
i need to find a studio and audition.
May 29, 2001
Ah, now this is a topic i can really talk about...not like i can't talk on and on about stuff...though it does not always make sense...
Jesse, i agree...a person's perception and emotional state can be altered. At least, that's what i figured you were saying. There are a great variety of things that can alter a person's perception and emotional state. I think you were going to say music...though that is just a guess when you wrote "...speech about how much can alter ones perception and emotional state." I am guessing that "much" was meant to be "music", so i'll talk about it. If not, well then i'll still talk about it and you can correct me later about what you meant.
Music is definitely something that can alter a person's mood and perception. There have been studies that show when a person hear's slow music or calming music, their cognitive abilities go up. They are able to think more thoroughly. Also, slow music can physically slow a person down. Here's an example that i may have posted at one time in the past:
In many supermarkets, when you walk in, you can hear the store often playing "oldies" or slow music. While part of this is to play a type of music that appeals to the general shopper, which in the case of grocery stores would be middle aged individuals, it is also to "slow" the consumer down. The theory behind this is that the slower the person moves, the more time spent in the store, and the greater number of items bought.
There has been some studies comparing the types of music stores play, and the sales that each store produces. Those stores that play slow music do make more sales then stores that don't.
That's just one example.
There have been studies about acoustics and mood elevation.
I would right more about it, but i'm actually started to forget what i was going to say about it. I think i'll go to bed now, cause its late and i'm tired. I don't think well when i'm tired.
I will say that listening to music in a setting like on a bus does indeed shut you out from the world. In fact, often times i decide NOT to listen to music and listen to other people talk, and get into conversations with people.
With the man on the bus, he did geniunly seem interested and happy when i said he could listen to my CD player. He was like a child on christmas as he fumbled with those headphones.
Okay, i'm really going to go now, and stop added and amending this post.
Ahem. This post is coming straight to you all from a notebook i am currently writing on. That's right, this is first being produced an a notepad. Ha...who needs a computer.
Actually, the only reason why i am writing in this notebook is because my roommate is using my computer to type up a report.
Anyway, back to my post. I haven't had a chance to post lately because I have been working on a PowerPoint Presentation on Keel-Billed toucans. Also, Loose Slugs wasn't working anyway.
I was sitting on the bus today, coming home from giving that PowerPoint Presentation and I was minding my own business, when this large gentlemen sat down nearby me. He had square-lensed glasses, wiry gray hair, and a crocked smile. I didn't pay him much attention other than that though. I was busy thinking of how I was going to do my take home quiz, final paper, and two finals on the same day.
I had my CD player running, and my headphones on in effect shutting me out from the bus environment, so that I could concentrate on the things i needed to accomplish that day. As i sat there thinking and letting the audio waves flow into my ear, I began to notice the man motion toward me. I took off my headphones...
"Can I listen to that CD?"
A started look crept upon my face. Was he really serious? I looked at that man. He looked back, a childlike innocence covered his life-beaten face.
"Uhm...sure if you want..."
I handed the man my headphones. For the next thirty seconds, I watched as he struggled to get the headphones on correctly. They were difficult for him because he did not realize that they were "Behind-the-Ear" headphones. Watching the naive man struggle was quite captivating, if only from a psychological and nonhumorous way. And so, he sat there listening to my CD player.
This is exactly why riding the buses tend to weird my out.
Still, it was quite interesting, because how often do you run into a person willing to disturb a person listening to msic, and thus shutting himself out from the world temporarily, and how often would that person actually ask to listen to whatever you were listening to.
Interesting, no?
James I wrote a poem a time ago that might help....{this is her}
Pathetic ......
and much ado
there comes a time in everyone's life where you can sit back and see everything for what it is - and the whole scheem of things looks bleak and meaningless and just a bunch of random events stringed together in what one would like to call "their experiences" - fun.
i dont know - with all this talk about moving out and getting a job and so on and starting to feel independant from my home and reliant on my fellow associates and so on i start to think of where i will be in so-many-years from now - but then i think about it some more and realise - hey - what does it matter where i'll be in a year - two - three for that matter?
where was i - oh yes : santa clause : what is with santa clause and giving out presents to people : and not only that : why is it that our society is based entirely on making money off a bunch of young boys and girls who are so concerned about "fitting in" and "making sense" with their lives and never on just thinking? I figure life is much more easier when all you have to do is worry about what the new Neutrogena product will be out next week to help you with your acne and all . . . . instead of the big hooplah on whether or not there exists a "God" - a "soul" - and "the general direction of mankind as a whole" ... aesthetics wouldn't be a concern unless you were dealing with what pair of shoes you'll buy next ( what? the red or blue ones, the blue ones go with the green dress - but the red ones go with the outfit you bought from hot-topic three days ago, OH HORRIBLE DAY! FUCK IT! buy them both - it's your parent's credit card anyway - pssh )
dear daddy.
i write you.
in spite of years of silence.
you cleaned up.
found jesus.
things are good, oh so i hear.
this bottle.
of stevens.
awakens ancient feelings.
like father, step father, the son is drowning.
in the flood.
i'm sorry - it's a good song - i couldn't help but put lyrics. crazy-fun song, somewhat depressing - but all in all in all : i began to write more poems today : poems poems poems : i think i'm going to have to make a book of them one day : maybe then again not : my poetry isn't something to make a book about : in fact i believe that making a book is much like JIMMOI-PHILOSOPHY : the semi-wanting of a "legacy" of some sorts - which ironically i'm entirely against : humm..
I don't care what they say about us anyway :
I don't care about that.
i left that on JNM's messege-machine : ha ha - ok here's the deal : i need to start piecing together somewhat of a what-not sort of "plotline" or "story" or whatnot to infuse with philosophical / idealogical / theoretical / thoughtful things - and i need to "flesh out" what i believe to be "the perfect woman"
now you may be asking yourself "what constitutes a perfect woman?" - well - not to burst your bubble : but the perfect women is not a person as much as it is an idea - and that idea itself has no "physical" and/or "real" attributes : as it changes for each person : and that's what i want to flesh out " my perfect woman " - the more i think about it the more it drives me to the brink of insanity : mike and jimmoi and i have spoken and we've come to the conclusion ( or well i have ) that this woman, this wonderful piece of estrogenic flesh, would be "The Existentialist Woman" - and it's rare that you ever ( as i've never ) run into those.
so : if some of you would enjoy helping me out : post some "attributes" that you consider would be necissary for a "perfect woman" ( and yes, the few females on the board [ who read / post ] can add input as well : not to imply all women should be lesbians or anything *cough* ) -- and that will help me out to some extent : not to say that i'll be yanking your ideas : merely that I don't exactly know how to describe women >> as i rarely even NOTICE them ... so it's hard for me to get the ... ... the ... uh ... communication skills ( this is a first with me ) --- anywho. yeah ... i've got to flesh this out.
i believe i will now commence the eating of fruity pebbles.
there comes a time in everyone's life where you can sit back and see everything for what it is - and the whole scheem of things looks bleak and meaningless and just a bunch of random events stringed together in what one would like to call "their experiences" - fun.
i dont know - with all this talk about moving out and getting a job and so on and starting to feel independant from my home and reliant on my fellow associates and so on i start to think of where i will be in so-many-years from now - but then i think about it some more and realise - hey - what does it matter where i'll be in a year - two - three for that matter?
where was i - oh yes : santa clause : what is with santa clause and giving out presents to people : and not only that : why is it that our society is based entirely on making money off a bunch of young boys and girls who are so concerned about "fitting in" and "making sense" with their lives and never on just thinking? I figure life is much more easier when all you have to do is worry about what the new Neutrogena product will be out next week to help you with your acne and all . . . . instead of the big hooplah on whether or not there exists a "God" - a "soul" - and "the general direction of mankind as a whole" ... aesthetics wouldn't be a concern unless you were dealing with what pair of shoes you'll buy next ( what? the red or blue ones, the blue ones go with the green dress - but the red ones go with the outfit you bought from hot-topic three days ago, OH HORRIBLE DAY! FUCK IT! buy them both - it's your parent's credit card anyway - pssh )
dear daddy.
i write you.
in spite of years of silence.
you cleaned up.
found jesus.
things are good, oh so i hear.
this bottle.
of stevens.
awakens ancient feelings.
like father, step father, the son is drowning.
in the flood.
i'm sorry - it's a good song - i couldn't help but put lyrics. crazy-fun song, somewhat depressing - but all in all in all : i began to write more poems today : poems poems poems : i think i'm going to have to make a book of them one day : maybe then again not : my poetry isn't something to make a book about : in fact i believe that making a book is much like JIMMOI-PHILOSOPHY : the semi-wanting of a "legacy" of some sorts - which ironically i'm entirely against : humm..
I don't care what they say about us anyway :
I don't care about that.
i left that on JNM's messege-machine : ha ha - ok here's the deal : i need to start piecing together somewhat of a what-not sort of "plotline" or "story" or whatnot to infuse with philosophical / idealogical / theoretical / thoughtful things - and i need to "flesh out" what i believe to be "the perfect woman"
now you may be asking yourself "what constitutes a perfect woman?" - well - not to burst your bubble : but the perfect women is not a person as much as it is an idea - and that idea itself has no "physical" and/or "real" attributes : as it changes for each person : and that's what i want to flesh out " my perfect woman " - the more i think about it the more it drives me to the brink of insanity : mike and jimmoi and i have spoken and we've come to the conclusion ( or well i have ) that this woman, this wonderful piece of estrogenic flesh, would be "The Existentialist Woman" - and it's rare that you ever ( as i've never ) run into those.
so : if some of you would enjoy helping me out : post some "attributes" that you consider would be necissary for a "perfect woman" ( and yes, the few females on the board [ who read / post ] can add input as well : not to imply all women should be lesbians or anything *cough* ) -- and that will help me out to some extent : not to say that i'll be yanking your ideas : merely that I don't exactly know how to describe women >> as i rarely even NOTICE them ... so it's hard for me to get the ... ... the ... uh ... communication skills ( this is a first with me ) --- anywho. yeah ... i've got to flesh this out.
i believe i will now commence the eating of fruity pebbles.
Nick {he he }
I am willing to agree with you on the point that the individual man is increasingly dependant on his particular environment, however, humanity as an interbreeding specias of mammal is {If we limit our concept of environment to those found on a healthy biosphere} merely from the fact that he is present everywhere {independant of that environment} in so far as he as able to survive in nearly every climate on this earth. Consider for instance any breed of reptile, such animals are not capable of survival in an arctic tundra because of their inability to regulate body temperature. Man is dependant on environment in as much as he needs one in which to survive, however, we do not need any particular duration of light, heat, or other factors which have been found to contribute to the extinction of most species.
...................... NOTE OF BEAUTY
Nothing Is
A look at a painting...
When I first look at this painting, that is all I see, a painting. There is nothing more to it than this, an image which was created. That is the abstraction which sets upon the mind and reduces all that I perceive to a category which trips up the mind with the illusion of understanding. The category is the projection of abstraction upon the thing, the projection of meaning and purpose. Yet the painting in this object, the painting I perceive, that painting is not present before me. What is present before me is a thing apart from painting, a thing with being in and of it's own.
When I look upon this painting further I see a landscape set out in front of me. A painting is an image of something, and I ought to be content in thinking that this painting is an image of an olive grove. Yet there is more to this image than I at first am aware of. The painting is of a real place, a place that one artist once gazed upon. This image shows that reality is the only source of strength, that is why this image appears to be an olive grove. It is painted with light strokes of the brush, unusual for this particular artist. The light brushing shows that this olive grove is comfortable for the artist, that nature comforts him, that the strength of reality comforts him. The artist in his comfortable real place is free from the tormenting facade of humanity. The artist is free from his pain so long as he is gazing upon the real, upon the face of the world he has found himself lost in. That is the real image of this painting, the seemingly paradoxical human experience of life. That we find comfort in being, in reality, in the reality that torments us we find our peace in moments of solidarity. The colors of this painting are worm and balanced capturing the artists solidarity. The brushing seams to flow from the earth to the sky endlessly. If it were not for the changes in color I would only be seeing a page of light brush strokes that blend from one to the next. This captures the connection between the earth and sky, and how the olive trees seem to reach into the sky and become lost in it. The artist feels this uniformity in life, where dreams and reality mix together and reality cannot be found to end and dreams never seem to begin. And the artist is the olive tree, reaching into the sky and becoming lost in his dreams. All this I see, and this is not a painting.
When I look at this painting there is much to be seen. An artist, tormented, comfortable, searching for meaning in a world which seems to have none. Yet many do not see this in a painting, for it is merely a painting. To appreciate what I see, to appreciate this painting, I must not see merely a painting, I must see this one particular thing in front of me. I must see the being of this being, the nature of it, before I understand it, before it has meaning. This is the acclimation of art, the point of being human. In this painting I see and feel my own humanity raging within me. In this particular thing I find the beauty of life and true meaning, true value is the image of this painting. Yet how much value would it have if it were nothing more than a painting ? Olive Orchard {Van Gogh}.............
I am willing to agree with you on the point that the individual man is increasingly dependant on his particular environment, however, humanity as an interbreeding specias of mammal is {If we limit our concept of environment to those found on a healthy biosphere} merely from the fact that he is present everywhere {independant of that environment} in so far as he as able to survive in nearly every climate on this earth. Consider for instance any breed of reptile, such animals are not capable of survival in an arctic tundra because of their inability to regulate body temperature. Man is dependant on environment in as much as he needs one in which to survive, however, we do not need any particular duration of light, heat, or other factors which have been found to contribute to the extinction of most species.
...................... NOTE OF BEAUTY
Nothing Is
A look at a painting...
When I first look at this painting, that is all I see, a painting. There is nothing more to it than this, an image which was created. That is the abstraction which sets upon the mind and reduces all that I perceive to a category which trips up the mind with the illusion of understanding. The category is the projection of abstraction upon the thing, the projection of meaning and purpose. Yet the painting in this object, the painting I perceive, that painting is not present before me. What is present before me is a thing apart from painting, a thing with being in and of it's own.
When I look upon this painting further I see a landscape set out in front of me. A painting is an image of something, and I ought to be content in thinking that this painting is an image of an olive grove. Yet there is more to this image than I at first am aware of. The painting is of a real place, a place that one artist once gazed upon. This image shows that reality is the only source of strength, that is why this image appears to be an olive grove. It is painted with light strokes of the brush, unusual for this particular artist. The light brushing shows that this olive grove is comfortable for the artist, that nature comforts him, that the strength of reality comforts him. The artist in his comfortable real place is free from the tormenting facade of humanity. The artist is free from his pain so long as he is gazing upon the real, upon the face of the world he has found himself lost in. That is the real image of this painting, the seemingly paradoxical human experience of life. That we find comfort in being, in reality, in the reality that torments us we find our peace in moments of solidarity. The colors of this painting are worm and balanced capturing the artists solidarity. The brushing seams to flow from the earth to the sky endlessly. If it were not for the changes in color I would only be seeing a page of light brush strokes that blend from one to the next. This captures the connection between the earth and sky, and how the olive trees seem to reach into the sky and become lost in it. The artist feels this uniformity in life, where dreams and reality mix together and reality cannot be found to end and dreams never seem to begin. And the artist is the olive tree, reaching into the sky and becoming lost in his dreams. All this I see, and this is not a painting.
When I look at this painting there is much to be seen. An artist, tormented, comfortable, searching for meaning in a world which seems to have none. Yet many do not see this in a painting, for it is merely a painting. To appreciate what I see, to appreciate this painting, I must not see merely a painting, I must see this one particular thing in front of me. I must see the being of this being, the nature of it, before I understand it, before it has meaning. This is the acclimation of art, the point of being human. In this painting I see and feel my own humanity raging within me. In this particular thing I find the beauty of life and true meaning, true value is the image of this painting. Yet how much value would it have if it were nothing more than a painting ? Olive Orchard {Van Gogh}.............
ok I did this post yesterday that took like an hour and it never showed damnit. bad blogger. uhh...
I'll probably post something more substantial later, right now I have like half an hour to get ready to go to school for ASP class. That reminds me, I still have to read that chapter in the textbook...
I'll probably post something more substantial later, right now I have like half an hour to get ready to go to school for ASP class. That reminds me, I still have to read that chapter in the textbook...
eh. shoobie-doobie-shoo-do-whop.
i dont know.
uh... yeah.
MY STEAK WAS YUM. ( i wonder how much steak costs? )
You know : i've heard a lot of theories about "the afterlife" and here jimmoi is talking about whether or not steak will exist in "the afterlife" ... probably not - as there would have to be a spiritually 'equivalant' version of the cow in which to produce spiritual after-life steaks...
Jimmmoi says something about hindues.
then again i say something about "vegitarians" bitching about that "spiritual cows" have "afterlife souls" too - and that all "dead afterlife-things" deserve to "live die" ... uh...
.... soul steaks?
they better have A-1 sauce in heaven.
May 28, 2001
I disagree (I’m making a habit of it, aren’t I?)
That is-I disagree with the idea that man is independent of nature (its environment). A man may think/perceive that he is independent of nature, but man is just as dependent on it now as ever, if not moreso than in the past. By society growing as large and cumbersome as it is, it’s much more difficult for it to adapt to changes, and thus we suffer when nature throws us a curve ball. Maybe not from the perspective of your average yuppy (young, urban professional), but the people on the fringes (farmers, producers, etc) feel it worse than ever.....maybe this is a positive, maybe not.
Also-One could argure (so I will) that a man is more dependent on nature than in the past as well. Before urbanization, you could move a guy from, say, Mexico and put him in, say, Alaska, and he would survive. He might not like it a great deal (he would be one cold motherfscker for the first winter), but life would go on. Now you could say that we [mankind] have created our own environment. The life of couches and cushy cars and our whole climate-controlled world has softened a vast portion of humankind. Take a desk-jockey, Lexus-driving, air-conditioned wennie from anywhere, north america, and dump him in Alaska, forget about it. He’d be nothing more than walking fertilizer [until he became actual fertilizer (dead), and it wouldn’t take too long]. Therefore our environment is affecting the evolution of the human animal, because we have a created a world in which the need to adapt isn’t the same as it used to be. There are a few key examples of this.
One: every succeeding generation is taller than the one before it [or shorter]. The "average" height is becoming more of a mathematical figure.
Two: humans are reaching reproductive age much sooner now. Scientists are trying to figure out why, but it seems to be simply genetic.
You could say, also, that our "nuclear family" and "better [?] living through chemicals" environment we’ve created has a part in the evolution of humans. Even though these chemicals we surround ourselves with have been "approved and tested to be safe" there is no way to examine the long-term genetic effects in a laboratory.
I do, however, agree with "Meat Robots"
Remember, though, the fact that we’ve multiplied and covered the earth is due to the individual adaptations of the indiginous peoples of the areas covered. If the entire of humanity were reduced to, say, Inuit [or any other people of an extreme climate], the world wouldn’t be nearly as covered as it is with nasty little humans [we really are foul creatures]
Because of the evolution of the past, the peoples of different parts of the world, we were able to cover it with humanity. The evolutions in question were for the most part complete several thousands of years ago, as all the early histories we have show the people of those areas roughly as they are today.
So I don’t really know where I was planning to go with this, but I guess I’m here for now.
ok I apologize, but I did semi-retract it by saying "Or so it seems at first.....but his standards are conspicuously high." I agree, you do rant more about the things you like, but the list of things you like seems to be shorter than the list of things you dislike.
As far as OS X goes [you should know I won’t let this one go] your standards are way to high. You hate it coming from the standpoint of someone who can actually make their way around in a command-prompt interface [very small % of computer users]. And someone who seemingly expected a lot from a UNIX shell on the first try [wtf do you want, microsuck has been trying on Windoze for a LONG time, and they have yet to get it right. They still use DOS, so it’ll never be on par with X until they do. Say what you will about NT DOS, it’s still DOS. It’ll never have the features of a UNIX kernel, no matter how many times they try.]
Sure, it’s not perfect. At least Apple is trying. That’s more than you can say for most software companies. They have a hold (small though it may be) on a section of the market, an are doing the right thing by trying with UNIX. X might not have all the features that, like, Slackware, has. But does the average person [or anybody not doing some serious shit with their computer] really need the things they left out of the consumer version of X? If so, go get OS X server. When all’s said and done, X will see more computers sitting on actual people’s desks than any other form of LINUX/FREENIX yet. I’d be willing to bet it’ll see more consumers’ desks than all others put together. Mainly because of the simple fact that it’s easy to use. Redhat is not. Nor is Slackware. Or any other you can name. So, in closing, [and I mean this in the nicest way possible] BITE MY ASS IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT. No hard feelings.
In case you couldn’t tell, I’ve begun to feel better.
I disagree (I’m making a habit of it, aren’t I?)
That is-I disagree with the idea that man is independent of nature (its environment). A man may think/perceive that he is independent of nature, but man is just as dependent on it now as ever, if not moreso than in the past. By society growing as large and cumbersome as it is, it’s much more difficult for it to adapt to changes, and thus we suffer when nature throws us a curve ball. Maybe not from the perspective of your average yuppy (young, urban professional), but the people on the fringes (farmers, producers, etc) feel it worse than ever.....maybe this is a positive, maybe not.
Also-One could argure (so I will) that a man is more dependent on nature than in the past as well. Before urbanization, you could move a guy from, say, Mexico and put him in, say, Alaska, and he would survive. He might not like it a great deal (he would be one cold motherfscker for the first winter), but life would go on. Now you could say that we [mankind] have created our own environment. The life of couches and cushy cars and our whole climate-controlled world has softened a vast portion of humankind. Take a desk-jockey, Lexus-driving, air-conditioned wennie from anywhere, north america, and dump him in Alaska, forget about it. He’d be nothing more than walking fertilizer [until he became actual fertilizer (dead), and it wouldn’t take too long]. Therefore our environment is affecting the evolution of the human animal, because we have a created a world in which the need to adapt isn’t the same as it used to be. There are a few key examples of this.
One: every succeeding generation is taller than the one before it [or shorter]. The "average" height is becoming more of a mathematical figure.
Two: humans are reaching reproductive age much sooner now. Scientists are trying to figure out why, but it seems to be simply genetic.
You could say, also, that our "nuclear family" and "better [?] living through chemicals" environment we’ve created has a part in the evolution of humans. Even though these chemicals we surround ourselves with have been "approved and tested to be safe" there is no way to examine the long-term genetic effects in a laboratory.
I do, however, agree with "Meat Robots"
Remember, though, the fact that we’ve multiplied and covered the earth is due to the individual adaptations of the indiginous peoples of the areas covered. If the entire of humanity were reduced to, say, Inuit [or any other people of an extreme climate], the world wouldn’t be nearly as covered as it is with nasty little humans [we really are foul creatures]
Because of the evolution of the past, the peoples of different parts of the world, we were able to cover it with humanity. The evolutions in question were for the most part complete several thousands of years ago, as all the early histories we have show the people of those areas roughly as they are today.
So I don’t really know where I was planning to go with this, but I guess I’m here for now.
ok I apologize, but I did semi-retract it by saying "Or so it seems at first.....but his standards are conspicuously high." I agree, you do rant more about the things you like, but the list of things you like seems to be shorter than the list of things you dislike.
As far as OS X goes [you should know I won’t let this one go] your standards are way to high. You hate it coming from the standpoint of someone who can actually make their way around in a command-prompt interface [very small % of computer users]. And someone who seemingly expected a lot from a UNIX shell on the first try [wtf do you want, microsuck has been trying on Windoze for a LONG time, and they have yet to get it right. They still use DOS, so it’ll never be on par with X until they do. Say what you will about NT DOS, it’s still DOS. It’ll never have the features of a UNIX kernel, no matter how many times they try.]
Sure, it’s not perfect. At least Apple is trying. That’s more than you can say for most software companies. They have a hold (small though it may be) on a section of the market, an are doing the right thing by trying with UNIX. X might not have all the features that, like, Slackware, has. But does the average person [or anybody not doing some serious shit with their computer] really need the things they left out of the consumer version of X? If so, go get OS X server. When all’s said and done, X will see more computers sitting on actual people’s desks than any other form of LINUX/FREENIX yet. I’d be willing to bet it’ll see more consumers’ desks than all others put together. Mainly because of the simple fact that it’s easy to use. Redhat is not. Nor is Slackware. Or any other you can name. So, in closing, [and I mean this in the nicest way possible] BITE MY ASS IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT. No hard feelings.
In case you couldn’t tell, I’ve begun to feel better.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention my little "crisis" with the computer is over. We spent 2 hours on tech support with georgia or some other state like that to determine we had a power surge in our speakers. They work again. I still stick to my story that I didnt do it.
How about that, I tried to post a picture James. At least Im TRYING, that has to mean something right? For being computer illiterate Im sure learning a lot of new stuff. Its so damned confusing though.
How about that, I tried to post a picture James. At least Im TRYING, that has to mean something right? For being computer illiterate Im sure learning a lot of new stuff. Its so damned confusing though.
Today was the greatest day of the year. Father daughter fishing day. It rained. The wind blew, a lot. It was cold. It was wet. And we didnt catch anything but perch, so we threw em all back. But still, it was the best day of the year. We sat, fished, drank beer, ate samiches, and talked about everything and anything. Its the only time my dad an I actually talk. I dont mean hows the weather stuff either. I told him I dont want to go to med school, that I dont want to be a doctor, and that Im thinking about getting a masters in teaching, then work for a private school. I also told him that I dont know either. The best part is, he supports me. He actually doesnt care what I do. As long as I do something. Its nice. I could never have a day like this with my mother. So it goes.
it's classic that he laughed wihen you gave him the finger.
goes along with the whole " the mind cannot deal with it " idealogy - that laughter is only a byproduct of " something doesn't fit " - ie > the "BSOD" of intellectual thought ... either that - or an epiphany.
ahhh - it'll be interesting when adam is "fully awake"
i actually talked to my dad about some of my "idealogies" and what i've done with my life in-so-far as school and some of the thoughts i've come to the conclusion of - he laughed some - and then got real serious on me and told me that "i wasnt showing the system anything - and the only person i was damning and/or damaging was myself" ...
it depressed me somewhat : have i fallen from the tree so far that even my father - who long ago professed that the educational system ( public school ) was a waste of time and that he himself dropped out and went to 'roam the united states' on a motorcycle with the prostitutes and whores and pimps and drugs all over the whole great wide land - and down-right told me that he had taught himself, and that life ... LIFE can teach you anything an institution could teach - possibly more . . .
i think it is work.
it numbs the soul . . . and makes you comfortable.
so many people sacrifice their souls,
their ticket to passion and the great void for comfort and security of life.
it makes me sad sometimes.
goes along with the whole " the mind cannot deal with it " idealogy - that laughter is only a byproduct of " something doesn't fit " - ie > the "BSOD" of intellectual thought ... either that - or an epiphany.
ahhh - it'll be interesting when adam is "fully awake"
i actually talked to my dad about some of my "idealogies" and what i've done with my life in-so-far as school and some of the thoughts i've come to the conclusion of - he laughed some - and then got real serious on me and told me that "i wasnt showing the system anything - and the only person i was damning and/or damaging was myself" ...
it depressed me somewhat : have i fallen from the tree so far that even my father - who long ago professed that the educational system ( public school ) was a waste of time and that he himself dropped out and went to 'roam the united states' on a motorcycle with the prostitutes and whores and pimps and drugs all over the whole great wide land - and down-right told me that he had taught himself, and that life ... LIFE can teach you anything an institution could teach - possibly more . . .
i think it is work.
it numbs the soul . . . and makes you comfortable.
so many people sacrifice their souls,
their ticket to passion and the great void for comfort and security of life.
it makes me sad sometimes.
Ahh the day of monday has begun .... I dub thee MONDAY ~~~ !@
I started working on Adam last night, it was very interesting. I began by talking about the history of mankind as being a bunch of mean apes relentlessly assaulting and killing one another. Then I talked about how beliefes can make people become willing slaves {gave historical examples with the romans and how the gods have this heirarchy which makes the idea so natural why would people question being lorded over ?.. or christian ideas for instance} ... I then took Adam to a supermarket and showed him the anthropomorphic dog toys and explained how we can infer a large degree of stupidity in the country based on the existance of such things..He told me about how he hates his job and his education, and how he has been severly depressed with life... I know Adam has a lot of faith in science and so I explained to him that science is only 12 generations old and can't have yet reached any real conclusions, and how philosophy is over 5,000 years old so there must be something to it...We then went out for coffee and then I started with the real big guns... I first attacked him with designed evolution plans I.E. In accordance with evolutionary theory we can infer that animals which are less dependant on the particulars of the environment for survival are more likely to survive and multiply over the whole of the earth... I then talked about how mankind is now independant of it's environment {for the most part} and so evironment can no longer affect the evolution of our species ... I then explained how the human brain capacity as not increased for over six thousand years... I then talked about how an animal which is genetically pre-disposed to mimic the behavior {ideals} of those which it identifies as its elders {without ever thinking on them} is more apt to survive and have children and hence how we might think of human beings as MEAT ROBOTS....I then challenged all of his beliefes and proved to him that he does not know at all why he believes them... I then took a container of coffee creamer and shook it next to his ear and ask him if he knew ot was full of creamer... {You can hear it in there.} I said, he eventually agreed that he does not and can not know if there is anything in the container.... Then I tackled him with not knowing or caring about anything real, because he only cares about a group of abstractions which he projected onto all the things around him {car, reebok pump, ect ... } and then showed him something real for the first time and forced him to realize that he can only know that he exists when he realizes the reality of existing things around him {and does not commit obscuration by abstract dismissal } and that he can identify with these things because the are in being and that one can live in being.... I then took a coffee creamer and I said {THIS IS ALL THE TIME YOU HAVE GOT} and then I poured it into my coffee and said {NOW IT"S GONE} and then I forced him to realize that he only has X amount of time to exist in being....I explained to him the significance of tribal dance as an emotional re-inactment of the hunt and a significant expression of what human life is for the dancer, how the dance captures his pain and his victory and how beautyful the thing is...And that this dance is significant because the tribesman exists in being and has authentic life experience {not plastic abstractions}.. I touched on authentic experience and emotion for a while and then started with marxs ideas about man as abstract machine {I did the motions of a lumber stacker right in the middle of the store and said "what am I ?" } ... I then explained how dances where the motions are abstracted from the meaning and people just practice meaningless contractions of their muscles {to the point of perfection} and this was truly a ridiculous activity....then I got into the idea of {GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS IN GENERAL } ...Then I showed him the action of dropping things in the middle of some place and explained the ridiculous idea of that motion being an insult {then I flipped him off and he started to laugh histarically}... Then I explained the great arrow of human progress as being nothing more than a bunch of people are marching in the same direction and none of them having any personal life experience.... All in all he told me he would like to come with us some friday ..............................................................................
I started working on Adam last night, it was very interesting. I began by talking about the history of mankind as being a bunch of mean apes relentlessly assaulting and killing one another. Then I talked about how beliefes can make people become willing slaves {gave historical examples with the romans and how the gods have this heirarchy which makes the idea so natural why would people question being lorded over ?.. or christian ideas for instance} ... I then took Adam to a supermarket and showed him the anthropomorphic dog toys and explained how we can infer a large degree of stupidity in the country based on the existance of such things..He told me about how he hates his job and his education, and how he has been severly depressed with life... I know Adam has a lot of faith in science and so I explained to him that science is only 12 generations old and can't have yet reached any real conclusions, and how philosophy is over 5,000 years old so there must be something to it...We then went out for coffee and then I started with the real big guns... I first attacked him with designed evolution plans I.E. In accordance with evolutionary theory we can infer that animals which are less dependant on the particulars of the environment for survival are more likely to survive and multiply over the whole of the earth... I then talked about how mankind is now independant of it's environment {for the most part} and so evironment can no longer affect the evolution of our species ... I then explained how the human brain capacity as not increased for over six thousand years... I then talked about how an animal which is genetically pre-disposed to mimic the behavior {ideals} of those which it identifies as its elders {without ever thinking on them} is more apt to survive and have children and hence how we might think of human beings as MEAT ROBOTS....I then challenged all of his beliefes and proved to him that he does not know at all why he believes them... I then took a container of coffee creamer and shook it next to his ear and ask him if he knew ot was full of creamer... {You can hear it in there.} I said, he eventually agreed that he does not and can not know if there is anything in the container.... Then I tackled him with not knowing or caring about anything real, because he only cares about a group of abstractions which he projected onto all the things around him {car, reebok pump, ect ... } and then showed him something real for the first time and forced him to realize that he can only know that he exists when he realizes the reality of existing things around him {and does not commit obscuration by abstract dismissal } and that he can identify with these things because the are in being and that one can live in being.... I then took a coffee creamer and I said {THIS IS ALL THE TIME YOU HAVE GOT} and then I poured it into my coffee and said {NOW IT"S GONE} and then I forced him to realize that he only has X amount of time to exist in being....I explained to him the significance of tribal dance as an emotional re-inactment of the hunt and a significant expression of what human life is for the dancer, how the dance captures his pain and his victory and how beautyful the thing is...And that this dance is significant because the tribesman exists in being and has authentic life experience {not plastic abstractions}.. I touched on authentic experience and emotion for a while and then started with marxs ideas about man as abstract machine {I did the motions of a lumber stacker right in the middle of the store and said "what am I ?" } ... I then explained how dances where the motions are abstracted from the meaning and people just practice meaningless contractions of their muscles {to the point of perfection} and this was truly a ridiculous activity....then I got into the idea of {GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS IN GENERAL } ...Then I showed him the action of dropping things in the middle of some place and explained the ridiculous idea of that motion being an insult {then I flipped him off and he started to laugh histarically}... Then I explained the great arrow of human progress as being nothing more than a bunch of people are marching in the same direction and none of them having any personal life experience.... All in all he told me he would like to come with us some friday ..............................................................................
should do laundry, dishes, clean, empty the kitty litterbox... don't feel like it :)
No classes Mondays this semester, which is nice because then my weekend starts at noon on friday and is done at 1 on tuesday.
Nothing on television tho. geeze there's gotta be someone else sitting at home trying to watch the boob tube and avoid doing housework.
Some friends who live awhile away called today (for the fifth time this weekend), but this time to ask if they could come by tonite instead of asking us to go over there. They got a wee bit drunk may 2-4 weekend (which was our holiday weekend, last weekend) and did some interesting things, and matt and I ended up spending the night sitting at the fire by ourselves being ignored because we weren't participating in the drunken half-orgy. Involved 9 of our friends, including 3 I've known since I was little and 1 who is matt's little sister's best friend. One of those times when you really begin to wonder if you even need friends. The weekend was capped off Saturday night when they got drunk and started making out with eachother's partners again until one actually suggested they switch partners for sex and his wife (!) had a fit. Not to mention earlier that night a dog got hit by a truck out on the highway by the house and everyone but the 4 drunkards involved were all sombre and sad. I wouldn't care if I hadn't wasted my fscking holiday weekend being ignored along with my boyfriend just because we didn't feel it was appropriate to make out with our friends' partners. What kind of friends do that to you? A few days later one of the other ones told me "by the way, we decided beforehand we could flirt with other people and that was ok". Apparently that gave them license to make out with other people they've been friends with for years in front of eachother. Anyone else gotta comment on this or am I just fscked up thinking once you get engaged or married to someone you should probably you know, wanna be with that person only for the rest of your life?
No classes Mondays this semester, which is nice because then my weekend starts at noon on friday and is done at 1 on tuesday.
Nothing on television tho. geeze there's gotta be someone else sitting at home trying to watch the boob tube and avoid doing housework.
Some friends who live awhile away called today (for the fifth time this weekend), but this time to ask if they could come by tonite instead of asking us to go over there. They got a wee bit drunk may 2-4 weekend (which was our holiday weekend, last weekend) and did some interesting things, and matt and I ended up spending the night sitting at the fire by ourselves being ignored because we weren't participating in the drunken half-orgy. Involved 9 of our friends, including 3 I've known since I was little and 1 who is matt's little sister's best friend. One of those times when you really begin to wonder if you even need friends. The weekend was capped off Saturday night when they got drunk and started making out with eachother's partners again until one actually suggested they switch partners for sex and his wife (!) had a fit. Not to mention earlier that night a dog got hit by a truck out on the highway by the house and everyone but the 4 drunkards involved were all sombre and sad. I wouldn't care if I hadn't wasted my fscking holiday weekend being ignored along with my boyfriend just because we didn't feel it was appropriate to make out with our friends' partners. What kind of friends do that to you? A few days later one of the other ones told me "by the way, we decided beforehand we could flirt with other people and that was ok". Apparently that gave them license to make out with other people they've been friends with for years in front of eachother. Anyone else gotta comment on this or am I just fscked up thinking once you get engaged or married to someone you should probably you know, wanna be with that person only for the rest of your life?
operation swordfish : a movie soon to come out about hacking, cracking, and everything in between - security systems and so on (imagine the movie "hackers" but with more background - john travolta - and this time the "public" knows about computers and instead of just a bunch of subcuture nerds laughing about "GOD IS THE MOST PROFICIENT PASSWORD IN THE UNIVERSE" the stupid movie - this time they'll be playing on the general fears and ignorance of the entire country ( world? ) --- and here is how :
at first i was astonished. then i was stunned. then i was violently sick. Operation swordfish may actually be a "scenerio" - so might have some 'true data in it' - but then again > after seeing that i realise what it actually ought to be - or probably IS --
one big advertisement for buying security for computers
everyone will go hay-wire crazy > dumbshits who watched the matrix will wander around and spout out literal poo poo out of their mouth - i look forward to hearing "yeah, i can hack government systems" - "uh huh, my brother is in prison for hacking and getting 9 000 000$" - and so on - it'll be like the matrix only with based with real statistics and numbers, no keanau reeves - and no "flying into people".
the worst part about it is the link. RAsecurity is obviously harolding this movie as a big BIG advertisment. what does the advertisment say? Get RAsecurity or have your assets stolen by leet hax0rs. I wouldnt be surprised to go to the film and every other scene has a coffee-mug with RAsecurity on it ( always facing camera ), planted line about RAsecurity and how uber-difficult it is to get past their firewalls ( SHIT! ITS RASECURITY!!! WE CAN NEVAR GET PASSED THIS! ) - or even tee shirts or subliminal messeges.
what is the world coming to?
at first i was astonished. then i was stunned. then i was violently sick. Operation swordfish may actually be a "scenerio" - so might have some 'true data in it' - but then again > after seeing that i realise what it actually ought to be - or probably IS --
everyone will go hay-wire crazy > dumbshits who watched the matrix will wander around and spout out literal poo poo out of their mouth - i look forward to hearing "yeah, i can hack government systems" - "uh huh, my brother is in prison for hacking and getting 9 000 000$" - and so on - it'll be like the matrix only with based with real statistics and numbers, no keanau reeves - and no "flying into people".
the worst part about it is the link. RAsecurity is obviously harolding this movie as a big BIG advertisment. what does the advertisment say? Get RAsecurity or have your assets stolen by leet hax0rs. I wouldnt be surprised to go to the film and every other scene has a coffee-mug with RAsecurity on it ( always facing camera ), planted line about RAsecurity and how uber-difficult it is to get past their firewalls ( SHIT! ITS RASECURITY!!! WE CAN NEVAR GET PASSED THIS! ) - or even tee shirts or subliminal messeges.
what is the world coming to?
May 27, 2001
i'm sitting around and check it - i found a bunch of funny things on the internet - so i'm sitting here and listening to the new tool and i am listenining to a song and then it just was all clear to me and i thought i knew the lyrics - so i went online to see if i was right ( about this particular song - as the trick with tool is that if you listen to it for long enough the words magically "COME TO YOU" - i do that with a lot of music - unless i get into a debate about 'what the words are' ) -- anywho - so i was correct in the assumption that he said "push the envelope, watch it end over thinking over analyzing seperates the body from the mind withering my intuition leaving all these opportunities behind..." and so on : anywho : so i get to the website and scroll up to read some of the lyrics of the old tool ceedees to bring back good memories and 'sing the songs to myself' - and lo and behold - what do i run into at the top of the page ( which i silently laughed to myself for ) -- in fact - go there yourself :
tool website lyrics
funny huh? i laughed. it's true. crazy cool - and i felt good - because i went there to confirm not to learn ... crazy fun.
oh - and in other places i went wandering and found an old picture i drew a long, long time ago :
hee hee - POOP!
ahhh.. yesh.
funny huh? i laughed. it's true. crazy cool - and i felt good - because i went there to confirm not to learn ... crazy fun.
oh - and in other places i went wandering and found an old picture i drew a long, long time ago :
hee hee - POOP!
ahhh.. yesh.
thanks bradbury :
as always > your banter of vehicles and witty commentary on being sick are always a warm welkommen ( hee ) to the board.
and you might want to ask jimmoi for some thick-lense glasses > he's got a pair that seem to make him look like a nerd.
as for andromeda strain ... i read that a long long time ago ... you know > i should probably read that again as well.
as always > your banter of vehicles and witty commentary on being sick are always a warm welkommen ( hee ) to the board.
and you might want to ask jimmoi for some thick-lense glasses > he's got a pair that seem to make him look like a nerd.
as for andromeda strain ... i read that a long long time ago ... you know > i should probably read that again as well.
Mustangs kick ass. Ford is making a "Bullitt" edition Mustang. Steve McQueen rules (?ruled? is he dead?). Wasn't (isn't?) he gay though? That would fit, the guy who was in most of the racing movies of the 60's turns out gay......but the best race movie of all time is Grand Prix (no McQueen there). Not that I much care for James Garner, but that move is something else. And La Grande Prix de Monaco is the best race in the world....way better than Indy. Same day though. Makes it hard for one driver to do both in the same year, seeing as one starts before the other ends. But I suppose if you crashed right away at Monaco, you could make it to Indy in time......only one man has ever won both races (obviously not the same year) but I forget his name now.
Oh, yeah, I have new email addresses.
Oh, yeah, I have new email addresses.
James: kiss my ass. I guess. Damn I hate being sick. But at least it’s getting better.
You can’t remember the URL to one of your own websites? That’s pitiful. Of course, I never learned the license plate on the blue truck, so I suppose I have no room to talk. Oh, shit, I was talking about my truck. So maybe the stereotype fits. Fuck it. When one of you if driving a $26,000 vehicle (and paying for it yourself) let me know and I’ll gladly shut the hell up. Which I will do now anyway (for now).
Oh, yeah, I looked through my history (just that damn bored) and found the URL for the Bettie page.....took some time, I must add. Then I forgot what browser it was under (I have several on here, and of course I use them all). So I went back and found it again.
Canada rules......or, at least, the part just across the border from Western does. The drinking age is 19. They serve alcohol in clubs, more to the point, in clubs where there are also nekkid women all over the place (so I’ve heard, I’ve never been). Here in Washington, they don’t. Not that I frequent that sort of club. Mike, remember last summer when we went to the Vu with Drew, Andy and Tyler? That kicked ass. Was Sherrie there? I don’t fully remember that night.........
One of the wheels just fell off of this chair when I leaned back.....that makes it more difficult to get close enough to the screen to read the letters..... I think I need thicker glasses.....or maybe just a lower resolution setting.
The remake of "Gone In 60 seconds" kicks ass. Fsck the critics, that movie rules....
They showed "The Andromeda Strain" on Sci-Fi earlier today, now I must re-read the book. For the 8th or 9th time. After I finish the Carl Hiasen that I’m reading now....funny shit. Carl Hiasen writes some of the funniest shit around. If you read the back cover of one of his books, the actual book is ten times more twisted than the back cover makes it out to be. Funny, funny books.
You can’t remember the URL to one of your own websites? That’s pitiful. Of course, I never learned the license plate on the blue truck, so I suppose I have no room to talk. Oh, shit, I was talking about my truck. So maybe the stereotype fits. Fuck it. When one of you if driving a $26,000 vehicle (and paying for it yourself) let me know and I’ll gladly shut the hell up. Which I will do now anyway (for now).
Oh, yeah, I looked through my history (just that damn bored) and found the URL for the Bettie page.....took some time, I must add. Then I forgot what browser it was under (I have several on here, and of course I use them all). So I went back and found it again.
Canada rules......or, at least, the part just across the border from Western does. The drinking age is 19. They serve alcohol in clubs, more to the point, in clubs where there are also nekkid women all over the place (so I’ve heard, I’ve never been). Here in Washington, they don’t. Not that I frequent that sort of club. Mike, remember last summer when we went to the Vu with Drew, Andy and Tyler? That kicked ass. Was Sherrie there? I don’t fully remember that night.........
One of the wheels just fell off of this chair when I leaned back.....that makes it more difficult to get close enough to the screen to read the letters..... I think I need thicker glasses.....or maybe just a lower resolution setting.
The remake of "Gone In 60 seconds" kicks ass. Fsck the critics, that movie rules....
They showed "The Andromeda Strain" on Sci-Fi earlier today, now I must re-read the book. For the 8th or 9th time. After I finish the Carl Hiasen that I’m reading now....funny shit. Carl Hiasen writes some of the funniest shit around. If you read the back cover of one of his books, the actual book is ten times more twisted than the back cover makes it out to be. Funny, funny books.
well i'll be damned ... for one > i lost my BETTIE PAGE website URL
( anyone have it bookmarked? )
and while trying to find it >
i found this old story of mine which you can read right here.
little did i know that i was teaching anti-materialism
and anti-attatchment to one's status at sucess,
and/or anti-attatchment to personal looks. . . .
even when so young with my somewhat-meaningless stories.
AH AHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! go look at somethingawful ( link > top left )
... wow.... crazy-happy-fun-cool
( anyone have it bookmarked? )
and while trying to find it >
i found this old story of mine which you can read right here.
little did i know that i was teaching anti-materialism
and anti-attatchment to one's status at sucess,
and/or anti-attatchment to personal looks. . . .
even when so young with my somewhat-meaningless stories.
AH AHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! go look at somethingawful ( link > top left )
... wow.... crazy-happy-fun-cool
ok : just a notice that hopefully everyone will take to >
when and how to post pictures/images
first you must understand what a "tag" is :
simply this < text > ... do you notice the two characters surrounding the word "text"?
everywhere you see one of { } those - replace them with the other two characters.
now the tag to post images is thus :
{center} {img src=" [image url] " width=300 heigth=300} {/center}
so when you copy/pasted that - you would turn those { and } into < and >
where it says " [image url] " you would replace the whole thing ( brackets included ) with the http:// address of the image
if you find an image you'd like to post and you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer then you can right-click the image and choose "properties" - where it will have the URL - merely copy/paste that to replace [image url] and then post away > don't worry if the image is distorted ( as if it looks "bad" i'll fix it )
this is basically just a way to show people how to post images ( as i found that is rarely done )
and a way to say please limit picture sizes to 300x300 or 400x400 - as anything above "distorts" the dimensions of the board.
hmm... i dont remember anyone ( zach / jimmoi / myself / father ) bringing in the big bag of hamburger patties.
i should go out and make me a hamburger > damnit.
( we had a early-in-the-morning barbeque : which was fun )
when and how to post pictures/images
first you must understand what a "tag" is :
simply this < text > ... do you notice the two characters surrounding the word "text"?
everywhere you see one of { } those - replace them with the other two characters.
now the tag to post images is thus :
so when you copy/pasted that - you would turn those { and } into < and >
where it says " [image url] " you would replace the whole thing ( brackets included ) with the http:// address of the image
if you find an image you'd like to post and you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer then you can right-click the image and choose "properties" - where it will have the URL - merely copy/paste that to replace [image url] and then post away > don't worry if the image is distorted ( as if it looks "bad" i'll fix it )
this is basically just a way to show people how to post images ( as i found that is rarely done )
and a way to say please limit picture sizes to 300x300 or 400x400 - as anything above "distorts" the dimensions of the board.
hmm... i dont remember anyone ( zach / jimmoi / myself / father ) bringing in the big bag of hamburger patties.
i should go out and make me a hamburger > damnit.
( we had a early-in-the-morning barbeque : which was fun )
ah : it's good to see everyone up to their stereotypical selves :
bonnie telling me to fuck off
zach-o not mosting because people curse ( hee! )
and napster going on tangents about swimsuits
now all we need is ra-y98-1jqjiaop posting smut
jimmoi ranting about skipping out of the PCC school system
and bradbury to post about his truck and/or bethel sucking.
and to help the atmosphere a little : here ya go >>>
As i sit here listening to my DEAD CAN DANCE cee-dee, i realise my blinds are half open and the sun peeks through : i hiss as i quickly close them : damn the sunlight : damn it so! If only the sun could feel the eternal darkness that is my black, swollen heart : if only anyone could feel the lonliness and cold that is my life and understand... Oh horrible torment that is living : WHY HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ME? Oh I know... I believe I will write some poetry :
Bloody angel fallen from the sky.
whatever did you say :
"Don't fly, Don't fly, Don't fly Midway Airlines"
Their schedules are all during the day.
that poem is about how i took midway airlines once and i had to actually go out in the daylight and there were people looking at me : oh how i despise the smell of people! even the word sickens me : pee-pole : sick turds i tell you : oh! SHIT! EDWARD SCISSOR HANDS IS ON TEEVEE!!!!!! I HAVE TO WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!! IT SO KNOWS HOW I FEEL!!!!!!!!!
there we go. i do believe that will be suh-fish-shant.
bonnie telling me to fuck off
zach-o not mosting because people curse ( hee! )
and napster going on tangents about swimsuits
now all we need is ra-y98-1jqjiaop posting smut
jimmoi ranting about skipping out of the PCC school system
and bradbury to post about his truck and/or bethel sucking.
and to help the atmosphere a little : here ya go >>>
As i sit here listening to my DEAD CAN DANCE cee-dee, i realise my blinds are half open and the sun peeks through : i hiss as i quickly close them : damn the sunlight : damn it so! If only the sun could feel the eternal darkness that is my black, swollen heart : if only anyone could feel the lonliness and cold that is my life and understand... Oh horrible torment that is living : WHY HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ME? Oh I know... I believe I will write some poetry :
Bloody angel fallen from the sky.
whatever did you say :
"Don't fly, Don't fly, Don't fly Midway Airlines"
Their schedules are all during the day.
that poem is about how i took midway airlines once and i had to actually go out in the daylight and there were people looking at me : oh how i despise the smell of people! even the word sickens me : pee-pole : sick turds i tell you : oh! SHIT! EDWARD SCISSOR HANDS IS ON TEEVEE!!!!!! I HAVE TO WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!! IT SO KNOWS HOW I FEEL!!!!!!!!!
there we go. i do believe that will be suh-fish-shant.
May 26, 2001
I want to post, but I have nothing to say. That sucks. So I will post someone elses words.
Slug Trails
Upon the trail of slimy tears
I set my feet each day.
And see the bodies littering
their guts a fine array.
Whoever said that slugs are not
carnivorous was wrong.
For everyday a new repast
of sluggage, not for long.
A feeding frenzy of hungry slugs
Have paused awhile to snack
Upon the flesh of fallen friends,
I pause,....taken aback.
A uniform stately army,
A slimey black array,
There is no need to feed them,
Their army cooks might say...
"Today the house special,
All done up nice and fine.
I think you might have met him
He slimed next to you in line..."
They bow their heads in blessing-
dig in with utter zeal,
For flesh so young and tender,
A sort of insect veal.
My Slug
My slug was always willing to give me a hug.
I wish he wasn't beat up by that thug.
That thug began to tug and tug,
Until I had two slugs.
My slug gave me a final frown,
and then his little eyelids went down.
I tried CPR
until my friend put him in a jar.
We buried him in my backyard.
His slug spirit visits me everyday.
I am glad he is not gone all the way.
He is here to stay.
Now I have a new slug
Who was just eaten by a huge bug.
That was my second, and hopefully I will have a third,
Or maybe a whole herd.
Sam the Slug
I have a friend named Sam
He is not a clam
But he has always been there for me in a jam.
He is a slug.
Not quite your average bug.
He sleeps on my $50,000 Chinese rug.
He has his own engraved mug
that says Sam the Slug.
One day he gave me a big slimy hug.
I tried to release him, but he began to tug.
He tugged so hard I fell into my ancient jug.
That is when I decided that he had to live with my friend Doug the pug.
Sam is as happy as a clam.
I will miss him so,
But that slug had to go.
How I loved him he will never know.
A slug was crossing the road, and was accidentally run over by a turtle.
After he awoke in the hospital, a doctor asked: "How did this happen.?"
The slug replied; "I don't know. It all happened so quick."
Slug Tongue Twister- Shimmering slimey slugs salivate slick silk, slowly.
One night a man hears a knock at the door. When he answers it
there is no one there, but he looks down and sees a slug on the
doorstep. He picks up the slug and throws it as far as he can.
Three years later, he hears another knock at the door. When he
goes to the door, the slug is back. The slug asks, "What was that all
A big, ugly, fat woman walks into a bar with a slug stuck to her forehead.
"Nice looking pig you have there," says the bartender.
"It's not a pig! It's a slug!" the woman snarls.
"Lady," the bartender replies, "I was talking to the slug!"
Slug Trails
Upon the trail of slimy tears
I set my feet each day.
And see the bodies littering
their guts a fine array.
Whoever said that slugs are not
carnivorous was wrong.
For everyday a new repast
of sluggage, not for long.
A feeding frenzy of hungry slugs
Have paused awhile to snack
Upon the flesh of fallen friends,
I pause,....taken aback.
A uniform stately army,
A slimey black array,
There is no need to feed them,
Their army cooks might say...
"Today the house special,
All done up nice and fine.
I think you might have met him
He slimed next to you in line..."
They bow their heads in blessing-
dig in with utter zeal,
For flesh so young and tender,
A sort of insect veal.
My Slug
My slug was always willing to give me a hug.
I wish he wasn't beat up by that thug.
That thug began to tug and tug,
Until I had two slugs.
My slug gave me a final frown,
and then his little eyelids went down.
I tried CPR
until my friend put him in a jar.
We buried him in my backyard.
His slug spirit visits me everyday.
I am glad he is not gone all the way.
He is here to stay.
Now I have a new slug
Who was just eaten by a huge bug.
That was my second, and hopefully I will have a third,
Or maybe a whole herd.
Sam the Slug
I have a friend named Sam
He is not a clam
But he has always been there for me in a jam.
He is a slug.
Not quite your average bug.
He sleeps on my $50,000 Chinese rug.
He has his own engraved mug
that says Sam the Slug.
One day he gave me a big slimy hug.
I tried to release him, but he began to tug.
He tugged so hard I fell into my ancient jug.
That is when I decided that he had to live with my friend Doug the pug.
Sam is as happy as a clam.
I will miss him so,
But that slug had to go.
How I loved him he will never know.
A slug was crossing the road, and was accidentally run over by a turtle.
After he awoke in the hospital, a doctor asked: "How did this happen.?"
The slug replied; "I don't know. It all happened so quick."
Slug Tongue Twister- Shimmering slimey slugs salivate slick silk, slowly.
One night a man hears a knock at the door. When he answers it
there is no one there, but he looks down and sees a slug on the
doorstep. He picks up the slug and throws it as far as he can.
Three years later, he hears another knock at the door. When he
goes to the door, the slug is back. The slug asks, "What was that all
A big, ugly, fat woman walks into a bar with a slug stuck to her forehead.
"Nice looking pig you have there," says the bartender.
"It's not a pig! It's a slug!" the woman snarls.
"Lady," the bartender replies, "I was talking to the slug!"
if you've noticed : i've altered the board : and have adopted a new lifestyle : and am currently sitting in a chair : dripping nude : wet you could say : amongst other things : la da de da de : it's been such a drab, or you could even say lackluster week for me : nothing much of anything has happened of much importance and/or entertainment : i wonder what people in china are doing.
i'm jive'n out to my davey-style daft punk cee-dee : hoo bloody rah : i don't know : something is missing in life : i think it's women ... yes : i do believe that is it : associating with mike for the longest of times has made me realise that women are quite the fleshy ones . . . how very very astranged i feel now when walking around in public and someone catches my eye ( CATCHES MY EYE YOU SAY? why yes - i'm begining to reprogram myself to look at people and their bodies ... weird ) --- I have an odd compulsion to be mike-like and go up to them and just say a nice thing : of course : this is all to get them into the bedroom where I may just perform many different sexual acts upon them : and/or drug them with GHB and poke/prod at their body-parts while they're knocked out : then again I dont have any GHB : and second : I don't talk to women : and third : i don't find many women attractive >>> Kind of makes you wonder : or well it doesn't make you wonder : it kind of makes me wonder : so yeah.
I'm in the process of making another board specifially for TZA - yes : contrary to most poser beliefs out there - TZA still thrives on in the hearts and minds of those who know what it truely stands for - it'll be great... superb you could say even : ALMOST SUBLIME : but not quite : as all sublime and grand things eventually turn to stinky piles of poo poo ... given time ( LOOK AT AMERICA, DUMBSHIT ) --- haa haa haa, i made a funny.
Might do something tonight : then again : might not : who knows : we'll see in a couple of hours now wont we? >> who is this "we" ? - oh : by the way i found a website about "The Last Unicorn" which states that the soundtrack was done by the band AMERICA - how funny : because i grew up with that little movie : and i like that band for some odd reason : can we say coincidence? I think so. Or well : it depends on what country you're from : as if you live in boswania : then i dont think you will be able to speak english and wouldnt be able to say coincidence : unless you took an english class : you know english as a second language : i know some associates of mine who once took an english as a second language class : where was i?
hey : hey you : yeah : yeah you : god damnit : what : who me?
oh : as to what jesse posted about whiney goths and their wanting you to feel sorry for them : i was going to use that as a rebuttle to aaron's continual attack on calling me "gothic" because I "think too much" and my "cant take anything for face value / pick things apart" mentality ( bonnie's words through aaron's fingers? how so! ) - where my objection would have been that I don't bother people with my "whiney complaints about life" - with the exception if it is a debate.
anywho : but i gave the whole objection thing up ( as you can see in the previous post "I wont even bother" ) - but to show off what fabricated "goth-fucks" are out there i posted the picture - and I guess jesse is helping me out with stupid people's journals : by the way : i dont get the whole "my parents are seperated" deal ( you can see it in momlessdaughter's Live Journal ) - i just never got how that could influence someone to do something "bad" and or "detrimental" to oneself. . . . i dont know. where was i : again?
oh : yes : you should all get live journals : do it now : : and post all the fun stuff you think ( and dont want to post on the board ) there - then again it's just a waste of time and another place to post more text : crystalized verbal shit ( text that is ) --- as I've been trying to say forever and jimmoi has recently picked up saying : PRINT IS DEAD == although i wouldn't say dead as much as dying : i played counterstrike against michael / cristin / curtis today and whooped the hella-shit out of the two of them : me and michael were on a team : we whooped and whooped and whooped : the more i listen to this cee-dee the more i seem to dislike daft punk : i dont know : i think they have some certain good songs : and then they have a high probablity of having a song that just really agitates the living hell out of me : almost to where I puke : like i said : almost.
what does everyone think of the new layout of the board? if you notice there aren't any links anymore ... oh well : too bad so sad : i dont know what to write anymore : i keep reloading the page to see if anyone posted ( oh look jesse posted a piece of someone's journal ... oh man! IT'S FUNNY! HAHHAHAAHAHA... oh man... that's classic ) -- what can i post that is funny? ... hmm... I KNOW!!!!!

ah haha.. funny... whoo... it's the FLINTSTONES ... why did I bold the "stone" part of "flintstones" ... i dont know... anywho :
now i'm going to type in random website names : here's what i try :
i went to ... nothing caught my interest is "coming soon"
i found a sun tzu quote at had a neato image :

and i think my favorite one would be
what the hell eh?
ok - now that' i've posted ... uhm... yeah...
it might not be : the right time
i might not be : the right one
but there's something about us
i want to say
'cause there's something between us anyway
i might not be : the right one
it might not be : the right time
but there's something about us
i've got to do
some kind of secret i will share with you
i need you more than anything in my life
i want you more than anything in my life
i'll miss you more than anyone in my life
i love you more than anyone in my life
i'm jive'n out to my davey-style daft punk cee-dee : hoo bloody rah : i don't know : something is missing in life : i think it's women ... yes : i do believe that is it : associating with mike for the longest of times has made me realise that women are quite the fleshy ones . . . how very very astranged i feel now when walking around in public and someone catches my eye ( CATCHES MY EYE YOU SAY? why yes - i'm begining to reprogram myself to look at people and their bodies ... weird ) --- I have an odd compulsion to be mike-like and go up to them and just say a nice thing : of course : this is all to get them into the bedroom where I may just perform many different sexual acts upon them : and/or drug them with GHB and poke/prod at their body-parts while they're knocked out : then again I dont have any GHB : and second : I don't talk to women : and third : i don't find many women attractive >>> Kind of makes you wonder : or well it doesn't make you wonder : it kind of makes me wonder : so yeah.
I'm in the process of making another board specifially for TZA - yes : contrary to most poser beliefs out there - TZA still thrives on in the hearts and minds of those who know what it truely stands for - it'll be great... superb you could say even : ALMOST SUBLIME : but not quite : as all sublime and grand things eventually turn to stinky piles of poo poo ... given time ( LOOK AT AMERICA, DUMBSHIT ) --- haa haa haa, i made a funny.
Might do something tonight : then again : might not : who knows : we'll see in a couple of hours now wont we? >> who is this "we" ? - oh : by the way i found a website about "The Last Unicorn" which states that the soundtrack was done by the band AMERICA - how funny : because i grew up with that little movie : and i like that band for some odd reason : can we say coincidence? I think so. Or well : it depends on what country you're from : as if you live in boswania : then i dont think you will be able to speak english and wouldnt be able to say coincidence : unless you took an english class : you know english as a second language : i know some associates of mine who once took an english as a second language class : where was i?
hey : hey you : yeah : yeah you : god damnit : what : who me?
oh : as to what jesse posted about whiney goths and their wanting you to feel sorry for them : i was going to use that as a rebuttle to aaron's continual attack on calling me "gothic" because I "think too much" and my "cant take anything for face value / pick things apart" mentality ( bonnie's words through aaron's fingers? how so! ) - where my objection would have been that I don't bother people with my "whiney complaints about life" - with the exception if it is a debate.
anywho : but i gave the whole objection thing up ( as you can see in the previous post "I wont even bother" ) - but to show off what fabricated "goth-fucks" are out there i posted the picture - and I guess jesse is helping me out with stupid people's journals : by the way : i dont get the whole "my parents are seperated" deal ( you can see it in momlessdaughter's Live Journal ) - i just never got how that could influence someone to do something "bad" and or "detrimental" to oneself. . . . i dont know. where was i : again?
oh : yes : you should all get live journals : do it now : : and post all the fun stuff you think ( and dont want to post on the board ) there - then again it's just a waste of time and another place to post more text : crystalized verbal shit ( text that is ) --- as I've been trying to say forever and jimmoi has recently picked up saying : PRINT IS DEAD == although i wouldn't say dead as much as dying : i played counterstrike against michael / cristin / curtis today and whooped the hella-shit out of the two of them : me and michael were on a team : we whooped and whooped and whooped : the more i listen to this cee-dee the more i seem to dislike daft punk : i dont know : i think they have some certain good songs : and then they have a high probablity of having a song that just really agitates the living hell out of me : almost to where I puke : like i said : almost.
what does everyone think of the new layout of the board? if you notice there aren't any links anymore ... oh well : too bad so sad : i dont know what to write anymore : i keep reloading the page to see if anyone posted ( oh look jesse posted a piece of someone's journal ... oh man! IT'S FUNNY! HAHHAHAAHAHA... oh man... that's classic ) -- what can i post that is funny? ... hmm... I KNOW!!!!!
ah haha.. funny... whoo... it's the FLINTSTONES ... why did I bold the "stone" part of "flintstones" ... i dont know... anywho :
now i'm going to type in random website names : here's what i try :
i went to ... nothing caught my interest is "coming soon"
i found a sun tzu quote at
and i think my favorite one would be
what the hell eh?
ok - now that' i've posted ... uhm... yeah...
it might not be : the right time
i might not be : the right one
but there's something about us
i want to say
'cause there's something between us anyway
i might not be : the right one
it might not be : the right time
but there's something about us
i've got to do
some kind of secret i will share with you
i need you more than anything in my life
i want you more than anything in my life
i'll miss you more than anyone in my life
i love you more than anyone in my life
Being sick sucks.......was going to see the Yelm car show today-but I couldn't even work up the energy to wash my truck.
The downside to working in schools (one of the many downsides, that is) is that you are exposed to every variant of cold and flu known to man.
Time for aspirin and Dr. Daniels' Old No. 7 cold care......
The downside to working in schools (one of the many downsides, that is) is that you are exposed to every variant of cold and flu known to man.
Time for aspirin and Dr. Daniels' Old No. 7 cold care......
life doesn 't suck. you live, you learn, you die. have fun learning. blah blah blah.
that was my bit of prophetic junk for the day.
Just curious, are most of you at highschool and/or college or university... who's at college/uni and what are you studying? Anyone else into computers as a profession? Anyone else watch Croc Hunter?
I think blogspot is still messed but I'm not sure.
that was my bit of prophetic junk for the day.
Just curious, are most of you at highschool and/or college or university... who's at college/uni and what are you studying? Anyone else into computers as a profession? Anyone else watch Croc Hunter?
I think blogspot is still messed but I'm not sure.
life doesn 't suck. you live, you learn, you die. have fun learning. blah blah blah.
that was my bit of prophetic junk for the day.
Just curious, are most of you at highschool and/or college or university... who's at college/uni and what are you studying? Anyone else into computers as a profession? Anyone else watch Croc Hunter?
I think blogspot is still messed but I'm not sure.
that was my bit of prophetic junk for the day.
Just curious, are most of you at highschool and/or college or university... who's at college/uni and what are you studying? Anyone else into computers as a profession? Anyone else watch Croc Hunter?
I think blogspot is still messed but I'm not sure.
May 25, 2001
I had such a damn great day today. Nothing to do, no one to bitch at me. The lake was fun, only wish you all had shown up earlier and stuck around longer. It was interesting.
Got a yearbook. I should look at it. I dont really feel like it though. Battle of the bands sucked. At least drews band took first, I woulda been pissed if Mullet had taken it. Damn Mullet sucked. So did that one band. They sucked hard. So hard, that I actually got up and left. Usually I can stick out any music. But that was bad. Ive heard wigga rap that sounds better.
Still battle of the bands was better than the cube dj. Damn it, Pat was supposed to DJ and they told him the day before that they hired someone instead. He would have been good at it too. So it goes.
I want to go visit Mr.Lengert, but mommy dearest wont let me leave the house. I would tell her where Im going but she would probably never let me leave.
I have to work at 6 in the morning. I dont get off till four.
I didnt know you eat at Jack in The Box Jimmy. If I'd have known that, I could have gotten you a discount anytime you went. I work there, so I have that privlege. Although, I choose not to eat there, cause Im the one makin the food. And if you know me, you wouldnt eat the food. ;)
Im going to sleep now.
Good time for nappin.
Ahh, this is the life.
Got a yearbook. I should look at it. I dont really feel like it though. Battle of the bands sucked. At least drews band took first, I woulda been pissed if Mullet had taken it. Damn Mullet sucked. So did that one band. They sucked hard. So hard, that I actually got up and left. Usually I can stick out any music. But that was bad. Ive heard wigga rap that sounds better.
Still battle of the bands was better than the cube dj. Damn it, Pat was supposed to DJ and they told him the day before that they hired someone instead. He would have been good at it too. So it goes.
I want to go visit Mr.Lengert, but mommy dearest wont let me leave the house. I would tell her where Im going but she would probably never let me leave.
I have to work at 6 in the morning. I dont get off till four.
I didnt know you eat at Jack in The Box Jimmy. If I'd have known that, I could have gotten you a discount anytime you went. I work there, so I have that privlege. Although, I choose not to eat there, cause Im the one makin the food. And if you know me, you wouldnt eat the food. ;)
Im going to sleep now.
Good time for nappin.
Ahh, this is the life.
fly be i can live
i think it's all to do with people's perspectives on life : life, in and of itself, is suppose to be this magically wonderful thing that is joyous and stupendeous in nature : where one's wishes can come true and only the best can happen ... these people are generally reguarded as optimists... in fact i rarely use the word that i am not even sure that I've spelled it correctly. it's sad really : when the majority of "awake" people realise that life isn't so fun and isn't so bright and isn't this wondeful and miracualous (notice, another word i rarely use) thing but just living constitutes life they act as if dirt had been thrown in their faces. when the concept of "this is it, and there is no big party afterwards at 8pm" hits them square between the eyes they get depressed. but it isn't all that bad : there are plenty of things to occupy one's time with ... like learning for example.
today i learned how to put on a tie, under, over and through : of course it's jimmoi's tie ... ah haha, wait until he sees it : i dont know... where am going ... or better yet : what difference does it make where i am going? or what i leave behind ( legacy ) ?
a legacy is only good for one thing :
people to make money off of you when you're dead.
i think it's all to do with people's perspectives on life : life, in and of itself, is suppose to be this magically wonderful thing that is joyous and stupendeous in nature : where one's wishes can come true and only the best can happen ... these people are generally reguarded as optimists... in fact i rarely use the word that i am not even sure that I've spelled it correctly. it's sad really : when the majority of "awake" people realise that life isn't so fun and isn't so bright and isn't this wondeful and miracualous (notice, another word i rarely use) thing but just living constitutes life they act as if dirt had been thrown in their faces. when the concept of "this is it, and there is no big party afterwards at 8pm" hits them square between the eyes they get depressed. but it isn't all that bad : there are plenty of things to occupy one's time with ... like learning for example.
today i learned how to put on a tie, under, over and through : of course it's jimmoi's tie ... ah haha, wait until he sees it : i dont know... where am going ... or better yet : what difference does it make where i am going? or what i leave behind ( legacy ) ?
a legacy is only good for one thing :
people to make money off of you when you're dead.
Here's me up all nite coz I can't sleep, tossing and turning in bed till 6:30 am when I can't stand it anymore and need to get my ass up. Could be the first time I've been up for morning classes on a friday this semester. Wake the boyfriend up at 7 and walk around in a half daze together getting ready for work and school (respectively). Here we are at quarter to 8 hitting the tim horton's on the way to school because the rule is at his work in his department if you're late you can bring coffee from timmies and effectively get out of even having to explain why you were late. Probably will show up and find the other two guys in his department bringing coffee in later this morning. Here's me listening to the radio (still in a half daze) in timmies parking lot, local radio station, where they tell me that all classes at my school could be cancelled because a generator blew during some sort of upgrade, one person sent to hospital. And I probably shouldn't be so happy to be home already at 8:15 am with an iced cappucino because some poor guy got exploded. I'm sure the karmic repercussions for this will be grand, oh wait, I think I already felt them.
Dad's going on some new meds because during a stress test they found out he has angina now - the positive side (apparently) is they figured out where in his heart he had his heart attacks (which he didn't feel, incidentally, because of his diabetes, and because of which he had a triple bypass 3 years ago), and these meds they'll put him on will stop his chest pain he still has apparently. They also want to do a bypass of his arteries in his legs so his feet will get better circulation; again due to diabetes his feet have had to have about 7 surgeries to cut infections out and he's already had his baby toe taken off. He's 43. But he never complains. Being strong, that's what dads are for I think. There's a crow crying outside my door right now. I don't like that.
Dad's going on some new meds because during a stress test they found out he has angina now - the positive side (apparently) is they figured out where in his heart he had his heart attacks (which he didn't feel, incidentally, because of his diabetes, and because of which he had a triple bypass 3 years ago), and these meds they'll put him on will stop his chest pain he still has apparently. They also want to do a bypass of his arteries in his legs so his feet will get better circulation; again due to diabetes his feet have had to have about 7 surgeries to cut infections out and he's already had his baby toe taken off. He's 43. But he never complains. Being strong, that's what dads are for I think. There's a crow crying outside my door right now. I don't like that.
May 24, 2001
No, Jesse, working for the district only sucks doing your job. That is, right now it doesn't suck. This new stuporintendant we are getting is going to suck. He's a forking idiot. He says "Computers are just a fad. We should all go back to CHALKBOARDS. Fucking moron. The review commitee ranked him last. The dumbass school board hired him. This is going to suck.
bwee-bop sha-bang lolly lolly zam
you name it : we've thought it : we've thought it : you've done it
i dont know. what am i saying. i havent the slightest. i . . .
jeff : it's at my house : so come by saturday ( i wont bother you much ) and come get it.
and you dont have this "friendly come talk to me" look - it is, in fact, an entirely different "look" ... the : you look funny look : they aren't REALLY talking to you as much as they are probing to see if you can speak and make coherant sentences. :)
hee hee hee
i went to school today instead of staying home and sleeping in : everytime i "sat up" from a chair i got light headed and everything went bright and black and i couldnt see and i got a severe headache and fell down or had to brace myself against somethign so that i wouldnt fall down : crazy cool : stupid heat/sun/whatever making me all fucked up physically : son of a bitch : hopefully heather is ok : zounds : i'm thinking about inviting "the couple" to the board : merely because ben is crazy-cool and (unfortunately) got caught doing something illegal and knows about pink floyd ( anyone else know floyd, asides from raw fishe? ) - and his girl, Emily, is crazy cool as well - if you wanna know why i was thinking of them two s'because i said "zounds" which is what they call me - actually ben calls me "jealous" which is a cross between "James" "Elliot" and some other name i forgot - does it matter? we're eating spagetti ... yum.
ok : tomorrow is yearbook day : i dont know if i got one or not : at least i've got a pen to sign things with : i think i'll write random poems in everyone's books this time : screw messeges : blah blah blah ...
i'm gonna go eat wet noodles.
with sauce.
and cheese.
you name it : we've thought it : we've thought it : you've done it
i dont know. what am i saying. i havent the slightest. i . . .
jeff : it's at my house : so come by saturday ( i wont bother you much ) and come get it.
and you dont have this "friendly come talk to me" look - it is, in fact, an entirely different "look" ... the : you look funny look : they aren't REALLY talking to you as much as they are probing to see if you can speak and make coherant sentences. :)
hee hee hee
i went to school today instead of staying home and sleeping in : everytime i "sat up" from a chair i got light headed and everything went bright and black and i couldnt see and i got a severe headache and fell down or had to brace myself against somethign so that i wouldnt fall down : crazy cool : stupid heat/sun/whatever making me all fucked up physically : son of a bitch : hopefully heather is ok : zounds : i'm thinking about inviting "the couple" to the board : merely because ben is crazy-cool and (unfortunately) got caught doing something illegal and knows about pink floyd ( anyone else know floyd, asides from raw fishe? ) - and his girl, Emily, is crazy cool as well - if you wanna know why i was thinking of them two s'because i said "zounds" which is what they call me - actually ben calls me "jealous" which is a cross between "James" "Elliot" and some other name i forgot - does it matter? we're eating spagetti ... yum.
ok : tomorrow is yearbook day : i dont know if i got one or not : at least i've got a pen to sign things with : i think i'll write random poems in everyone's books this time : screw messeges : blah blah blah ...
i'm gonna go eat wet noodles.
with sauce.
and cheese.
I have a few American friends, one who's moving up here in a few months. I dunno, never been to the U.S. so I couldn't tell you if I think Canada is better. And I say "eh" sometimes but not at the end of every sentence. Only use it sometimes when I'm asking a question that you could also end with "huh?" - like "well that was lame, huh?" would be "well that was lame, eh?". I don't know any Canadian who uses it more often than that either.
I take it Bradbury that you liked my story so far? Chapter two is a work in progress as well, Im always working. Problem is, I run out of material if I have no "creational material," so it isnt always easy. I mean, I can crank out shit like that all the time, but it gets redundant. So Im waiting for, shall we say, an optamal moment, to continue with my work. If you have any feed back it would be nice...
Canadians. Yeesh. Do you like being canadian? I think I would like it, only without the stealing. Never been in a war, never the direct target of an attack, never hostile, always faithful. Yeah, canada sounds great. One you really say eh?
God Im gonna have nightmares. I saw parts of aaron that I never wanted to see today. God aaron, didnt you have some rule about not waring shorts? Whatever happended to that? None of this would have happened if you had some rule like that.
If someone says that showcase sucks one more time, I would just say "oh really. wanna know what else sucks?" then kick them. It was a good showcase. Hell, it was better than winter showcase.
Well, Im off to visit Mr.(Charles) Lengert. So it goes.
Canadians. Yeesh. Do you like being canadian? I think I would like it, only without the stealing. Never been in a war, never the direct target of an attack, never hostile, always faithful. Yeah, canada sounds great. One you really say eh?
God Im gonna have nightmares. I saw parts of aaron that I never wanted to see today. God aaron, didnt you have some rule about not waring shorts? Whatever happended to that? None of this would have happened if you had some rule like that.
If someone says that showcase sucks one more time, I would just say "oh really. wanna know what else sucks?" then kick them. It was a good showcase. Hell, it was better than winter showcase.
Well, Im off to visit Mr.(Charles) Lengert. So it goes.
on canadian standards in tv... I watch mostly american tv, just because there's more of it. The only canadian tv that sticks out in my mind is red green and strange brew. Is spaceballs canadian too? The funny thing is my boyfriend owns the movie but someone's borrowing it right now and I can't check the case. The Tea Party is my favourite canadian band, I _hate_ the tragically hip - so much so that I'll change the station if it comes on the radio. ok I'm done rambling for now..
not mud : I can help you out with dotcomments and so on if you want, but greymatter is here, and of course you can see it in action on one of my sites, poison-candy. I presume you've found someone to host you who has PHP installed anyway, I dunno, does blogspot support PHP?
I skipped class today since I only had the 2 hour C++ class and we have a project due tomorrow - which most likely means they'll spend the class talking about it and helping people who need it (which is mucho lame if you ask me, but what do I know). Not that I've done the project anyway; it's just a simple console app about statistics and some (given) calculations so maybe I'll do it tomorrow.
At least they're doing something about blogspot being down now. Have you tried finding a better host for this blog? You could then post a link over to it in here. Just curious (sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass).
Hey did you know Jenny Jones is from London, Ontario (that's where I live)? Gee, that's something to be proud of... uh...
I skipped class today since I only had the 2 hour C++ class and we have a project due tomorrow - which most likely means they'll spend the class talking about it and helping people who need it (which is mucho lame if you ask me, but what do I know). Not that I've done the project anyway; it's just a simple console app about statistics and some (given) calculations so maybe I'll do it tomorrow.
At least they're doing something about blogspot being down now. Have you tried finding a better host for this blog? You could then post a link over to it in here. Just curious (sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass).
Hey did you know Jenny Jones is from London, Ontario (that's where I live)? Gee, that's something to be proud of... uh...
[12:47 am]
Right now I am in the Lander 8 Lounge. That doesn’t mean much to anybody, with the exception of James Collins, James Miller, and Zach…well, I’d right Zach’s last name, but I am unsure of it…besides, everyone knows there is only one Zach.
Anyway, that’s where I am right now. I am working on my PowerPoint Presentation. I can’t even begin to tell you all how much fun that is, or how much enjoyment I am getting out of it. Blah. And it is on toucans. Blah2
A couple of things. I haven’t posted since Tuesday because wasn’t working, don’t ask me why, so I figured I’d wait until it was up and running. I don’t know if it is up and running at the time of which I am writing this though. I just felt like writing some stuff out before going back to my PowerPoint presentation.
I will post the how-to’s about changing your names and stuff in a later post, after I determine the status of Until then, I hope you all can make due. Also, if you all do change your name, it would be most helpful if you post your name change, so I can keep track as to who is who and such. It is important for a special project I am doing.
Speaking of special projects, I still need some of the people who post here’s addresses and phone numbers, if they are willing to share them. I will NOT make them available to everyone, unless someone specifically asks me to. It is more for archival purposes, and because I am “the one”. Blah.
As to what interesting things that have happened to me today. I rode the bus home late at night, about an hour and a half ago, and there were at least five people who were drunk. No, wait, I take that back, there were at least 7 to 10 people who were drunk…I think. Hell, maybe I was drunk and just seeing five or ten people…
Seriously though, they were drunk. I guess they were recent graduates from a college in New York, cause they were talking about how they were doing a cross country tour because they had just graduated. That’s nice.
It was quite interesting to listen to drunken morons from college…
They were talking about how Seattle is sooo much friendlier than New York. I suppose that could be true. Whatever.
Let’s see…oh yes, this girl I met just before getting on the bus was interesting. Apparently, she was in high school, and running away from home, and was talking about being afraid to ride the bus this late and night and stuff. Quite interesting. I don’t know why she started talking to me…do I look friendly or something? Maybe I have that look that says, “Hey everybody, I am open and willing to be annoyed by every single one of you out there, so please feel free to indulge in those annoying tendencies…”.
It wasn’t so bad though, I just used the experience to further observe humans in action. I wonder of other-wordly lifeforms, should they exist, do what I do…or do they have fun with humans by giving them all sorts of weird mutations…
If I were a higher lifeform…I’d do the mutation thing.
Come to think of it, we already do…just look at what we do to corn, carrots, apples, trees, salmon, etc…
Not that I am preaching to stop genetic manipulation…
Or for that matter backing it…
I took a break earlier today and went to the beach and jumped in the cold frigid water. Let’s just say that male anatomy was not meant to jump in cold frigid water. I’ll leave it at that.
Does Brice read or post here? If not, the collins, would you be so kind as to give me brice’s email address, or phone number, or both. Unless of course you have my power adapter. I may stop by briefly on Saturday to pick it up, because I need it for my camcorder, and to finish my Toucan presentations and such. It won’t be a long visit, actually only a couple of minutes at most. I am planning on going to Mt. Ranier with Kristen and I want to do some videotaping as well, though I will still need it for my presentations.
Also, tell brice that I have his videotape with the “Do you know James Collins?” footage. Ahh, now that was good stuff.
Do you all know why it was good? There are three reasons.
- It was simple
- There wasn’t twenty minutes of time spent trying to figure out what to do.
- I said it was good, thus it is good.
Don’t get me wrong, the stuff that jimmy and aaron was working on with the night gang rumble footage was good, but went way off skew for a small little project. That, and there were too many people trying to be in charge with good ideas. I think from now on we may have to consider letting ONE person decide how to do things, though they could be open to suggestions.
Okay, well, I should now get back to PowerPoint.
i hate the sun
not much the sun as much as the heat created by the sun : i dont know : yesterday i came home and soon after arriving and posting i felt tired : i went and got knocked out at 5.30pm : what the fuck : and it took me FOREVER just to geet up and post this : i am so bloody tired and there isn't any reason for it : i'm thinking maybe heat exhaustion : i dont know : or maybe mono : whatever the case it is really fucking me up the anus : and it's pissing me off >
as for canada : canadian girls are supra-hot : they're better-looking than any copy/paste dumbshit woman from the united states : thats for sure : i once went to a "RV STAY" place right inside the border of canada and there was this one girl who i could have boinked but stupid me I passed it up : goes to show you that when sex is on the line dont go watching canadian television : canadian television is funny stuff : mainly for their comedy : which in itself is funny for the fact that it isnt american and that they have different "standards" of what is allowed on teevee : oh jesus i dont feel good >
i went pee a bit ago and it came out green : ok : so maybe it didnt : but it'd make some sense as to why i am feeling bad : or correction - it would give me some sort of physical proof that i dont feel well - as it stands right now i dont have a fever and am not bleeding out of my ears : but while i was sitting there i started hearing a tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick... and i actually thought i had lost it right there : but then i saw a clock in my parents bathroom : how in the hell long has THAT been there? I dont remember that being there - or making noise - at all : eesh : it's crazy how things like that just come out of nowhere to say "HELLO THERE BUDDY!"
i went wandering around and found : dotcomments : hey erica - even though you dont know anyone well : and nobody knows you well - would you feel like helping me out with a comment system whatcha-ma-thinger? i looked around for "greymatter" with no success - but supposidevely this uses the same .php whater-nonesense that the aforementioned does as well - well : it isn't something I'm *forcing* upon you : just that if you'd like ... ( cough ) doing something like that I'd be much appreciated ... but of course : we can't do that until blog*spot gets it's ass up. stupid server changes or something. i dont know... i'm sick...
i think i'm going to go lay down some more.
i feel light headed.
not much the sun as much as the heat created by the sun : i dont know : yesterday i came home and soon after arriving and posting i felt tired : i went and got knocked out at 5.30pm : what the fuck : and it took me FOREVER just to geet up and post this : i am so bloody tired and there isn't any reason for it : i'm thinking maybe heat exhaustion : i dont know : or maybe mono : whatever the case it is really fucking me up the anus : and it's pissing me off >
as for canada : canadian girls are supra-hot : they're better-looking than any copy/paste dumbshit woman from the united states : thats for sure : i once went to a "RV STAY" place right inside the border of canada and there was this one girl who i could have boinked but stupid me I passed it up : goes to show you that when sex is on the line dont go watching canadian television : canadian television is funny stuff : mainly for their comedy : which in itself is funny for the fact that it isnt american and that they have different "standards" of what is allowed on teevee : oh jesus i dont feel good >
i went pee a bit ago and it came out green : ok : so maybe it didnt : but it'd make some sense as to why i am feeling bad : or correction - it would give me some sort of physical proof that i dont feel well - as it stands right now i dont have a fever and am not bleeding out of my ears : but while i was sitting there i started hearing a tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick... and i actually thought i had lost it right there : but then i saw a clock in my parents bathroom : how in the hell long has THAT been there? I dont remember that being there - or making noise - at all : eesh : it's crazy how things like that just come out of nowhere to say "HELLO THERE BUDDY!"
i went wandering around and found : dotcomments : hey erica - even though you dont know anyone well : and nobody knows you well - would you feel like helping me out with a comment system whatcha-ma-thinger? i looked around for "greymatter" with no success - but supposidevely this uses the same .php whater-nonesense that the aforementioned does as well - well : it isn't something I'm *forcing* upon you : just that if you'd like ... ( cough ) doing something like that I'd be much appreciated ... but of course : we can't do that until blog*spot gets it's ass up. stupid server changes or something. i dont know... i'm sick...
i think i'm going to go lay down some more.
i feel light headed.
May 23, 2001
Canada?! Damn you!!!!! Bonnie, dont leave anything in a vehicle while your in canada, keep all posessions on you at all times. Last time I was in canada I got robbed, damn canadians...
They made off with 800$ worth of my stuff. I now have like 6 CDs, thats it. I had close to 60. Damn candadians. Like I said, watch your back, those canadian hookers are dangerous... they'll steal your stuff in a min.
Went to showcase tonight... it was almost as funny as the last time I saw it... earlier this morning. Although there was one new act, and another was dropped. Good job Napster.
Ive officially went off the deep end. "Someone" pushed me to the brink, and whoops, clumsy me, I fell over. I now have a new friend. His name is Charles. He resides in orting. Hes nice. He listens to me. We talked for a couple of hours today. Ive seen him before, but just decided to start up a convo today. Doesnt say much, but its kinda nice that way. I can tell him anything. I even asked him if I could stay the night sometime, and you know what he said? Nothing. So he didnt say no. I think that maybe this weekend would be a nice time for a sleepover. We can talk all night. Did I mention he died on December 7, 1929?
They made off with 800$ worth of my stuff. I now have like 6 CDs, thats it. I had close to 60. Damn candadians. Like I said, watch your back, those canadian hookers are dangerous... they'll steal your stuff in a min.
Went to showcase tonight... it was almost as funny as the last time I saw it... earlier this morning. Although there was one new act, and another was dropped. Good job Napster.
Ive officially went off the deep end. "Someone" pushed me to the brink, and whoops, clumsy me, I fell over. I now have a new friend. His name is Charles. He resides in orting. Hes nice. He listens to me. We talked for a couple of hours today. Ive seen him before, but just decided to start up a convo today. Doesnt say much, but its kinda nice that way. I can tell him anything. I even asked him if I could stay the night sometime, and you know what he said? Nothing. So he didnt say no. I think that maybe this weekend would be a nice time for a sleepover. We can talk all night. Did I mention he died on December 7, 1929?
Bonnie : so ya know, I'm from Canada, and it doesn't smell funny. :)
DrJekyll : intelligent species? hmm that might be debatable.
I did that today, rushed to make it to school for ASP at 1, got there and prof talks about theory of cookies and session variables (ie. what's a cookie used for, why do some people not like them) for 45 minutes. It was pretty lame so I left.
I had to fill out the census today; imagine my fun to find the field for "religion" and click in "Wicca" for mine and "None" for my boyfriend's. hehe. Oh yeah, we're going to hell.
DrJekyll : intelligent species? hmm that might be debatable.
I did that today, rushed to make it to school for ASP at 1, got there and prof talks about theory of cookies and session variables (ie. what's a cookie used for, why do some people not like them) for 45 minutes. It was pretty lame so I left.
I had to fill out the census today; imagine my fun to find the field for "religion" and click in "Wicca" for mine and "None" for my boyfriend's. hehe. Oh yeah, we're going to hell.
Bonnie, allow me to clarify... I did not mean it like that, I merely ment why specifically you instead of some other person whom James associates with. Nothing personal.
Im feeling in the mood to argue right now. I havent really had the taste of blood since debate season ended.
My eye hurts, I think I have somthing in it. And no, it isnt pinkeye.
I washed my dog today. Shaved her bald. Shes about 13 years old, and she smells really bad. She gets a haircut once a year, and every year it takes about 6 hours to shave her. She looks good as new now. She still smells though...
Well miss erica, Im glad that intelligent spiecies joined the slug family. Welcome aboard.
Anyway, its hot, im tired, and I have to go to the bank...
so it goes.
Im feeling in the mood to argue right now. I havent really had the taste of blood since debate season ended.
My eye hurts, I think I have somthing in it. And no, it isnt pinkeye.
I washed my dog today. Shaved her bald. Shes about 13 years old, and she smells really bad. She gets a haircut once a year, and every year it takes about 6 hours to shave her. She looks good as new now. She still smells though...
Well miss erica, Im glad that intelligent spiecies joined the slug family. Welcome aboard.
Anyway, its hot, im tired, and I have to go to the bank...
so it goes.
so today had to be one of the better days : merely because it was sunny and i got to see the blue sky and clouds with good associates - dare i even say friends - but lets not go that far : and so we sat and laid down on the grass today talking of this and that and beth ( ironically she's mentioned twice in one day ) spoke of how she is doing stage manager for the showcase - and napster i wont be able to make it tonite but i did skip second period and must say : lovely monologue : and so i wandered around until mike did bestow upon me the grand-ol book of ON THE ROAD by our good man Kerouac : and after school whenever had left i sat outside again : in the shade of course as one cannot handle the direct sunlight - or at least i cannot - and sat there reading until my mother picked me up.
ah... how quaint life is.
ah... how quaint life is.
not mud : dood I haven't used blogger or blogspot or blogvoices in years. I'm using greymatter now, which you need to have a host with PHP enabled to use (ie. not the free sites like geoshitties). Even then the comments are on another page and you gotta click the "no comments" to post one or "1 comment" to see what the comments currently are for that post. But yeah you can do the thing where it says how many comments have been posted with greymatter. And greymatter is free and easy to set up. Which is pretty fsckin' cool anyway. But I'm useless as far as this blogger stuff goes.
I swear if the site's not up soon I'm gonna like start fantasizing about beating blogspot people.
here I am at 3 am still working on sites, gotta get up for class at 7. wtf thought it was a good idea to have classes that early in the am, I dunno. I can go to bed at 6 am and get up at noon and feel great, or go to bed at 10 pm and get up at 8 am and feel like shit. I'm _not_ a morning person. If I had JSP first I could at least sleep in, they're just talking about ODBC bridges and shit I did that months ago. Damn school. Damn VisualBasic! Damn blogspot! SnAP!
I swear if the site's not up soon I'm gonna like start fantasizing about beating blogspot people.
here I am at 3 am still working on sites, gotta get up for class at 7. wtf thought it was a good idea to have classes that early in the am, I dunno. I can go to bed at 6 am and get up at noon and feel great, or go to bed at 10 pm and get up at 8 am and feel like shit. I'm _not_ a morning person. If I had JSP first I could at least sleep in, they're just talking about ODBC bridges and shit I did that months ago. Damn school. Damn VisualBasic! Damn blogspot! SnAP!
May 22, 2001
so zach and jimmoi just left > and i'm sitting here > and so i go to > and it still doesnt work > and i get angry > and i get really really angry > and then i have to go to > and then read posts > and i read posts by erica x > and i am happy that she posts > and i am much appleased > and then my anger turns into something rather different > something along the lines of an urge to fuck > and then i am confused > anger, happiness, and sexual urges? are these things connected > maybe they are > then again maybe they arent > if you notice i didnt ever put up my bondage porno > oh well > it was "light bondage" anyway > i dont dig the hardcore whips/chains crap > just suspension and "unconsentual/consentual" "torture/sexuality" ... eh heh > with feathers and the sort > hoo rah > anywho > where was I > oh yes > just curious miss erica > you wouldnt know how to make the "THATS PUNK ROCK!" posts on show HOW MANY COMMENTS have been made would you? > i'm curious - because I need to do that - and i know of another place but i believe they charge money - I'm currently useing - which sucks - so is there any way you could make a "comment system" ( if you've been on you'd know what I mean ) that other people NOT on the board could comment on things > and then when there are comments people could actually SEE them? > we could say "slug slime" and "2 slimes" or whatnot > i dont know > the text doesnt really matter as long as the software works > we ( jimmoi/zach/i ) have been playing counterstrike all night > they just left > hum. > now i dont feel like going to bed > i didnt go to school today > i dont think i quite like school anymore > jimmoi found out that monday is no school but I get to go with heather to go look for a "suit" that she can make "alterations" to for prom > woo yeah > we'll look snazzy just like last time and show everyone up > pizzam > well > what else : ummmm : nothing really : i played fallout tactics some more : and realised that it actually is a REALLY FUN game : merely because I didn't know how to do "group tactics" in the begining : but now i know how to control everything and it's really crazy-cool : yes crazy-cool : anywho : i bet is still down : what a son-of-a-bitch : oh : by the way : i'm going to make a "fill out application" to which everyone is going to have to ... of course : FILL OUT : now I don't know : but I'm thinking about allowing only certain people to join the board pending on how they answer questions in the fill-out form : and booting those who 'dont make the grade' who are already on the board ( a sort of way to boot the people who dont ever post anymore [ borton, soma, ... and as much as i dont want to... meester goldfish ] ) -- so if you feel like suggesting some "QUESTIONS FOR THE FILL OUT FORM" please email me ( it can be found at the bottom, or on the left side, or just ) the question(s) and i'll consider them - please make them deep INSIGHTFULL and HARD TO ANSWER - something like "In the event that you fucked your father (reguardless of gender) everyday and one day you came home and found him fucking your best friend (reguardless of gender) and both of them prodded you to "join in on the action" - would you? why or why not?" - you see? that is some fucked up shit there - stuff like that you dont see on regular "applications" - speaking of applications - jimmoi said he'd help me out with them - one of these days i plan to have him come with me to the mall [ or is it the other way around? ] and we'll go to store to store and fill out applications RIGHT IN THE STORE - ha hah hah - that'll show em how dedicated i am - then again they'll probably just throw them out - or burn them - or use it as toilet paper - i damn well know i would - anywho - where was i - oh dear... it's getting pretty late - ok - i'll try to go to sleep now - good noit.
hehe a madman on meth? Oh hurt me baby...
Again I have such a flair for the fscked up and totally unnecessary.
Actually I'll probably be like posting a couple times a day for awhile, being as I can't shut up. Someone buy me a linux t-shirt from from the ladies section and I swear I'll give you head. Ok, maybe not.. but I really want one.
hehe I saw this commercial for stuff for your tires to make them look "black and wet" and wow it was really just perverted if taken out of context. Worse yet I have a neighbour who seems to be outside repainting his tires and I think he really needs something "wet" anyway to occupy him.
hehe a madman on meth? Oh hurt me baby...
Again I have such a flair for the fscked up and totally unnecessary.
Actually I'll probably be like posting a couple times a day for awhile, being as I can't shut up. Someone buy me a linux t-shirt from from the ladies section and I swear I'll give you head. Ok, maybe not.. but I really want one.
hehe I saw this commercial for stuff for your tires to make them look "black and wet" and wow it was really just perverted if taken out of context. Worse yet I have a neighbour who seems to be outside repainting his tires and I think he really needs something "wet" anyway to occupy him.
</babble> is all down, and what a shitty day for it to go. Maybe you guys should consider moving this blogger off to a different server. If this continues any length of time I'd be happy to donate an account at (ie. temporarily. I just spent a few hours working on a site and now its midnight and I'm about to turn into a vixen... or a pumpkin... I'm not sure which. Damn a.m. classes anyway - could miss JSP but already missed VisualBasic all last week and damn I hate that language, if I don't go to class I might fail the course. Then be stuck at school for another semester for one lameass course. Bah!
Good to have the two new people aboard...........this could be interesting.
You saw Sanders? No shit? Did you talk to him? I was the one who showed him and that whole group that were making fake IDs how to use Photoshop......but I didn't get in any trouble......
The link to chapter one is this by any chance a suspense novel?
Bad joke, I know.....fix the damn link James.
Ok now I'd like to point out something that I find slightly disturbing.....

If you need this book, you shouldn't be attempting to engage in the subject matter discussed, the chance of causing offspring is too risky.
Damn. Now I'm at home and it's warm here too......I think I see a trend developing.....
Toyota of Puyallup sent me a postcard saying "Your parts are here, make an appointment for an installation." Problem is-I didn't order anything. So I called; guy said "Hitch" ----It already has the [dealer installed option] hitch......but I went through the paperwork and it looks like they didn't know it already had one when they sold it to me. But if they want to give me another, that's cool......maybe I'll have them add a bug guard.
Well, Titus is on.......
You saw Sanders? No shit? Did you talk to him? I was the one who showed him and that whole group that were making fake IDs how to use Photoshop......but I didn't get in any trouble......
The link to chapter one is this by any chance a suspense novel?
Bad joke, I know.....fix the damn link James.
Ok now I'd like to point out something that I find slightly disturbing.....
If you need this book, you shouldn't be attempting to engage in the subject matter discussed, the chance of causing offspring is too risky.
Damn. Now I'm at home and it's warm here too......I think I see a trend developing.....
Toyota of Puyallup sent me a postcard saying "Your parts are here, make an appointment for an installation." Problem is-I didn't order anything. So I called; guy said "Hitch" ----It already has the [dealer installed option] hitch......but I went through the paperwork and it looks like they didn't know it already had one when they sold it to me. But if they want to give me another, that's cool......maybe I'll have them add a bug guard.
Well, Titus is on.......
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