Beware the PiKAjOe!
January 31, 2001
unfortunately it has come to where I am, again, in here during lunch. I don't think my 'get first lunch' plans are going to work, and I dont feel like bothering trying to get out of this class. oh - bloody - well.
1 - jeff, I cannot access your website due to Bess. I will work on things and send you information on how to do exactly the things you'd like to do, later.
2 - bradbury, yes, stupid. we agree. For a moment there, however, I thought you were defending her. I was appauled. frightened almost. but then I realised you were not defending her, in fact - attacking me for not properly stating she had all three requisites for BHS juice.
Yes, i forgot, she does. In the unlikely event that any of our children turn out to look like her, I will weep for you. ... then suggest you shoot the child with a semi-automatic AK47 ( yes, shut up, i dont know guns )
3 - Jimmoi : One band we forgot on the list, however ( and am very curious to see your reaction to my suggestion of the folk ) Is Tripping Daisy eh? eh? eh? Guh, knowledge bowl this weekend. this is going to blow chunks of Brad.
1 - jeff, I cannot access your website due to Bess. I will work on things and send you information on how to do exactly the things you'd like to do, later.
2 - bradbury, yes, stupid. we agree. For a moment there, however, I thought you were defending her. I was appauled. frightened almost. but then I realised you were not defending her, in fact - attacking me for not properly stating she had all three requisites for BHS juice.
Yes, i forgot, she does. In the unlikely event that any of our children turn out to look like her, I will weep for you. ... then suggest you shoot the child with a semi-automatic AK47 ( yes, shut up, i dont know guns )
3 - Jimmoi : One band we forgot on the list, however ( and am very curious to see your reaction to my suggestion of the folk ) Is Tripping Daisy eh? eh? eh? Guh, knowledge bowl this weekend. this is going to blow chunks of Brad.
I am currently putting up more pictures on this website thing that i am learning how to do. I was able to pull some more pictures from the video clips that i recorded back in december, for any of you who might want to see some of the stupid things that Mr. Collins, Mr. Wegener, Mr. Miller, and myself have done. Anyway, that is at
I am working on getting one of those URL redirects so its not a pain in the ass to go to my site and look at the pictures. I apologize in advance for the long loading time that it probably takes to see the pictures. Since i don't know everything about websites or webuilding, i have to make due. As soon as i learning how to make thumbnails, and actually have those thumbnails link to a page with just the picture on it, then i'll be in business. For now though, its the way it is. There are some new pictures of James and Andy at Sharis, and at Top Foods i think.
Oh, and i'm still working on that re-released movie, but i haven't come up with that theme song/music. Maybe i'll just use that Tunak Tunak Tun song that james once told me to download. It would give my debut film more of an earthy jungle feel, no?
I am currently putting up more pictures on this website thing that i am learning how to do. I was able to pull some more pictures from the video clips that i recorded back in december, for any of you who might want to see some of the stupid things that Mr. Collins, Mr. Wegener, Mr. Miller, and myself have done. Anyway, that is at
I am working on getting one of those URL redirects so its not a pain in the ass to go to my site and look at the pictures. I apologize in advance for the long loading time that it probably takes to see the pictures. Since i don't know everything about websites or webuilding, i have to make due. As soon as i learning how to make thumbnails, and actually have those thumbnails link to a page with just the picture on it, then i'll be in business. For now though, its the way it is. There are some new pictures of James and Andy at Sharis, and at Top Foods i think.
Oh, and i'm still working on that re-released movie, but i haven't come up with that theme song/music. Maybe i'll just use that Tunak Tunak Tun song that james once told me to download. It would give my debut film more of an earthy jungle feel, no?
James, I think the word is dumb-shitedness, not dumb-shitness. And I would like to argue that Ms. Best does not possess two of those qualities. I’m reasonably sure she has all three. She overlooks quite a few key points in her STUPID FUCKING COMMENTARY. One is the fact that you can’t count on parents to teach their children. They’ll either neglect to do so or teach them really stupid shit. A major reason we NEED sex education is the fact we are in the middle of a PANdemic of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and many other STDs, as well as many more teen pregnancies than is acceptable. Have you seen the teen parent class at challenger? Way too many people, and most of those children will grow up in poverty. Anyway, comparing sex to religion is....not quite accurate. Religion is a personal decision, whereas sex is universal. And saying that teaching sex is the same as teaching religion----unthinkably ignorant.
Jeff Foxworthy "You might be a redneck" daily calendar for today:
You might be a redneck if.....
You moved to another state so you can buy beer on Sundays.
Jeff Foxworthy "You might be a redneck" daily calendar for today:
You might be a redneck if.....
You moved to another state so you can buy beer on Sundays.
January 30, 2001
Hey there. . .
Did anyone else get the weirdest fuckin' email in the world from Mr. Macauly today?
. . .and, as a side not to my Jamie's rantings, it would be interesting to note that Megan, the grrl writing against sexual education in schools, is the GSA historian.
So, yesterday, I took Snaundra and Pinkos to the mall and out for lunch. They made out in the following places:
Did anyone else get the weirdest fuckin' email in the world from Mr. Macauly today?
. . .and, as a side not to my Jamie's rantings, it would be interesting to note that Megan, the grrl writing against sexual education in schools, is the GSA historian.
So, yesterday, I took Snaundra and Pinkos to the mall and out for lunch. They made out in the following places:
Did you know that in the U.S. the average age of first intercourse is 16?
66% of high school seniors have intercourse before they graduate.
( I make up approximately .87% of that demographic, however my chances of loosing virginity before graduation are greatly increasing - considering that I take no interest in anyone else but Heather, as the 'next generation's women are more dumb than shit-on-a-stick and it doesn't seem like I'm graduating anytime soon )
Yes, straight from the mouth (or well, pen) of one of BHS's highly esteemed journalistic lesbian-whores ---
Sex education is not needed in our public schools. It is inappropriate and a scandalous use of our class time. Sex, like religion, is not a topic that we should be talking about in our schools. There is no reason that anything relating to sexual activities should be taught to the fragile minds of children. To teach sex in school is to take away the parent's responsibility and is putting the teacher's own moral beliefs on students. Sex should be kept in the home where it belongs. It should be learned, as it always has, by experience and not advice. The only way for students to learn about sex correctly is if we shelter them and protect them as long as possible, because everyone knows that if teenagers don't know about something, they won't do it.
Everyone knows that it is the parent's responsibility to teach their children about sex. And if someone is a parent, they know a thing or two about sex. And all parents can be expected to give good mature advice about sex because all parents are mature... right? Young adults do not want to learn about sex in an educational enviroment. We should keep learning about sex from the same places we learned about it in the past : racy movies, scantily clad people in magazines, and those big overhead ads on the city transportation for Planned Parenthood that have the big haired girl with the embarrassed expression.
If we were to teach sex education in schools, we would only further the popularity of the sexual revolution and let young people think for themselves and their own bodies. We might even erase the long held sexual gender roles-men feeling strong and confident about ther sexual identity and women feeling ashamed. If that were to happen, young woman may gain too much confidence and want to engage in seuxal activities{ with other women? }. The best way for us to keep students from having sex is to continue showing women as the sexual object the media portrays them so that teenage girls will feel that they are not pretty enough or not skinny enough to have sex. And teenage boys will feel that the girls are not good enough for them, thus promoting abstinence.
The best way to solve this controversy is to stop teaching sex education in any classes and to continue to promote media images of beauty. After all, ignorance is bliss.
... Let me just say - that was that an argument AGAINST or FOR sex education? This is the reason why SALAMANDER is on my black-list. She isn't funny. I didn't laugh. The only thing I found was another source of BHS juice. ( BHS juice, I have concluded, consists of three major elements, these being : stupidity, dumb-shitness, and fugly. You have witnessed here, two of the three elements within Megan Best. You are just lucky that I cannot scan/post the picture of her as well.... or can I? )
The counter to her statements were by Bethany Almond. She's good. I would post up her commentary but I seem to have run out of lunch-time to work with. Sad day. In any event all was well in who-ville ( sorry, the teacher seems to be doing some sort of odd-end "dr. seuss thing" when she gets back and that just sort of slipped through. )
I don't think there is much of anything else left to say. I know a couple people in the class. I don't care that I did. Oh - throughout the whole mention of sexual education in school they always mention " RELIGION RELIGION RELIGION< RELIGION....... oh wait, did I forget... RELGION." I would just like to make one statement against that.
There is nothing religious about the mechanics of taking the elongated sailboat and sticking it in the boat-parking hole.
I am not at liberty to read all the previous posts at the moment, as it is my lunch time. I should probably be eating lunch. You know what? I don't feel like it. It seems the majority of people have first lunch. This I will attempt to rectify ( yes, rectify ) and make some buisness about. I have one of two options : I could transfer out of my class and more-than-likely get into a class that does have first lunch. The blatantly obvious one : Mrs. Hanson. Horrible day to be in that class with her, Aaron, and Brice - But it is just a possible solution. The second one is to con the teacher (whomever I have) into allowing us all to have first lunch. This will be a ... trial - but hopefully I can pull it off. We will see how well my powers of influence have from Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people" book have cultivated themselves in my little mind. Other than that, I've come to the realization that Mr. Nelson talks really, really slowly. It would put people who aren't gifted with the ability to let their mind wander from every-which-way to sleep. However, since I am such one a person - I do not fall asleep. I don't know how, but I got to thinking about how tie's (as in what a man wears) could be mini-nooses and the sort. Funny stuff. There is a new Bethel-newspaper. I might read it. In fact. Yes, I think that is what I will spend my entire lunch on. We'll see. I don't feel like transferring out of this class. But uh. Yeah. We'll see.
I should mention something briefly before i get into my routine of babbling about nonsense. It's not that i don't like Apples all that much. For the most part, i agree, they are very powerful little computers and all. I just really hate there software. Not all of it, but the operating system gets on my nerves. It's the whole concept of super user-friendly. With that said, i should say that i do like the iMOVIE program or whatever its called. Oh, and i don't like there mouses. What is up with the single button mouse, it just feels wrong.
Okay, now that i'm done with that, i want to talk about the re-release of my major debut film, "The Bethel Slayer". Yup, that's right, i am re-releasing it. It's gonna include all new never before seen footage, edited footage, new soundtrack, director commentary, actor commentary from screen sensation jOe Macauley, and bedazzlin' special effects (all thanks to the aforementioned iMOVIE program). If you thought you saw "The Bethel Slayer" at its best, think again.
Which brings up another matter entirely...the soundtrack. As part of the revamping and re-release of "The Bethel Slayer", i need to come up with a new soundtrack for it. Actually, i wouldn't call it a soundtrack. More over, i just need one new song to play in the movie, dubbed over the old song. "The Bethel Slayer" employs a brand-spankin' new film technique where no one talks, or talks very little, and instead music is played in synchronius time with the footage. Basically, think Fantasia 2000, without flying whales. (I should sue them for stealing my directorial style.)
Ahem, back to what i was getting at... I need any suggestions as to the primary song to dub with the movie. Now i know it might help if you've all seen the movie, so i don't really expect much, except for maybe from jimmy or james, who have both seen the movie. But for the rest of you, if you want to throw in a suggestion, here is the gist of the movie. Just imagine a very large man being chased by a midget killer in a green scream mask. SPOOKTACULAR! (Don't let this rather short description throw you from the true inner beauty of my film. There are undertones that would take analysts ages to understand.)
So in short, that is what i am up to these days. Oh, and i have to go to the Seattle Aquarium and watch river otters for a total of five hours. Talk about a great assignment huh? Oh well, that's what i get for taking animal behavior. It's not all that bad really. But now you can see why i'm all pysched to be working on making movies, and re-releasing my debut film. (Hey, it worked for Lucas didn't it?)
Oh, and by the way, the computers at Mary Gates Hall are BOTH Macs and PC's. If i were to look at the distribution of the two, i would have to say that the PC's outnumber the Macs by about two to one. Still, it is a huge computer lab, probably more computers in just that one lab, out of all the labs in the school, than the combined amount of Bethel. So yes, there are a bunch of MACs being used.
I should mention something briefly before i get into my routine of babbling about nonsense. It's not that i don't like Apples all that much. For the most part, i agree, they are very powerful little computers and all. I just really hate there software. Not all of it, but the operating system gets on my nerves. It's the whole concept of super user-friendly. With that said, i should say that i do like the iMOVIE program or whatever its called. Oh, and i don't like there mouses. What is up with the single button mouse, it just feels wrong.
Okay, now that i'm done with that, i want to talk about the re-release of my major debut film, "The Bethel Slayer". Yup, that's right, i am re-releasing it. It's gonna include all new never before seen footage, edited footage, new soundtrack, director commentary, actor commentary from screen sensation jOe Macauley, and bedazzlin' special effects (all thanks to the aforementioned iMOVIE program). If you thought you saw "The Bethel Slayer" at its best, think again.
Which brings up another matter entirely...the soundtrack. As part of the revamping and re-release of "The Bethel Slayer", i need to come up with a new soundtrack for it. Actually, i wouldn't call it a soundtrack. More over, i just need one new song to play in the movie, dubbed over the old song. "The Bethel Slayer" employs a brand-spankin' new film technique where no one talks, or talks very little, and instead music is played in synchronius time with the footage. Basically, think Fantasia 2000, without flying whales. (I should sue them for stealing my directorial style.)
Ahem, back to what i was getting at... I need any suggestions as to the primary song to dub with the movie. Now i know it might help if you've all seen the movie, so i don't really expect much, except for maybe from jimmy or james, who have both seen the movie. But for the rest of you, if you want to throw in a suggestion, here is the gist of the movie. Just imagine a very large man being chased by a midget killer in a green scream mask. SPOOKTACULAR! (Don't let this rather short description throw you from the true inner beauty of my film. There are undertones that would take analysts ages to understand.)
So in short, that is what i am up to these days. Oh, and i have to go to the Seattle Aquarium and watch river otters for a total of five hours. Talk about a great assignment huh? Oh well, that's what i get for taking animal behavior. It's not all that bad really. But now you can see why i'm all pysched to be working on making movies, and re-releasing my debut film. (Hey, it worked for Lucas didn't it?)
Oh, and by the way, the computers at Mary Gates Hall are BOTH Macs and PC's. If i were to look at the distribution of the two, i would have to say that the PC's outnumber the Macs by about two to one. Still, it is a huge computer lab, probably more computers in just that one lab, out of all the labs in the school, than the combined amount of Bethel. So yes, there are a bunch of MACs being used.
So now Jeff has discovered the beauty of Apple.
Right now, Mac is on top for digital video editing. What do you think Lucasarts is making star wars episode 2 on? It ain’t a PC, and it sure as hell isn’t running anything from Microsuck. Nope, Lucas has Apple G4 Quad-proc. machines. (and only Lucasarts, they made a deal with Apple to get those) Figure, four G4 processors running 500 mhz each, 128 bit rather than 64 like pentium, each with 2 meg backside L2 cache, you’re looking at around 8 or 9 TERAflops of speed. That’s the same as 10 PIIIs at 1 ghz each. Try and say Apple is useless.
Jeff Foxworthy "You might be a redneck" daily calendar for today:
You might be a redneck if.....
Your license plates are handwritten on cardboard.
Right now, Mac is on top for digital video editing. What do you think Lucasarts is making star wars episode 2 on? It ain’t a PC, and it sure as hell isn’t running anything from Microsuck. Nope, Lucas has Apple G4 Quad-proc. machines. (and only Lucasarts, they made a deal with Apple to get those) Figure, four G4 processors running 500 mhz each, 128 bit rather than 64 like pentium, each with 2 meg backside L2 cache, you’re looking at around 8 or 9 TERAflops of speed. That’s the same as 10 PIIIs at 1 ghz each. Try and say Apple is useless.
Jeff Foxworthy "You might be a redneck" daily calendar for today:
You might be a redneck if.....
Your license plates are handwritten on cardboard.
January 29, 2001
I was bored today. That, my friends, is a dangerous thing. I found myself going to some seminar about what a pyschology major is all about, and what they can be used for. Interesting. However you all really don't care about that, so instead i will talk about something a bit more interesting.
After the seminar about Psychology and what you can do with a major in it, I found myself in the Mary Gates Hall Computer Lab. That is like a heaven of sorts for gamers and other computer lovers. Myself, I was more interested in a specific device that i had witnessed in that room before. In that room sat one thing which made my afternoon more apple computer, hooked up to video editing equipment. Now normally i am not much of an Apple/iMAC person. This was an iMAC. However, i found that it had uses, like say capturing images from video footage, or for making movies, or remaking them. This little iMAC helped to give way toward my other endeavor today, as well as any future movies i might have planned in the works.
I am working on a website. However, all of you web afficianados, especially Mr. Collins, will probably find this humorous to some extent, especially given that i don't know a thing about HTML editing and whatnot. I just am building it using Tripod's site builder thing. Yes, i am fully aware of how lame that is. Regardless, i have found a way of posting pictures, and that is just what i have done. Go there and click on the link that says LiBRARY OF iMAGES. There you will see "the beast" as she steps out of her cave, and you will see james and his soap.
Oh, and of course, you will see the SKi iNSTRUCTOR who really wanted james to drop that soap.
Oh, and if you click on BiOLiNK, i have james collins address posted there, and jimmy's, but i will probably take that down now, cause i'm sure he won't be happy about that. (unless you guys don't care, in which case i will put it back on.)
The website is:
I was bored today. That, my friends, is a dangerous thing. I found myself going to some seminar about what a pyschology major is all about, and what they can be used for. Interesting. However you all really don't care about that, so instead i will talk about something a bit more interesting.
After the seminar about Psychology and what you can do with a major in it, I found myself in the Mary Gates Hall Computer Lab. That is like a heaven of sorts for gamers and other computer lovers. Myself, I was more interested in a specific device that i had witnessed in that room before. In that room sat one thing which made my afternoon more apple computer, hooked up to video editing equipment. Now normally i am not much of an Apple/iMAC person. This was an iMAC. However, i found that it had uses, like say capturing images from video footage, or for making movies, or remaking them. This little iMAC helped to give way toward my other endeavor today, as well as any future movies i might have planned in the works.
I am working on a website. However, all of you web afficianados, especially Mr. Collins, will probably find this humorous to some extent, especially given that i don't know a thing about HTML editing and whatnot. I just am building it using Tripod's site builder thing. Yes, i am fully aware of how lame that is. Regardless, i have found a way of posting pictures, and that is just what i have done. Go there and click on the link that says LiBRARY OF iMAGES. There you will see "the beast" as she steps out of her cave, and you will see james and his soap.
Oh, and of course, you will see the SKi iNSTRUCTOR who really wanted james to drop that soap.
Oh, and if you click on BiOLiNK, i have james collins address posted there, and jimmy's, but i will probably take that down now, cause i'm sure he won't be happy about that. (unless you guys don't care, in which case i will put it back on.)
The website is:
January 28, 2001
We played "If it flies, it dies" today.
John, Heather, a bunch of guys from Eatonville and I went up pleasant valley to go shooting, that’s a hell of a hill climb, off road, but The New Truck (It’s not named yet) did fine. We only had 100 shotgun shells, so the fun didn’t last long. When the shotgun shells ran out we shot .22s for a while. Then we decided it was too cold up there and came home. Used up around 17 gallons of gas, so now I’ve thoroughly cleaned that fuel system.
The New Truck is very comfortable to ride in, with three people in the front seat, me being one, JP being one, and Heather the third. Not sure what it is, but the three of us fit much better in The New Truck than in Red (the old truck)
So the Stupor Bowl is totally unexciting, as predicted. Even the commercials are pretty lame.
Jeff -- you’re "Fat Kid II," as Brad is "Fat Kid"
Get used to it, I think it’s genetic. And really, you could be called (and be, for that matter) worse.
Jeff Foxworthy "You might be a redneck" daily calender for today:
You might be a redneck if.....
You’ve never been conscious at the end of a Super Bowl
John, Heather, a bunch of guys from Eatonville and I went up pleasant valley to go shooting, that’s a hell of a hill climb, off road, but The New Truck (It’s not named yet) did fine. We only had 100 shotgun shells, so the fun didn’t last long. When the shotgun shells ran out we shot .22s for a while. Then we decided it was too cold up there and came home. Used up around 17 gallons of gas, so now I’ve thoroughly cleaned that fuel system.
The New Truck is very comfortable to ride in, with three people in the front seat, me being one, JP being one, and Heather the third. Not sure what it is, but the three of us fit much better in The New Truck than in Red (the old truck)
So the Stupor Bowl is totally unexciting, as predicted. Even the commercials are pretty lame.
Jeff -- you’re "Fat Kid II," as Brad is "Fat Kid"
Get used to it, I think it’s genetic. And really, you could be called (and be, for that matter) worse.
Jeff Foxworthy "You might be a redneck" daily calender for today:
You might be a redneck if.....
You’ve never been conscious at the end of a Super Bowl
January 27, 2001
well well well no one hates me after all I think it was the drugs the double does yes that is it I am sorry for anything you have had to go thro and it was not me so thanx to every one but heather cause she hates me for my spelling errors and grammer thingys so I will now go perge cause I think I'm fat so *later* ( in back ground urk.... warf...... spew.....hooohahh!! thats a lot of my small intestan) * fante *.................
1- Mr. R : I apoligize for the mannerisms of my associates during lunch... however much I found it entertaining to imagine them being wolves in a wolf pack hazing/harrassing the low-level newbie wolves (you) I did find it rather annoying at some times. However, a new semester begins and a whole new wolf-pack will be wallowing it's head around during lunch, so hopefully it wont be as bad as it was.
2- A side note on the comment : Counter Offer: Human brain, spinal cord, and labeled rat dissection pics(2) in exchange for #1rat stamp and penis. by Heather... In the unlikely event that you're getting some human brains/spinal cords/dead-rat pictures from Rachelle - I refuse to allow myself (penis) to be bartered/traded off like some sort of stock/bond/property. What is contained within my pants are for my-eyes-only (remember chapter 12: your crotch - your buisness) and I take offence to the mere notion of being given away like some sort of MEAT-PUMPING PLEASURE-ROD LOVE-BOY-TOY.
3- Jeff, What editing? wHu? You are so out of the Looope you're starting to see things. Hmmm. Jimmoi says you no talk to him much anymore. You need to do something with us sometime. Maybe a friday. Who knows. *shrugs* but definately something.
2- A side note on the comment : Counter Offer: Human brain, spinal cord, and labeled rat dissection pics(2) in exchange for #1rat stamp and penis. by Heather... In the unlikely event that you're getting some human brains/spinal cords/dead-rat pictures from Rachelle - I refuse to allow myself (penis) to be bartered/traded off like some sort of stock/bond/property. What is contained within my pants are for my-eyes-only (remember chapter 12: your crotch - your buisness) and I take offence to the mere notion of being given away like some sort of MEAT-PUMPING PLEASURE-ROD LOVE-BOY-TOY.
3- Jeff, What editing? wHu? You are so out of the Looope you're starting to see things. Hmmm. Jimmoi says you no talk to him much anymore. You need to do something with us sometime. Maybe a friday. Who knows. *shrugs* but definately something.
Mr. R.-->we all hate you because your spelling and also grammer are atrocities. Seriously. That's all it is.
Jeff-->What the Hell is a 128RAM thingie? I might be more interested/exctied for you if I knew what it was. So, congratulations! unless it is pornography, in which case, you sick monkey.
Bradbury-->It is a district computer, and we've been trying to get someone to come fix it since last year. As I have a limited knowledge of computers, the extent of my diagnosis is this: It's broken.
Costco is no longer a magical fairyland. You see, I got lost in there for 45 minutes, and I could not find my family. However, they did feed me, so that was okay. Then, I bought an iced Mocha. Yummm. . .Mocha. I have to go edit about 30 pages out of a research paper now. I think that might be Jeff's department. So, any idea of how to manage that one, Mr. Paulino?
Jeff-->What the Hell is a 128RAM thingie? I might be more interested/exctied for you if I knew what it was. So, congratulations! unless it is pornography, in which case, you sick monkey.
Bradbury-->It is a district computer, and we've been trying to get someone to come fix it since last year. As I have a limited knowledge of computers, the extent of my diagnosis is this: It's broken.
Costco is no longer a magical fairyland. You see, I got lost in there for 45 minutes, and I could not find my family. However, they did feed me, so that was okay. Then, I bought an iced Mocha. Yummm. . .Mocha. I have to go edit about 30 pages out of a research paper now. I think that might be Jeff's department. So, any idea of how to manage that one, Mr. Paulino?
Heather-two questions
1) Is the computer in there Paula's or the district's?
2) Has Paula contacted Jaba the Hut (aka Mr. Wiard) about the problem {or} put in a workorder about the problem?
If that computer is district property (has a BSD barcode sticker on it) then you would need to first contact the building ACT (Advisory Council for Technology) rep (the aforementioned Jaba) and if they couldn’t solve the problem-with Jaba there is a pretty good chance he can’t-then you would need to put in a workorder, and Jaba can show you how to do that.
Then in a matter of a few days, as the two techs for BHS only typically go to BHS on Wednesday and Thursday, their two assigned days, Terry or Scott will show up to fix it.
That’s how it works.
However, if that machine is Paula’s personal property she’s more or less SOL.
What seems to be the problem with it?
Anyhow-----took a little voyage with the new truck, down to Costco for gas, and then up to Pac Av to use the pressure washer at the car wash to clean the engine compartment.
Went into the great and glorious Costco to see my bro, and he got me a FREE membership. So now I can go there whenever I see fit---without anyone else.
But the new truck does well, once it’s warmed up.
Jeff Foxworthy "You might be a redneck" daily calender for today:
You might be a redneck if.....
You’ve ever towed another car using duct tape or panty hose.
no comment.
1) Is the computer in there Paula's or the district's?
2) Has Paula contacted Jaba the Hut (aka Mr. Wiard) about the problem {or} put in a workorder about the problem?
If that computer is district property (has a BSD barcode sticker on it) then you would need to first contact the building ACT (Advisory Council for Technology) rep (the aforementioned Jaba) and if they couldn’t solve the problem-with Jaba there is a pretty good chance he can’t-then you would need to put in a workorder, and Jaba can show you how to do that.
Then in a matter of a few days, as the two techs for BHS only typically go to BHS on Wednesday and Thursday, their two assigned days, Terry or Scott will show up to fix it.
That’s how it works.
However, if that machine is Paula’s personal property she’s more or less SOL.
What seems to be the problem with it?
Anyhow-----took a little voyage with the new truck, down to Costco for gas, and then up to Pac Av to use the pressure washer at the car wash to clean the engine compartment.
Went into the great and glorious Costco to see my bro, and he got me a FREE membership. So now I can go there whenever I see fit---without anyone else.
But the new truck does well, once it’s warmed up.
Jeff Foxworthy "You might be a redneck" daily calender for today:
You might be a redneck if.....
You’ve ever towed another car using duct tape or panty hose.
no comment.
I realize that i forgot to ask a very important question to Mr. Collins.
Is there anyway to post images on this? I noticed that sometime back i think heather posted one, or did and then it was edited because something was wrong with it, or something like that...
Anyway, tell me if you can because i have some images that would be cool to post here, like us in sharis and stuff like that...or maybe those mountain pictures. You remember Mr. Ski Instructor.
MR. COLLiNS: Soap! I bought soap.
SKi iNSTRUCTOR: You know what you can use soap for...
MR. COLLiNS: What can I buy for 15 cents?
SKi iNSTRUCTOR: I sell kisses for 15 cents...
That is honestly what the ski instructor said too. Well, except for the soap part, but the kisses is true. Oh, and in case it wasn't obvious, it was MR. Ski Instructor.
I realize that i forgot to ask a very important question to Mr. Collins.
Is there anyway to post images on this? I noticed that sometime back i think heather posted one, or did and then it was edited because something was wrong with it, or something like that...
Anyway, tell me if you can because i have some images that would be cool to post here, like us in sharis and stuff like that...or maybe those mountain pictures. You remember Mr. Ski Instructor.
MR. COLLiNS: Soap! I bought soap.
SKi iNSTRUCTOR: You know what you can use soap for...
MR. COLLiNS: What can I buy for 15 cents?
SKi iNSTRUCTOR: I sell kisses for 15 cents...
That is honestly what the ski instructor said too. Well, except for the soap part, but the kisses is true. Oh, and in case it wasn't obvious, it was MR. Ski Instructor.
One of the things i love about living in this dorm is that they have a cafeteria downstairs. Of course this sucks for the simple fact that of all the floors to put me on, the housing board decides to put me on the eigth floor, which doesn't sound bad until you realize that there are ONLY eight floors. Yea.
Anyway, back to my comment about the cafeteria. It has EVERYTHiNG. I went down there today to get breakfast, which technically wasn't breakfast because it was like 11:30 or something like that. (Which reminds me...Mr. Collins should really look into getting the clock on the blogger thing adjusted, if that is within his power.) I look around, and they had someone making sub sandwiches, or if your jimmy then its hoagies. Yes. They also have lots of other things of my favorites being this rice bowl thing with sweet and sour pork or whatever that they have for dinner. I appreciate it because of how they demolished my personal favorite place on Fort Lewis and put up this barbeque place. BARBEQUE! Andy would appreciate this too, but i don't think he reads these posts at all. Oh well.
In answer to Mr. Morgan's query, I got the chip at Best Buy. It was around 80 something dollars after tax. It wasn't really a planned buy, but i saw it and realized that my laptop needed to be boosted, so i got it. Nice.
One of the things i love about living in this dorm is that they have a cafeteria downstairs. Of course this sucks for the simple fact that of all the floors to put me on, the housing board decides to put me on the eigth floor, which doesn't sound bad until you realize that there are ONLY eight floors. Yea.
Anyway, back to my comment about the cafeteria. It has EVERYTHiNG. I went down there today to get breakfast, which technically wasn't breakfast because it was like 11:30 or something like that. (Which reminds me...Mr. Collins should really look into getting the clock on the blogger thing adjusted, if that is within his power.) I look around, and they had someone making sub sandwiches, or if your jimmy then its hoagies. Yes. They also have lots of other things of my favorites being this rice bowl thing with sweet and sour pork or whatever that they have for dinner. I appreciate it because of how they demolished my personal favorite place on Fort Lewis and put up this barbeque place. BARBEQUE! Andy would appreciate this too, but i don't think he reads these posts at all. Oh well.
In answer to Mr. Morgan's query, I got the chip at Best Buy. It was around 80 something dollars after tax. It wasn't really a planned buy, but i saw it and realized that my laptop needed to be boosted, so i got it. Nice.
Ah, i see a certain mr. collins has edited something i have posted. As i result of this, i am seriously considering not posting here anymore. No, not because of some grudge or thing againt him. It is an issue of standards. STANDARDS!!!! Why does nobody have standards...I shall bring the light to the darkness...yes...yesss....
I thought i'd mention something i did today. I bought this here 128 RAM chip and put it into my laptop, and now my laptop runs like its on speed. It's a very interesting thing. Okay, so i know none of you out there actually care. Grrr.
All of ye shall feel my wrath...oh yess...and a horrid wrath it will be.
Ah, i see a certain mr. collins has edited something i have posted. As i result of this, i am seriously considering not posting here anymore. No, not because of some grudge or thing againt him. It is an issue of standards. STANDARDS!!!! Why does nobody have standards...I shall bring the light to the darkness...yes...yesss....
I thought i'd mention something i did today. I bought this here 128 RAM chip and put it into my laptop, and now my laptop runs like its on speed. It's a very interesting thing. Okay, so i know none of you out there actually care. Grrr.
All of ye shall feel my wrath...oh yess...and a horrid wrath it will be.
January 26, 2001
well jeff I'm Mr. R (I dont know if i should use that name any more the creators hate me now!!!) but I still think I can survive by my self.. i dont need super intelagent friends to help me thro life........ ok maby I do but it was NOT my choice to be totaly disregardid..* I cant spell worth shit* ok....... one >?< for James and Aaron do you guys think I'm stupid? and do you guys even like me as a friend anymore?
[jeff borton?]
Who are you?
Sorry, i wasn't trying to sound sarcastic or unkind in anyway, but seriously...who are you? I don't know all of mr. collin's friends, so its not some joke or anything.
i am so out of the loop.
which reminds me...james email me with some of your info, like birthdate and crap like that...i am putting together a scrapbook...when its done i'll show it to you, or mail it to you...hell, i don't'll see it eventually.
same goes for you jimmy, and you too heather...yeah, and anybody else i know...which probably isn't much... out of the loop.
Who are you?
Sorry, i wasn't trying to sound sarcastic or unkind in anyway, but seriously...who are you? I don't know all of mr. collin's friends, so its not some joke or anything.
i am so out of the loop.
which reminds me...james email me with some of your info, like birthdate and crap like that...i am putting together a scrapbook...when its done i'll show it to you, or mail it to you...hell, i don't'll see it eventually.
same goes for you jimmy, and you too heather...yeah, and anybody else i know...which probably isn't much... out of the loop.
Bradbury--->Hey, what does the tech department do for the district? because we've been trying to get someone in to fix Paula's computer, and no one has been sent. Any idea why?
Also, I hate you, Mr. Miller, because I cannot find my rabbitt to go do something tonight, and I assume its because he's busy with Jimi day. Odd that I never recieved a day.
Also, I hate you, Mr. Miller, because I cannot find my rabbitt to go do something tonight, and I assume its because he's busy with Jimi day. Odd that I never recieved a day.
January 24, 2001
Yes she put quite a few down there that were omitted...most of them because of the "duh" factor. Clapton, Santana, and Aretha go without saying. The rest were oversights...
You know what, ANYTHING MoTown can be added to the list for that matter - it’s all good. Well, classic MoTown at least.
Oh, and some more -- John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, Albert Collins (no relation), Booker T and the MG’s, Freddy King, Jimmy Vaughan (Stevie’s older bro) also the Thunderbird (mainly because I like the cars, but also because Jimmy Vaughan played guitar for them) The Vaughan Brother’s Band (guess who was in that one?) Johnny Lang, Kenny Wayne Sheperd Band, Charlie Musselwhite, Isaac Hayes, Steve Winwood, Stone Temple Pilots (only "Core," "Purple" and "Tiny Songs..." sucked) Henry Rollins Band (so what if its all spoken word and screaming, Rollins is cool.), Gwar (joking), Woody Guthrie, Arlo Guthrie, Todd Snider, Paul Shaffer, Billy Boy Arnold, Eddie Floyd (think where you’ve heard that name before), Syl Johnson, Tommy "pipes" McDonnell, Blues Traveler, Lonnie Brooks, B.B. King, Taj Mahal, Sam Moore, Donald "duck" Dunn, Wilson Picket, Junior Wells, Bruce Springstein, the "E" Street band, Bo Diddley, Dr. John, Lou Rawls, Grover Washington, Jr., Otis Redding, Willie Nelson, Albert King, Buddy Guy, Robert Cray, Nathan East, Lenny Kravitz, Blue Man Group, Bob Marley, Digital Underground, Jeff Beck, Joe Walsh, Iron Butterfly, Primus, Radiohead, Blur, White Zombie/Rob Zombie, Three Dog Night, U2, Victor Wooten (awsome bassist), ZZ Top, No Doubt, Weird Al, Prodigy ------------- any others?
This has been one hell of a week. Monday, at the end of the day, while leaving work, I ran over my cell phone. Fucking crushed it flat with my truck (figure with around 1400 lbs on that one tire, it’s pretty fucked) The damn thing fell off of my pocket where I had it clipped when I was getting in...then I backed out of the parking space and felt a little bump. "Hmm.........." I thought, "what the hell was that?" looked over. "fuck." Ran up to it "it’s still good, it’s still good" but the LCD screen was fragmented and purple, "come on, make a noise, gimme a beep, anything!!!" but nope, I killed it.
So this week has been building on that theme since then.
But, to give out a minor secret (more like a little known fact), Alec is no longer going to teach at BHS after this semester. So tomorrow we are removing the computers from his room. They belong to the Technology Dept, not BHS, This activity is bound to REALLY piss some people off.
But on the up side, The Great Colovos himself is moving (back) to Challenger to be the district’s online course teacher. Most decidedly a move up for him, and a severe loss for Bethel High School.
Ok what else....there was something else....damnit
Oh, yeah, I got the new truck semi-roadworthy. We’ll see how this don’t run to good right yet...mainly the accelerator pump on the carb does nothing when it’s cold. A new carb will solve that, but the one I want is $380 so not yet. (well the one I REALLY want is almost 600 and that’s just out of the question-plus that would drop my fuel economy to around 3 mpg) But otherwise it’s more or less ready to rock and roll....the brakes really could use some good exercising, the left rear wheel locks when you step on the brakes....bleeding them will help that but that’s yet another thing I haven’t gotten to yet. I will, it’s just a matter of time before I can get to everything...
later, all.
You know what, ANYTHING MoTown can be added to the list for that matter - it’s all good. Well, classic MoTown at least.
Oh, and some more -- John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, Albert Collins (no relation), Booker T and the MG’s, Freddy King, Jimmy Vaughan (Stevie’s older bro) also the Thunderbird (mainly because I like the cars, but also because Jimmy Vaughan played guitar for them) The Vaughan Brother’s Band (guess who was in that one?) Johnny Lang, Kenny Wayne Sheperd Band, Charlie Musselwhite, Isaac Hayes, Steve Winwood, Stone Temple Pilots (only "Core," "Purple" and "Tiny Songs..." sucked) Henry Rollins Band (so what if its all spoken word and screaming, Rollins is cool.), Gwar (joking), Woody Guthrie, Arlo Guthrie, Todd Snider, Paul Shaffer, Billy Boy Arnold, Eddie Floyd (think where you’ve heard that name before), Syl Johnson, Tommy "pipes" McDonnell, Blues Traveler, Lonnie Brooks, B.B. King, Taj Mahal, Sam Moore, Donald "duck" Dunn, Wilson Picket, Junior Wells, Bruce Springstein, the "E" Street band, Bo Diddley, Dr. John, Lou Rawls, Grover Washington, Jr., Otis Redding, Willie Nelson, Albert King, Buddy Guy, Robert Cray, Nathan East, Lenny Kravitz, Blue Man Group, Bob Marley, Digital Underground, Jeff Beck, Joe Walsh, Iron Butterfly, Primus, Radiohead, Blur, White Zombie/Rob Zombie, Three Dog Night, U2, Victor Wooten (awsome bassist), ZZ Top, No Doubt, Weird Al, Prodigy ------------- any others?
This has been one hell of a week. Monday, at the end of the day, while leaving work, I ran over my cell phone. Fucking crushed it flat with my truck (figure with around 1400 lbs on that one tire, it’s pretty fucked) The damn thing fell off of my pocket where I had it clipped when I was getting in...then I backed out of the parking space and felt a little bump. "Hmm.........." I thought, "what the hell was that?" looked over. "fuck." Ran up to it "it’s still good, it’s still good" but the LCD screen was fragmented and purple, "come on, make a noise, gimme a beep, anything!!!" but nope, I killed it.
So this week has been building on that theme since then.
But, to give out a minor secret (more like a little known fact), Alec is no longer going to teach at BHS after this semester. So tomorrow we are removing the computers from his room. They belong to the Technology Dept, not BHS, This activity is bound to REALLY piss some people off.
But on the up side, The Great Colovos himself is moving (back) to Challenger to be the district’s online course teacher. Most decidedly a move up for him, and a severe loss for Bethel High School.
Ok what else....there was something else....damnit
Oh, yeah, I got the new truck semi-roadworthy. We’ll see how this don’t run to good right yet...mainly the accelerator pump on the carb does nothing when it’s cold. A new carb will solve that, but the one I want is $380 so not yet. (well the one I REALLY want is almost 600 and that’s just out of the question-plus that would drop my fuel economy to around 3 mpg) But otherwise it’s more or less ready to rock and roll....the brakes really could use some good exercising, the left rear wheel locks when you step on the brakes....bleeding them will help that but that’s yet another thing I haven’t gotten to yet. I will, it’s just a matter of time before I can get to everything...
later, all.
Yes you are right MrMorgan Outlaw Star is great, the humor is the best part, and the plot is at least a little more advanced than other animay shows. However it still doesnt hold a kandle to Dragon Ball Z, nothing ever will... unless they make final fantasy into a kartoon series. That would be awsome.
For the sake of time constraints I will resort to the primitive use of the letter “C” in this
post. I have alot to say and I need to think clearly.
Mr.Morgan I do agree with you that this has gone a little far, however Jimmy asked for some debate so I shall give it to him. First let me say sorry that I didnt get back to you yesterday jimmy its finals week and I have alot o'studin to do.
Let the Jest begin...
Although Plateau may have been written by (and more than likely originally performed by) the Meat Puppets, it was regardless made famous by Nirvana. You ask any damn Nirvana fan out there and they will tell you that it is a Nirvana song. Either way its Kurts horrid voice screaching out that sound and rediculos lyriks.
I do not own an ICP CD, I once had one in my possetion. However it has been almost 2 years since then. That does not mean I said I liked them. And because you say that I said “they roool” does not make it so. You have no proof I ever said that, nor do you have any basis to prove [if for some god forsaken reason it was uttered] that it wasnt sarcastic. You know me well enough by now to know that is one of my more charming personality traits.
As to the Limp Bizkit argument, I have NEVER owned a LB CD. EVER. You can ask anyone that knows me. I do however own a shirt. I did not buy it at a concert, but at Hot topic. I dont think this is any of your buisness, but my friend sammatha porter, who attends washington high school, has been one of my friends for 5 years now. Her father went through a long bought of cancer and passed away the summer before my sophomore year. She and I went shopping while talking about life and death. One of the things that made her happy was that shirt. We bought matching ones because it is symbolic of our
united friendship. It made her happy. To me it was another shirt. I’m sorry if I wear clothing Jimmy, but its a fucking shirt. It is not the music, nor is it the band. Therefore the argument of weather a shirt is better than SP is irrelevent. I dont like LB. So I own a shirt. Whoop-d-friggin-do-da-day! and when did you ever hear me say that “durst is hot”? HAHAHAHAAAA!!! No. I said that Jonathan Davis, from korn, not limp bizkit, is hot. Durst is sorry sweety but that was an insult to my taste in men.
Eddie is a drunk. His songs are dumb. And his music stinks. This is my oppinion. Boy George makes better music than vedder. Define talent before you start saying that he has talent. I can write with my feet is that a talent? Just because I can do it doesnt make it appealing.
If you are correct when you say that crass’ “most influentual member left to form a better band: Fugazi.” Then you have shown through your own logic that Crass was an influential band. Had he not had the experience of Crass he could not have gone on to perfore the miracle you call Fugazi. The debate here was not wether the who is better than the guess who but wether a band was better than the smashing pumpkins. I posed to you that the guess who was better than SP, your come back was that who was better. So what. They are still better than SP. Babba O’Reily kicked ass.
You talk about no talent and lack of intellegent lyricks with SP. Yet you know the words to “spoon man.” There arnt many. Hence the lack of intellegent music. With something as inspirational as the pike place market spoon man, you think they could have come up with a little more than “spoon man... come together with your hands... save me.” Where is the sence in this?
The reason I dont comment on sublime, hendrix, or morrison is because they have talent. Cobain only has talent when he is wasted. And that is drug induced, not real talent. Real talent is the ablity to actually play the damn instrument without having to toke up first. Well if you want to see the damn interview then write MTV, dont ask me for it. Sorry I wasnt phycic and predict that you would need to see it so that I would record it. And contrary to your belief he does get alot of outside imput about the “flow” of his “songs.” Plus you can not call it a song because he does not sing. You said you cant see how
anyone else can write about his wife/daughter/dead uncle...yadayadayada.... well have you ever heard of interviews, biographies? You know all someone would have to do is know enough about him to write it from the perspective of him, you dont even know if he really feels that way about those things. NO ONE CAN PROVE THAT. Even if he says he does, most people who work in the music industry say that the album is their heart and soul so that they can sell more records.
So all a band has to do to be better than SP is dance? Well hell, if BHG makes the list on that criterion then lets add the company of riverdance, who cares if they dont sing, they have music and they can dance!!!
While we are addding to the list I would like to pettition to get more better than SP bands on the list. (to the best of my knowledge) you forgot these important bands that are indeed better than SP(Correct me if Im wrong about them being on the list): Violent fems, Guns and roses, Eric clapton, Elton john, Garth brooks, Roy orbison, Luciano Pavarotti, Sonny and Cher, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra, Plasmatics, Motley Crue, Whitney Huston, Arithra Franklin, Selena, and Santana, as well as any and all swing music, or crooners from the past, with the exception of robert goolay.
Remeber all good children go to heaven.
post. I have alot to say and I need to think clearly.
Mr.Morgan I do agree with you that this has gone a little far, however Jimmy asked for some debate so I shall give it to him. First let me say sorry that I didnt get back to you yesterday jimmy its finals week and I have alot o'studin to do.
Let the Jest begin...
Although Plateau may have been written by (and more than likely originally performed by) the Meat Puppets, it was regardless made famous by Nirvana. You ask any damn Nirvana fan out there and they will tell you that it is a Nirvana song. Either way its Kurts horrid voice screaching out that sound and rediculos lyriks.
I do not own an ICP CD, I once had one in my possetion. However it has been almost 2 years since then. That does not mean I said I liked them. And because you say that I said “they roool” does not make it so. You have no proof I ever said that, nor do you have any basis to prove [if for some god forsaken reason it was uttered] that it wasnt sarcastic. You know me well enough by now to know that is one of my more charming personality traits.
As to the Limp Bizkit argument, I have NEVER owned a LB CD. EVER. You can ask anyone that knows me. I do however own a shirt. I did not buy it at a concert, but at Hot topic. I dont think this is any of your buisness, but my friend sammatha porter, who attends washington high school, has been one of my friends for 5 years now. Her father went through a long bought of cancer and passed away the summer before my sophomore year. She and I went shopping while talking about life and death. One of the things that made her happy was that shirt. We bought matching ones because it is symbolic of our
united friendship. It made her happy. To me it was another shirt. I’m sorry if I wear clothing Jimmy, but its a fucking shirt. It is not the music, nor is it the band. Therefore the argument of weather a shirt is better than SP is irrelevent. I dont like LB. So I own a shirt. Whoop-d-friggin-do-da-day! and when did you ever hear me say that “durst is hot”? HAHAHAHAAAA!!! No. I said that Jonathan Davis, from korn, not limp bizkit, is hot. Durst is sorry sweety but that was an insult to my taste in men.
Eddie is a drunk. His songs are dumb. And his music stinks. This is my oppinion. Boy George makes better music than vedder. Define talent before you start saying that he has talent. I can write with my feet is that a talent? Just because I can do it doesnt make it appealing.
If you are correct when you say that crass’ “most influentual member left to form a better band: Fugazi.” Then you have shown through your own logic that Crass was an influential band. Had he not had the experience of Crass he could not have gone on to perfore the miracle you call Fugazi. The debate here was not wether the who is better than the guess who but wether a band was better than the smashing pumpkins. I posed to you that the guess who was better than SP, your come back was that who was better. So what. They are still better than SP. Babba O’Reily kicked ass.
You talk about no talent and lack of intellegent lyricks with SP. Yet you know the words to “spoon man.” There arnt many. Hence the lack of intellegent music. With something as inspirational as the pike place market spoon man, you think they could have come up with a little more than “spoon man... come together with your hands... save me.” Where is the sence in this?
The reason I dont comment on sublime, hendrix, or morrison is because they have talent. Cobain only has talent when he is wasted. And that is drug induced, not real talent. Real talent is the ablity to actually play the damn instrument without having to toke up first. Well if you want to see the damn interview then write MTV, dont ask me for it. Sorry I wasnt phycic and predict that you would need to see it so that I would record it. And contrary to your belief he does get alot of outside imput about the “flow” of his “songs.” Plus you can not call it a song because he does not sing. You said you cant see how
anyone else can write about his wife/daughter/dead uncle...yadayadayada.... well have you ever heard of interviews, biographies? You know all someone would have to do is know enough about him to write it from the perspective of him, you dont even know if he really feels that way about those things. NO ONE CAN PROVE THAT. Even if he says he does, most people who work in the music industry say that the album is their heart and soul so that they can sell more records.
So all a band has to do to be better than SP is dance? Well hell, if BHG makes the list on that criterion then lets add the company of riverdance, who cares if they dont sing, they have music and they can dance!!!
While we are addding to the list I would like to pettition to get more better than SP bands on the list. (to the best of my knowledge) you forgot these important bands that are indeed better than SP(Correct me if Im wrong about them being on the list): Violent fems, Guns and roses, Eric clapton, Elton john, Garth brooks, Roy orbison, Luciano Pavarotti, Sonny and Cher, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra, Plasmatics, Motley Crue, Whitney Huston, Arithra Franklin, Selena, and Santana, as well as any and all swing music, or crooners from the past, with the exception of robert goolay.
Remeber all good children go to heaven.
note: at the time of my purchasing the UNKLE ceedee - they were 'new' on the scene, and so only had one ceedee to have purchased. :b :b :b
I'm about to over-ride Zach on the manson conflict. Manson's pre-anti-christ-super star lyrics and songs were much better than Smashing Pumpkins. Underworld, by the way, is so awesome! CRAZY COOL.
wharg says the anorexic cows.
I'm about to over-ride Zach on the manson conflict. Manson's pre-anti-christ-super star lyrics and songs were much better than Smashing Pumpkins. Underworld, by the way, is so awesome! CRAZY COOL.
wharg says the anorexic cows.
Ok I stand (well I’m actually sitting) corrected on DMB---just couldn’t remember whether or not they were on there. I agree, their new stuff kinda fucks with my head too---but nothing of theirs isn’t good live. I saw them this summer at the gorge, first week of august, 105 degrees in the shade, and that concert still kicked ass----aside from the fact they played for almost four hours straight, the songs were all good. It was less a concert and more a jam session with 20,000 guests.
Was Sting and/or The Police on there somewhere? Saw him the last weekend of July, at aforementioned venue, it was even hotter---miserable, but the seats were in the 20 something row so that kicked ass. And camping outside is nice that time of year over there---it’s nice and cool at night, no city lights to speak of, and the stars are accented by the Perseid meteor shower.
Ok anyway I mainly said Manson because of the one song on The Matrix soundtrack---that one is pretty good.
Crystal Method.- Vegas fucking rocked-still does
Rob D. - Clubbed to Death is most likely the best techno song ever
Aphex Twin - "Fuck" "Bucephalus Bouncing Ball" and "Tetris" if you’ve heard them then no need to explain. Their remake of "Hot Buttered Popcorn" was better than the original.
Cynic Project - Ok so you may not all like trance techno, but these guys have it down.
thats it for now
Was Sting and/or The Police on there somewhere? Saw him the last weekend of July, at aforementioned venue, it was even hotter---miserable, but the seats were in the 20 something row so that kicked ass. And camping outside is nice that time of year over there---it’s nice and cool at night, no city lights to speak of, and the stars are accented by the Perseid meteor shower.
Ok anyway I mainly said Manson because of the one song on The Matrix soundtrack---that one is pretty good.
Crystal Method.- Vegas fucking rocked-still does
Rob D. - Clubbed to Death is most likely the best techno song ever
Aphex Twin - "Fuck" "Bucephalus Bouncing Ball" and "Tetris" if you’ve heard them then no need to explain. Their remake of "Hot Buttered Popcorn" was better than the original.
Cynic Project - Ok so you may not all like trance techno, but these guys have it down.
thats it for now
January 23, 2001
Line 'em up and shoot 'em down - Bradbury is in the house. hOw dumbshit of me not to remember Marlying Manson. I vote him on the list merely for his "pre-anti-christ-super-star"-ish-ness. Any and all songs from "Portrait" and "Smells/children" I would take far beyond S.P. And although I have things against DMB (new stuff doesnt mix well with my digestive system for some reason) their pre-"crash" stuff was good. But I don't know much about DMB ... are they a 'spin-off' band? Kudos to Bradbury for remembering two more bands. On a side note - Bone Thugs were stupid. I never liked them. Did anyone at all? To my knowledge GangStar made the list - did Quest (tribe called) ? I don't exactly feel like looking. Other than that, nothing much. Eating mashed potatoes and I have a big math-final tomorrow. I should probably study. But where is the fun in that? bah.
And one more tid-bit to add.
the band PSDS had great influence on society and should be added to the list. Rolling stones magazine, Cosmo, and Beckett all agree. Their lyrics and hip-hop/electronic/folk/country/rock/freestyle manner of music drove the whole movement towards the late 90's.
And one more tid-bit to add.
the band PSDS had great influence on society and should be added to the list. Rolling stones magazine, Cosmo, and Beckett all agree. Their lyrics and hip-hop/electronic/folk/country/rock/freestyle manner of music drove the whole movement towards the late 90's.
"You my sir, are an ass"
NO SHIT?!?!?!?! What was your first fucking clue?
None of what I said was aimed at you----but after your last post, it is now. And the point isn’t as much whether or not a band meets your (or anybody’s) criterea for "good" but merely are/were they better than SP. Part of "better" is what, if any, influence they had. You can’t even say that Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden didn’t have a dramatic effect on music, politics and society.
BHG- Most of us who like BHG do so because their lyrics are funny. Also, they are just about the biggest bunch of drunk party animals around, as is shown in their music (and album titles: "One Fierce Beer Coaster," "Dingleberry Haze," and most of our favorite, "Hooray for Boobies")
Eminem-Very good rapper. Plain and simple---has better flow than Bone Thugs n Harmony, as well as massive freestyle skills.
Oh, Jimmy, I think maybe we should ad Dave Matthew’s Band and Marylin Manson to the list as well.
NO SHIT?!?!?!?! What was your first fucking clue?
None of what I said was aimed at you----but after your last post, it is now. And the point isn’t as much whether or not a band meets your (or anybody’s) criterea for "good" but merely are/were they better than SP. Part of "better" is what, if any, influence they had. You can’t even say that Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden didn’t have a dramatic effect on music, politics and society.
BHG- Most of us who like BHG do so because their lyrics are funny. Also, they are just about the biggest bunch of drunk party animals around, as is shown in their music (and album titles: "One Fierce Beer Coaster," "Dingleberry Haze," and most of our favorite, "Hooray for Boobies")
Eminem-Very good rapper. Plain and simple---has better flow than Bone Thugs n Harmony, as well as massive freestyle skills.
Oh, Jimmy, I think maybe we should ad Dave Matthew’s Band and Marylin Manson to the list as well.
January 22, 2001
Ahhh, yes, music tends to bring out the best (or most argumentive, whichever comes first) in people. Jimmy seems to have hit the nail on the head with a few of us - pushing our buttons to any extent, making the once-dead slugville into a thriving, multi-posted discussion area of bloodshed. I haven't much to add. Just a few jibs, jabs, and so on.
First off - I would like to say that I am almost -this- close to swearing off all sorts of music with lyrics. Yes, Jega has no lyrics what-so-ever. This is rather comforting. While I try to find technically what sort of 'music' it is - I have my guesses that, of all things, it's Ambient. WHARG. In any event - I also ran into a group called "Scorn" ... I suggest downloading the song "Falling" by them. Good listening indeed.
Jimmoi - If JEW got on the list - you better hell put Autechre, Gescom, and Jega on as well.
Jessie was listening to something today, it had lyrics. I was sickened. Oh well. On the lighter side of life - I seem to have become addicted to cold coffee. I don't know what, but you can ask heather. I am -this-close-to-tempted- to call her to say "Hey, tomorrow if you go by that way, can you buy coffee?" ... I cant get the @&*(#&@!_taste out of my @^T)! mouth. I wonder if you can make those things at home? Hmm. Oh - I just burned a ceedee with Jega/associates on it. So that'll be something to show Jimmoi on friday. ICQ is being a bitch - I'm going to beat it up.
Dues Ex, however, is running nicely on this new machine. I almost wish I had sacrifice to play around with - but we all know what happened to that. Goes to show you not to trust some people's "words". ARgh. In any event, I got Thief 2, UT and MDK2 that came with the GeForce... so they are keeping me company. Jumpgate seems to have lost it's "spunk." I can't wait to go to school tomorrow and have Jega pounding through my veins. Possibly even the supra-addictive caffiene pumped coffee as well. We shall see.
A minor note : Jimmoi owns a I-C-P ceedee as well and thinks they is funny. Dont you find it entertaining how much he can take a stand against himself sometimes? I, myself, never have - never will - and never claimed to like I-C-P. They aren't funny. They aren't interesting. They are dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Thats what you get when even the WWF wont have you. bah.
Oh - and uh... fuck, I can't spell your name. So for convience's sake, ill just say R----- : You stated that Black Hole Sun and Spoon Man weren't good?! What blasphemy is this? Have you not seen the black hole sun video? My god. It was beautiful. And if you counted the number of people who can off-the-top-of-their-head sing spoon man (reguardless of the fact there arent much lyrics asides from 'sPOooooooooooooooooooooooooooN maaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAn') ... whee! Soundgarden was the shit back in the day.
... where am I going? Hum. Asides from all this chatter about music - I just want to point out that The Cell is one big reason why [insert woman's name] cannot act worth a shit. My overall review of the movie : Imagine Silence of the Lambs. Good movie right? Made you think, made you laugh, made you afraid of Hannibal, entertained you - kept your attention. Well, Imagine that, and then take out everythign that was good. Ok? So you're left with some piece-of-shit film about some guy who kills people. Now add in a bunch of 'special effect scenery' and a director who has a thing for erratic camera movements and you've got... yup! THE CELL!
That - and i've found that Jimmoi's father is quite funny. Although ... hmm. Odd. I'm glad my father isnt that odd. I mean... yeah. But still funny. Hee hee.
"you could see the look on your face when I said that, that you didnt know it was the reflection" ..
"it's the boy! the boy is making him do it! telepathic powers! mind control!"
"notice the albino dog! it's important! I M P O R T A N T!!!"
"shut up dad"
ba ahahahaha.
First off - I would like to say that I am almost -this- close to swearing off all sorts of music with lyrics. Yes, Jega has no lyrics what-so-ever. This is rather comforting. While I try to find technically what sort of 'music' it is - I have my guesses that, of all things, it's Ambient. WHARG. In any event - I also ran into a group called "Scorn" ... I suggest downloading the song "Falling" by them. Good listening indeed.
Jimmoi - If JEW got on the list - you better hell put Autechre, Gescom, and Jega on as well.
Jessie was listening to something today, it had lyrics. I was sickened. Oh well. On the lighter side of life - I seem to have become addicted to cold coffee. I don't know what, but you can ask heather. I am -this-close-to-tempted- to call her to say "Hey, tomorrow if you go by that way, can you buy coffee?" ... I cant get the @&*(#&@!_taste out of my @^T)! mouth. I wonder if you can make those things at home? Hmm. Oh - I just burned a ceedee with Jega/associates on it. So that'll be something to show Jimmoi on friday. ICQ is being a bitch - I'm going to beat it up.
Dues Ex, however, is running nicely on this new machine. I almost wish I had sacrifice to play around with - but we all know what happened to that. Goes to show you not to trust some people's "words". ARgh. In any event, I got Thief 2, UT and MDK2 that came with the GeForce... so they are keeping me company. Jumpgate seems to have lost it's "spunk." I can't wait to go to school tomorrow and have Jega pounding through my veins. Possibly even the supra-addictive caffiene pumped coffee as well. We shall see.
A minor note : Jimmoi owns a I-C-P ceedee as well and thinks they is funny. Dont you find it entertaining how much he can take a stand against himself sometimes? I, myself, never have - never will - and never claimed to like I-C-P. They aren't funny. They aren't interesting. They are dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Thats what you get when even the WWF wont have you. bah.
Oh - and uh... fuck, I can't spell your name. So for convience's sake, ill just say R----- : You stated that Black Hole Sun and Spoon Man weren't good?! What blasphemy is this? Have you not seen the black hole sun video? My god. It was beautiful. And if you counted the number of people who can off-the-top-of-their-head sing spoon man (reguardless of the fact there arent much lyrics asides from 'sPOooooooooooooooooooooooooooN maaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAn') ... whee! Soundgarden was the shit back in the day.
... where am I going? Hum. Asides from all this chatter about music - I just want to point out that The Cell is one big reason why [insert woman's name] cannot act worth a shit. My overall review of the movie : Imagine Silence of the Lambs. Good movie right? Made you think, made you laugh, made you afraid of Hannibal, entertained you - kept your attention. Well, Imagine that, and then take out everythign that was good. Ok? So you're left with some piece-of-shit film about some guy who kills people. Now add in a bunch of 'special effect scenery' and a director who has a thing for erratic camera movements and you've got... yup! THE CELL!
That - and i've found that Jimmoi's father is quite funny. Although ... hmm. Odd. I'm glad my father isnt that odd. I mean... yeah. But still funny. Hee hee.
"you could see the look on your face when I said that, that you didnt know it was the reflection" ..
"it's the boy! the boy is making him do it! telepathic powers! mind control!"
"notice the albino dog! it's important! I M P O R T A N T!!!"
"shut up dad"
ba ahahahaha.
I-sea-P? Limp Bizkit? HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!! No?!? I have not ever liked LB, Jimmy you should know that, and I only said that I-sea-P was funny. I never said I liked them, nor did I say I listened to them. So I know 1 song. Whoop-d-do!!! That does not make me a fan.
You are misinformed. "crass" was not a poser punk band. Matter of fact they were one of the original 5 groups originating from the british punk sene. They lead to all the amerikan rip off wanna be punk bands.
As for the "Greatful Dead" thing I skimed your list, I appoligise for your typo. I believe that Jerry deserves the respekt he is due, and if that is as simple as typing the whole band name then you should at least do that much.
Emenem? Just because he kan rap faster does not make him good. He DOES NOT write all of his lyriks. He admited it on an interview on MTV!!
Nirvana suks. Plain as that. "Nothing on top but a buket and a mop" does not equal great lyriks. The only reason they were popular is that he was the marter of the koke addicted masses. He made their dirty habit not taboo to the kulture. That is why he gained so much support. Maybe they kould hear better if they would lay off the krak and heroin.
Jimmy you onse told me never to believe everything you read. Yet you say that bekause some magazines tell you that Pearl Jam is good you believe them? How sad. Eddie Vedder is a drunk fool who is well washed up, and needs to take a shower. My dad did konstruktion work on the guys house. He was so wasted that he didnt know people were even in the room with him. And if you know musik the way you say that you do, you would know the song is not "the world is a vampire" but instead "bullet with butterfly wings."
I dont kare what you say jimmy, Blak hole sun suked ass, big time. And spoon man? Sound Garden had one album that was desent, and the only reason that it sold so well was bekause 107.7 played it all the time.
Well I appologise for the Blak sabbath thing, however Ozzy was not on the list. And that was major.
Bloodhound gang? You give no solid argument here. You say the name of 2 songs and say your point is made. Zero is a good song. BHG suks.
You talk about Korgan not being able to sing? Yet you say that Nirvana and Tom Petty kan? HAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!
Kake stinks. The lead singer has no talent.
Mr.Bradbury- You my sir, are an ass. I like all musik from the 50's 60's and 70's. Kontrary to your belief I do not like any new musik. Nor did I ever say that britny spears was intellegent. My favorite band is the Greatful Dead, and I only use the full title out of ut-most respekt for Jerry Garcia. And bekause I believe that Nirvana suks does not mean that I have my head up my ass. You are the one who needs to pull your head out of your ass and read what people say before you make obsurd konklusions about their likes and dislikes in musik.
I do agree however, that Buffalo Springfields "for what its worth" is one of the best songs from the past. It provided the message base that all modern musik seems to have lost.
I also think that Jimmy is wrong if he only believes that Amerikan Woman from the Guess Who is their only song, Babba O'Reily is far supperior to Amerikan Woman. Borris the Spider is better still. These two lead to greater songs still.
I would like to kontinue this but I have PT tonight and I have to lead my kadets in their warm ups. I am already late.
Remeber All Good Children Go To Heaven
You are misinformed. "crass" was not a poser punk band. Matter of fact they were one of the original 5 groups originating from the british punk sene. They lead to all the amerikan rip off wanna be punk bands.
As for the "Greatful Dead" thing I skimed your list, I appoligise for your typo. I believe that Jerry deserves the respekt he is due, and if that is as simple as typing the whole band name then you should at least do that much.
Emenem? Just because he kan rap faster does not make him good. He DOES NOT write all of his lyriks. He admited it on an interview on MTV!!
Nirvana suks. Plain as that. "Nothing on top but a buket and a mop" does not equal great lyriks. The only reason they were popular is that he was the marter of the koke addicted masses. He made their dirty habit not taboo to the kulture. That is why he gained so much support. Maybe they kould hear better if they would lay off the krak and heroin.
Jimmy you onse told me never to believe everything you read. Yet you say that bekause some magazines tell you that Pearl Jam is good you believe them? How sad. Eddie Vedder is a drunk fool who is well washed up, and needs to take a shower. My dad did konstruktion work on the guys house. He was so wasted that he didnt know people were even in the room with him. And if you know musik the way you say that you do, you would know the song is not "the world is a vampire" but instead "bullet with butterfly wings."
I dont kare what you say jimmy, Blak hole sun suked ass, big time. And spoon man? Sound Garden had one album that was desent, and the only reason that it sold so well was bekause 107.7 played it all the time.
Well I appologise for the Blak sabbath thing, however Ozzy was not on the list. And that was major.
Bloodhound gang? You give no solid argument here. You say the name of 2 songs and say your point is made. Zero is a good song. BHG suks.
You talk about Korgan not being able to sing? Yet you say that Nirvana and Tom Petty kan? HAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!
Kake stinks. The lead singer has no talent.
Mr.Bradbury- You my sir, are an ass. I like all musik from the 50's 60's and 70's. Kontrary to your belief I do not like any new musik. Nor did I ever say that britny spears was intellegent. My favorite band is the Greatful Dead, and I only use the full title out of ut-most respekt for Jerry Garcia. And bekause I believe that Nirvana suks does not mean that I have my head up my ass. You are the one who needs to pull your head out of your ass and read what people say before you make obsurd konklusions about their likes and dislikes in musik.
I do agree however, that Buffalo Springfields "for what its worth" is one of the best songs from the past. It provided the message base that all modern musik seems to have lost.
I also think that Jimmy is wrong if he only believes that Amerikan Woman from the Guess Who is their only song, Babba O'Reily is far supperior to Amerikan Woman. Borris the Spider is better still. These two lead to greater songs still.
I would like to kontinue this but I have PT tonight and I have to lead my kadets in their warm ups. I am already late.
Remeber All Good Children Go To Heaven
Jimmy, it seems that maybe we had a minor misunderstanding. When I said "that list is bullshit," I was not making reference to your list, but that thing about rapists.
Your list is totally acceptable, even though I dislike some (quite a few) of the artists on there, I still must respect them as being better than SP. And your latest defenses of your list are much better musical commentary than I would have given you credit for.
I agree fully that those who a) listen to/like the music that is popular today and b) call stuff like Nirvana, Soundgarden, the Dead (no need to put "Grateful" in front of there Jimmy-if you don’t know them as "the Dead" then you simply don’t know music) or any of the other bands, have their heads up their asses.
I love people who talk shit about music from the late Sixties/early Nineties-and then go on to say something exhorting limp bizkit or what have you, just proving that they are fools. The music of today is a product of what came before it, and there is no way in hell you can tell me that britney spears has any stunning social commentary to make. Unlike, say, Buffalo Springfield’s "For What It’s Worth." (by the way, watching Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young sing that last year was----for lack of a better word, thoroughly amazing) I think Rage Against the Machine is about the only thing on the scene today to come anywhere near the messages in the music of our parent’s generation. (although "Renegades of Funk" doesn’t seem to have any message)
Anyway, enough of that rant for now, time for work.
"Think about it"
Your list is totally acceptable, even though I dislike some (quite a few) of the artists on there, I still must respect them as being better than SP. And your latest defenses of your list are much better musical commentary than I would have given you credit for.
I agree fully that those who a) listen to/like the music that is popular today and b) call stuff like Nirvana, Soundgarden, the Dead (no need to put "Grateful" in front of there Jimmy-if you don’t know them as "the Dead" then you simply don’t know music) or any of the other bands, have their heads up their asses.
I love people who talk shit about music from the late Sixties/early Nineties-and then go on to say something exhorting limp bizkit or what have you, just proving that they are fools. The music of today is a product of what came before it, and there is no way in hell you can tell me that britney spears has any stunning social commentary to make. Unlike, say, Buffalo Springfield’s "For What It’s Worth." (by the way, watching Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young sing that last year was----for lack of a better word, thoroughly amazing) I think Rage Against the Machine is about the only thing on the scene today to come anywhere near the messages in the music of our parent’s generation. (although "Renegades of Funk" doesn’t seem to have any message)
Anyway, enough of that rant for now, time for work.
"Think about it"
January 21, 2001
votes eminem over s.p.
sorry - but the little anetdotical ... uh.. yeah, little voices make him bearable.
compared to Corgan's voice, which rivals the noise cats make when skinned alive with a turkey baster.
and I also wish to vote Pearl Jam off of the list. ... for, not only do they suck - they blow hard.
bah. im horny. *grabs a blow up doll, a 12-inch vibrating cucumber, and a playgirl magazine*
sorry - but the little anetdotical ... uh.. yeah, little voices make him bearable.
compared to Corgan's voice, which rivals the noise cats make when skinned alive with a turkey baster.
and I also wish to vote Pearl Jam off of the list. ... for, not only do they suck - they blow hard.
bah. im horny. *grabs a blow up doll, a 12-inch vibrating cucumber, and a playgirl magazine*
Mr.Morgan, I must say I was rather surprized to read that you aktually beleive James kan lift a shovel, let alone swing a pik. You are aware he only weighs like 5 lbs? The pik probably weighs more than he does, you should try asking 3rd graders first, they have a little more meat on their bones than James does.
Well Jimmy my dear you wanted an argument so I will give you one...
First off I think you were a little konfused, Smashing Pumpkins may not be the greatest band but they are one of the better ones out there.
As to your list? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You aktually believe that Nervana, Pearl Jam, Sound Garden, EMENEM, Blood Hound Gang, Ben folds five, and Kake are better than the Smashing Pumpkins?!? Have you taken any medikation resently? Any blunt trama to the head? I admit that the S.P.'s last kouple of albums really suked ass, but emenem? Kome ON!!!! You left off a few important ones though... like The Greatful Dead (long live Jerry), Ozzy and Blak Sabath, the Guess Who and Fenix TX. YOu said that those other groups started the punk movement? What abbout Krass?
Like I said I think you are konfused.
Remember all good children go to heaven.
First off I think you were a little konfused, Smashing Pumpkins may not be the greatest band but they are one of the better ones out there.
As to your list? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You aktually believe that Nervana, Pearl Jam, Sound Garden, EMENEM, Blood Hound Gang, Ben folds five, and Kake are better than the Smashing Pumpkins?!? Have you taken any medikation resently? Any blunt trama to the head? I admit that the S.P.'s last kouple of albums really suked ass, but emenem? Kome ON!!!! You left off a few important ones though... like The Greatful Dead (long live Jerry), Ozzy and Blak Sabath, the Guess Who and Fenix TX. YOu said that those other groups started the punk movement? What abbout Krass?
Like I said I think you are konfused.
Remember all good children go to heaven.
Well, Andrew, it seems to me like you need help! And I'm the guy to ask in the situation but I have a job and it is on mon-thurs. so if you need help on any other day but those I'll be glad to help if of course my dad lets me use the car! the backhand does not work wile having buttsex!!!!!!!!! damn.......
January 20, 2001
Well, its been a while sinse Ive posted but from what Ive gathered there has been a blasphamy against Heathers beloved "tori". Well I went bak and looked to see that someone had used my letter K to spell musik, however, I was dissappointed that they did not follow through with the rest of the evil letters being dispelled from the message.
It looked quite odd to me that someone would do this, and as I am sure you are aware James, I know jak to nothing about komputers, my limit has reached a new high--being able to chek my email, and do this. Therefore it kould not have been I. As to the message I feel sorry for you my heather darling. And you still havent obtained those piks yet?
Remember: All good Children go to Heaven.
It looked quite odd to me that someone would do this, and as I am sure you are aware James, I know jak to nothing about komputers, my limit has reached a new high--being able to chek my email, and do this. Therefore it kould not have been I. As to the message I feel sorry for you my heather darling. And you still havent obtained those piks yet?
Remember: All good Children go to Heaven.
1st off the list is bullshit why don't they carry around duck tape or wire to tie them up and gag them and yes duck tape is very very good to tie some1 up with now with pepper spay why don't they just wipe it off it doesn't hurt all that bad and people with glasses it doesn't work all that grate. ( I should know) Self defense classes work and if the rapist has been sprayed a lot it wears off so it doesn't work.
2nd off James how do I d/l jump gate or were do I go to d/l never answer me when I ask......tell me damn it.......aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rd fuck!!! I need a spell check!! th only way for me to spell any thing right is to use a spell check or write everything in a e-mail then copy past it to the damn thing its in then post& publish so James will you please find a way to get a damn spell check on here!!
2nd off James how do I d/l jump gate or were do I go to d/l never answer me when I ask......tell me damn it.......aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rd fuck!!! I need a spell check!! th only way for me to spell any thing right is to use a spell check or write everything in a e-mail then copy past it to the damn thing its in then post& publish so James will you please find a way to get a damn spell check on here!!
this group interviewed a bunch of rapists and date rapists in prison on what they look for and here's some interesting facts:
The #1 thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun, braid, or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair. Women with short hair are not as common targets. The #2 thing men look for is clothing. They will look for women who's clothing is easy to remove quickly. The #1 outfit they look for is overalls because many of them carry scissors around to cut clothing and on overalls the straps can be easily cut.
* They also look for women on their cell phone, searching through their purse or doing other activities while walking because they are off guard and can be easily overpowered.
* The time of day men are most likely to attack and rape a woman is in the early morning, between 5 and 8:30 a.m. The number one place women are abducted from/attacked at is grocery store parking lots. Number two is office parking lots/garages. Number three is public restrooms.
* The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman and quickly move her to a second location where they don't have to worry about getting caught. Only 2% said they carried weapons because rape carries a 3-5 year sentence but rape with a weapon is 15-20 years. If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going after you isn't worth it because it will be time-consuming.
* These men said they will not pick on women who have umbrellas, or other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands. Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you're not worth it.
Several defense mechanisms he taught us are:
* If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face and ask them a question, like what time is it, or make general small talk, "I can't believe it is so cold out here, we're in for a bad winter, etc." Now you've seen their face and could identify them in a lineup, you lose appeal as a target.
* If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of you and yell "Stop" or "Stay back!" Most of the rapists this man talked to said they'd leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY target. If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a huge advocate of it and carries it with him wherever he goes), yelling "I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY" and holding it out will be a deterrent.
* If someone grabs you, you can't beat them with strength but you can by outsmarting them. If they grab your wrist, pull your wrist back so your hand is in waving position (palm facing forward) and twist it toward yourself and pull your arm away. It is hard to hold onto wrist bones that are moving in that way. They stumble toward you and you stumble back, so you can use that momentum to bring the same hand out and backhand them with your knuckles in the forehead, nose, or teeth.
* If you are grabbed around the waist from behind, pinch the attacker either under the arm between the elbow and armpit or in the upper inner thigh. HARD. One woman in a class this guy taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to date rape her. She was so upset, she broke through the skin and tore out muscle strands -- the guy needed stitches. Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it. It hurts.
* After the initial hit, always go for the groin. If you hit a guy's testicles, it is extremely painful. You might think that you'll anger the guy and make him want to hurt you more, but the thing these rapists told our instructor is that they want a woman who will not cause a lot of trouble. Start causing trouble and he's out of there.
* When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing down on them as possible. The instructor did it to me without using much pressure and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked audibly.
Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of your surroundings, take someone with you if you can, and if you see any odd behavior, don't dismiss it, go with your instincts. You may feel a little silly at the time, but you'd feel much worse if the guy really was trouble.
Please forward this to everyone you know - including men. Men, share it with your wives, sisters, others, children, and friends. It's simple stuff that could save her life.
Cari Hartman just sent me the most charming of emails. She sent this huge list of ways to combat a rapist, to avoid situations in which you "make yourself" a target, etc. She sends a lot of these things to a lot of people-I suppose in an attempt to seem more interested in everyones welfare-and it always makes me laugh. You can always point out people who never have had such experiences. I know no other way of putting it other than the most obvious and blunt way: It's always easy to blame a person in a situation you've never been in for what they did wrong, how they were at fault for the situation and its subsequent development into the most horrifying and humiliating of experiences. I should post the list. Then, you all could read it and see how much sense it all makes, and forget to think about what happens when it doesn't all work as is expected and promised.
January 19, 2001
Here we are, the day before the "Bethel School District Technology and Art Fair"
This is gonna suck. Have to be at BHS at 7. Which means I have to be at the shop at 630. AND someone had the bright idea that A) the technology part be done in the hallways of BHS, where there is little to no available power, and B) that all of the setup, electrical supply wiring and networking, be done tomorrow morning instead of tonight. THIS MEANS that we have roughly three hours to get power and network to around 150 computers from various schools, and set said computers to use BHS's IP block. Now, there are 9 of us. Take away Raymond, the fool, that means that each of us has to get power, network and IP to 18 computers in three hours. That means 22.5 minutes per machine. This should be great, when they open the doors at 10 and none of the technology for the Art and Technology Fair is ready.
This is gonna suck. Have to be at BHS at 7. Which means I have to be at the shop at 630. AND someone had the bright idea that A) the technology part be done in the hallways of BHS, where there is little to no available power, and B) that all of the setup, electrical supply wiring and networking, be done tomorrow morning instead of tonight. THIS MEANS that we have roughly three hours to get power and network to around 150 computers from various schools, and set said computers to use BHS's IP block. Now, there are 9 of us. Take away Raymond, the fool, that means that each of us has to get power, network and IP to 18 computers in three hours. That means 22.5 minutes per machine. This should be great, when they open the doors at 10 and none of the technology for the Art and Technology Fair is ready.
January 18, 2001
[Unemployment and Naps]
In case some of you didn't know, i am unemployed right now. (Actually, you all probably don't care either, but i'll ignore that strong possibility.) I used to work in the same evil store that Jimmy works in...Target. Just hearing that name makes me shudder and want to crawl into the fetal position and die. Why? Because Target is evil. And if you don't believe me, just ask Jimmy. Anyone who works there has stories to tell. Mostly of our gay Australian boss, Roger. You should hear him talk. Actually, if you want to hear a conversation i had with him, just email me. I am working on a way of making it into an mp3, but i haven't figured that part out yet. This isn't to say that there is or isn't anything wrong with being gay. That's more of your own personal choice, and if you have a craving for buttsex...i won't mention any names.
Anyway...that's not the only reason why Target is evil, but for time's sake, i won't go into all those reasons, at least not today. I'll save that tirade for a special occasion. The point i was eventually going to get to was that having not been working for the past couple of weeks has been liberating, not only on the body, but on the mind as well. I can understand now why james has been so reluctant to get a job. Going to college has been much more enjoyable then walking around the tainted halls of Target, shelving random objects, from Hotwheels, to the ever popular George Foreman Grill, (Does anybody know how to do that little TM thing, so that i don't get sued for mentioning George Foreman?) or helping unknown nuclear holocaust victims who don't know how to read a price off of the shelf label, and instead would rather waste a good twenty minutes of your time not believing that the first price you told them was indeed the price after all. I feel like my life isn't wasting away, but that i actually have a purpose. I guess for awhile i had a fear that i'd end up like Warren.
Warren is an interesting case. He is about middle age and works at Target. I don't know when he started, but i figure that it was a good while ago. I bet when he was young he didn't think he'd have to work for Target. Poor, poor Warren.
Anyway, back to what i was saying. I realized today that there was also another reason why i have been in such a great mood since i stopped working for Target. I actually get sleep. When i used to work for them, i'd get like 4 hours of sleep on quite a few days. I became a walking zombie, put on earth to walk around putting things that i couldn't even fathom buying, onto a shelf for people who really didn't need these items, but would buy them anyway because they were in Sunday's ad. Now though, not only do i get as much sleep as i want, which i like to get at least a good eight hours, but i also can take a nap. A nap!!! Before, i would survive on only naps, so to me, they weren't really naps. Some days, i wouldn't even really know where i was. Those were actually the better days. At least that way i wasn't confronted with the horrible truth that i might never escape Target. I dread summer, for i may have to return to Target. Of course, lately i've been thinking of taking summer courses here. Who knows.
Don't get me wrong though, Target isn't all that bad. They have really strong mints. MINT!
In case some of you didn't know, i am unemployed right now. (Actually, you all probably don't care either, but i'll ignore that strong possibility.) I used to work in the same evil store that Jimmy works in...Target. Just hearing that name makes me shudder and want to crawl into the fetal position and die. Why? Because Target is evil. And if you don't believe me, just ask Jimmy. Anyone who works there has stories to tell. Mostly of our gay Australian boss, Roger. You should hear him talk. Actually, if you want to hear a conversation i had with him, just email me. I am working on a way of making it into an mp3, but i haven't figured that part out yet. This isn't to say that there is or isn't anything wrong with being gay. That's more of your own personal choice, and if you have a craving for buttsex...i won't mention any names.
Anyway...that's not the only reason why Target is evil, but for time's sake, i won't go into all those reasons, at least not today. I'll save that tirade for a special occasion. The point i was eventually going to get to was that having not been working for the past couple of weeks has been liberating, not only on the body, but on the mind as well. I can understand now why james has been so reluctant to get a job. Going to college has been much more enjoyable then walking around the tainted halls of Target, shelving random objects, from Hotwheels, to the ever popular George Foreman Grill, (Does anybody know how to do that little TM thing, so that i don't get sued for mentioning George Foreman?) or helping unknown nuclear holocaust victims who don't know how to read a price off of the shelf label, and instead would rather waste a good twenty minutes of your time not believing that the first price you told them was indeed the price after all. I feel like my life isn't wasting away, but that i actually have a purpose. I guess for awhile i had a fear that i'd end up like Warren.
Warren is an interesting case. He is about middle age and works at Target. I don't know when he started, but i figure that it was a good while ago. I bet when he was young he didn't think he'd have to work for Target. Poor, poor Warren.
Anyway, back to what i was saying. I realized today that there was also another reason why i have been in such a great mood since i stopped working for Target. I actually get sleep. When i used to work for them, i'd get like 4 hours of sleep on quite a few days. I became a walking zombie, put on earth to walk around putting things that i couldn't even fathom buying, onto a shelf for people who really didn't need these items, but would buy them anyway because they were in Sunday's ad. Now though, not only do i get as much sleep as i want, which i like to get at least a good eight hours, but i also can take a nap. A nap!!! Before, i would survive on only naps, so to me, they weren't really naps. Some days, i wouldn't even really know where i was. Those were actually the better days. At least that way i wasn't confronted with the horrible truth that i might never escape Target. I dread summer, for i may have to return to Target. Of course, lately i've been thinking of taking summer courses here. Who knows.
Don't get me wrong though, Target isn't all that bad. They have really strong mints. MINT!
[Family Feud]
Considering that no one has decided to post in awhile, i thought i'd write a couple of thoughts on something dear to my heart. Family Feud.
Okay, so maybe Family Feud isn't really all that close to my heart or anything, but considering that i have had a rather mundane day, it is the most interesting aspect of today, and thus deserves to be talked about.
Remember a couple of years ago, when Family Feud was hosted by that one guy? I think his name was Pat Sajak. I don't remember though. That's not really the point either. The point is that it was cool. Then again, maybe it was because i was young and had no life. Back then all game shows seemed kinda cool. Nowadays it seems that the only thing in the ways of game shows are "Who wants to be a millionaire?" Frankly, i'm sick of watching Regis. And what the hell is up with those stupid computer simulators of that game show.
What ever happened to spinning wheels and choosing a vowel?
Well anyway, here i am today, and what just comes on? Family Feud! Only its not quite like i remember it. Now it has Louis Anderson as the host and instead of a turning board with the answers, it uses some computer generated thing. Yeah. Why is it that people think if something has a computer generated image, then it will get people to watch? Anyway though, i have to wonder why they chose Louis Anderson to host the show. Have you ever heard a cat choking on a furball the size of a goat? Listen to Mr. Anderson's voice and you might have a clue. It was kinda funny when it was on that cartoon show on fox a couple of years back, but now it is causes my cold to feel a great deal worse.
He is like the male version of that lady who played on "The Nanny". For all those of you wondering why i'd know that, it was what all the Price and Presentation women would watch in the breakroom at Target, so i was kinda forced to suffer in silence. That or go up against a rather large woman, and the odds on that just didn't seem to be in my favor. (Jimmy knows who i'm talking about.)
Maybe in truth Family Feud wasn't really that great. Still, it was one of those fond childhood memories. And as with all childhood memories, someone just has to go screwing it up. Oh well.
Considering that no one has decided to post in awhile, i thought i'd write a couple of thoughts on something dear to my heart. Family Feud.
Okay, so maybe Family Feud isn't really all that close to my heart or anything, but considering that i have had a rather mundane day, it is the most interesting aspect of today, and thus deserves to be talked about.
Remember a couple of years ago, when Family Feud was hosted by that one guy? I think his name was Pat Sajak. I don't remember though. That's not really the point either. The point is that it was cool. Then again, maybe it was because i was young and had no life. Back then all game shows seemed kinda cool. Nowadays it seems that the only thing in the ways of game shows are "Who wants to be a millionaire?" Frankly, i'm sick of watching Regis. And what the hell is up with those stupid computer simulators of that game show.
What ever happened to spinning wheels and choosing a vowel?
Well anyway, here i am today, and what just comes on? Family Feud! Only its not quite like i remember it. Now it has Louis Anderson as the host and instead of a turning board with the answers, it uses some computer generated thing. Yeah. Why is it that people think if something has a computer generated image, then it will get people to watch? Anyway though, i have to wonder why they chose Louis Anderson to host the show. Have you ever heard a cat choking on a furball the size of a goat? Listen to Mr. Anderson's voice and you might have a clue. It was kinda funny when it was on that cartoon show on fox a couple of years back, but now it is causes my cold to feel a great deal worse.
He is like the male version of that lady who played on "The Nanny". For all those of you wondering why i'd know that, it was what all the Price and Presentation women would watch in the breakroom at Target, so i was kinda forced to suffer in silence. That or go up against a rather large woman, and the odds on that just didn't seem to be in my favor. (Jimmy knows who i'm talking about.)
Maybe in truth Family Feud wasn't really that great. Still, it was one of those fond childhood memories. And as with all childhood memories, someone just has to go screwing it up. Oh well.
January 17, 2001
Now since i have not really been that strenous in posting on this before, i am probably missing some key aspect of this whole blogger thing, but i still have to ask...
Why would you edit something someone else has posted here?
I mean, i understood this to be a place where you could post stuff on it that YOU felt like writing, not a place where you could post stuff that you felt like writing, to have it usurped by an ADMISTRATOR.
But like i said, i don't really understand fully how this blog is supposed to work, so that's why this is just a question, and not some sort of attack.
I would just like to add though, that there is no real incentive or motivation to post something here when it can easily be changed willingly by another party. If that's the case, then why even bother posting at all.
Now since i have not really been that strenous in posting on this before, i am probably missing some key aspect of this whole blogger thing, but i still have to ask...
Why would you edit something someone else has posted here?
I mean, i understood this to be a place where you could post stuff on it that YOU felt like writing, not a place where you could post stuff that you felt like writing, to have it usurped by an ADMISTRATOR.
But like i said, i don't really understand fully how this blog is supposed to work, so that's why this is just a question, and not some sort of attack.
I would just like to add though, that there is no real incentive or motivation to post something here when it can easily be changed willingly by another party. If that's the case, then why even bother posting at all.
I would just like to say that it wasn't me ( reminiscent of shaggy... "it wasnt me" )
I have repromanded Heather for the action - although she probably hate me now - i specifically told her that was the reason ( or one of them, besides the fact that I was/am lazy ) that I didnt want other administrators. Sure - i saw it to be an opportune time to interrupt and 'play with jimmy' - but after the conversation with him in the car I actually realised he was serious - not just hoping Tori reads the board and that he'll get some butt-love by saying she was 'ok.' In any event - hopefully she'll understand from here-on that the editing of messeges are to have an edit: { } messege - so that readers understand that it has been edited, and only when something important must be said....
take for instance : blasphemy about the { WONDERFULL AND ABSOLUTELY TRUE } existance of Santa Clause. We cant have some young child come in and realise that he is { SO TOTALLY COOL, WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT KIDDIES, SANTA IS WATCHING, YOU DONT WANT COAL? ... DO YOU? }
I have repromanded Heather for the action - although she probably hate me now - i specifically told her that was the reason ( or one of them, besides the fact that I was/am lazy ) that I didnt want other administrators. Sure - i saw it to be an opportune time to interrupt and 'play with jimmy' - but after the conversation with him in the car I actually realised he was serious - not just hoping Tori reads the board and that he'll get some butt-love by saying she was 'ok.' In any event - hopefully she'll understand from here-on that the editing of messeges are to have an edit: { } messege - so that readers understand that it has been edited, and only when something important must be said....
take for instance : blasphemy about the { WONDERFULL AND ABSOLUTELY TRUE } existance of Santa Clause. We cant have some young child come in and realise that he is { SO TOTALLY COOL, WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT KIDDIES, SANTA IS WATCHING, YOU DONT WANT COAL? ... DO YOU? }
January 16, 2001
things are moving slowly. tomorrow is school. for a quick shot of me : click here. I have just sneezed. I got a new computer system. In return - I must clean my room. Oooh, Big chips at stake. Want my stats in jumpgate? click here!
Went to see the 6th day. ... I will post my intrepretation of the STORYLINE ... as compared to the PLOT ( which was - as jimmoi ingeniously came up with - just a way for a man to prove to his wife that there was some situations in which the phrase "go fuck yourself" could, in actuality, be done )
other than that. that is all. as I said - tomorrow is school.
.... i need a job.
Went to see the 6th day. ... I will post my intrepretation of the STORYLINE ... as compared to the PLOT ( which was - as jimmoi ingeniously came up with - just a way for a man to prove to his wife that there was some situations in which the phrase "go fuck yourself" could, in actuality, be done )
other than that. that is all. as I said - tomorrow is school.
.... i need a job.
January 15, 2001
January 14, 2001
well there is nothing to do right now so i'll post and this damn thing sux really big goat ass cous it just will not do what i want it to and i cant spell for shit and it needs a spell cheak so james or heather if you can do anything about it then please do it for the good of the planet. from jeff Aka tiny AAka universe man ......................................
So, I have finally witnessed the magical fairyland ya'll called Costco first hand. You see, I came home yesterday while my parents were making their first-ever trip, saying that they'd be back within the hour. 3 hours later, they returned. I asked my dad how he liked it, and he just said, "I don't know-it was okay, I guess." At that point, I proceeded to go look in his truck for anything that might interest me, and what to my wandering eyes did appear, but a 5lb bag of pasta, and 12 tins of peppermints. My goodness! It must be just as magical as you all'd insisted.
Now, in Jamie and my defence-we were only supposed to meet Jimi to lead him to Pinkos' house-and, as the party was at a resturant instead, there was really no purpose in going to get him. Point being? FUCK YOU, JIMI!!!
Now, in Jamie and my defence-we were only supposed to meet Jimi to lead him to Pinkos' house-and, as the party was at a resturant instead, there was really no purpose in going to get him. Point being? FUCK YOU, JIMI!!!
January 13, 2001
chris pudderman
straight as richard simmons, that one
Tell you what, I'd like to use him for long-range target practice.
he really pissed me off in Huessman's class in 10th grade, used to talk shit and when I'd threaten to seriously hurt him he'd say some shit like "oh, please, honey."
so I just made fun of him loudy....even Huessman laughed....
straight as richard simmons, that one
Tell you what, I'd like to use him for long-range target practice.
he really pissed me off in Huessman's class in 10th grade, used to talk shit and when I'd threaten to seriously hurt him he'd say some shit like "oh, please, honey."
so I just made fun of him loudy....even Huessman laughed....
I think Mr. Collins would be proud of me for being able to actually hold a conversation with another Seattlite. It was certainly a much more successful venture than his attempt to talk to the schizophrenic individual outside the EMP. Of course, in all fairness, the man i talked to yesterday didn't appear to have any mental disorders. You learn an interesting array of things from talking to random people at bus sites, mostly about how much they despise the bus system as well. As for the elderly individual i met yesterday, i found out he had been an english professor in california, and had come up here to seattle for retirement. It was a background you would not have probably concluded from his mere attire. Which is another thing one must always remember when starting up a conversation with someone new, especially in a city. NEVER assume too much. Small assumptions are always bound to happen, and in a sense, are good. For example, if you see a man with shifty eyes holding a bag of something, it might be a safe assumption not to talk to him, or at the least that something MIGHT be wrong.
or, say, a coloured boy wearing an obviously 'look-mah I'm gay' leather jacket starts talking to you at the bus station. It is safe to assume that he is, in fact, homosexual and was attracted to you because he likes older men. Try to dissuade him from talking to him by telling him that you dont like the bus system. ( this person, however, made a mistake and said he was from california (we all know californian men are homosexual) -- next time Im sure he wont / having learned his lesson ) As Jeff has stated - it is safe to make this small, yet non-important, assumptions about others - such as their personal sexual preferences. However, as he mentioned as well, never assume TOO MUCH. Just because the Guamanian bent over in front of you to 'pick up his pencil' and waggled his buttocks at you in a jiggly fashion DOESNT mean he wanted you to grab his ass. Just because he got down on his knees to get something out of his bag, doesnt me he's insinuating anything. ... heeee... waaarrrgh. me tired.
or, say, a coloured boy wearing an obviously 'look-mah I'm gay' leather jacket starts talking to you at the bus station. It is safe to assume that he is, in fact, homosexual and was attracted to you because he likes older men. Try to dissuade him from talking to him by telling him that you dont like the bus system. ( this person, however, made a mistake and said he was from california (we all know californian men are homosexual) -- next time Im sure he wont / having learned his lesson ) As Jeff has stated - it is safe to make this small, yet non-important, assumptions about others - such as their personal sexual preferences. However, as he mentioned as well, never assume TOO MUCH. Just because the Guamanian bent over in front of you to 'pick up his pencil' and waggled his buttocks at you in a jiggly fashion DOESNT mean he wanted you to grab his ass. Just because he got down on his knees to get something out of his bag, doesnt me he's insinuating anything. ... heeee... waaarrrgh. me tired.
one thing, real quick - as i've not the time to type away and i just woke up and i dont feel like typing much : the boy with the pink hair, and the dress - who was hitting on jimmoi - dont you think he was so UNIQUE --- because he is!!!!
you see - this is the reason why I was confused. Parker (james) dressed up in women's clothes. he dyed his hair. he went around and caused general Ka0s.... and who wins 'most unique' ? Me. This is an outrage. Damn you justin for fucking up the balance of all that is natrual. By the way - Heather got most unique. so, guess who she gets to stand with? bahahahaa, I'm going to suggest to the picture people that he be grabbing her ass in a more-than-provocative manner and then she'll be turned on by that and leave me for someone who is obviously going to do something with his life..... you know.
Professional Rocky Horror Picture Show Bitch.
in any event - yes, personal note : don't make insinuating comments to people in a large group of people where orientals can yell at your friends.... eh heh heh heh. boy did i get the shit yelled out of me.
.... and before we left I had corn, and hashbrowns.
so the poo that was yelled out was all corny, yellow, and hashbrowny.
kind of sums up the party eh?
corny, yellow, and hashbrowny.
yes, i do say so myself.
Heather, also, has something to say : italics = heather
Skirt boy was Casey-and he's straight.
you know what that means?
it means Jimmoi only thought he was hitting on him - which says more about what Jimmoi wants subconciously. Hmmm, maybe his constant cries out for 'buttsex' are more than just nonsense after all. Maybe it's some sort of abstract homosexual mating call?
The world may never know.
you see - this is the reason why I was confused. Parker (james) dressed up in women's clothes. he dyed his hair. he went around and caused general Ka0s.... and who wins 'most unique' ? Me. This is an outrage. Damn you justin for fucking up the balance of all that is natrual. By the way - Heather got most unique. so, guess who she gets to stand with? bahahahaa, I'm going to suggest to the picture people that he be grabbing her ass in a more-than-provocative manner and then she'll be turned on by that and leave me for someone who is obviously going to do something with his life..... you know.
Professional Rocky Horror Picture Show Bitch.
in any event - yes, personal note : don't make insinuating comments to people in a large group of people where orientals can yell at your friends.... eh heh heh heh. boy did i get the shit yelled out of me.
.... and before we left I had corn, and hashbrowns.
so the poo that was yelled out was all corny, yellow, and hashbrowny.
kind of sums up the party eh?
corny, yellow, and hashbrowny.
yes, i do say so myself.
Heather, also, has something to say : italics = heather
Skirt boy was Casey-and he's straight.
you know what that means?
it means Jimmoi only thought he was hitting on him - which says more about what Jimmoi wants subconciously. Hmmm, maybe his constant cries out for 'buttsex' are more than just nonsense after all. Maybe it's some sort of abstract homosexual mating call?
The world may never know.
Now if i understand this blogger-posting thing right, the first person to post for that day gets to be first in the list. So, it being 12:13 a.m. right now, i get to be the first poster of the day. Wow.
I would like to make a quick remark as to why i will never ever want to live in Roy again. Actually, there are several reasons, but i feel like addresses the latest reason to rear itself since my tenure up here. That reason is: Delivery.
Yes, it is that simple. You see, in Roy there is no such thing is delivery. There are good reasons for this mind you. First of all, pizza resterants and teriyaki shops would have to pay there drivers quite a price to even dare enter the backwards city of Roy. It is simply to far out of the reach of most delivery places. I must have gone for at least half a decade without having anything delivered to me. Just imagine my joy today when it struck me, in a moment of hunger, that all i had to do was pick up the phone, and someone would actually bring food to me. To me! For those of you still living in Roy, try to remember back to a time when there was such a reality as "pizza delivery". Yes Virginia, Delivery does exist.
It's easy to understand why people like delivery. Anyone who even slightly understands basic concepts of behaviorism will recognize that delivery is nothing more than a positive reinforcer. You pick up the phone, and with little to no effort, you have food of your choice brought to your door. No longer is there a need for us to break out the pots and pans, heat up the ovens and stoves, and break out the recipe books. It's all done for us. If there ever was a time when man was nothing more than a primitive hunter/gatherer, searching out his daily meal, i believe we've all but crushed that part out of ourselves. Nowadays, hunting and gathering has been reduced to "hunting" out the phone book, and "gathering" up loose change for the delivery guy's tip. (Unless of course you are Jimmy Miller, in which case you don't believe in tipping and there goes the whole "gathering" part of your food acquistion process.)
All in all, i suppose one could say that the food delivery system is just one more step in the human evolution process. Of course, we have yet the ability to evolve to the point where we can actually understand what some of those resterant owners say. Somehow today i ended up ordering about 12 dollars worth of food when all i wanted was some lousy teriyaki chicken.
So much for the ease of delivery. Maybe i'll just do like my friend and hunt dogs with bows and arrows.
Now if i understand this blogger-posting thing right, the first person to post for that day gets to be first in the list. So, it being 12:13 a.m. right now, i get to be the first poster of the day. Wow.
I would like to make a quick remark as to why i will never ever want to live in Roy again. Actually, there are several reasons, but i feel like addresses the latest reason to rear itself since my tenure up here. That reason is: Delivery.
Yes, it is that simple. You see, in Roy there is no such thing is delivery. There are good reasons for this mind you. First of all, pizza resterants and teriyaki shops would have to pay there drivers quite a price to even dare enter the backwards city of Roy. It is simply to far out of the reach of most delivery places. I must have gone for at least half a decade without having anything delivered to me. Just imagine my joy today when it struck me, in a moment of hunger, that all i had to do was pick up the phone, and someone would actually bring food to me. To me! For those of you still living in Roy, try to remember back to a time when there was such a reality as "pizza delivery". Yes Virginia, Delivery does exist.
It's easy to understand why people like delivery. Anyone who even slightly understands basic concepts of behaviorism will recognize that delivery is nothing more than a positive reinforcer. You pick up the phone, and with little to no effort, you have food of your choice brought to your door. No longer is there a need for us to break out the pots and pans, heat up the ovens and stoves, and break out the recipe books. It's all done for us. If there ever was a time when man was nothing more than a primitive hunter/gatherer, searching out his daily meal, i believe we've all but crushed that part out of ourselves. Nowadays, hunting and gathering has been reduced to "hunting" out the phone book, and "gathering" up loose change for the delivery guy's tip. (Unless of course you are Jimmy Miller, in which case you don't believe in tipping and there goes the whole "gathering" part of your food acquistion process.)
All in all, i suppose one could say that the food delivery system is just one more step in the human evolution process. Of course, we have yet the ability to evolve to the point where we can actually understand what some of those resterant owners say. Somehow today i ended up ordering about 12 dollars worth of food when all i wanted was some lousy teriyaki chicken.
So much for the ease of delivery. Maybe i'll just do like my friend and hunt dogs with bows and arrows.
January 12, 2001
First off, i'd like to exclaim as to just how much of a fan i am NOT when it comes to the Seattle Metro system, or any system like that. Yes, i am fully aware of the benefits of riding a bus, which include saving the ozone layer and cutting back on traffic. (Captain Planet sure would be proud of me.) There is just something about being able to choose your time of departure and arrival, and not having to wait idly by some bus terminal waiting for that magical time when the bus is SUPPOSE to arrival and take you places.
And with that said, i'd like to mention one little thing...
Yesterday i was in downtown Seattle waiting for a bus. Now for anyone who has ever had the express pleasure of waiting for a bus, you quickly realize that it is a boring endeavour. Throw into the mix that it wasn't exactly tropical weather yesterday, and you might begin to understand my frustration. So what is a bored college student supposed to do on your typical thursday afternoon while waiting for a Seattle metro bus?
Start a conversation.
I think Mr. Collins would be proud of me for being able to actually hold a conversation with another Seattlite. It was certainly a much more successful venture than his attempt to talk to the schizophrenic individual outside the EMP. Of course, in all fairness, the man i talked to yesterday didn't appear to have any mental disorders. You learn an interesting array of things from talking to random people at bus sites, mostly about how much they despise the bus system as well. As for the elderly individual i met yesterday, i found out he had been an english professor in california, and had come up here to seattle for retirement. It was a background you would not have probably concluded from his mere attire. Which is another thing one must always remember when starting up a conversation with someone new, especially in a city. NEVER assume too much. Small assumptions are always bound to happen, and in a sense, are good. For example, if you see a man with shifty eyes holding a bag of something, it might be a safe assumption not to talk to him, or at the least that something MIGHT be wrong.
Anyway though, that's my spiel on the bus system. Not my favorite for getting to places, but a good place for observing interesting social and pyschological behavior, and perhaps meeting an interesting fellow.
Or just some schizophrenic who rages on about the CIA and public masterbation.
First off, i'd like to exclaim as to just how much of a fan i am NOT when it comes to the Seattle Metro system, or any system like that. Yes, i am fully aware of the benefits of riding a bus, which include saving the ozone layer and cutting back on traffic. (Captain Planet sure would be proud of me.) There is just something about being able to choose your time of departure and arrival, and not having to wait idly by some bus terminal waiting for that magical time when the bus is SUPPOSE to arrival and take you places.
And with that said, i'd like to mention one little thing...
Yesterday i was in downtown Seattle waiting for a bus. Now for anyone who has ever had the express pleasure of waiting for a bus, you quickly realize that it is a boring endeavour. Throw into the mix that it wasn't exactly tropical weather yesterday, and you might begin to understand my frustration. So what is a bored college student supposed to do on your typical thursday afternoon while waiting for a Seattle metro bus?
Start a conversation.
I think Mr. Collins would be proud of me for being able to actually hold a conversation with another Seattlite. It was certainly a much more successful venture than his attempt to talk to the schizophrenic individual outside the EMP. Of course, in all fairness, the man i talked to yesterday didn't appear to have any mental disorders. You learn an interesting array of things from talking to random people at bus sites, mostly about how much they despise the bus system as well. As for the elderly individual i met yesterday, i found out he had been an english professor in california, and had come up here to seattle for retirement. It was a background you would not have probably concluded from his mere attire. Which is another thing one must always remember when starting up a conversation with someone new, especially in a city. NEVER assume too much. Small assumptions are always bound to happen, and in a sense, are good. For example, if you see a man with shifty eyes holding a bag of something, it might be a safe assumption not to talk to him, or at the least that something MIGHT be wrong.
Anyway though, that's my spiel on the bus system. Not my favorite for getting to places, but a good place for observing interesting social and pyschological behavior, and perhaps meeting an interesting fellow.
Or just some schizophrenic who rages on about the CIA and public masterbation.
[ more than likely not the time that you will be looking, but if it is, hurrah! ]
and you know what? If i keep posting misc. crap on here - we'll be on it more! bahahahaaa.
shit. my cd-burning just went bad. ... baarrrggghhh.
[ more than likely not the time that you will be looking, but if it is, hurrah! ]
and you know what? If i keep posting misc. crap on here - we'll be on it more! bahahahaaa.
shit. my cd-burning just went bad. ... baarrrggghhh.
Hello there all you little chitlins! I am over at my Jamie the rabbitt's house. . .and he is off in jamieland so I am now going to post to all of you.
I love staying over here. . .yes, I am going to do one of those nauseating "oh-how-I-love-my-rabbitt" posts, so those who will be offended should just not read henceforth-and also, this post is invisible to all rabbitts- so I am such a very happy kidden, for you see there is no greater rapture than waking up beside that boy. For a while, I thought it was just that I liked waking up with someone else there, no matter who it was, but I've also woken up with an odd assortmenet of people, and none were anywhere near as fufilling as he is-which is very odd considering
.... how can she not have known that was pornographic?
I am not getting any action whatsoever, and also the fact that he is not a very good prospect for a. . .future relation. . .or something along those lines. Still, I am being a very dirty "Oh, I am so in love!" grrl, sos I wont do thhat anymore.
I love staying over here. . .yes, I am going to do one of those nauseating "oh-how-I-love-my-rabbitt" posts, so those who will be offended should just not read henceforth-and also, this post is invisible to all rabbitts- so I am such a very happy kidden, for you see there is no greater rapture than waking up beside that boy. For a while, I thought it was just that I liked waking up with someone else there, no matter who it was, but I've also woken up with an odd assortmenet of people, and none were anywhere near as fufilling as he is-which is very odd considering
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I am not getting any action whatsoever, and also the fact that he is not a very good prospect for a. . .future relation. . .or something along those lines. Still, I am being a very dirty "Oh, I am so in love!" grrl, sos I wont do thhat anymore.
Napster - not that I'd mind having you around - but I do believe it wouldn't be all that ... 'entertaining' for you - the whole get-together (shit i forgot to call andy) is basically a bunch of old retarded rejects from my graduating class.... in another way of putting it : people you don't know. So not only would it be like paintball, PAINTBALL PAINTBALL, but worse - as everyone would be asking me saying "Who the hell is that?" --- argh, i ran out of drugs and am suddenly not feeling well. BLAARFAREEARE!!!!!
Bradbury - give him (father) the truck. heh. that'll be a present. or maybe your old truck. WARGH.
Jimmoi - blargh.
Bradbury - give him (father) the truck. heh. that'll be a present. or maybe your old truck. WARGH.
Jimmoi - blargh.
I've spent the last two weeks doing nothing on my free time but working on this truck. With the exception being when I'm not at work, asleep or working on the truck it seems I'm busy buying parts for the truck. So now, less than halfway through the month, I'm out of money. Payday being the last working day of the month, I've got a long way to go. And here's the kicker: My Dad's birthday is tomorrow. I forgot until yesterday, when I was halfway done puting my truck back together. I have nothing to give him. And I'm broke. Shit. Shit Shit Shit.
Oh well.
Oh well.
January 11, 2001
Just so nobody (particularly your father) goes off and yells bloody murder from here-to-nowhere.... uh, yeah. So I called you ( BY THE WAY< I AM TALKING ABOUT JIMMOI ) and was talking to anthony/aaron at the same time. A funny thing - is that a long time ago me and anthony had a 'debate' about 'fuck you' and 'bastard' and so on, 'insults', weren't meant in an offensive manner. So, to mock him, I would then go around Yelling "Heya! Fuck you bastard!" in a kind, friendly voice, across the room to him. I did this. .... here comes the kicker.
The phone, other end, picked up - right as i was exclaiming such catch-phrases as "TAKE IT IN THE ASS YOU SON OF A BITCH" or some other insulting phrase, kindly .... I assume this was Jimmoi's mother.
I had my doubts, but was afraid- i called again, it rang once, picked up, i said "hello?" - it hung up. .... pause... confused, asked aaron "hey, this is weird, I call, it rings once, then hangs up, look" - give him the phone, he listens..... looks at me... says "james, it's ringing more than once" ... then his eyes lights up and he quickly throws the phone towards My ear. AH !! SOMEONE!!! but it's an oriental woman and she's yelling at me. I say "oooh, sorry about that, is Jimmoi there?" knowing that my attempt to explain my quick-call and yelling explicitives would be too difficult to explain over a phone... hopefully I could get Jimmoi and explain the misunderstanding. But....
She said "You kids(people?) no play on phone. -something something- *click*" ... the click was the phone. I didn't bother calling back. After posting this - however, I will. I will let michael talk, and ask for James.... because uh. yeah.
In closing :
The phone, other end, picked up - right as i was exclaiming such catch-phrases as "TAKE IT IN THE ASS YOU SON OF A BITCH" or some other insulting phrase, kindly .... I assume this was Jimmoi's mother.
I had my doubts, but was afraid- i called again, it rang once, picked up, i said "hello?" - it hung up. .... pause... confused, asked aaron "hey, this is weird, I call, it rings once, then hangs up, look" - give him the phone, he listens..... looks at me... says "james, it's ringing more than once" ... then his eyes lights up and he quickly throws the phone towards My ear. AH !! SOMEONE!!! but it's an oriental woman and she's yelling at me. I say "oooh, sorry about that, is Jimmoi there?" knowing that my attempt to explain my quick-call and yelling explicitives would be too difficult to explain over a phone... hopefully I could get Jimmoi and explain the misunderstanding. But....
She said "You kids(people?) no play on phone. -something something- *click*" ... the click was the phone. I didn't bother calling back. After posting this - however, I will. I will let michael talk, and ask for James.... because uh. yeah.
In closing :
There is an acute difference between laziness and wanting to increase efficiency. Laziness is not wanting to do anything at all, and can be not only detrimental, but actually leads to doing more work in the end because you either A) fucked it up the first time or B) didn’t get it done in the time given and have to cram at the end....neither of those is terribly efficient. However, wanting to do things more efficiently is a positive trait. This is what leads to many new ideas inventions and so on. This is what all (I think you’re right by saying all animals have this characteristic, I couldn’t think of any reason why an animal would do anything the hard way) animals have, not as much as laziness....whereas a human’s laziness can be caused by both sloth and a misguided thought of a better way of doing things.
Blah, time for work.
Blah, time for work.
January 10, 2001
Hey, RaechelleLaRee--> Eat your heart out!!!
Russian went very well today. I was driving home on I5, and had no car problems whatsoever. I had the oddest of thoughts on my was home! Of course, I can't exactly share it with you all-so I'll instead tell you all about playing with dead rats. We had such fun in A&P today! RaechelleLaRee and My rat was particuarly fun-he wore his heart on his sleeve, and got his very furst shave[cough cough at Miss Velock]. and then Pinkos and I dyed each others hair. It was fun.
Russian went very well today. I was driving home on I5, and had no car problems whatsoever. I had the oddest of thoughts on my was home! Of course, I can't exactly share it with you all-so I'll instead tell you all about playing with dead rats. We had such fun in A&P today! RaechelleLaRee and My rat was particuarly fun-he wore his heart on his sleeve, and got his very furst shave[cough cough at Miss Velock]. and then Pinkos and I dyed each others hair. It was fun.
well Jeff people are lazy yes and I'm one of those people yes i know i don't seem like it* James, Aaron, & napster all cracking up!!* and it seems people do that cause they think other people will move in my case they do so when the other people see them move for me they think they will move for them and there wrong I myself will not move for anything smaller than me or my friends, so that is what I, me, myself thinks about the door thing.
Okay. People are lazy.
For many of us out there, this is probably not a huge surprise, for others they are probably taking offense. I don't know why. In truth, not only are people lazy, but so are animals and most any other organism. It's survival. Just about all organisms need oxygen to metabolize energy in order to function. When an animal does any type of action, energy (mostly in the forms of carbohydrates) are metabolized faster, and energy is lost at a higher rate. Thus, to conserve energy, laziness is instilled in most organisms. (I would say all, but i honestly don't know if this is true or not.)
Anyway, why i'm i writing about laziness? Well, the reason comes in a bit.
Some of you are fully aware of who B.F. Skinner is, and other behaviorists, and of there observations. At least i know James Miller and Collins are. Anyway, i am going to try and figure out something now.
One of the classic observations made by behaviorists is that of group consciousness and group action/behaviour. For example, you have a set of double doors and a crowd of people coming out of those doors. Out of these double doors, only one door is opened allowing the flow of people out through this one door. Now we introduce a second group of people already outside trying to get in. While it might seem obvious to some to open the second double door and walk through that, often times that second group will instead try to weave there way through the first open door with the flow of traffic against them. Why?
Here is where my laziness discussion comes into play. Keep in mind this is only my observation and my hypothesis. Basically, to explain the behavior of those who walk against the flow of traffic instead of opening the second door, many will hypothesis that it is group behavior. By that i mean that if one goes against the traffic, then the others in that group will too. I believe that group behavior does play a role in this. But to explain why the first person even attempted to go through the traffic blocked door, i think laziness plays a part in his/her/its decision. Here's how.
By going through the already open door, the person is, at least in his or her mind, expending less energy then by opening the door. While it doesn't seem likely, you have to actually think about it. By attempting to weave through the traffic, the only expended energy is that which is used to get through that one door. However, to go through the other door, there is more steps, and more energy used. For one, the person has to actually think about opening the door, and mentally go through the process of doing it. Believe it or not, this does use energy. Secondly, actually opening the door, and third, walking through it.
Now the interesting thing that happens afterward is that once the group trying to get in sees the open door, they too will go through it. Why? Because the door is already open, it takes out to steps required to go through that door. Now that door is open and requires less energy to go through it.
Of course there is also the part where because one person did it, the group trying to get in is now reinforced that such behavior is not only acceptable but beneficial.
Okay. Don't ask me why i decided to write about laziness and behaviorisms and stuff like that. Collins has been bugging me to post, so...
If its boring, just go bitch to him. Then maybe he'll stop whining about me not posting. :)
For many of us out there, this is probably not a huge surprise, for others they are probably taking offense. I don't know why. In truth, not only are people lazy, but so are animals and most any other organism. It's survival. Just about all organisms need oxygen to metabolize energy in order to function. When an animal does any type of action, energy (mostly in the forms of carbohydrates) are metabolized faster, and energy is lost at a higher rate. Thus, to conserve energy, laziness is instilled in most organisms. (I would say all, but i honestly don't know if this is true or not.)
Anyway, why i'm i writing about laziness? Well, the reason comes in a bit.
Some of you are fully aware of who B.F. Skinner is, and other behaviorists, and of there observations. At least i know James Miller and Collins are. Anyway, i am going to try and figure out something now.
One of the classic observations made by behaviorists is that of group consciousness and group action/behaviour. For example, you have a set of double doors and a crowd of people coming out of those doors. Out of these double doors, only one door is opened allowing the flow of people out through this one door. Now we introduce a second group of people already outside trying to get in. While it might seem obvious to some to open the second double door and walk through that, often times that second group will instead try to weave there way through the first open door with the flow of traffic against them. Why?
Here is where my laziness discussion comes into play. Keep in mind this is only my observation and my hypothesis. Basically, to explain the behavior of those who walk against the flow of traffic instead of opening the second door, many will hypothesis that it is group behavior. By that i mean that if one goes against the traffic, then the others in that group will too. I believe that group behavior does play a role in this. But to explain why the first person even attempted to go through the traffic blocked door, i think laziness plays a part in his/her/its decision. Here's how.
By going through the already open door, the person is, at least in his or her mind, expending less energy then by opening the door. While it doesn't seem likely, you have to actually think about it. By attempting to weave through the traffic, the only expended energy is that which is used to get through that one door. However, to go through the other door, there is more steps, and more energy used. For one, the person has to actually think about opening the door, and mentally go through the process of doing it. Believe it or not, this does use energy. Secondly, actually opening the door, and third, walking through it.
Now the interesting thing that happens afterward is that once the group trying to get in sees the open door, they too will go through it. Why? Because the door is already open, it takes out to steps required to go through that door. Now that door is open and requires less energy to go through it.
Of course there is also the part where because one person did it, the group trying to get in is now reinforced that such behavior is not only acceptable but beneficial.
Okay. Don't ask me why i decided to write about laziness and behaviorisms and stuff like that. Collins has been bugging me to post, so...
If its boring, just go bitch to him. Then maybe he'll stop whining about me not posting. :)
drowsy-drugs for sinus relief are, to say the least, interesting.
last thing I remember was coming home yesterday.... and i can now feel my headache rearing it's ugly head from the back of my mind already. I really would like to stay awake ... but if it gets worse - i'm going under the pill again.
two things off the top of : Rakhelle - you're german grammar needs work. I can understand what you said - but the manner in which you said it wasn't to where I could easily decipher it. Take for instance this one confusing little diddy --- If i wanted to say "I dont understand" in german, I could auto-translate it into "Ich nicht verstehe" .. but the german language is all funked up to the point that their grammar isn't like ours... and i'd have to say "Ich verstehe nicht" - which I dislike. oh well. that, and quit it with the latin. it gives me a headache. the intent of the board it to (whether it makes sense or not [as with jimmoi most of the time] doesnt matter) communicate sense/nonsense in a manner that would pass on the information clearly. Total number of people I know that know latin : 1 - and Jeff doesn't even read/post much. baarrrgh. where was i? oh - castro is a God in which we sometimes worship at 12.19pm. bahahahaha.
Oh hell. i just sneezed out so much flamcake it wasnt funny. I think i sneezed out my brain, or well part of it, as now i have an odd sensation to always walk left. my head keps wanting to move that way as well. bAAARGGH!
Napster - my 'warm ups' can only be done 2-3 minutes prior to show, and im sure that some students in the front rows could hear me chanting the well-known mantra even right before the lights went up. You'll find me gone from today's schooling activities - that's to prepare for tomorrow. I will be there for that damn after-school show. I'm trying to coax my voice into working without the semi-raspy "a dead cat is choking me" low tone it has at the moment.
Heather/Jimmoi - you see?! I don't have to call Jimmoi after all! he cannot make it - so me and Heather can go to the haspatiol with no obtrusion to ... ( obtrustion? ) Jimmoi's plans. I don't think the party is at Pinko's house. But I'm still up for cheap-o movie theatre-o-rama. Mind you - there is no connection to my not having a job and my prefering cheap movies over a suped-up cineplex.
... fuck. my voice is really really messed up.
( takes two pills - falls over - goes to sleep )
last thing I remember was coming home yesterday.... and i can now feel my headache rearing it's ugly head from the back of my mind already. I really would like to stay awake ... but if it gets worse - i'm going under the pill again.
two things off the top of : Rakhelle - you're german grammar needs work. I can understand what you said - but the manner in which you said it wasn't to where I could easily decipher it. Take for instance this one confusing little diddy --- If i wanted to say "I dont understand" in german, I could auto-translate it into "Ich nicht verstehe" .. but the german language is all funked up to the point that their grammar isn't like ours... and i'd have to say "Ich verstehe nicht" - which I dislike. oh well. that, and quit it with the latin. it gives me a headache. the intent of the board it to (whether it makes sense or not [as with jimmoi most of the time] doesnt matter) communicate sense/nonsense in a manner that would pass on the information clearly. Total number of people I know that know latin : 1 - and Jeff doesn't even read/post much. baarrrgh. where was i? oh - castro is a God in which we sometimes worship at 12.19pm. bahahahaha.
Oh hell. i just sneezed out so much flamcake it wasnt funny. I think i sneezed out my brain, or well part of it, as now i have an odd sensation to always walk left. my head keps wanting to move that way as well. bAAARGGH!
Napster - my 'warm ups' can only be done 2-3 minutes prior to show, and im sure that some students in the front rows could hear me chanting the well-known mantra even right before the lights went up. You'll find me gone from today's schooling activities - that's to prepare for tomorrow. I will be there for that damn after-school show. I'm trying to coax my voice into working without the semi-raspy "a dead cat is choking me" low tone it has at the moment.
Heather/Jimmoi - you see?! I don't have to call Jimmoi after all! he cannot make it - so me and Heather can go to the haspatiol with no obtrusion to ... ( obtrustion? ) Jimmoi's plans. I don't think the party is at Pinko's house. But I'm still up for cheap-o movie theatre-o-rama. Mind you - there is no connection to my not having a job and my prefering cheap movies over a suped-up cineplex.
... fuck. my voice is really really messed up.
( takes two pills - falls over - goes to sleep )
January 09, 2001
James, Aaron und andere Dramakursteilnehmer, die ich vergesse. Ich mÃchte sagen, dass Sie eine sehr gute Arbeit in der Leistung heute erledigten. Jedoch...sog jeder sonst Esel. Grosse Zeit. Ich mochte den Partikelmann, den ich interessiere mich nicht was dieses Weibchen Ãber es sagt, sein nicht " zu heftiges. ", Sie ist gerader rauchender Sprung oder etwas...
beati pauperes spiritu quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum
beati mites quoniam ipsi possidebunt terram
beati qui lugent quoniam ipsi consolabuntur
beati qui esuriunt et sitiunt iustitiam quoniam ipsi saturabuntur
beati misericordes quia ipsi misericordiam consequentur
beati mundo corde quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt
beati pacifici quoniam filii Dei vocabuntur
beati qui persecutionem patiuntur propter iustitiam quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum
beati estis cum maledixerint vobis et persecuti vos fuerint et dixerint omne malum adversum vos mentientes propter me gaudete et exultate quoniam merces vestra copiosa est in caelis sic enim persecuti sunt prophetas qui fuerunt ante vos, vos estis sal terrae quod si sal evanuerit in quo sallietur ad nihilum valet ultra nisi ut mittatur foras et conculcetur ab hominibus, vos estis lux mundi non potest civitas abscondi supra montem positain principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum hoc erat in principio apud Deum. et dicens paenitentiam agite adpropinquavit enim regnum caelorum.
Ricordarsi di: Tutti i buoni bambini vanno a cielo...
beati pauperes spiritu quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum
beati mites quoniam ipsi possidebunt terram
beati qui lugent quoniam ipsi consolabuntur
beati qui esuriunt et sitiunt iustitiam quoniam ipsi saturabuntur
beati misericordes quia ipsi misericordiam consequentur
beati mundo corde quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt
beati pacifici quoniam filii Dei vocabuntur
beati qui persecutionem patiuntur propter iustitiam quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum
beati estis cum maledixerint vobis et persecuti vos fuerint et dixerint omne malum adversum vos mentientes propter me gaudete et exultate quoniam merces vestra copiosa est in caelis sic enim persecuti sunt prophetas qui fuerunt ante vos, vos estis sal terrae quod si sal evanuerit in quo sallietur ad nihilum valet ultra nisi ut mittatur foras et conculcetur ab hominibus, vos estis lux mundi non potest civitas abscondi supra montem positain principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum hoc erat in principio apud Deum. et dicens paenitentiam agite adpropinquavit enim regnum caelorum.
Ricordarsi di: Tutti i buoni bambini vanno a cielo...
Hey heather kan you guess whats in the bag?!? Huh... anyway.
First off- Im sorry? I think I owed that to Jimmy. The new years thing... I'll email you more about it later. Next I would have to say that anyone who owns any 17th sentry surgikal tools must kontakt me imeadiatly... they are a need. not a want. so if ya'll know anything about something to that effekt then, well, ya...
next order of buisness. I am the best debater in the whole wide world (no im not a "master debater" yet, thats senior level debate) kause i took sekond plase at the UPS tourny this weekend. I also offisialy retired from impromptue speeking. i determined when you have to do an impromptue about "groseries" its time to quit.
All good children go to heaven.
First off- Im sorry? I think I owed that to Jimmy. The new years thing... I'll email you more about it later. Next I would have to say that anyone who owns any 17th sentry surgikal tools must kontakt me imeadiatly... they are a need. not a want. so if ya'll know anything about something to that effekt then, well, ya...
next order of buisness. I am the best debater in the whole wide world (no im not a "master debater" yet, thats senior level debate) kause i took sekond plase at the UPS tourny this weekend. I also offisialy retired from impromptue speeking. i determined when you have to do an impromptue about "groseries" its time to quit.
All good children go to heaven.
I would just like to say that my rabbitt is the bestest rabbittt in the whole wide world, and also he did simply the best of jobs today in his showcase stuff. I know that napster there is required to say that Thor's performance was wonderful, but I still much preferred particle man-my only complaint, of course, being that they killed my dear sweet Jamie off in the first 30seconds-and also Jamie's dialogue. Aside from that, I didn't think it was very good and also it was highly sexual.
I must also remind my dear boy to call Jimi concerning Friday.
I must also remind my dear boy to call Jimi concerning Friday.
first, let me point this out : i am no actor. I am sick. sick sick sick sick sick. I cannot breathe. and yet I wear black today and I am going to be acting. I am even losing my voice. and yet still, i'm going to school.
let's just say this : If Aaron doesn't wear all-black like he's informed me to do.... I will be one unhappy stuffed animal with sharp, razor edged jagged teeth that tear into flesh without a thought.
let's just say this : If Aaron doesn't wear all-black like he's informed me to do.... I will be one unhappy stuffed animal with sharp, razor edged jagged teeth that tear into flesh without a thought.
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