December 31, 2000


instead of posting them up here - i just decided to make a website. whee.
[ somewhat but not quite ] quick stuff!

1- people who will be at my house for new years : Andrew, Heather, Maybe Jimmy and possibly a guest appearance by the 'shit-in-the-brown-paper-bag' man himself, Brice. We'll see who gets drunk and who gets who and what goes where and so on.

2- Napster : i'll make you a deal - hook me up with your RA2 cds and i will either Burn myself a copy / or two - and-or just crack the files to where I don't need a ceedee. What i've gathered from you is that RA2 doesn't work on a "get online you have to have a cdkey" manner - just to install it, which is easy to bypass. So, you'd have to trust me with your ceedees for like a day and then we can play RA2 :)
You know, I'm trustworthy - unlike some ceedee-lacking people who lay down their word and then dont hold true : *cough* Sacrifice.

3- I found out why we kept having to scroll back/forth! Because of dumshit michael typing " ______ " umpteen bazillion times to where it stood as 'one word' that was some quadomillion characters long. That stupid bastard - but dont worry, I deleted the damn thing. Obviously he doesnt know what a { HR } is.

4- Tonite I'll be uploading a bunch of pictures for Heather. Expect to see them make an apperance on this board. And when you do - say she looks good, don't worry she doesn't know I'm typing this. #4 is invisible to her, she can't read it because I cast a magical spell on it that only everyone but her can see it.

5- My hair is everywhere. I have Johnny rotten hair. bah hahaha. Other random things - It was CEREAL that he was eating, not chips/doritos. And I realise why I don't like Justin - or well, I feel hostilities towards him! Not against him but that whenever he is around Breanna he has to be a complete asshole to assert his manliness around her. I'm entirely fine with Justin when Breanna isnt around. But once she's in sight its SUPER ASSHOLE JUSTIN to the rescue to protect her from all the SUPER EVIL BAD VIBES that might eminate from the SPAWN OF SATAN EX BOYFRIEND that he SAVED THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS from. That fucking pisses me off too. Oh well.

6- Nobody I gave my email address to : Thor, DS, Geri / emailed me. They probably lost it. It was my fault that I lost the manner in to which contact them. I could have contacted Aaron but I didn't feel like trying to con him into anything he wasnt up to. Oh. Bloody. Well. Terminator was fun, by the way - and it'll be entertaining to be able to talk about war stories with Mr. R and Napster in school, showing off our wounds ( with the exception of Napster's bleeding ass ) Next time we go paintballing I'll talk to Napster/Mr. R and ask them what we all agreed on. As Austin and Jimmoi have stated - there were TOO MANY people when we went. This was because I allowed walk-ons to play with us, and Beavis was distracting us all from anything coherant. Anywho - would anyone be up for going to Ft. Lewis next time? i will have to call them and see if there is any restraints : ie - have to have military ID / parent permission / exact prices for reservations ... and so on.

7- that's it. oh, here comes brice. the moron. and it's "Satan I've been longing to meet you." - this coming from the paraphrasing of the man who cant admit that it was cereal, not chips/doritos.

December 30, 2000

Grrrrrrrrrr........I am unable to locate my dear and darling rabbitt at this moment.

RaechelleLaRee-->Call me.
MooOo Mo Mooo Moo MOooO mMOoo moooO moo mOoOoOo mo Moooo moo mo mOo ?

cows wanted me to say that as they passed by the fence =) ( roughly says) Happy New Year.

the rest says some where around " for it will be your last one, maby" =) =) =) =)
Happy MOO MoooOO

tommro night =P

well Moo=)
hell yes Cash is the best.

anyone who doesn't respect Cash doesn't know music...
Argh my fucking head hurts....both from paint hits and from partying until 3...
whos andrew morgan ??? cant rember where he met me =( 5th grade??
i dunno
weeelll looks like i did great this time .... got good amount of kills ... leggs hurt like hell... and fealing those TK shots mainly that one on my back !#!#$@#!!!! well..... How ya like them apples Brad!! HUH!! HUUUUHHH!!!! i feal like cream cheese now =( all oozyyy and all. BTW GO JEFF!!! YA! YA YA!! THE INDISTRUCTABLE WALL!! W0000T!! that was funny stuff.
I think ill appolagize for my friend... i thought he was anoying ...but didnt know he could get THAT anoying ... next time he goes ... hes gunna be in the action .. muahahaahhahah GETEM BOYS! *yawns and every bone crackles*...OOOWW!!! OW OWOWOWOWOWOW!! SON O!G@#F!@$@$!#!!!!! and wtf is

contestor ego omni audienti verba prophetiae libri huius si quis adposuerit ad haec adponet Deus super illum plagas scriptas in libro isto et si quis deminuerit de verbis libri prophetiae huius auferet Deus partem eius de ligno vitae et de civitate sancta et de his quae scripta sunt in libro isto dicit qui testimonium perhibet istorum etiam venio cito amen veni Domine Iesu.

Ricordarsi di: tutti i buoni bambini vanno a cielo

bah .... and JamDigga .... YOU SUXoR!! you missed the TERMINATOR!!! w0000t i shot james up w/ 10 balls! hahahaha and got hit 1 time muhahahahha. well good game guys cant wait till next time .... * stairs at his screen in a state of pure bliss* aahhh i feal so not mad....not at all .... * dies*

National Moo Association whooped your ass!! GO JEFF!!! Poop=)

December 29, 2000

contestor ego omni audienti verba prophetiae libri huius si quis adposuerit ad haec adponet Deus super illum plagas scriptas in libro isto et si quis deminuerit de verbis libri prophetiae huius auferet Deus partem eius de ligno vitae et de civitate sancta et de his quae scripta sunt in libro isto dicit qui testimonium perhibet istorum etiam venio cito amen veni Domine Iesu.

Ricordarsi di: tutti i buoni bambini vanno a cielo
Damn it Jimmy chek your e-mail.
Remember: all good children go to heaven.
I hate you Mud. You are mud. You are a disgrase to all the little jewish children. You can put things on hear like the word fuk, but you wont let me rave about santa?!? What the hell is wrong with you?! Plus you messed up big time, if your going to edit my typing learn how, I only use the letter "C" if it is in a word that has a "Ch" sound, so anything else is replaced with a K or an S bekause they provide the same effekt, so you understand that the letter "C" is a pointless letter? Right?
Now to my next point... why did heather join the air forse? She kalled me up and told me to give her a good karakter referense and dont mention her "C".O.P.D. what the hell did you do to her?!? You broke my heather! someone asked where aaron was, as a matter of fakt he was last spotted shopping with his mommy dearest at the south hill mall 2 days ago.
Remember: All good children go to heaven
nah, you know i love you sguys.
oh, btw :


oh, and leg hits : 3
for thos of you who werent ther the "LAST" GAME" ... aka a my 'varient' caled "TERMINATOR" -- Here were the rules.
I think 9 or 10 of us pla yed. .... yeas.

rule 1 : no ducking
rule 2 : no running
rule 3 : no intentional head shots
rule 4 : no hits count. only 'out' is when you run out of ammo.

that was it.

total hits on arm : 10
total hits on head : 5
total hits on neck : 5

oh. and Mr. R gave me a beautiful hit on my iner thight.
... oh yeah! i can take ap icutre!!!

FUCK IT. it dowant wanna work. need to recharge batteries.
fuck you mr. r. it hurts. fuck you in the skull skull fucker sinc.


im goin got to go lay down for awhijelahiaifafih!IJ!!!!!!!@



UNCLE SAM wants to know where YOU will be today at 8-8.30am. Hell, he wants to know where you and your friend will be! No, even better : He wants to know where you, your friend, and your SACK OF POTATOES ARE. YOU BETTER BE AT THE GRAHAM SAFEWAY GOD DAMNIT. AND IF YOUR NOT, UNK'A SAM GONNA BUSHT A KAPP IN YUR AZZ!

December 28, 2000

James any parts of your anatomy you post pictures of will be targets for me tomorrow.

and you know I'm a good shot.....

Ok so damn near everyone I asked has either said nothing yet or canceled.
but my bro is going, I'm going, maybe one or two others at this point.

Ugh...hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work i go.

December 27, 2000

some people say, that i'm a bad-guy
they may be right, they may be right.

but it's not as if I dont try
I just fuck up! Try as I might.

but I can change I can change
I can learn to keep my promises I swear it.

I'll open up my heart and I will share it
any minute I now will be born again.

Yes I can change, I can change
I know I've been a dirty little bastard.

I like to kill, I like to maim, yes I'm insane
but it's ok because I can change.

It's not my fault that I am evil, it society... so-ci-e-ty.

You see my parents were sometimes abusive
and it made a prick of me.

but I can change I can change,
I can learn to keep my promises I know it.

I'll open up my heart and I will show it
any minute now I will be born again!

but what if you never change?
what if you remain a sandy little butt-hole?

Hee-eey satan! Don't be such a twit,
mother thresea wont have shit on me.

Just watch, Just watch me change -
Here we go I'm changing!

james says i have to post a blog, so here i am blogging away. i tried to blog earlier but something weird happened. i hit something on the keyboard that erased the entire thing before it had even been posted. it was a great blog too, i'm so disapppointed. it's like when you do a backflip and nobody looks. you get pissed and yell at everyone. they sigh and focus their attention on you only to watch you break your neck. some things can only be done right once a day. oh well. that's life. * anyway, i haven't really kept up with the posts lately. the last one i've read is the one here about james wanting to display pictures of his genitals. go ahead. perv. i've been playing with my own digital camera, and in doing so have realized that i have a big nose and my lips are too small. i'm self-conscious about my looks. i was even thinking earlier today that maybe all the nose-picking i did as a child has something to do with it's size. my face is such a mess. damn technology to hell.
I was just wondering that since I have my newly acquired p-05 digital camera, would any of you have anything against me taking a picture of my anus / penis and posting it up on the board in all it's glory? I assure you it will make men and women alike hot, horny, and ready for action. If you've got a spouse you could say "hey honey, come look at this" and she/he will come over and see the picture and then promptly take you by the cuff of your neck and throw you onto your bed and make hot-sweet monkey/sappytreestump sex to you. Thus is the amazing power of my anus / penis. It immediately calls out the animal/beast in all creatures to have buttlove. ... Anywho - as I was originally asking, would anyone be against that? Here's a little preview for you . . . .

Now doesn't that make you wet with anticipation? Go ahead, call your spouse/loved one. They'll down right tell you "JESUS CHRIST, THAT MAKES ME SO HOT, LETS SEE THE REAL THING!" ... So ... do you want the real stuff or what?

You know you want it. . . . .

Heeey saattaaan!
hehehehehe fffffuuuuuunnnnnnn.........
das ist gut.

December 26, 2000

not mud: you bringing anyone but yourself?
not mud: and they are postive they're coming?
ZEBSBUDANDY: well i know my bro is coming, and i got another guy coming
not mud: gud gud.
not mud: how old are they?
not mud: and do they have experience with guns/paintball
ZEBSBUDANDY: my bro is 13 and my friend Karl is 15
ZEBSBUDANDY: my bro has experience with guns and im not sure about carl
not mud: what sort of 'experience' / like hunting / and NEITHER have been paintballing, yes?
ZEBSBUDANDY: yes neither have been paintballin

Do you need a better definition for "fresh meat" pillsbury? ;)
Something not right with kellogs packaging.
by: James Collins

As Frank Malone woke up one sunny Monday morning he found that he was out of his favorite cereal, Frosted Flakes.  So he quickly got dressed and jumped into his car to swoop down to his local grocery store to buy some - as he always had Frosted Flakes for breakfast, every weekday. What Malone would soon find out, would be that Kellogs had made a mistake in packaging that day which would change his life forever.

Malone stopped first at Safeway, where he hoped to pick up a box of Frosted Flakey goodness, but found that they were out of the morning snack. One of the cashiers we interviewed said : "You know them Frosted Flake boxes sell like hotcakes during the after-christmas sales."So Malone went to Fred-Meyer in hopes of finding a box there, which he did promptly. He bought the cereal for a mere 19.74$ and made his way home.

When Malone opened the box habitually, and poured it into his bowl he did not notice anything awry. When he then applied milk, he was watching the morning news on channel Four because he thought the news anchor was hot, and still did not notice anything wrong.  But when he took his first bite of his Frosted Flakes he found that his flakes were not frosted at all. You bet your boots they weren't. They were Oreos.

Kellogs did not make a comment when we asked them "what the fuck was up with that?"And Frank Malone was quoted saying, "I aint buying no more kellogs bullshit frosted flakes no mo. I'm stick'n wif the cheap-ass bagged cereal from here-on-out. FUCK KELLOGS."

well, as i figured, i did not miss much around here at all. I shall proceed to tell you why kristmas is a krap holiday...
1. santa { does exist *will explain in further detail later* }
2. "a kristmas story" played for exactly 24 hours
3. my family knows what it is getting every year
4. we open things kristmas eve night instead of the morning every other family does.
5. i get broken stuff.

I shall further explain number 5 then proceed with number 4, 3, 2, and finally 1.

5- I was overjoyed this year when i piked out my present at walmart, a poloriod photomax digital 320 kamera and all of its software. however, i tried to use the damn thing and diskovered that it is broken and must be returned. However, seeing as how the holiday season tends to wipe out the stores they will not have my kamera untill almost february. merry kristmas.

4- about 5 or 6 years ago my family all had the flu really bad and desided that we would prefer to sleep in kristmas morning due to the fakt that getting up early would kill us all... so every year sinse then the magikal illusion of santa (or satan as max would have it) has been kompleatly destroyed. merry kristmas.

3- to take the guessing out of kristmas (as well as the wonders of suprize) my family has devised a plan to just tell eachother what they want or what they are getting, there is never any suprize and all the merryment is taken out of the holiday. there is no joy like opening something that you already knew you were getting. merry kristmas.

2- this one should be self explanitory, why the hell would any person on the fase of the earth need to watch this damn movie 12 times?! what that man was thinking when he made this deal only God will know, and i hope that he punishes that man severely for it. merry kristmas.

1- santa {does exist, here is how i know for a fact.... }

A.--His special species of reindeer kan fly. BUT there are some 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be klassified, and while most of these are insekts and germs, this does not KOMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer – which insidently only Santa has ever seen {because they are super special and magikal.}

B.--There are 2 billion children (persons under 18) in the world. BUT since Santa doesn’t (appear) to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total – 378 million akording to Population Reference Bureau. At an average (sensus) rate of 3.5 children per household, that’s 91.8 million homes. One presumes there’s at least one good child in each, {thats a lot of people and Santa is SUPER FAST ( as explained in part C ) }

C.--Santa has 31 hours of Kristmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logikal). This works out to 822.6 visits per sekond. This is to say that for each Kristian household with good children, Santa has 1/1000th of a sekond to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stokings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snaks have been left, get bak up the chimney, get bak into the sleigh and move on to the next house. Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of kourse, we know to be {ENTIRELY TRUE} but for the purpose of my kalculations we will aksept), we are now talking about 0.78 miles per household, a total trip of 75.5 million miles, not kounting stops to do what most of us must do at least once every 31 hours, IE. mikturation, defikation and etc, {but santa kan exklude those aktivities bekause he's SUPER HUMAN. }

This means that Santa’s sleigh is moving at 650 miles per sekond, 3000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of komparison, the fastest man-made vehicle on earth (the Ulysses space probe) moves at a poky 27.4 miles per sekond –a konventional reindeer kan run, tops, 15 miles per hour, {SO OBVIOUSLY his reigndeer are magikal and he breaks all known scientifik konventions known to man. Not only does he have a fast sleigh and dedicated majikal reindeer that fly, He's one swell, super, special guy as well! }

D.--The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized lego set (2 pounds), the sleigh is karrying 321,300 tons, not kounting Santa, who is invariably deskribed as {jolly}. On land, konventional reindeer kan pull no more than 300 pounds. Even granting that "flying {majikal} reindeer" (see point #1) kould pull TEN TIMES the normal amount, we cannot do the job with eight, or even nine. We need 214,200 reindeer. This inkreases the payload –not even kounting the weight of the sleigh—to 353,430 tons. Again, for komparison, this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth. 5.353,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per sekond kreates enormous air resistanse –this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as spase krafts re-entering the earth’s atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy. Per sekond. Each. In short, they will burst into flame almost instantaneously {had it not been for their majikal powers.} The entire reindeer team would be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a sekond. Santa, meanwhile, will be subject to sentrifugal forces 17,500.06 times greater than gravity {but he doesnt, bekause he wears his seatbelt, WEAR YOUR SEATBELT KIDS! -- SANTA DOES!}

In konklusion – {Santa always delivers presents on Kristmas Eve, but ONLY IF YOU ARE GOOD, SO BE GOOD.}

I sinserely hope you all had a MERRY KRISTMAS!
Remember: all good children go to Heaven {AND GET PRESENTS, NOT COAL}

{note : entry was changed to child-safe viewing. }

December 25, 2000

yes, Andrew, I was serious....

oh, and any of you who are over 18, I'm getting ink done saturday, if youz wants to comes, thas cool-----but no pussy ass tats.

Yeah, James, I COULD have explained it better, quicker, etc...but I WOULDN'T have. =P
yep marry Christmas every1 i hope you all got what you wanted but just 4 days yepppy well I'm being bitched at to get off the Internet so bye
ok. as for my christmas present to all you suckers out there reading this - I am going to :

1. post me a picture up on dis 'ere board.
2. show you all exactly how to do it.

now the first thing - is that you have to ask yourself "where am I getting this picture from?" If the answer to your question ( actually my question but the one I made you ask yourself ) is " from the internet " then your job is much easier than you would suspect. simply put in the tag as follows :

{img src=""}

HOWEVER, you see those " { } " ? change those to > and <

now. if you have it yourself, say you have what I recently have got for christmas and you've got yoruself a digital p-05 camera that will take pictures for you, and/or you enjoy scanning pictures of yourself with a scanner of some sort. then you have to upload your picture to the internet ... uh. I wont go into that. but after you upload it - then you just plug in the URL to where you uploaded it... like so.

I have an account on I have recently taken a picture with my newly acquired p-05 and then edited it. now, we will see me stick it on the board with
" {img scr= "" } " ... ready?

there you go.
now the table I added myself for aesthetic .. uh.. yea, purposes.
and I'm sure that Bradbury could have done all of this in a more efficient manner to explain to you --- but you know what?

oooh yeeeaaaa...
I almost forgot : Merry Christmas and all that stuff.

Countdown : 4 days.

December 24, 2000

Bleh go to sleep kiddys satans comming for you!!! MUAHAHAHHAHA RUN BOY RUN!!!! =P
im gunna crop some EQ pics then go sleep sleep ... oh did I say satan i ment santa =PP Haaaaa!

Cya all at PB.
mooooo hey James thats forkin cool how do you do that and jp said he has to work
hehe cool
who let the ò:::._______ out?
well my post didnt go so im ganna call jp as soon as i get off he wasnt there the last time i called and my bro. says hes not goin and if you invite stickler its ganna be hell if jp comes too soo ill let you guys ask them
well my bro. cant go ive already asked him and i called jp and he wasnt there so when i sign off ill try agen bye
Yes John is a hell of a hunter, he'll be very dangerous out on the field...not to mention fun....dude, Jeff, you gotta ask your bro....

Got in touch with Steve Pearson a few days ago-he'll be there.

Jeff-your brother and JP have been friends many for years, yes?
I have known him quite a while now myself, longer than I've known anyone else on here...
Trust me, he'll be fun out there....and I am going to stop by his house sometime next week, probably tuesday, and I will ask him, and have him bring Brad...and if his friend Stickler (didn't spell it right) is around I'll make sure he comes too, as he is a MARINE..that would be fun..and I'll have him bring Kellen too...
I might get Rick Hill, maybe some of the rednecks for BHS (tyler, nate and them) so we can hand them their asses....
Jeff - if I didn't want you to come :
1. you wouldnt know about it.
2. you wouldnt be invited.


What I was referring to was that last time we went ( in fact i think it was two times ago ) a lot of people were against David Zuber coming along with us - - - and in the end, David turned out to be very fun and a vital part of our gaming [ reguardless of what people thought of him beforehand ]

I was more trying to say that just because you feel JPT isn't fun now - wait until he's either on your team or against you - and Im sure your feelings will change. It doesn't matter if you like them or not in the begining - the fact of the matter is : one more person = one more guy on your team with a gun to cover your ass. :D
Well .. i dont even know JEFF BORTON but he is in the N.M.A. now Muuahhahahahaha Mooo. well ... mud ..
Total number of days until I get shot in the back from you : 5 .
Total number of days until I shoot you in the face mask : 5 .
Total number of days until Andy wusses out because "Its too cold =((and doesnt show up : 5 .
Haaaaaaaa! =P Mooo. Poop=)
btw ... doday is chirchmas day eve I unno....i hope i get one of those small Cow boxes or a dancing santa(satan). muahahahhahaha Moo.

OK, well I'm sorry that i wont ask JP, but i will and i just got pissed off at every1 asking me, I got two phone calls from people I don't know asking me to invite him, so I will (and James who is person A is it me cause I don't have to go if you don't want me to.) sorry if I pissed any1 off see ya and Mooooooo, Poop.
Total number of days until the day : 5 .
Total number of days until I own all of you in close combat : 5
- Pillsbury *i've noticed we dont call you that anymore :( bypass JB and invite JPT. JPT fails to realise that reguardless of what we all think of eachother { ie : nobody wants person A to come } when on the battlefield all those previous feelings go whooshing away - and instead of him being someone you dont like, it's someone you value on your team. Paintball is a beautifull way to make friends / and have 'friendly' competition. Just ask Steven and Andy.

Also : can someone tell me how to get a hold of : Steven, David ... and uhm.... I lost my list of everyone I was suppose to email. piss me off. I'm still looking for it.

oh, what, what's this? yeah - christmas eve.
murry churstmasurt or stomethignm.

December 23, 2000

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no { edited for spam reasons } I will not invite jp.....
well hi not tonight i think you are hether right i hope so but i dont know and james im NOT going to invite jp so there and if any1 has somthing to say about it then just say it to my face not over the blogg. not to sound brave or nothing cause im not but its hard to explane that hell be out to kill every1 even on his own team so it would be stupid to ask him bye
I'm sorry, Jamie, but I don't see much of a difference.

I spent all evening in a burned down building taking pictures for my rabbitt. You see, I got him the greatest gift on earth, and he doesn't want it because it's homosexual. How was I to know that males don't take bubble baths? So anyway, I had to get dressed in a burned out shell of a bathroom which had only 3 walls and no roof. Luckily, I had my Tasha there to help me; because it was more than just a little dark. Tasha and Emma took pictures of me in many pretty clothing. It was so very cold-I thought for sure that I could bring some tic-tacs illegally across the Albanian border.

Who the Hell is this Borton chitlin? Some friend of Micheals, I presume?
I just want to quickly point out that we are listed at blog*spot -- so more people that WE DONT KNOW could possibly join. Wouldn't that be great? In fact - i think i will go out and try to find some more people that we all dont know. it's all good. :D

So don't be surprised when some new people come around. They're here to spice things up. wuzza. I also just got an email from some random person ( something is wrong with hotmail, since i've had my account there so long I get email that isn't meant for me. hee ) -- it apparently is a man talking to a woman about him getting sucked off by her - and joking about it. he also copy/pastes a joke .. which is as follows :

A guy walks into a sperm donor bank wearing a ski mask and holding a gun. He goes up to the nurse and demands her to open the sperm bank vault. She says "But sir, its just a sperm bank!", "I don't care, open it now!!!" he replies. So she opens the door to the vault and inside are all the sperm samples. The guy says "Take one of those sperm samples and drink it!", she looks at him "BUT, they are sperm samples???" , "DO IT!". So the nurse sucks it back. "That one there, drink that one as well.", so the nurse drinks that one as well. Finally after 4 samples the man takes off his ski mask and says, "See honey - its not that hard."

Apparently she musn't have been " all for it " at the time. Or maybe they're just joking around. I really dont know. Hopefully he had a wife and she's some 15 year old who sucked him off for a cigarette. AND YES, THE GIRL AT THE PIER WOULD HAVE TAKEN HER CLOTHES OFF IF WE WOULD HAVE TOLD HER TO, for a cigarette. You'll be amazed at the things people will do for a cigarette.
OMG, Get John Paul Thiel to come!!!
He use to read all my off-the-wall poetry in Gliege's classroom. That was a helluva long time ago. I haven't seen him in ages - it'd be great to BEAT his ass in paintball ( however him and Gliege would always talk about hunting, and the first time I played on Ft. Lewis we played against two 'hunter' types who pegged us off easily. )

You should tell him that I said he couldn't beat me in paintball if he was paid to do so. Heh - I mean c'mon, tell him i am doin it. And if he doesn't then consent then you could tell him that I am " more of a man " than he is. eheh hahahaha

Oh yea - anyone notice my new setup for the board? Woo! too me awhile to figure out how to get it to work.
theres no way in hell im gunna invite my bro. or jp so youll have to do it your self. james how the hell do i put a pic in my blogg hu hu hu answer me, i need to put it in here. and nick i just want to be really big when i grow up.
If you won't bring JP I will, just to show that he's all talk :P but seriously if you see him next week tell him about it....shit I really do need to stop by his house...his mom will be pissed cause I haven't been around in months....

What exactly do you mean by "wanna be like when i get older"?

Man you have to convince Brad to come.......again, if you don't I will.

Ok James I'm too lazy to email you so I'll put it here....
So far from me it'll be:
me (duh)
My bro (most likely)
His girl's bro (Eric, the cool one, most likely)
Some dude from his work (maybe)
JP Thiel (if jeff can't convince him)
Brad Borton (again, if jeff can't convince him)
Geoff (co-worker, maybe)
Scott (co-worker, maybe)
I haven't recieved firm "Yea" or "Nay" from any yet however.

There are a couple others I might ask as well, we'll see how that goes.

I'll be sure to have firm answers on all by wednesday at the latest, that's the best I can do.
mmooooo Poop and i might bring som1 else named stevan and he thinks he knows some of you so ill talk to you later james on to more inportent things
hehehe Mooooooooo poop muahahaha ... well know what HS is ??? Hyperdock go here and look at the stuff info bleh ... In HS is a kamazie suicide group =) in Rl its a group that just Moooos at everyone and theres 1 member =) me ... wanna join??? i got a site commen up soon.

Ok, I've finally fixed what's been bothering me all this time : the scrolling from left/right to read entries. If you've noticed that was fixed - GOOD FOR YOU! YOU'RE OBSERVANT! I don't think much of anyone will notice - as I do believe I am the only one who ever goes to ) or clicks on "view web page" .. in any event - it looks much nicer and you don't have to scroll back/forth anymore. Also - I've changed the font - and will soon be playing with the background / colors / sizes of everything. Another change is that it will only show the past 2 days. This is so if anyone actually reads everything and gets to the bottom they'll find a surprise ( go to the bottom of the links I've posted and you'll see what I mean )

It took me a damn well long time to figure out how to fix everything the way I wanted it - DAMNIT. In any event. Two days until christmas and all I can think about is paintball after christmas. haa. I have to get a-hold of James Parker and should remind myself to get Drew on this thinger. I still haven't signed him up ( and I have a tendancy to forget to, as Jeff knows ) I still want to make something of this place - I haven't figured out what yet. There are some people who don't post much... i'm thinking about deleting them from the board - but I dont know. i will just yell at them and see what's up / ask them if they still want to be on the board - and if they do :
to post more often.

I saw ( as you may have surmised ) the South Park movie this morning. To tell you the truth it wasn't all that great - and I don't see why everyone says it is so funny. The only funny part was where Sadam was continually having to explaing " what? It's fake!" ... heee. I have to remember to return that to Jimmoi - and man does everyone seem to be borrowing things from me or what? I have to remember to get those things back from everyone.
I still have to buy/rent/read a Kerouac book.
Fsking pissing me off that I haven't got around to that.

Later on today I will be sending a 'checkup' email to the people who's emails I have - thus would include : CCS, Geri, Thor, and I'll call Drew / Brandon. Oh, by the way - anyone planning on coming PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH ALL THE NAMES OF THE PEOPLE YOU PLAN ON BRINGING TO PAINTBALL ( FOR SURE, POSITIVELY ) It will do me a helluva favor. I want to figure out how many people we've got going. Also - everyone knows when and where right? 8am, Graham Safeway, Friday, DEC 29th. We'll all be there hanging out listening to loud music, threatening to raid the store, and gasping at how huge Bradbury's truck is / and the horn sounds funny. heee hee. If you don't know my email - click on 'view web page' and then go to the bottom to ' not mud ' and you can email me. other than that - i think i'm out of here, for now.

Tanya, Turkish - liked to fuck while wearing leather riding boots
Brenda's strange obcession was for certain vegitables and .. fruits
ok well nick your the really big guy the one i wanna be like when i get older so i have met you ok and hes not ganna come because hes a wusy and im not ganna bring jp because he'll kill us all even if we shoot him..
Jeff I saw Brad painted the Muff purple....much better than the fading, nasty red it was....
Jeff...dude, we've met. I was at your house with John Paul, Heather and your bro one first name is Nick, ask your bro we've partied a few times.

Bring your bro....have him bring JP...damnit I keep meaning to stop by JP's house but for some reason never do...maybe after work next week sometime.
OK well MAX POWERS first off it JEFF BORTON not Jeff barton. Damn it get it right or I'll have my army of Jews take over the state of Washington. Ha...ha ha.....ha ha ha.......hahahahahhahahahhahahahahahah.. not funny. and I'm glad you agree with Poop. so I'll agree with mooooooo. yes moooo. well i don't know about you but I'm ashamed to be related to brad and just knowing him so their. and one last thing were is the shiter oh man I've got to shit oh I've got a turtle head pochen excuse me.......................................................................................................................holy shit that thing was the size of my fore arm and I had really hot pepperoncinis last night so you figure out the rest well see ya....... ok Max how can i join the N.M.A. just tell me and i will join..mmmoooooooooooooo..Poop
LOL southpark the movie is just DUMB Laugh Out Loud DUMB!!
.....M'kay???? M'KAY!!?!?!?!!!!! F@#!!
....Satan gay??? WTF and yes! YES! you should join the National Moo Association JEFF BORTON
...well that was a funny dumb stupid movie .... oh well Moooooooo

National Moo Association
Mooooo ok so ... im gunna go Email my friend and tellem that PB is on the 9th meet at safe way at 8 right??? oh well ... he might bring a friend or 2 so .. Moooo
and yes Jeff barton Poop
well im gunna go try to wake james up because it is ....10:00 somthen . ya ya ya ... laugh all you want I CAN TRY to wake his ass up! ha!
well how do you post up pics Mud??? HHHOOWW Tell me you little WHORE that cut my chest open!!!! YYEELL MMEE!!!!!!
and yes ... Andy is a wuuussyyy wwwwwwwwwwuuuuuuusssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! for "Its to damn cold =-((" <------ crying Haaaaaaa! well .... Moo
Mooooooooo ........ btw hope ya get better Andrew, Yes jeff borton this whole famliy is commie.... we unplug the phones and stay off the internet when we are planing our plands to blow up your house and kill your chickens! and steal your cows!!! Muahhahahaha =P

December 22, 2000

bradberry well i am realated to my bro. brad borton and im not prowd of it he might come with us p/bing that will suck and is it a good thing to even know him????? well ive g2g see ya
yes Andrew speed ball is what you think it is and where the hell is James damn it man talk to us our lives depend on you please help {or just write us} and i need to meat some people i don't know any1 but James Andrew Aaron and heather so James when your not on the Internet were the fork are you you basterd i can never get a hold of you by phone or by Internet * must be a commie* damn it all to hell i say so good bye and farewell

December 21, 2000

Yes, I am a hottie when I want to be. Pinkos is blue bacause Emma just spilt the paint all over her and Tasha-Emma was cut from the picture by Mr. Collins.

Well - i drove around everywhere today - bought christmas presents for people - and stopped by Jimmoi's house to get my cdplayer/cd & book - but he wasn't home, so I left candy. Other than that - there wasn't much of anything going on. I got heather a present for christmas ( woo yea ) and I also got a picture from her in the mail. The picture is as follows ( because she wanted to post it )

Yes, in that picture she actually looks HOT - ok, well not hot but definately STS. And by the way - i took the liberty of editing out two other people whom I didn't feel were vital to the piece - they took one's attention away from Heather. I think hair-in-the-face pictures always make people look good - however I am sure that the majority of you are staring at Tasha's blue coloured boobies. You should join my boob-group, I forgot the letters that stood for it. Oh well. What else was I suppose to do? BY THE WAY _I NOW HAVE A MICROWAVE AND THIS MORNING I ATE 10 pieces of bacon in a bacon sammich. It was SO GOOD. Ahhh, Heart-attack, here I come. Everyone better be getting in shape for upcoming paintball - as it HAS been reserved. And Jimmoi got the day off - so he'll be joining us this time ( jeff and andy are panzies who will stay at home next to their warm fires with their stuffed animals. haa ) ... err ( ok, well jeff will stay home - but andy will be online playing EQ holding his digital stuffed animal standing next to his digital fireplace while witnessing his friend get digitally wed to some woman... digitally ) ... [ yes, i know, the last digitally didn't quite fit, but it made my point. ]

Ok - well. I guess that's all folks. see you on the flip side.
" Would you like me to suck you off?
- what my computer now says when booting up
well well it seems that every1 took in my idea soo i guess that we will be getting a lot of people to P/B with us and that should be good and Andrew beanie weenies are not the food of gods the right food is chilly and philly cream cheese with tortoise
bleh my cow didnt work and it was 5 o clock in the morning so i was all on Moo dust =) well... someone yell at James about my birth day special thingy.
Q!!!:Ok it was my Birth day on the 15 ... but we have stuff planed for the next week or so ... and that's like the only time, a buncha people including me might go PB'n. so would it still count if I said it was my birthday and get the birthday special thingy or does it hafta be on the day of my B-day ??? = / just wonderen = )

A:Yeah, that's fine. Just tell Debbie at the field that Jeff and Scott said it was okay.

Happy B-day!


for who ever is doing the register ( James?? )
Keep in mind the

National Moo Association

Knows who you are
James I'll have at least one other with me, possibly as many as five (doubt that all will go, though)
uuuummmmm......heather metal doesn't expand with cold it does so with heat...cold makes metal, and all other matter, contract. With the exception being that water expands when freezing due to the change in crystaline structure.

Hey don't worry about buying paint either, Andrew, I'll be buying plenty extra.
Rainstorms generally occur with cold weather.
Metal expands when outside conditions are cold.
At least that's the answer you'll get from most crazies-they'll tell you to move to Arizona.
Ok I'll cover the rest of Andrew's tab at OP.....(that's the day after PAYDAY!!!!)

Ok from what I've heard that the pain from joint injuries and pins and shit is caused by barometric pressure more than anything else.....your eletron theory is not quite feasable....but it shows a good amount of thought on your part....

Jeff, you do need parent permission if under 18. If you go to their website ( you can download the form ahead of time to get a signature.
BTW Jeff are you in any way related to Brad Borton (#93)?
well Andrew your story really touched me and i think we {all of us in this bolg} should put a donation together and ill start it so if any1 would like to chip in just write down the amount of money in a blog and give it to Andrew when he goes paintballing for me $10 and its all for you Andrew we love you man and we all hope you stay alive well on to a more interesting subject how many times can you say smicker smacker sickely smicks smicken smacker really really fast i can only do it 3 times but James you have yet to ancer me if we need our parent permission or not but i guess ill have to find out and i may be getting my licence on the 27 so if that happens i may be able to drive there my self on the 29 hey hey hey and Aaron {i hope i spelled that right because i cant spell anything else right} im willing to set up a laser tag game with you and Andrew that would be grate well ive already typed for tooo long as is so bye for now
aawwwwww! i didnt do my cow right =( i got the frame in! =( hhheeelllpp mmmeeeeee * dies*


and Transfer Error: ERROR: Could not get input/output stream for: is not good i take it?

Moooooooooooo. Ya thats right i Mooed at you!!! ALL OF YOU!! HA!!! Mooooooooooooooooooooooo =) =) =) =) =)
On monday i see cows that go Moo and so i Moo back at thrm and they go Moooo? and so I'm learning to speek cow!!!!! =)
Under the knife huh? And OMG they give you control of the morphine flow...hehe you shure they just didnt give you a button that stimulates your mind to THINK its giveing morphine? what was wrong w/your legg anyways?? *Moos alittle*
I would be on EQ but my ficken facken little sibbling is freeking playing it and spent all night on it..... i used to that to "Not Mud"....I'm supprized that im about to go bash his head in and tell dad " He's sleeping. Don't bother him." and ill get to play my EQ aaaaaallllllllllll day ... but now if i have my own ficken facken computer I could play aaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll MONTH AND YEAR!!!!!! Muahahahahahah! Moooo..... but nnooo not till im 16 so ... I'm gunna go kick some face in!!! w000t!!!

December 20, 2000

and a chitlin is one of my advanced first aiders. I am in charge of making sure that they learn many first aiding skills. They got a cake because they all passed their childbirth unit. They are very good chitlins.
Hi there.

I am a very sad kidden for I am trying super hard to post a picture of me and my Tasha from her Blue Boobs days, and I can't figure out how! I am almost as sad as a forlorn cattle.

Dudes we are all sitting around bored...bitching about how bored we are.

c'mon, someone has to want to do something?
must . . get .. out . . . of ... house.
are you going to be able to go paintballing ( streneous activity ) so soon after?

Don't worry about spelling - I mean hey, I let Michael on the board ... bwa hahaa. In any event - yes, you do need a permission slip signed ( two if under the age of 18 ) - and both of those can be obtained at the website
A couple of other things - the minimum 25$ will include a mask / air refills / and a semi-automatic gun ( not pump action ) / 400 shots. 5$ will get you an extra 200s / 10$ = 400s / 15$ = 600s (half a case). What else? Wear warm clothes - as it will be winter ( we planned it to be cold, hopefully snowing, ah hah! ) oh - and if you can bring friends / associates / relitaves - all the better . . . . the more people = the more people to shoot at = more reward for me. maa whahahahahaha. ;)
Quotes from last night :

" Damn the Devil to Hell! "
- basketball player man

" Would you like for me to suck you off? "
- some girl in Big K-mart when Jimmoi was takin' a dump

" Oh, it's a green light "
- Jimmoi . . . . . .

" STAR * * * * ERS! STAR * * * * ERS INCORPORATED! STAR * * * * ERS! "
- I dont need to explain.

" I wish that I were THE DEVIL! haa haa haa, How you like that? Who's the devil now? huh? "
- wheeee!

Ok thats about all I'll put you through. no school. hmm. anyone want to do anything today? like another excursion to the mountains? ... happy fun-times are yummy. haa. And knowing about existentialism doesn't make me rich / smart / intelligent / articulate / homosexual - DAMNIT. AND I SAW ELIZIBETH HURLEY'S HOT LITTLE BUTTON. AND HER ASS. HAA HAA HAA. ( although blair witch 2 we could have seen boobs. Mmm, boobies. I think I'm going to start a boob-infatuation club for men : BICM )

Grrrrrrr . . . -shuts door-
every1 with aol or cs please leave your login names and your names please i am jeff borton thank u!
well ok i also need to know if you need parint permishin and if so do i need to get a note of some sort and oh yes my spelling sucks so please do not tell me i know already james what type of gun dose 25$ get you couse im not going to use the damn pump piece of chit so if you can find that info for me i would really apreceat it and napster where did u find the shirt i need to find 1 that says NO WOMAN CAN EVER COMPEAT WITH......... MY PLAYSTATION........ yes i wont a shirt that says that and if you find 1 that says it bye it and ill pay you backjust if it under 40$ thats all i have in savings for it well no 1 will probobly read this so bye

December 19, 2000

I wasn't very pissed I was just trying to get you to shut up.

If paintball in your opinion isn't the sport of champions, what is?

And I don't know where you've played paintball, or where you draw your basis of knowledge from, but I've had firefights and duels last 10 to 15 minutes, even longer.....the only thing that shortens firefights is increasing boldness that leads to sticking your head/arm/leg out too far and getting nailed.

I've also played laser tag, and find it to be extremly boring, even when too drunk to see straight.....
well well well guss what im here it it me jeff mr. r YYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats good and not mud thanx and will u write the song for me please and thanx agin
I get to go see my Tasha tonight. I love my Tasha.
Dudes....I get off work at 4...maybe as early as 3:30 (we'll see) and have lots of extra money.....I.E. I could pay for da youz guys know where da district orifice is? I'll check back on here before day's end....time to go to work now....

December 18, 2000

Fucking idiot
How about get a laser tag gun, I'll get a paintball gun and we'll see who wins there.
Yeah OK this guy isn't going to sit here and say there's no stragegy involved in paintball....BULLSHIT
But he has the nerve to talk about lasertag? The "combat" sport where you can shoot somebody directly and not hit them because the sensor is covered...that's just fucking stupid. In paintball the pain aspect provides a deterent to getting hit, knowing that if you make a mistake it will hurt not only adds an element of realism but is something that laser tag can never have-when you screw up in laser tag the thing beeps. (if it provided a mild shock you might have something) And saying there is no skill-I can tell you don't have much experience with projectile weapons....the ball doesn't fly in a straight line, as a beam of light, but curves and is affected by wind. You've obviously never been out in the woods very much either, as it takes a great deal of skill to move through heavy brush and trees without giving yourself away. There may be a masochistic aspect to paintball, but your calling me a "retarded seamonkey" is beyond stupid.
click here

A quickie before I head off to school :
1. Whats all this crap about 'will electors vote how their state told them to? bullshit? Wouldn't it be a federal offence if they didn't - as they are suppose to reflect what the people think - reguardless of what the hell they want -- ie : servant of the public? bleeh.
2. I am straying more towards FRIDAY, DEC 29th for paintball - that's after school ( so i will more-than-likely have money, and if not, i can sell / return things for money. heee ) I didn't call her ( OP ) yesterday because I couldn't get a hold of jimmoi to see if the 29th was good for 'em.

December 17, 2000

I have been baking all day for them chitlins in 1st period. I am so tired of baking for them chitlins. I must go to Safeway soon for baking chocolate so that I might make brownies for them chitlins in 2nd period. Or 3rd. I am so confuseled. I must go make more chitlin food.
yes yes yes......fresh meat......bring andrew.....

{ it's a link. click on it }

Yes, you will be astonished ... by....


ok - so it's down to DEC 22nd (friday) / 26th (tuesday) / or 29th (friday)
I need people to agree on one of those days
( mainly jimmoi / bradbury, everyone else is jobless without school. heee ;)
what RPG????? well I hope we go to OP becasue we know them an all and I really wanna go off them cars!!! welp ... back to geten beta testings all set up and crap
BTW the Seachickens game yesterday SUCKED!
Left before halftime, it was so miserably cold, and the wind was blowing the rain UP under the grandstand cover into our faces-we were in the second to last row up in the middle of the cover, man it was not enjoyable. but the seabitches did manage to pull this one out, much to the chagrin of the +-50% of the crowd who were oakland fans.....but the UW medical center has a really nice Cafe....where we waited until the busses back to the federal way park and ride left.....but the whole deal works out pretty good....go to the park and ride a couple hours before game time and ride the bus up for free, after game get back on said bus and go back to park and ride....they are the nice new Sound Transit busses, too.....not just some old beat-down metro POS...
NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!NOT TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!! I can't go tuesday, and therefor can't bring anyone with. the days i can go: any saturday or sunday. the 22nd (friday) and 25th (monday), the 29th (friday) and 1st (monday). PLEASE schedule in those days.......

... there is nothing happening. I am semi-nude, again. you may all now imagine me, with things flopping about -
and wish you were here.
[ cue pink floyd remixed song "How I wish I was there" to play in background ] It's ok. I understand that you want me, and you want me Bad. I will return later when I have something better to say. And I might have clothes on... then again - just for you - I might not.
Ain't nothn' but a butt ache
( tell me why )
Ain't nothn' but a fruit cake.

December 16, 2000

PAINTBALL DATE : if nobody gives me information which jeapordizes it by the time tomorrow 10pm ....
December 26th, Tuesday, 2000

{ note, i have been informed that this is CHIRSTMAS EVE. I will have to call Operation Paintball tomorrow and see if they'd even allow us to DO THAT then. I, however, can probably bullshit some answer about how "friends" are coming up from down south - and have never seen snow - and never played paintball - and it's our "christmas present" for them. HAA! EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL! SHE'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO SAY NO! }

{ note #2 - jimmoi is saying christmas eve is the 24th, and always has been - making dec 25th christmas. and you know what? now that I think about it the 25th IS christmas. so please hold while I go beat the living shit out of Michael for being dumb and telling me otherwise. bleh. }

any objections?

Yes. We've gone to the mountain. And we video'd stuff. And the video was good. And there was snow. Snow like you've never seen before. I tell you. I tell you thar wuz snow! And thar wuz be a lut ub et! Too bad Jimmoi couldn't maek it. WULDA BUN FUN. Oh.. here's a fun fun, fun fun URL for you CLICK HERE ... You'll like it. My favorite line ( and I'm sure Jimmoi will agree, the best line ) -- is "It's just a butt ache." or something along those same lines. I'm sure you are all warm and snug in bed right now ( its 10.30pm!!! ) so there really isn't much I can say. Um. I am feeling like I'm going to throw up, but thats how it always is when you eat two bags of CHILI CHEESE fritos. I feel like playing in the snow. Damnit. We should go back up to the mountain next weekend. ... and I have to still get a date for paintball. What I figure is it's going to be on a Monday and I was thinking that after christmas would do - because of all the $$ that you get.. and some of us could get paintball guns for christmas - but then I said " wait a minute, I remember a bunch of stuff for school was due on Jan 1st" ... so I don't think it'll be after christmas. Bradbury gave me a bunch of criteria to meet - but I can't remember what it was. I WILL have a date by tomorrow at 10pm. and I have to go OUT OF MY WAY to gather information and so on. Aaron and Anfany, Jeff and Andy aren't going to be coming to play this time. Oh well. ShIT I aM tIreD. TiMe To gOtO bEd. HaVe A HaPpY ChRiStMaS EvErYbOdY! NoTiCe My LeEt TyPiNg sKiLlS. I oWn AlL oF YoU! ! !
and wow. after watching the video I noticed a few things :
1. I curse a lot
2. I look much different
3. ... uh. I look good with an AM/PM plastic bag on my head?
My rabbitt has braved Mt. Rainer with Jeff and Andy in this horrible wind storm. It is icy out by my house right now, so it must be awful up there. Stupid men.

December 15, 2000

This was an entire week of mondays. I think this week is making up for the fact that I have THREE four-day weeks and a couple of four-day weekends coming up. Gotta get all that stupidity and stress into less time.

James we need to set a date for paintball. Some of us have schedules to work with, and if I have a date set then I can get some fresh mea.....I mean, uh, new players to come.
It is a sad day for all target employee's.

The other day, I was walking around Fred Meyer, looking at the sale papers while on my quest for a pomegranent. I know that I probably and also most likely brutalized that word. So anyway, as I entered the ICU {produce section, in Paulaish}, I saw a man that looked very familiar to me. I thought for a second, and then said, "No, it couldn't be!".

I proceded to continue in my search for Persephonie's doom, but the feeling of recognition refused to pass. Then, I got to the toy section of my sale paper. Hotwheels, 2 for $1. I crept quietly over to the toy section and there he was, in plain sight, cheating on his beloved target. It was the Hotwheel guy-the one with the bald head and long hair-looking hungrily through the rack. The very thought of him, going behind my poor Jimi's back sickened me. It was a very sad sad day.
Well ... Mooo thats all I hafta say....Yah when is the next PB thing ?? I have the need to gun someone down! heh welp .... back to being sick HA!=P
knowledge bowl. it's so fun. fun fun fun. ho-rah. no regena... yum, yum yum.
somethingawful has a new anime post. it's neat. dooblie doo.

... Just a note - Jimmoi : when DO you have a point? heee ;) - and you have to understand that in order for things to be "crimes against humanity" the people have to be human and/or possess human rights. And as we all know - Potatoes are just that : potatoes, and have no real "Human rights." In order for people to care about what the Japanese did to the Chinese they would first have to say "Hey, those potatoes have human rights!" which we havent - so nobody cares. AND YES I noticed the small boy with the very placid face was the same person who was in american psycho. and I don't have a think for steven speilburg - because of E.T. I would rather watch a steven KING book turned into a many-part series than a Steven Spielburg movie... .... ok, gotta go.
... remember - dont eat the pizza
Ok well James-Jimmy just tore your argument apart...

SO, on to the next thing: PAINtball.

Any ideas yet?

I only have four weekdays off during your "Winter Break"-I believe they are the 22nd, 25th, 29th and 1st, but it could be 25-26 and 1-2---I'm really not sure I'll have to find out soon though, huh?

Any time in there on a weekend will work for me (just not tomorrow I have a football game)

December 14, 2000

What we did by dropping those bombs was not "crimes against humanity" or war crimes......that's all part of war, bombing cities, whether done with conventional weapons or weapons of mass a strategic move, killing of civilians is part of war.....HOWEVER, what was done by the Nazis was more than just killing, they also tortured, which is not acceptable, and killing those people was not part of the sick, twisted game we call war.

Our "acts" were not crimes against humanity.

Damnit Jimmoi - where the fuck are you? We could have skipped a class to bitch at eachother about it all. And I hate the lucitania argument. That's a panzy excuse for us joining the war anyway. I'm tired at the moment and can't use my full bitching power - so you'll have to bear with me when I say :

1. I don't condone Hitler, or Stalin's activities. You make it sound as if I were a nazi sympathy-cock. This I am not.

2. I am fully aware of the 'millions of lives' ( not just american ) that were saved in the two bombings on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and I am not against the fact that the US did those things to end the war. A few for a helluva-lot-more, can't make an omlet without breaking eggs ... and so on.

3. My intent was not to glorify or defend either NAZIS or STALIN - but to point out the fact that I was getting aggrivated, and rather sick, of hearing oh-how-terrible the nazis were - and nobody ever realises the fact that the US has done horrible things as well ( granted, nothing along the lines of 6 000 000 killed for an idealogical purpose ) and these things aren't stamped into everyone's minds as CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and so forth.

4. " if you look at them, dissect it, and dissect it some more, and then molest their bodys/yea/you would know the US was maybe in violation of a minor civil code, but was justified " hence my aggrivation - they commited crimes against humanity - yet were pardoned. The nazi's got what they deserved. MY BEEF was that the fact we so easily overlook our own faults and so quickly took to stamping the 'bad label' on the losers. You said it yourself : " we all know that only the losing party gets blamed for war crimes " and thats what pisses me off. I would be oh-so much more happier had we said : "ok, you nazis are guilty of crimes against humanity - but so did we, however we did ours because it was a necessity" ( which we did ) - so we hung them, and those forced to commit crimes were heralded as hero's who 'ended the war'. My respect would have been tripled had we said "sure, you did wrong, so did we - and all guilty will hang." Our allowing the US crimes to go unpunished demeans the punishment of those who rightfull deserved it.

EXAMPLE : I go out, I steal a car, my father turns me in - I go to jail for some amount of time. My brother goes out, steals a car, my father slaps him on the back of the head and says "dont do that again." That's what we did. We slapped ourselves on the back of the head and said "bad boys". Hell, we didn't even say "bad boys" we said "you did what you had to do, you ended the war and here's why you're a hero : [insert bunch of 1:11 ratio and %s and calculations to prove how many they saved in killing 200000]

Im surprised, however, you didn't bring up Dresden and Berlin - not to mention the bombing raids that happened on Tokoyo. Sure - the germans had the bombings on London -{and probably other places which I wont name, as those are arguments for the other side}- but we probably hanged them for that too. I'm curious of those who bombed those civilian cities on our side were ever repromanded.

In closing ( god damn I love bitching with Jimmoi - it makes me wonder why on earth Aaron isn't this fun ) I have to make it CLEAR that I am bitching about, as Jimmoi has agreed : " we all know that only the losing party gets blamed for war crimes " - that the winning party always get's to say "what is right" when "what is right" should have ALREADY BEEN DETERMINED. As my father always told me when I was growing up (and still continue to this day) " It is always the winners who write the history books, remember that you little dumbfuck shitface." ... mind you, that's paraphrased. WWII was nothing but a less poignant version of WWI - us winning and saying " IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT < WE DID NOTHING BAD."
and I got to watch Empire of the Sun today.
jeez - that movie just is mass 0wnage.
Thank you, Jimmy, you saved me a lot of typing with your post.

This morning I head over to Brice's house. The car isn't running, so I knew what was coming. I walk in. He says "Im not driving today" and so I think to myself : "It's either get a ride with Brice or go home and get a ride" - Then I also remembered my mother had already left. That leaves me with my father. So you know what that means kidd-os? It means that there is one less me at school today. That rather aggrivates me. At least it isn't on Friday when I have Knowledge Bowl. I really can't think of much anything else that was important today. All I have to do is do 8.6, 1-4, and 10 for math. Hey - if someone either runs into : Gliege, Davis, Loffer, or Hanson - ask them what I was suppose to do in class today and I can do it. Post it here. haa! Other than that I don't really think there is much of anything else. My father just said "Bus is coming, c'mon lets go." Little does he know I won't subject myself to that blasted SOB bus - I'd rather take public transportation than our crappy school transportation. what is it now? 9 to a seat? I wouldn't doubt it. I need to get my own car. Or a job. Or both. I'd gladly transport jewish ashes to their families if the nazis paid me to do so. I think I've come to that point where I will sell my soul for a job ( YOU HEAR THAT SATAN? I WILL SELL MY SOUL! ) ... not like she'd want it anyway. yes, I've come to the decision that all deities are women - even jesus was. And speaking of nazis - since that's all I've been talking about for quite awhile, I've got a bone to pick with this reasoning we hanged them all "for crimes against humanity." A funny thing about that is that the Americans who ordered the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima and those who piloted the aircraft whom housed the bombs - weren't hanged themselves for "crimes against humanity." Thats bullshit. That means that the only reason we can say that nazis were guilty for crimes against humanity is because we won the war - not because they were. I'm sure had Hitler one he would have had all of those against him hanged for "crimes against the ubermensch". What the hell difference are we from the nazis asides from the fact that we were the victors, and they weren't? Guh, that pisses me off. My father is yelling something about the bus, again. I'm too stubborn, too fucked up in the head, to ever ride that bus again. Crap - i've hit a loophole, now I'm going to say that I need a car. And you know how I can get a car? Get a job. Now I'm back to jobs. You know what? I think I'm going to do my article reports today. Or watch Empire of the Sun. One of the two. Or both. That'll be grand. And listen to music at the same time. My father just yelled at me, saying "God damnit boy, now look you've missed the bus." ... I came in from outside, got on my computer, and haven't moved since - and he is surprised that I missed the bus? You've got to hand it to my parents - they aren't all that bright. My mother for one ... I've come to realise that she has the mentality of a cheer-leader. I wonder if all mothers do? She didn't know what prohibition was. And she didn't know who wrote Romeo and Juliet. A + however, is that she said "hey I know what this is, Some teacher showed that to us in school" when I was playing jack kerouac tapes in the car. I still have to find some way to get those tapes onto a CD. And btw - I bet that someone will have sacrifice for me today, the one day that I don't come to school. I don't like making deals that I know my side of the bargain will never be met. ( -cough- ) There should be a test in I-3 tomorrow on Trig. That'll be fun, trig is fun fun fun. Hey - since Im not in school - anyone wanna come pick me up? C'mon. lets go to the fair or something. ... wait-a-minute. If I'm still at home,
.... what the hell am I doing awake?
deformed retarded slug ^

December 13, 2000

Just something that always bothered me :
Andy's ICQ away messege -
"Alone... depressed... leave me that way"
His AIM away messege was much the same jist, and was even more poignant than the ICQ away messege. What bothers me ( and bothers me not just about him - but I'm talking about the majority of people online ) is that when they are so defiantly saying "LEAVE ME ALONE" ... but they're still online, with an away sign, telling you to leave them alone. It defeats the purpose - and is a damn clear sign that you don't want people to leave you alone, but rather the exact opposite -
to fall into your trap and talk to you. It's so funny.
I'm often tempted to send him messeges stating
.... yes,
Ok I'm going to sleep now
deformed retarded slug ^
come here, little shrimp: it's time to dip you in cocktail sauce and eat you. Just like so many of your companions.....urp.....maybe too many of your number have made it to my digestive tract this evening....time for more beer....FUCK! THE BEER IS GETTING WARM!!! NOW I MUST DRINK IT FAST. bad idea. ugh. time for bed.
OK so this week has pretty well sucked (no big shock)

The bullshit politics at work were amazingly bad today. I ended up actually going over to the district office for no reason, just because no other techs were there. But I did run in to two of the student workers, Ash Cornette and Jesse Anderson, who were readying things for the upcoming {shudder, curse} Technologu Fair.

That really sucks for us, because by the rules only technicians are supposed to move tech equipment. And the shit Jaba (aka wiard) does is bad enough that some are considering filing a greavance with the union (very bad thing).
Teachers are NOT allowed to open cases on equipment.
Soanyway I was sitting here eating a very large shrimp cocktail earlier when I realized why I wasn't really enjoying it. No beer. A shrimp cocktail is not the same without a glass of beer. So I put it back in the fridge......soon as my mom leaves to get my dad (she needed his toyota today) I'll crack open a nice cold Coors Light and really enjoy that shrimp. I even have three beers left (which is why I have any, cause there were only three left)

So I'll get a little (very little) buzzed and try to play Star Wars pod racer (or maybe Riven, that would be great)

I'll be back later.....

{Eclipse} So one day I walked into a gay bar, and all these guys had names for their penises, and I say "My penis is named "secret," strong enough for a man, but made for a woman." :P
{MadMan[Whore]} ....
{adm-bobo[X7]} . . . .
{MadMan[Whore]} .....
{Eclipse} . . . .
{adm-bobo[X7]} So one day I walked into a bar and it hurt.
{Eclipse} ROFL.
{Eclipse} HAHAHA.
{Eclipse} quote time.
{FluxUnseen[R1]} A guy walks into a bar and see's this sign that says
{Eclipse} oon/m
{FluxUnseen[R1]} If you make my horse laugh I'll give you 5 free bears.
{adm-bobo[X7]} ...
{FluxUnseen[R1]} So the guy goes up to the bar tender and asks bout the sign.
{adm-bobo[X7]} is this going to turn into some weird animal-porno with horses and bears?
{Eclipse} doesn't everything flux says do that bob? :P
{adm-bobo[X7]} good point.
{CybeRise} haha
* adm-bobo[X7] waits for the homosexual rabbit to make his appearance in the story/joke
{FluxUnseen[R1]} And the bar keep goes "Ya, the horse has been sad laetly so the first person to make him laugh gets 5 free bveers.
{Eclipse} lol..
adm-bobo[X7]} ... bevers now? bveers?
{FluxUnseen[R1]} so the guy goes "Give me 5 minutes alone with the horse and I'll get him to laugh"
{Eclipse} ...
{adm-bobo[X7]} wooo!
{FluxUnseen[R1]} So after 5 minutes he comes out and the horse is laughing like crazy
{Eclipse} ..
{adm-bobo[X7]} 5min of pure, hardcore horse porn
{Eclipse} horsii can laugh? :P
{FluxUnseen[R1]} And the bartender astounding gives him 5 beers and the guy leaves.
{Sypher_X} Eclipse. Wanna make a deal?
{FluxUnseen[R1]} 2 weeks later
{Eclipse} ...possibly.
{FluxUnseen[R1]} The same guy comes back and sees a sign saying
{adm-bobo[X7]} ...
{Sypher_X} Ok.
{Sypher_X} here it is.
{FluxUnseen[R1]} If you can make the horse stop laughing I'll give you 10 beers.
{adm-bobo[X7]} . . . .
{Sypher_X} I take you outside, kick you in the nuts. Laugh, then take all your money.
{Eclipse} ..
{Eclipse} nah
{FluxUnseen[R1]} So the guy asks about the sign
{adm-bobo[X7]} wait, both nuts or just one?
{Eclipse} I'd own jor newbie ass with my crutches. :P
{Sypher_X} Bah!
{FluxUnseen[R1]} The bartender goes"Well ever since you made him laugh he's been laughing."
{FluxUnseen[R1]} and the guy goes, give me 5 minutes alone with him
{adm-bobo[X7]} ... or crying, which is percieved as laughing, because the guy anally raped the horse.
{FluxUnseen[R1]} so he does and when he comes out the horse is crying
{adm-bobo[X7]} ...
{Eclipse} ...
{adm-bobo[X7]} ...
{Eclipse} ...
{adm-bobo[X7]} ...
{Eclipse} ...
{FluxUnseen[R1]} and the barkeeper goes, "Wow how did you do that?"
{adm-bobo[X7]} hahahaa
{Eclipse} . . .
{FluxUnseen[R1]} and the guy goes "Well the first time I said my penis is larger than his, and the second time I showed it to him.
{adm-bobo[X7]} ...
{Eclipse} rofl.
{Eclipse} gg flux.
{FluxUnseen[R1]} heh
* adm-bobo[X7] claps for the extraordinarily long joke.
{Eclipse} That story was about MM... right? :P
{adm-bobo[X7]} MM is a horse?
{Eclipse} no
{adm-bobo[X7]} MM is a bartender?
{Eclipse} the guy with the penis so small it made the horse cry is MM. ;P
{FluxUnseen[R1]} ?
{adm-bobo[X7]} ... MM is a homosexual rabbit?
{Eclipse} EXACTLY bob.
{adm-bobo[X7]} ahhh.
{adm-bobo[X7]} Internal affairs knew that the cops were gonna double cross them?
{Eclipse} ....
{adm-bobo[X7]} GNU
{FluxUnseen[R1]} ?
{adm-bobo[X7] I got bored when you started telling it.
{adm-bobo[X7]} So I made up an erotic thriller about a policewoman's struggle against an all male internal affairs office.

Yes. . .I took my Greek and Latin final today, I I scored many many points. I think that it would be safe to say that I kick ass.

In the hallway enroute to the library I witnessed a guy and a girl embracing eachother. He was ... [insert adjective] brushing back her hair and staring deep, deep into her eyes. She smiled. I figured they would go home later on tonight and have .. yes, buttsex. I don't really know if she takes it up the ass, but if she does - I'm sure they do. I had her in one of my classes actually, and I didn't like her - she thought I was 'odd'. Another girl who was once in that class with me who thought I was odd ( the class was actually Personal Relations ) is sitting next to me to the right and she asked me if I was writing a resume. I told her no. I bet she probably thinks I'm writing a resume anyway, just because I don't think I'm all that nice to her. Or well, it's not that I'm not nice to her, I just probably come off as being un-nice to her. Not that I have anything against her, or the girl who probably takes it up the ass who had her hair being brushed back by some guy, but I just give off this general impression towards people that " I don't like you ". I find that disturbing. But for some other reason people I dont like never get the point that I just don't like them. Take for instance two people : 1. that one guy who I really didnt like in 2nd period who had the really funky voice and couldn't read out-loud poetry and whom is JIMMOI'S BEST FRIEND [ hence the origin of pizza-theory ] ... damnit, I can't remember his name. Nobody liked him. I didn't like him. I don't really think he ever got the idea in his head that nobody liked him. and the second person is all the random people who come up to me and talk to me and I don't know them and I don't want them to talk to me so I am really mean to them and make fun of them, sarcastically. But they're stupid. They never catch on to the fact that I am mocking THEM. No. Of course not. They just see that I smile, and I laugh, and I don't call them stupid fucks, and that I don't hit them [ as if hitting them with my body mass would do anything, anyway ] and that I don't say "Hey, you are dumb, I don't like you." I doubt if even if I DID tell them that I didn't like them, and they were dumb, they still wouldn't get it. Sad, sad day. To name a couple of them > > That fat kid who told me that he was a lazy SOB for pushing the button to open the door... I don't like him, I don't know him. Another person is JOEL. I hate Joel. I've never met him - but I'm sure that if I ever did, he would never get the fact that I don't, reguardless if I said " Hey... I'm so angry, I'm going to go to my girlfriend's house and RIP OFF HER CL. . . " he wouldn't get it. Damn you Jimmoi. I'm going to dedicate my life to damning potatoes. Speaking of damning ethnic races - i had a dream last night in light of the fact I saw half of shindlet's list. Ok -- here it goes ( and a little side-note, the scene with the girl in the red and the dying peple was awesome )... anywho.

< Dreamy haze >

Me : Hmmm.... Here I am, and I want to be an actor, whatever can I do to become the best actor in the whole entire world and never ever have to worry about getting a job? I know!

Me proceeds to take over the country under the guise that he is the UBER FURHER, and to use as a scape goat he then proclaims all IRISH BLOODLINES are responsible for everything that has ever possibly gone wrong. Nobody knows that Me is Irish, much the same way that hitler was jewish, and he killed the jews.

Now - after killing off about 6 000 000 jews and being really stupid in all my tactical events I pull a fast one on everyone. You've all seen Face-Off right? Well ... here goes :

Me : I want to take his face . . . . off.

Some guy : No, you can't take my face, off. It's mine!

Me then proceeds to switch his seemingly grotesque face with some guy, and then cuts out some guy's tongue, and sends him to the " good guys " base, where they proclaim they've just capture the UBER FURHER and hang him. Me is now perceived to be "just some guy" with an Irish background. Then a couple years later after everyone is yelled at for the UBER FURHER's bad treatment of the 6 000 000 dead Irish decendants - Me ( percieved as just some guy with an Irish decent ) goes to get a job at >insert studio<

Me, percieved as just some guy with Irish decent : Hey, I am an actor. I am of Irish decent. give me a job.

Employer : Well, You may or may not be able to act - I really don't give a shit. But, since you are of Irish decent, you can play an Irish person who was in a concentration camp by that evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil man, UBER FURHER. Here, you can act like you just got shot in the head right? You can be Jamnur Handcracket, one of the anti- anti- Irish fighters who was caught by the UBER FURHER in England when he tried to assassassisaassassinaaassaninate him. The UBER FURHER had him shaved, skinned, hanged, rehanged, tortured, made him eat grasshoppers, and enjoyed watching him swim around in a pool full of luke-warm mayo.

Me, percieved as just some guy with Irish decent : (laughs) ha ha ha.

Employer : what's so funny?

Me, percieved as just some guy with Irish decent : Oh, nothing, did you know that when he made him eat grasshoppers he would, from time to time, yell at the man : "YOU LEARN WELL, GRASSHOPPER."

Employer : No, I didn't know that, did you see that on the history channel?

Me, percieved as just some guy with Irish decent : ... the history channel? errruh.. ermm.. yeah...

Hence, Me, percieved as just some guy with an Irish decent, lives out a full life of acting as Irish people getting shot/killed/murdered/tortured by the UBER FURHER who took the world by storm and killed a lot of Irish people. Nobody knew the UBER FURHER was Irish, and nobody knew that the UBER FURHER was Me, whom then had his face switched with some guy.

... There is my pathetic attempt at making a play. No, I am not like Jimmoi or Aaron with their plays upon plays of plays about plays on plays that were written while a playwrite was performing in a play, about a play, on a play. HAH. Anywho. Where was I? Did you get the point of my dream? You probably didn't. Jimmoi posted. Hmmm... Talking Heads. Yes, they had a song I liked. You let me listen to it. I forgot what it was. Do individual people count? more bands : My life with the thrill kill cult, Type 0 Negitave, Aphex Twin, THAT GUY WHO DID THE PI SOUNDTRACK mansell? clint?, Swidge-blud sinfony {switchblade symphony}, HOLEY MOTHER OF DEITY I FORGOT A BOUT PINK FLOYD [ note : jimmoi, rig the votes to where PF makes it #1 band better, hell, of all time ], Atari Teenage Riot, KMFDM, Neutral Milk Hotel, AK-47. Bleh, no more bands. What about this weekend? Anyone thinking about coming up to the mountain with us? hah. And I am officially looking for a date in which to go Paintballing. Yes, So post some sort of suggestion or something. It's coming time for me to go get my progress report... OH HEY GUESS WHAT EVERYBODY?
grades: 1st-F .. 2nd-F ...
what will third beeee?

. . . Yet again, I am in a mood full of nothing. Something must be wrong with me, because I'm just... really... not wanting to do anything. I think it's the holiday festivities. Everyone is all giddy and happy and buying presents and being cheery. All I see is a bunch of saps being suckered into buying more stuff under the guise of a once-born ( yet now dead ) ... person. Heh, I was about to say deity - as you'd probably think he was a deity by the blasted way that everyone worships the hell out of him. So much for the messege that he sent - lets just pay attention to who he was... not what he had to say. Duur. Oh well. Yes, Oh well seems to be a lot of what I am thinking now-a-days. You know I have to have a resume written out by tomorrow? I once wrote one for some people who wanted to give me a job ... but you know what? I don't have a job, I wasn't hired, and ... heh - the resume was a piece of shit. I'm pessimistic. Is that a character trait/flaw? Who knows. It probably is. I once wrote a poem called " I am flaw ". It was great. Then munroe messed around with it. I have yet to rewrite it. I never actually got around to rewriting it. And you just now got around to reading Hitchiker's? For deity's sake I suggested you read that eons ago, wazzamattawidyew? And the Rolling stones are good. " Hey - hey, you - you, get out of my butt " ... and the doors. Underworld, Orbital, Portishead, Reel Big Fish, ( hah! Dead milkmen! ), Aimee Mann... uuughh, I'll name more later, I've got a helluva big list. How about ALBUMS that are better than SP? Because Manson, pre-antichristsuperstar is good compared to his .. . later works. Dr. Evil is behind me now. No not behind me. .. never mind. I am also typing on a P-05 keyboard that is produced by AGI Computer, Inc. Isn't that bullshit as well? Oh show me, the way, to the next, whiskey bar.... ooh, dont ask why, ooh, dont ask why. Drew and Dr. Evil are now talking to Sumner. hah. I spent half my 3rd period yesterday watching people put up ... whatever-they-are-called, for the choir to stand on. Fuck, I am in that showcase thing. Guh. I emphasise( ? ) GUH. ..... I need to get out of this place - where do you sign up for a G.E.D. Note to self - talk to father/joe/DS's husband. It is now 7am. A fun thought that I came up with long, long ago : That all time exists everywhere at all time, everywhere. Do you get that? For example : name a time... say... oh ... 2.30pm. It is 2.30pm SOMEWHERE in the world, reguardless. Isn't that weird? I think it is. That instead of time passing it just moves around the globe. Other than that - think of an action ... my favorite one to think of is sex. Now imagine how many people on the planet there are - and think try to figure out how many people on the planet are performing that activity. Considering how people are habitual, you'd imagine a whole hell of a lot of people... that's if some like to .. *ah-hem* every fucking (yes, literally) day. This is getting to be too long for my tastes. I better go now. Except that I've become sucked into typing. Ah, I stopped, but to tell you that I've stopped I had to start typing again. You see what I'm saying? Of course you dont. Or well... Hmm. I'm not saying anything, but rather I am typing it - and you are seeing what I am typing, but not what I am saying, for if I was saying anything, you wouldnt be able to see it, but I'm not - I am typing, and you can see it, and read it. What the fuck is with latees? and cold coffee? Fucking starbucks. Coffee drinkers should all be exterminated. Drink hot-chocolate, damnit. Damnit, I forgot to drink hot-chocolate this morning. Guh. I want to skip all my classes today. That'd be fun. Where the hell is Jimmy when I need to skip classes, the fucking potatoe nazi? Oh dear. I think I'm going to cry. Well not really. Ok, imagine me crying. There you go - I've cried. Hah. Did you know that it's a wonderfull and crazy thing that we can imagine things? It's really weird, because you know that I wasn't crying, but picturing me crying has - in a sense - made me do so. Because in your mind I am. Oh well. Oh well. Oh well. Oh well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I was once going to make a song out of the noise that happens when you go over a bridge.
there are three bridges enrt. to Ocean shores, from here.
I like the noise they make.
potatoes are assholes, Jimmoi no exception.


December 12, 2000

Bullshit on band of gypsies.....good, but the experience was better.

How about the Stones?
Beatles = Liverpools. . .I prefer their earlier work. . .and the band of gypsies were, by far, superior to the experience
Or "The Beatles" (duh)
Three words: Jimi Hendrix Experience.
Hey! We are on the Blog list @ the home screen! Only because Bradbury most recently posted, but still!

How dare Jimi try to leave us out!

1. Tori!!! I know, not a band, but you gotta love her.
2. The Les Paul & Mary Ford Band
3. Kosmic Blues
4. The Doors
5. Fleetwood Mac
6. Dixie Chicks [what can I say? I love blondes. . .]
7. PSDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Sunny and Cher
9. The Liverpools
10. Band of Gypsies
11. Blind Melon
12. Nine Stories
13. Pixies
14. Curve
15. Fluorescein
16. Gerald Collier [again,not a band, but good]
17. Julie Plug
18. Ani!!!!!!!!!!
19. Yardbirds
20. Tori!!!!!!!! [yes, she gets 2]

Ah, hell! I really don't listen to all that much music. . .excepting the woman before me. . . as mud'll know. . .heh heh heh.

I want the missing episode of Blues Clues. . .I know that Steve's up to some sort of communist plot. . .with guns. . .and gay people. . .perhaps he ought to start a club. . . and don't forget to read Aaron's post. . .it's hilarious. . .must go study for Greek finals. . .
Korn? Bleh. Well, aside from their first album... bleh. Well... I think I'm going to make a habit of blogging. I need to... I don't have anything better to do. Oh yeah... Limp Bizkit just plain ol' sucks. I mean, they suck in a way that makes me question the existence of the universe and all existence... (42). Speaking of, I just recently read the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (I know! I know! I should have read it by now, but I never got around to it). Anyhow. I'm bored...